Page 48 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 48

                                                                                                                        LOT 2960
                                                                           LOT 2959

           LOT 2898

        LIBERIA Continued                                        2947. Û 114, Fresh, VF, NH ....... 250.00+                       MADAGASCAR:
        2926. Û 312, Jehudi Ashmun 5¢ Imperf                     2949. Û 130, Fresh, VF, NH ....... 140.00+
         set of 11 diff with red “SPECIMEN” overprints.
         VF, NH (11 diff) .............. Est 40.00+
        2927. ÕÛ 368-70, C114-7, Complete mint
         set of 1958 European Visit issue. Each in
         matching LL IMPERFORATE inscription
         blocks with Country Names. VF, NH.......
         ........................... Est 65.00+
        2928. Û 3188-90, Mammals set. VF, NH ...
         .............................. 430.00
        2929. SSÛ C56a, Perf & Imperf souvenir                                                2962. Û C9-13, Bird set, F-VF, NH. . . 300.00
         sheets. VF, NH.................. 210.00                                                                          2988. Ú L1-7, Also L6b, Scarce lot of British
                                                                                             2963. Û C15-16, Zeppelin set, fresh, VF, NH  Inland Mail Locals from 1895. All selected
                                                                                               .............................. 160.00
                                                                                                                           VF examples. Seldom offered ..... 239.00
                                                                                              2964. Ö C15-6, Zeppelin set neatly tied  MALAGASY REPUBLIC:
                                                                                               on cach Reg’d HINDENBURG First North
                                                                                               America Flight 6 May 1936 cover addr to
                                                                                               Worcester, Mass. VF. See photo on Page
                                                                                               50 ..................... Est 200.00+
                                                                 2950. Û 131, Scarce 5Fr Coat of Arms, fresh,  LITHUANIA:
                                                                  perfect centering, XF, NH........ 700.00+  2965. Ö B52-4, Basketball semi-postal set
                                     2942. Û 4-9, Cpl Arms & Prince Johann  2951. SSÛ 151, VF, NH, trivial selvedge bend  neatly tied by Kaunas 23 May, 1939 cancels
                                      IMPERF HORIZ PAIRS, all with excellent  ............................... 70.00  on gorgeous illustrated cover (both sides) de-
                                      full margins & rich colours. VF, NH, a few  2952. SSÛ 218, Sheet of four. VF, VLH ....  picting city scenes of Kaunas. Kaunas was the
                                      creases / bends. Very scarce set 2,300.00+  .............................. 150.00  site of the 3rd European Basketball Champi-
                                                                 2953. Ú 259, 276, VF............... 70.00  onships. Defending champions Lithuania
         2930. ÕÛ C69, UR corner block with                      2954. Û 261-3, VF, NH ............. 80.00  hosted the tournament which was held just
          MISPLACED INVERTED CENTRE error.                       2955. Û 270-3, 277-86, F-VF, NH.... 147.50  prior to the outbreak of WWII. VF Est 75.00+
          Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce....... Est 300.00+               2956. Û 281-6, F-VF, NH ........... 67.50  2966. Û Interesting coll of 20 diff post war
                                                                 2957. Û 336-67, F-VF, most NH ..... 140.50  LITHUANIAN DISPLACED PERSONS CAMP
                                                                 2958. Û 356, Europa, F-VF, NH ...... 55.00  LOCALS, circa 1946. Has both perf & imperf
                                                                                              types from Camps at Hassendorf, Montgom-
                                                                  2959. Ö C1 (Pair), C3, C4 (2), C5-6, Tied  ery, Seedorf & Detmold. F-VF, NH Est 85.00+
                                                                   front & back on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  LUXEMBOURG:        2989. Û 62, Rare 10¢ on 50¢ surcharge on
                                                                                                                           stamp of Diego-Suarez. F-VF, OG, HR,
                                                                   Oct 1931 Third South America Flight  2967. Ú 5, Scarce 2¢ Imperf with 4 large  nibbed perfs at UL. Has 2001 APS Certifi-
                                                                   cover addr to New York. VF. Scarce &  margins, neat cancel. VF, has guarantee b/s  cate. An important French Colonies rarity
                                                                   attractive. Better franking. See photo  .............................. 550.00  as only 75 examples were printed! 5,000.00
                                                                   above ................. Est 450.00+  2968. Ö 8, Tied by Vianden 24 Mar 1862
                                                                                              CDS on folded cover (missing back panel) to  MALAWI:
                                                                  2960. Ö C7, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPE-  Creves. VG+, minor aging. Cat $1,100 US  2990. Û 5-17, 428-41, 518-33. F-VF, NH 83.55
                                     2943. Û 63, Sheet margin horiz pair perf 9.5,  LIN Liechtenstein Flight postcard 10 June  on cover................... Est 175.00+  MALAYA (JOHORE):
                                      IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY. Fresh bright  1931 to Frankfurt. Has Lausanne transit.  2969. Ö 20, Tied by Remich 29 July 1871  2991. Û 65, F..................... 52.50
                                      colours, VF, LH. A rare variety of this stamp.  F-VF, corner creases. Scarce cover  CDS on folded letter to Coblenz, Germany.  2992. Ö 88, Tied by Muar 19 July 1937 CDS
                                      Has 2018 Hoffner Certificate . . Est 700.00+  with better franking. See photo above ...  F. Cat $140 ................. Est 60.00+  on reverse of cover to Kuala Lumpur. Also
         2931. Û O63, INVERTED CENTRE & without                    ....................... Est 400.00+  2970. Ú 48-59, F-VF, some nibbed perfs but  2 covers from Perak franked by #’s 86 (Pair)
          overprint. VF, NH. A MAJOR ERROR! ....  2944. Û 64, 69, VF ............... 140.00   the scarce #59 is VF ............. 238.80  & 89 on covers to South India & Burma
          ......................... Est 200.00+                                              2971. Û 272-7, VF................. 84.75  respectively in 1939. F, slightly reduced,
                                                                                             2972. Û 272-7, VF, NH (275 tiny corner  some toning (3) .............. Est 65.00+
                    LIBYA:                                                                    crease) ....................... 175.00  2993. Û 130-50, Sultan Ibrahim set to $5.
        2932. Û 135-46, Cpl King Idris set to 500m.                                          2973. Û 272-7, Fresh, VF, NH....... 175.00  F-VF, NH ..................... 180.65+
         F-VF .......................... 145.00                                              2974. Û 315-7, 329-31, VF (315-7 NH). 64.00  MALAYA (KEDAH):
        2933. SSÛ 769-75, Cpl History of Aviation                                                                         2994. Û 95-105, F-VF, NH ......... 59.85+
         set of souvenir sheets both IMPERFORATE
         & PERFORATED. See footnote in Scott.                                                                                   MALAYA (KELANTAN):
         Fresh, VF, NH (14 diff)............ 102.00
                                     2945. Ú 94-107, Cpl Landscapes set, F-VF,
                                      neatly canceled ............... 1,117.00
                                                                                              2975. Ö C3, Tied by 12 July 1933 CDS;
                                                                                               plus Germany #’s 369, 373 (2) se-tenant
         2934. Ú B5-10, EB1-2, First Sample Fair sets,                                         strip of 3, C29 (strip of 3) tied by ON
          F-VF ......................... 202.00                                                BOARD cancels for GRAF ZEPPELIN 20  2995. Û 29-43, Cpl Sultan Ismail set to $5.
                                                                                               July 1933 Switzerland Flight on photo post-  Bright fresh colours, F-VF, LH.... 1,011.00
                                                                                               card to Switzerland. Postcard depicts the
                                                                                               Graf Zeppelin in flight over Friedrichshafen.  MALAYSIA:
                                                                                               Has 2 diff Eckener 5pf fund raising labels  2996. Û 20-7, Bird set to $10. VF, some NH .
                                                                                               affixed. VF. Attractive & scarce Est 450.00+  ............................... 68.95
                                                                                                                          2997. Û 256a, Scarce perf 13.5, VF, VLH ...
                                                                                             2976. Ö Germany #47, Tied by Wiesbaden  ............................... 60.00
                                                                                              28 July 1897 CDS on b/w Patriotic postcard  2998. ÕÛ 464a, Margin block with a MAJOR
                                     2946. Ö 95, C1-4, Tied on double cacheted                to Bialutten. Depicts Grand Duke Adolf of  COLOUR SHIFT ERROR. VF, NH. An eye-
                                      GRAF ZEPPELIN SWITZERLAND FLIGHT                        Luxembourg & family on the occasion of his  catching item ............... Est 150.00+
                                      28 June 1932 real photo postcard, to  2961. ÕÛ C7-8, Gorgeous set of Zeppelin  80th Birthday. VF............. Est 40.00+
                                      Friedrichshafen. The postcard depicts the  corner blocks. Fresh, lovely centering, VF,  MACAO:  2999. ÕÛ 466a, Margin block with a MAJOR
                                      Zeppelin at sea level. Scarce with better  NH. RARELY SEEN IN BLOCKS LIKE THIS  2977. Û 62, F-VF, NH .............. 45.00  COLOUR SHIFT ERROR. VF, NH. An eye-
                                                                                                                           catching item ............... Est 150.00+
         2935. Û C4-7, Seaplane Airmail set. Fresh,  franking. F ................ Est 400.00+  ........................... 2,260.00+  2978. Ú 125a, BISECT tied on piece. VF ....  3000. Û J1-8, J4a-8a, F-VF, NH ...... 49.30
          VF, VLH (C7 is NH) ............. 457.00                                             ........................... Est 30.00+  MALAYA (TRENGGANU):
                                                                                             2979. Û 161, Diagonal BISECT from right side.
                                                                                              VF............................ 225.00
                                                                                             2980. Û 238J, F, NG .............. 407.50
                                                                                             2981. Û 336, VF, VLH, slight offset on gum .
                                                                                               ............................... 90.00
                                                                                                                          3001. Û 38, Attractive mint $5 Sultan Badaru’l-
                                                                                                                           alam. Bright fresh colours, VF, LH . . 500.00
                                                                                                                                 MALDIVE ISLANDS:
                                                                                                                          3002. Ö 10, Tied by 7 Mar 1915 CDS on cover
                                                                                                                           to Colombo, Ceylon. Addr in English & Arabic.
                                                                                                                           Has “Crew of Dangi” in m/s. F-VF Est 40.00+
                                                                                                                          3003. Û 20-30, F-VF ............... 61.65
         2936. Û C14-18, Sample Fair Airmail set.                                             2982. Û 361-3, Cpl Junks set, VF, NH . 644.00  3004. Û 201-6, 367-75, VF, NH....... 82.80
          Fresh, F-VF, NH .............. 1,045.00                                                                         3005. Û 1149-50, Scarce “World Disarmament
                                                                                             2983. Û 365-70, F-VF ............. 159.25  Day” set. VF, NH. Unpriced in current Scott
                                                                                             2984. Û 394-9, Sports set, F-VF, NH . 129.85  but previously listed at $80 US . . Est 35.00+
                                                                                                                          3006. SSÛ 1757-72, Cpl set of 16 diff Myster-
                                                                                                                           ies of the Universe souvenir sheets. VF, NH
                                                                                                                           .............................. 105.00
                                                                                                                          3007. Û C1, Vert IMPERF PAIR. VF, NH....
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 35.00+
         2937. Û CE1-2, Fresh, VF, NH...... 280.00
        2938. ÕÛ E11a, Pretty UR corner block perf
         14. Fresh, F-VF, NH.............. 210.00                                             2985. Û 477-82, 482a, Medicinal Plants, VF,
        2939. Û J25-9, VF, LH............. 179.00                                              NH........................... 306.25
        2940. Û J30-6, VF, LH............. 220.00
                                                                                             2986. ÕÛ RA8, RA10, RA16-7, Blocks, VF,
                LIECHTENSTEIN:                                                                NH ........................... 338.40
        2941. Ö 1-3, Complete first set neatly tied by                                                 MACEDONIA:
         Nendeln 14 Nov, 1912 CDS’s on Reg’d cover  2948. SSÛ 115, Scarce 5Fr VADUZ souvenir sheet, very fresh, rich colour, XF, LH in margin  2987. SSÛ 352-3, Souvenir sheets. Nice  3008. Ú 167-83, Cpl set to 10 Shilling. F-VF .
         to Germany (rec b/s). F, centre fold affecting  only (stamp is NH) ......................................................1,400.00  Stamp on Stamp & Europa topicals. VF, NH  ............................. 511.00
         #2, small tear at cover bottom. . . Est 75.00+                                        .............................. 150.00
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