Page 46 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 46

                            LOT 2819

                                                                            LOT 2833                                   LOT 2869

        JAPAN Continued              2843. Ö Unused N.Y.K. Line colour illustrated           2882. Ö Stampless folded letter on water-  LEBANON:
        2818. Ö 179, etc, Tied by fancy red cancels  letter card/menu from aboard Passenger ship  marked laid paper dated Riga 12 Nov 1802 to  2903. SSÛ 189-96, C101-6, Imperf souvenir
         on 4 diff multi-coloured postcards for the  “TATSUTA MARU” 28 Oct 1931. Beautiful im-  Edinburgh, Scotland. Carried under cover for  sheet from 1946 on thick card. VF, minor
         1924 Royal Wedding of Crown Prince Hirohito  age of vintage sailing ship on inside & world  most of journey with 2 “LEITH PENNY / POST  corner crease (see footnote in Scott after
         & Princess Nagako. F-VF (4) . . Est 100.00+  map showing routes on back. The ship served  / UNPAID” strikes. Lengthy letter inside written  C106)..................... Est 100.00+
                                      as a WWII troop carrier, thence a diplomatic            in English. F-VF.............. Est 65.00+  2904. Û 225-7, C148-9, Gutter Pairs. VF, NH
         2819. Ö 188, 196, Tied on cach GRAF
          ZEPPELIN 1929 Round The World Flight  exchange vessel. In Jan 1943 she carried     2883. Ö Stampless folded letter Riga Oct 1844  .............................. 48.00+
                                                                                              to Bordeaux (7 Nov b/s). Carried to Hamburg
          cover Tokyo to Friedrichshafen leg, addr  1,180 mainly CANADIAN POW’s from Hong     & endorsed by Forwarding Agent L.F. Yolckers.  2905. Û 227A-33, F-VF ............ 116.00
                                                                                                                          2906. Û 247-55, F-VF .............. 90.95
                                      Kong to Nagasaki (due to conditions aboard,
          to Germany. VF. Scarce. See photo
          above .................. Est 750.00+  referred to as “HELL SHIP”). Was sunk by US   Has boxed “T.T. / HAMBURG / 31 Oct 44" can-  2907. Û C107-10, F-VF, NH ......... 62.25
                                      Submarine “Tarpon” 8 Feb 1943. F-VF .....               cel, ”T.T.R.4." h/s, red Givet cross border CDS
        2820. Ö 202 (2), Tied by fancy illustrated  ........................... Est 85.00+    & “Streson & John / Riga” corner card. Addr to
         red cancel on both sides of a postcard  2844. Ö Ten diff unused postal stat cards from  Schroder & Schyler Winery. Also enclosed is a
         depicting a JAPANESE WARSHIP. VF ...  1940’s, incl Military types. VF . . . Est 40.00+  recent wine bottle label from this winery which
         ........................... Est 60.00+  JORDAN:                                      is still open today! F, tape repair. . Est 50.00+
        2821. Ö 202 (2), Tied front & back by special                                        2884. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Riga
         cancels on illustrated Patriotic postcard circa                                      4 Feb 1848 to Lisbon. Routed through
         1928. Depicts high ranking military Officers &                                       Braunschweig & endorsed by Forwarding
         Naval Fleet at sea along with Military Aircraft                                      Agent Th. Tremmel. Has a variety of m/s rates
         flying above. F-VF ............ Est 65.00+                                           & red French entry CDS. F-VF . Est 100.00+
        2822. Ö 202, Tied front & back by special                                            2885. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Riga 24
         cancels on 2 diff colour illustrated Patriotic                                       Apr 1850 addr to Bordeaux. Carried to Amster-
         postcards circa 1928. One depicts Naval                                              dam (red 30 Apr CDS) & “L.P.B. 5.R.” h/s. Has
         Warships at day & night; the other shows                2867. Û O15-25, Cpl KGV set to 15 Rupee,  blue boxed “Werlemann & Lado” Forwarding
         the naval fleet at sea. F-VF (2) . . Est 50.00+          fresh rich colours, F-VF, NH. RARELY  Agent h/s. Has Bordeaux 4 May receiver. F-VF
        2823. Ö 202 (2), Tied front & back by special             SEEN NH ............... Est 1,250.00+  ........................... Est 65.00+
         cancels on colour illustrated & Patriotic post-                    LABUAN:          2886. Ö Stampless folded cover dated Riga 7  2908. Û C141, C143, Scarce DOUBLE
         card circa 1928, depicting Emperor Hirohito             2868. Û 98, Overprinted Specimen. VF .....  June 1858 to Stockholm. Signed by Forward-  IMPRESSION errors. Fresh, VF, NH. Each
         & Japanese battleship. F-VF, unaddressed .               ........................... Est 50.00+  ing Agent with K.D.D.P.A. LUBECK 10 June  with guarantee b/s’s. Scarce . . Est 200.00+
         ........................... Est 70.00+                                               CDS & Helsingburg transit. F-VF Est 50.00+
        2824. Ö 202, Tied by special red Enthrone-                          LAGOS:           2887. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Riga 5
         ment of Emperor Hirohito 1928 cancel on front            2869. Ö 13, 15, 19, 21, Tied by grid oval  Aug 1806 to Amsterdam. Sent by sea under
         side of colour illustrated Patriotic postcard.  2845. Û 185-98, Cpl Pictorial set up to £1,  cancels on QV 2d Reg’d postal stat  cover to Hamburg; endorsed by Forwarding
         Depicts Emperor Hirohito & Empress Nagako  fresh vivid colours with sharp detail. VF, LH.  envelope with Lagos 17 Aug 1895 CDS  Agent Heinrich Rucker, arriving in Amsterdam
         & Phoenix. VF, unaddr ........ Est 40.00+  A RARELY SEEN SET ......... 1,012.00  to Neusattl, Bohemia, Austria. Has “S.S.  5 Sept. F, some edge wear. .... Est 50.00+
        2825. Ö 208, 210, Tied on colour illustrated               Matadi” m/s, Liverpool & London transits.  2888. Û 72, Horiz pair Imperf Between. VF, NH,
         postcard for 1929 Naval review. Depicts  2846. Û 306-18, Fresh, VF, NH .... 118.80+  F. A SCARCE VICTORIAN COVER. See  one tiny ink spot. Has 2015 Sismondo Certifi-
         battleship, flag, national symbols, etc. F-VF.  2847. Û 352-67, Fresh, F-VF, NH. . . 103.90+  photo above ............. Est 350.00+  cate. Interesting. Unlisted in Scott Est 100.00+
         Very attractive ............... Est 60.00+                                           2889. Ö 116, C3-5, Tied front & back on
        2826. SSÛ 283a, With original folder. VF, NH             2870. Ö 15, Tied by Lagos 21 Aug 1895 CDS  airmail Flight cover Riga to Moscow 10
         .............................. 140.00                    on QV 1d surcharge on 1Àd postal stat card  May 1928. Has red illustrated cachet &
        2827. SSÛ 288a, With original folder. VF, NH              (space between “1" & ”d" 2.25 ml variety) to  Russian red handstamps (front & back).
         ............................... 65.00                    Wesel Germany (14 Sept receiver). F-VF...  F-VF. See photo below.....Est 250.00+
        2828. SSÛ 311a, Kirishima National Park with              ........................... Est 75.00+
         original folder. VF, NH, minor gum bends ..             2871. Ö 25, Tied by grid oval cancel on QV  2890. Ö 121 (2), Tied by Riga 7 June 1924
         .............................. 360.00                    2d Reg’d postal stat envelope from Lagos 17  CDS’s on Reg’d redirected cover to USA.
        2829. SSÛ 318a, 323a, 608a, VF, NH, some                  Aug 1895 to Neisse, Germany. Redirected to  Various markings / notations. F. . Est 60.00+  2909. Û RA1,Fresh,F-VF, NH. This tax stamp
         gum bends ..................... 375.00                   Grossleubusch (17 Sept receiver). Has Lon-  2891. Ö 140, 153, C6-8, Tied on cach  was used for the Lebanese Army . . . 475.00
        2830. Û 479, VF, LH .............. 150.00                 don & Liverpool transits. F-VF. An attractive  GRAF ZEPPELIN 2nd South America 3
        2831. Ö 479, Moon & Geese 8 Yen neatly                    cover ..................... Est 100.00+  June 1933 Flight cover to Pernambuco,  LEEWARD ISLANDS:
         tied on cach unaddressed FDC. VF .......  2848. Û N1-17, F-VF ............. 235.95    Brazil. Has pre-printed Zeppelin etiquette  2910. ÕÛ 4, Block, VF, 2 stamps are NH ..
         .......................... Est 100.00+                                                & Berlin connecting flight cach. VF, light  .............................. 48.00+
        2832. ÕÛ 595, 597, Blocks. VF, NH . . 48.00  KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA:                                         2911. Ö 10, QV Jubilee issue tied by Dominica
                                     2849. Û 42, Silver Jubilee with interesting               fold affecting 2 stamps. Scarce & gorgeous
         2833. SSÛ C8, Scarce Airmail souvenir  colour streak adjacent to flagpole. VF, NH ..  cover! See photo below ....Est 650.00+  27 July 1897 CDS on UNDERPAID cover to
                                                                                                                           GUADELOUPE with Pointe A Pitre 28 July
          sheet, fresh colours, VF, OG, neat hinge  ........................... Est 35.00+   2892. Ö 143, 151, B71 (imperf), CB1a, Tied  b/s. Has “T” h/s & “1/15" m/s; plus French
          remnants at top. See photo above .....  2850. Û 103-17, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 127.25  on Reg’d Airmail cover to Hamburg with red  Colonies #J19 tied. F-VF. Interesting Inter-
          .......................... 1,300.00  2851. Û 120-35, QE set to 20Sh, F-VF. 72.55    Hamburg Airmail h/s. F-VF. A nice multiple  Island postage due cover ..... Est 100.00+
                                     2852. Û 168/173, Cpl 1958 mint Booklet. VF,
        2834. Ö Lot of 7 Russo-Japanese War related  NH (SG #SB8a, Cat £50) ...... Est 35.00+  franking .................... Est 75.00+  2912. ÕÛ 17-19, Cpl QV surcharged set in
         photo / colour illustrated Patriotic Red Cross                                       2893. Ö 153, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  blocks, fresh, VF, NH. Rarely seen in NH
         postcards Princess Kan-in, president of Volun-  KIAUCHAU:                             1933 Chicago Flight postcard to Recife,  condition .................. Est 100.00+
         teer Nurses Assoc, portrait plus working with  2853. Ö Unused colour illustrated Patriotic  2872. Û 35, QV Five Shilling, fresh, deep  Brazil. Has Berlin connecting flight cach.  2913. ÕÛ 20, Block, VF, NH .... Est 30.00+
         other nurses. All different in some way.....  postcard with m/s date 17 July 1899. Depicts  VF. Scarce cover (Frost $1,300 US). See  2914. Û 20-8, Cpl KE set up to 5 Shilling.
         ........................... Est 75.00+  German soldiers outside Fort Chin-tau-kau  rich colour, F+, NH. Has 2024 Brandon  photo below ............. Est 800.00+  Fresh colours, F-VF .............. 150.25
        2835. Ö Five diff unused postcards from  & portraits of Major K. Von Lassow & Capt  Certificate. RARELY SEEN NH Est 800.00+  2915. Ú 55-7, KGV High Values. F-VF 242.50
         Russo-Japanese War 1904-5. Depict 3 diff  Lieutenant F. Grapow. F, some flts, bit   2894. Ö B21-3 (Pairs), Tied by Riga 25 May  2916. Ö 70, VF Block cancelled by St. Joseph,
         battle scenes, plus Admiral Togo & battleship.  reduced .................... Est 50.00+  1926 CDS’s on airmail flight cover. Addr to  Dominica 4 May 1927 CDS on Reg’d cover to
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  KOREA (NORTH):                               Italy. Has nice 1918-1928 perforated label  Scotland (rec b/s). F .......... Est 50.00+
        2836. Ö Unused Red Cross postcard  2854. SSÛ 2340, 2341 (2 diff deluxe souvenir       affixed. F ................... Est 50.00+  2917. Û 82, KG 10 Shilling, F-VF ..... 80.00
         circa 1905 from the Russo-Japanese War  sheets - see footnote in Scott). Nice Olympic                            2918. Û 115, KGVI One Pound with
         depicting IMPERIAL PRINCESSES MAKING  topicals. VF, NH .................. 63.00                                   SPECIMEN perfin. Nicely centered, VF, NG
         BANDAGES (for wounded soldiers). F .....  2855. Û 4142, Bottom margin strip of 3 with                             .......................... Est 150.00+
         ........................... Est 65.00+  a spectacular MISPERF. The lower stamp is
        2837. Ö Coll of 4 diff b/w postcards circa  partly imperforate. VF, NH...... Est 50.00+                                     LESOTHO:
         1905 depicting Japanese military scenes  2856. ÕÛ 4142, UR corner block with a                                   2919. ÕÛ 15-20, Lot of 20 sets in blocks /
                                                                                                                           multiples. VF, NH ................. 72.00
         from the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. These  MAJOR MISPERF error. VF, NH. An eye-                                         2920. ÕÚ 147-50, Cpl set in pretty used blocks
         show artillery units, landing party, wounded  catching item! ............... Est 75.00+
         tent, etc. VF. Scarce group .... Est 150.00+  KOREA (SOUTH):  2873. Û 37, Scarce QV 10 Shilling brown vio-        of 15. VF, CTO.................. 183.75
        2838. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard of  2857. Û 131, Top margin single. F-VF, NH ..  let with “SPECIMEN” overprint. F-VF, toned  2921. Û 228-32, 351-5, WWF Animal sets, VF,
         the 1905 RUSSIAN JAPANESE PEACE  ............................... 45.00  OG (Normal Cat $2,750 US) . . Est 450.00+  NH ............................ 84.50
         CONFERENCE which formally ended the  2858. ÕÛ 131, Mint block. F-VF, DG, light  2874. Ö 41-2, 44, Tied by Lagos 21 July 1904  2922. Û 394-7, Commonwealth Day set of un-
         Russo-Japanese War. It was signed on 5  crease ........................ 180.00  CDS on KE 2d Reg’d postal stat envelope  2895. Û B24-8, Scarce Liepaja IMPERF set.  listed IMPERF PAIRS. VF, NH . Est 100.00+
         Sept 1905 at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard  2859. SSÛ 173, Korean War souvenir sheet  via London to Graz, Austria. VF Est 150.00+  VF ........................... 500.00  2923. Û 421-36, 618-32, VF, NH...... 36.05
         in USA. The Conference was brokered in  with USA flags. VF, NH ........ Est 40.00+  2875. Ö 53a, Tied by Lagos Reg’d 10 June  2924. ÚÛ Interesting lot of 3 diff varieties. Incl
         part by Pres Theodore Roosevelt. VF. Scarce  2860. SSÚ 433a, VF ............... 70.00  1905 CDS on KE 2d Reg’d postal stat enve-  2896. Û B87-91, Imperf set, VF, NH . . . 45.00  #21 mint showing line across arm of micro-
                                                                                                                           scope; #21 used with lack of shading on micro-
         .......................... Est 100.00+  2861. SSÛ 781a-94a, VF, NH (14 diff) 152.75  lope to Berlin via London. F-VF, back flap flt.  2897. ÕÛ B87-91, Set of sheet margin imperf
        2839. Ö Unused colour illustrated postcard  KUWAIT:       Attractive ................... Est 75.00+  blocks, VF, NH .................. 180.00  scope; & #69 mint pair with one having broken
         commemorating visit of Admiral Moore &                  2876. Ö QV 1d surcharge on 1Àd postal  2898. Ö CB21-4, Cpl VF Airmail set neatly  window pane. F-VF, mint are NH . Est 45.00+
         the British China Squadron in 1906. Depicts              stat card with neat Lagos 18 Mar 1893 CDS  tied by Riga 4 May 1937 CDS’s on Reg’d  LIBERIA:
         Japanese & British Naval flags, Br. Crown                to Germany with Erfurt 22 Apr receiver. VF,  airmail cover to Switzerland (rec b/s). F.
         & Flag Ship King Alfred. F-VF . . . Est 50.00+           slight age spotting ............ Est 50.00+  A SCARCE SET ON COVER. See photo
        2840. Ö Three colour illustrated embossed                2877. Ö Nice coll of 5 One Penny postal stat  on Page 48.............. Est 400.00+
         postcards circa 1910, depicting gold dolphins            cards & reply cards, all used with Lagos
         that were on top of temple at Nagoya Castle.             1893-1902 CDS’s. Four are QV, one is KE.  2899. ÕÚ Court Fee 5R Revenue used block
         Each has a diff message & colour background.             Most are addr to Germany. F-VF, one has flts.  of 12 circa 1919. F-VF (Barefoot #7 - £360)
         F-VF (3) .................... Est 65.00+                 Seldom offered (5)........... Est 100.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+
        2841. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa                        LAOS:            2900. Ú Cpl set of 9 diff Court Fee Revenues
         1910 depicting a group of well-dressed GIRLS            2878. SSÛ 84b, VF, NH ........... 100.00  from 1919, up to 500 Ruble. F-VF (Barefoot
         in front of their brothel “NECTARINE No. 9".            2879. SSÛ 99a, In special Booklet. VF, NH .  #1-9, Cat £255) ............. Est 100.00+
         This was a world famous brothel house of  2862. Û 1-15, Cpl KGV set up to 10 Rupee,  .............................. 100.00  2901. ÕÚ Surcharged court Fee Revenue
         prostitution in Yokahama. F. Scarce .......  fresh rich colours, F-VF, LH ....... 632.00  2880. Ú 676l, VF ................. 150.00  block of 18 from 1923. VF (Barefoot # 14 -
         ........................... Est 75.00+                                               £360) ..................... Est 125.00+
        2842. Ö Lot of 7 diff colour illustrated postcards  2863. Û 59-71, F-VF ............... 60.50  LATVIA:  2902. Ú Unusual coll of 11 old TELEGRAMS  2925. Ö 19-20, 154, 177c, O112b, Multi-
         depicting passenger / cargo ships, from  2864. Û 82-3, Silver Wedding. F-VF . . . 69.50  2881. Ö Folded stampless letter dated Riga 12  from 1927-43. These contain a variety of can-  colour franking neatly tied by Monrovia 27
                                                                  Oct 1782 to Hodimont, Netherlands (now in
                                     2865. Û 140-52, F-VF, LH........... 54.15
         1920’s-30’s. Each has special commem                                                 cels, h/s’s, & m/s markings. Three have adver-  Dec 1920 CDS’s on locally addr cover.
         cancel. We noted S.S. Tsuyama (2), Suwa,  2866. Û 1150, Cpl mint se-tenant Liberation  Belgium). Carried by sea to Lubeck, then en-  tisements on reverse, one is large multi-colour  One stamp has double surcharge with
         Fushimi, etc. VF, unaddr, unfranked.......  sheet of 42 diff. VF, NH, centre fold, couple  dorsed by Forwarding Agent B. Meinertz to  with 1943 marriage announcement from  one inverted, another stamp has double
         ........................... Est 65.00+  bends .......................... 85.00  Cologne & finally Hodimont. F-VF Est 75.00+  Liepaja. VG-F. An interesting lot . Est 70.00+  surcharge. VF ............. Est 350.00+
                                                                                                                         LOT 2893
                           LOT 2889
                                                             LOT 2891
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51