Page 32 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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                                                                                                                       LOT 2181

                                     LOT 2102

                                                            LOT 2177

                   GAMBIA:           2072. Û 330-6, 347-9, 363-5, F-VF.... 90.05                                          2136. SSÚ B91-2, Olympic souvenir sheets
                                     2073. Ö 337 (16 stamps incl block of 10), Tied  2092. Ö 422, Tied by Weimar 23 May,   with Berlin Olympic Station 16 Aug 1936
                                      by fancy Erbach Aeronautic Exhibition 12 Dec  1941 slogan cancel on BUCHENWALD       cancels. VF. A choice set.......... 135.00
                                      1934 cancels front & back on parcel delivery  CONCENTRATION CAMP cover. Has         2137. Ö B92, With Berlin 1 Aug 1936 CDS on
                                      notice, to Montreal. F, file fold. Eye-catching  sender’s name & address at LL along  large size Reg’d FDC to Dusseldorf / Krefeld.
                                      item!....................... Est 75.00+  with Camp Censor h/s. Addr to Brno.         F-VF, slightly reduced (Mi 250 Euro) ......
                                     2074. Û 345-6, Lot of 7 sets. F-VF, NH ....  Still has the original contents on Camp  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                      .............................. 297.50  stationery which also has a boxed Camp       2138. Û B93a, B95a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH (Mi
                                     2075. Ö 358 (2), Tied by Riesa 8 Dec 1926  Censor h/s. F. See photo on Page 31 ...    #43-140 Euro) .............. Est 100.00+
                                      CDS’s on 2 separate covers to Coimbra,  ....................... Est 325.00+         2139. Ú B107-15, B119-22, B169-70, F-VF ..
                                      Portugal. Both RETURNED & each franked  2093. Ö 426, Tied by violet 18 Oct 1938      ............................... 95.15
                                      by Portugal #416. F, some cover toning ....  cancel on 6pf Hindenburg postal stationery  2140. Ö B116, Tied by special Nazi illustrated
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+  card sent Reg’d from Bohmisch Kamnitz to  2114. Û 670-85, Cpl Posthorn set, fresh,  30 Jan 1938 cancel on postcard depicting 4
                                     2076. Ö 366, 369 (Pair), 392 (2), Tied by Leip-  Berlin (rec CDS). Reg’d postal cards are  well-centered, VF, NH. Has a 2006  views of Berlin, commemorating Berlin’s 700th
         2042. Û 2, Gorgeous sheet margin single,  zig 1 May 1933 CDS’s on underpaid cover to  scarce. An interesting Sudetenland item. F .  Sismondo Certificate for the whole set ....  Anniversary. VF.............. Est 40.00+
          XF, OG. Has been signed by Diena &  Le Lavandou, France. Has France #J34 tied.  ........................... Est 50.00+  ............................ 1,700.00  2141. Û B119, VF, NH............. 115.00
          others. AN OUTSTANDING STAMP 650.00  F, flap flt. Interesting franking . . . Est 40.00+  2094. Ö 431, C58, Tied on cacheted  2115. Ö 686, B316-7, B323, Tied by  2142. Ö B134-6, Tied by special illustrated
                                                                  HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN Aug 1936 7th  Bremerhaven 5 Mar 1952 CDS’s on airmail  Int’l Berlin Auto Exhibition 23 Feb 1939 can-
                                                                                                                           cels on cach special event cover. VF, unaddr
                                                                  North America flight cover to Wichita, Kansas.  cover to USA. F-VF, small flaws. Scarce
                                                                  F, edge wear ................ Est 50.00+  franking ................... Est 200.00+  ........................... Est 45.00+
                                                                 2095. Û 448-51, F-VF, NH .......... 90.00  2116. Ö 687 (Pair), 9N76, 9N79, Tied by spe-  2143. Ú B141-3, Cpl set neatly tied by
                                                                 2096. Û 459-62, Train set, F-VF, NH . . 97.50  cial 20 May 1952 postmarks on airmail cover  Nurburgring Auto Race 23 July, 1939 cancels
                                                                                                                           on separate pieces. VF ........ Est 75.00+
                                                                 2097. Û 469, Bottom margin imprint single.  to New York. F. A nice mixed franking cover  2144. Ö B141-3, Cpl VF Nurburgring Auto
                                                                  F-VF, NH ....................... 50.00  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                 2098. Ö 479, Tied by Nuremberg 1936  2117. Ö 688 (Pair), 691, 692 (4), 693 (3), Tied  Races overprinted set neatly tied by illustrated
                                                                  slogan cancel on multi-coloured propaganda  by special “Stuttgart / Visit the Wilhelm” Aug  21 May, 1939 cancels on Reg’d cover. F
                                                                                                                           crease at bottom well away from the stamps
                                     2077. Û 367b, 368d, 369a, Scarce cpl 2M  postcard for the NAZI PARTY RALLY IN  1952 cancels on #10 Airmail cover to New  .......................... Est 100.00+
                                      Reich Presidents 1933 Booklet containing  NUREMBERG. Depicts a SA Trooper holding  York. From 5th General Hospital APO 36. F,  2145. Ö B141-3, VF cpl Nurburgring Auto
                                      3 diff panes. Pristine fresh, XF, NH (Mi  the Nazi flag. Published by Hoffmann. F.  some wear. Nice multiple franking Est 50.00+  Races overprinted set neatly tied by illustrated
                                                                  Scarce .................... Est 225.00+
         2043. Û 3a, Large margins, XF, OG. . 425.00  #MH26.1, Cat 1,000 Euro).... Est 600.00+  2099. Ö 485, Tied by fancy 1938 Day of  2118. Ö 702, B334-6 (2), B337, Tied by Ham-  21 May, 1939 cancels on Reg’d cover. The
                                                                                              burg 15 July 1854 CDS’s on #10 Airmail cover
                                     2078. Ö 368, 371, Tied by special German-  Greater Germany cancel on coloured propa-  to USA. F-VF, centre fold not affecting stamps  stamps are matching UL corner margin sin-
                                      American Seapost, “EUROPA” First return  ganda postcard for the 1938 ANSCHLUSS  ........................... Est 75.00+  gles with imprints. VF. A CHOICE COVER .
                                      voyage New York to Bremen 29 Mar 1930 on  PLEBISCITE. Depicts a grey blue medallion  2119. Ú 737Ab, Booklet Pane. VF, a few short  .......................... Est 150.00+
                                      b/w photo postcard depicting SS BREMEN.  of Adolf Hitler on a red background. F .....  perfs ........................... 52.50  2146. Ú B160-8, Tied on 3 pieces by special
                                      Caption reads “The North German Lloyd Flier  ........................... Est 75.00+  2120. Û 1756, Scott unlisted bottom margin  Munich “Capital of the Movement” 2 Dec 1939
                                      BREMEN the Fastest Liner in the world”. Has  2100. Ö 485, Tied by fancy 1938 cancel  IMPERFORATE SINGLE. XF, NH ........  propaganda swastika cancels. VFEst 40.00+
                                      violet ship h/s “Europa.” Addr to Bavaria. VF  (commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the  .......................... Est 250.00+  2147. Ö B177, Tied by Karlsruhe 12 Jan 1941
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+  Munich Beer Hall Putsch) on sepia coloured  2121. ÕÛ 2199-2212, Defins up to 4.10 Euro  special cancel on Stamp Day illustrated post-
                                     2079. Ö 374 (Block of 6), Tied by Hamburg  postcard issued (in 1935) for the MEETING  in LL Blocks. Also part Booklet # 2146Ab. VF,  card. Depicts a German soldier with flag &
                                      6 June 1930 CDS’s on cach CATAPULT  OF THE WWI GERMAN WAR BUND in  NH (Face value 76.50 Euro) ....... 235.15  caption “IN THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM”. VF
                                      FLIGHT cover to New Jersey USA. F, minor               2122. ÕÚ B3-4, Used blocks. F-VF, neat  ........................... Est 40.00+
                                      edge flts.................... Est 60.00+  Stuttgart. F.................. Est 75.00+  CDS’s......................... 180.00  2148. ÕÛ B177-85, Marginal blocks of 6. F-VF
                                     2080. Ö 377, Tied by special German-Ameri-  2101. Ö 507, 510, 513 (2), Tied by various  2123. Ö (B23-7), Scarce Post Office new  .............................. 180.00
         2044. Û 4, Large margins, XF, OG. . . 350.00  can Seapost/SS EUROPA First Return Voy-  Freiberg Sept 1943 cancels on 3 WWII  issue notice / order form / postcard with  2149. Ö B202, Tied by special cancel Munich
                                                                  Mourning covers. Each has b/w photo or
                                                                                                                           29 March, 1942 on multi-coloured postcard for
                                      age New York to Bremen 29 Mar 1930 on
        2045. Ú 117, KGV 3 Shilling, F-VF .... 95.00  cover to Bavaria. Has violet “Europa” ship h/s.  illustrated sympathy inserts for a fallen soldier.  semi-postal set illustrated in full colour of  the DAY OF THE ARMED FORCES. Depicts
        2046. Ö 153/156, etc, Four diff Gambia  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  VF ........................ Est 75.00+  issues. VF. Nice collateral item . Est 125.00+  naval ships & military aircraft. VF Est 65.00+
         SEAPOST covers 1952-9. All have diff ship  2081. ÕÛ 385-6, Blocks, VF, NH .... 64.00+  2124. Ö B33, Scarce IPOSTA souvenir sheet  2150. Û B292-3, Imperf se-tenant FORGERY
         h/s’s plus additional “PAQUEBOT” cancels,                2102. Ö 510, Tied by Weimar CDS cancel  neatly cancelled by Berlin Iposta Exhibition  pair of the Storm Trooper issue. VF, NH. Inter-
         “BOXED POSTED ON STEAMER”, etc. Two                       on printed WWII postcard 1942 used  pictorial cancels 16 Sept, 1930 on a Reg’d  esting reference item.......... Est 50.00+
         covers with Gambia stamps, plus 1 with GB                 from the BUCHENWALD CONCENTRA-  cover to Freiburg (rec b/s 18 Sept, 1930).  2151. ÕÛ B292-3, Scarce Storm Troopers set
         stamps & other with a USA stamp. VF. Inter-               TION CAMP. Addr to Brunn with boxed  F-VF. A RARE COVER (Scott $1,500 US as  in matching left margin blocks of 25. Fresh,
         esting lot (4)................. Est 65.00+                censor h/s. F. See photo above ........  a used sheet) ............. Est 1,000.00+  F-VF, NH..................... 1,500.00
        2047. Û 175-87, Bird set to £1. F-VF, NH ...               ....................... Est 300.00+  2125. Û B33a-d, F-VF, NH, uneven gumming  2152. Ú B309, B318-9, B331, B334-7, B342-3,
         ............................... 65.20                   2103. Ö 511B, Tied by Auschwitz 11 May 1934  which is normal for this issue....... 330.00  F-VF .......................... 221.50
        2048. Û 3736-8, Scarce Mammal set. VF, NH                 CDS on AUSCHWITZ CONCENTRATION  2126. Ö (B34-7), Scarce Post Office new issue  2153. Ú B314-5, VF ................ 80.00
         .............................. 440.00                    CAMP folded letter from an inmate addr to  notice / order form / postcard with semi-postal  2154. Û B316-7, VF, NH (B316 natural gum
              GERMAN EAST AFRICA:                                 Kalisch. Has red Camp censor h/s. F ......  set illustrated in full colour of issue. VF. Nice  bend) ......................... 170.00
        2049. Ú 3-5, F-VF ................. 64.00                 .......................... Est 200.00+  collateral item! .............. Est 125.00+  2155. Ú B316-7, VF, neat CDS’s ..... 125.00
        2050. Ú 6a, 6b, 7-10, F-VF .......... 89.25              2104. Ú 530-45, 547-56, Numeral issues in  2127. Û B38-48, F-VF (B42-8 are NH) 228.10  2156. Ú B318-9, VF ................ 80.00
        2051. Ú 11-9, F-VF ............... 109.00  2082. Û 403, 404a, 406a, Cpl 1933  pairs tied on a large piece by Berlin 1946  2128. Û B49-57, F-VF ............. 387.50  2157. Ú B320-3, F-VF ............. 109.50
        2052. Û 11-21a, Kaiser Yacht set to 3 Rupee.  Hindenburg Booklet containing three  CDS’s. F-VF.................... 126.30  2158. ÕÚ B324-6, B331, Lovely used blocks.
         Fresh, VF ...................... 189.00  panes. Fresh, XF, NH. Has 2016 Schlegel  2105. Û 539a, 544a, Cpl mint Booklet. VF, NH  VF, lightly cancelled .............. 296.00
        2053. Ú 22-9, F-VF ............... 165.35  Certificate (MI #MH 33, Cat 900 Euro) ....  ........................... Est 35.00+  2159. Û B325-30, F-VF, NH ........ 131.50
        2054. Ú 31-8, F-VF ............... 263.50  ......................... Est 600.00+                                  2160. Ú B327-30, F-VF ............. 81.00
        2055. Û Set of 4 diff MALAKOTE LOCALS  2083. Ö 415, Tied by Hannover 25 Sept, 1938                                2161. Ú B327-30, B334-7, B344-7, B350-3,
         circa 1889 to 3 Rupees. Printed by the Ger-  fancy cancel on 5pf Postal Stationery card for                       B356-9, F-VF ................... 231.60
         man authorities but never issued. F-VF, NG  FLIGHT DAY in Germany (with Hannover im-                             2162. Ö B332-3, Tied by special Frankfurt 29
         ........................... Est 50.00+  print). This event was a recruiting campaign                              July 1953 cancel on FDC. VF, unaddr .....
              GERMAN NEW GUINEA:      for the NSFK (Nat. Socialist Flight Corps). The                                      ........................... Est 50.00+
        2056. Ú 1b, 2-6, F-VF ............. 170.50  Postal card shows German biplanes in flight.  2129. Û B49-57, Complete Wagner set,  2163. Û B334-37, F-VF, NH ......... 75.00
        2057. Ú 7-12, 14-6, F-VF. The High Value has  VF. VERY SCARCE TYPE WHICH WE HAVE       fresh, F-VF, NH. The top 3 values all have  2164. ÕÚ B334-7, Beautiful set of used blocks,
         guarantee b/s ................... 135.50  NOT SEEN BEFORE ........ Est 250.00+        guarantee b/s’s ............... 2,360.00  VF, neat CDS’s ................. 320.00
            GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA:  2084. Ö 416, Tied by special Lower Saxony                                          2165. Ú C11, F-VF................ 105.00
        2058. Ú 1-4, 7, 7b, 8-10, 12, F-VF..... 99.50  Industry Exhibition, Hanover 21 May 1935                           2166. Ö C23, Tied by Berlin 9 Sept 1934 CDS
        2059. Ú 13-24, F-VF (#24 spots of TS) 126.15  cancel on matching Third Reich Propaganda                            on Zeppelin ZR3 America flight postcard
        2060. Ú 26-30, 32, F-VF ........... 132.25  postcard. Depicts 3 workers hoisting beams.                            (depicting the National Postal Museum) F . .
                  GERMANY:            VF. Seldom seen postcard ..... Est 75.00+                                            ........................... Est 70.00+
        2061. Ö Stampless 1839 folded letter with 2-  2085. Ö 416 (Pair), Left stamp with Nazi Sword                      2167. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-Ameri-
         line Wupperfeld / BARMEN cancel to London,  illustrated “Russig is Free” overprint, plus                          can Seapost cancel 18 May 1930 flag cancel
         20 Sept b/s. Has several m/s rates & “Via  Czech #239a, Tied by violet “Russig / We are                           on cach CATAPULT FLIGHT cover from the
         Ostende” m/s. F.............. Est 50.00+  Free” 16 Oct 1938 SUDETENLAND cancels                                   ship “Bremen”. Addr to Chicago. signed on
        2062. Ú1,F ...................... 85.00  on unaddr cover. F-VF ........ Est 50.00+                                 reverse by “L. ZIEGENBEIN” Captain of the
        2063. Ú 14, F+ ................... 110.00  2086. Ö 416 (11), 507, Tied by 12 diff Third  2130. Û B50a, B53b, Cpl Wagner 1933  Bremen. F-VF .............. Est 125.00+
        2064. Ö 27, Tied by Bremen Bahnhof 21 May  Reich illustrated special event cancels from  Semi-postal Booklet in top condition. VF,  2168. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-Ameri-
         1875 CDS on Trans-Atlantic cover to Balti-  various cities from 1935-42. All addr to Kurt  NH (Mi #34.1 - 900 Euro)..... Est 750.00+  can Seapost/Bremen-New York/SS BREMEN
         more, USA. F. Cat $160 ........ Est 50.00  Netke, Elbing. F-VF........... Est 75.00+                              5 June 1930 flag cancel on cach Airmail
        2065. Ö 69, Tied by Seapost Australian Line  2087. Ö 419, Tied by Detmold 31 Oct 1935  2106. ÕÛ 561, IMPERFORATE BLOCK  CATAPULT flight cover addr to Chicago.
         25 Apr 1911 cancel on folded letter (written  CDS on b/w real photo postcard depicting  with full margins, fresh colour, VF, NH.  SIGNED on reverse by L. ZIEGENBEIN
         in Arabic) to Melbourne, Australia. F, some  ADOLF HITLER & JOSEPH GOEBBELS  Each stamp has a guarantee b/s (Mi Cat  Captain of the Bremen. F-VF . . Est 125.00+
         flaws. Interesting ............. Est 40.00+  giving apples to 2 children. F, creased corner  400 Euro) ................ Est 225.00+  2169. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-Ameri-
        2066. Ö 82, Tied by Hamm 27 Dec 1910 on  ........................... Est 50.00+                                    can-Seapost/Bremen-New York/SS BREMEN
         coloured postcard with the design of a 100  2088. Ö 419, Tied by Munich 7 May, 1938  2107. Û 623, Overprint SHIFTED to left. VF .  10 Sept 1930 Airmail CATAPULT FLIGHT
         Mark Reich Bank Note. Has centre view of a  slogan cancel on b/w real photo postcard  ........................... Est 35.00+  cover. Addr to Chicago. F-VF . . . Est 75.00+
         monument in Hamm. F ........ Est 45.00+  depicting a Nazi monument honouring those  2108. Ö 634, B318-9, B320-1 (2), B322-3,  2170. Ú C35-7, Zeppelins, F-VF ..... 118.00
                                      who died in the 1923 MUNICH BEER HALL  Tied by Bremerhaven 26 Mar 1952 CDS’s        2171. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
                                      PUTSCH. Depicts the monument with eagle  on airmail cover to USA. F, cello tape stains  Friedrichshafen-Sevilla 18 May 1930 flight
                                      & swastika, wreaths, 2 soldiers, etc. F .....  affect B318. Attractive multi-franking ......  cover addr to Madrid. Nice! (Frost #127-49).
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 150.00+       VF ....................... Est 150.00+
                                                                 2109. Û 654, 659-61, Vert Strips of 3. F-VF,
                                                                  NH ........................... 243.00
                                                                 2110. Û 657, IMPERF pair. VF, NH (Mi 75
                                                                  Euro) ...................... Est 40.00+
                                                                 2111. Û 657, IMPERF PAIR with DOUBLE
                                                                  PRINT ERROR. VF, NH (Mi 550 Euro).....
                                                                  .......................... Est 200.00+
                                                                 2112. Û 667-8, 686, 688, 690-1, 696, F-VF, NH
                                                                  .............................. 194.00
         2067. Ö 82, Tied on scarce GOTHA-ERFURT
          flight b/w photo postcard 25 July 1912. Has
          scarce matching 10pf blue SEMI-OFFICIAL                                             2131. Û B56-7, F-VF, NH ........ 1,010.00
          AIRMAIL affixed, cancelled by the proper “E.                                       2132. SSÛ B58, Scarce Nothilfe souvenir
          Schlegel” autograph h/s. The postcard de-                                           sheet, stamps are VF, OG with rich colours
          picts Schliegel, leader of the Gotha Flying  2089. Ö 419, Tied by Wilhelmshafen 17 Aug  but selvedge has some stains/creases. Cat
          School, in his early monoplane. VF. A NICE  1938 CDS on b/w photo postcard depicting  $1,150 US ................. Est 550.00+  2172. Ö C36, Tied by on board Luftschiff
          ITEM (Mi #5 - 1,000 Euro) .... Est 800.00+  the famous WWII German POCKET                                        Graf Zeppelin 1 Aug, 1931 cancel on Reg’d
                                                                                                                           cach 1st & 2nd South American Zeppelin
        2068. Ö 82, 96; Also France #’s 162 (2), B3,  BATTLESHIP “ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE”.                                      Flights. Has 2 diff Brazil stamps for the re-
         Tied by Duss 16 Jan 1919 CDS’s on cover to  The ship was sunk by ships of the Royal                               turn flight to Friedrichshafen. The postcard
         Charente, France. VF, vertical fold. Unusual  Navy off the coast of Montevideo Uruguay                            is a b/w real photo scene showing the
         2 country franking ............ Est 45.00+  in 1939. VF. Scarce ......... Est 150.00+                             Zeppelin LZ127 airship in a hangar. VF.
        2069. Ö 83, Tied by Holtenau 3 Sept 1906  2090. Ö 419, Tied by Meiningen 2 July, 1939                              A LOVELY ROUND TRIP COMBINATION
         CDS on colour illustrated bi-lingual postcard  illustrated cancel on b/w postcard for the                         ......................... Est 375.00+
         for Lassmann Passenger Service with the  ZEPPELIN MEININGEN FLIGHT. The post-
         Russian flag. Depicts the ship “SS IRKUTSK”  card depicts the Graf Zeppelin in flight. VF .                      2173. Ö C36, C37 (Pair), Neatly tied by
         which ran a passenger service between Rus-  ........................... Est 75.00+                                16 Aug 1929 on board postmarks on cach
         sia, Germany & England. F-VF . . Est 75.00+                                                                       Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst New Jersey
        2070. Ö 84b, 93, With “W.L.” private perfins;  2091. Ö 419, Tied by Weimar CDS on                                  GRAF ZEPPELIN flight cover. Nice cancels
         Also Turkey #426, Tied front & back on parcel  printed BUCHENWALD CONCENTRA-         2133. Û B59-67, Attractive mint set of Profes-  & franking. VF .............. Est 200.00+
         post advice from Brieg 7 Nov 1917 to Con-  TION CAMP postcard which has               sions. VF, NH .................. 450.00  2174. Ö C37, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
         stantinople. F, bit of edge wear. Interesting  “MAUTHAUSEN LINZ-OSTMARK” provi-                                   May 1929 America Flight cover addr to
         WWI era item................ Est 45.00+  sional straightline h/s. The card is written  2134. Ö B68, Scarce OSTROPA souvenir  Lakehurst. Has delayed flight h/s. VF ......
        2071. Ö 327, Tied on cach AIRSHIP Z.R. 3 Oct  from an inmate 6 Mar 1940 who was in  2113. Û 670-85, Complete POSTHORNS  sheet neatly cancelled by two Konigsberg  .......................... Est 100.00+
         1924 First Zeppelin Flight to America sepia  Mauthausen. Has box censored h/s.  set. Fresh, F-VF, NH. The 25pf, 40pf &  Ostropa Exhibition pictorial cancels 25 June,  2175. Ö C38, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
         photo postcard. Addr to Brazil. Card depicts  VF. Scarce. See photo on Page 31 .....  80pf all with Schlegel guarantee b/s’s ....  1935 on a cover addr to Berlin-Pankow. VF  July 1930 Rheinland Flight cover (Cologne
         town in Allgau region. F, minor soiling .....  ....................... Est 300.00+  ............................ 1,700.00  (Scott $825 US as a used sheet) Est 650.00+  to Koblenz leg); addr to Schneeberg. F-VF,
         ........................... Est 60.00+                                              2135. SSÛ B91-2, VF, NH.......... 200.00  centre fold. Scarce franking.... Est 225.00+
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37