Page 42 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 42


                                    LOT 2673                    LOT 2680                                               LOT 2690

        INDONESIA Continued                                      2661. Û 10 / 17, Five diff with BLURRING of  2682. Ö 178, Tied by Rome 23 July 1936  2701. Û 349-54, C79-83, VF ........ 287.00
        2606. Ö Unpaid Registered airmail cover                   red overprint affecting label portion. F-VF, HH.  cancel on b/w patriotic postcard to Siracusa.  2702. Û 359-66, F-VF ............. 140.25
         from Bandung 11 July, 1958 to BRAZIL.                    Interesting varieties ........... Est 50.00+  Depicts Benito Mussolini in a stern pose with
         Has large boxed “TAXE PERCUE” h/s. A                    2662. Û GNC3, MISPLACED overprint to left  his printed autograph. Interesting early Fascist
         most unusual cover. F......... Est 40.00+                & clear OFFSET on reverse. F-VF ........  era postcard. F, minor aging .... Est 70.00+
                                                                  ........................... Est 50.00+  2683. Ö 217, Tied by Trento 23 Oct 1936 slo-
                IONIAN ISLANDS:                                                               gan cancel on colour illustrated Propaganda
                                                                                              postcard for the Motorized Infantry 116th
                                                                                              Regiment to Rome. Depicts medals & troops
                                                                                              & convoy advancing. F-VF ..... Est 65.00+
                                                                                             2684. Ö 217, Tied by Udine 18 May 1941
                                                                                              CDS on colour illustrated P.N.F. (Nat. Fascist
                                                                                              Party) Propaganda Fieldpost card to Naples.
                                     2629. Û 93-5, Cpl Seahorse set up to 10                  Depicts symbolic bridging scene of Military
                                      Shilling, outstanding centering, deep rich              & Industry for war effort. F-VF. . . Est 50.00+
                                      colours. XF, NH. A CHOICE SET 1,550.00+
                                     2630. Û 106-17, F-VF ............. 232.75
                                     2631. Û 117, F................... 175.00                                             2703. Û 367-76, Child Welfare set. F-VF, NH
                                                                                                                            ............................. 415.00
                                     2632. Û 118-9, 149-50, 161-2, F-VF. . 119.00
                                     2633. Û 118-9, 161-2, 175-6, F-VF, NH ....                                           2704. Ö 377-8, Tied by Florence 7 May 1938
         2607. Ö Stampless folded letter with CORFU
          25 June 1852 CDS (Vlastos Type ll) to  .............................. 126.00                                     slogan cancel on commem postcard for the
          Trieste (red b/s). Has “FRANCA” in oval h/s  2634. Û 175-6, Europa, F-VF, NH..... 47.50                          State Visit of Adolf Hitler to Italy. Depicts
          & “3" m/s rate. VF ........... Est 240.00+  2635. Û 290a, 291a (2), 294a, Cpl mint Book-                         portraits of BENITO MUSSOLINI & ADOLF
                                      let. F-VF, NH .................... 56.50                                             HITLER, crests, eagle, etc. VF . Est 100.00+
                                     2636. Û J1-13, F-VF .............. 145.35
                                     2637. Û J4, VF, NH ................ 45.00
                                     2638. Ö 2, 15, Two diff 1949 THEODOR
                                      HERZL illustrated covers. One for his
                                      reinterment in Israel, other a FDC for the  2663. Ú GNC3-5, F-VF. Scarce ..... 581.00  2685. Ö 217, 226, C43 (5L Zeppelin stamp),
                                      Appointment of the Gov’t by the Knesset. VF  ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC:  Neatly tied by Rome 27 May, 1935 CDS’s
                                      (2) ........................ Est 40.00+  2664. ÕÛ J1-9, Fresh blocks, F-VF, NH ...  on GRAF ZEPPELIN ITALY FLIGHT cover.
                                                                  ............................. 220.00+  Has two diff VF Zeppelin cachets plus
                                                                            ITALY:             illustrated Zeppelin b/s’s. VF. A CHOICE
                                                                 2665. Ö Stampless folded cover dated Livorno  ZEPPELIN COVER ......... Est 400.00+
                                                                  18 Apr 1839 with gorgeous green oval  2686. Ö 219, Tied by Naples 24 Aug 1942
         2608. Ö Stampless folded letter with blue                PADDLEWHEELER illustrated Livorno post-  cancel on multi-colour illustrated WWII  2705. Û 377-86, C95-9, Caesar set. F-VF,
          CEFALONIA fancy scroll over oval 20                     mark to Marseilles, Outre-Mer red 20 Apr  Propaganda postcard to Florence. Depicts  NH .......................... 625.00
          Mar 1861 cancel to Florence (23 Mar b/s).               receiver. Has “Par la Francois 1st” m/s. F.  a Fascist Black Shirt soldier holding Fascist  2706. Û 400-9, F-VF ............... 89.75
          Has blue boxed “FRANCA” h/s Trieste &                   An eye-catching cover........ Est 175.00+  flag, standing over fallen comrades. Has  2707. Ö 413, Tied by Florence / 4th Feminine
          Alessandro & Bologna RPO transits. F,                  2666. Ö 20b, Tied by Florence 19 May 1862  quote by Mussolini & his printed signature  Littorial in Sport 16 Apr 1941 special cancel
          some edge wear. ATTRACTIVE .........                    CDS cancel on cover to Annonay, France.  “We’ll win through our sacrifices in blood”, etc.  on colour illustrated P.N.F. (Nat. Fascist
          ......................... Est 250.00+                   Has Turin & cross border transits. F, a bit  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  Party) Propaganda postcard. Depicts Fascist
                                                                  back panel missing. Scarce. Cat $425 .....               symbol & 4 servicemen from diff forces.
                    IRAN:                                         .......................... Est 125.00+                   Caption reads “A People of Soldiers with an
        2609. Ö 351, Tied by Tehran circa 1900’s CDS  2639. Û 7-9, Fresh, VF, NH ........ 302.50  2667. Ö 31, Tied by diamond numeral “181"  Army of Citizens”. F-VF, unaddr . Est 65.00+
         on front of b/w photo postcard depicting Shah            cancel on cover with Milan 18 Aug 1873 CDS              2708. Ö 476, 518, Tied by Rome 26 Oct
         Mohammed Ali Shah in uniform with sword. F  2640. Û 11, Vert Pair with DOUBLE HORIZ  to Lyon, France. Has red Lanslebourg transit.  1949 CDS on Airmail cover to Canada.
                                      PERFS error. VF, bottom stamp NH.......
         ........................... Est 40.00+  ........................... Est 60.00+  VF ........................ Est 35.00+  Has “HOTEL HASSLER” imprint on flap. F
        2610. Ú 754-9, CDS, F-VF.......... 132.00  2641. Û 12, Vert pair with DOUBLE HORIZ  2668. Û 43, Fresh, F .............. 800.00  (The stamps Cat $100 US by themselves) ..
        2611. Û 1650-61B, VF, NH .......... 42.55                2669. Ú 67-72, F ................. 254.75                 ........................... Est 50.00+
        2612. ÕÛ B1-21, B28-35, F-VF, majority are  PERFS error. VF, bottom stamp is NH .....  2670. Û 81, 91, VG-F ............. 280.00  2709. Û 477, VF ................. 160.00
                                      ........................... Est 60.00+
         NH ........................... 149.00  2642. Ö 16, Tabul Sheet on cach FDC. VF,  2671. Û 82, 88-9, VG-F, NH ......... 91.10  2710. Ú 489-92, C127-8, F-VF........ 90.45
        2613. Ú B22-7, Liberation of Azerbajan set,  unaddr ..................... Est 35.00+  2672. Ö 94, Tied by Naples 1922 CDS; Also  2711. Û 488, F................... 150.00
         F-VF ........................... 94.00                   frankings from Argentina, Cuba & Uruguay                2712. Û 495-506, F-VF ............ 146.80
        2614. Ö Unused colour illustrated / b/w photo  2643. Û 55, Menorah with full Tab. VF, NH ..  appropriately tied on front of multi-colour Ital-  2713. Û 514-8, VF................ 168.50
                                      .............................. 225.00
         postcard circa 1909. Depicts portrait of Shah  2644. Û 108, Tab Pair each with DOUBLE  ian Military postcard to Montevideo, Uruguay.  2714. Ú 515-17, 538-9, VF.......... 126.50
         Mohammed Ali Shah & Persian crest. VF...  PRINT on “H” of “JUDAH” in the tab. VF, NH.  Patriotic card for 19th Cavalry Guards depict-  2715. Û 518, VF, LH .............. 110.00
         ........................... Est 40.00+                   ing rider. F-VF ............... Est 65.00+              2716. Ú 518, CDS, VF ............. 100.00
                                      Rare - possibly unique........ Est 200.00+                                          2717. Ö 518, Tied by heavyish Rome 1949
                    IRAQ:            2645. Û 124, Tab Pair with DOUBLE PRINT  2673. Ö 95, 177, Tied on double cach         airmail CDS on cover to Canada. Has
        2615. Û C52-3, VF, LH ............. 96.00  on Menorah only (in the tab). VF, NH. Rare,  dirigible NORGE Apr 1926 AMUNDSEN -  “HOTEL HASSLER” imprint on flap. F,
        2616. ÕÚ O285, Top margin block with an in-  possibly unique ............. Est 200.00+  ELLSWORTH - NOBILE, TRANSPOLAR  2687. Ú 232-8, ST. BENEDICT set. F-VF ...  some creases (Stamp Cat $100 US) ......
         teresting variety. The overprint on LL stamps  2646. Û 217a, Without overprint, VF, NH ...  Flight cover addr to Milan. Has matching  ............................. 618.20  ........................... Est 45.00+
         faces LEFT, on other stamps faces right. VF  ............................... 50.00  imperf colour illustrated vignette tied. VF.  2718. Ú 539, 546, 580, F-VF ........ 155.00
         ........................... Est 40.00+  2647. Û 1041 (2), 1180-2 (Strips of 5); Plus re-  Scarce desirable item (Sassone Cat  2688. Ö 239, C3, Tied by Rome 8 Jan 1930  2719. Û 566-7, Marginal Imprint Pairs. VF, NH
                                      lated Panes of labels; Contained in 5 diff Pri-  3,000 Euro). See photo above.........  CDS’s on front of sepia photo postcard sent
                   IRELAND:           vate issue Special Edition Souvenir Booklets.           airmail to Geneva. Depicts Prince Umberto  ............................... 71.00
        2617. Ú 10A, F................... 130.00  Incl London 90 (2) & Hanukka 93 (3). Only  ..................... Est 1,500.00+  of Savoy. VF ................ Est 45.00+
        2618. Ú 12, Seahorse, VF .......... 100.00  150 to 260 of each produced. VF, NH (4)...  2689. Ú 242-6, Ferucci set, VF ...... 146.75
        2619. ÕÛ 15, UR corner block of 54 with two  ........................... Est 50.00+
         interesting overprint varieties: broken “2" &  2648. Ö C16 with tab, Neatly tied by Ramat-  2690. Ö 248-56, Cpl Bimillenary of Birth of
         broken ”i". F-VF, NH, some minor separa-  Gan 16 Mar 1953 CDS on cach Reg’d Airmail   Virgil set of 9 diff neatly cancelled by Na-
         tion .......................... 243.00+  Express FDC to Canada. VF.... Est 50.00+     ples 21 Oct 1930 CDS’s on airmail cover
        2620. ÕÛ 44, UR corner block of 60. F-VF,  2649. Û J1-5, VF .................. 82.00   to Rome (next day receiver on reverse).
         NH. A nice large multiple!.......... 150.00  2650. Ö Two diff JNF labels affixed on 1949  VF. Scott $3,250 US. See photo above .
                                      censored cover. The cachet & one JNF label                ..................... Est 1,750.00+
                                      depict THEODOR HERZL. F.... Est 60.00+                 2691. Û 255, F-VF, NH ............ 150.00
                                            ITALIAN COLONIES:
                                                                 2674. Ö 95 (Pair), Tied on cacheted
                                                                  dirigible NORGE Apr 1926 AMUNDSEN -
                                                                  ELLSWORTH - NOBILE TRANSPOLAR
                                                                  Flight postcard addr to Milan. Has matching
                                                                  perforated colour illustrated etiquette tied by
                                                                  special cachet on front of postcard. VF. See
                                                                  photo above ............... Est 450.00+
         2621. Û 56-8, Complete Seahorse set up
          to 10 Shilling, beautifully centered, fresh            2675. Ö 99 (2), Tied by Trento 1927 CDS  2692. Û 268-79, Fresh, F-VF, NH . . . 350.00
          rich colours, VF, NH. A CHOICE SET ....  2651. Û 23-31, C13-8, F-VF........ 336.50  cancel on b/w postcard depicting famous  2693. Û 280-9, Garibaldi set. Fresh, F-VF ..
          ............................ 850.00+                    Italian aviator FRANCESCO DE PINEDO.  .............................. 166.00
                                                                  He is best known for his long-range flying
        2622. Ú 56, Seahorse, XF. A beauty! .......               boat flights in the 1920’s. Addr to Venice. F .
         .......................... Est 100.00+                   ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                 2676. Ö 100 (Pair), Tied by Viareggio 12 Aug
                                                                  1915 CDS’s on WWI Censored Reg’d illus-                 2720. ÕÛ 1292, LR corner imprint block with
                                                                  trated advertising cover for G. Perna & Co., to          a spectacular MISPERF ERROR. Fresh,
                                                                  Zurich. Depicts map of Italy in red. Matching            VF, NH. A RARE ITEM. Has 2010 Dr. Avi
                                                                  company seal on back. F-VF, roughly opened.              Certificate. (Sassone #1459b, Cat 36,000
                                                                  Attractive ................... Est 50.00+                Euro) ................... Est 2,000.00+
                                                                 2677. Ö 100 (2), 105 (2), 113, Tied by Milan 4
                                                                  July 1917 CDS’s on WWI Censored, Insured
                                                                  & Reg’d business reply envelope to Morges,
                                                                  Switzerland. Has 5 red wax seals on back.  2694. Ú 290-305, C40-1, E16-7, Complete
                                                                  F, some flaws. Eye-catching cover! .......  Fascist 10th Anniversary set. F-VF . 758.30
                                                                  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                             2695. Û 303-5, High Values. F-VF .... 98.00
         2623. Ú 57, SON CDS cancel.. A CHOICE                                               2696. Û 303-5, 310-4, CB1-2, F-VF . . 145.90
          EXAMPLE. XF ............. Est 200.00+  2652. Û 46-50, C29-35, Cpl Soccer World     2697. Ú 310-14, Holy Year set, F-VF. . 248.00
                                      Cup set. Pristine fresh colours. F-VF, NH .            2698. Û 324-8, Soccer set. F-VF, NH (#325
        2624. Û 61, Horiz Joined Coil Pair. VF, NH .  ............................ 1,288.00
                                                                                              tiny paper inclusion) .............. 330.00
         ............................... 67.50                                               2699. Û 331-41, F-VF ............. 153.60
        2625. Û 65-76, F-VF .............. 143.00  2653. Û C28, C35, VF.............. 92.50
                                           ITALIAN EAST AFRICA:
                                     2654. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
                                      the early 1940’s depicting MARSHAL                                                  2721. Û 1431, A scarce example of the
                                      BADOGLIO in African military uniform. He
                                      was an Italian General during both wars &                                            “BLUE CASTLE” VARIETY having ALL
                                                                                                                           COLOURS BUT THE ENGRAVED LIGHT
                                      was the first viceroy of Italian East Africa.                                        BLUE OMITTED. Fresh, XF, NH. Has
                                      VF ........................ Est 75.00+
                                                                 2678. Ú 117-8, F-VF, lightly cancelled 305.00             photocopy of 2004 Chiavarello Certificate
                                        ITALIAN SOCIALIST REPUBLIC:                                                        for a multiple from which this stamp came.
                                     2655. Û 1, Three singles with MAJOR  2679. Û 159-64, VG-F, NH ......... 195.00        Bolaffi #1632B, Cat 2,650 Euro.........
                                      MISPLACED OVERPRINTS; all diff positions.  2680. Ö 182, Tied on cach AMUNDSEN -      ......................... Est 600.00+
                                      F-VF, NH. One is signed ....... Est 75.00+  ELLSWORTH - NOBILE Transpolar
                                     2656. Û 1, With Type ‘b" overprint instead of  Apr 1926 flight cover flown by Dirigible  2722. ÕÛ 2447, Block with all stamps
                                      the usual type “a” overprint. VF, NH. . . 60.00  NORGE addr to Nome, Alaska. SIGNED  MISSING THE BLACK VALUE. Fresh, VF,
                                     2657. Ú 1, 4, 5, Each with overprint                                                  NH. A spectacular error (Sassone 1,800 Euro)
         2626. Û 77-9, Complete Seahorse set up to                 by mechanic - engineer Ettore Arduino.                  .......................... Est 500.00+
          10 Shilling, lovely centering, pristine fresh  MISPLACED towards top. Also #4 has  Has matching colour illustrated imperf  2723. Û B17-9, F-VF ............... 97.50
          colours. VF, NH ............... 710.00+  OFFSET on reverse. VF ...... Est 100.00+  vignette affixed. F-VF (Sassone Cat
                                     2658. Û 2, MAJOR MISPLACED overprint to  3,000 Euro). See photo above.........
        2627. Ú 78, Seahorse, dated 1928 CDS. VF .  right. F-VF, NH. Signed........ Est 50.00+  ..................... Est 1,400.00+  Toll Free Bid Line:
         .............................. 275.00  2659. Û 3, MAJOR MISPLACED overprint to       2700. Û 349-54, Bellini set. Fresh, F-VF, NH
        2628. Ú 79, Ten Shilling Seahorse, F, rounded  left. F-VF, NH. Signed ......... Est 50.00+  2681. Û 165-8, F, NH (165 one nibbed perf) .  ............................. 510.00  1-877-957-3364
         corner, neat CDS ................ 575.00  2660. Ú 6-17, F-VF ............... 148.00  .............................. 216.00
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47