Page 40 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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                                                                                                                      LOT 2555
                          LOT 2514

                                                                                    LOT 2547

        JAPAN Continued              2544. Ö 129b (2), Each tied on front of 2 diff  2570. Ö Unused circa 1905 colour illustrated    LAGOS:
        2525. Ö 92, Tied by special illustrated “Imperial  Patriotic postcards by 1927 Military Maneu-  Patriotic postcard commemorating friendship  2613. Ö Top portion of QV 1Àd Postal
         Naval Review 1905" cancels on 3 diff Russo-  vers special illustrated postmarks. Cards de-  between USA & Japan. Depicts portraits of  Stationery reply card with 23 Sept 1889 CDS,
         Japanese War photo/colour illustrated Patriotic  pict Biwajima buildings, map, etc. VF, unaddr.  President T. Roosevelt & Emperor Meiji. Has  addr locally. VF, light toning .... Est 50.00+
         postcards. Also 1 unfranked card with similar  Has original folder & printed insert. Est 50.00+  related h/s. VF............... Est 65.00+  2614. Ö QV 1d surcharge on 1Àd Postal
         strike. Depict battle scenes on land, Oyama  2545. Ö 129b, Tied on front side of illustrated  2571. Ö Unused colour illustrated circa 1905  Stationery card with neat Lagos 16 Sept 1893
         entering Mukden & ship squadron proceeding  1933 Yasukuni Shrine Festival Patriotic post-  Russo-Japanese War Patriotic postcard depict-  CDS to Accra, Gold Coast. VF, mounting
         to attack Russians. F (4 diff)..... Est 85.00+  card by matching purple illustrated postmark.  ing surrender of Pt. Arthur by Russian Gen.  abrasions on reverse.......... Est 60.00+
        2526. Ö 92 (8), Each tied by special illustrated  Two views depict Emperor Hirohito & temple  Stessel to Japanese Gen. Nogi. VF Est 50.00+  LAOS:
         Kioto / Triumphant Military Review 1906  priest, honouring war dead. VF . . Est 45.00+  2572. Ö Three unused Russo-Japanese War  2615. SSÛ 84b, Freedom From Hunger imperf
         cancel on the front of 8 diff colour illustrated  2546. Ö 129b (4), Each tied on front of colour  Naval postcards, circa 1905. These show  mini sheet, VF, NH............... 100.00
         Russo-Japanese War Patriotic postcards. De-  & b/w photo postcards by purple illustrated  views of firing guns to shore, Admiral Togo &  LATVIA:
         pict battle scenes, Artillery, Field Post Office,  Army Grand Maneuver Oct 1933 postmarks  warship & naval squadron, steaming towards  2616. Û 137, 141, 145, 148, 151, Horiz Coat
         Royal Couple, etc. F-VF ...... Est 175.00+  from Fukui Prefecture. Depict Samurai sword,  the enemy. F-VF (3) .......... Est 50.00+  of Arms IMPERF PAIRS. VF, NG. Unlisted
        2527. Ö 92-3, Tied by Yokohama / Commemo-  local views, Royal Standard, 3 Military Offi-  2573. Ö Three unused colour illustrated circa  in Scott.................... Est 100.00+
         ration of the Visit of the American Fleet Oct  cers, etc. Has matching folder these came in.  1906 Tuck Patriotic postcards depicting Japa-  2617. Û B66-71, Perf & Imperf sets. F-VF ..
         1908 special illustrated cancel on front of the  VF, unaddr (4) .............. Est 125.00+  nese naval Warships incl battleships “Shiki-  .............................. 144.00
         colour illustrated embossed Zieher postcard.  2547. Ö 131, 133, 194, All tied by fancy  shima”, “A sahi”, etc. These took part in the  2618. Û B82-91, Perf & Imperf sets. F-VF, NH
         Depicts 14 diff Japanese stamps of 1899-  Mt. Fuji “Fujiyama” 12 Aug 1935 cancels  battle of the Sea of Japan. VF (3). Est 75.00+  .............................. 134.00
         1907 issues. F............... Est 50.00+  on beautiful KARL LEWIS hand painted  2574. Ö Unused colour illustrated Tuck’s post-  2619. Ö B96, With Riga 12 May 1938 CDS’s
        2528. Ö 92 (3), 94 (2), 99, Tied by Special  cover. The cover is mailed at the Summit  card depicting the Japanese Fleet in 1906. VF  on Reg’d FDC to Vienna. F ..... Est 50.00+
         illustrated 25th Anniv of entry to UPU 1902  Post Office on Mount Fuji. VF. See photo  ........................... Est 50.00+  2620. Û 1N14-9, F-VF, NH .......... 77.50
         special illustrated cancels & matching illus-  above .................. Est 350.00+  2575. Ö Interesting lot of 5 diff b/w photo post-  2621. Ú Scarce group of 6 diff Land Registry
         trated postcards. Also 2 more diff unused                cards with gold borders circa 1910’s. Diff  2593. ÕÛ 120-35, Cpl QE set up to 20 Shil-  Revenues, mainly used, circa 1889-1915.
                                                                                               ling in lovely blocks. Also has extra #129
         postcards. F-VF, some soiling (7) Est 75.00+  2548. Ö 148, Tied by special illustrated  views of procession, each card with special  shade. Fresh, VF, NH............ 296.20  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+
                                                                  illustrated cancel. F-VF (5) ..... Est 50.00+
        2529. Ö 92/111, Five diff colour / photo illus-  Enthronement of Emperor Yoshihito 1915  2576. Ö Coll of 7 diff unused b/w postcards  2622. Ú Interesting lot of 4 old General Duty
         trated Russo-Japanese War Patriotic post-  cancels on 2 diff matching colour illustrated  2594. Û 168/173, Cpl 1958 mint Booklet. VF,  Revenues, from 1919. F-VF (Barefoot #34
         cards, each with special illustrated “Naval  postcards depicting Samurai & palace. F-VF  depicting the SAKURAJIMA VOLCANIC  NH (SG #SB8a, Cat £50) ...... Est 35.00+  mint & used, 39 pair used, 41 used - Cat £90)
         Commemoration Day of the War 1904-5". De-  ........................... Est 40.00+  ERUPTION circa 1912. Each shows a diff  KIAUCHAU:  ........................... Est 45.00+
         picts ships in battle, at Tadong River, Admiral  2549. Ö 159-60, Tied by special illustrated  scene of the eruption. Has the original folder  2595. Ú 10-3, 15, 19, F-VF ......... 110.15  2623. Ú General Duty Revenues 1919-20 is-
                                                                  these came in. F ............ Est 100.00+
         Togo, firing towards shore, etc. F-VF (5) ...  1920 Census Taking cancels on 7 diff colour  2596. Ú 23-9, F-VF ............... 192.50  sues. All diff as to perf or imperf. Ranges from
         .......................... Est 125.00+  illustrated postcards. These depict Emperor  2577. Ö Scarce lot of 5 diff coloured  2597. Ú 33-7, 40, F-VF ............. 89.45  15 Kapupto25Ruble. F-VF (15) Est 45.00+
        2530. Ö 92/111, Tied by special Russo-Japa-  Taisho, rural P.O., students in class, etc. F-VF  patriotic postcards all depicting JAPANESE  2598. Ö Postal stationery 5pf card circa 1910,  2624. Ú Lot of 7 postally used General Duty
         nese War illustrated cancels circa 1905 on  (7) ....................... Est 120.00+  WARSHIPS incl Kashima, Katori, Kasagi, etc.  with K.D. Feldpost STATION No.1 CDS. Addr  Revenues, from 1919-34. F-VF. . Est 35.00+
                                                                  All with fancy designs incl emblems, anchors,
         6 diff colour illustrated patriotic postcards.  2550. Ö 161, 162 (2), Tied by special illus-  etc. Most circa 1905 Russo-Japanese War  locally. F-VF................. Est 35.00+  2625. Û Lot of 4 diff Surcharged Court Fee
         These depict battle scenes Marshal Oyama,  trated Dedication of Meiji Shrine cancels on     KOREA (NORTH):        Revenues from 1923. F-VF (Barefoot #’s
         blowing up Sungshushan Fort, etc. F (6) ...  front of 3 diff postcards depicting scenes of  era. F-VF (5) ............... Est 125.00+  2599. SSÛ 2438-47, British & European  10-1 & 13-14, £80)............ Est 50.00+
         .......................... Est 125.00+  the shrine & area. VF, unaddr . . . Est 45.00+  2578. Ö Two stampless multi-colour embossed  Royalty topicals. VF, NH .......... 145.00  2626. ÕÚ Court Fee Revenues Surcharged
                                                                  1915 Imperial Coronation postcards with
        2531. Ö 92/111, Tied by a variety of Russo-  2551. Ö 163, Tied by special illustrated 50th  special illustrated cancels. Lovely designs.  KOREA (SOUTH):  Blocks from 1923. VF (Barefoot #’s 12-3 -
         Japanese War related illustrated 1905-6  Anniv of Japanese stamps on 1921 matching  2600. Ú 5-9, F-VF ................. 99.50  £160) ...................... Est 80.00+
         cancels on 7 colour Patriotic postcards (5 em-  colour illustrated postcard depicting stamps &  F ......................... Est 40.00+  2601. ÕÛ 114-5, UPU issue Blocks. F-VF, NH  2627. ÕÚ Court Fee Revenue 2L Block, from
         bossed). Depict Red Cross & Nurses assisting  covers. VF .................. Est 45.00+  2579. Ö Circa 1920’s colour illustrated Patriotic  ............................. 260.00+  1928. VF (Barefoot #30 - £80). . . Est 45.00+
                                                                  postcard depicting Japanese flag, map & a
         in surgery, making bandages, Princess Kan-  2552. Ö 167 (2), 168 (3), etc, Tied on 5 diff  naval warship. VF ............ Est 45.00+  2602. SSÛ 173, Korean War souvenir sheet  2628. Ú Lot of 5 diff Visa Revenues water-
         in in nurse’s uniform. F-VF (7). . Est 150.00+  Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe  with USA flags. VF, NH ........ Est 40.00+  marked Swastikas, from 1928. F-VF (Barefoot
        2532. Ö 92 (3), 93, 95, Each tied by a diff  Patriotic postcards. Have b/w & colour illustra-  2580. Ö Two diff unused multi-coloured Japa-  2603. Ú 206-8 (10 sets), 211-12 (6 each),  #’s 8-12, £90)................ Est 50.00+
         Russo-Japanese War Victory commem illus-  tions of the Prince, in France & Gr. Britain,  nese postcards produced for the 1922 ROYAL  218-19 (20 sets). F-VF............ 274.00  LEBANON:
                                                                  VISIT of The Prince of Wales (later KEVIII) to
         trated cancel on a matching Patriotic postcard  route map, etc. VG-F+ (5) ..... Est 100.00+  Japan. One depicts the Prince in Military uni-  2629. Û 45-8, F .................. 130.00
         depicting ships at the Tadong River. VF ....                                                                     2630. Û C56, VF, NH, minor gum soiling ...
         ........................... Est 50.00+                   form, the other has him standing with Prime              .............................. 125.00
                                                                  Minister David Lloyd George. VF (2) Est 75.00+
        2533. Ö 95, Tied by fancy illustrated 1908               2581. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1929 de-
         Naval Manoevre cancel on front of Patriotic              picting GRAF ZEPPELIN in a hangar before
         postcard; also stampless card from 1905
         Naval Manoevre. Depicts warships at sea,                 leaving on its flight to Japan. F . . Est 75.00+
         etc. F-VF (2) ................ Est 50.00+               2582. Ö Three 1À Sen postal stationery cards
        2534. Ö 95, Tied by special illustrated Tokyo /           with 3 diff red illustrated postmarks, 1935.
         Japan-British Exhibition 1910 cancel on front            Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the
         of matching card depicting Japanese painting             Japanese Victory in the Russo-Japanese
         & Union Jack. F-VF ........... Est 45.00+                War in Manchuria in 1905. VF (3). Est 65.00+
        2535. Ö 95, Tied by special illustrated Tokyo /                     JORDAN:                                       2631. Û CB5-9, Cpl set of sheet margin
         Japan-British Exhibition 1910 cancel on                 2583. Û 306-18, Fresh, VF, NH...... 118.80                IMPERFORATES, fresh colours. VF, OG.
         matching colour illustrated Patriotic postcard.  2553. Û 172a, 174a, F, slight creases 385.00  2584. Û 324-37, Fresh, VF, NH...... 113.30  Scarce ................... Est 250.00+
         Depicts Emperor Mutsuhito, British royal  2554. Û 176a, F-VF............... 110.00  2585. Û 352-67, F-VF, LH.......... 103.90  2604. SSÛ 243-4, Scarce 1957 ITU souvenir
         venue, flags, etc. VF .......... Est 50.00+             2586. SSÛ (496a), Two diff 1965 100F blue  sheet. Fresh, VF, NH. Scott unlisted. ONLY  LEEWARD ISLANDS:
        2536. Ö 95, Tied by special illustrated Saseho /  2555. Ö 188, 196, Tied on cach GRAF  souv sheets depicting 6 Russian Cosmonauts.  1,000 WERE DISTRIBUTED. . Est 500.00+  2632. Û 103-15, Cpl KGVI set to £1. F-VF ..
         Visit of the Crown Prince on Russo-Japanese  ZEPPELIN 1929 Round The World  One with black overprint. VF, NH Est 45.00+  2605. SSÛ 348a, ITU 1962 issue. Wholesale  .............................. 149.45
         War colour illustrated Patriotic postcard.  Flight cover Tokyo to Friedrichshafen leg,  2587. Û 574-E, The tragedy & the flight of the  lot of 15. F-VF, NH ............... 172.50  2633. Û 133-47, F-VF .............. 67.75
         Depicts Admiral Togo, Warship & flag. VF ..  addr to Germany. VF. Scarce. See photo  refugees strips of 5. VF, NH (6) ...... 66.00  2606. Û 396, VF ................. 105.00  LESOTHO:
         ........................... Est 45.00+  above ................. Est 750.00+  KENYA:  2607. Û 434-43, 439a-43a, Mounted in special  2634. Û 335-7, IMPERF PAIRS; Also 335a-7b
        2537. Ö 95 (8), Tied by special illustrated  2556. Ö 190, Tied by 1925 special 25th Wed-  2588. Û 98-112, Minerals & Gemstones, VF,  folder. VF ...................... 155.55  & 337c IMPERF BOOKLET PANES with
         1919 Military Manoeuvres cancels on 8 colour  ding Anniv of Emperor Yoshihito & Empress  NH ............................ 51.75  2608. Û 756-80, Complete sheet of 50 of the  SPECIMEN overprints. VF, NH. . Est 50.00+
         illustrated (6 embossed) Patriotic postcards.  Sadako. Card depicts photo portraits of the  KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA:  se-tenant United Nations issues. Contains  LIBERIA:
         Depict officers, weapons, maps, units, blimp,  Royal Couple & colour illustrated embossed  two panes of 25 diff in each. VF, NH . 187.50  2635. Û 17, Large size DIE PROOF in rose,
         etc. F-VF (8) ............... Est 175.00+  emblems. VF. Gorgeous! ...... Est 65.00+  2609. Ú C23-6, Wholesale lot of 22 of each.  on India paper of the seated ‘LIBERIA’ issue.
        2538. Ö 95, 152, Tied by special cancels on  2557. Ö 202, Tied by special illustrated En-  F-VF .......................... 682.00  Has engraver’s imprint. VF .... Est 125.00+
         2 diff Patriotic ship postcards, from 1906-12.  thronement of Emperor Hirohito 1928 cancel  2610. Û C32-4, F-VF............... 80.00  2636. Û 19, Large DIE PROOF in rose, on
         Incl real photo of launching of Warships “Ise”,  on back of embossed b/w illustrated postcard  LABUAN:            India paper of the seated ‘LIBERIA’ issue. VF
         colour embossed card, launching of “Sat-  depicting the Emperor on horseback. F-VF .                              .......................... Est 125.00+
         suma”. Also similar unused card showing the  ........................... Est 40.00+  2611. Ö 66-71, Cpl Jubilee 1846/1896  2637. Û 277-9, 283-8 (2 shades of 288),
         “Yamashiro” F-VF (3) ......... Est 65.00+  2558. Ö 222, Tied by purple illustrated Tatsuta-  overprinted set on a gorgeous Reg’d cover  C37-44, Cpl sets with “SPECIMEN” overprints
        2539. Ö 99, Tied on 1903 b/w postcard from  Maru/Sea Post 1936 postmark on card. The   with neat Labuan 21 Nov 1897 CDS’s.  & security punch from American Banknote Co.
         Tokyo to England. Has portrait of ADMIRAL  Ocean Liner was sunk by the American sub-  Addr to Sandown, Isle of Wight. Has VF  VF, NH..................... Est 75.00+
         TOGO who commanded the Japanese naval  marine Tarpon in 1943. It was carrying Cana-   Isle of Wight b/s’s from Ryde & Sandown.  2638. Û 312, Ashman 5¢ set of 10 diff Progres-
         fleet in battle with the Russian Fleet during  dian POW’s from Hong Kong to Wagasaki.  VF. Scarce. See photo below Est 600.00+  sive Imperf Colour Proofs. VF, NG Est 50.00+
         the Russo-Japanese War. F .... Est 60.00+  F-VF....................... Est 40.00+  2589. Û 46-59, Cpl KGV set up to One  2639. Û 591-6, 616-21, 675-82, 788-90,
        2540. Ö 127a-8a (2), Tied by matching illus-  2559. SSÛ 222a, Scarce Mt Fuji miniature  Pound, Fresh rich colours, VF, most stamps  IMPERF PAIRS. Also C218 IMPERF souvenir
         trated postmarks on fronts of b/w & colour  sheet of 20. Nicely centered, VF, some minor  (incl both High Values) are NH.... 826.00+  sheets. VF, NH, Lovely topicals..... 105.00
         postcards honouring the Birth of Crown Prince  bends/creases .................. 700.00                           2640. Û 3188-90, Mammals. VF, NH . 430.00
         Akihito. Cards depict Matsushima seaside view  2560. ÕÛ 265/270, 330/342, Coll of 14 diff  2590. Û 66-85, KGVI set to £1. F-VF . 217.85
         & Kobe temple. VF, unaddr (2). . . Est 65.00+  mint Blocks. F-VF, NH ............. 84.80
        2541. Ö 128a, 206(6), Tied front & reverse  2561. SSÛ 283a, Nikko National Park with
         on Tokyo to Osaka Airmail Flight card 2 Oct  original folder. VF, NH, some slight gum
         1929. Also bears special red illustrated Ise  bends ......................... 140.00
         Temple rebuilding postmark tying #206 single  2562. SSÛ 283a, With original folder. VF, NH
         on back. VF ................. Est 40.00+  .............................. 140.00
        2542. Ö 129b, Tied on front of colour illustrated  2563. SSÛ 407, VF, NH ............ 75.00
         embossed Patriotic postcard by purple illus-  2564. Û 422 (4), 479 (4), F-VF appearing but
         trated Naval Review commem postmark. The  with creases. Cat $700 ....... Est 100.00+
         postcard itself commemorates review after  2565. Û 479, VF ................. 150.00
         Russo-Japanese war of 1906 depicting 8  2566. ÕÛ 609, High Value corner block.
         Officers of the Manchurian Armies at Mukden.  Fresh, VF, NH .................. 240.00
         Historic item. VF ............. Est 50.00+
        2543. Ö 129b (3), Each tied on front of 3 diff  2567. ÕÛ 752, 754, Blocks of 6. VF, NH ...
                                      .............................. 216.00
         b/w illustrated postcards by red Crown Prince
         Visit to Sanyo Territories, 1926 (just before  2568. SSÛ C8, Scarce Airmail souvenir  2591. Û 85a, Scarce KGVI One Pound perf
         he became emperor) postmarks. Cards depict  sheet, fresh colours, VF, DG. See photo
         Foreign Allies attacking the areas in 1863-4.  below ..................... 1,300.00  11.5 x 13. Fresh, F-VF, LH........ 300.00  2612. ÕÛ 66c, Rare block with “1846
         VF, unaddr. Fascinating & unusual historic              2592. Û 120-35, QE set to 20sh. F-VF, NH .  JUBILEE 1896" overprint in ORANGE. Well  2641. ÕÛ 3188-90, Mammal set in blocks,
                                                                                               centered, VF, OG. Scarce multiple 1,300.00
         items ...................... Est 75.00+  2569. Û C43, Coil pair, VF, NH...... 80.00+  .............................. 72.55+  VF, NH...................... 1,720.00
                      LOT 2568
                                                                  LOT 2611
                                                                                                                      LOT 2669
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