Page 54 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 54
54 UNITED STATES Continued 3774. Û 369, Bluish Paper. F, LH .... 150.00 3823. Û 839-51, Presidential Coils cpl in strips
3775. Û 373, Marginal vertical & horizontal of 4. VF, NH .................... 154.80
imperf pairs. VF .................. 85.00 3824. Û 843, 845, Coil Joint Line Pairs. F, NH
3776. Û 402, F.................... 70.00 ............................... 55.00
3777. Û 407, VF, LH ............... 70.00
3778. Û 412, Coil Pair, VF, NH. Nice! 130.00+
3779. Ú 412-3, F .................. 90.00
3780. Ú 412-3, Coils. F-VF .......... 90.00
3781. Û 420, VF ................. 115.00
3782. Û 428, F-VF, NH ............. 75.00
3783. Û 444, Paste-up Coil Pair. F, NH 240.00 3856. ÕÛ C18, Fresh 50¢ Zeppelin block,
3784. Û 447, Coil Pair. F-VF, NH .... 220.00 lovely centering, VF, NH......... 300.00+
3745. Ú 245, Attractive & fresh used $5 3785. Ú 447, Coil Pair. F ........... 375.00 3857. ÕÛ C22, Bottom Plate #21629 Block
3720. Ú 122, Fresh used carmine & black 90¢ Columbian. VF, neat New York double oval 3786. Û 498e, Booklet Pane with a MAJOR of 6. VF, NH ..................... 85.00
Lincoln. F, good colour, light black cancel. registry cancel. Has 1987 & 2013 Philatelic MISCUT variety. F-VF, NH ..... Est 45.00+ 3858. ÕÛ C32, LR 5¢ Airmail Plate Block
Has 2009 PSE Certificate & 2009 Philatelic Foundation Certificates the latter graded 3787. Û 508, Left margin Pl #5724 vertical signed in the selvedge by the designer,
Foundation Certificate .......... 2,000.00 “VF 80".................. Est 1,750.00+ strip of 3. F, NH ................. 75.00+ engraver & letterer. VF, LH ..... Est 90.00+
3746. Û 252, Left margin Plate #148 Imprint
strip of 3. VG-F, NH, natural offset on gum .
............................ 1,200.00 3825. Û 873, Top margin Plate Number
3747. Û 252, Left margin Imprint plate #142 single of the $5 America. Fresh, VF, NH...
strip of 3. About F, NH........... 1,400.00 ......................... Est 225.00+
3826. ÕÛ 909-21, Overrun Countries set
in UR corner blocks with each having a
COUNTRY NAME. VF, NH ..... Est 45.00+
3827. Û 1030-53, Liberty set to $5 (No
#1041B). VF, NH ................. 65.25
3828. ÕÛ 1053, $5 Hamilton LL Plate Block
3721. Ú 127, Scarce 10¢ yellow Eagle & #25367. VF, LH ................. 210.00 3859. Û C82a, Imperf line pair with a major
Shield 1875 RE-ISSUE. VF appearance, 3829. ÕÛ 1053, LR Plate Block of the $5 misperf. Fresh, VF, NH.......... 350.00+
segmented grid cancel, small corner crease Hamilton. Fresh, XF, NH ...... Est 200.00+ 3860. ÕÛ CE1-2, Three diff Plate Blocks of
at top right, a few small toned spots at left 3830. ÕÛ 1281, Block with MAJOR INK each. F-VF, NH ................. 109.50
& bottom. Has 2000 Philatelic Foundation SMEAR. VF, NH ............. Est 40.00+ 3861. ÕÛ CE2, Type 2 top margin Plate Block
Certificate.................... 1,800.00 3788. ÕÚ 524, Used block of the $5 Franklin. 3831. Û 1509, MAJOR COLOUR SHIFT. VF, #21493. F-VF .................... 80.00
NH ........................ Est 40.00+
F-VF ......................... 250.00 3862. Û E3, F, minor bend ......... 300.00
3832. Û 1555, Spectacular colour shift creating
3789. Û 547a, $2 Franklin, F........ 200.00 a DOUBLING EFFECT on the whole stamp. 3863. Ú E4, F-VF, SE ............. 110.00
3864. ÕÛ E7, Block, F, 3 stamps NH. 410.00
3790. Û 548, Left margin Plate 12419 vertical VF, NH..................... Est 50.00+ 3865. ÕÛ E7, Right margin Plate #4921 Block
strip of 3. F, NH .............. Est 35.00+ 3833. Û 1616a, Coil IMPERF PAIR. VF, NH . of 6. F, NH, couple pin-holes in selvedge,
3791. ÕÛ 567, Block of 6. F-VF, 4 stamps NH, .............................. 125.00 slight toning................... 1,500.00
light gum bends ................. 172.00 3834. ÕÛ 1763a, Se-tenant Owl block with
3748. Û 253TCIae, Type I TRIAL COLOUR 3792. Û 572, F.................... 55.00 MAJOR COLOUR SHIFTS resulting in a 3866. ÕÛ E7, Top margin Plate #4921 Block
of 6. F-VF, 5 stamps NH ......... 1,075.00
LARGE DIE PROOF in light red violet (73 x 3793. Û 573, $5 America, F, NH, light natural DOUBLING EFFECT of each bird. VF, NH .
73 mm) with full die sinkage. XF. This item gum bend ...................... 180.00 ........................... Est 75.00+
is listed but not priced in Scott. Est 500.00+ 3794. ÕÛ 576 (2 left margin Plate Blocks of 3835. ÕÛ 1841a, Horiz Se-tenant strip of
3749. Ú 259, VF................... 65.00 6), Incl yellow brown #16831 & pale yellow 10 of the 15¢ American Architecture. The
3750. Ú 260, VG-F................ 140.00 brown #16870. VF, NH............. 90.00 left 2 stamps have all / virtually all the RED
3795. Ú 579, F, couple nibbed perfs . . 140.00 OMITTED ERROR, while some others show a
3796. ÕÛ 615, Bottom Plate #15766 Block of transition of red missing. Fresh, VF, NH. Has
6. VF........................... 60.00 2003 APS Certificate. A VERY INTERESTING
3797. ÕÛ 620, LL imprint block of 12 of the 2¢ VARIETY .................. Est 400.00+
Norse, with “C.V. DeB” in red & black arrow. 3836. Û 1894, Vertical strip of 3 showing a
F-VF, NH ....................... 72.00 progressive DRY INK variety. VF, NH .....
3798. ÕÛ 620, Plate Block of 8 with 2 Plate ........................... Est 45.00+
#’s & arrow. F-VF, NH ............ 275.00 3837. Û 2005a, Imperf Pair, VF, NH . . . 70.00
3799. ÕÛ 621, Block. VF, NH ....... 76.00 3838. Û 2047, Major colour shift resulting a
3722. Û 146-E7a, 2¢ Jackson N.B.N.C. 3800. Û 622, Two diff distinct shades, VF, NH blurry effect of the image & lettering. VF, NH
ESSAY in smoky deep red violet on India ........................... Est 45.00+ ........................... Est 40.00+
paper, on card (44 x 45 mm). This was an 3801. ÕÛ 648, Hawaii 5¢ Block, VF, NH. Nice! 3839. Û 2279a, IMPERF PAIR. VF, NH 60.00
unadopted design with high stiff collar. VF, ............................... 86.00
very faint soiling. Cat $1,000 . . Est 450.00+ 3802. Û 656, Coil Pair. F, NH ........ 45.00
3803. Û 656, Coil Joint Line Pair. F-VF. 55.00
3723. Ú 149, F ................... 100.00 3804. Û 656, Coil strip of three. VF, NH ....
3724. Ú 151, F ................... 200.00 .............................. 60.00+
3725. Ú 151, Nice blue Cleveland CDS cancel. 3805. Û 658-68, Kansas set, F-VF . . . 216.25
F-VF .......................... 225.00 3806. Û 666, F, NH ............... 145.00 3867. ÕÛ F1, Right margin Plate Block of 6,
fresh colour, F, NH, natural gum bends. Cat
3807. Û 669-79, Nebraska set. F-VF, 7¢ is NH $2,500 ................... Est 600.00+
.............................. 269.75
3808. Û 680, Cpl mint sheet (folded) of 100 3868. Û J3, F, NG ................ 100.00
3751. ÕÛ 262, Scarce mint block of the $2 with top & left margin Plate Blocks #19829. 3869. Ú J19, Horiz left margin strip of 3 with
Madison. Immaculate colour, fresh, F, OG, F-VF, NH (one stamp hinged) ..... 152.00+ guide arrow at left. VG-F, centre stamp light
some sensible perf reinforcement of a minor 3809. ÕÛ 704-15, Washington blocks, fresh, crease ........................ 105.00
nature. A RARELY SEEN BLOCK. Cat mostly VF, all NH ................ 123.00 3870. ÕÛ J52a, Scarce Postage Due block.
$12,500 US.............. Est 3,500.00+ 3810. Û 720b, Booklet Pane. F-VF, NH 60.00 F+, NH. Has 2007 PSE Certificate. . 920.00+
3752. Û 283Pi, Large Type II 10¢ Webster 3811. ÕÛ 766-7, Crossed Gutter Blocks. VF 3871. ÕÛ J99, Block with “50 CENTS”
DIE PROOF (84 x 92 mm) die sunk directly ............................... 50.00 MISPLACED to the left. An eye-catching
on card. VF. Scott lists the Type II large die 3812. ÕÛ 816/833, Lot of 14 diff Presidential variety. VF, NH.............. Est 50.00+
proof only on India paper but the 1898 issue mint Blocks up to $2. F-VF, NH ..... 162.20 3840. Û 2835, IMPERFORATE 40¢ World 3872. Û O3, F, NH, some minor soiling 450.00
Cup Soccer with black omitted sheet margin
is known both ways. VF ........... 800.00 3813. ÕÛ 832, $1 Wilson top margin arrow pair with Plate Number, printer’s waste. VF, 3873. Ú O22, Fresh used 24¢ Interior Official.
3726. Û 153, Attractive example with fresh, 3753. Û 286, Top Margin Plate #684 Pair. block with centre line & two diff plate numbers. NH. Has 2015 PSE Certificate. A SCARCE F-VF, cork cancel. Has 2019 PSE Certificate
........................... Est 35.00+
VF, NH..................... Est 40.00+
strong colour, F, OG, bit of gum loss along VG-F, NH ...................... 160.00 3814. Û 832-4, Presidential High Values up & SELDOM SEEN ITEM. 2015 PSE 3874. Û O23, UR corner single. Fresh, VG-F,
left side. Has 2023 Philatelic Foundation 3754. Û 286, Horiz pair with Plate #673 & to $5 in matching UR corner imprint singles. Certificate................. Est 600.00+ NH, natural gum skip. A pretty item . . 625.00
Certificate.................... 1,700.00 Imprint. F ................... Est 60.00+ F-VF, stamps are NH ........ Est 100.00+ 3875. Û O58S, “SPECIMEN”. VG-F, NG 90.00
3755. Û 286, Horiz pair with Plate #674 & 3841. ÕÚ 2842, Used corner block of the
3727. Ú 153, Neat cork cancel. VG-F . 225.00 Imprint. F, NH................... 160.00 3815. ÕÛ 833, $2 Harding top margin Plate $9.95 Moon Landing. VF, neat CDS cancels
3728. Ú 155, Nice 90¢ Perry, Neat Star cork 3756. Û 287, F, NH ............... 330.00 Block with 2 diff numbers & centre line. F-VF, ............................... 64.00
cancel. F-VF.................... 350.00 3757. Ú 288-90, VF. Nice examples . . 107.50 LH............................. 85.00 3842. Û 3895m, Cpl se-tenant Lunar New Year
3729. Û 156, F-VF................ 200.00 3758. Û 289, VF, VLH ............. 140.00 3816. ÕÛ 833, Top margin Arrow Plate Block sheet of 24 (printed on both sides). Has DIE
3730. Ú 166, Perry 90¢. VG+........ 325.00 3759. Ú 291, F ................... 175.00 with 2 Plate Numbers. VF. Stamps are NH . CUTTING MISSING on “a”, “b” & “c” on re-
3731. Ú 190, Numeral “5" target cancel. VG-F ........................... Est 80.00+ verse side. Fresh, VF, NH. Has 2014 PSAG
............................... 90.00 3817. ÕÛ 833, $2 Harding left margin block Certificate. A RARE ITEM! ...... 1,100.00+
3732. Û 205, F................... 240.00 with Arrow, two Plate Numbers & centre line. 3843. Û BK148, Eagle Booklet. VF, NH (Face
3733. Û 212, Top sheet margin horiz strip of 9 VF, NH..................... Est 80.00+ $32.25 US)...................... 65.00
with full Plate #719 Imprint. Fresh, F, seven 3818. ÕÛ 833, Top margin Plate Block of 12 3844. Û C2, Top Plate Number strip of 3.
stamps are NH. A PRETTY SHOWPIECE . (2 numbers & “TOP” & guide arrows in green Fresh, F-VF, NH, minor bit of separation ...
............................ 2,210.00 & black). VF, NH, slight natural gum bends . .............................. 390.00
3734. Û 217, F, jumbo wing margin, tiny thin. .......................... Est 200.00+ 3845. ÕÛ C4, Fresh block. VF, bottom
Cat $300 ................... Est 50.00+ 3819. ÕÚ 833, Two used blocks of the $2 stamps are NH. Lovely fresh colour. Nice .
3735. Û 218P1, Gorgeous hybrid LARGE Harding. One is normal, other centre line. VF ............................. 105.00+
DIE PROOF of 90¢ Perry in purple on ............................... 50.00 3846. Û C4-5, F, NH .............. 155.00
India sunk on card. (3 x 3.7 inches). VF .. 3820. Û 833-4, $2 & $5, VF, LH ...... 91.00 3847. Û C5, F+, NH............... 120.00
............................ 1,100.00 3760. Û 292, One Dollar Cattle in Storm, 3821. Û 834, $5 Coolidge bottom margin 3848. ÕÛ C6, Fresh Block. F, NH . . . 520.00
3736. Û 229, F, tiny hinge thin. Cat $475.... rich colour, nicely centered, VF, NG, couple centre line pair. VF, NH....... Est 150.00+ 3849. ÕÛ C7-9, Well-centered blocks, VF, NH
........................... Est 75.00+ tiny thins.................. Est 500.00+ (C7 natural gum bends) ............ 85.00 3876. Ú O68, $2 State Department, F-VF,
3737. Û 230, 232, F+, NH .......... 130.00 3850. ÕÛ C8-9, Top margin Plate Blocks cork cancel, some slight creases. Has 2024
3738. ÕÛ 230-6, Columbians from 1¢-8¢ all of 6. VF, NH, one stamp with tiny stain 90.00 Crowe Certificate. Very scarce stamp.....
in fresh mint blocks. F-VF, 4 stamps hinged, 3851. Û C10a, Airmail Booklet Pane. F, NH . ............................ 3,000.00
rest are all NH. A NICE LOT OF THESE .............................. 115.00
POPULAR ISSUES............. 2,699.00
3739. ÕÛ 233, Block, F, NH, paper a bit toned
.............................. 600.00
3740. Û 233, VF .................. 55.00
3741. Û 237, F.................... 95.00
3761. Û 293S, Two Dollar Omaha with
“SPECIMEN” overprint. Beautifully centered,
fresh rich colour, VF, ungummed. Has 2016 3852. Ú C14, Gorgeous used $1.30 Zeppelin
APS Certificate ........... Est 1,000.00+ extremely well centered within four large
margins. VF-XF, neat slogan cancel. Has
3762. Û 296, UPWARD SHIFT of the central 2021 Philatelic Foundation Certificate
vignette. F .................. Est 75.00+ graded “VF-XF 85" .......... Est 600.00+
3763. Û 297, F+, NH .............. 180.00
3764. Û 299, F-VF................ 115.00
3766. Û 304, F, LH ................ 60.00
3742. Û 241, One Dollar Columbian. F+, 3767. Û 311, One Dollar. F, DG ..... 600.00
OG, tiny thin spot. Has 1987 Philatelic 3768. Û 327, F................... 125.00
Foundation Certificate .......... 1,000.00 3769. Û 327, F, NH ............... 300.00
3770. Û 358, Bluish Paper. F-VF, NH. 170.00
3771. ÕÛ 368, Left margin Plate #4976 Block
of 6. VF........................ 200.00
3772. Ú 368, Schermack Coil Pair, 2 mm 3877. Û O72-82, Cpl set of Treasury Officials
spacing. F...................... 120.00 3822. ÕÛ 834, $5 Coolidge top margin arrow from 1¢-90¢. Nice bright colours with F-VF
3773. Ú 368, 371, Imperf Pairs (#371 is a Line block with two Plate Numbers & centre line. 3853. Û C15, $2.60 Zeppelin, beautiful appearances, some small flts/gum prob-
Pair). VF........................ 92.50 Fresh, F-VF, 2 stamps are NH ..... 350.00 centering, fresh rich colour, VF, OG ...... lems. Cat $3,240 ........... Est 750.00+
......................... Est 750.00+
3878. Û O83, Fresh, VG-F, NH...... 850.00
3879. Û PR3, Spacefiller. Cat $400 ........
........................... Est 45.00+
3743. Û 241, Unused $1 Columbian, fresh
rich colour, lovely centering. VF, RG......
......................... Est 500.00+
3854. Û C18, Zeppelin 50¢ top margin
Plate Number single. Large jumbo mar-
gins, XF, NH, slight natural gum bends .. 3880. Û PR65, Scarce 36¢ Red Newspaper,
3744. Û 245, Five Dollar Columbian, nicely ......................... Est 175.00+ fresh robust colour, natural SE, F-VF, mount
centered, VF, sealed tear. Cat $2,400..... 3765. Û 303S-309S, Coll of 7 diff Bureau issues from 4¢-15¢ all overprinted “SPECIMEN”. Fresh, disturbed OG. Has 2024 Crowe Certificate
......................... Est 600.00+ F-VF (303S has NG, others with gum). Scarce................................ 1,050.00 3855. ÕÛ C18, Block. F, NH. Has 2016 PSE ............................ 1,000.00
Certificate...................... 300.00