Page 52 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 52

52 UNITED STATES Continued   3666. ÕÚ 11A, Scarce used block. Pale
                                      shade, neat grid cancels. F, very faint crease
                                      ............................ 1,000.00

                                     3667. Ú 17, Striking used 12¢ black Washing-
                                      ton with enormous margins including a
         3659. Û 2P1b, Die Proof on pink bond paper  sheet margin at right. XF, neat black CDS
          with cross hatching (27 x 37 mm). VF ....  cancel, small corner creases in the right
          ............................ 1,250.00  selvedge only. Has 2006 PSE Certificate
                                      graded “XF 90" ............. Est 650.00+

                                                                 3709. Û 112P4-122P4, Beautiful fresh cpl set of 1869 Plate Proofs on card to 90¢ Lincoln. XF. A beautiful set! ................. Est 1,250.00+

         3660. Û 3, Attractive four margin single of the
          5¢ Red Brown, excellent colour. VF, very
          faint facial mark. Scarce .... Est 1,000.00+

                                     3668. Ú 27, Attractive used BRICK RED                                                3706. Ú 95, VERY THIN PAPER VARIETY of
                                      shade of 5¢ Jefferson. F-VF, black & red                                             the 5¢ Jefferson with F Grill. F, fancy cork
                                      cancels. Has 1998 Philatelic Foundation                                              cancel. Has 2019 PSE Certificate graded
                                      Certificate ................... 1,700.00                                             “F-70"......................... 900.00

                                                                                              3700. Ú 84, Scarce “D” Grill, excellent colour,
         3661. Û 3P4, Plate Proof on card, crisp                                               cork cancel. VG-F. Has 1995 Philatelic
          colour, four margins, VF...... Est 250.00+                                           Foundation Certificate. A NICE EXAMPLE
                                                                                               OF THIS SELDOM OFFERED STAMP ...
                                                                 3679. ÕÛ 68, Scarce unused block, bright  ........................... 5,250.00
                                                                  vivid colour with crisp impressions,
                                                                  misperforated resulting in the adjoining
                                                                  stamps showing at left, VG+, NG, couple
                                                                  minute corner creases. Has 1985 Philatelic
                                                                  Foundation Certificate. Cat $5,500 .......
                                                                   ....................... Est 2,000.00+                  3707. Û 96, Scarce & fresh mint 10¢ yellow
                                     3669. Ú 28, Fresh used 5¢ Jefferson, lightly  3680. Ú 68, Attractive used 10¢ green Wash-  green Washington with F Grill. F, OG, LH.
                                      cancelled, excellent colour. F-VF. Has 2007                                          Has 1991 & 2014 Philatelic Foundation
                                      APS Certificate which notes a nibbed perf  ington. VF, black open grid cancel. Has 2022  Certificates................... 2,500.00
                                      (which is of a real minor nature) . 1,050.00+  William T. Crowe Certificate . . . Est 125.00+
                                                                 3681. Ú 68, 68a, Each with fancy cork cancel.
                                                                  VG+ .......................... 150.00

         3662. Û 11-E4d, 3¢ Washington Essay in
          black by Gavit & Co., on white glazed paper,
          second state (38 x 40 mm), XF .... 850.00                                           3701. Û 85B, Scarce unused Z Grill Black
                                                                                               Jack, excellent colour, crisp impression. F,
                                     3670. Û 30, Handsome mint 5¢ orange                       NG. Has 1994 Philatelic Foundation Certifi-  3708. Ú 96, Striking used 10¢ green
                                      brown Jefferson. F-VF, fresh colour, OG.  3682. Ú 69, Attractive used 12¢ black Wash-  cate ........................ 8,000.00  Washington with F Grill. VF, great black
                                      Has 1977 Philatelic Foundation Certificate .                                         segmented circle cancel. Has 2013 PSE
                                      ............................ 1,200.00  ington. VF, neat target cancel. Has 2013      Certificate................. Est 400.00+
                                                                  PSE Certificate graded “VF 80" Est 150.00+
                                     3671. Ú 33, VF, small flaws. Has 1987 Phila-                                         3710. Û 113 (2 diff shades), VG-F, NG, some
                                      telic Foundation Certificate......... 190.00  3683. Ú 71, VG-F................. 250.00  short perfs ..................... 380.00
                                                                 3684. Ú 71, Fancy cork cancel. VG-F . 250.00
                                     3672. Ú 35, F-VF .................. 55.00                                            3711. Û 113, Has guideline arrow at UL. F,
                                                                 3685. Ú 71, F+, couple short perfs.... 250.00             light crease..................... 500.00
                                                                 3686. Û 73, VG+, OG ............. 350.00

         3663. Û 11-E4d, 3¢ Washington Essay in
          scarlet by Gavit & Co., on white glazed                                                                         3712. Û 115, F, OG, scarce ...... 2,600.00
          paper, second state (64 x 59 mm), XF 850.00
                                     3673. Ú 36, Fresh used 12¢ black Washing-
                                      ton. F-VF, black town cancel, small corner
                                      crease at the bottom right. Has 2022 Crowe  3687. Û 73, Fresh mint 2¢ black Jackson.
                                      Certificate ..................... 325.00  F, OG, reperfed at left. Has 2020 Crowe  3702. Û 85B, Rare mint 2¢ Black Jack
                                                                  Certificate ..................... 350.00  with Z Grill. Nice colour, fresh appearance,
                                                                                               couple nibbed perfs. F, OG. Has 1980
                                                                 3688. Ú 73, Tied on piece by New York CDS  Philatelic Foundation Certificate .......
                                                                  & cork cancel. VG-F............... 70.00  .......................... 20,000.00
                                                                 3689. Û 73TC3j, Imperf Trial Colour Plate
                                                                  Proof in gray black on India paper. Large
                                                                  margins, VF .................... 250.00
                                                                                                                          3713. Û 115, Unused single, bright fresh
                                                                                                                           colour, crisp impression. VF, NG. Has 2023
                                                                                                                           Philatelic Foundation Certificate (Mint Cat
                                                                                                                           $2,600 US) .............. Est 1,000.00+
                                                                                                                          3714. Ú 115, F ................... 225.00
                                     3674. Û 37, F-VF, NG. Has 1984 Philatelic
                                      Foundation Certificate............ 500.00
                                     3675. Ú 63, Horiz used pair with nice bright
                                      colour & neat CDS cancel. F-VF ........
                                      .......................... Est 100.00+
                                                                 3690. Ú 75, Attractive used 5¢ red brown
                                                                  Jefferson. VF, portion of Boston large PAID
                                                                  cancel. Has 2015 Philatelic Foundation
                                                                  Certificate................. Est 450.00+
                                                                                                                          3715. Ú 115, Fresh used 6¢ ultramarine
                                                                 3691. Ú 76, VG-F................. 115.00                  Washington. VF, black cork cancel. Has
                                                                 3692. Ú 77, VG-F, some short perfs . . 190.00  3703. Ú 85E, Scarce Z Grill, neat black cork  2020 Crowe Certificate ...... Est 200.00+
                                                                 3693. Ú 77, VG-F................. 175.00  cancel. VG-F, excellent colour, 2 short
                                                                 3694. Ú 77, Blue cork cancel. VG-F, couple  perfs at bottom do not detract. 2023 PSE  3716. Ú 117, F, lightly cancelled ..... 130.00
                                                                  short perfs ..................... 205.00  Certificate ................... 2,250.00
                                                                 3695. Ú 78, VG-F, a few nibbed perfs . 400.00
                                                                 3696. Ú 78a, Neat fancy cork cancel, VG-F ..
                                                                  .............................. 425.00
                                     3676. Û 65, Attractive mint 3¢ rose Washing-
         3664. Û 11-E8b, Coll of 3¢ Washington  ton. VF, slightly disturbed OG. Has 2002  3697. Û 79, Perforated Essay of the 3¢ Wash-
          Essays by Draper, Welsh & Co. on bond                   ington, grilled with gum. VG+ . . . Est 65.00+
          paper with all 5 diff colours. Usual printing  Philatelic Foundation Certificate .........  3698. Û (79), Lot of 4 diff imperf Lowenberg
          smudges in margins, XF ........ 1,500.00  ......................... Est 175.00+  Essays on gummed onion skin paper in or-
                                     3677. Ú 67, OVER-INKED “FLOODED PLATE”  ange, violet, blue & black. VF, NH Est 90.00+
                                      variety, F-VF. An interesting item ........
                                      ........................... Est 35.00+
                                                                                                                          3717. Ú 117, Attractive used 12¢ green S.S.
                                                                                                                           Adriatic. VF, black segmented cork cancel.
                                                                                                                           Has 2020 Crowe Certificate. Graded “VF-80"
                                                                                                                           ......................... Est 200.00+
                                                                                              3704. Ú 86, Attractive example of used 1¢  3718. Ú 119, F ................... 200.00
                                                                                               blue Franklin with E Grill. VF, brilliant colour,
                                                                                               neat cork cancel. Has 1987 Philatelic Foun-
                                                                                               dation Certificate ........... Est 600.00+

                                     3678. Ú 67b, Scarce 5¢ Olive Yellow,
         3665. Û 11-E8c, 3¢ Washington Essay by  nice distinctive colour, beautiful centering,  3699. Û 79-E35e, Vignette ESSAY of George
          Draper, Welsh & Co. in dark brown on ivory  light CDS cancel. VF, expertly repaired /  Washington in dark brown on white glazed  3719. Û 121-E1g, Die Proof on Ivory Paper
          glazed paper (44 x 53 mm). XF, trivial thin spot  reperfed at top (per Certificate). Has 2018  paper (37 x 43 mm). VF, shallow hinge thin.  3705. Ú 89, E-GRILL, lovely fancy Leaf cork  (about 64mm x 50mm) in black. VF. Scarce
          does not detract from this lovely item . 700.00  PSE Certificate. Cat $4,850 . . Est 900.00+  Scarce. Cat $2,000 ......... Est 500.00+  cancel. A great strike! F-VF ....... 350.00  ............................ 1,000.00
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