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56 UNITED STATES Continued   3904. ÕÛ RW55, UR Plate Block. VF, NH ..  3941. Ú Letter sheet dated Theux, Belgium 13  UNITED STATES
                                      ............................... 70.00  Sept 1945 from a Belgian girl to her American  (CONFEDERATE STATES):  United States
                                                                  Forces boyfriend in occupied Germany. Fasci-
                                                                  nating contents with colour hand illustrations
                                                                  of US & Belgian flags, etc “Do you see many                    Covers
                                                                  Russian soldiers, have buzz bomb on my
                                                                  farm”, etc. VF................ Est 40.00+
                                                                 3942. Û Large b/w ENGRAVED VIGNETTE                      3971. Ö Stampless 1826 folded letter with
                                                                  on India, Die Sunk on card (133 mm x 190                 neat red Harrisburg, Penn 30 Jan, addressed
                                                                  mm) showing GEORGE WASHINGTON ON                         to Columbia, Penn. Has 10 m/s rate. Interest-
                                                                  HORSEBACK along with cannon, officers,                   ing contents “A resolution passed in the
                                                                  flag, etc. VF, trivial traces of TS .........            House this morning” etc. F-VF . . Est 50.00+
                                                                  .......................... Est 200.00+                  3972. Ö Stampless 1834 folded letter with
                                                                 3943. Ú Souvenir advertising 7 page booklet/              neat red Burlington, Vermont 18 July oval
                                                                  folder (5x4 inches) for 7UP soda pop from                cancel & 12À m/s. Addr to Pawlet, Vt. F-VF
                                                                  1953. Inside there are recipes for various               ........................... Est 45.00+
                                                                  beverages & deserts that 7UP could be used  3956. Ö 1, VF single tied by Knoxville Tenn  3973. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic folded
                                                                  in. VF. A nice collectable....... Est 50.00+  CDS cancel on miniature size glazed  letter to London with Baltimore, Md. 4 Oct
                                                                 3944. Ú Signatures of DICK RUTAN & JEANA  LADY’S ENVELOPE with fancy printed
                                     3905. ÕÛ RW55-60, Lovely lot of 6 diff Plate                                          (1834) red CDS & “PAID” h/s. Has boxed
         3881. Û PR73, Scarce $6 Newspaper, F-VF,  Blocks. VF, NH ................. 610.00  YEAGER on separate small notebook pages,  ornate vine border. Addressed to Colonel  “LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER” & London
          natural SE, mount disturbed OG. Has 2024                from Brown Field in 1987. They were co-pilots  Lee’s Regiment in Corinth Mississippi. VF.  receiver. Interesting contents. F .........
          Crowe Certificate.............. 1,050.00  3906. ÕÛ RW61, UR Plate Block. VF, NH ..  of the FIRST NON-STOP, NON FUELED  Has 2013 Philatelic Foundation Certificate.  .......................... Est 100.00+
                                      .............................. 125.00  FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD in the  LUXURY ENVELOPES OF THE
        3882. Û PR74, Nine Dollar. F, OG . . . 800.00  3907. ÕÛ RW62, LL Plate Block. VF, NH ..  Rutan Voyager aircraft in Dec 1986. F (2) ..  CONFEDERATE GENTRY ARE FAR  3974. Ö Stampless 1835 folded letter with
                                      .............................. 135.00  ........................... Est 75.00+  SCARCER THAN ADVERSITY COVERS .  village name date & rate in m/s; “Canaan
                                     3908. ÕÛ RW63, UR Plate Block. VF, NH ..  UNITED STATES (CANAL ZONE):  ......................... Est 700.00+  Four Corners, NY 14 Nov, 12À”. Addressed
                                      .............................. 130.00                                                to New Haven, Ct. F-VF ....... Est 50.00+
                                     3909. ÕÛ RW64, LR Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                             3975. Ö Stampless folded ship letter dated
                                      .............................. 120.00                                                New York 27 Sept 1836 to Hartford, Ct. Has
                                                                                                                           red “STEAMBOAT” h/s & 12¢ m/s rate. F-VF
                                     3910. ÕÛ RW65, LL Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                              ........................... Est 65.00+
                                      .............................. 180.00
                                     3911. ÕÛ RW66, LR Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                             3976. Ö Stampless folded ship letter dated
                                      .............................. 175.00                                                New York 2 Dec 1841 to Albany, NY. Has
                                     3912. ÕÛ RW67, UL Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                              red 2-line STEAM BOAT h/s. F-VF........
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 65.00+
                                      .............................. 135.00                                               3977. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined
                                     3913. ÕÛ RW68, LR Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                              Boston 8 Oct, 1844 to New York. Has 2 diff
                                      .............................. 150.00                                                red HALE & Co. FORWARDING AGENT
                                     3914. ÕÛ RW69, UR Plate Block. VF, NH ..                                              h/s’s. F, minor bit of soiling .... Est 125.00+
                                      .............................. 125.00
                                     3915. ÕÛ RW70, UR Plate Block. VF, NH ..  3945. Û 22a, Rare IMPERF BETWEEN  3957. Ö 4, Four margin single (Stone 2) with  3978. Ö Stampless folded 1847 ship letter
                                      .............................. 125.00  PAIR. Rich colours, VF, SE, couple small  wide sheet margin at bottom, tied by blue  with New Orleans 19 May CDS cancel, 10¢
                                     3916. ÕÛ RW72, LR Plate Block. VF, NH ..  flaws. A very scarce item as only 50 pairs  Columbia SC 10 Apr CDS on an orange  hammer rate & “STEAM” h/s. Addressed to
         3883. Û PR79, $60 Newspaper, fresh rich  .............................. 120.00  exist ........................ 1,100.00  cover to Chester SC. Has m/s date of 9  Philadelphia. Written in Spanish. F-VF .....
          colour, F, OG, tiny thin, light gum bends.                                           Ap, 1862. Couple small edge nicks at top  ........................... Est 65.00+
          Has 2024 Crowe Certificate ....... 850.00                                            of cover & back flap torn otherwise VF ....  3979. Ö Stampless 1848 folded letter with crisp
                                                                                               ......................... Est 325.00+  blue Baltimore, Ma 19 Jan CDS, “PAID” h/s
                                                                                                                           & “5" in oval hammer rate to Heagerstown,
                                                                                                                           Ma. Inside has Western Bank of Baltimore
                                                                                                                           part printed letter. VF.......... Est 50.00+
                                                                                                                          3980. Ö Stampless cover with blue 2-ring
                                                                                                                           “WELLS, FARGO & Co. EXPRESS / S.
                                                                                                                           FR Co.” & “PAID” in oval postmarks circa
                                                                                                                           1850’s to Jamestown, Ca. VG-F, some flts..
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                                                          3981. Ö Stampless cover with blue “WELLS,
                                                                                                                           FARGO & Co. / Express / COLUMBIA”
                                                                                                                           & “FREE” in ovals postmarks to “J.W.
                                     3917. Û MONTANA: #34 Canada Geese Waterfowl stamp 1986 Pair from Booklet Pane with left  Mandeville, Senator, Sacramento”, circa
                                      & right selvedges. VF, NH ................................................1,750.00   1850’s. F, some edge wear / soiling .......
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     3918. ÚÛ MONTANA: #34 Canada Geese
                                      1986 Waterfowl stamp incl mint NH Plate                                             3982. Ö Stampless cover with red “WELLS,
                                      Block & single; plus used single & single on            3958. Û 14, Enormous left margin JUMBO  FARGO & Co. / EXPRESS / SACRAMENTO”
                                      license. VF (4 items) ............. 66.00+               showing portions of 5 adjoining stamps.  & boxed “PAID” postmarks to a Senator in
         3884. Û PR85, Newspaper 48¢ Carmine,  3919. Û MONTANA: #34 IMPERFORATE                Pristine fresh colours & NH gum. A  Benicia, Ca circa 1850’s. F, some flts......
          deep rich colour, sharp detail, fresh, F, NH,  STATE HUNTING PROOF PANE OF 10        SUPERB GEM. Has 2015 PSE Certificate  ........................... Est 50.00+
          slight crease, short corner perf. Has 2024  with top stub print. The stamps depict the  graded GEM 100.......... Est 1,250.00+  3983. Ö Stampless cover with “WELLS,
          Crowe Certificate ............... 975.00  1986 Canada Geese. VERY RARE- ONLY       3959. Û Silk advertising patch for old-time  FARGO & Co. / EXPRESS / SACRAMENTO”
        3885. Ú Q1-12, F-VF .............. 183.60  6 KNOWN. VF, ungummed. Has 1996 APS        dealer John A. Fox, 116 Nassau St, New  red oval strike circa 1850’s to San Francisco.
                                                                                                                           F, roughly opened ............ Est 50.00+
        3886. Ú Q7-12, All Precancels except 25¢. F,  Certificate (Sam Houston #MT1aP) .......  York. Depicts a 10¢ blue Jefferson Davis  3984. Ö Stampless circa 1850’s cover with
         50¢ has corner crease ............ 166.50  ........................ Est 2,000.00+    Confederate stamp. Very unusual & a nice  blue oval “WELLS, FARGO & Co. / Express /
        3887. ÕÛ QE3a, Right margin Plate Block  3920. Û MONTANA: #35, Redheads 1987          collateral item. VF ............ Est 65.00+  SONORA” strike addr to J.W. Mandeville
         #19544 of 6. F, NH................ 60.00  Waterfowl mint NH Plate Block, Booklet Pane     UNITED STATES (GUAM):   (Senator), Benicia, Ca. F-VF, flap missing ..
        3888. Ú R94a, Ten Cents Conveyance  Pair & single; Also a used single & another                                    ........................... Est 60.00+
         IMPERF PAIR affixed on double-sided  single on license along with RW54. VF ....                                  3985. Ö Stampless cover with blue oval
         document from Cincinnati 29 Apr 1863. VF .  .............................. 119.00                                 “WELLS, FARGO & Co. / Express /
         ............................. 450.00+  3921. Û MONTANA: #35, Redheads 1987 Top
                                      Pair from Booklet Pane with L&R selvedge                                             SONORA” postmark to Benicia, Ca. circa
                                      & Agent Tabs. VF, NH ............. 55.00                                             1850’s. F ................... Est 65.00+
                                     3922. Û MONTANA: #36, Mallards 1988                                                  3986. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover with
                                      Waterfowl single; Pair & Pair with Agent                                             red New Orleans, La Oct 1850 partial CDS,
                                      Tabs, with selvedges. VF, NH ....... 72.00                                           “PAID” h/s, “19" & ”24" hammer rates. Addr
                                     3923. ÚÛ MONTANA: #37, Black Labrador                                                 to England with 4 Nov rec cancel. F-VF ....
                                      Retriever & Pintales 1989 Waterfowl issue.                                           .......................... Est 100.00+
                                      Has 2 singles - diff back imprints; 2 used  3946. ÕÛ 95, $1 Lincoln Memorial bottom  3987. Ö Stampless cross border folded letter
                                      singles, diff selvedge illustrations; Top Pair  margin block with CENTRELINE &  3960. Û 1-6, Also #2a, Fresh colours, F-VF .  from Baltimore 24 Dec 1852 to MAITLAND,
                                      from Booklet Pane; plus used single. Mint  ARROW, rich colour, nice centering. F-VF,  ............................. 490.00  NOVA SCOTIA. Has Baltimore CDS cancel,
                                      are VF, NH ...................... 63.00  DG. A pretty item ............... 625.00    PAID & “10" all in blue. On reverse has 4 dif-
                                     3924. Û MONTANA: #’s 38-43, 46-7, 49,                   3961. Ú7,F ..................... 160.00  ferent Canadian b/s’s including St John,
                                      Lot of 9 different Waterfowl Top Pairs from  3947. ÕÛ 95, Bottom margin arrow block with  3962. Û8,VF .................... 45.00  St. Andrews, Annapolis & Windsor. F......
                                      Booklet Panes with Agent Tabs & L&R  full fresh OG. F-VF, Left stamps with barest  3963. Ú 10, F-VF ................. 140.00  ........................... Est 80.00+
                                      Selvedges (Agent tabs filled in). VF, NH ...  trace of hinging, right stamps NH. A nice item!
                                      .............................. 240.00  ............................. 740.00+
                                     3925. Û MONTANA: #44-5, 48, Waterfowl
                                      Top Pairs from Booklet Panes with Agent
                                      Tabs & L&R Selvedges. VF, NH ..... 90.00
                                     3926. ÕÛ MONTANA: #50-1, LL Plate
                                      Blocks Waterfowl 2002-3 issues. VF, NH
                                      .............................. 344.00
                                     3927. Û MONTANA: #51, Mallards 2003
                                      Waterfowl stamp. VF, NH........... 75.00
                                     3928. ÕÛ MONTANA: #51, Mallards 2003
                                      Waterfowl UL Plate Block. VF, NH. . . 300.00
                                     3929. ÕÛ MONTANA: #51, Mallards 2003                     3964. Û 11a, Red Orange, VG-F .... 550.00
                                      Waterfowl LR Plate Block. VF, NH. . . 300.00                                        3988. Ö Stampless folded 1853 ship letter
         3889. Ú R100a, Attractive used $25 Mortgage  3930. Û NEVADA #1, $2 Duck Stamp cpl                                 with red New Orleans 14 Jan CDS, red oval
          IMPERFORATE. VF, four large margins,  Booklet with 5 panes of 4, No. 01115. Each  3948. Ö UX5, Rare unused 1¢ green postal  “OUACHITA PACKET / LEN MOORE /
                                                                  stationery card. VF, trivial little facial scuff.
          lightened m/s cancel. Has 2020 William T.  stamp has numbered tab. Fresh & intact, VF,  Has 2021 Philatelic Foundation Certificate .  MASTER / NEW ORLEANS” h/s & black
          Crowe Certificate.............. 3,250.00  NH. Quite scarce.............. 1,100.00+                               “WAY” h/s to Leesburg, Va. F-VF ........
                                     3931. Û TDB92a, Self adhesive TEST  ........................ Cat 1,050.00
        3890. ÕÛ RW443-8, Nice lot of 6 diff Plate  BOOKLET pane of 18. VF, NH ..... 250.00                                ......................... Est 100.00+
         Blocks. VF, NH.................. 295.00  3932. Û COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893  UNITED STATES (CHINA):               3989. Ö Stampless cover with blue double
        3891. Ú RB2b-3b, F ................ 97.50  Admission Ticket. Has lovely design by  3949. ÕÛ K1, Right margin Plate #13318 Block  oval “WELLS, FARGO & Co. / EXPRESS /
        3892. Û RW4, Fresh, F-VF, NH ..... 300.00  ABNCo. Depicting a portrait of Christopher  of 6. F-VF, NH, stains on 4 perfs .... 600.00  SACRAMENTO” strike dated 2 Mar 1853 to
                                      Columbus. VF .............. Est 100.00+  3950. ÕÛ K3, Left margin Plate #8906 Block  San Francisco. F-VF .......... Est 85.00+
                                     3933. Û COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893  of 6. F, 5 stamps are NH .......... 675.00        3990. Ö Stampless 1858 Trans-Atlantic folded
                                      Admission Ticket. Has lovely design by  3951. ÕÚ K6, Used block with neat cancels. F.  3965. Ú 12, F-VF, light cancel....... 400.00  ship letter with New York/3/19 Oct CDS, to
                                      ABN Co. depicting the portrait of GEORGE  Scarce....................... 1,100.00     Nantes, France (2 Nov b/s). Has black “8" m/s
                                      WASHINGTON. VF.......... Est 100.00+  3952. ÕÛ K8, Right margin Plate #10788  UNITED STATES (HAWAII):  rate; E.T. UNIS. SERV. Br. A.C./ ship cancel,
                                     3934. Û Engraved b/w 19th Century print  Block of 6. F-VF, DG ............. 625.00  3966. Û 12, 16, 26, Three diff high quality  Paris transit & Paris to Bordeaux RPO cancel.
                                      (7.25 x 10 inches) of PRESIDENT ANDREW  3953. Ú K10, F................... 140.00  forgeries. F-VF (Genuine Cat $16,200).  Written in French regarding trade in sardines.
                                      JACKSON along with his printed signature.               Good reference items ......... Est 75.00+  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+
                                      This was taken from A. Chappel Daguerreo-              3967. Ú 43, F-VF, SON magenta KOLOA,  3991. Ö Stampless Cross-Border cover with
                                      type & published by Johnson Fry &                       KAUAI CDS cancel, small tear & thin at top.  black Brooklyn, NY 23 Nov circa 1858 CDS
                                      Company. Publisher’s in New York. VF ...                A beautiful cancel!............ Est 50.00+  to St. Catharines, CW red 25 Nov b/s. Has 10
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+                                               black hammer rate; exchanged at Lewiston,
                                     3935. Û Beautiful b/w engraved print on card                                          NY where “UNITED STATES / 6d” 2-line h/s
                                      (6 x 9.5 inches) of PRESIDENT ANDREW                                                 was applied. F ............... Est 40.00+
                                      JACKSON with his printed signature. The                                             3992. Ö Stampless cover with blue green
                                      portrait was drawn from life & engraved by                                           “WELLS, FARGO & Co.’s EXPRESS / S. FR
                                      J.B. Longacre. VF ........... Est 250.00+                                            Co. 11 / July” 1860 2-ring cancel & “PAID”
                                     3936. Ú Engraved b/w 19th Century print                                               in oval h/s to New York. F, slightly reduced,
                                      (5.5 x 9 inches) entitled “PRESIDENTS OF                                             mounting traces.............. Est 65.00+
                                      THE UNITED STATES”. Depicts portraits  3954. Ú K16, Scarce $2 on $1, lovely         3993. Ö Stampless 1873 Trans-Atlantic
                                      of Washington, Lincoln, Jackson & Johnson  rich colour on fresh paper, F-VF, lightly  ship folded letter with New York/4/Br.
                                      along with The Capitol & an allegorical figure  cancelled ..................... 750.00
         3893. Û RW6, Plate Number single. VF,  sitting on a cannon. Engraved expressly for                                Transit 27 Aug cancel, to Bordeaux, France.
          stamp is NH .................. 250.00+                                                                           Carried aboard steamer “MINNESOTA” via
                                      Abbott’s Lives of the Presidents. F, some age                                        England. Has “GB / 2F” h/s & London, Calais
        3894. Û RW7, Plate Number single, VF, NH .  stains / soiling .............. Est 150.00+                            & Paris to Bordeaux transits. F-VF ........
         ............................. 250.00+  3937. Ú Election advertising card circa 1918                               .......................... Est 150.00+
        3895. Û RW16, VF, NH............. 70.00  for ARTHUR CAPPER who was seeking the                                    3994. Ö Stampless 1874 Trans-Atlantic folded
        3896. Ú RW18, RW23-9, RW32, Each affixed  Republican nomination for Senator of Kansas                              ship letter written in French with San Fran-
         on individual Hunting Licenses from Illinois  which he ultimately won & served for 30 years                       cisco 1 July CDS to Jarnac, France. Has
         from 1951-65. F-VF (9 diff)......... 115.00  from 1919-49. Has his photo & signature. VF
        3897. ÕÛ RW41-2, Plate Blocks. VF, NH ..  ........................... Est 50.00+                                   “GB / 2F” h/s & New York, London & Calais
         .............................. 137.50  3938. Ú Cancelled 1925 check from             3968. Û R11S, Scarce $1 Dark Blue  transits. F-VF............... Est 150.00+
        3898. ÕÛ RW43, Block, VF, NH ..... 50.00  MRS. THOMAS EDISON (imprint) drawn           Revenue top margin single. Has red  3995. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard
        3899. ÕÛ RW46, RW51, RW53, Plate Blocks.  on Orange National Bank in Orange NJ, for    “SPECIMEN” overprint 15.5 mm, security  showing the LAST PLUNGE OF THE “USS
         VF, NH ........................ 160.00  $50. Has been signed by Mina M. Edison        punch, fresh, VF, NH. Has 2015 PSE Certifi-  MAINE” at Havana Cuba. The Maine was
        3900. Û RW46-7 (Singles), Also RW46 (Plate  (who was Thomas Edison’s 2nd wife). VF     cate. Scarce............... Est 350.00+  originally sunk in Havana Harbour in 1898
         Block), VF, NH ................... 75.00  ........................... Est 75.00+                                  & contributed to the outbreak of the Span-
        3901. ÕÛ RW49-54, Nice lot of 6 diff Plate  3939. Û Card autographed by WILLIAM H.   3969. Ö UX2, Unused 2¢ black postal card.  ish-American War. The ship lay at the
         Blocks. VF, NH.................. 360.00  ADAMS, Governor of Colorado, Denver, 14     F-VF ........................... 50.00  bottom of the harbour until 1911-12 when a
        3902. Û RW51, RW58, RW62, RW66-7,  Jan, 1930. He was Colorado’s 25 Governor          3970. Ö UX3, Unused 3¢ blue green postal  cofferdam was built around it. The hull was
         Beautiful lot of Plate Number singles. VF, NH  & first Governor to be elected to three consec-  card. F-VF ...................... 67.50  patched up & towed out to sea & sunk.
         .............................. 150.00  utive terms. VF .............. Est 50.00+                                  This postcard shows the final sinking. VF .
        3903. Ú RW54/RW70, MONTANA; 35/51,  3940. Û Set of 12 colour illustrated labels           There is never a         ........................... Est 60.00+
         Federal Duck Stamps & Montana Waterfowl  circa 1940’s promoting WEST VIRGINIA.                                   3996. Ö 9 (Strip of 3), Tied by Darien Conn 20
         stamps, matching issues tied on some  One depicts Governor M.M. Neely who  3955. ÕÛ K17, Top margin #11790 Plate  Buyer's Fee at  June circa 1852 CDS on cover to Woodstock,
         license. All different as to issue & license  served in this capacity three times. F-VF,  Block of 6. Beautiful fresh crisp colour. F-  NY (2 stamps have additional pen cancels).
         type. F-VF. Cat $270 (36 stamps).........  some have adhesions on reverse........  VF, NH. VERY SCARCE AS ONLY 200  Vance Auctions!  F, cover shows age, cancel strengthened.
         .......................... Est 100.00+  ........................... Est 45.00+  PLATE BLOCKS WERE PRINTED 1,750.00  Scarce franking ............. Est 100.00+
   51   52   53   54   55   56