Page 44 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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                         LOT 2806                                                      LOT 2807          LOT 2808

                                        LOT 2809                                         LOT 2810                                  LOT 2813

        ITALY Continued                                          2759. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated  ITALY (RHODES):  2803. Ö 95, Tied by fancy Tokyo / Visit of the
                                                                  advertising / Fascist Propaganda postcard  2779. Û 45-54, F-VF (53 some gum toning) .  USA Great White Fleet Oct 1908 cancel on
                                                                  for Caproni Works depicting bulldozer, engine  .............................. 190.00  gorgeous patriotic postcard. Depicts flags
                                                                  & howitzers. VF .............. Est 40.00+  ITALY (TRIESTE):  of Japan & USA, Eagle, portrait of Admiral
                                                                 2760. Ö Unused WWII artist signed colour  2780. Û 15-7, F-VF ............... 301.50  Sperry, etc. VF .............. Est 50.00+
                                                                  illustrated P.N.F. (Nat Fascist Party) Propa-  2781. Û 17, Scarce 30 Lire. Fresh, VF, NH .  2804. Ö 95, Tied by special illustrated Tokyo /
                                                                  ganda Fieldpost card depicting Italian Black  .............................. 275.00  Japan-British Exhibition 1910 cancel on 3 diff
                                                                  Shirt soldier holding wounded comrade & Ger-             photo / colour illustrated postcards. Depict dig-
                                                                  man soldier on the defensive. VF Est 50.00+              nitaries, flags, Mt Fuji, etc. F-VF . Est 60.00+
                                                                 2761. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Nat
                                                                  Dante Alighieri Soc Fascist Propaganda post-
                                                                  card depicting Italian soldier in desert with
                                                                  rifle & shovels, caption “We will return”. Has
                                     2745. Ú Q63, Vert pair IMPERFORATE  Mussolini quote with his printed signature. VF
                                      BETWEEN, neat Trivigliano 31 Mar 1948  ........................... Est 75.00+
                                      cancels. VF. VERY RARE - ONLY KNOWN  2762. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.
                                      USED. Signed by Enzo Diena & with his  (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost
                                      1986 Certificate (Sassone P68/lu, Cat 1,000  card. Depicts German & Italian soldiers in
                                      Euro) .................... Est 600.00+
                                                                  action with map of Europe in background.
                                     2746. Û 1LN7A, OVERPRINT INVERTED. VF,  Bilingual caption “2 Peoples, 1 Victory”. VF .
         2724. Ú B17-19, Cpl Fascist Oath semi-postal  NH ........................ Est 40.00+  ........................... Est 65.00+
          set. F, neat CDS cancels ......... 480.00  2747. Ú Postal Commission issues from 1913-  2763. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Fas-
                                      25 incl 60¢ orange & 1 Lire surcharge on 30¢  cist Propaganda field postcard depicting para-
        2725. Ú B35-8, VG-F .............. 615.00                                                                         2805. Ö 127, 143, 145 (2), 171, Tied on
                                      rose. VG-F (Sassone #’s2&4- 185+ Euro)  chutists landing on battlefield; artist signed. VF  1À Sen Postal Stationery card with GRAF
                                      ........................... Est 60.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+       ZEPPELIN Aug 1929 Round the World
                                                                 2764. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Nat.               cach; Tokyo to Friedrichshafen leg; addr to
                                                                  Dante Alighieri Soc. Fascist Propaganda
                                                                  postcard depicting globe, “V” for victory &              Germany. VF. Scarce ....... Est 850.00+
                                                                  Italian soldier holding a large dagger. Has
                                                                  quote by Mussolini with his printed signature.           2806. Ö 127a-8a, 129b, 133a, 194,
                                                                                                                            Tied by red brown illustrated TATSUTA -
                                                                  VF ........................ Est 75.00+  2782. ÕÛ 17, Scarce 30 Lire block, Fresh, F,
                                                                 2765. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWII Propa-  NH ......................... 1,100.00  MARU SEA POST 29 June 1935 cancels
                                                                  ganda postcard from the Motorized Corps;  2783. Û 41, F-VF, NH .............. 72.50  to KARL LEWIS HAND-PAINTED illus-
                                                                  Royal Army. Depicts speeding motorcycle,  2784. Û C1-6, F-VF, LH ........... 166.00  trated cover to Wichita, Kansas. The
                                                                                                                            Tatsuta-Maru was torpedoed & sunk by
                                                                  transport truck & convoy. VF.... Est 50.00+               the US submarine “Tarpon” in Feb 1943.
                                                                 2766. Ö Unused circa WWII colour illustrated
         2726. Û C3-9, Fresh Airmail set, F, NH ....  2748. Û Imperf multi-colour 1926 Amundson  Fascist Propaganda field postcard depicting  VF. See photo above ......Est 400.00+
          ............................. 385.00  - Ellsworth - Nobile dirigible NORGE  Anti-aircraft unit in action at night. F-VF,
        2727. Û C10-11, F................. 84.00  TRANSPOLAR Flight etiquette right margin  pinholes .................... Est 45.00+  2807. Ö 127a-9b, 133a, 194, Tied by illus-
        2728. Û C20-2, C28-34, C40-1, F-VF . 134.50  pair. Has overall DOUBLING of the black  2767. Ö Colour illustrated WWII P.N.F. (Nat.  trated Mount Fuji 24 Aug 1934 cancels
        2729. Û C23-6, F-VF, LH .......... 168.00  colour. VF, NH. Fascinating & desirable  Fascist Party) Propaganda postcard used as  on cover to Wisconsin carried aboard
        2730. Ú C26, F. Scarce ............ 600.00  aeronautics topical. Scarce . . . Est 300.00+  Fieldpost card with Littai, Slovenia 4 Dec 1942  the Tatsuta Maru. Has gorgeous KARL
        2731. Ú C40-1, C127-8, F-VF ....... 106.00                CDS. Addr to Venice. Depicts Italian Black                LEWIS hand drawn cachet. Also has 3
                                                                  Shirt & German soldiers on attack with Axis               original enclosures incl ship schedule
                                                                  soldiers & flags in background. F Est 65.00+              clipping, colour tinted unused photo post-
                                                                 2768. Ö Two unused WWII colour illustrated                 card depicting soldier at the graves of the
                                                                  Fascist Propaganda postcards by artist                    47 Ronins, & Karl Lewis illustrated letter
                                                                  Mauzan. One depicts fascist symbol & helmet               sheet SIGNED by him. F-VF (4 items).
                                                                  full of wheat; the other a soldier on the battle-         See photo above .........Est 450.00+
                                                                  field. Scarce. VF (2).......... Est 100.00+
                                                                 2769. Ö Three diff unused WWII era colour                 2808. Ö 128a, 131b, 172, 194, Tied by
                                                                  illustrated advertising / Fascist Propaganda  2785. Û C13-6, F-VF, VLH......... 480.00  illustrated Asama-Maru Sea Post 12 July
                                                                  postcards from various Military aircraft works.           1934 cancels on cover with gorgeous
                                                                  Depict glider, Caproni 313 Dive Bomber &                  KARL LEWIS hand drawn cachet. Addr
                                                                  RE 2001 fighter. F-VF (3 diff) . . Est 125.00+            to Wisconsin. VF. See photo above .....
         2732. Ú C79-83, Cpl Bellini Airmail set. F-VF           2770. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Propa-              ....................... Est 350.00+
          ............................. 621.50                    ganda postcard for the Motorized Infantry
        2733. Ú C93, F-VF, neat cancel...... 275.00               116th Regiment. Depicts military medals,                 2809. Ö 128a, 133a, 172, Tied by fancy
        2734. Û C95-105, F-VF............ 189.00                  troops & convoy advancing. VF. . Est 65.00+               red brown HIKAWA-MARU 6 Sept 1935
        2735. Û C97-9, CB3, F-VF ......... 128.50                2771. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.              cancels on cover with imprint “BY IMPE-
        2736. Û CE1-2, VF, NH............. 80.00                  (Nat Fascist Party) Propaganda postcard, art-             RIAL JAPANESE SEA-POST HIKAWA
        2737. Û D9-14, Pneumatic Post set. VG-F, NH               ist signed. Depicts soldier throwing grenade in  2786. Û J7-15, Cpl Postage Due set. F-VF..  MARU”. The cover has a beautiful
         .............................. 170.50  2749. Û Perforated multi-colour 1926  battle, patriot in background. Quote by Musso-  ............................. 703.70  HAND-PAINTED illustration by KARL
        2738. Ö J1, Tied by red grid oval cancel on  AMUNDSEN - ELLSWORTH - NOBILE  lini with his printed signature. VF. Est 75.00+  LEWIS. Addr to Wichita, Kansas. VF. See
         postage due cover with Turin 18 Mov 1867  dirigible NORGE TRANSPOLAR Flight  2772. Ö Unused circa 1941 colour illustrated  ITALY (TRIPOLI):  photo above ............. Est 350.00+
         CDS addr locally. F, light centre fold. Not  etiquette. VF, LH ........... Est 125.00+  Fascist Propaganda Fieldpost card depicting  2787. Û4,VG+ .................. 175.00
         certified. Cat $725 ............ Est 90.00+  2750. Ö Unused b/w real photo aviation post-  Italia effigy, flag, tank, etc. VF . . . Est 50.00+  2810. Ö 128a, 131b (3), All tied by S.S.
        2739. Ú J21, J23, F ............... 142.50  card circa 1927, depicting FRANCESCO DE  2773. Û Italian West Africa set of 10 diff  ITALY (VENEZIA-GIULIA):  President Taft U.S.T.P. Sea Post 30 Oct
        2740. Ö J30, Tied on colour illustrated P.N.F.  PINEDO’S seaplane in flight. He was an  Postage Due stamps from 1942 Cacciatore  2788. Û 1N10-19, F-VF, NH ........ 106.25  1935 cancels on beautiful KARL LEWIS
         (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost  advocate of the seaplane & is best known for  De Leoni series to 10 Lire. F-VF . Est 35.00+  IVORY COAST:  hand painted cover. VF. See photo above
         card with 22 June 1941 Military cancel to  his long-range flying boat flights in the 1920’s  2774. Ö Colour illustrated WWII P.N.F. (Nat.  2789. Û 447A, 447B, Flowers. F-VF, HH ...  ....................... Est 350.00+
         Verona. Depicts symbolic bridge between  showing the feasibility of global air travel ...  Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost card  .............................. 250.00
         Military & Industry effort for the war. F-VF ..  ........................... Est 75.00+  with 1942 Military cancel. Depicts Italian Black  JAMAICA:  2811. Ö 129, Set of 4 diff b/w photo Patriotic
         ........................... Est 45.00+                   Shirt & German soldiers on the attack. Has               postcards with large purple Grand Army
                                     2751. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Fas-  Axis soldiers & flags in background. F-VF ..  2790. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined Fal-  Manoeuver illustrated 1921 cancels. Two
                                      cist Military Federation Propaganda, Parma  ........................... Est 75.00+  mouth Jamaica 11 July, 1837 addr to Brixton  depict Crown Prince Hirohito, others show
                                      postcard depicting charging soldier with  2775. Ö Stampless colour illustrated Patriotic  England then redirected to Chatham Kent.  Military units in the field. VF.... Est 125.00+
                                      Parma Cathedral in background. Caption  postcard with Naples 3 Nov 1949 cancel &  Has stepped boxed “PORTSMOUTH SHIP  2812. Ö 129, Tied by special Tokyo 1930 Ja-
                                      “Victory”. VF ................ Est 50.00+  Military h/s, addr to Rome. Promotes Armed  LETTER” & numerous transit cancels. The let-  pan / Far East Athletic Meet cancel on match-
                                     2752. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.  Forces Day & depicts various scenes within  ter is written by a father to his daughter. VG+,  ing Javelin Thrower illustrated multi-colour
                                      (Nat Fascist Party) Youth Branch Propaganda  star, Italian flag, etc. F-VF. Interesting early  bit tatty with some separation . . Est 200.00+  postcard. Also 1À Sen Postal Stationery card
                                      Postcard depicting young soldier in bayonette  post war item................ Est 45.00+  2791. Û 46-53, F-VF .............. 206.75
                                      charge, flags & banners. Quote from Mussolini          2792. Û 106-8, F-VF ............... 84.25  with similar strike. These 2 items are accom-
                                                                                                                           panied by a scarce silver medal depicting run-
                                      with his printed signature. VF . . . Est 75.00+  ITALY (AEGEAN ISLANDS):  2793. Û 116-28, F-VF .............. 58.50  ners from the Games. VF (3 items) Est 80.00+
                                     2753. Ö Two diff WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.  2776. Ú 31-5, Soccer set. F ......... 780.00  2794. Ú 127, 128a, 141, F-VF ........ 43.75
                                      (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost              2795. Û 140-1, F-VF ............... 64.50  2813. Ö 131, 133, 194, All tied by fancy
                                      cards promoting industry & military coopera-           2796. Û 159-74, QE set to £1. F-VF, LH 86.50  Mt. Fuji “Fujiyama” 12 Aug 1935 cancels
                                      tion for the war effort. Depicts symbolic              2797. Û 173-4, High Values. F-VF, NH. 55.00  on beautiful KARL LEWIS hand painted
                                      bridging scenes on the postcards. VF (2) ...           2798. Ú 217/263, Coll of 36 diff postmarks on  cover. The cover is mailed at the Summit
                                      ........................... Est 70.00+                  stamps / on piece from 1966-7. All are small  Post Office on Mount Fuji. VF. See photo
                                     2754. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated artist            villages. F-VF................ Est 65.00+  above .................. Est 350.00+
                                      signed P.N.F. (Nat Fascist Party) Propaganda                      JAPAN:
         2741. ÕÛ J85, Beautifully centered block,  postcard. Depicts King Victor Emmanuel &  2799. Ö 92 (3), 93, Each tied by a diff 1905  2814. Ö 131b, Tied by special illustrated can-
          pristine fresh, XF, NH ............ 700.00  Mussolini in uniform, along with Eagle, Italian  Tokyo illustrated cancel commemorating the  cel on British / Japanese Friendship commem
                                      colours & Map of Africa. VF..... Est 75.00+                                          postcard circa 1931. Depicts Union Jack,
        2742. ÕÛ N26, Block. VF, NH ....... 80.00  2755. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Nat.  Victory in the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. The  Japanese Flag & gateway to the Palace,
        2743. Ú Q1-5, VG-VF.............. 356.50                                              postcard has coloured scene depicting the  Akasaka, Rikyu. F-VF ......... Est 50.00+
                                      Assoc. for Boys Fascist Propaganda postcard             meeting of Japanese General Nogi & Russian
                                      depicting soldiers from 4 service branches &            General Stressel at Shuishihying. VF ......  2815. Ö 148, Tied by special cancel for the
                                      Italian flag. F-VF, slight toning. . . Est 50.00+       ........................... Est 70.00+  CORONATION NAVAL REVIEW on 1916
                                     2756. Ö Colour illustrated Fascist Conference,          2800. Ö 92 (3), 93, 95, Each tied by a diff early  multi-coloured embossed patriotic postcard.
                                      Rome Propaganda postcard 28 May 1939 de-                post Russo-Japanese War special illustrated  Depicts portrait of EMPEROR TAISHO, Japa-
                                      picting Victory effigy & flames. Motto “Nourish         commem cancel on matching Patriotic post-  nese naval warship, etc. Addr to Marseille
                                      the Flame”. Written message; no postal mark-            card depicting Japanese Navy at sea, flag &  France (rec b/s). VF .......... Est 65.00+
                                      ings. VF .................... Est 45.00+                anchor. VF, unaddr ........... Est 60.00+  2816. Ö 161-2, Tied on front of 4 diff colour il-
                                     2757. Ö Unused blue illustrated WWII Fascist            2801. Ö 92 (2), 93, 98, 100, Tied by Tokyo 1  lustrated Dedication of Meiji Shrine commem
                                      propaganda postcard depicting Italia & Fascist          Nov 1911 (1.11.11.) CDS’s on cover to Lady  postcards. All with special illustrated cancels.
                                      symbols promoting the first Italian Military            Grey, CAPE COLONY, South Africa (rec b/s).  Depict views of shrine, map, etc. F-VF (4) ..
                                      Postcard Exhibition at Via Reggio Sept 1942.            Has multi-lingual Postcard Collectors Club  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                      VF. Scarce.................. Est 65.00+  2777. Û C20-5, Graf Zeppelin cpl set, bright  label affixed on reverse. F...... Est 45.00+  2817. Ö 168, Tied by special illustrated Return
                                     2758. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Fascist  fresh colours, F-VF, NH......... 1,290.00  2802. Ö 93, Two stamps tied front & back  of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe 1921
                                      Propaganda postcard depicting 3 alpine sol-             by special illustrated Tokyo 1906 Military &  cancel on front of colour illustrated Patriotic
         2744. Û Q2, Parcel Post 20¢ blue. Fresh, F,  diers with rifles on mountain frontier along with  ITALY (OFFICES ABROAD):  Naval Review postmarks on Russo-Japanese  postcard. Depicts flags of Japan, France,
          NH. Scarce .................. 1,000.00  eagles. Artist signed. Has green boxed “Fascist  2778. Ú 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, VG-F, some perf flaws .  illustrated Patriotic postcard. Depicts Admiral  Gr. Britain, Belgium, Netherlands & Italy &
                                      Military Office / Biella” h/s. F-VF . . Est 50.00+  .............................. 225.00  Togo & Warship. VF .......... Est 50.00+  warships. F-VF .............. Est 65.00+
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49