Page 24 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 24
24 BAHAMAS Continued 1420. Û 71b, 82, QE High Values, VF, NH .. 1491. ÚÛ 20-3, 25-7, 29, Mixed mint & used.
1377. Ú 11, 11a-d, 12-3, 13a-b, Lovely coll ............................... 85.00 F-VF, some minor flts............. 122.25
of 9 diff QV One Penny & Four Penny issues 1421. Û 72-82, F-VF, NH ......... 111.40+
with all diff shades. Mostly F-VF. A NICE 1422. Ö Coll of 7 diff b/w postcards (2 are BERMUDA:
SPECIALIZED LOT .............. 687.00 real photo types) circa 1909-30’s. Each
1378. Û 14, F, NG ................ 200.00 depicts a diff scene incl Village of Morija,
1379. Ú 14, Watermark Reversed. F . . . 85.00 Old Fort Leribe, 3 schools, Sebapala, Hlotse
1380. Ú 14, 14a, VG-F............. 200.00 River. One is used, others unused. F-VF
1381. Ú 18, VF.................... 50.00 (7) ....................... Est 150.00+
1382. Ú 31, QV 5 Shilling, F......... 100.00 1423. Ö Coll of 9 diff unused KGV-QE postal
1383. Û 85-9, F-VF, NH ........... 90.25+ stationery cards / envelopes from the 1930’s-
1384. Û 100-13, KGVI set to £1. F-VF .... 60’s. Seldom offered items. F-VF Est 65.00+
.............................. 126.90 BAVARIA:
1424. Û 35-7, F-VF ................ 59.25
1425. Ú 136-55, Cpl set all tied on separate
pieces by neat CDS cancels. F-VF . . 149.25
1426. Ú 176-91, F-VF .............. 67.40
1427. Ú O52-69, F-VF .............. 59.60 1492. Ö Pre-stamp cover with rare “PAID
1428. Ö Colour illustrated Prince Luitpold AT HAMILTON BERMUDA” Crowned Circle
90th Birthday Patriotic 5pf Postal Stationery Handstamp in red (a nice strong & clear
card with Munich 12 Mar 1911 cancel to strike), addr to London England with m/s
Rudeshein. Depicts the Prince & 15 diff “4" rate. Has Hamilton Bermuda 13 Ju 1863
stamps. VF ................. Est 60.00+ dispatch b/s & London receiver 6 Jy 1863.
1385. Ú 103, KGVI Two Pence with the 1463. Û B132-43, Blue Madonna set, fresh, Cat $4,000 US ........... Est 3,000.00+
SHORT “T” in “TWO” variety. VF, neatly F-VF, LH .................... 1,175.00 1493. Ú 1-3, 5, VG-F+ ............. 138.75
cancelled. Scarce (SG #152a, Cat £375) ..
......................... Est 300.00+ 1464. SSÛ B179, VF, central stamp is NH ..
............................... 70.00
1386. Ö 106, Tied by VF oval SEA FLOOR 1465. Ö B217, B222, Tied by Brussels 12
BAHAMAS 6 May 1940 cancel on cover July 1939 CDS on Reg’d Airmail flight cover
posted in the Undersea Williamson Photo- to Rome. Also franked with 4 diff Vatican
sphere. Addr to USA. F, centre fold ....... City stamps cancelled by Vatican 18 July,
........................... Est 50.00+ 1939 CDS cancel. This was a special flight 1508. Û 49-54, KGV Key Plate High Values
1387. Û 132-47, F-VF .............. 84.95 honouring the Coronation of the Pope. F ... up to £1 all with black “SPECIMEN” over-
1388. Û 148-9, Silver Wedding, VF, NH..... ........................... Est 75.00+ prints. Bright fresh colours. F-VF, OG, neat
........................... Est 50.00+ 1429. Ú 39a, DOUBLE OVERPRINT error, hinge remnants ........... Est 1,000.00+
1389. Û 158-73, F-VF .............. 86.20 neat circular datestamp cancel, nicely
1390. Û 158-73, F-VF, NH .......... 86.20 centered, VF. Has been signed by Bartels. 1509. Û 49-50, 52, KGV to 5 Shilling. F-VF .
1391. Û 169-73, F-VF .............. 78.25 A SCARCE STAMP & IN CHOICE 1494. Û 4, Scarce QV 6 Pence, rich colour, .............................. 135.00
1392. ÕÛ 257a, Scarce block of the QE 8¢ CONDITION .................. 700.00+ VG-F, OG. Has 1986 BPA Certificate. A 1510. Û 53, KGV 10 Shilling. F ...... 225.00
on WHITE PAPER, fresh, VF, NH (SG #300a, SELDOM OFFERED STAMP .... 2,300.00 1511. Û 55-69, F-VF .............. 142.50
Cat £640) ..................... 760.00+ 1495. Û 6, F, touch of TS on top perfs, hinge 1512. Û 71-9, F-VF ............... 121.75
1393. Ö 349, Tied on 1974 cach MAILED remnants ...................... 450.00 1513. Ú 95, 95b, F-VF ............. 275.00
FROM THE OCEAN FLOOR cover. This 1514. Ú 96, KGV 10 Shilling. VF, small tear.
was from the University of Alabama Marine Cat $300 ................... Est 50.00+
Science Programs & is signed on reverse by 1515. Û 100-14, Two diff KGV sets. F-VF ...
4 diff team members. VF....... Est 50.00+ ............................... 87.45
BAHRAIN: 1516. Û 105-14, F-VF .............. 70.65
1394. Û 46-51, F-VF ............... 52.50 1517. Û 109, VF .................. 52.50
1395. ÕÛ 247b, 277, Se-tenant blocks, VF, 1466. SSÛ B303-4, Scarce set of Orval
NH ............................ 51.00 Abbey souvenir sheets overprinted “1142-
1396. SSÛ 256, 313, 372, VF ........ 80.00 1942" & ornaments (see Scott footnote). VF,
BANGKOK: NH, a few minor DG patches..... 1,000.00
1467. SSÛ B458a, Anseele souvenir sheet.
VF, NH ........................ 200.00
1468. SSÛ B466A-B, Set of two diff Painting
1430. Û 116, KGV Ten Shilling, beautifully souvenir sheets. Fresh, VF, NH (B466A trivial
centered, fresh rich colour, XF, LH. A corner crease) .................. 400.00
CHOICE STAMP ............... 325.00 1469. Û B466Ac-e, B466Bf-h, Complete set
of Painting singles. F-VF, NH (6 diff) . 330.00
1431. Û 124-36, F-VF .............. 69.45
1432. Û 163, 165, F-VF (163 is NH) . . . 56.00 1470. Û B472-6, F-VF .............. 65.50 1496. Û 10, Scarce diagonal QV THREE 1518. Û 124-8, Also 123a, 125a, 126b &
1433. Û 180-93, F-VF .............. 91.75 1471. Û B485-97, F-VF ............ 143.55 PENCE on 1sh green, excellent colour, 128b. Nice specialized lot of KGVI High
1434. Û 180-93, F-VF, NH .......... 91.75 1472. Û B511-3, B515-20, F-VF, LH. . 157.50 VG-F, OG. Has 1976 Philatelic Foundation Values, F-VF (10 diff) ............ 610.25
BELGIAN CONGO: Certificate ................... 1,700.00
1397. Ú 7, VG-F, some short / pulled perfs 1435. Û 88, 90, 93, 95, All with red 1519. Û 125a, KGVI 5 Shilling. F-VF. . . 60.00
............................. 600.00 “SPECIMEN” overprints & printer’s punch 1520. Û 126a, KGVI Ten Shilling. VF . 140.00
holes. VF, NH ............... Est 35.00+ 1521. Û 126b, KGV 10 Shilling, VF. . . 225.00
1398. Ú 12, VF.................... 57.50 1522. Û 128b, KGVI £1. F-VF, NH Est 100.00+
1399. Ú 14, VG-F, guarantee b/s...... 90.00 1436. Ú 99, IMPERFORATE PAIR FORGERY 1523. Ú 128b, KGVI One Pound tied on piece
of the 50¢ Archer. Has h/s’s on reverse “FAKE
BANGLADESH: / ANDRE FRODEL”. VF. Interesting reference by neat Hamilton Bermuda CDS. XF. A choice
1400. Û Pakistan #’s 42/314, Coll of 20 diff item ....................... Est 50.00+ item!....................... Est 75.00+
defins (to 15 Rupee) & commems with violet 1437. Ö 159, C11; Belgium #C4, Tied on 1524. Û 156-62, High Values. F-VF, most are
bilingual provisional BANGLADESH h/s’s. Sabena Airlines from Brussels to NH ............................ 87.75
F-VF....................... Est 40.00+ Elizabethville & return FFC Nov 1935. Attrac- 1525. Ö 175-82, 183-91, Original QE set to
1401. Ö Specialized lot of unused 1 Tanga pur- tive cover with a map cachet depicting the £1, Tied by Hamilton 26 Oct 1962 CDS’s on 4
ple postal stationery envelopes circa 1970’s. flight route. F-VF ............. Est 50.00+ 1473. SSÛ B513a, Fresh, VF, NH . . . 425.00 cach #10 FDC’s to Canada. F-VF Est 50.00+
All with only partial printing of the stamp image BELGIUM: 1526. Û 175-91, 255-71, 322-8, F-VF, NH ..
with the remainder of the image appearing as 1438. Ú 1, Lot of 6 used incl shades. VG-F .. .............................. 128.10
albino embossing. These have various m/s .............................. 600.00 1527. Û 238-71, VF, NH ............ 80.25
notations. Also 2 Tanga envelope with an 1439. Ú 1-2, 8, 12-6, VG-F+ ........ 475.75 1528. Û 482-98, Ship set to $8. VF, NH. 71.65
albino image only. F-VF, some aging on the 1440. Ú 2, 2a, VG-F............... 217.50 BHUTAN:
latter (4 items) ............... Est 60.00+ 1441. Ú 8, SON “24" barred oval numeral 1529. SSÛ 105E, Perforated, VF, NH. . 70.00
BARBADOS: 1530. Û Scarce 1962 Malaria Eradication set
cancel. F....................... 110.00 1497. Û 12, Scarce diagonal QV THREE
1442. Ú 12, F .................... 150.00 PENCE on 1Sh green, huge wing margin of 3 diff stamps. These were prepared but not
1443. Ú 12, SON “23" barred oval cancel. F .. at left, rich colour, F, large part OG. Has issued (see Scott footnote after #9). VF, NH
.............................. 150.00 1986 Holcombe Certificate ...... 2,850.00 .............................. 275.00
1444. Ú 23, VF................... 150.00 BOLIVIA:
1445. Û 59, Fresh, VG-F........... 125.00 1531. Û 17, VF ................... 50.00
1446. SSÛ 79-80, Brussels Exhibition sheets BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA:
of 25. VF, NH ................... 590.00
1447. Û 113 (Pair), Tied by OSTEND /
DOVER PAQUEBOT 20 Apr 1915 cancels 1474. Û B515-22, Fresh colours, F-VF, some
on b/w photo postcard addr to Lady Barnes, HH........................... 435.00
Kensington. Depicts steamer “Princess Eliza- 1475. Û B534a, Cpl Red Cross Booklet. VF,
beth” departing Ostend. F-VF . . . Est 40.00+ NH ........................... 80.00+
1402. Ú 4, Four large margins, fresh colour,
neat barred “1" cancel, VF. A CHOICE 1476. Û B544-6, VF, NH ............ 67.50
EXAMPLE.................... 325.00+ 1477. Û B555-7, VF, NH ............ 70.00
1478. Û B561-6, Madonna set, VF, NH ....
1403. Ú5,F ..................... 230.00 .............................. 175.00
1479. Ú B561-6, VF ................ 86.85
1480. Û B567-85, F-VF ............ 147.35 1532. Û 30-3, 35-45, IMPERF TRIAL
1481. Ú Q1-6, Nice cancels. VG-VF . . 116.75 COLOUR PROOFS in BLACK. All with full
1482. Ú Q27, Brilliant crisp OFFSET on re- margins. VF, NG ........... Est 150.00+
verse. F .................... Est 35.00+ 1533. ÚÛ 30/45, Coll of Imperf TRIAL
1498. Û 12a, Scarce diagonal Three Pence COLOUR PROOFS with a variety of colours /
on QV 1Sh green with “P” having the same shades. One is cancelled, rest are unused.
top as “R”. F, expertly RG, couple nibbed VF, most NG (16) ............ Est 75.00+
1448. Ú 124-37, Cpl King Albert set to 10 perfs. Has 1989 Holcombe Certificate .... 1534. ÚÛ 30b/45b, Nice coll of 12 diff
Francs. F-VF................... 647.00 ........................... 2,300.00 IMPERFORATES with some having both mint
1449. Ú 135, Two Francs. F-VF, a few nibbed & used examples. VF, some NG (17 stamps)
perfs .......................... 375.00 ............................... 96.50
1450. Û 201a-11a, Coll of 10 diff tete beche
pairs. F-VF, LH................... 63.40
1451. SSÛ 221, Antwerp sheet. VF appear-
1404. Û 43, Scarce Britannia 5 Shilling. F, ance but selvedge has flts. Stamp itself is VF,
HH ......................... 1,200.00
NH ........................... 300.00
1405. Ú 60-7, Also 61a-2a, F-VF..... 128.70 1452. Û 229-36, Cpl King Albert set to 10 1483. Û Q310-26, Train set. F-VF, LH ....
1406. Ö 64, Tied by 28 Feb, 1885 CDS on Franc. F-VF, NH................. 275.00 ............................. 244.75
pretty QV 4¢ Registered Letter postal statio- 1453. ÕÚ 294, IMPERFORATE block. Scott 1484. Ö Coll of 3 diff unused 1905 Patriotic
nery envelope to Holland (rec b/s). Has unlisted, VF, large margins .... Est 150.00+ postcards celebrating 75 years of Belgian
London transit cancel. F, minor toning ..... 1454. ÕÛ 311, Vertical block of 20 se-tenant Independence. Each with a similar matching
.......................... Est 100.00+ with 10 advertising labels, with attractive design with flag, crests & shields along with a 1499. Û 13, Rich colour, VG-F, OG. Guaran-
1407. Û 69-72, 74-80, F-VF (80 toned) .... scroll work in margin. VF, NH . . . Est 40.00+ diff central scene of Anvers. VF. A nice lot! (3) tee b/s. Scarce ................. 875.00
.............................. 293.25 1455. Û 374-85, F-VF .............. 59.75 ........................... Est 75.00+
1408. Û 127-39, Cpl Seal of Colony set. F-VF 1456. Û 435-45, B514, Cpl UPU set, fresh, VF, 1485. Ö WWI era colour photo postcard show- 1535. ÕÛ 31/39, Twelve IMPERF PROOFS
.............................. 214.40 NH ........................... 261.90 ing Belgian soldiers WITH DOG TEAM haul- in blocks incl 5 extra shades. VF, NG (48
1409. Ö 211, KGVI Silver Wedding tied by 24 1457. Û 466, VF, LH ............... 95.00 ing a machine gun. Used as British FPO card, stamps) .................. Est 200.00+
Nov 1948 cancel on FDC. F-VF . Est 50.00+ 1458. Û B34, IMPERF single. VF. . Est 75.00 censored to England. F ........ Est 40.00+
1410. Û 216-27, F-VF, LH........... 73.10 1459. Û B69-77, F-VF .............. 90.00 1486. Ö Two diff unused b/w real photo post- 1536. Û 36g, Perf 13.5. F-VF ........ 82.50
1411. Û 235-47, F-VF .............. 72.25 cards from 1930 & 1934 showing family trees 1537. Û 38, Vertical Pair IMPERF between. VF.
1412. Û 396-411, Set to $10. VF, NH . . 51.70 of the BELGIAN ROYAL FAMILY. VF (2 diff) Tiny spots of TS primarily on gum Est 40.00+
1413. Û 872-85, Ship set to $10. VF, NH ... ........................... Est 65.00+ 1538. Û 44, IMPERF PROOF, huge margins.
............................... 51.90 1487. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWII related VF ........................ Est 50.00+
BARBUDA: Propaganda postcard depicting a jubilant 1539. Û 45, Block & single of the 5k TRIAL
1414. Û 12-28, 113-29, 170-87, F-VF, NH .. President Roosevelt with USA & Belgian COLOUR PROOF in yellow brown. VF, NG
............................... 61.05 flags. Caption reads “Salutations to a Liber- 1500. Ú 14, Rich colour, VF, light cancel. .......................... Est 100.00+
BASUTOLAND: ated Belgium”. VF ............ Est 75.00+ A CHOICE STAMP............. 425.00+ 1540. Û 62-4, IMPERF set. VF, LH. . . 110.00
1415. Û 18-28, F-VF, NH .......... 130.00 1488. Ö Unused multi-colour illustrated 1541. Û 62-4, Perf & Imperf Fake Lithographed
1416. Ú 18-28, VF, neat CDS’s ....... 55.45 Patriotic postcard (post WWII) depicting boy sets. VF, perfed set NH (6 stamps) Est 45.00+
boxer striking punching ball featuring a forlorn 1542. Û 62-4, Perforated TRIAL COLOUR
PROOF set in unissued colours. VF, NH, one
HITLER. “That’s the thing to become a cham- tiny TS spot. (A normal set is also enclosed
pion!” trilingual message. VF.... Est 60.00+
for comparison) .............. Est 75.00+
BELIZE: 1543. Ú 85, High Values. VF ........ 125.00
1489. SSÛ 500g, Bird sheet. VF, NH . 160.00 1544. Û B5-6, DOUBLED SURCHARGE. VF,
BENIN: NH ........................... 75.00+
1545. Ú B11-2, IMPERF set. VF . . Est 50.00+
1546. Û B13-5, Each with a DOUBLE PRINT
error. Fresh, VF, LH .......... Est 75.00+
1501. Û 15, Good colour, F, HH. Guarantee errors. VF, NH ............... Est 60.00+
b/s. Scarce .................... 675.00
1548. Û B13-15, Coll of perforated TRIAL
1502. ÕÛ 16, Block of 6. VF, NH. A beautiful COLOUR PROOFS in various colours /
fresh item! ..................... 52.50+ shades. VF (14 Proofs) ....... Est 125.00+
1503. Û 19-20, VG-F (19 is NH) ...... 96.00 1549. Û B16-7, VF, LH ............. 67.50
1417. Û 19, TOWER FLAW variety. Fresh, 1460. Û B114-22, Cardinal Mercier set, fresh, 1504. Û 28-39, F-VF, some HH...... 229.60 1550. Û B16-7, IMPERF set. VF, NH . 125.00
VF, NH (SG #19a, Cat £180). . Est 130.00+ F-VF, LH ...................... 591.35
1505. Û 31-9, F-VF ............... 198.10 1551. Û B18-20, Imperforate TRIAL COLOUR
1418. Û 46-56, QE set to 10Sh. F-VF. 120.80 1461. Û B123-4, F-VF ............. 160.00 1506. Ú 31-9, F-VF ................ 60.90 PROOF pairs in grey. All with large margins,
1419. Û 71, 82, High Values, F-VF, NH 85.00 1462. Û B131, F ................. 100.00 1490. Û 16, Scarce 1¢ on 5¢. F ..... 360.00 1507. Û 40-52, 40a-8a, VG-VF ...... 374.60 VF, OG. Scarce.............. Est 90.00+