Page 26 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 26
LOT 1586 LOT 1601
LOT 1596
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1572. Ö 112-5, 117, 119-22, 129, 148-51, Vari- 1620. Û 69-79, KGV up to 5 Shilling, fresh
(BOSNIAK GOVERNMENT): ous overprinted issues all tied by Registration colours, F-VF ................... 214.65
1552. SSÛ 389, 529e (both perf & imperf). VF, Branch GPO cancels on large size 1890
NH ............................ 51.50 Reg’d cover to Belgium (b/s). F-VF, vertical
1553. SSÛ 529 (sheet of 5 strips), 529e (perf fold, tear at LL (not affecting stamps). An
& imperf). EUROPA issue. VF, NH . . 138.00 attractive cover!............. Est 350.00+
BRAZIL: 1573. Ú 209, KGV $1, VF ........... 60.00
1554. Ú 7-8, F (7 minor TS) .......... 60.00 1574. Û 241, Two KGVI $3 High Values. F-VF,
1555. Ú 49, Scarce 280r Red with black cancel, NH. Cat approx $85........... Est 30.00+
F-VF, one rounded corner. Has 1977 APS 1575. Û 253-67, VF............... 124.05
Certificate...................... 850.00 1576. Û 253-67, VF............... 124.05
1556. Ö 177, 178 (Pair), Tied by Pelotas 21 BR. HONDURAS:
Sept 1915 CDS on Reg’d illustrated cover for 1577. Û 58-61, All with SPECIMEN overprints.
Vera-Club (for collectors) to Lima Peru, via F-VF, couple have some adhesions on gum 1608. Ú 178, Partial Mafeking CDS. F 425.00
Rio de Janeiro & New York. F. . . Est 45.00+ ........................... Est 60.00+ 1595. Û 355-7, Cpl Surcharged set, pristine
1557. Ö 306, 4CL5, Tied on cach GRAF 1578. Û 72-4, All with SPECIMEN overprints. fresh, XF, NH .................. 525.00
ZEPPELIN Rio de Janeiro-Recife-Lakehurst F-VF, low value has couple rounded cor- 1621. Ú 80, KGV 10 Shilling Centenary, rich
colour, neat corner cancel. VF ..... 475.00
legs of First South America Flight cover 24 ners ....................... Est 40.00+ 1596. Ö B10-13, Scarce “SPITFIRE” Free
May 1930, addr to Los Angeles. VF. Scarce 1579. Û 92-101, Also 103, KGV mints up to $1. French surcharged set neatly tied by 1622. Û 85-96, KGV set to 10 Shilling. F-VF
Semi-Official Airmail franking . . Est 400.00+ Fresh colours, F-VF .............. 141.25 Edea 8 Dec, 1940 CDS’s on cover to (#96 has crease) ................ 255.60
1558. SSÛ 465, 466 (2 diff shades), VF, NH, Eseka (rec b/s). Has boxed SPITFIRE 1623. Ö 91, Tied on cach First Visit of
minor TS........................ 90.00 illustrated cachet “JOURNEE DU SPIT- Tourist Ship “RMS Atlantis” cach cover by
1559. SSÛ 1147, VF, NH ........... 40.00 FIRE CAMEROUN 8 Dec, 1940" h/s. Georgetown 22 Feb 1937. Has matching
1560. Û C23/C69, Lot of 18 diff Airmails. F-VF, F-VF. Signed by Docquet & Cie. Stamps Ship cancel. VF, unaddressed . . Est 45.00+
some NH ....................... 49.65 alone Cat $460 US. See photo above ... 1624. Û 100-11, 114-15, F-VF ....... 77.70
1561. Û 1CL1-7, Condor Syndicate semi- ....................... Est 500.00+
official airmails. VF, NH ........... 108.50 1597. Ú B16-7, VF, lightly cancelled . . . 80.00
1562. Ö Lot of 4 diff b/w & colour photo post- 1598. Û C94, C111-16, Coll of 7 diff Airmails 1609. Ú 179, Mafeking 3 My 1900 CDS, F,
cards depicting the Battleship “Sao Paulo”, light crease .................... 450.00
from 1900’s-10’s. Show the ship “Crossing all with 1969 red overprints in capital letters
the Line” at sea & in port at Santos & Barrow. PREMIER HOMME / FIRST MAN / LANDING CAPE VERDE:
ON MOON. VF, NH .............. 375.00
F (4)....................... Est 50.00+
1580. Ú 102, KGV $2, VF, lightly cancelled . 1599. SSÛ C115a, Advocates of Non-Violence
BR. ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: ............................. 130.00 souvenir sheet overprinted in red for the 20
1563. Û 1-15, VF, NH ............. 172.15 July, 1969 Lunar Landing. Fresh, VF, NH ..
.............................. 300.00
1600. Ö Germany #49, Tied by neat Kamerun
5 Jan 1895 CDS on cover to Berlin. F, couple
small edge tears. A nice German Colonial
forerunner cover ............. Est 40.00+ 1625. Û 108a, KGVI One Shilling with “A” of
#123ab, Cat £2,500). Well centered, VF,
1601. Ö QV surcharged 1p on 1/2p LH, a couple tiny ink spots at top. A RARE
Postal Stationery card cancelled by 1610. Û 13c, Left sheet margin horiz pair with STAMP ................. Est 1,000.00+
Cape Colony 5 Dec, 1898 double-circle large balanced margins. Has the CLICHÉ 1626. Ö 109, Tied by Georgetown 29 June
addressed to a person onboard the “SMS ERROR with a 40R Mozambique stamp at 1948 CDS on Reg’d Airmail cover to Prague,
1581. Û 104, KGV $5 High Values, fresh rich right & Cape Verde stamp at left. VF, OG, Czechoslovakia via Kingston, Jamaica.
colour, F-VF, LH............ Est 250.00+ CHINA. Forwarded to HONG KONG & some TS. VERY RARE ITEM UNPRICED Scarce destination. F-VF....... Est 40.00+
then MANILA PHILIPPINES. Has all 1627. Ö 116-7, Silver Wedding set tied by
1582. Û 144-55, F-VF .............. 94.15 kinds of nice markings on the front & IN SCOTT ATTESTING TO ITS SCARCITY
1564. ÕÛ 1-15, Cpl first set up to £1 in fresh 1583. Û 167-78, Birds. F-VF ......... 75.60 ......................... Est 600.00+ Stako Bay 14 Mar 1953 CDS’s on Reg’d
blocks. VF, NH ................ 688.60+ reverse incl Sea Post Office Jan 15; cover to Switzerland. VF ....... Est 75.00+
1584. Û 167-78, Bird to $5. F-VF, NH 75.60+ Aden Jan 16; Shanghai large dollar chop 1628. Û 122-34, F-VF .............. 81.20
BR. INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY: Feb 13; German Tsingtao Feb 19; Hong 1629. Û 135-49, F-VF ............. 125.10
1585. ÕÛ 106-7, Queen Mother LR Plate Kong Feb 27; Manila Mar 2; etc. VF. A 1630. Û 145-8, 163-7, High Values. F-VF ...
Blocks. VF, NH................... 72.00 GREAT POSTAL HISTORY ITEM. Ex .............................. 130.75
BRUNEI: Magnolia collection. See photo above ...
....................... Est 700.00+
1586. Ö A2, A4-7, Tied by Brunei 22 July,
1895 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to London
England (rec b/s 26 Aug, 1895). Also
franked by Labuan #56 tied by Labuan 25
July, 1895 CDS. The Brunei stamps still
with original interleaving on reverse before
they were applied to the cover. F-VF. A
rare cover. See photo above Est 800.00+
1565. Û 24, £1 Endurance, VF, NH . . 160.00
1566. Ö 57, Tied by Adelaide Island 24 Dec 1587. Ú 7, Forgery block & pair both tied
1973 CDS on cover with boxed ROYAL on piece (which is addr to Basel), & with
RESEARCH SHIP / BRANSFIELD / BR. Braunschweig cancels. F. Interesting refer- 1611. Û C7, Overprinted for the New York
ANTARCTIC SURVEY / RELIEF SEASON ence item................... Est 65.00+ World’s Fair 1939-40. Fresh, VF, NH. Guar-
1973-4. Has HAND DRAWN cachet depicting antee b/s ................. Est 200.00+
an expedition member. VF ..... Est 65.00+ 1588. SSÛ 2206, Souvenir sheet overprinted
1567. Ú 5-9, F-VF ................ 231.00 BURMA: 1612. Ú 1-2, 7-15, 17, F-VF ......... 194.00
1568. Ú 22-3, F-VF ................ 67.00 1602. Û 4, Scarce mint pair with full to large CASTELLORIZO:
1589. Û 1-13, F-VF ................ 60.75 margins all around, rich colour, VF, OG,
1590. Ö 163, Tied by special Mandalay Cente- some gum toning.............. 2,750.00 1613. Ú 33, VG-F, lightly cancelled . . . 200.00
nary 7 Nov 1969 cancel on large size multi- 1614. Û 35, VF, NH, TS spots on reverse.
colour cach FDC. (Scott lists this as 9 Nov for 1603. Ú4,VF..................... 85.00 Scarce ........................ 350.00
F.D.) F-VF, unaddr. Gorgeous . . Est 35.00+ 1615. Ú 36, VF, lightly cancelled. Scarce ...
1591. Û O94-104, Bird Official set, VF, NH .. .............................. 200.00
............................... 77.75 CAYMAN ISLANDS:
CAMEROUN: 1616. Û 21-8, KE set to 5Sh. F-VF . . . 185.35
1592. Ú 1, 1c, 2-4, 6, F-VF........... 95.00
1593. Ú 7-11, 13, 16, 18, F-VF ...... 187.20
1631. ÕÛ 153-67, Cpl QE set to One Pound
all in matching bottom margin blocks with
Plate Imprints. Fresh, VF, NH...... 363.40
1604. Ú 9, Scarce 4 Pence Wood Block. 1632. Û 827-38, Set to $10, VF, NH . . . 56.05
Excellent colour, VG+ .......... 2,500.00 1633. Û 972-83, Bird set to $20. VF, NH ....
.............................. 116.75
1569. Û 29, One Pound with “SPECIMEN” 1605. Ö 63, Tied by Cape Colony/Ocean Post
overprint. F, HH, OG (Normal stamp Cat Office 5 Feb 1906 ship cancel on colourized CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:
$1,450 US)................ Est 250.00+ photo postcard from Madeira to Stellenbosch, 1634. Û 255/307, BOB, Lot of 26 diff imperf
Cape Colony (20 Feb receiver). Carried
BR. EAST AFRICA: 1617. Û 29-30, KE set to 10 Shilling, VF.... PROOFS each on thick card. Nice topicals
1570. Ú 77-82, F-VF ............... 67.25 aboard the Castle Line ship “RMS Dunottar ............................. 290.00 incl Winter Olympics, Nobel Prize Winners,
Castle”. F-VF ................ Est 50.00+ Aviation & Soccer. Has both stamps & SS’s.
Also one from Niger. VF (26 items)........
........................... Est 75.00+
1635. Ú 4a, 6A, Spacefillers. Cat $275......
........................... Est 40.00+
1636. Ö 6, Tied by barred oval cancel on
1860 folded letter to SHANGHAI, CHINA.
Has m/s “Per Emeu”. On reverse has red
h/s & Hong Kong 23 Feb, 1861 transit
1594. Ú 7-19, Cpl Kaiser Yacht set to 5 Mark 1606. Ú 165, “MAFEKING BESIEGED” 6d on 1618. Û 32-44, KGV set to 10 Shilling. Fresh, cancel. F, cover has slight discolouration &
1571. Ú 10, Exceptionally fresh with nice col- all with selected KAMERUN 1901 CDS 3d surcharge. F-VF.............. 350.00 F-VF ......................... 285.75 a bit refolded at right. F. VERY SCARCE
our, neat Berbice 24 My, 1855 CDS cancel. cancels (four stamps are on piece). VF. 1607. Ú 168, Neat Mafeking CDS cancel, VF 1619. Û 50-63, KGV set to 10 Shilling, F-VF . COVER. Ex Magnolia collection. See
F-VF. Signed by Stolow. Scarce . . . 850.00 The top values are signed ........ 722.20 .............................. 155.00 .............................. 180.00 photo below............ Est 1,000.00+
LOT 1636
LOT 1643 LOT 1729