Page 50 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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50                 LOT 2964                                            LOT 3053

                                                                                                                 LOT 3060

        MALTA Continued                                          3051. Û 10, F, OG, HH, pencil marking on  NATAL:                 NETHERLANDS:
                                                                  reverse. Scarce................ 1,375.00                3105. Ö Stampless 1813 Official entire
                                                                                              3093. Ö 1, Scarce colourless embossed
                                                                           MONACO:             3d rose tied by partly legible Post Office /  with straight line “UTRECHT” cancel
                                                                                                                           addressed to the Mayor of Moerden. Has
                                                                 3052. Ö 65, Tied by Monaco 1927 CDS on  P.M. Burg strike on a cover. Addr to Rev.  “SOUS PREFECTURE D’UTRECHT /
                                                                  colour illustrated Patriotic postcard to France.  L Grout, Umsumduzi, Zululand, circa
                                                                  Depicts Prince Albert, crest, steamer, olive  1857. Rev. Grout was a 19th Century  ZUIDER-ZEE” Eagle illustrated Official French
                                                                  branches, etc. VF ............ Est 40.00+  Missionary. F. A scarce internal mail  h/s, & part printed message in French dated
                                                                                               cover. See photo below. . . Est 1,000.00+  4 June 1813. Fascinating NAPOLEONIC
                                                                  3053. Ö 86, 89 (3), 100-2, Tied front &                  WAR era item with large watermark. F,
                                                                   back on Reg’d GRAF ZEPPELIN 5th                         some age flts ............... Est 85.00+
                                                                   South America 29 Aug 1932 Flight cover  3094. Ö 2, Scarce colourless embossed 6d  3106. Ú 1, 1a, 1c, 2, F-VF .......... 137.50
                                                                   to Rio De Janeiro. Has stamps & transit  green tied by oval P.M. BURG 5 Jan 1859  3107. Ö 1 (Pair) light blue shade, Tied by
                                                                   markings both on front & reverse. VF  oval cancel on cover to London with 28  boxed franco cancels on cover to Haastrecht.
                                     3029. Û 207, Silver Jubilee 1 Rupee with  (Sieger #171Aa, Cat 950 Euro). See  Feb b/s (possibly the earliest date for this  Has red boxed “MAARSSEN” h/s & N.R.
         3009. Û 191-205, Cpl KGVI set up to 10  DOT BY FLAGSTAFF variety, fresh, VF, LH  photo above ............. Est 800.00+  rate). StampisVFbut coverisfaulty&re-  SPOORWEG 29 1861 CDS; plus black s/l
          Shilling all perforated “SPECIMEN”.  (SG #248h, Cat £425) ....... Est 250.00+        paired. Despite the condition, this is a very  “MAARSSEN” b/s. F, roughly opened at
          Nice fresh colours, F-VF, ungummed. A  3030. Û 211-22, F-VF .............. 79.05  3054. Ö 100-2, Tied by special International  rare cover with a sound stamp. See photo  top ........................ Est 175.00
          SCARCE SET (SG Cat £700) . Est 475.00+  3031. Û 254-5, 260, Cpl 1954 mint 5 Rupee  Philatelic Exhibition, Monte Carlo 28 Feb  below................. Est 1,250.00+  3108. Ú 1-3, F ................... 192.50
        3010. Ú 191-205, 208-22, KGVI sets to 10  Booklet. VF, NH (SG #SB2 - £55) Est 40.00+  1928 CDS’s on Reg’d business reply  3109. Û 2, Four margins, VF, part gum450.00
                                                                  envelope to “Stamp Collecting”, London. F..
         Shilling. F-VF .................... 83.30  3032. Û 276-90, Also 279a, 284a, F-VF, LH .  ........................... Est 50.00+  3110. Ú3,F ..................... 130.00
        3011. Û 246-62, F-VF ............. 127.25  ............................... 63.35  3055. Û 209-13, CB11-14, F-VF, NH . . 94.50  3111. Ú 6, F. Has 1984 Lutz Certificate100.00
        3012. Û 259-62, High values. VF, NH. 90.00+  MEMEL:      3056. ÕÛ 245-6, C30, Four diff IMPERF UPU                3112. Ú 9-10, 12, VG-F (12 corner crease) ..
        3013. Ö Miniature size 1825 FAVOUR  3033. ÕÛ 31a, Block, Fresh colour, F,  blocks. VF, NH. Scott unlisted. . . Est 50.00+  .............................. 219.00
         LETTER, containing an invoice from Malta  2 stamps NH ................... 910.00  3057. Û 262-73, VF, NH ............ 67.30  3113. Ú 12, VG-F................. 160.00
         to Trieste. Probably via a ship’s Captain &  MESOPOTAMIA:  3058. Û 295-300, C36-9, F-VF, NH.... 70.55            3114. Û 20b, Perf 14. F, HH. Has 1985 Lutz
         hand delivered in Trieste. VF. . . Est 100.00+  3034. Û N37-41, High Values up to 10R. F-VF,  3059. ÕÛ 365, Lovely LR corner block, VF,  Certificate...................... 175.00
        3014. Ö Stampless folded cover from Gr, Brit-  LH............................ 147.25  NH ........................... 80.00+  3115. Ú 22, 24, 29, VG-VF.......... 130.50
         ain with blue Manchester 28 Jan 1854  MEXICO:                                                                    3116. Ú 23-33, F-VF .............. 235.05
         double split-ring cancel, addr to Malta. Has             3060. SSÛ 580, Scarce 1964 Philatelic                   3117. Ö 56 (2), Tied on 2 diff photo postcards
         “per French packet via Marseilles” m/s &                  special limited edition souvenir sheet that             (one in blue) by Shertogenbosch Oct 1901
         1Sh4d m/s rate. VF. A nice looking cover...               was printed in small numbers. Fresh, VF,                CDS’s addr domestically. Depict Barnum &
         .......................... Est 125.00+                    NH. This is not listed in Scott but found in  3095. Ú 6, Rare One Pence embossed with  Bailey Circus parades; one with ELEPHANT
        3015. Ú Gr. Britain #34, SON “C / MALTA /                  Yvert with Cat of 1,150 Euro. See photo  neat pen cancel. F, small corner crease ...  HERD; the other Roman Chariot. F, bit aged
         1 July 1865" CDS. F-VF, a few short perfs ..              above .................. Est 350.00+  ............................ 2,200.00  but scarce & historic topicals (2) . Est 75.00+
         ........................... Est 40.00+                  3061. SSÛ (596), Scott unlisted John F.  3096. Ö 67, Tied by Ladysmith 8 Mar 1900
        3016. Ö Unused QV 1d & KE 1d postal statio-               Kennedy perforated souvenir sheet. VF, NH  CDS on BOER WAR era cover to Stone,
         nery cards with large black “SPECIMEN”                   ........................... Est 90.00+  England. From a private “Natal Field Force,
         overprints. F, light toning (2) .... Est 45.00+  3035. Û 81, 93, Horiz strip of 3 with the two  3062. SSÛ B99a, Scarce cpl semi-postal  1st Manchester Regt”. Sent 1 week after the
        3017. Ö Patriotic coloured postcard circa 1912  left stamps watermarked being Scott #81,  sheets of 16, both perf & imperf. Fresh, VF,  relief of Ladysmith 28 Feb 1900. VG+, some
         entitled GREETINGS FROM MALTA. Depicts  the third stamp being unwatermarked Scott  NH (32 stamps) ............. Est 350.00+  soiling / small flts, centre fold.... Est 80.00+
         portrait of KGV, Union Jack & the warship  #93. Veracruz district overprints number 50-  3063. Û C44a, High Value airmail. F-VF, VLH  3097. Ö 67, Tied by Ladysmith/Natal, Also
         “HMS INDOMITABLE”. Has message on  72. VF, OG, light gum soaked crease along  .............................. 240.00  Gr. Britain #’s 116 & 122 tied by FPO / British
         reverse but not mailed. F....... Est 65.00+  top margin. Has 1979 MEPSI Certificate.  3064. ÕÛ C50b, Se-tenant Zeppelin / Balloon  Army South Africa CDS’s on BOER WAR
                 MANCHUKUO:           Scarce item................... 662.00+  airmail block containing 4 pairs (8 stamps).  cover to Colchester, England; redirected to
        3018. Ö 86, 88 (Pair), 113 (Pair), Tied by  3036. SSÛ 975a/995a, C310a/C344a, Thirteen  VF, NH ......................... 90.00  Guildford. VG+, some soiling / staining, two
         Harbin 25 Jan 1940 CDS’s on cover to New  diff 1968 Olympics souvenir sheets. VF, most  3065. Û C69-72, VF, NH ............ 52.45  stamps a bit discoloured. An eye-catching
         York. Has B. Rocklin & Co. corner card. F,  NH ............................ 94.50  MONGOLIA:  franking .................... Est 90.00+
         some cover flts not affecting stamps. Scarce  3037. Û 1541b, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . 250.00  3066. ÕÛ 73, 102, 134, Better early issues  3118. Ö 66, C1-2, C4, Tied on cach GRAF
         ........................... Est 65.00+  3038. Û 1541c, Scarce cpl 1990 Chicagopex  in blocks. F-VF, NH .............. 268.00  ZEPPELIN Polar Flight July 1931 postcard,
                                                                                                                           Friedrichshafen-Leningrad leg. Has red
                MARIENWERDER:         Booklet containing two panes of #1541c & a  3067. Û 174-8, VF, NH ............. 48.00  Berlin Airport transit. VF...... Est 325.00+
        3019. ÕÚ 36, 38, Used blocks tied on separate  pane of 5 of #1644. VF, NH. This Booklet had  3068. Û 2246C, Gold Foil stamp. VF, NH ...
         pieces by VF Bischofswerder 1920 CDS’s.  a very limited distribution. Scott $1,000+ US  ............................... 50.00  3119. Û 80-2, High Values. VG-F .... 214.00
         F-VF....................... Est 35.00+  (as two se-tenant strips) ...... Est 650.00+                             3120. Û 153a, Syncopated perfs, F.... 90.00
                                     3039. Û 1550a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . 250.00  MONTENEGRO:
               MARSHALL ISLANDS:                                 3069. SSÛ 129E, Imperf Europa Stamp on
                                     3040. Û 1550a, Cpl Booklet with 2 panes hav-
                                      ing Mexican Chicagopex ‘90 souvenir cancel.  Stamp souvenir sheet. VF, NH....... 65.00
                                      This Booklet had very limited distribution. VF,  3070. Ö Three Patriotic postcards circa 1902.
                                      NH. Scarce..................... 500.00  Two unused b/w types depict Prince Nicolas
                                     3041. Û 2131, Error stamp with: MAJOR  in Royal outfits. One used coloured type
                                      MISPERF, MAJOR black colour SHIFT, ma-  shows Nicolas & Queen Consort Milena. F-VF
                                      genta colour MISSING. VF, NH. . Est 35.00+  (3) ........................ Est 50.00+
                                     3042. Û 2131, MAJOR SHIFT in yellow colour.  MONTSERRAT:
                                      VF, NH..................... Est 35.00+  3071. Û 1, Watermark REVERSED. VF, NG  3098. Û 97, KE £1. 10 Shilling High Value.
                                     3043. Û 2131, MAJOR SHIFT in black colour,  (SG £45) ................... Est 35.00+  Fresh colours, VF, OG ........... 600.00
                                      blue colour partially MISSING. VF, NH.....  3072. Û 1, Watermark INVERTED &  3099. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910
                                      ........................... Est 35.00+  REVERSED. F-VF, OG (SG £55) Est 40.00+  depicting a huge SPERM WHALE caught off
                                     3044. Û O176, Horiz pair with “OFICIAL”  3073. Û 5, WATERMARK INVERTED. F-VF,  Durban. It is on shore with a group of people  3121. Ö 161, 173, 176, 189, C5, Tied on
                                      INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 40.00+  couple nibbed perfs (SG as used £250) ....  in front. F, minor edge flaws .... Est 50.00+
                                     3045. ÕÛ O176, Corner Block with “OFICIAL”  .......................... Est 100.00+  NAURU:  cach GRAF ZEPPELIN First Europe-Pan
                                                                                                                           American Round Flight postcard May 1930
                                      INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 70.00+  3074. Ú 6, SON Montserrat Mar 1889 CDS. VF   to New York. Has Lakehurst NJ cachet May
                                     3046. Û O176, Vert strip of 5 with “OFICIAL”  ........................... Est 30.00+  3100. Ö 13-14, Seahorses tied by Pleasant  31 struck twice. VF.......... Est 300.00+
         3020. Ú 25, Perfectly centered 5 Mark High  INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 80.00+  3075. Ú 9, VF. Scarce ............. 300.00  Island, Nauru 18 Feb 1919 CDS’s on Reg’d
          Value, neatly tied on piece by Jaluit 27,  3047. Ö Used 5¢ orange Postal Stationery  3076. Û 114-26, F-VF, NH ......... 71.15+  Censored cover to England. Has Sydney  3122. Ö 164, 171c (strip of 3), Tied on cach
                                                                                               transit cancel & Gr. Britain receivers. VF. A
          May, 1906 CDS. XF. A BEAUTY! Has been  envelope with Torreon, Coah 11 Apr 1913  3077. ÕÛ 125-6, KGVI High Value blocks up  scarce cover. See photo below Est 500.00+  HINDENBURG 7th North America Aug 1936
          signed by Dr. Lantelme BPP . . Est 500.00+  cancel addr domestically, returned undeliv-  to $4.80. VF, most stamps are NH. . . 176.00  Flight Cover addr to Wooster, Ohio. Has 2-line
                                      ered “NO RECLAMADO”. Has Officially  3078. Û 128-42, F-VF, VLH.......... 62.30       “ROTTERDAM - WAALHAVEN” h/s. VF....
                 MARTINIQUE:          Sealed label folded over edge&3“LSITA /  3079. Û 231-43A, Bird set, VF, NH.... 54.50  .......................... Est 225.00+
        3021. Û 14-5, F ................... 55.00  TORREON violet b/s’s (diff dates). F-VF.  3080. Û 231-43A, 681-96, VF, NH .... 88.85  3123. Ö 165a, 187b(2), B73-6, C10, Also
        3022. Û C10-2, F-VF, NH ........... 59.50  Interesting .................. Est 45.00+  3081. Û 445-60, 445a-60a, O65-78, F-VF, NH  Netherlands Antilles #111 (block), Tied on
                  MAURITIUS:         3048. Ö Lovely coll of 8 diff SILK CACHETED  ............................... 82.35    triple cach Christmas KLM Netherlands to
                                      covers for the 1979 Papal Visit of POPE  3082. Û 445-60, 524-38, VF, NH...... 69.15  West Indies 14 Dec 1934 & return FFC.
                                      JOHN PAUL II to Mexico. Many nice cachets,  3083. Û 508, SURCHARGE INVERTED. VF,     F-VF, minor edge creases. Gorgeous......
                                      frankings & postmarks. Also 2 stopover cov-  NH ........................ Est 35.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+
                                      ers from the Dominican Republic. VF (10 diff)  3084. SSÛ (603), $6 QE 60th Birthday issue  3124. Ö 175, 199, 204 (Pair), B81, C4, All tied
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+  in an unlisted souvenir sheet. VF, NH......  on cach HINDENBURG Oct 1936 Tenth North
                                          MEXICO (GUADALAJARA):   ........................... Est 50.00+                   America Flight Reg’d cover addr to Wooster,
                                                                 3085. SSÛ 613-14, Halley’s Comet set of                   Ohio. Has Frankfurt Airport postmark. F+,
                                                                  souvenir sheets IMPERFORATE which are                    some TS on stamp perfs. Attractive item ...
                                                                  Scott unlisted. VF, NH......... Est 50.00+  3101. Û 13-15, Cpl Seahorse set to 10 Shil-  .......................... Est 175.00+
                                                                 3086. Û 663-6, Bird set with “EDINGBURGH”  ling. Selected centering set with wide jumbo  3125. Ö 180, 195, C10, Tied on cach Mac
                                                                  spelling error in the overprint. VF, NH......  margins & crisp colours. XF, LH. . . 505.00+  Robertson London to Melbourne Air Race
                                                                  ........................... Est 50.00+                   1934 K.L.M. illustrated cover. Has blue
                                                                 3087. Û 1031-4, 1036-60, VF, NH..... 59.90                oval Liner “Uiver” h/s on reverse. Write-up
         3023. Ö Stampless folded cover with red                 3088. ÚÛ Glassine with a loose unsorted                   accompanies. F.............. Est 65.00+
          double-ring MAURITIUS POST OFFICE                       accum from older to modern. Wide range                  3126. Û 278-81, High Values. VF, low value
          28 Aug, 1840 cancel, rated ‘8’ & addr to                of commems & defins. VG-VF (190).......                  has natural gum bend ............ 200.00
          London. On reverse has red boxed “INDIA                 ........................... Est 40.00+                  3127. Ö 282, 308, B224-8, Tied by special
          LETTER FALMOUTH”. F..... Est 225.00+                                                                             PHILIPS 60 YEARS of PROGRESS 15 May
                                                                           MOROCCO:                                        1951 FD cancels on matching Reg’d colour
        3024. Ö 35 (2), Tied by “B53" grid oval cancels          3089. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa
         on folded cover with Mauritius 18 Nov 1866               1910 depicting the early Balloon “DAR-EL-                illustrated souvenir postcard to Philips, Co.,
         b/s to Bordeaux. Has red French octagonal  3049. Ö 14, Attractive example of the 2r  BAIDA” ready to ascend, at Casablanca.  Pakistan. Card is also Amsterdam to Schiphol
         ship cancel; m/s ”via Suez & Marseilles";  with serrated perforations neatly tied by  Shows the balloon with a crowd of onlookers,  FFC with matching airmail etiquette. Card
                                                                                                                           depicts Eindhoven. F-VF....... Est 60.00+
         & oval company h/s from Mauritius. F, TS  laureated oval Guadalajara 18 May 1867  early artillery cannons, etc. VF . . Est 60.00+  3128. Û 336-9, Cpl 1952 Centenary set in full
         around stamps. Attractive ...... Est 70.00+  cancel on cover to Zapotlan. Stamp is VF,                            sheets of 25. Fresh, VF, NH, neat centre folds
        3025. Û 52, F, HH ................. 90.00  strongly printed with one short tooth. VF. A  MOZAMBIQUE:  3102. Û 15, 10sh Seahorse, beautifully cen-  along perforations. Scarce & seldom offered
        3026. Û 91-103, 105, 107-11, F-VF . . 214.10  SCARCE RATE WITH ONLY 4-5 COVERS  3090. Ö 274-5, 277-9, 283, Tied by Lourenco  tered, fresh rich colour, XF, LH Est 300.00+  ........................... 1,400.00+
        3027. Ö 93, 97 (Block), Tied by Rose Hill 13  RECORDED. Has 1997 MEPSI Expert  Marques 4 Apr 1942 hexagonal cancels on  NEPAL:  3129. Ö 336-9, Cpl set on cach FDC from
         Aug 1898 CDS’s (“13" indicia backwards) on  Committee Certificate Scott $1,500 US....  #10 Reg’d cover to Oakland, Ca. F, some  3103. Û 84-8, F-VF, NH ........... 180.00  Utrecht 28 June 1952. F ....... Est 70.00+
         cover to Versailles France (rec CDS). Has  ....................... Est 1,000.00+  bends not affecting stamps. Attractive franking  3130. SSÛ 448-50, Sheets of 10 plus admis-
         French mailboat Reunion to Marseilles cancel.  MODENA:   ........................... Est 45.00+  3104. Ö Used India KE 1/4 Anna Postal Stat  sion ticket. VF, NH ................ 52.50
         F, minor stains............... Est 50.00+  3050. Ú 9b, Scarce One Lira with no period  3091. Û 332-55, Fish set, VF, LH .... 100.00  card with “NFPAL” (“F” for “E” error) 22 Oct  3131. Ú B37a-40a, B44a-7a, F-VF .... 50.00
        3028. Û 205, Silver Jubilee with WEDGE BY  after “1". VF, four margins, thin. Cat $4,800 .  NAMIBIA:  1911 CDS to Nawalgarh (Rajasthan) India. F.  3132. Û B37a-40a, B50-3a, F-VF ..... 71.40
         FLAGSTAFF variety. VF ....... Est 60.00+  .......................... Est 300.00+  3092. Û 1068-92, VF, NH ........... 86.45  Interesting India used abroad item Est 60.00+  3133. SSÛ B145a, VF, LH .......... 75.00
                        LOT 3093
                                                                     LOT 3094
                                                                                                                 LOT 3100
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55