Page 44 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 44

                          LOT 2952                                        LOT 2957

                                                                                                                           LOT 3070

        MONTSERRAT Continued         2854. Û B25-36, F-VF .............. 68.30
        2807. Ö 85-8, Cpl KGV SILVER JUBILEE  2855. Ú B44a-7a, B50a-3a, B58a-61a, B66a-
         set tied by 19 Nov, 1935 CDS’s on cover to  9a, Syncopated perf sets. VF....... 111.55
         England. VF................. Est 65.00+  2856. SSÛ B144a, VF, NH, slight toning, minor
        2808. Û 114-26, KGVI set to $4.80. F-VF ...  selvedge crease................. 100.00
         ............................... 71.15  2857. SSÚ B144a-5a, VF, neat CDS cancels
        2809. Û 128-42, 159-75, F-VF, VLH . . . 91.65  .............................. 180.00
        2810. ÕÛ 594a-b, 595a-b, Scouting issues in
         unlisted IMPERFORATE BLOCKS. VF, NH
         ........................... Est 45.00+
        2811. Û 600-3, Unlisted IMPERFORATE
         PAIRS of the QE 60th Birthday issue. XF, NH
         ........................... Est 65.00+
        2812. ÕÛ Two diff 1895 Morocco Locals in                 2883. Ú C45, Five Pounds Airmail, SON
         blocks. One 5¢ green, other 10¢ blue. F....              Wau 8 Oct 1936 CDS cancel. VF. A choice
         ........................... Est 45.00+                   example .................. Est 600.00+
        2813. Û Eye-catching coll of 60 diff IMPERF                                           2924. Û B3-4, Smiling Boys. F-VF . . . 200.00
         PROOFS (5 x 3.8 inches) circa 1960’s depict-                                        2925. Ú C1-3, VF .................. 77.50
         ing Animals, Fish & Reptiles. All diff as to de-                                    2926. Ö C5, Plus Australia #114 (2), Tied on
         sign & colour. Lovely topicals. VF, ungummed                                         New Zealand to Australia cach First Trans-
         (60) ....................... Est 60.00+  2858. Û C13-4, Seagulls set, VF, LH . 250.00  Tasman Airmail 17 Feb 1934 Flight cover
                 MOZAMBIQUE:                                                                  with Sydney 17 Feb receivers. Has Kiwi /
        2814. Ú P1, F.................... 160.00  2859. Ú C13-4, Seagulls set, VF ..... 160.00  Kookaburra illustrations & “Per VH-UXX Faith
        2815. Û RA32-8, VF ............... 63.00  NETHERLANDS ANTILLES:                       in Australia / C.T.P. Ulm, Commander” imprint.  2956. ÕÛ 280-95, Cpl QE set to $10 in
                   NATAL:            2860. Ú 7, 12, Jumbos, VF ......... 147.50               F, centre folds not affecting stampsEst 65.00+  blocks. Incl 2 extra shades. Fresh, VF, NH
        2816. Ú 11, F ..................... 82.50  2861. Û 9, “SPECIMEN” overprint. F, NG ...  2927. Ú J22-9, F-VF................ 80.10  ............................ 686.80+
        2817. Ú 46, VG-F.................. 70.00  ........................... Est 35.00+     2928. Ú O51, F-VF................ 200.00
                   NAURU:            2862. Ú 48, 49 (2), BISECTS tied on separate                                          2957. Ö N22, Japanese Occupation 10¢
                                      pieces by Curacao 1918 CDS’s. VF .......                                              Orangutan tied by “28 / 12 / 2604" circular
                                      ........................... Est 45.00+                                                datestamp (Western 1944 year date)
                                     2863. Ú C18-32, F-VF .............. 60.50                                              on cover to Kuching (Sarawak). Framed
                                                                 2884. Ú C59, One Pound Airmail. VF ......
                                           NETHERLANDS INDIES:     ......................... Est 175.00+                    censor & chop handstamps. VF. Has
                                     2864. Ö Stampless Sea Letter circa 1850’s                                              1980 Royal Philatelic Society Certificate.
                                      from a town in the Riouw Archipelago  NEW SOUTH WALES:                                A VERY SCARCE COVER. See photo
                                      (possibly Onges) to a Chinese Merchant in  2885. Ú6,F ..................... 270.00    above ................ Est 1,000.00+
                                      Rembang, a seaport in Central Java. Rated  2886. Ú 7, F-VF, heavyish cancel .... 225.00
                                      ‘36’ in m/s. An intriguing cover. F, couple  2887. Ú 13, VG+ ................. 180.00      NORTHERN NIGERIA:
                                      creases ................... Est 135.00+  2888. Ú 29a, F .................... 75.00  2958. Ö 31, 33, 36, Tied by Zungeru 23 Sept
                                     2865. Û6,F..................... 100.00                                                1913 CDS’s on Reg’d cover via London to
                                     2866. Ö 144, Tied by 1922 CDS on front of                                             Ulm, Germany. VF. Attractive KGV 3 colour
                                      sepia photo postcard to USA. Depicts a troup            2929. Ú O61-75, F-VF............. 175.95  franking ................... Est 100.00+
         2818. Û 15, Ten Shilling Seahorse with  of MONKEYS on a rugged foot bridge. F-VF,   2930. ÕÛ O68B, Block of 6. F-VF, NH 120.00  2959. Ö 31 (2), 34 (2), 44 (2), Tied by Lagos
          DOUBLE “NAURU” OVERPRINT - one  tiny edge tear. Charming....... Est 65.00+         2931. Û O111, VF, NH ......... Est 50.00+  26 May 1914 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to Eng-
          of which is an albino impression which is  2867. Û 164/235, Five diff WWII Japanese  2932. Ú OY21, OY23, F-VF .......... 71.00  land. Has black imprint of British Coat of Arms
          clearly visible on the reverse. Has  Local overprinted issues. Unlisted. F-VF, NH  2933. ÕÛ QV Imperforate Two Pence Proof  on flap. F-VF. Attractive 2 Reigns multi-frank-
          “SPECIMEN” overprint in black. Intense  ........................... Est 35.00+      block, in black, on card. VF ..... Est 50.00+  ing ....................... Est 150.00+
          colour, crisp impression, very fresh. VF,  2868. Ú 249, F-VF, corner crease .... 160.00  2934. Ö Three diff b/w postcards depicting
          LH. A LOVELY EXAMPLE OF THIS RARE  2869. Û 325-30, High Values. F-VF . . 251.35     “HMS New Zealand”. This was the Battle
          “SPECIMEN” ERROR (SG #18sa, Cat       NEVIS:                                        cruiser funded by New Zealand & commis-
          £2,500) ................. Est 2,000.00+  2870. Û 19, VF, NG................ 90.00   sioned into the Royal Navy in 1912. She
        2819. ÕÛ 31-4, KGV Silver Jubilee set in  2871. Û 499, Royal Wedding pair with “$2"   participated in all 3 major North Sea battles.
         blocks. F-VF, NH ................ 64.00+  values MISSING. Also has normal pair for  2889. Ú 30a, Scarce imperforate 8 Pence  F-VF, used / unused (3) ....... Est 65.00+
                   NEPAL:             comparison. VF, NH .......... Est 40.00+  Yellow, three nice margins, neatly  NICARAGUA:
        2820. Û 51-9, 90-101, F-VF, LH ...... 89.20  2872. SSÛ 921, Specialized lot of the $6  cancelled, F-VF, minor corner crease ....  2935. SSÛ 2020-7, Alien Sightings souvenir
                 NETHERLANDS:         Fighter Plane with 4 diff imperf COLOUR  ............................ 1,575.00  sheets. VF, NH (8) ............... 225.00
        2821. Û 1a, VG-F, close margins, NG, small  PROOF TRIALS, plus 2 finished souvenir  2890. Ú 31, F .................... 125.00  NIGERIA:
         corner crease ................... 450.00  sheets each in a diff colour. VF, NH (6 diff  2891. Ú 34, VG-F................. 125.00  2936. Ö 19 (Strip of 5), Tied by Idah 20 Apr
        2822. Ú 1a, 2-3, F ................ 192.50  items)...................... Est 65.00+  2892. Ú 34a, F ................... 125.00  1929 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to the Bank of
        2823. Ú3,F ..................... 130.00  2873. Û O27, Pair; right stamp WITHOUT  2893. Ú 52a, 53c, 54e, Perf 10 issues. F79.50  Br. West Africa, London, redirected locally.  2960. Ö 31/46, Eight stamps neatly tied by
        2824. Ú 6, VG-F.................. 100.00  DOT in “$1.10". VF, NH ........ Est 35.00+  2894. Û 58 (Overprinted ‘REPRINT’), 63e  Variety of b/s’s incl Lokoja. Nice red wax seal.  Zungeru 6 Jy 1914 double-ring CDS’s on
        2825. Ú 7-12, VG-F ............... 336.50  NEW CALEDONIA:  (Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’). F . . . Est 50.00+  F, some flaws, opened on 3 sides. Attractive  Reg’d cover to Birmingham England (rec
        2826. Ú 12, F .................... 160.00  2874. Ú 6a, 12a, 13a, INVERTED  2895. Û 59e, With “SPECIMEN” overprint.  ........................... Est 50.00+  b/s). VG-F, some edge flaws. Scarce small
        2827. Ú 17-22, VG-VF ............. 238.50  SURCHARGES, F-VF ............. 75.00  F-VF, NH ................... Est 35.00+  2937. Ö 23, 27, Tied by Lagos 27 Dec 1930  town cancels .............. Est 200.00+
        2828. Ú 22, F-VF .................. 70.00  2875. Ú 19, Good spacefiller. Cat $300 .....  2896. Ú 76, QV Ten Shillings. F, a few nibbed  oval cancel on Reg’d cover to England (rec
        2829. Ú 23-33, King William set to 2.50G. F-VF  ........................... Est 35.00+  perfs ........................... 60.00  b/s). F ..................... Est 45.00+  NORTHERN RHODESIA:
         .............................. 235.05  2876. Ö 143, 262, C7-8, Tied by Noumea 7  2897. Ú 88, Twenty Shillings. F ....... 90.00
        2830. Ú 23-33, F-VF, neat cancels (#33 has  June 1944 CDS’s on WWII Censored Reg’d  2898. Û 105, F................... 100.00
         postal & pen cancels)............. 235.05  Airmail cover to New York. Has New Caledo-  2899. Ö 121, 122 (Pair), Tied by Curlewis,
        2831. Û 28, F, HH, couple nibbed perfs ....  nia & USA censor tapes & “Forwarded” h/s to  NSW 31 Jan 1912 CDS’s on cover to Sweden
         .............................. 425.00  Montreal. Held for delivery until the end of  with Goteborg 10 Mar 1913 b/s. Has original
        2832. Û 30, F.................... 525.00  the war (philatelic exchange illegal at time)  contents written in Swedish along with 15+
        2833. Ú 32, 50, 53, F-VF ........... 247.50  & released, blue oval Cdn Postal Censorship,  colourful BIRD FEATHERS. F, cover tear.
        2834. Û 40-2, 44-7, VG-VF ......... 213.00  Ottawa 27 July 1945 b/s. Also has blue  Unusual ................... Est 100.00+
        2835. Ú 47-53, Medium to High Values. F-VF  “Stamps missing when / received at Canadian
         .............................. 284.50  / Postal Censorship” h/s. F. Extraordinary  NEW ZEALAND:
        2836. Ö 60, Tied on 1901 BARNUM & BAILEY  cover ...................... Est 75.00+  2900. Ú 28, VG-F................. 275.00
         CIRCUS postcard showing a music carriage                2901. Ú 31-3, 35-7, VG-F........... 382.00
         & horse riders. F. VERY EARLY CIRCUS                    2902. Ú 36, 36a, VG+ .............. 70.00  2938. Û 38-49, Cpl KGV set to One Pound.  2961. Ö 48-9, Cpl SILVER WEDDING set
         POSTCARD ................ Est 60.00+                    2903. Ú 44, F .................... 575.00                 with beautiful centering neatly tied by Kitwe
        2837. Û 69, F.................... 100.00                 2904. Û 72, IMPERF single with large margins.  Fresh colours, F-VF ......... Est 325.00+  1 Dec, 1948 CDS on cach FDC. Addressed
        2838. Û 74, F-VF................. 150.00                  VF, NG.................... Est 100.00+  2939. Ö 39, 41 (2), Tied by Barakin Ladi 14  locally. VF ................ Est 125.00+
        2839. Û 78-82, High Values. F-VF . . . 272.00            2905. Ú 82, F .................... 160.00  May 1936 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to England,
        2840. Û 80, F+, LH ............... 110.00                                             variety of b/s’s & nice red wax seal. Has  2962. Û 61-74, F-VF, NH .......... 84.10+
        2841. Ú 83a, F-VF ................ 110.00                                             Reg’d etiquette label with town name written  2963. Û 75-88, VF, NH ............ 62.30+
                                     2877. Û 402a, Cpl Booklet containing 2                   in. F, roughly opened.......... Est 50.00+  NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS:
                                      panes, VF, NH ................. 400.00                 2940. Ö 39, 41 (2), Tied on back of Reg’d  2964. Ú 3, Three stamps tied on piece by P.O.
                                                                                              cover by Benin City 10 Feb 1937 oval cancels  Pleasant Island, Nauru 29 July 1916 CDS’s.
                                                                                              to Edinburgh. F-VF ........... Est 45.00+  F. A pretty item................. 195.00+
                                                                                             2941. Ö 42, 44, Tied by Onitsha 14 Sept 1936  2965. Û 29-33, F-VF ............... 61.50
                                                                                              Reg’d cancels on business reply envelope  NORWAY:
                                                                                              airmail to England. Has Enugu transit. F-VF  2966. Ú 2, SON 3-Ring ‘42’ cancel. VF, tiny
                                                                                              ........................... Est 50.00+  crease ........................ 150.00
                                                                                             2942. Û 80-91, F-VF ............... 86.80
                                                                                             2943. Ö Unused KGV 1Àd Postal Stationery
                                                                 2906. Û 113, Horiz pair with COMPOUND  envelope with “SPECIMEN” overprint from
                                                                  PERFS 11 x 14. F, some nibbed perfs (SG
                                     2878. Û C99a, Cpl Booklet containing 2  #333 - £900)............... Est 275.00+  1931. VF ................... Est 50.00+
                                      panes. VF, NH ................. 500.00                         NORFOLK ISLAND:
                                                                 2907. Ú 130E, 131E, VF ............ 85.00  2944. Ö 1-12, Cpl first set neatly tied on 2
                                     2879. Ú J1-7, Selected lot all with four margins  2908. Û 131D, VICTORIA LAND overprint.
                                      & neat cancels. VF............... 185.00                cach FDC’s. Addr to Canada. VF Est 30.00+
         2842. Ú 86, Scarce Queen Wilhelmina                      F-VF, NH ................... Est 75.00+  2945. Û 1-18, 21-5, F-VF .......... 105.45
          10G High Value, lovely centering, SON  NEW GUINEA:     2909. Û 165-70, F-VF .............. 90.50  2946. Û 13-20, 49-60, F-VF ......... 79.25
          Amsterdam 20 Dec 1905 CDS cancel. VF .  2880. Ú 45, One Pound. VF......... 110.00  2910. Ú 165-70, F-VF ............. 101.20  2947. Û 29-45, F-VF ............... 92.25
          ......................... Est 700.00+                  2911. Ú 182-3, VF ................ 205.00  NORTH BORNEO:
                                                                 2912. Ú 183, F-VF ................ 170.00
        2843. Û 90-9, VF................. 239.10                 2913. Ú 185-98, F-VF ............. 182.90  2948. Û 40, Imperf pair with DOUBLE  2967. Ú 3, Hand-picked lot of 6 singles all se-
        2844. Û 153a, Syncopated perfs. F-VF, NH .               2914. Û 229-41, F-VF .............. 58.05  IMPRESSION. VF, NG ........ Est 75.00+  lected for their diff postmarks. F-VF 300.00+
         .............................. 225.00                   2915. Û 288-301, QE set to 10Sh. F-VF ....  2949. Û 44-5, F .................. 250.00
        2845. Ö 175 (Pair), C4; Netherlands Indies #’s            .............................. 179.35  2950. Û 74-8, Cpl set of surcharges all with
         C1 (2), C2, Tied by Hilversum 10 Sept 1929              2916. Û 299-301, High Values, F-VF . 128.50  “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, some minor
         CDS’s on Netherlands Indies 7À¢ postal sta-             2917. Û 300-1, High Values. F-VF, VLH ....  gum toning................. Est 100.00+
         tionery card airmail via Weltevreden, Nether-                                       2951. Û 120, VF, NH.............. 130.00
                                                                  .............................. 112.50
         lands Indies, 22 Sept; to Malang 24 Sept                2918. Ú 320, F+, lightly cancelled .... 200.00  2952. Ö 148, Surcharged single neatly
         receiver. F .................. Est 65.00+               2919. Û 333-52, F-VF .............. 80.90  tied by Sandakan 13 Sept, 1909 Squared
        2846. Û 184, 186, 190, 193, Better values.                                             Circle cancel on Reg’d cover to Syra-
         F-VF .......................... 160.50  2881. Û C14-27, Cpl Airmail set to One        cuse, New York. Has b/s’s from Singa-
        2847. Û 226-43, F-VF, NH ......... 126.00  Pound, nicely centered. Fresh, VF, OG....   pore, London, New York & Syracuse. Has
        2848. Û 278-81, High Values, VF .... 200.00  ......................... Est 375.00+     corner card for H.A. Elton, Sandakan,
        2849. Û 286-300, F-VF ............. 60.00                                              British North Borneo. VF. A CHOICE
        2850. Ö 307, B224-8, Tied by special PHILIPS                                           COVER. See photo above . . Est 375.00+
         60 YEARS OF PROGRESS 15 May 1951 FD                                                                              2968. Ú 4 (3), 5 (9), Hand-picked lot selected
                                                                                                                           for their diff postmarks. Mostly F-VF ......
         cancels on matching Reg’d colour illustrated                                        2953. Ú 208-22, Cpl BMA overprinted set to
         souvenir postcards to Canada. Card is also                                           $5 on a large piece. Each stamp is cancelled  ............................ 579.00+
         Amsterdam to Schiphol FFC with matching                                              by a scarce boxed 4-line cancel “VICTORIA /  2969. Ú 12, VF.................... 55.00
         airmail etiquette. Card depicts Eindhoven. F-           2920. Û 385, Imperforate sheet margin  DEC 24th / 1846-1946 / LABUAN”. This can-  2970. Ú 12-5, F .................. 281.00
                                                                  pair, large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH
         VF ........................ Est 60.00+                                               cel was for the 100th Anniversary of the first  2971. Ú 21, F-VF .................. 72.50
        2851. Û 325-7, F-VF .............. 105.00                 (Campbell Paterson Cat $625) Est 225.00+  day the British flag was raised in Labuan.  2972. Ú 24, 24a, 24c, F ............ 155.00
        2852. Ú B9a-15a, B21a-4a, B37a-40a, Synco-               2921. ÕÛ 456b, Tasman National Park 50¢  The cancel was only used between 24 Dec  2973. Ö 56, Tied by Polar Expedition/Tall Ship
         pated semi-postals. F-VF.......... 194.75                LR corner block with BUFF COLOUR  1946 & 31 Jan 1947. The piece additionally  illustrated 13 Sept 1918 cancel on colour post-
        2853. Ö B23, C5, C10, Tied by 16 Oct, 1934                OMITTED variety. VF, NH ........ 220.00+  has a Victoria Labuan 24 Dec 1946 CDS. VF.  card to Norway, redirected to Sweden. Also
         CDS’s on cach LONDON TO MELBOURNE                       2922. ÕÛ 649, LL Plate #117 Inscription  Scarce .................... Est 500.00+  has similar cancel dated 4 Aug 1924. Post-
         AIR RACE cover. Has Royal Dutch Air Lines                Block of 6 of the 24¢ Map issue. VF, NH.  2954. Û 257-8, KGVI High Values. VF, LH ..  card depicts painting of Amundsen’s ship in
         corner card & red oval Mac Robertson Race  2882. Ú C44, Two Pound Airmail. VF, neat  C.P. #PA8b (X) - $600........ Est 125.00+  ............................... 96.00  the distance in ice flow; walrus in foreground.
         26 Oct, 1926 h/s. On reverse has Sydney  CDS cancel ............... Est 175.00+  2923. Ú AR72, AR82, AR85, AR89, F-VF ...  2955. Û 280-95, QE set to $10. VF, NH, some  Also small photo of the explorer & his printed
         Australia rec cancel. F, slight fold Est 60.00+          .............................. 162.50  minor gum bends ................ 167.70  signature. F, corner crease .... Est 200.00+
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49