Page 36 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 36

                   LOT 2383                           LOT 2385
                                                                                                                              LOT 2399

                                                                                            LOT 2395

        GRENADA Continued            2336. Û 1062-9, 1189, Imperforate Costume  INDIA (JIND):  2387. Û 36, Seahorse, F ........... 290.00
        2293. Ö 124-7, SILVER JUBILEE set neatly  set & souvenir sheet. VF (set LH, SS NH) ..
         tied by 11 June 1935 CDS’s on Reg’d cover  .............................. 140.00
         to England. VF............... Est 75.00+  2337. SSÛ 1189, Perf & Imperf souvenir
        2294. Û 131-42, 171-83, F-VF ...... 106.05  sheets. VF, NH................... 87.50
        2295. Û 171-83, F-VF .............. 51.25  2338. SSÛ B198A-D, CB1-CB1C, Roosevelt
                                      Sheetlets of 4. F-VF. (8 diff)........ 800.00
                 GUADELOUPE:         2339. Ö C6-9, etc, Tied by Budapest 13 Ap
        2296. Ú 2, Large margins, VF ....... 55.00+  1925 CDS’s on First Flight postcard from
        2297. ÚÛ 3-11, Mixed mint & used. VG-F+ .  Budapest to Szeged. Has boxed cachet &
         .............................. 226.75
        2298. Ö 28-9, 31, Three diff b/w postcards all  nice large size coloured label affixed. F ..
                                      ........................... Est 70.00+
         with 2-3 stamp frankings cancelled by Basse-  2340. Û C6-11, Set of Airmail IMPERF PAIRS.
         Terre 1903-04 CDS’s. Each postcard has a  VF, NH ........................ 200.00
         diff scene incl Gov’t House; Champ d’Arbaud  2341. Ö C13, C24, Both tied by Budapest 28  2388. Ú 36, Seahorse, F-VF, lightly cancelled
         & Harvesting Sugar Cane. All addr to Canada.  Mar 1931 cancels on postcard flown aboard  ............................. 400.00
         VF ........................ Est 80.00+
                                      GRAF ZEPPELIN Hungary round flight from
                                      Budapest. VF............... Est 125.00+  2368. Ú O59, KGVI 2 R used, F-VF . . 600.00
                                     2342. Û C53-62, IMPERF set. F-VF, LH ...
                                      ............................... 90.00
                                     2343. SSÛ C81, UPU PERFORATED souvenir
                                      sheet. VF, NH................... 375.00
                                     2344. SSÛ CB13-14, Perf & imperf of each.
                                      VF, LH (4)...................... 440.00
                                               ICELAND:                                                                   2400. Ú 79b, Ten Shilling Seahorse vertical
                                     2345. Û 165-6, High Values. F, NH. . . 240.00                                         pair neatly cancelled on a small piece. F+ .
         2299. Ú J3, Scarce 40¢ Black Postage Due,
          four large margins, lightly cancelled. VF, tiny  2346. Û 203-8B; Also 208Ac, 208Bd, F-VF .                        ............................. 850.00
                                      ............................... 82.45
          thin, trivial corner crease. Signed by A. Brun  2347. Û 203-8B, Also 208c, 208d, F-VF, NH                       2401. Û 117, F................... 175.00
          & with 1994 Philatelic Foundation Certifi-  (10 stamps) .................... 230.00                             2402. Ö 133-4, 139-40, 149-50, 153-8, Better
          cate. A RARE & UNDERVALUED STAMP .                                                  2389. Ú 37, Five Shilling Seahorse, VF, one  sets tied on 6 FDC’s, from 1946-57. F-VF ..
          ............................ 1,200.00  2348. Û 257-68, F-VF, NH ......... 143.15                                 ........................... Est 60.00+
                                     2349. Û 274-82, F-VF, NH ......... 102.75                 nibbed perf .................... 450.00  2403. Û 226a, Booklet Pane. VF, NH . . 62.50
                 GUATEMALA:          2350. Ö 284-6, Tied by Reykjavik 1 June 1954                                         2404. Û 1191a/1261a, Coll of 9 diff “TEAM
        2300. Ö Postal stationery 5¢ used locally  CDS’s on Reg’d FDC to Canada. VF ......                                 OF THE MILLENNIUM” Booklets. VF, NH ..
         from Guatemala City 7 June 1898. Has large  ........................... Est 40.00+  2369. Ö O75, KGVI 10 Rupee High Value,  ............................... 64.30
         advertising corner card for Julio Gisquiere  2351. Û 289-96, F-VF .............. 65.80  fresh, VF, NH, faint gum bend does not  ISRAEL:
         POSTAGE STAMP DEALER. This is one of  2352. Û C4-8, Cpl Millenary set, VF . . 205.50  detract from this nice stamp ....... 250.00  2405. Û 2-4, Exploded green Booklet with
         the earliest Stamp Dealer covers we have                                                                          3 diff panes, Peugeot ad on outside cover.
         handled from this country. F .... Est 75.00+            2370. Ú 2, VG-F.................. 100.00                  F-VF, panes are hinged (Bale Cat for cpl
                  HANOVER:                                                                    2390. Û 57, 57a, Five Shilling Seahorse  Booklet $850) .............. Est 150.00+
        2301. Ö 11, Tied on cover by blue Moringen               2371. Û IL23a, Imperf, VF, NG ...... 110.00  horizontal pair with the right stamp having  2406. Û 3, Top margin vertical pair IMPERF
         CDS to Soltau. Also #12 tied by blue                    2372. SSÛ 65b, 65c, UPU perf & imperf  the ACCENT OMITTED ERROR. Nicely  BETWEEN. Also a single with a major
         Salzgitten CDS to Kreiensen. VG-F (2 covers)             souvenir sheet. VF, NH ............ 65.00  centered, bright fresh colour, VF, LH .....  MISPERF. VF, pair is NH (2 items)........
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                                ............................ 640.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                                                 2373. SSÛ B231a, B231b, VF, NH .... 65.00
                  HONDURAS:                                      2374. Û Set of 13 mint IMPERF                            2407. Û 15, Horiz Pair, right stamp has
        2302. SSÛ C338/C344, Imperf & Perf Olympic                CINDERELLAS depicting President Soekarno                 MIDDLE STROKE in “E” of “ISRAEL”
         souvenir sheets. VF, NH (2)......... 90.00               in all diff colours incl values 20s (6) 300s (5)         MISSING. VF................ Est 40.00+
                 HONG KONG:                                       & 2000s (2). VF, NG. Unlisted. . . Est 60.00+           2408. Û 15/237 (tete beche pair), Interesting
        2303. Ú 3, VG-F................... 75.00                         IONIAN ISLANDS:                                   coll of 17 diff minor varieties identified in
        2304. Û 10, F-VF, NG ............. 155.00                                                                          glassines, from 1949-63. We saw a variety
        2305. Ú 22, F .................... 145.00  2353. Ö C9-10, Tied on cach Reg’d GRAF                                  of spots, streaks, donuts, rings, etc. F-VF,
        2306. Ú 24, VG-F.................. 90.00  ZEPPELIN 30 June 1931 Iceland Flight                                     some NH .................. Est 125.00+
        2307. Ú 55, F, one nibbed perf ...... 110.00  postcard addr to Belgium. VF. Better frank-                         2409. Ö 16, Tabul Sheet on cach FDC. VF,
        2308. Ú 69, F .................... 120.00  ing. Scarce................ Est 450.00+                                 unaddressed ................ Est 35.00+
        2309. Û 71-6, F-VF ............... 174.00                                                                         2410. ÚÛ 35-6, Hinged on special card
        2310. Ú 98, SON 1912 CDS. VF ...... 57.50                                                                          SIGNED by STAMP DESIGNER ARTHUR
        2311. Ú 100, 103, F-VF ............ 120.00                                                                         SZYK. Plus matching unaddressed cacheted
        2312. Ú 146, F ................... 100.00                                                                          FDC also signed by Szyk. VF (2 items) ....
        2313. Ú 146, KGV $5, F-VF......... 100.00                                             2391. Û 77-9, Seahorse set. F-VF . . . 390.00  ........................... Est 40.00+
        2314. Û 151-3, 168-73, F-VF (151-3 are NH)
         ............................... 69.75
        2315. Û 161, F-VF, NH ............ 75.00+
        2316. Û 168-73, F-VF .............. 49.75                2375. Ö Stampless folded letter with fancy
        2317. Û 168-73, Centenary set to $1. VF, NH               ZANTE scroll over oval date stamp 13 July
         .............................. 105.00                    1843 to CORFU (similar b/s). Has “4" m/s
        2318. Û 168-73, 180-3, F-VF, LH .... 116.50               rate. VF for this. Interesting inter-insular
        2319. Û 180-3, F-VF, LH............ 66.75                 cover .................... Est 250.00+
        2320. ÕÛ 185, Top margin block with the UR
         stamp having the MISSING PEARL IN RIGHT
         CROWN. Fresh, VF, NH ....... Est 80.00+
        2321. Û 203-17, QE set to $20. F-VF, NH ..
         .............................. 186.85
        2322. SSÛ 298a, 308a, VF, NH ..... 170.00
        2323. Û 326-7, High Values, VF, NH . 265.00
                                                                                              2392. Û 77a-79a, Cpl set of Seahorses in se-tenant vertical pairs showing WIDE AND NARROW
                                     2354. Ú C9-11, Zeppelin set, fresh colours,
                                      neatly cancelled, F-VF ........... 440.00                OVERPRINTS. Beautifully centered, fresh vibrant colours, VF, LH ................ 2,800.00
                                                                                             2393. Û 77b, Seahorse 2Sh6p horizontal pair  2411. Û 94, 99 (with tab), Minor varieties
                                                                                              with the right stamp MISSING ACCENT ON  due to slight SHIFT of black colour incl
                                                                 2376. Ö Stampless folded cover with CORFU                 PROTRUDING SKIRT & CLOSED EYE. VF,
                                                                  fancy scroll over oval 20 Jan 1845 cancel  “A” variety. Fresh, VF, LH (SG #86, 86b, Cat  NH ........................ Est 40.00+
                                                                                              £500) ..................... Est 350.00+
                                                                  (Vlastos type 10) to Patras (rec b/s). Has  2394. Û 78, Five Shilling Seahorse, XF, LH.  2412. Û J1-5, F-VF ................ 82.00
                                                                  red “30" m/s rate. F-VF....... Est 200.00+
                                                                                              A beauty! .................. Est 100.00+  2413. ÕÛ PVRO6, PVRO8, PRE12, Three diff
                                                                 2377. Û 1-3, F, NG ............... 355.00                 perforated REVENUE PROOFS: 50 & 75pr
         2324. Û 490-504, 490a-504a, 490b-504b,                  2378. Û N15, VF ................. 275.00  2395. ÕÛ 78, LL 5 Shilling Seahorse cor-  green & red plus 5pr blue & red. All in blocks.
          490c-504c, 490d-504d, Five diff complete               2379. Ö N18-25, NC12, NJ1-4, Tied by  ner block with the top right stamp having  These are from a major recent discovery.
          QE sets to the $50, from 1987-91. F-VF, NH              Kepkypa 1943 CDS’s on unaddr cover. F,  the CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT OVER “A”  F-VF, NH. Cat $6,400 in an old Bale.......
          ............................. 412.05                                                 variety (Position 9/2 in the sheet). Deep
                                                                  back flts, scotch tape adhesion . . Est 50.00+           .......................... Est 450.00+
        2325. Û 490b-504b, 532a-3a, VF, NH. . 82.25                          IRAN:             vibrant colour, perfectly centered, XF,  JUDAICA:
        2326. Û 490c-504c, 502ce, 532b-3b, VF, NH                2380. Û 935-40, Cpl set, the 75d stamp depicts  VLH. AN IMPRESSIVE BLOCK. See  2414. Ö Unused sepia illustrated postcard
         .............................. 192.25  2355. Ö C11, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  the Shah in a Boy Scout uniform. F-VF, NH  photo above ............. Est 400.00+  circa 1910 depicting a vintage biplane in
        2327. SSÛ 502ce, VF, NH ......... 110.00  30 June 1931 Iceland Flight cover addr to  .............................. 140.00  flight. Has numerous Biblical quotations from
        2328. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910  Buchau, Germany (fancy receiver). VF.  2381. ÚÛ 1052-3, Two National BOY SCOUT  Ezekiel Chapter 1 relating to flying, “use their
         depicting a CHINESE MAN & WOMAN  Better franking ............. Est 400.00+  JAMBOREE set on FDC’s. Each with a diff  wings straight”, “their wheels went up with
         PRISONERS IN WOODEN STOCKS. VF ..                        beautiful cachet. Also one mint set. F-VF                them”, etc. Also “The British are descended
         ........................... Est 65.00+  2356. Û C15-26, F-VF.............. 48.40  (2 mint stamps, 2 cach FDC’s) . . Est 65.00+  from Lost Israel”. Published by “John T. Hunt”.
                  HUNGARY:           2357. Û C27-9, F-VF, NH ........... 54.50  IRAQ:                                      F. Fascinating item ........... Est 65.00+
        2329. Ö 9, Tied by Baja CDS on printed circu-  INDIA:    2382. Û 193-4, High Values, VF, NH (194 tiny             2415. Ú STAR of DAVID illustrated bilingual
         lar with religious illustration 1873 to Rigyicza.  2358. Ú A1-3, Cpl set of 3 diff SCINDE  corner DG) ...................... 82.50  letter head from the Israeli Association of
         Also an 1872 cover with #9 from Pecs to  DISTRICT POST imperfs. All are Forgeries &  IRELAND:                     Cuba “ADATH ISRAEL” dated Havana 8 Aug
         Rigyicza. F (2 covers) ......... Est 35.00+  “tied” on piece. F (Genuine Cat $244,000 US)                         1937, written in Hebrew with 2 signatures.
        2330. Ö 9 (on face), 10 (on reverse side), Tied  .......................... Est 100.00+  2383. ÕÛ 12, UR corner block of the  VG+, faulty at left............. Est 80.00+
         by Bath 21 Mar 1874 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to  2359. Ö 169, 171, 173, Tied by Sialkot 29 June  2Sh6p Seahorse, fresh, VF, LH (one stamp  2416. Ú Member’s Ticket for the 5th meeting
         Neusohl. Has Beszterczebanya 22 Mar transit  1945 CDS’s on front & back of WWII Patriotic  is NH). See photo above ....Est 300.00+  of the COUNCIL of the JEWISH AGENCY
         cancel. F (9 missing corner) .... Est 50.00+  advertising cover for Uberoi Sports Goods to  2396. ÕÛ 78a, Five Shilling Seahorse block  for PALESTINE, circa 1940’s. Admission for
        2331. Ö 49/181, Variety of issues tied by Buda-  T. Eaton Co., Winnipeg. “Supplies to His Ex-  containing two vertical se-tenant pairs of  J. Hyman, representative for USA (printed
         pest 1906-21 CDS’s on 3 Stamp Dealer ad-  cellency The Late Viceroy”, etc. F, some wear.  the WIDE AND NARROW OVERPRINTS.  in Zurich). Measures 7x4.5 inches. F, some
         vertising covers & 1 card. Each illustrated by  Attractive ................... Est 50.00+  Perfectly centered with brilliant colour, XF,  edge creases & small tear. Scarce historical
         various stamps. Three to USA incl 1 Reg’d,                                            top stamps LH, bottom stamps NH .......  item ...................... Est 100.00+
         & 1 to Sweden. Dealers Pruckler, Szekula &                                            ........................... 1,400.00+  ITALIAN COLONIES:
         Tausig. We noted Falkland Is #20 illustrated,                                                                    2417. Û 23-31, F-VF, LH........... 178.50
         etc. Mixed condition but eye-catching topicals                                                                   2418. Û C28, C31, VF.............. 92.50
         (4 items)................... Est 100.00+                                                                             ITALIAN SOCIALIST REPUBLIC:
        2332. SSÛ 486, VF, NH ........... 140.00
        2333. Ö 824 (2), 832 (2), B198B & B198D
         4), Tied by Budapest Sept 1949 CDS’s on 2
         Reg’d covers to USA. F....... Est 300.00+
                                                                 2384. Û 12-14, Cpl Seahorse set up to 10
                                                                  Shilling, fresh colours, F-VF ....... 370.00
                                                                  2385. ÕÛ 13, UR corner block of the 5                   2419. Û Q1-12, F-VF, HH ........ 1,065.00
                                                                   Shilling Seahorse, fresh, VF, 2 stamps
                                                                   are NH. See photo above ...... 600.00+                 2420. ÕÛ Q4, Block of 20, F-VF, NH. 100.00
                                                                                              2397. Û 79, Ten Shilling Seahorse with un-  2421. Ú 72, Five Lire, private perfin. VG-F ...
                                                                                               usual DOTTED ACCENT variety. F-VF, NH  .............................. 230.00
                                                                                               ......................... Est 500.00+
                                     2360. Û 203-6, Gandhi set. VF, LH . . 557.50
                                                                                             2398. Û 79, Ten Shilling Seahorse, nicely
                                     2361. Ú 206, Gandhi 10 Rupees. VF. . 200.00              centered, fresh colour, VF ......... 225.00
                                     2362. Û 243-51, F-VF, some NH...... 64.90
                                     2363. Û 307, DOUBLE PRINT error (normal                  2399. ÕÛ 79, 79a, Sheet margin block
                                      stamp also enclosed for comparison). F-VF,               of the 10 Shilling Seahorse (Positions
                                      NH ........................ Est 75.00+                   4/1 - 4/2 - 5/1 - 5/2). The bottom left
                                     2364. SSÛ 636a, F-VF, NH.......... 65.00                  stamp with NARROW SPACING, others
         2334. Û 899a, The 1950 Boys’ Camp 60f with  2365. Û 1161a/1247a, 2093a, 2103a, Fresh  wide spacing. Exceptional centering,
          INSCRIPTION ERROR. Fresh, F-VF, NH.  lot of 8 Booklet Panes & 2 souvenir sheets.     fresh rich colour, VF, LH. A VERY
          A SCARCE & HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER  VF, NH ......................... 71.40               SCARCE BLOCK. See photo above ...
          ERROR .................. Est 750.00+
                                     2366. Û M11, VF .................. 55.00  2386. Ú 14, Ten Shilling Seahorse, F, light  ......................... 2,150.00+
        2335. SSÚ 1035, C157, VF .......... 52.50  2367. Û M44-55, F-VF, NH .......... 52.25  cancel ........................ 400.00  2422. Û 85, VG-F, HH ............ 850.00
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41