Page 48 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 48
LOT 3347
LOT 3390
LOT 3177
RUSSIA Continued 3195. Û 250-2, Gutter pairs, VF, NH ....... SAN MARINO: 3323. Û 67-79, Also 70b, 72a, F-VF . . . 56.70
........................... Est 25.00+ 3246. Ú 7, F-VF .................. 115.00 3324. Û 89-105, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 110.45
3174. SSÛ (2926), Scarce 1961 Olympic IR 3196. Û B1-8, VF (B4-8 are NH)...... 96.50 3247. Ú 15, VG-F................. 125.00 3325. SSÛ 992-5, Battle of Trafalgar. VF, NH
souvenir sheet in GREEN. Fresh, VF, NH .. 3197. ÕÚ B74, Gutter block tied on piece by ............................... 42.50
.............................. 200.00 Saarbrucken 20 Apr 1950 CDS’s. VF 320.00 SOMALIA:
3175. Ö C27, C29, VF imperf Zeppelin singles 3198. Û C1-8, F-VF................ 86.00 3326. Û 51-60, F-VF .............. 102.00
on cach Reg’d Polar GRAF ZEPPELIN flight ST. HELENA: 3327. Û 164-9, C1-6, F-VF .......... 55.50
cover to the Icebreaker “Malygin”. VF, some 3199. Ö 37, QV Surcharge tied by St. Helena 3328. Û B1-4, VG-F, HH ........... 149.00
toning on cover reverse....... Est 200.00+
12 Jan 1900 CDS on #10 size Reg’d OHMS
cover via London to Manitoba Canada. Has
rec cancel & RPO plus 2 red wax seals on
reverse. VG+, some cover flts. A SCARCE 3277. Ú 27-8, Neat cancels, F ...... 347.50
VICTORIAN COVER......... Est 300.00+
3200. Ú 79, CLEFT ROCK variety. VF (SG 3248. Ú 22, Scarce 1 Lire Light Blue with
#97c, Cat £120).............. Est 80.00+ SON 1 Mar 1896 CDS. F+ ........ 750.00
3201. Û 80, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. VF 3249. Ú 24, Scarce 5 Lire. F ........ 450.00
(SG #98a, Cat £85) ........... Est 60.00+ 3250. Û 84-92, F-VF ............... 79.50
3202. Ö 140-50, Eleven diff QE issues neatly
tied by St. Helena 9 Ap, 1960 CDS’s on both
3176. Û C53-7, Cpl Zeppelin set, F-VF, OG, sides of an Airmail cover to England. Has
some minor offset on gum of C54 & C57. “UNION-CASTLE LINE” flag imprint on back
Scarce set..................... 517.50 flap. F, centre fold ............ Est 60.00+ 3329. Û CB01, Rare Airmail Semi-Postal
3203. Û 140-52, F-VF .............. 92.55 Official, bright colour, very fresh, XF, VLH.
3177. SSÛ C75a, VF, NH, some gum 3204. Û 159-72, F-VF .............. 73.10 Has 2022 Dr. H. Avi Certificate. Ex Porter
toning. See photo above........ 450.00 3205. Û 176/181, Cpl 1962 4Sh6d Booklet. VF, 3278. Ú 31-2, Neat cancels, F ...... 400.00 Venn (Sassone 3,250 Euro) ..... 2,950.00
NH (SG #SB1, Cat £55) ....... Est 35.00+ 3330. Ú J1, J6, VG-F .............. 172.50
3206. Û 489, Vertical top margin strip of 3, with 3279. Û 56, F..................... 80.00 SOMALI COAST:
the upper stamp with OVERPRINT OMITTED 3280. Û 71-2, High Values. F-VF .... 107.50
error. Fresh, VF, NH ......... Est 225.00+ 3281. Û B4-8, CB1, VF ............. 56.50
3207. Ö Unused b/w UPU postcard circa 3282. Ú J2, F-VF ................. 105.00
1905 with diff scenes incl the BOER WAR 3283. Ú French Colonies #55 with 5¢ sur-
PRISONER OF WAR “BROADBOTTOM 3251. Û 115-33, Cpl set to 20 Lire. F-VF, a charge Type e (unlisted); plus #24; Both tied
CAMP”. VF, corner pinhole ..... Est 70.00+ few bends, nice fresh colours...... 403.75 on piece by Dakar CDS’s. VG-F . Est 75.00+
3208. Û 63, Five Shilling, VF, LH ..... 92.50 3284. Û 31a, Scarce brown violet shade with
3209. Û 63, LL corner margin single of the right ‘0’ deformed. F, NG .......... 275.00
5 Shilling Caravel. Has monogram “1" in 3285. Û 87-97, VG-VF.............. 79.70
selvedge. Fresh, VF, NH...... Est 100.00+ 3286. Ú 1N1-21, F-VF ............. 126.45
3210. Û 79-87, F-VF .............. 102.25 3287. Ö IN1-21, Cpl set to 10 Kr tied by K.U.K.
3211. Û 58/63, Coll of 5 diff KE issues up to 5 1918 CDS’s on 3 unaddr covers. VF (stamps 3331. Ú 8-9, 11-17, Selected lot of imperfo-
Shilling all with SPECIMEN overprints. Fresh Cat $126).................. Est 100.00+ rates with full / huge margins, dated cancels.
3178. Û CO7, Consular Air Post Official colours, VF, most with OG .... Est 125.00+ 3288. Ö 2N2/2N35, Lot of four WWII Censored VF (#14 slight crease) ....... Est 150.00+
1200m on 2.25r surcharged stamp. This 3212. Û 76-81, KGV set to 5 Shilling. F-VF .. items incl 2 covers & 2 postal stat cards from 3332. Û 15, VF, large margins ....... 52.50
was printed for use on mail from the .............................. 144.70 various cities addr domestically, from 1942-4. 3333. Ú 33F, Superb example with huge mar-
Russian Embassy in Berlin to Moscow. XF, ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON: All with censor markings (4) .... Est 90.00+ gins, SON CDS cancel. XF ..... Est 75.00+
faintest trace of VLH. A CHOICE EXAMPLE 3213. Ú 11, 15, F .................. 87.50 SEYCHELLES: 3334. ÚÛ 34-48, Cpl set to 5 Francs. #41 has
OF THIS RARELY OFFERED & UNDER- 3214. Ú 15, 18, F (18 one rounded corner) .. 3252. Û 134-8, Post Office set. Fresh, F-VF. 3289. Ú A33, Mauritius #53 with neat grid “B64" inverted centre, VG-F............. 247.95
VALUED STAMP. Has been pencil signed .............................. 135.00 ............................. 463.50 cancel. F....................... 140.00 3335. ÚÛ 49-63, Cpl set to 5 Francs, VG-VF
by expert H. Block & with 1975 Friedl 3215. Û 36-8, 43-4, F .............. 91.50 3290. Ú A50, Mauritius #71 with light SON grid .............................. 172.10
Certificate & 2023 Buchsbayew Certificate 3216. Û 47-51, VG-F............... 69.50 “B64" cancel. F-VF ................ 75.00 3336. Û 50, 52, INVERTED CENTRES, F...
........................... 1,950.00+ 3217. Û 103-9, High Values. F-VF .... 98.50 3291. Û 173-90, QE set to the 10 Rupee. VF ........................... Est 50.00+
............................... 92.05
3179. ÚÛ USTSYSOLSK locals; primarily 3218. Û 159, High Value. F, LH ...... 85.00 3292. Û 198-212, F-VF ............. 72.30 3337. Û 62, INVERTED CENTRE error. F...
mint selection of 6 stamps circa 1885. F-VF, 3219. Û 172-204, Cpl set of 33 diff. F-VF ... SHANGHAI: ........................... Est 45.00+
some minor flaws............. Est 65.00+ ............................... 62.15 3293. Û 130-2, 134, VG-F........... 74.50
3180. Ö Unused postcard circa 1905 depicting 3294. Ú 160a, INVERTED OVERPRINT, VF,
Russian naval Admirals ALEKSEYEV & some short / pulled perfs. Scarce.... 150.00
MAKAROV who were major naval figures in SIERRA LEONE:
the Russo-Japanese War. Alekseyeu was 3295. ÕÛ 30, LR corner block of 6 with boxed
viceroy of the Russian Far East. The postcard “53" imprint. VF, minor bend .... Est 30.00+
has advertising for a chocolate company in 3296. Ö 64, Tied on KE 1/2d green postal stat
Paris. F .................... Est 65.00+ card from Freetown 1904 to BUDAPEST Hun-
3181. Ö Two diff unused b/w postcards circa 3253. Ú 134-8, Fresh colours, neat cancels, gary (rec CDS 28 Feb 1904). VF . Est 50.00+
1905 depicting Russian CZAR NICHOLAS & VF ........................... 340.00
his wife ALEXANDRA. VF (2) . . . Est 65.00+ 3254. Û 139-42, Electric Railway set, fresh,
3182. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1905 F-VF .......................... 126.50
showing a burned out Moscow building during
the 1905-7 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. At this 3220. Û 207-8, 209-12, 214-5. Fresh colours,
time a mass of social & political unrest began F-VF ......................... 689.00
to spread across Russia. F ..... Est 75.00+ 3221. Û 219-21, F-VF ............. 152.50
3183. Ö Unused postcard circa 1905 showing
a barricaded Moscow street during the 1905-7
RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. At this time a mass
of social & political unrest began to spread
across Russia. F ............. Est 75.00+
3184. Ö Unused b/w postcard showing the re-
mains of a burned out Moscow building during
the 1905-7 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. At this
time a mass of social & political unrest began 3255. Û 143-50, Garibaldi set to 5 Lire. VF,
to spread across Russia. F ..... Est 75.00+ fresh colours ................... 495.50
3185. Ö Two diff unused WWI Anti-German 3256. Û 172, 177, 179-80, Key values, F-VF 3338. Û 194-223, Fresh cpl set, F-VF, some
illustrated Patriotic / comic postcards. One .............................. 182.00 NH ......................... 316.60+
depicts Russian soldier with whip next to a 3222. Û 226, 228-9, 231-2, 235-6, 238-41, SARAWAK: 3339. Û 275-82, C32-4, C41, C44-9, VF ....
dog which has the Kaiser’s helmeted head; 243, 245-6, F-VF (#228 is NH) ..... 538.00 3257. Û 180-94, KGVI set to $5. F-VF, mostly .............................. 126.15
the other shows a couple sweeping the 3223. ÕÛ 238, Sheet margin overprinted NH ........................... 156.95 3340. Ú C20, VF .................. 50.00
Kaiser’s head away from a shattered statue. 3258. Ú 180-95, F-VF .............. 59.90 3341. Û C20-1, VF ................ 70.00
block of 20, fresh, VF, NH ......... 420.00
F-VF. Historic (2 diff) .......... Est 50.00+ 3224. Û C9-17, C19-20, VF......... 131.80 SAUDI ARABIA: SOMALILAND:
3186. Ö Two unused Patriotic b/w photo 3225. Û C25, VF, VLH............. 130.00 3259. Û L146, MISPLACED SURCHARGE. 3342. Û 96-107, F-VF, NH ...... Est 60.00+
postcards, circa 1962. Depict portraits of 3226. Û C35-9, VF ............... 113.75 F-VF....................... Est 35.00+ 3297. Û 153-65, Cpl Wilberforce set up to 3343. Û 116-26, F-VF .............. 55.95
Russian Cosmonauts PAVEL POPOVICH & 3260. Û L149-55, F, NH (L154 LH). . . 270.00 3344. Û 116-26, F-VF, NH ...... Est 60.00+
ANDRIYAN NIKOLAYEV. F-VF . Est 65.00+ 3227. Û C41-2, C44-6, C54, VF (C41-2 are 3261. Û L184, Vert Imperf Pair. VF, LH ..... One Pound, bright fresh colours, selected 3345. Û 128-39, F-VF, LH.......... 144.15
NH)........................... 214.00 centering, VF, LH.............. 1,209.00 3346. Û 128-39, VF, NH .......... 144.15+
RUSSIA (WENDEN): 3228. ÚÛ Coll of 12 diff Forgeries of early ........................... Est 40.00+ 3298. Û 195-207, F-VF ............. 65.35 SOUTH AFRICA:
3187. Ú L2, F, small flts ............ 240.00 issues, mint & used. VG-VF. Interesting refer- 3262. Û 24, VG-F ................. 50.00 3299. ÕÛ 237-9, Corner blocks to £1. VF, NH
3188. Û L4, L8-9, F-VF (L4 NG) ..... 113.50 ence lot .................... Est 50.00+ 3263. Û 45, Also 49 used. VG-F ...... 90.00 ............................... 62.00 3347. Ö 31, Horiz 5 Shilling pair tied by
3189. Û L12, Imperforate pair, large margins, 3229. Ö Coll of 6 diff b/w postcards circa 1908 3264. Û 46-9, F-VF ................ 97.50 3300. Û 639-52, 639a-52a, Two diff Ship sets. Capetown 20 May, 1927 CDS’s on pretty
VF, light crease in left stamp ....... 200.00 with various scenes incl fishermen, fishing VF, NH ......................... 88.85 Reg’d cover addr to W.T. Wilson in Bir-
3190. ÕÛ L12, Block. VF, NH . . . Est 50.00+ boats, dog pulling a cart, oxen pulling a 3301. Û 703-6, 708-11, 713-21, VF, NH 65.85 mingham, England (rec b/s). VF. Scarce.
wagon, gov’t house, etc. VF .... Est 90.00+ See photo above .........Est 900.00+
SAAR: 3230. Ö Cover with Provisional 30¢ h/s 3302. Ö QV 1Àd gray postal stat card with
3191. Û 20, 22, F................. 112.50 cancelled 29 June 1926 addr to France grid oval cancel & red Sierra Leone 15 Dec 3348. Û 81-9, F-VF ................ 64.50
3192. Ö 115, 120, C7, Tied on cach 90¢ postal (rec b/s). F .................. Est 50.00+ 1884 CDS to Switzerland (Basel 3 Jan 1885 3349. Ö 109-14, Tied by Regent Road / Sea
stat card for GRAF ZEPPELIN June 1933 ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS: rec). Has “Gluck, Trading Missionary, Gold Point 1948-9 CDS’s on 2 Reg’d covers to
Saar Round Flight to France. VF. Attrac- 3231. Ú 26, F, couple short perfs..... 150.00 Coast” h/s corner card. F-VF.... Est 60.00+ REYKJAVIK, ICELAND. Unusual foreign
tive....................... Est 275.00+ 3232. Û 320-2, VF, NH ............. 80.00 3303. Ö QV 1Àd gray postal stationery card destination. F-VF (2 covers) .... Est 45.00+
3193. Ö 154, Scarce 10Fr High Value neatly 3233. Ú 441/721, Coll of 16 diff used sets. with grid oval cancel & red Sierra Leone 26 3350. Û 430-3, Coil set in proving strips of 22.
tied by Saar 13 Jan, 1935 slogan cancel on Many attractive topicals incl Zeppelin, Dirigi- Oct, 1885 CDS via “Liverpool Br. Packet” to VF, NH ........................ 141.90
Hanover Germany (rec CDS). F . Est 60.00+
unaddr cover. VF. Cat $200 .... Est 60.00+ bles, Paintings, etc. F-VF.......... 185.00 3304. Ö Unused QV 2d gray Reg’d postal 3351. Û 578, Scarce IMPERF PAIR. Fresh,
XF, NH.................... Est 165.00+
3234. Ú 528-33, Aviation history set in cpl CTO stationery envelope with “SPECIMEN” over- 3352. Û B1-11, F-VF .............. 180.00
sheets of 50. VF. Gorgeous topicals . 502.00 print. F-VF .................. Est 35.00+
3235. Û 647a-d, 648a-b, 649-50, Set of 8 diff 3265. Û 490b, Scarce REDRAWN issue, 3305. Ö Unused QV, KE & KGV 1/2d postal 3353. Û B5-8, F-VF ................ 83.00
V.I.P. Presentation Cards with identical de- fresh, VF, NH .................. 250.00 stationery wrappers each with “SPECIMEN” 3354. ÕÛ J35, J37, LR Blocks of 8. VF,
signs to the original sheets. All with ESPANA 3266. SSÛ 778, VF, NH ............ 90.00 overprints. F (2 diff) ........... Est 65.00+ stamps NH, some creases in selvedge ....
............................. 256.00+
‘82 / WORLD CUP SOCCER themes. VF .. 3267. SSÛ 805, VF, NH ........... 115.00 3306. Ö Coll of 7 diff early unused postcards 3355. Ö Germany #80, Tied by Berlin 8
........................ Retail 50.00+ 3268. SSÛ 811-13, VF, NH......... 157.50 pre 1915 (with 4 diff postcard makers). Incl
3236. Û C16, With New York World’s Fair 3269. SSÛ 862-3, VF, NH.......... 300.00 villages, buildings, medicine man, rice beating, Dec 1902 CDS on b/w photo postcard to
overprint. VF, VLH........... Est 100.00+ 3270. SSÛ 915-16, 956a, VF, NH..... 86.50 etc. F. Seldom offered......... Est 90.00+ Charlottenburg. Depicts BOER WAR General
ST. VINCENT: 3271. SSÛ 1068a, 1083a, VF, NH . . . 120.00 3307. Ö Unused KGVI 3d brown postal statio- De Wet speaking in front of German Assoc.
VF ........................ Est 45.00+
3237. Û 5, Strip of 3. VG-F, NG ..... 135.00 SAXONY: nery Reg’d envelope with “SPECIMEN” over- SOUTH AUSTRALIA:
3238. ÕÛ 5, Block. VG-F, NG ...... 180.00 3272. Û 16, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of the À ng print. VF.................... Est 35.00+
3239. Ú 18, VG-F................. 300.00 issue (folded). F-VF, NH, folded twice. 400.00 SINGAPORE:
3240. Û 141-51, F-VF, VLH.......... 48.55 SENEGAL: 3308. Ú 21-2, Silver Wedding, VF. Est 50.00+
3241. Û 877a-b, Set of 6 diff imperf Elvis 3273. Ú4,F ..................... 260.00 3309. Û 40-2, High Values. F-VF .... 130.00
PROGRESSIVE PRINTING PROOF PAIRS. 3274. Ú 12, VG-F................. 120.00 3310. Û 62-9, Fresh, F-VF, NH....... 73.90
Each pair shows a diff printing stage. Nice 3311. Û 107-21, VF, NH ........... 105.85
specialty lot. VF, NH .......... Est 65.00+ 3312. Û 126-41, VF, most NH........ 68.00
SAMOA: 3313. Û 142-3 (VF LH), 144-9 (VF NH) 113.00
3242. Ú 54, 57-65, 67, 102, F-VF .... 208.90 3314. Û 143, 242a, 287a, 332a, VF, NH 90.50
3243. Ö 115 (Pair), 127, Tied by Apia 10 Nov 3315. Û 144-52, VF, NH ............ 69.50
1917 CDS’s on WWI Censored cover to 3316. Û 144-63, VF, NH ............ 99.50
France. Has scarce blue boxed “PASSED BY 3317. Û 189-205, VF, NH ........... 56.15
3194. Û 155/174, Rare lot of 18 diff CENSOR / 3 G.R.I. / SAMOA” censor h/s. F 3318. Û 189-221, F-VF, NH ......... 83.40
IMPERFORATE SINGLES with most values .......................... Est 150.00+ 3319. Û 251-302, VF, NH ........... 85.15
having sheet margins. Fresh, VF, almost all 3244. Û 208-12, Scott unlisted IMPERF 3320. Û 548-95, VF, NH ............ 92.50 3356. Û 1/35, Nine diff QV perf & imperf is-
sues up to 2 Shilling, all with “REPRINT”
NH (60 pf with natural pre printing paper PAIRS. VF, NH (208 light crease in one 3321. Û 741/775b, Coll of 1996-7 issues. VF,
crease mostly in margin). The 45 pf with stamp). Seldom offered....... Est 400.00+ 3275. Ú 21-3, Neat Saint Louis CDS’s, VG-F NH (28 stamps, 4 SS’s) ............ 64.00 overprints. VG-F, a few flaws (Normal
2001 Ney Certificate, 84 pf with 2000 Ney 3245. SSÛ 533, Zeapex souvenir sheet signed ............................. 327.50 SOLOMON ISLANDS: stamps Cat $8,880) ......... Est 275.00+
Certificate (Mi Cat 6,560 Euro) .......... by Stamp Designer E.W. ROBERTS. VF, NH 3276. Ú 25, SON St. Louis 8 July 1888 CDS. 3322. Ú 55, KGV 5 Shilling, VF, lightly 3357. Ú 6, VG-F................... 90.00
....................... Est 2,500.00+ ........................... Est 35.00+ VG-F.......................... 100.00 cancelled ................... Est 65.00+ 3358. Ú 7, F-VF. Pretty ............. 55.00