Page 31 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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                                                                       LOT 2091
            LOT 1911
                                                                                                      LOT 2092

        FRANCE Continued                                                                     1971. Ö WWI b/w postcard from 1914  2011. Ú C9, VF. Has guarantee b/s. . . 240.00
        1899. SSÛ 241, Scarce 1927 Strasbourg                                                 depicting a French “TURQUOISE” CLASS
         Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet, fresh, VF,                                     SUBMARINE. Shows the crew on deck during
         LH, couple selvedge bends from mounting .                                            a naval review. F ............. Est 65.00+
          ............................ 1,000.00                                              1972. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard
                                                                                              depicting the launch of a huge Observation
                                                                                              Balloon at the front. VF ........ Est 40.00+
                                                                                             1973. Ö Unused b/w WWI postcard depicting
                                                                                              the early French Submarine “OTARIE” riding
                                                                                              on the water surface with 4 crew members
                                                                                              on its deck. F................ Est 65.00+
                                                                                             1974. Ö Unused WWI b/w postcard depicting
                                     1921. Û B9, VF, VLH. Has guarantee b/s.                  the wreck of a BRITISH FIGHTER PLANE
                                      Scarce........................ 425.00  1944. Ú C15, Scarce 50¢ Banknote Airmail,  laying in a snow covered field. VF Est 60.00+  2012. Û C10b, INVERTED OVERPRINT
                                                                  VF, guarantee b/s............... 310.00
                                                                                             1975. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard  error, pristine fresh, lovely centering. VF,
                                                                 1945. Ú C16-17, F-VF (C17 with 3 short perfs)  depicting a column of French soldiers walking  NH (Yvert 450 Euro)............ 400.00+
                                                                  .............................. 135.25  beside a French TANK “Schneider CA1" (this
                                                                 1946. Û C22, C27, F-VF, LH........ 175.00  was the first French Tank). F. Scarce......
         1900. Ú 246, Scarce Philatelic Exposition               1947. Û C23-7, F-VF.............. 212.70  ........................... Est 75.00+
          neatly tied on piece by 19 May, 1929                   1948. Û C27, Fresh, VF, NH ........ 130.00  1976. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard of a
          Exposition cancel. F-VF, minor perf TS ...             1949. Û C29-32, F-VF, NH ......... 281.25  German Fighter Plane shot down on the Brit-
          ............................. 600.00                                                ish Front. F, toning on reverse . . Est 65.00+
                                                                                             1977. Ö Scarce 1915 b/w real photo postcard
        1901. Û 252, VF .................. 70.00  1922. Û B11, Sheet margin IMPERF wonder-    from WWI depicting French chemist
        1902. Û 279, Key value. Fresh, VF, NH ....  fully fresh, XF, LH. Has a 2021 Gautre Cer-  FRANCOIS TURPIN working in his laboratory.
         .............................. 160.00  tificate. A very scarce imperf stamp (Yvert
        1903. Û 300a, VF ................. 55.00  #156a, Cat 2,000 Euro)..... Est 1,200.00+   He was the Inventor of Melinite & other revolu-
        1904. Û 300a, A choice example. XF, NH ...                                            tionary new explosives. The postcard has
                                                                                              been used by a military soldier. F Est 75.00+
         .......................... Est 150.00+  1923. Ú B11, VF................... 60.00    1978. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard 1915
        1905. SSÛ 329, PEXIP 1937 souvenir sheet.  1924. Û B33, F, NH............... 130.00   depicting the wreck of a GERMAN AIRPLANE  2013. Ú C11, VF. Has guarantee b/s . 240.00
         VF, hinged in selvedge, centre stamps are NH  1925. Û B34, LL corner single. F-VF, NH ...  being inspected by French military officers. VF  FRENCH GUIANA:
         .......................... Est 350.00+  .............................. 130.00                                    2014. Ú 4, 7, VF, light cancels....... 105.00
                                                                                              ........................... Est 60.00+
        1906. SSÛ 329, PEXIP souvenir sheet, Pris-  1926. Û B38, F-VF ............... 125.00  1979. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1916  2015. Ú 18-21, 24-6, VG-VF ........ 262.50
         tine fresh, VF, NH................ 700.00  1927. Û B66-7, F................. 130.00                              2016. Ú 29, F .................... 125.00
                                     1928. Û B66-7, F-VF, NH (B66 has small  1950. Û C29-32, VF, NH .......... 281.25  depicting The Caudron R.11 Warplane. This
                                      corner crease) .................. 350.00                was a French 3 seat twin-engine long range  2017. Û 31, F. Has guarantee b/s..... 70.00
                                     1929. Û B117-28, B135-46, VF, NH . . . 75.00  1951. Û C34-6, VF, NH ............. 71.00  escort fighter biplane developed by Caudron  2018. Û 156-61, VF................ 54.50
                                                                                                                          2019. Ö 170 (Pair), Tied by Cayenne 11 Oct
                                     1930. ÕÛ B147a, Pretty gutter block of 5 vert            in WWI. Scarce. VF........... Est 70.00+  1941 CDS on WWII censored airmail cover to
                                      se-tenant strips of 4. VF, NH ....... 112.50           1980. Ö Stampless WWI Military cover with
                                     1931. Û B157a, VF, NH............ 100.00                 Camp D’Avord 2 Oct 1917 CDS to USA. Has  New York. Has local censor h/s & US censor
                                     1932. Û B249-54, VF, NH ........... 72.00                vintage monoplane illustrated Military Aviation  tape. VF.................... Est 40.00+
                                     1933. Û B249-54, B258-63, B267-72, B276-81,              School / Camp D’Avord corner card. F .....  2020. Û B4-8, VF, LH .............. 57.50
                                      F-VF .......................... 213.00                  ........................... Est 45.00+  FRENCH GUINEA:
                                     1934. Û B274a, Cpl mint Booklet. VF, NH ..              1981. Ö WWI postcard depicting a 930 kgm  2021. Ú 33-47, Cpl set to 5 Fr. F-VF . . 178.10
                                      .............................. 375.00                   GERMAN ARTILLERY SHELL, with a French  FRENCH MOROCCO:
                                     1935. Û B282a, Cpl Red Cross Booklet. VF,                soldier on a bicycle alongside. Description  2022. Û 22, F+, HH. Has guarantee b/s.....
                                      NH ............................ 85.00                   of the shell at top. Has 1917 message on  .............................. 160.00
                                     1936. Û B291a, Cpl mint Red Cross Booklet.               reverse but not mailed. F....... Est 50.00+  2023. Ú 69, VF.................... 95.00
                                      VF, NH ........................ 110.00                 1982. Û Bi-plane illustrated 2 Francs 1922  2024. Û B10-2, F-VF, NH ........... 98.00
                                     1937. Û B301a, Cpl mint Red Cross Booklet.               Bourges Aviation Meeting Semi-Official Air-  2025. SSÛ B41a, B47a, CB34a, CB39a, Set
                                      VF, NH ........................ 300.00                  mail. F-VF .................. Est 35.00+  of 4 diff souvenir sheets. F-VF, LH. . . 125.00
         1907. ÕÛ 329a-d, Cpl set of PEXIP 1937                                              1983. Ö Unused b/w souvenir card 1923 de-  2026. Ú 4L10-6, 10L1-2, F-VF........ 78.00
          singles in a se-tenant block (from the souve-                                       picting “Le Plongeur C. TAKKENBERG” -  2027. Ú 5L14, 7L1, 9L1-2, F-VF ..... 112.00
          nir sheet). Fresh, VF, NH ........ 360.00+                                          the high diving world traveller. F . Est 45.00+  2028. Û 6L1, 6L3, 12LJ1-2, 12LJ5, 12LJ8,
                                                                                             1984. Ö Two diff unused b/w real photo post-  F-VF (6L3 is used) ............... 103.00
        1908. Ö 339, 445 (2 Pairs), Tied by Camp                  1952. Û J1, Rare mint original gum Postage  cards depicting ALAIN GERBAULT circa  2029. ÚÛ 8L1 (mint), 8L2-3 (used), VF ....
         de Rivisaltes 12 Dec 1941 CDS’s on WWII                   Due, four large margins showing a portion  1923. He was a French sailor & writer who  .............................. 107.50
         Censored Airmail cover from a POW to USA.                 of the adjoining stamp at top, rich colour,  made a circumnavigation of the world as a  2030. Û 14L1, VF ................. 65.00
         Also POW censored stampless letter sheet                  sharp impression. VF, OG, tiny expert  single-handed sailor in his sailboat “Firecrest.”
         from the same camp to Vienna in 1946.                     corner repair does not detract. Has 1993  VF (2)...................... Est 85.00+
         VG-F+ (2 covers)............. Est 50.00+                  Calves Certificate. AN EXTREMELY RARE  1985. Ö Unused sepia postcard circa 1930
        1909. Û 348, 414, VF, NH.......... 220.00                  FRANCE STAMP ESPECIALLY WITH  depicting a NIEUPORT-DELAGE transport
                                                                   ORIGINAL GUM ............. 30,500.00  biplane along with an inset photo of PILOT
                                                                                              LASNE. VF ................. Est 50.00+
                                                                 1953. Ö J3, J4 (2 singles & a pair), Tied on  1986. Û Large size 15 Francs red & green
                                                                  4 Postage Due folded covers from various  1946 mono-plane illustrated tete beche pair
                                                                  towns, addr domestically from 1861-9. F-VF  Model Aircraft Show / Aerodrome de Terrefort
                                                                  ........................... Est 75.00+  labels. Also similar tete beche pair with
                                                                 1954. Ú J3-4, J6, VF ............... 82.50  Rocket Propulsion Essay overprint. VF (2
                                                                 1955. Û J65, High Value Postage Due. F-VF,  pairs) ...................... Est 45.00+
                                                                  NH ........................... 275.00  FRANCE (CHINA):
                                                                 1956. Û J92, VF, NH, corner crease. . . 65.00  1987. Ú 44, VF.................... 72.50  2031. Û 18L1-7, Cpl set to 1p. F-VF, NG ...
                                                                 1957. Û J93-7, F-VF, NH............ 59.75  1988. Ú CANTON #’s 24, 29, F-VF .... 95.00  ............................. 230.00
                                                                 1958. ÕÛ J93-7, Lovely set of Postage Due  1989. Ú MONGTSEU #’s 13-4. VG-F (13 has
                                     1938. Û C1-2, Cpl first Airmail set. Fresh, F-VF,  blocks. Fresh, F-VF, NH........... 239.00
                                      NH (C1 has pencil guarantee b/s) . . . 800.00  1959. Û N27-58, WWII German Occupation  a few missing perfs) .............. 230.00
                                                                                                     FRANCE (EGYPT):
         1910. ÕÚ 348, 348a, Set of 50Fr Clement  1939. Ú C2, Scarce Airmail, F ....... 225.00  of Alsace & Lorraine. F-VF......... 128.80  1990. Ö ALEXANDRIA, Stampless
          Ader used blocks showing the two types. VF                                          DISINFECTED letter with Alexandrie / Egypte
          ............................. 570.00
                                                                                              27 Aug 1845 CDS to MALTA. Has “via French
                                                                                              Steamer” written in Italian. Letter is related to
         1911. Ö 364, Vertical Pair with                                                      market for crops & cheese (English translation
          DUNKIRK Type 1 “Besetztes / Gebeit /                                                accompanies). Has “5" m/s rate. VF .......
          Nordfrankreich” h/s tied by Ghyvelde /                                              .......................... Est 200.00+
          Nord 15 July 1940 CDS, addr to Dunkirk                                                     FRANCE (TURKEY):
          (16 July b/s). Has 3 German Occupation                                             1991. Ö 25, Tied by JERUSALEM 20 Jan 1909
          items. VF. Has 3 diff guarantee h/s’s incl                                          CDS on front of b/w photo postcard depicting  2032. Û 20L1-7, Cpl Magador to Agadir set
          Calves & Roumet. See photo above ....                                               the Last Supper location, “Cenecale” in Jeru-  up to 1 Peseta. F-VF, bit of gum toning on
          ....................... Est 400.00+                                                 salem. Addr to France. F....... Est 45.00+  a couple (40¢ has flts). A scarce & rarely
                                                                                                                           seen set ...................... 545.00
        1912. Ö 383, Tied by Saumur 9 June 1947                                              1992. Û DEDEAGH #’s9-18; Also 3a, F-VF .  FRENCH POLYNESIA:
         cancels on illustrated items for the GRAND  1940. Û C8-14, Cpl Airmail set to 50 Fr, fresh  ............................... 88.50  2033. Ú 72-5, F-VF ............... 125.50
         AVIATION/PARACHUTE MEET at Saumur.  colours, nice centering, VF........ 976.00      1993. Ú PORT LAGOS #’s 2-3. VF . . . 120.00  2034. Û 199-202, Fish set in IMPERF PAIRS.
         One is a postcard, other is a leaflet. VF ....                                      1994. Ú PORT LAGOS #5. F, hinge thin 97.50  VF, NH. Lovely topicals........ Est 75.00+
         ........................... Est 65.00+                                              1995. Ö France #’s 25, 27, Tied by “5096" loz-
        1913. Ö 476F, 561, Tied by BAT illustrated                                            enge cancels on folded letter with SAMSOUN
         WINGS Exposition (Airmail) 14 Dec 1947                  1960. Û Q3, VG-F, light creases . . . 1,000.00  12 July 1863 CDS to Constantinople. F-VF .
         special cancels on cach airmail cover to                1961. Ö Unused glossy b/w real photo post-  ........................... Est 75.00+
         England. VF. Interesting ....... Est 50.00+              card 1906 depicting the early dirigible airship  FRANCE (ZANZIBAR):
        1914. Ö 542A, Tied by Angers 31 Mar 1947                  “LE PATRIE”. This has the distinction of being  1996. Û 25, 28, F................. 112.50
         cancel on cach souvenir cover flown from                 the first airship built for the French military. VF  1997. Ö Unused perforated postal stat 2À
         Angers to Ajaccio. Has special Aeronautical              ........................... Est 75.00+  Annas surcharge on 25¢ letter card, circa
         Exposition label on reverse. Only 1,000                 1962. Ö Three diff unused b/w postcards circa  1896. F-VF.................. Est 40.00+
                                                                                                    FRENCH COLONIES:
         covers were produced. F-VF.... Est 75.00+                1908 depicting early MERCEDES CARS. F .  1998. Ú 1, 3-6, F-VF .............. 122.50
        1915. Û 624, VF, NH............... 55.00                  ........................... Est 60.00+  1999. Ú 40-2, F ................... 90.00
        1916. ÕÚ 624, Used Stamp Centenary block                 1963. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910
         with neat Paris 1 June, 1949 commem F.D.  1941. Û C14, Scarce 50 Fr Plane Over Paris  depicting an early Italian FORLANINI  FRENCH CONGO:
         cancels. XF ................... 160.00+  airmail. VF, LH ................. 825.00  HYDROPLANE being tested on Lake Majeur.  2000. Ú 2, Tied on piece by SON Libreville 20
                                                                                              June 1892 CDS. VF .............. 110.00
        1917. Û 840-4, 910-3, 952-5, Gallic Cock                  VF ........................ Est 60.00+  2001. Ú 2, 5, VG-F (#5 has pulled perf)162.50
         Precancel sets IMPERFORATE. VF, most NH                 1964. Ö Unused b/w France souvenir postcard
         ........................... Est 65.00+                   of the Aviation Field for the May 1910 AIR  2002. Ú 7-8, 10, F (#10 is neatly tied on piece)
        1918. Û 942, Cpl mint Booklet with 2 panes of             MEET AT TOURS. Depicts portraits of 6  .............................. 220.00  2035. Û C20-7, VF, some NH ...... 305.00
         10. VF, NH ...................... 65.00                  diff early aviators on the postcard. F,  2003. Ú Imperf Parcel Post 10¢ with SON  FR. SOUTHERN AND
                                                                                              Libreville / Gabon-Congo 13 Nov 1892 CDS.
                                                                  minor toning. Scarce aviation postcard....  VF (Yvert #1)................ Est 90.00+  ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES:
                                                                  .......................... Est 100.00+  2004. Û Type A5, Imperf TRIAL COLOUR  2036. Û 14-7, 35-6, C13, C21, VF, LH (C21
                                                                 1965. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard pre 1910  PROOF in dark blue & black (no value in  slight DG) ...................... 216.00
                                                                  depicting EARLY FIRE TRUCKS at their  tablets). VF, ungummed ....... Est 75.00+  2037. Û 30, VF, VLH .............. 110.00
                                                                  station in Paris. VF ........... Est 50.00+  FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA:  2038. Û C26-7, VF, NH ............ 145.00
                                                                 1966. Ö Unused early aviation postcard of the  2005. Ö 11, 35-6, 40, 43, 94, 133-4; Also  GABON:
                                                                  1911 European Circuit depicting the TRAIN  Middle Congo #66, Tied by Pointe Noire,
                                     1942. Û C15, Scarce 50Fr Banknote airmail,  MONOPLANE with inset portrait of the pio-
                                      beautiful rich colour, fresh, VF, NH 1,700.00  neer aviator EMILE TRAIN. VF . . Est 60.00+  Middle Congo 15 Aug 1941 CDS’s on local
                                                                                              WWII Censored cover. VF...... Est 65.00+
                                                                 1967. Ö Unused early aviation postcard of the  2006. Ö 34, 36, 39, 41, 43, 86, 94, 133, 135,
                                                                  1911 European Circuit depicting a FARMAN  Tied by Pointe Noire Middle Congo 15 Aug
                                                                  BIPLANE & the depart of Pilot HENRI  1941 CDS’s on local WWII Censored cover.
                                                                  WIJNMALEN. VF............. Est 50.00+  VF ........................ Est 65.00+
         1919. Û 1024, Scarce 25¢ on                             1968. Ö Unused early aviation b/w postcard
          EXPERIMENTAL LUMINESCENT PAPER,                         from Ville de Champigny 25 May, 1913. De-  2007. Ö 94, 98, 133, 135-6, 139-41, Tied by
          pristine fresh. VF, NH. Has pencil guarantee            picts 3 pioneer pilots (each with their names)  Pointe Noire, Middle Congo 15 Aug 1941
          b/s & 2001 B.P.B. Certificate. See footnote             & an early SEAPLANE. VF ..... Est 65.00+  CDS’s on local WWII Censored cover. F-VF.
          in Scott (Yvert #1331d, Cat 900 Euro).....             1969. Ö Coll of 3 diff unused b/w postcards  Attractive mixed franking....... Est 65.00+
          ......................... Est 750.00+                   from WWI depicting BOMBING DAMAGE OF  2008. Ö 130, Tied by Brazzaville 13 Sept 1944  2039. Ú 2, Scarce 10¢ on 20¢, VG-F, lightly
                                                                                              on b/w photo postcard commemorating Visit of
        1920. Ö 1784/1886, Coll of 17 diff Liberty is-            BUILDINGS FROM A GERMAN ZEPPELIN  General CHARLES de GAULLE (saluting from  cancelled...................... 575.00
         sues tied by Paris special 1982-4 cancels                RAID. F (3) ................. Est 80.00+  vehicle). F. Stamp Cat $160 .... Est 65.00+  2040. Ú 32, High Value 5 Fr, F-VF.... 127.50
         on 6 colour illustrated postcards depicting  1943. Û C15, Bank note Airmail, perfectly  1970. Ö Unused b/w WWI postcard depicting  2009. Û 133-41, F-VF, NH ......... 55.00+  2041. Û 200 (2), 201, Three diff IMPERF BOY
         LIBERTY (2 diff designs). VF, unaddr......  centered, fresh rich colour, XF, LH. . 625.00  a crashed double-seat airplane at Barbat. VF  2010. ÚÛ B10-12, B22-3, F-VF, some DG  SCOUT TRIAL COLOUR PROOFS. VF, NH.
         ........................... Est 45.00+                   ........................... Est 60.00+  (B10 is used) ................... 347.50  Nice topicals ................ Est 40.00+
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36