Page 55 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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RHODESIA Continued                                                                                                                        55

                                     3402. Û 1261-4, VF .............. 290.00
                                     3403. Û 1265-7, 1284-7, F-VF, LH . . . 212.50
                                     3404. Û 1289-94, F-VF, LH, couple small gum  3444. Ö C4, Tied on double cach GRAF  3473. Û 64, One Pound Tercentenary of the  3510. Û 36, Scarce QV 4d Ultramarine.
                                      adhesions...................... 222.50  ZEPPELIN Saarbrucken Round Flight,  Colony, fresh rich colour, perfect centering,  Fresh, F, OG................... 825.00
                                     3405. Û 1364-5, VF, NH ............ 75.00  Friedrichshafen legs of June 1933 Saar  XF, LH ...................... 825.00+
                                     3406. Û 1392-9, Also 1392a-3a, F-VF 155.75  Flight b/w photo postcard to Lorch, Ger-  3511. Û 58, QV Surcharge with ‘Specimen’ over-
                                     3407. Û 1427-8, VF, LH ............ 75.00  many. Card has view of Saarbrucken &  3474. Û 79-90, F-VF .............. 178.25  print. F, part OG (SG #59s - £50) . Est 50.00+
                                     3408. Û 1442-4, F-VF ............. 100.00  Zeppelin Flight Etiquette. VF. Beautiful item  3475. Û 86-8, KGVI High values. F-VF. 83.00  3512. Û 82-8, F-VF ............... 125.00
                                     3409. Û 1508-9, VF, NH ........... 100.00  with better franking.......... Est 300.00+  3476. Û 120-34, F-VF .............. 67.70  3513. Û 90-103, F-VF ............. 126.25
                                                                                             3477. Ö 160, QE $5 High Value tied by  3514. Û 141-51, F-VF, NH (150A is LH) 55.00
                                                                 3445. Û C12, VF, NH ............. 140.00
                                                                                              Basseterre 27 AP 1967 CDS on Reg’d cover  3515. Û 186-97, F-VF .............. 44.00
                                                                          ST. HELENA:         to Canada. VF ............... Est 50.00+  3516. Û 1746-60, VF, NH ........... 70.75
                                                                 3446. Ú 8, Rich colour, light cancel. VG+ ...  3478. Û QV 5 Shilling Revenue, 1884. F-VF  3517. Ú Interesting lot of 6 diff QV Revenues
                                                                  .............................. 250.00  (Barefoot £35) ............... Est 30.00+  from 1882-8 plus a couple extra shades
         3371. Û 119-38, Complete KGV set                        3447. Û 19, F, NG ................ 200.00  ST. LUCIA:     (Barefoot Cat £48}. F-VF (8) .... Est 40.00+
          to One Pound (no #121) all with black                  3448. Û 24, Five Shilling, F, light crease ..  3479. ÕÛ 49, Bottom marginal block of 10.  ST. VINCENT GRENADINES (UNION IS):
          “SPECIMEN” overprints. Nice bright                      ............................... 67.50  VF, NH, some toning on gum. Nice showpiece  3518. ÕÛ 1-6, Kings & Queens issue in
          colours, F-VF, a few small flaws on some               3449. ÕÛ 30, Block. VF, OG. Nice showpiece  .............................. 160.00  IMPERFORATE BLOCKS (Scott unlisted).
          lower / middle values. Scarce (SG £2,750                ............................. 600.00+  3480. Û 63, KE 5 Shilling with “SPECIMEN”  VF, NH..................... Est 45.00+
          for set) ................. Est 1,250.00+               3450. Ú 75, VF, neat CDS ........... 55.00  overprint. F, couple nibbed perfs ........  SAMOA:
                                                                 3451. ÕÛ 79, Bottom margin block with the  ........................... Est 50.00+  3519. Ö 117 (8), All tied by Apia 26 Oct 1914
        3372. Û 141-55, F-VF ............. 114.25                 UL stamp having the TORN FLAG variety.  3481. Û 95-106, KGV set to 10Sh. F-VF ....  CDS’s on unaddr cover. F. Very attractive &
        3373. Û 158-71, F-VF ............. 112.80                 VF, NH. A beautiful positional block in top  .......................... Est 110.00+  unusual cover ............... Est 75.00+
                  ROMAGNA:           3410. Û 1518-25, Skyscrapers. F-VF 250.00  condition (SG #97b, Cat £275+) .........  3482. ÕÛ 135-44, Blocks. F-VF, NH . . 97.60  3520. Ö 142-53, Cpl British Flag & Samoan
                                                                  .......................... Est 325.00+  3483. Û 504-15, 507a-15a, F-VF, NH. . 54.15  House set to 1sh tied by Apia 4 Sep 1923
                                                                 3452. Û 79, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. VF  3484. Û 747-61, 876-9, Military Uniform sets  cancels on two Reg’d “Wilson” covers to
                                                                  (SG #97a, Cat £85) ........... Est 60.00+  to $15 & $20. VF, NH.............. 58.50  England. VF (2 covers) ....... Est 175.00+
                                                                 3453. Û 79, CLEFT ROCK variety. F-VF (SG  3485. Û 953-64, 1046-60, Two diff sets up to
                                                                  #97c, Cat £75)............... Est 50.00+  $25. VF, NH .................... 83.10+
                                                                                             3486. Û C1, Imperf single & souvenir sheet.
                                                                                              VF, NH ......................... 50.00
                                                                                             3487. Û J11-2, With “Statehood / 1st Mar ”67"
                                                                                              red overprints. VF, NH......... Est 65.00+
                                                                                             3488. SSÛ Scott unlisted $6 souvenir sheet
                                                                                              of QE’s 60th Birthday issue. Like #832 but
                                                                                              no souvenir sheet in the catalogue. Probably
                                                                                              a Trial Print. VF, NH .......... Est 75.00+
                                                                                                  ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON:
                                                                                              3489. Ö 53-9, J2, Each stamp neatly tied
                                                                                               by double-ring St. Pierre & Miquelon 8
                                                                                               June 1911 cancel on Reg’d cover to
                                                                 3454. Û 79-93, KGV issues up to 10 Shilling.  Paris (with 20 June, 1911 Paris rec b/s).
                                                                  F-VF, fresh colours.............. 477.65  The stamps all have 4 large / huge mar-
                                                                 3455. Ú 80, BROKEN MAINMAST variety, VF,  gins incl a couple with sheet margins. VF.
                                                                  neat dated 1929 cancel (SG #98a, Cat £95)  Has been signed by Calves, Scheller &  3521. Û 161, Scarce Five Pound Arms, deep
                                                                  ........................... Est 70.00+  with a 2020 Gautre Certificate from Paris  luxuriant colour, razor sharp impression,
                                                                 3456. Û 80, CLEFT ROCK variety, VF (SG  (stamps alone have Scott of $1,261 US).  XF, NH. RARELY ENCOUNTERED IN
                                                                  #98c, Cat £75)............... Est 50.00+  AN OUTSTANDING COVER. See photo  THIS TOP QUALITY.......... 2,600.00+
                                                                 3457. Û 81, TORN FLAG variety. VF, LH  on Page 54 ............ Est 1,250.00+
         3374. Û 2, 3, 4, 8, Each in a mint never hinged vertical GUTTER PAIR with large margins all  (SG #99b, Cat £100) .......... Est 80.00+  3490. Ö 85-6, 91, 96, Tied by 26 April 1926  3522. Ö 229, Tied by Apia 19 June 1964 CDS
          around (light crease in gutter as usual). Fresh, rich colours, VF, NH. Has 2006-10 Avi Certifi-  3458. Ú 81, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. VF,  CDS’s on Reg’d cover with 30¢ Provisional  on colour chrome postcard (depicts fishermen
                                                                                                                           near shore) addr to Rear Admiral D.W. Knoll,
          cates for each (1b for a block from which this came). Not listed in Scott, Sassone Cat 20,400  back flt, neat corner cancel (SG #99a, Cat  franking, addr to France. VF . . . Est 110.00+
          Euro) ............................................................Est 3,500.00+  £200) ...................... Est 65.00+  3491. Ö 92 (5), Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon  Oceanographic Office, Washington, DC.
                                                                 3459. Û 82, BROKEN MAINMAST variety.                      Signed by WILLIAM WILLS, 70 year old who
        3375. Ö 3, Tied on a large newsprint paper  3411. Ú 1541-4, F-VF .............. 70.00  F-VF, LH (SG #100a, Cat £160) .........  1940 CDS’s on WWII censored cover to Mon-  sailed a raft solo across the Pacific from Peru
         from Bazzano (s/l cancel) with 1860 m/s  3412. Ú 1596-1602, F-VF ........... 83.50  .......................... Est 125.00+  treal. Has Canadian censor tape & Georges  to Australia (posted partway). VF Est 50.00+
         date. F-VF, a very attractive item! Cat $1,050  3413. Û 1602, VF ................ 115.00  Pannier, Importer corner card. F-VF.......  3523. Û 265-74B, 369-78C, VF, NH . . . 90.40
         .......................... Est 400.00+  3414. Û 1676-7, VF................ 80.00     ........................... Est 50.00+  SAN MARINO:
                                     3415. Û 1680-7, F-VF .............. 91.00                                            3524. Û 15, Fresh colour, F-VF, pencil notation
        3376. Ú 24, 33, 36, 36a, F-VF ....... 147.50  3416. SSÛ 1767a (with 1962 overprint). F-VF,                         on reverse ..................... 925.00
        3377. Ö 132 (2), 135, Tied by Braila 29 Oct  NH ............................ 75.00                                 3525. Ö 98, 147, C1, Nice 3-colour
         1904 CDS’s on front of colour illustrated artist  3417. SSÚ 1767a, Arctic. VF......... 50.00                       franking tied by San Marino 22 Aug 1939
         signed postcard to Copenhagen. Depicts  3418. SSÚ 1767a, 1787a, VF ........ 70.00                                  CDS’s on KONIGSBERG GRAF ZEPPE-
         Romanian Infantry on manoevers in the field.  3419. SSÛ 1786a, 1786b, VF, NH ........                              LIN flight postcard. Also franked with
         F+ ........................ Est 75.00+  ........................... Est 35.00+                                     Germany #C80 tied by Rhein Main can-
        3378. Û 196-206, F-VF, irregular gumming on  3420. Ú C37-44, F-VF .............. 93.75                              cel. Has proper red Zeppelin cachet &
         some, as usual for these .......... 219.75  3421. Û C50-2, C77-9, Attractive Balloon                               red 3-line forwarding h/s. The postcard
        3379. Û 1082-93, Perf & Imperf sets. F-VF, NH  topicals. F-VF................... 175.00                             has signed photo of an officer on reverse.
         .............................. 131.75  3422. Ö Unused postcard circa 1905 depicting                                VF. See photo on Page 57 . . Est 400.00+
        3380. SSÛ C71, VF, NH ........... 150.00  a barricaded Moscow street during the revolu-
        3381. Ú Autograph “MICHAEL R” on slip of  tion. Thousands of workers joined an armed  3492. Û 208A, Scarce 5¢ Fishing Steamer  SARAWAK:
         paper. KING MICHAEL was the LAST KING  rebellion against the Imperial Gov’t. They were  with “FRANCE LIBRE / F.N.F.L.” overprint.  3526. Ú 85, 87, F .................. 92.50
         of ROMANIA. F-VF ........... Est 75.00+  fighting for better social conditions, etc. F...  3460. Û 86, CLEFT ROCK variety. VF, LH  F-VF, LH. Has 2015 Sismondo Certificate .
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+  (SG #105c, Cat £180) ....... Est 150.00+
               ROMANIA (TURKEY):     3423. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard                         ............................ 1,000.00
        3382. Ú 6, Used wholesale lot of 14 with violet  circa 1920 printed in Paris by the ANTI-  3461. Û 101-9, Fresh, VF, LH ........ 72.55  3493. Ö 221, 252, Tied by St. Pierre &
         bilingual cancels. F............... 210.00  BOLSHEVIK LEAGUE. Depicts CZAR           Miquelon 19 Aug 1942 CDS on WWII Reg’d
                ROMAN STATES:         NICHOLAS & his son ALEXEI (who had                      Censored cover to St. John’s Nfld. Has Halifax
        3383. Ú 1c, 2-3, 3a, F ............. 180.00  hemophilia) on a sailing yacht. F ........  censor h/s & Sydney & Truro RPO b/s. F-VF.
        3384. Û 1d, Scarce reddish violet shade,  ........................... Est 75.00+      Unusual route. Attractive....... Est 80.00+
         colour a bit uneven. F, NG......... 900.00  RYUKYU ISLANDS:                         3494. Ö 232, 235, 241, Tied by St. Pierre &
        3385. Ú 4c, Three Bajocchi light brown shade  3424. Ö 29, Block tied by fancy red 1 Oct  Miquelon 22 May 1942 on WWII Censored
         with interesting FRAME PLATE FLAW at  1953 cancel on cach FDC to USA. F-VF ...       cover to USA. Has Halifax censor h/s. F-VF
         Right. F-VF, signed .......... Est 125.00+  .......................... Est 35.00+    .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                                             3495. Ö 235, 238-9, Tied by St. Pierre &  3527. Û 109-34, Cpl Brooke set to $10,
                RUANDA-URUNDI:                  SAAR:                                         Miquelon 22 May 1942 CDS’s on WWII
        3386. Û 66a, 67a, INVERTED SURCHARGE  3425. Û 16, VF. Has Stolow guarantee b/s ..     Censored cover to USA. Has Halifax censor  pristine fresh colours. VF, OG ..... 402.75
         errors. The #66a has a dramatic surcharge  .............................. 190.00     h/s. F-VF .................. Est 100.00+  3528. Ö 176-9, Cpl UPU set tied by Kuching
         shift. VF, NH, tiny spot of surcharge offset on  3426. Û 116, Five Franc with clear offset of  3462. Û 101-10, Cpl Centenary set up to  3496. Ö 258, Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon  10 Oct 1949 CDS on FDC. VF . . Est 25.00+
         gum of each .................... 90.00+  border design on the reverse. An interesting  10 Shilling, fresh vibrant colours, VF, NH ..  22 May 1942 CDS on WWII Censored cover  3529. Û 180-94, F-VF ............. 156.95
                   RUSSIA:            variety. VF, VLH ............. Est 45.00+  ......................... Est 600.00+  to USA. Has Halifax “PASSED BY CENSOR  3530. Ú 180-94, 197-211, F-VF....... 90.90
        3387. Ö Stampless folded FUMIGATED letter  3427. Ö 119, 133 (Pair), Tied on cach  3463. Û 109, Five Shilling, F-VF, LH. . 100.00  DB / 107" h/s. F-VF ........... Est 40.00+  3531. Û 197-211, F-VF ............ 126.05
         (with fumigation slits) date-lined Odessa 21  GRAF ZEPPELIN July 1931 Polar Flight  3464. Û 140-52, F-VF, NH .......... 92.55  3497. Ö 300-7, C1-2, Tied by St. Pierre &  SARDINIA:
         Feb 1846 to Livorno Italy (fancy 10 Mar b/s).  postcard to Basel, Switzerland. Has Ice-  3465. Û 159-72, F-VF .............. 73.10  Miquelon 24 Aug 1942 CDS’s on #10 size  3532. Ú 4, Scarce 5¢ blue green. F-VF, some
         Has Constantinople & C. Livorno/Via de Mare  breaker Malyguin receiver. VF. Attractive.  3466. Û 159-72, VF, NH ............ 73.10  Reg’d WWII Censored cover to Montreal.  adherence, blurred imprint as usual 1,100.00
         transits. Interesting contents in English re  See photo on Page 54 .....Est 350.00+  3467. Û 172, QE £1, VF, NH .... Est 25.00+  Accompanying note states the violet censor  3533. Ú 7, Four margins, neat CDS cancels.
         commerce, mentioning Ionian Islands, Malta,             3468. Û 176/181, Complete 1962 4Sh6d  h/s “Passed by Censor DB/107" had not been  VF............................ 575.00
         etc. VF .................... Est 150.00+                 Booklet. VF, NH (SG #SB1, Cat £55) ......  authorized (the cover had not been opened  SAUDI ARABIA:
        3388. Ö Stampless folded letter with St.                  ........................... Est 35.00+  or censored). F, centre fold. Unusual item ..  3534. Û L2, F-VF.................. 60.00
         Petersburg 10 Apr 1866 CDS cancelto Bor-                3469. Û 824-35, Flowers to £5, VF, NH ....  ........................... Est 90.00+  3535. Û L15-9, F-VF .............. 121.00
         deaux. Has Prussian & French cross border                .............................. 44.70+  3498. Ö 302 (2), 304-5, Tied by St. Pierre &  3536. Û L99b, Inverted overprint on IMPERF
         postmarks, boxed “P.38.” h/s, “PORTO” h/s               3470. Û 948-63, VF, NH ............ 56.30  Miquelon 7 July 1944 CDS’s on WWII Cen-  issue. F-VF, light crease .......... 55.00+
         & Bordeaux 26 Apr receiver. F-VF ........                                            sored cover to Montreal. Has Cdn censor  3537. Û L120a, INVERTED overprint. F.
         ........................... Est 65.00+                          ST. KITTS-NEVIS:     tapes. F, small opening flaws at top .......  Signed ........................ 500.00
        3389. Ö 35, Tied by Limbazi / Latvia 1887                                             ........................... Est 50.00+  3538. Û 39 (perf & imperf), 48, J1, J7, F-VF .
         CDS on 7k postal stationery business reply                                          3499. Ö 309 (Pair), Tied by St. Pierre &  ............................... 86.00
         envelope to Mitau (nice b/s). F, bit soiled ...                                      Miquelon 13 Nov 1942 CDS’s on WWII Cen-  3539. Û 145, Margin single. VF, NH . . 150.00
         ........................... Est 65.00+                                               sored Reg’d cover to Montreal. Has censor  3540. Û 775-8, VF, NH ............ 100.85
        3390. Ö 56 (Strip of 5), Tied by Novorossiysk                                         tape affixed at Halifax & 2 diff customs h/s’s.  SAXONY:
         1897 CDS’s on back of cover to Robert                                                F-VF....................... Est 50.00+  3541. Ö Stampless 1830 entire with VF boxed
         College in CONSTANTINOPLE. F, slightly  3428. Û 165, Rare IMPERFORATE PAIR.         3500. Ö 309, Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon 20  ‘HERRNHUTH 20 Jul 30’ to London England
                                      VF, NH (Mi #217ZU, Cat 1,600 Euro) .....
         reduced. Interesting cover...... Est 45.00+                                          Oct 1943 CDS on WWII Censored cover to  (rec b/s 29 Jy 30). On reverse has rare red
        3391. ÕÛ 131, Imperforate UR & LR  ......................... Est 600.00+              New York. Has St. Pierre & Miquelon censor  DUITSCH-GRENSILANTOOTE-ARNHEM h/s
         V-Guide blocks of 5, each showing PRE-  3429. ÕÛ 178a, Block with a MAJOR            tape & h/s, Halifax “PASSED BY CENSOR”  & black London Crowned SHIP LETTER 28
         PRINTING PAPER FOLD. F-VF, NH ......  MISPERF error (both vertically & horiz).       h/s & US censor tape. F-VF .... Est 45.00+  Jy, 1830 h/s. VF ............ Est 150.00+
         ........................... Est 50.00+  The surcharge is also shifted. VF, NH .....  3501. Ö 309, Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon 31  SENEGAL:
        3392. Û 131d, Pair with MAJOR SHIFT AND  .......................... Est 135.00+       Oct 1944 CDS on WWII Censored commercial  3542. Û 49-50, F .................. 95.00
         DOUBLING OF GROUNDWORK. VF, NH,  3430. Û 226, C12, Fresh, VF, NH.... 175.00          cover to New York. Has St. Pierre & Miquelon  3543. Ö 195/245, C26/C115 (8 diff stamps),
         natural gum bends ............... 400.00  3431. Û 263-82, 289-308, Cpl Heuss sets. VF  censor tape & h/s, corner card for merchant  Tied on 6 diff AIR FRANCE cach FFC’s to 5
        3393. Û 131d, Right margin vertical Imperf  ............................... 71.45     Gustave Dagort & full back ad for Robin Hood  diff countries, from 1960-76. VF. Pretty lot
         pair of the one Ruble with GROUNDWORK  3432. Û B1-8, F-VF, NH ............ 96.50     flour. F-VF .................. Est 60.00+  (6 covers) .................. Est 50.00+
         DOUBLED AND MISPLACED. VF, NH,  3433. Ú B1-4, VF, neat CDS’s ....... 107.50         3502. Û C44-6, VF, VLH ........... 124.00  3544. Û C27, C30, Bird IMPERF PAIRS. VF,
         minor bends in selvedge. Scarce error ....  3434. Ú B5-7, VF ................. 102.50  3503. Ö Coll of 7 diff b/w postcards circa  NH ........................ Est 50.00+
         .............................. 300.00  3435. Û B5-14, F-VF .............. 129.50     1910’s-20’s. Nice variety of scenes incl ship-  SERBIA:
        3394. ÕÛ 131d, One Ruble Imperf LL                                                    wreck, harbour scene, Sunday church scene,  3545. Ö 79, Tied by Belgrade 24 Dec 1904
         corner block of 3 with 2-V at LL. Has                                                stack of dried cod fish, boating race, etc. F-VF  CDS’s on 3 diff b/w photo postcards to Paris.
         GROUNDWORK DOUBLED AND                                                               ........................... Est 80.00+  All 3 depict various stages of the Coronation
         MISPLACED. VF, NH. Attractive & scarce                                              3504. Ö Canada #251 (3), Tied on 2 diff WWII  of King Peter I. F (3) .......... Est 65.00+
         error ......................... 600.00+                                              Censored covers (one airmail) to St. Pierre  3546. ÕÛ 90, Imperf LR corner block of 21
        3395. Ö 417 (pair), 419 (3), Tied by Moscow                                           & Miquelon Mar 1943. Have both Cdn & St.  with vignette INVERTED and SHIFTED. VF,
         July - Aug 1930 CDS’s on 4 diff colour illus-           3471. Ú 24-36, KGV set to £1. F-VF, light  Pierre & Miquelon censor tapes plus island  NH, natural streaky gum. Has 2006 Misljenje
         trated domestically mailed postcards. Depict             cancels ....................... 639.00  censor h/s’s. Originate in Halifax & Toronto.  Certificate. A lovely showpiece!. Est 300.00+
         comic / propaganda caricatures of 4 individu-                                        F-VF....................... Est 60.00+
         als incl perplexed Imperial Russian Officer &                                          ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS:
         other members of Russian Noble Society, etc.                                        3505. SSÛ 471, Unlisted IMPERFORATE
         Mostly VG-VF .............. Est 125.00+                                              sheet of 4 of the 25d painting. VF, NH .....
        3396. Û 524-8, F-VF, NH .......... 360.00                                             ........................... Est 40.00+
        3397. Ú 546-50, F-VF .............. 71.75                                            3506. Û 647-50, Complete set of 8 diff Presen-
        3398. Ö 596, Pushkin souvenir sheet neatly                                            tation Cards of World Cup Soccer Champion-
         tied by Moscow 12 Ap, 1937 cancel on cover.                                          ship. Scott unlisted. VF. Retail $100.......
         F, no back flap............... Est 60.00+                                            ........................... Est 40.00+
        3399. Û 677, F-VF................ 120.00  3436. Û B23-9, F-VF, NH.......... 366.00   3507. Û Cpl 1977 UPU set of 14 stamps with
        3400. Û 852-5, F-VF .............. 120.00  3437. Û B61-4, CB1, VF, NH, some DG ..     red overprints (see footnote after Scott #463).
        3401. Ö 1179, 1180A, Tied by large red  ............................... 71.50         VF............................ 125.00
         violet boxed CAIRO, EGYPT 12 Jan 1948  3438. Û B67-8, B84-8, VF, NH ....... 80.00             ST. VINCENT:       3547. Û 2N2, DOUBLE OVERPRINT error.
                                                                                                                           Beautiful fresh example with pristine gum.
         cancel on homemade Airmail postcard from  3439. Ú B67-8, VF ................. 67.50  3508. Ö Stampless cover with St. Vincent
         the American Embassy Moscow to American  3440. Ú B74, VF................... 80.00    8 Ju 1849 b/s addr to London. Has m/s  VF, NH. Signed by Krischke & Bohme GPSY.
         Legation KABUL, Afghanistan. F, small  3441. Ú B77, B79, B81, F-VF ....... 210.00  3472. Û 36, KGV One Pound, perfectly  “P Packet”. VF, centre fold .... Est 150.00+  (Mi #2a DD, Cat 500 Euro) . . . Est 300.00+
                                                                  centered, fresh crisp colour, VF, OG ....
         flaws. Fascinating & unusual item. ......  3442. Û C1-4, C9-11, VF, NH ....... 205.50  ............................. 300.00  3509. Û 6, Bright fresh colour, F, VLH ....  3548. Ú 2N28-9, F-VF. Scarce....... 425.00
         ........................... Est 75.00+  3443. Ú C4, VF ................... 95.00      .............................. 300.00  3549. Û 2NC11-15, F-VF ........... 48.00
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56