Page 50 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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50     TRISTAN DA CUNHA:                                      UNITED NATIONS (GENEVA):  3594. Ú AR46, VG+ ................ 75.00  3648. Ú 12a, Period after “ZULULAND” tied by
        3513. Û 13-27, F-VF ............... 58.50                                            3595. Û B1-2, Cpl semi-postal set, well  neat Eshowe 22 De, 92 cancel. VF . . . 97.50
        3514. Û 14-27, F-VF, NH ........... 96.90                                             centred, fresh colours. VF, B1 is NH, B2  3649. Ú 14-20, F-VF .............. 100.50
        3515. Û 14a/34a, Two diff QE 1958-60 ex-                                              has “SPECIMEN” overprint .... Est 175.00+  3650. Ú 21, F-VF ................. 115.00
         ploded 3Sh 6d Booklets. F-VF, NH (SG #’s                                            3596. Û B3, VF .................. 175.00
         SB2 - 3 - £100) .............. Est 75.00+                                           3597. Û B4, VF, tiny facial scuff ..... 325.00
        3516. Û 28-41, QE set to 10 Sh. F-VF . 76.25                                         3598. Ú F1, VF................... 225.00  United States
        3517. Û 28-54, VF, LH ............ 145.75                                                    VIET NAM (NORTH):
        3518. Û 42-54, QE set to 1Rand F-VF . 69.50                                          3599. Û 28-31, Gov’t in Hanoi set. F-VF, NH
        3519. Ö 58, Tied on 1963 cach cover for the                                            .............................. 257.50
         RETURN OF THE ISLANDERS with boxed                                                          VIET NAM (SOUTH):
         “VOYAGE OF M.V. BORNHOLM OCTOBER -                                                  3600. ÕÛ M2, Imperf Proof Block on thick
         NOVEMBER 63" h/s. Cover has been signed                                              paper with INSCRIPTIONS MISSING. VF,
         by 7 diff islanders & headmen. VF Est 65.00+                                         signed ..................... Est 85.00+
        3520. Ö 71-83, Set to the 5Sh tied by 17 Feb                                                 VIRGIN ISLANDS:
         1965 CDS’s on large size cach FDC. F, some                                          3601. ÕÚ 7, One Shilling Forgery used block.
         edge wear. Attractive. Unaddr. . . Est 45.00+                                        F-VF....................... Est 50.00+
        3521. Ö 141-52, Cpl QE set to 50p tied by  3551. Û 15, Rare mint example of this     3602. Û 14, VF ................... 50.00
         Tristan Da Cunha 14 Feb 1971 CDS’s on  tremendously difficult stamp. Lovely rich    3603. Û 19, Cpl mint sheet of 24 of the 1d
         FDC. VF, unaddr ............. Est 45.00+  colour on fresh paper & possessing full    carmine. F-VF, selvedge & one stamp LH,
        3522. ÕÛ 162-73, Corner Imprint Blocks to  OG. F-VF, LH. Has been pencil signed by    others NH. Rarely seen in a full sheet 96.00+
         the £1. VF, NH ................... 98.60  experts A. Diena & Sismondo, & has a      3604. ÕÛ 19, Top margin block of 6. The UR
        3523. ÕÛ 202-33, Bird set to £2 in Gutter  2006 Sismondo Certificate. A VERY RARE     stamp has “Hemline” variety. VF, NH Est 50.00+
         Pairs & Imprint Blocks. VF, NH ...... 78.00                                                                      3651. Û 9X1, Unused 5¢ black New York
                                      CLASSIC STAMP (Sassone #15, Cat                        3605. Û 38-46, KGV set to 5Sh. F-VF. 147.50
                                      20,000 Euro) ................ 12,500.00                3606. Û 76-85, 102-13, F-VF ....... 100.30  Postmaster Provisional. F-VF, nearly four
                                                                                             3607. Û 88-127, F-VF, some NH..... 177.15  margins, NG. Has 1983 Philatelic Founda-
                                     3552. Ú 15, F .................... 300.00               3608. Û 115-27, QE set to $4.80, F-VF, LH .  tion Certificate ................ 1,500.00
                                     3553. Ú 20b, VG ................. 220.00  3568. Û 30-1, Disarmament Decade set  ............................... 98.85
                                     3554. Ú 22, Rare 80 Centesimi pale red brown.  of vertical sheet margin IMPERFORATE  3609. Û 144-58, QE set to $2.80. F-VF, NH .
                                      F. Has guarantee b/s............ 1,500.00  PRINTER’S PROGRESSIVE PROOF  ............................... 84.95
                                                                  PAIRS, pristine fresh, XF, NH. Each pair
                                               TUVALU:            with 1996 Gaines Certificate . . Est 225.00+  3610. Û 490-508, Bird set to $5. VF, NH 60.00
                                     3555. ÕÛ Coll of 8 diff IMPERFORATE                     3611. Û 490-508, 494a-507a, Bird sets, VF,
                                      se-tenant blocks of the Prince Andrew &  URUGUAY:       NH ........................... 100.00
                                      Sarah Ferguson 1986 Royal Wedding issue  3569. Û 627 (DOUBLE SURCHARGE), 627a  3612. SSÛ 518, Unlisted IMPERF Queen
                                      (Tuvalu & 6 diff island issues). VF (32 stamps)  (SURCHARGE INVERTED), F-VF, NH. Nice  Mother souvenir sheet with MISSING SILVER
                                      ........................... Est 60.00+  errors ...................... Est 50.00+  INSCRIPTIONS error. VF, NH . . Est 65.00+
         3524. Ö Gr. Britain #159, Tied by Tristan Da
                                                                          VATICAN CITY:
          Cunha Cachet III on book post rated cover  TWO SICILIES:  3570. Û 30-1, F-VF, LH............ 120.00  3613. Û 532-4, QE 60th Birthday issues with
          circa 1921 to England. F, small edge tear in  3556. Ú 2 (2), 3 (11), Various shades & can-  BLUE COLOUR MISSING. Also has normals
                                                                                              for comparison. VF, NH........ Est 45.00+
          cover (SG #C3 - from £300). . . Est 225.00+  cels. VG-F, numbered in pencil on reverse .
                                      .............................. 229.00                      WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS:
        3525. Ö Gr. Britain #234, Tied by violet                                             3614. Û 159-64, Set of Imperf se-tenant
         TRISTAN DA CUNHA Cachet #VII on cover to                                             COLOUR TRIAL PROOF pairs. Lovely shell
         Canada, with Toronto 27 July 1938 Canadian                                           topicals. VF, NH (12 stamps) . . . Est 50.00+
         Corps Reunion slogan b/s. Redirected to Lon-                                               WESTERN AUSTRALIA:
         don, Ont. F+ (SG #C9) ....... Est 125.00+                                           3615. Ú 41, VG-F.................. 60.00
        3526. Ö Gr. Britain #’s 267-70, Tied by special                                      3616. Û 70, VF, LH ................ 90.00  3652. Û 1, Unused 5¢ Brown shade with
         TRISTAN DA CUNHA/EDINBURGH SETTLE-                                                           WURTTEMBERG:         four margins, crisp colour on fresh paper.
         MENT cachet on cover to England (with 23                                            3617. Ö 9, Tied by Stuttgart 5 Sept 1858 CDS  VF, NG, tiny corner crease. Has 2017 Phil-
         May 1951 m/s receiver). VF .... Est 125.00+                                          on cover to Geislingen. F ...... Est 35.00+  atelic Foundation Certificate. Cat $6,500 ..
        3527. Ö Unused cover with South Atlantic Map                                         3618. Ú 36-7, 39a, 39b, F, neat town cancels  ....................... Est 2,750.00+
         illustration & violet Cachet XII & Cachet XIII          3571. Û 35-40, Cpl surcharged set. F-VF,  .............................. 303.00
         strikes “RESETTLEMENT / SURVEY - 1962".                  each stamp has been signed by Alex  3619. Û 53, Forgery of the rare 70Kr imperf.
         F, bit soiled ................. Est 50.00+               Rendon & has his 1991 Certificate 1,560.00  VF, with some gum (Genuine Cat $1,750) ..
        3528. Ö Three unused 9d Postal Stationery                                             ........................... Est 40.00+
         Air Letters surcharged 4p in 1971. Surcharge                                        3620. Ú 55/71, Range of 18 diff up to 2 Mark.
         on each is in a DIFF COLOUR (Red, Violet,                                            F-VF .......................... 118.75
         Black). VF (3) ............... Est 50.00+                                           3621. Ö Unused postcard pre 1910 depicting
                   TUNISIA:                                                                   5 diff imperf Wurttemberg stamps in full colour
        3529. Û4,6,F................... 165.00                                                along with a crest. VF ......... Est 45.00+
        3530. Û 166, 169, 173, IMPERF. F-VF .....  3557. Û 13, Scarce classic stamp from              YUGOSLAVIA:
         ........................... Est 35.00+  Plate 3, four margins, excellent colour,    3622. Û 185-96, Se-tenant pairs, F-VF, NH .
        3531. Û B3-11, F-VF, one low value NG ....  fresh, F-VF, OG. Has 2020 APS Certificate  ............................... 60.00
         .............................. 280.50  ........................... 4,350.00
                                                                                             3623. Û 290-3, 316-22, 335-7, 355-7, 491-5,
                                                                                              F-VF, NH ...................... 144.40
                                                                                             3624. Û 393, VF, NH............... 50.00  3653. Ú 1, Tied by blue “5" in oval on piece
                                                                                             3625. Û 435-46, F-VF, LH.......... 127.20  with Baltimore, Md CDS alongside. F, pen
                                                                                             3626. Û 444-6, High Values. VF, NH . 119.25  notation at bottom of the piece. Has 1972
                                                                                             3627. SSÛ 447a, 615, 662a, 771, VF, most NH  APS Certificate ................. 565.00
                                                                                               ............................... 68.25
                                                                 3572. Û 41-6, Juridical Conference set.  3628. Û 452-77, Three diff sets incl Sealife,
                                                                  VG-VF, NH .................... 850.00  Olympics & Flowers. F-VF ......... 184.15
                                                                 3573. Û 41-6, F-VF ............... 176.50  3629. Û 509-24, F-VF (509-10 are NH). 50.85
                                                                 3574. Ú 45-6, VF .................. 80.00  3630. SSÚ C33, C33a, VF, neat CDS’s 210.00
                                                                 3575. Û 47-54, F-VF .............. 102.50  3631. Û C35, Vertical pair with “RAIN”
         3532. Û B12-9, Cpl surcharged set, F 345.75             3576. Û 149-53, F-VF, NH .......... 84.50  VARIETY. Vertical streaks of green give the
                                                                 3577. Ú C16, Lot of 23 copies of this better  appearance of rain falling over waterfalls on
        3533. Û B37-46, F-VF .............. 77.85                 Airmail. F-VF, lightly cancelled...... 230.00  this beautiful vertical pair. VF, NH Est 50.00+
        3534. Û B73, High Value. VF, NH.... 70.00+                                           3632. SSÛ C43, Airmail souvenir sheet. Fresh,
        3535. Û C20, VF, NH .............. 60.00                                              VF, NH, trivial gum bend .......... 175.00
        3536. Ú JA2, JA2a, JA3a, JA6a, VG-F+ 73.50                                           3633. Û J75-9, F-VF, VLH........... 65.75
        3537. Û JA9-12, JA14, JA16, JA19, JA24,  3558. Ú 27b, Rare 50g SLATE BLUE            3634. Û Interesting printer’s page (6 x 5  3654. Ú 1, Fresh colour, F-VF, face-free blue
         Also JA9a-11a, F-VF ............. 232.00                                             inches) with 5 red 1d Trial Proof Prints of unis-  circular grid cancel. Has 2024 Crowe Certifi-
        3538. Ú JA9-10, JA12-21, JA23, Also JA9a-  imperforate with four excellent margins,   sued stamps depicting King Alexander; plus 2  cate ..................... Est 600.00+
         20a, JA23a, VG-VF .............. 217.05  nice colour, neat Ancona CDS cancel. VF,    smaller size prints with bilingual imprint King-
                   TURKEY:            some minor creases which are partly                     dom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes. VF, attrac-
        3539. Ö 142, Tied on b/w UPU postcard from  strengthened. Has 1974 Philatelic         tive & unusual item ........... Est 50.00+
         Smyrna to Brownlee Sask Canada (very small  Foundation Certificate. A VERY SCARCE   3635. Ú Two diff sets of 1921 Falcon Federa-
         Western Canada town, with 8 Feb 1908 rec  CLASSIC STAMP ............ 11,250.00       tion Labels, printed by Post Office to honour
         cancel). Postcard shows a harbour scene in  UGANDA:                                  their meeting. Has 6 stamps in each set, each
         Smyrna with Customs House. VF Est 50.00+  3559. ÕÛ 155-8, Imperf Railway issue se-   with diff inscriptions & all tied on piece by neat
        3540. SSÛ 841, VF, NH, trivial corner bend .  tenant block. VF, NH .......... Est 45.00+  red cancels. F-VF (12 diff)..... Est 150.00+
         ............................... 75.00
        3541. SSÛ 915a, 933, VF .......... 135.00  UKRAINE:      3578. Û C16-17, Scarce Airmail set. F-VF,
        3542. Û 1051-4, 1054a, F-VF, NH (1054a  3560. Ö Russia #74, Tied by Kiev Mar 1912  NH........................... 602.50
         some gum toning) ............... 103.35  cancel on face of colour photo postcard to
        3543. Ú P25-9, Rare 1892 Newspaper Stamp  Melbourne Australia with German-American-  3579. Û C18-19, F, LH ............. 95.00
         set. F (P26 has creases). Uncertified & offered  Seapost/Bremen-New York transit. Card                           3655. Ú 1, Horiz pair with strong deep colour,
         ‘as is’ ........................ 2,050.00  depicts Orthodox church in Kiev. F, corner                             has bold blue “ALBY & BUFFALO SEP
        3544. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa  creases .................... Est 50.00+                              10" RAILROAD CANCELS. F-VF, very faint
         1930 depicting MISS TURKEY Naside Saffet  3561. ÚÛ Interesting coll of 40 diff classic /                          crease. Has 1972 Philatelic Foundation
         Hanim. VF .................. Est 50.00+  pictorial issues, primarily unused. We believe                           Certificate ............... Est 1,250.00+
        3545. Û Multi-coloured imperf 2À Lira revenue  these are fakes / forgeries / reprints. Fascinat-
         PROOF from 1953 depicting a TURKISH  ing reference lot............. Est 100.00+
         SOLDIER. Affixed on small card with printer’s  UNITED NATIONS (NEW YORK):
         notations. VF ............... Est 175.00+  3562. Ö 29, Two M/S’s Inscription Blocks
            TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS:  (2 diff cachets), tied on 1954 FDC’s. VF,
        3546. Û 121-35, QE set to the £1. VF. 138.35  unaddr. Each block cats $55 as mint (8  3636. Û Seldom offered set of 3 diff values
        3547. Û 578a-92a, Ships & Boats. Perf 14 set.  covers)..................... Est 75.00+  from the WWII 1942 Italian Occupation of
                                                                                               KUPA. This scarce set has “Zona Occupata
         VF, NH ......................... 60.00  3563. SSÛ 38, 38d, The two diff souvenir      Fiumano Kupa” overprint & additional “Pro
                TURKS ISLANDS:        sheets. VF, NH.................. 105.00                  Operal Nazionale Maternita e Infanzia” over-
                                     3564. SSÛ 38d, VF, NH ............ 55.00
         3548. ÕÛ 9, 11, Unused UR corner mar-                                                 print in changed colours. F-VF, NH. Sassone
          gin block of 15 of the Àd surcharge. The               3580. Û C20-1, Fresh, choice centering VF,  #39-41, Cat 3,000 Euro. Has 1990 Raybaudi
          top two rows are #11 & the bottom row is                NH ......................... 365.00+  Certificate. VERY SCARCE . . . Est 900.00+
          #9. Rich fresh colour, VF, NG. Rare Victo-                                         3637. Ö WWII Stampless POW card dated  3656. Ú 1, Attractive four margin example
          rian multiple showing two diff surcharged                       VENEZUELA:          14 Oct 1945 from a prison camp in Romania  with strong colour & a SON black seven-bar
          issues. See photo on Page 49. 2,950.00+                3581. Û 259-60, 262, 265, 268, Pairs with  to Italy. F, water stained, crease. Scarce ...  grid cancel. VF. Has 1981 Philatelic Foun-
                                                                  “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, NH, usual
                  TUSCANY:                                        printer’s punch holes .......... Est 50.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+  dation Certificate & 2021 APS Certificate ..
                                                                                                                           ......................... Est 700.00+
                                                                                                  YUGOSLAVIA (LJUBLJANA):
                                     3565. Û 234-5, Disarmament Decade  3582. ÕÛ 259-60, 262-3, 265, Five diff Bolivar  3638. Û 41, Cpl sheet of 100, VF, NH, folded
                                      horizontal IMPERFORATE PRINTER’S  blocks all with “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF,  ............................. 325.00+
                                      PROOF PAIRS, pristine fresh, XF, NH.  NH, usual printer’s punch holes . Est 85.00+
                                      #235 has a 1996 Gaines Certificate ......  3583. Ö 279-80 (with “GN” Official Perfins -  3639. Ö NB15-20, Tied by Ljubljana 14
                                      ......................... Est 250.00+  latter inverted). Tied on Official Reg’d cover  Sept 1944 bilingual CDS’s on unaddr
                                                                  addr to a diplomat with the Venezuela Delega-  postcard. Card has green illustration of
                                                                  tion in Washington DC 3 Aug 1932. Has gold  German soldiers reading mail from home.
                                                                  embossed corner card for the Secretary to the  VF. Stamps alone Cat $2,400 US. See
                                                                  President, & Official Postal h/s. F, centre fold,  photo on Page 49.........Est 650.00+
                                                                  missing back flap............. Est 90.00+
                                                                 3584. Ö 374, C98, Tied by Caracas Sep 1942  YUGOSLAVIA (TRIESTE):
                                                                  CDS on WWII Airmail cover to Germany. Re-  3640. Û RAJ3, Well centred, VF, NH . 240.00
                                                                  turned with USA Censor tape & “RETURN TO  ZANZIBAR:
                                                                  SENDER / SERVICE SUSPENDED” h/s. VF,  3641. Ú 15, F .................... 120.00
                                                                  slightly reduced .............. Est 45.00+              3657. Ú 1b, Right margin single of the
                                     3566. Û C11-12, Airmail set of  3585. Ú C77-8, F-VF ............... 87.50             ORANGE BROWN shade of 5¢ Franklin.
         3549. Ú 3, Attractive example with deep  IMPERFORATE PROOF PAIRS on stamp                                         XF, four large to enormous margins, neat
          colour, neat cancel. F. Has been signed  paper. Each with excellent margins, pristine                            black 7 bar circular grid cancel. Has 2022
          by Bloch & with 2006 Sismondo Certificate.  fresh. XF, NH. It is believed that only 25-50                        William T. Crowe Certificate. . . Est 800.00+
          A RARE CLASSIC STAMP...... 9,600.00
                                      pairs exist. Gaines Cat $950 . . Est 500.00+
                                                                 3586. Û C136-62, C206-17, C232-6, Plus ex-
                                                                  tra shades, all with red “SPECIMEN” over-
                                                                  prints & security punches. VF, NH. Normal
                                                                  stamps Cat $240 & these Specimens are  3642.Ú 24a, Rare example of the “ZANZIDAR”
                                                                  much scarcer (99) .......... Est 200.00+  overprint error. F, minor creasing & very
                                     3567. Ö UX6PD, Two 8¢ Postal Stat Cards                   slight soiling, circular datestamp. Has 1967
                                      each with perforated “SPECIMEN” & boxed  VICTORIA:       BPA Certificate. A scarce stamp . . 1,450.00
                                      “COLOUR & DIE PROOF/UN POSTAL  3587. Ú1,VF.................... 225.00  3643. Û J18-23, VF, NH ............ 61.75
                                      ADMINISTRATION. One with ”NOT"  3588. Ú 3a, F+, light hinge thin ...... 110.00
         3550. Ú 9, Rare 60 Crazie red Lion of  APPROVED notation apparently due to an  3589. Ú 15, Horiz pair, F, small back stain ..  3644. Ö Unused QV ½ Anna postal stationery
          Tuscany. F-VF, four close to large margins,  error in the Russian inscription. Each has  ............................... 90.00  envelope from 1895. VF (H&G #B1) Est 35.00+  3658. Ú 1c, Scarce RED ORANGE, neat red
          excellent deep colour, neat cancel. Has  been been signed by diff people & with red  3590. Ú 29-30, F-VF ............... 70.50  ZULULAND:  grid cancel, three large margins, F, tiny
          2017 APS Certificate. A WORLD CLASS  boxed with printing info on the reverse of  3591. Ú 78, F .................... 140.00  3645. Ú 1, 2 (3 shades), 3-6, 8, F-VF . 122.25  trivial thin, does not detract. Has 1998 PSE
          RARITY.................... 27,500.00  each. VF (2 cards) .......... Est 600.00+  3592. Û 148, F+, LH ............... 65.00  3646. Ú9,VF.................... 135.00  Certificate. A very rare stamp .... 8,500.00
                                                                 3593. Û 222, 225, Pairs, F-VF, NH .... 85.00  3647. Ú 10, VF................... 175.00
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55