Page 52 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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                                                                       LOT 3149

                  LOT 3135

                                                                                                                                        LOT 3203

        NETHERLANDS Continued               NEW CALEDONIA:       3171. Ú 14d, Black brown. F, light thin 130.00  3200. Û 1075-9, 1075a-9a, Also 1084 ($20  NIGERIA:
        3134. Ö B169, Tied by Amsterdam-Stalinlaan  3151. Û 318/406, Coll of 12 diff IMPERF sin-  3172. Ú 31-3, 35-6; Also 32a, VG+ . . . 287.00  High Value corner margin single). VF, NH ..
         16 Sept 1946 FD cancel on blue photo illus-  gles. VF, primarily NH ......... Est 75.00+  3173. Ú 36, Lot of 5 with a variety of shades.  ............................... 83.90
         trated Reg’d OSTENDE ROCKET FLIGHT  3152. Û 402a, Scarce Booklet containing two  VG-F.......................... 137.50  3201. Ú AR12, QV 10 Shilling with neat
         flimsy card. Addr to Amsterdam. Has match-  panes of 5. Fresh, VF, NH ......... 400.00  3174. Ö 36, Tied by Auckland 13 Ju 1871  Auckland 5 Feb 91 CDS cancel. F-VF .....
         ing Rocket Flight label affixed & tied. The card  3153. Û C99a, Scarce Airmail Booklet contain-  duplex on neat cover to Wimbourne England  ........................... Est 75.00+
         depicts rocket in flight. VF ...... Est 50.00+  ing two panes of 5. Fresh, VF, NH. . . 500.00  (rec b/s). F ................. Est 150.00+  3202. Û B1-2, B5-17, F-VF ......... 150.15
                                              NEW GUINEA:
         3135. Ö C6, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPE-                                                 3203. Ö B2, B4, C2, Neatly tied by
          LIN Polar Flight 26 July 1931 postcard                                               Wellington 24 Dec, 1931 CDS on cach
          to USA. Scarce point of origin. VF. See                                              CHRISTMAS AIR MAIL FLIGHT cover
          photo above ............. Est 400.00+                                                to Wanganui. VF. SCARCE FRANKING
                                                                                               INCL A SMILING BOY. See photo above
        3136. Ö C10, Also Netherlands Indies C18,                                               ....................... Est 175.00+
         Tied on cach Dec 1933 Netherlands to Neth                                                                        3225. Û 10-12, KGV High Values up to One
         Indies & return First Flight card (postal stat                                                                    Pound. Fresh, F-VF ......... Est 300.00+
         card). VF. Very attractive item . . Est 50.00+
                                     3154. Û 1-13, Cpl Native Village set to One
                                      Pound. Fresh, F-VF ......... Est 500.00+
                                     3155. Û 31-3, 35, 37-42, F-VF ....... 74.25  3175. Ú 59-60, QV 2 Shilling & 5 Shilling high
                                                                  values. F ...................... 950.00
                                                                 3176. Û 61-2, 65-6, Imperf Plate Proofs in
                                                                  black on thick unwatermarked paper. VF,
                                                                  #66 slight crease (4 diff) ...... Est 125.00+
                                                                 3177. Û 65, Two shades. VG+ ...... 165.00
                                                                 3178. Ú 66, Five shades, VG-F+ ..... 325.00
                                                                 3179. Ö 108, Tied by 1906 CDS on beautiful
                                                                  postcard depicting early NZ stamps in colour
                                                                  with a central scene of the Cathedral in Christ-
                                                                  church. Addr to Tasmania. VF . . Est 50.00+
         3137. Ú C13-14, Cpl Seagull set. VF, neat  3156. Û C14-27, Cpl Airmail set to £1, nicely  3204. Û B3-4, Smiling Boys. Fresh, VF, LH .
          corner cancels ................. 160.00                                              ............................. 200.00
                                      centered. Fresh, VF, OG ..... Est 375.00+
        3138. Û Set of 3 large size 1909 TILBURG                                             3205. Û B3-4, Smiling Boys, VF .... 165.00+
         EXHIBITION labels each in a diff colour. VF,                                        3206. SSÚ B61a-2a, B65a-6a, F-VF . . . 90.00
         NH ........................ Est 40.00+                                              3207. SSÛ B63a-4a, Wholesale lot of 3 sets
        3139. Ö Unused b/w photo Patriotic postcard                                           of Miniature sheets. VF, NH........ 120.00
         circa 1910 depicting young Queen Wilhelmina                                         3208. Û C1-3, F-VF................ 85.00
         & Duke Henry. VF ............ Est 35.00+                                            3209. Ú C1-4, VF ................. 102.50
        3140. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa                                         3210. Ö C3 (3), Tied by Kaitaia 2 July 1934  3226. Û 38-49, Cpl KGV set up to One
         1945 depicting a German V-2 ROCKET on                                                CDS’s on cach FFC Australia to New Guinea  Pound. Fresh colours, F-VF, some stamps
                                                                                                                           are NH ................... Est 300.00+
         display in a street. Developed during WWII                                           & return. Has 6 backstamps. F, opened on 3
         in Nazi Germany it was the world’s first long-          3180. Ú 125, F, light cancel......... 400.00  sides for display.............. Est 85.00+
         range guided ballistic missile. VF Est 65.00+           3181. Û 131D, VICTORIA LAND, VF, NH ...  3211. Ö C5, Tied on cach First Trans Tasman
             NETHERLANDS ANTILLES:                                                            Feb 1934 FFC to Canada. F-VF . Est 40.00+
        3141. Ö 131, C18-20, C22-4, Tied by                       .............................. 100.00  3212. Ú J22-5, J27-9, F-VF .......... 80.10
         WILLEMSTAD 20 Oct 1942 CDS’s on cach                    3182. ÕÛ 164, KGV Plate Proof block, on  3213. Û O29, F, LH ............... 175.00
                                                                  stamp paper, in black. VF, NH . . Est 50.00+
         Censored Reg’d Airmail FDC to USA. F.  3157. Ú C44, Scarce £2 Airmail, rich colour,  3183. Û 165-70, F-VF .............. 90.50  3214. Û O33-7, F-VF.............. 133.75
         Very attractive! .............. Est 45.00+  lightly cancelled. VF......... Est 175.00+  3215. ÕÛ O67, O68B, Blocks, F-VF, NH ...
        3142. Ö 147, 166, C20, C28, C30, Nice multi-             3184. Ú 165-70, F-VF ............. 101.20  ............................... 54.00
         ple franking tied by Willemstad 16 Aug 1944             3185. Ú 183, VF.................. 170.00  3216. Ö Unused postcard 1906 depicting early
                                                                 3186. Ö 223-5, Blocks with Port Chalmers 13
         CDS’s on Reg’d censored cover to USA. F,                 May 1937 CDS’s on large size Reg’d Airmail  NZ stamps in full colour along with a central
         minor edge creasing .......... Est 35.00+                FDC to Scotland. VF .......... Est 40.00+  scene of fishing at St. Heliers, Auckland.
        3143. Û B10-9, F-VF .............. 122.50                3187. Ö 228, B13, Tied by Kamo 1 Oct 1938  VF ........................ Est 45.00+
              NETHERLANDS INDIES:                                                            3217. Ö Stampless Official cover with red Lon-
                                                                  CDS on cach FDC to USA. F-VF Est 45.00+
        3144. Ö Stampless folded letter date-lined               3188. Û 229-41, F-VF, NH ......... 110.00  don Paid 1918 hooded cancel & High Com-
         Batavia 29 Dec 1833 to Amsterdam, 5 May                 3189. Ö 247-57, Peace set tied by Wellington  missioner for New Zealand violet illustrated
         receiver. Has large red transit & “per Surinam”          1 Apr 1946 CDS’s on beautiful cach FDC to  h/s, “VIA VANCOUVER” to NZ. Has matching
         m/s. VF .................... Est 75.00+                                              embossed crest on flap. F...... Est 40.00+
        3145. Ö 21, Tied by “40" numeral cancel on                England. F-VF ............... Est 40.00+  NICARAGUA:
         King William 15¢ surcharge on 25¢ postal                3190. ÕÛ 251, UL Block of 9 with stamp #8  3218. Û 4-5, F-VF (#4 has OG)...... 103.00
                                                                  having the COMPLETED RUDDER variety.
         stationery envelope with Meester - Cornelis              VF, NH (SG #671a)........... Est 30.00+  3219. Ö 121-5, Tied by violet oval Administra-
         10 June 1890 CDS Reg’d to Rotterdam.                    3191. Ö 279, Tied by Christchurch 12 Dec  tion de Correos de Bluefields 3 Jan 1903
         Has boxed ”NED:INDIE / VIA MARSE" h/s,  3158. Ú C45, Scarce £5 Airmail, rich colour,  cancels on #10 commercial cover to
         Weltevreden transit & 5 red wax seals. F.  lightly cancelled. F-VF ....... Est 600.00+  1952 CDS on cach unaddr FDC. VF.......  Winchester, Ind; Redirected to Philadelphia.
                                                                  ........................... Est 40.00+
         Pretty ...................... Est 85.00+                3192. Û 288-301, QE set to 10sh. F-VF ....  Has Goldstrom Bros. & Pimes corner card. F,  3227. Ú 38-49, Cpl KGV set up to £1, neat
        3146. Ö 34, Tied by Soerabaja 24 Apr 1901  3159. Û C52-4, F-VF............... 61.00  .............................. 179.35  some aging. Eye-catching..... Est 175.00+  cancels, F-VF. A nice set ......... 497.25
         squared circle cancel on 10¢ surcharged 25¢  3160. Ú C56, F-VF................. 75.00  3193. Û 298B-301, High Values, F-VF, LH ..  3220. Û C339-45, PROOFS in diff colours  3228. ÕÛ 59, Block, F-VF, LH ...... 130.00
         King William postal stationery envelope to  3161. Ú C57, Five Shilling, VF....... 160.00  than issued with “WATERLOW & SONS /  3229. Û 80-91, F-VF ............... 86.80
                                                                  .............................. 166.00
         Grunewald, Germany, 28 May b/s. Has                     3194. Û 320, F+, NH .............. 170.00  SPECIMEN” overprints. VF, NH, usual
         Weltevreden squared circle transit. F, slightly                                      printer’s punch holes .......... Est 35.00+  NIUE:
         reduced. Nice 2 Reign franking. . Est 65.00+                                                                     3230. Ö 94-103, Tied by Niue 3 July 1950
        3147. Ö King William 7À¢ postal stationery                                                       NIGER:            CDS’s on Reg’d Airmail FDC to BERMUDA.
         card with Soerakarta 2 Nov 1893 CDS to                                              3221. Û Attractive coll of 17 diff imperf  F, bit of cover toning .......... Est 40.00+
         Berlin, 10 Dec receiver. Has Weltevreden &                                           PROOFS (Approx5x4 inches) on stout pa-  3231. Û 406-13A, 417-31A, F-VF, NH . 58.25
         Marseille a Lyon Special RPO transits. F-VF                                          per or card. Has a variety of issues from 1976-  3232. Û O11-30, VF, NH........... 121.90
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                               7 with commems & airmails. VF . Est 50.00+  NORFOLK ISLAND:
                                                                                                                          3233. Û 13-8, 26-8, 42, F-VF ........ 98.45
                                                                                                      NIGER COAST:
                                                                                                                          3234. Û 13-8, 23-4, 100-13, F-VF, some NH
                                                                                              3222. Ö 37-42, Cpl set of 6 diff QV issues  ............................... 96.20
                                                                                               up to One Shilling, neatly tied by oval  NORTH BORNEO:
                                                                                               Registered Old Calabar 10 Aug 1894  3235. Û 35-43, IMPERF set; plus extra shade
                                     3162. Ú C59, £1, XF, lightly cancelled .....  3195. Û 320, Fresh, VF, NH....... 170.00+  cancels on Reg’d cover to London, Eng-  #42. VF........................ 200.00
                                      ......................... Est 150.00+  3196. Û 333-52, 360-1, F-VF ........ 88.15  land. Has Liverpool transit cancels. F,  3236. Û 280-95, QE set to $10. F-VF. $10 LH,
                                     3163. Ö Coll of 14 diff unused postcards  3197. Û 401-4, High Values. F-VF .... 56.90  centre fold. See photo below Est 500.00+  others NH..................... 167.70+
                                      circa 1910. These were printed in France  3198. SSÛ 620/1103a, B52a/B110a, Coll of 15  3237. Û J26, J40; Also Labuan #80 all with
                                                                                                                           “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, 2 have some
                                      & have scenes of Native people, mission &  diff souv sheets from 1957-92. VF, NH 59.80  toning...................... Est 45.00+
                                      missionaries, nuns, logging, village, school,
                                      etc. F. Scarce lot ............ Est 200.00+                                                NORTHERN NIGERIA:
                                           NEW HEBRIDES (BR.):                                                             3238. Ö 10-7, Cpl set to 2Sh 6d tied by
                                     3164. ÕÛ Australian New Hebrides Co. Ltd.                                              Lokoja 29 Apr 1904 CDS’s on Reg’d
         3148. Ö King William 5¢ bilingual reply por-  Inter-Island Postage 1d & 2d locals in blocks,                       cover to Charlottenburg, Germany (31
          tion of postal stationery card Reg’d from  circa 1897. F-VF, fresh ........ Est 75.00+                            May b/s), via London. F. Gorgeous multi-
          Germany with M. Gladbach 17 May 1899  NEW SOUTH WALES:                                                            franking. See photo below . . Est 250.00+
          CDS tying #49 to Soerabaja, Netherlands  3165. Ú 29, F ..................... 85.00
          Indies. RETURNED UNKNOWN with N.  3166. Ö 109 (3), Tied 1905 CDS cancels on                                     3239. Ö 19a-21, 23-4, Tied by Lokoja 31 May
          Gladbach 21 Aug 1899 b/s. F, light corner  embossed STAMP POSTCARD depicting                                     1909 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to Brussels,
          bends. Fascinating & scarce . . Est 200.00+  the stamps of Victoria along with a crest &                         Belgium (8 July b/s), via London & Plymouth.
                                      view of King’s Wharf in Melbourne. Addr to                                           F-VF. Lovely multi-franking .... Est 250.00+
         3149. Ö Postal Stationery 10¢ envelope  England. F .................. Est 50.00+                                  3240. Ö 19a-21, 23-4, Tied by Yola 16 Aug
          with two superb “PADANG” 17 Mar 1899  3167. Û J8, J9a, High Value Postage Dues                                    1910 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to MANILA
          Squared Circle cancels to VALPARAISO  with SPECIMEN overprints. VG-F (J9a NG).                                    PHILIPPINES (21 Nov b/s), via London
          CHILE. Shortpaid with due markings. Has  Scarce. Normal stamps Cat $925 Est 175.00+  3223. Ú 49, BISECT Provisional tied by nice  & Plymouth. Has Philippines customs h/s.
          two diff Chile Postage Due stamps affixed  NEW ZEALAND:                              OPOBO RIVER 23 Aug 1894 CDS on piece.  F, slightly reduced. Gorgeous franking,
          & tied by Valparaiso 24 May 1899 rec  3168. ÕÛ 2, Imperf Plate Proof block of 6      VF, some trivial perf edge toning. Has been  scarce destination. See photo below ....
          CDS with another strike on reverse. VF.  black, on card. F-VF .......... Est 50.00+  pencil signed by expert H. Bloch & has  ....................... Est 250.00+
          A VERY ATTRACTIVE AND UNUSUAL  3169. Û 3, Large DIE PROOF on laid paper of           guarantee h/s on reverse. VERY SCARCE
          ITEM. See photo above ....Est 500.00+  the QV One Shilling Chalon Head in vermilion  ......................... Est 450.00+  3241. Ö 28-9, 32, Tied by Yola 13 Oct 1913
                                      with “PERKINS BACON LTD.” imprint under-               3224. Ú 54-57, Tied by neat Old Calabar 23  CDS on Reg’d cover to Abong, Mbang,
                    NEVIS:            neath. This was from the RPS of NZ Book by  3199. ÕÛ 648, Scarce Imperf block of the 10¢  Ap 1895 Squared Circle cancels on piece.  Cameroon. Has Duala Cameroon transit
        3150. Û O29-40, O43-66, Cpl Official sets up  Collins & Watt. VF ........... Est 200.00+  QE. Fresh, large margins, XF, NH (Campbell  F-VF. A LOVELY ITEM WITH BEAUTIFUL  cancel. VF. Interesting destination. Attractive
         to $10 & $20. VF, NH.............. 87.20  3170. Ú 8, VG-F.................. 200.00  Paterson Cat $1,500 US) ..... Est 800.00+  CANCELS .................... 277.50+  multi-franking............... Est 125.00+
                          LOT 3222
                                                                                                      LOT 3240
                                                                                        LOT 3238
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