Page 28 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 28

28 CEYLON Continued          1689. Ú CUBA PASSPORT 1898 issued in Ha-                          DENMARK:
                                      vana to a man for travel to Key West Florida.          1730. Ú 2, 4, 8, Also 2b, 7a, VG-F.... 200.50
                                      Has 3 Cuban revenues affixed. VG+, folded,             1731. Û 19, F, blunt corner perf ..... 200.00
                                      natural aging. Interesting lot .... Est 75.00+         1732. Ú 34, F-VF .................. 60.00
                                                                                             1733. Û 52a, F, LH ................ 90.00
                                     1690. Û 8 (Pl 201), F.............. 225.00              1734. Ú 80, F ..................... 85.00
                                     1691. Û 8 (Pl 205), F-VF ............ 85.00             1735. Ú 142-9, 151, 154, F-VF ...... 218.50
                                                                                             1736. Ö C6-10, Tied by Copenhagen 9 June,
                                                                                              1936 CDS’s on Reg’d Airmail Express cover
                                                                                              to Berlin (rec b/s 10 Jun 1936). VF Est 65.00+
                                                                                             1737. Ú O3, F, corner crease. Scarce stamp
                                                                                               .............................. 350.00
                                                                                             1738. Ú P1-10, F-VF .............. 151.75
                                                                                                                          1764. Û N39-55, Complete Palestine set to
                                                                                                                           £1. Fresh, VF, NH.............. 223.35+
                                                                                                                          1765. Û O51-9, Mounted on card noting these
                                                                                                                           stamps came from the Royal Egyptian Stamp
                                                                                                                           Coll of KING FAROUK. Have special b/s’s.
                                                                  1702. Ú 88, Scarce KGV One Pound, beauti-                F-VF....................... Est 75.00+
         1637. Û 78, A nice fresh example of the QV                fully centered, neat corner cancel, excellent
          4¢ Perf 14 x 12.5, excellent colour, F-VF,  1692. Ú 8 (Pl 217), Surcharge MISPLACED  colour, VF ................... 3,250.00
          LH. Very scarce & rarely offered. . 2,350.00  Horizontally. F.................. 900.00
                                                                 1703. Û 109, Forgery of the KGV £5 High
                                                                  Value in black on yellowish paper. F-VF, NG
                                                                  (Genuine stamp Cat $3,750 US). Est 50.00+
                                                                 1704. Û 109, Cpl Forgery sheet of 24 of the
                                                                  KGV £5 High Value in black on yellowish pa-  1739. Û Q1-14, Cpl Parcel Post set, bright
                                                                  per. VF, NG (Genuine stamps Cat $90,000  fresh colours. Incl extra shade of #Q9. F-VF,
                                                                  US!). A RARE ITEM ......... Est 800.00+  neat hinge remnants (Q2 NG) ..... 852.75
                                                                                             1740. Ú Q11, F, dated CDS......... 225.00
                                                                                             1741. Ú 3a, Inverted surcharge. VG-F. 450.00
                                                                                             1742. Ú 6, 9, VF (#9 light crease). Uncertified  1766. Û O51-3, O55-9, Official imperf
                                                                                               .............................. 350.00  PROOFS, each on card. VF . . Est 125.00+
                                     1693. Û 9 (Pl 216), Rich colour, F, OG .....            1743. Ú 10, Blue SON Diego-Suarez / Mada-  1767. Û Scarce unadopted 10m handpainted
         1638. Û 112-14, Cpl set of 3 diff QV Sur-                                            gascar 28 Sept 1891 CDS. VF...... 100.00
          charges perf 14 x 12.5, fresh colours, F-VF.  ............................. 400.00  1744. Ú 11-2, F .................. 177.50  ESSAY in violet from the late 1950’s depicting
          Scarce ...................... 1,790.00                                             1745. Ú 13, 17-8, 20, 23, VG-F ...... 145.00  an Industrial scene & inscribed UAR (10.8 cm
        1639. Û 256, Imperforate PLATE PROOF pair                                            1746. ÚÛ 25-37, Cpl set to 1 Franc (25-7 & 32  x 10.5 cm). F. A UNIQUE ITEM FOR THE
                                                                                                                           SPECIALIST ............... Est 135.00+
         in black of the KGV 5 Rupee. Has missing                                             are used), VG-VF, couple trivial flts . . 299.25
         centre vignette. VF .......... Est 225.00+                                          1747. ÚÛ 38-41, 43-4, 46-8, 50, VG-F103.25  ERITREA:
        1640. Û 264-74, KGV set to 1R. Fresh, F-VF,              1705. Û 110, KGV £1 with “SPECIMEN”  1748. Ú J4, J7-11, Selected four margin  1768. Û 6, VG-F ................. 675.00
                                                                  overprint. A choice stamp perfectly cen-
         LH............................. 73.05                    tered, rich colour, VF, VLH.... Est 400.00+  stamps, VF..................... 397.50  1769. Û 6, Scarce overprinted classic stamp
                    CHILE:                                                                             DOMINICA:           with good centering for this issue. Fresh col-
        1641. Ö 184/C46, Attractive coll of 7 diff                                           1749. Ö 114-15, Cpl SILVER WEDDING set  our, F+, OG. Has been signed by Sismondo
         multi-franked airmail covers to Germany from                                         neatly tied by Dominica 1 Dec, 1948 CDS’s on  & Diena, & with a 2009 Sismondo Certificate
         1934-8. F ................... Est 50.00+                                             Reg’d Airmail FDC to Canada. VF Est 75.00+  .............................. 675.00
        1642. Ö Four diff used / unused b/w photo post-                                             DOMINICAN REPUBLIC:
         cards, from 1910’s-30’s. Depicts Naval ships  1694. Ú 14, Scarce used horiz pair with  1750. Û 448, Horiz pair IMPERF BETWEEN.
         at Montt Buques; plus Cruisers Esmeralda,  bold “969" oval grid cancel of Nicosia. F-VF,  VF ........................ Est 40.00+
         O’Higgins & Zenteno. F-VF (4). . . Est 50.00+                                                   DUBAI:
                   CHINA:             Georg Buhler guarantee b/s’s (SG £700) ..              1751. Û C34, Imperf with INVERTED “Ranger
                                      ............................ 650.00+
         1643. Ö 101, Along with a vertical pair of                                           7 / Outer Space Achievements 1964" bilingual
          Hong Kong #36b, Tied by Shanghai Jan                                                overprint. VF, NH. Scott unlisted. Est 40.00+
          1899 CDS’s & grid cancel on postcard to                                                 EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA:
          Pilsen Austria (rec cancel). Has SHANG-                                            1752. Ú 27, KE 3 Rupee with neat Nairobi
          HAI LOCAL POST 9 Ja, 1899 circular                     1706. Û 114-23, Cpl KGV set to £1. F-VF...  1910 CDS. F ................... 160.00
          datestamp. The postcard is written from                  ............................. 412.00  1753. Û 31-9, F-VF ............... 135.75
          Shanghai & depicts a coloured scene                                                           EGYPT:
          with Chinese Soldiers. VF. A nice usage                                            1754. Û 52, Unlisted IMPERF PAIR mounted  1770. Û 47, Scarce perf 13.5, F ..... 500.00
          of Hong Kong stamps in China. See                                                   on card noting the stamps came from the
          photo on Page 26.........Est 700.00+                                                Royal Egyptian Stamp Coll of KING FAROUK.
                                                                                              One stamp has special b/s. VF . . Est 80.00+
        1644. Û 227-9, 231-5, F-VF, OG, fresh colours,                                       1755. Û 206-8, 210, 212, 214, Mounted on
         some small adhesions ............ 204.50                                             card noting these stamps have come from the
        1645. ÕÚ 593-8, Used blocks with beautiful  1695. Û 16, QV Surcharge showing SPUR     Royal Egyptian Stamp Coll of KING FAROUK.
                                      ON LEFT “1" (Position 3 in the setting of
         matching Kunming SON CDS’s. F-VF 86.00  six). Fresh, F, LH, couple perf tones. Very  Stamps all have special b/s’s & the card is
        1646. Ú HANKOW #17, Light 1896 CDS  scarce Gibbons listed variety (SG #23c,           certified & notarized on reverse. . Est 80.00+
         cancel. F-VF..................... 95.00                                             1756. Û 210, Mounted on card noting this
        1647. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1910  Cat £1,600) .............. Est 1,000.00+  stamp came from the Royal Egyptian Stamp
         depicting a gruesome scene of EXECUTED                                               Coll of KING FAROUK. Has special b/s. VF
         CHINESE PIRATES who have all been                       1707. Û 114-23, Cpl KGV set to £1 all with  ........................... Est 60.00+
         beheaded. Has notation on reverse but not                “SPECIMEN” overprints, nice centering,  1757. Û 235-8, IMPERF PROOFS on card. VF,  1771. Û 99-101, Cpl overprinted set, Fresh
         mailed. F ................... Est 60.00+                 fresh colours, F-VF, OG. Very scarce set .  NH ....................... Est 100.00+  colours, VG-F+, NH, small natural gum
            CHINA (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC):                             ......................... Est 750.00+  1758. Û 238, Mounted on card noting this  bends ........................ 710.00
        1648. Ú 31-33, Postally used. VF .... 64.00+                                          stamp came from the Royal Egyptian Stamp
        1649. Ú 506-17, F-VF ............. 111.00                                             Coll of KING FAROUK. Has special b/s. VF  1772. Û 168-74, F-VF ............. 123.00
        1650. Ú 518-39, F-VF ............. 163.00                                             ........................... Est 60.00+  1773. Û 175-80, C1-6, VF ........... 66.00
        1651. Ú 542-59, F-VF ............. 120.50                                                                         1774. Û CB1-10, F-VF, LH ......... 167.00
        1652. Ú 569-73, 586-7, 590-9, VF .... 158.00                                                                      1775. Ú CB6-8, F-VF .............. 277.50
        1653. Ú 716-31, F-VF ............. 206.00                                                                         1776. Û E1-3, F.................. 173.00
        1654. Ú 767-81, VF ............... 100.70
        1655. Ú 798b, VF.................. 80.00
        1656. Û 818-20, VF, small thin on 818 275.00
        1657. Ú 834-49, F-VF ............. 118.00
        1658. ÕÛ 1030a, Block. VF, NH .... 100.00
        1659. Û 1114-6, 1122-5, VF (#1122-5 are NH)
         .............................. 114.00
        1660. Û 1121a, VF, NH............. 65.00                 1708. Ú 114-23, Cpl used KGV set up to £1,
        1661. Û 1126-9, VF, NH ........... 175.00                 neat cancels, fresh colours. F-VF. . . 565.60
        1662. Û 1131-42, VF, NH (#1142 VLH) 70.50                1709. Û 125-35, Pictorial set to 45pi. F-VF ..
        1663. Û 1190-3, VF, NH ............ 75.00                 .............................. 231.80  1759. Û 343/357, Coll of 13 diff King Farouk  1777. Û J3a, Scarce overprint at bottom.
        1664. Û 1222-7, 1232-41, VF, NH..... 93.00               1710. Û 168-82, F-VF ............. 115.60  issues all with DOUBLE OVERPRINTS with  Fresh, VG-F ................... 950.00
        1665. Û 1307-9, 1357-62, VF, NH..... 82.00  1696. Ú 26, Specialized coll of four diff QV  1711. Û 183-200, F-VF ............ 154.75  4 to 6 blackout bars on each stamp (normal
        1666. Û 1349-53, 1376-8, 1384-8, VF, NH ..  surcharge varieties: LARGE “1" at left;  1712. Û 201/277, Six diff cpl Europa sets from  should only be 3 bars). All with “Herzig”  1778. Ú J3a, VG-F ................ 475.00
         ............................... 72.00  SMALL ”1" at right; LARGE “2" at left (small  1962-6. F-VF, NH................. 65.40  guarantee b/s’s. F-VF, NH (13) Est 200.00+  1779. Û J4a, J5, VG-F............. 145.00
        1667. Û 1764a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . . 85.00  thin); & LARGE ”2" at right (this one with a  1713. Û 206-18, Set to £1. VF, NH .... 55.90  1760. Û 343-60, Fresh, F-VF, NH.... 61.95+  ESTONIA:
        1668. SSÛ 1904, VF, NH .......... 210.00  Gibbons sales card). F-VF, neat cancels.  1714. Û 219-21, 229-31, Europa sets. F-VF .  1780. ÕÛ 139-42, 144-7, Nice blocks. Also
        1669. Û 1974-80, VF, NH ........... 60.80  These were acquired over years of collect-  .............................. 140.25  has 142a, VF, NH................ 86.00+
        1670. Û 3L1-5, 3L7-8, F-VF ......... 95.00  ing (SG #29a, 29b, 29c, 29d, Cat £1,250) .                            1781. ÕÛ B28-31, B36-9, Nice mint blocks
               REPUBLIC OF CHINA:     ......................... Est 750.00+                                                plus B39a, VF, some NH .......... 226.00
        1671. Û 1355-8, VF............... 370.00  1697. Ú 28-34, F-VF, some nice cancels here                             1782. Û Lot of 10 different WWII German
        1672. Û 1450-1, VF, NH ............ 60.00  .............................. 108.75                                   Occupation “PERNAU 1941" overprinted
        1673. Û 1471-4, VF, NH ........... 106.00                                                                          locals on Russia defins. F-VF, NH ........
        1674. Û 1864-8, Block & Pair of each. VF, NH                                                                       ........................... Est 25.00+
         ............................... 65.70                                                                                      ETHIOPIA:
                COCOS ISLANDS:                                                                                            1783. Û N1-2, F-VF, NH ............ 65.00
        1675. ÕÛ 1-19, Cpl range of mint NH blocks,                                                                       1784. ÕÛ N1-2, Blocks, F-VF, NH . . . 260.00
         from 1963-69. VF, NH ............ 144.40
        1676. Ú O1, VF .................. 115.00                                                                                 FALKLAND ISLANDS:
                  COLOMBIA:                                                                   1761. Û 440, Horizontal IMPERFORATE  1785. Û 15, 17, F-VF.............. 110.00
        1677. Ö 317, Tied by violet “PIROS. POSTALE                                            PAIR. Scott unlisted. VF, NH. Has Herzig  1786. Û 16a, VF ................. 325.00
         (LAVEILLE) WASHINGTON 24 Feb 1907"                      1715. Û 241/395, Coll of all diff commem  guarantee b/s.............. Est 150.00+  1787. Û 22-7, F-VF ............... 170.50
         ship cancel on overseas cover to Italy with              sets, all overprinted “SPECIMEN”. VF, NH                 1788. Ö 23, KE One Penny tied by
         ”Por vapor Centro America" m/s & Naples 27               (39 stamps) ............... Est 200.00+                   Falkland Islands 31 Ja, 1910 CDS can-
         Mar b/s. F-VF................ Est 65.00+  1698. Û 61-71, Cpl KGV set up to 45pi. Incl 3
        1678. Ö 471, RA9, Tied by Medellin 13 Nov  extra shades, fresh colours, F-VF (14) 313.65  1716. Û 275-7, 297-9, 495-7, 513-5, 560-1,  cel (date error with Jy for Ja) CDS on
                                                                  579-80, Europa sets overprinted “SPECIMEN”.
         1941 cancel on WWII Censored cover to                    F-VF, NH ................... Est 50.00+                   picture postcard (showing Zoological
                                                                                                                            Gardens in Buenos Aires). Has rare
         Shanghai, CHINA. Has hand illustrated  1699. Û 72-84, VG-VF............. 253.25                                    large SOUTH GEORGIA straightline h/s
         “RETURN TO” & “Mail Service Suspended”                           CYRENAICA:                                        which also ties the stamp. Addr to Nor-
         h/s’s; US censor tape & censor h/s. F, some             1717. Û 59-64, C24-9, VF, LH........ 48.00                 way. This provisional was in use only
         edge wear .................. Est 50.00+                        CZECHOSLOVAKIA:
                 COOK ISLANDS:                                   1718. Ö 152 (3), Tied by specialized VISIT of              from 22 Dec 1909 to Mar 30, 1910. F,
        1679. Ú 42, VF.................... 57.50                  ADOLF HITLER to PRAGUE 13 Mar 1939                        stamp defective at left. A RARE USE
        1680. Û 116-24, F-VF, all NH except for #124              cancels on unaddr cover. F-VF . . Est 40.00+              OF THE LARGE SOUTH GEORGIA
         ............................... 90.00                   1719. Ö 153, Tied by Johannesthal 6 Oct 1938               STRAIGHTLINE. ONLY 6 ARE RE-
        1681. Û C9, C9a, Horizontal pair with the                 cancel on b/w photo Propaganda postcard to                CORDED ON COVER OR CARD. (SG
         AIRPLANE MISSING on the right stamp. VF,                 Cologne. Has red SUDETENLAND occupa-                      #ZU1, Cat £10,000). See photo on Page
         NH ........................ Est 60.00+                   tion h/s. Card depicts Adolf Hitler in uniform.           30 ................... Est 3,000.00+
                 COSTA RICA:                                      VF ........................ Est 50.00+
        1682. Ö 219 (Pair), C16 (Pair), C63, Tied front          1720. ÕÚ 1080, Block, VF, slight separation
         & back on WWII Censored Airmail Reg’d                    ............................... 80.00
         cover to Rex Stamp Co., Wimborne, Alta. Has             1721. SSÛ 2687-9 (imperf between), 2701a-
         red “TO BE TRANSFERRED TO CUSTOMS /                      4a, 2766-8, 2792-3, Nine diff beautiful souve-
         AT PORT or OUTPORT nearest to place of                   nir sheets. VF, NH ................ 93.50
         address. DO NOT DELIVER until stamped by                1722. ÚÛ Czech 1918 Scout Post mint set
         CUSTOMS either ”DUTY PAID" or “DUTY                      of 2; plus used tied on piece & with “NV”
         FREE”" tape affixed. Has 6 diff transits &               cancels. Attractive Local Boy Scout topicals.
         Ottawa Customs h/s. F-VF, some edge wear                 VF (4 stamps) ............... Est 50.00+
         ........................... Est 65.00+                         DANISH WEST INDIES:   1762. SSÛ B13-15, Scarce set of Perforated
        1683. Ú Telegraph Stamps, Lot of 19 diff from            1723. Ú 7c, BISECT tied on piece by Frederik-  & Imperforate BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE
         1892-1927. F-VF (Barefoot £56) . Est 40.00+  1700. Û 72-86, Cpl set of 15 diff KGV issues  sted 11 Apr 1883 CDS ........ Est 60.00+  SOUVENIR SHEETS. Bright & fresh, VF,
                   CROATIA:           up to 45Pi all with “SPECIMEN” overprints  1724. Ö 7c, BISECT, Perf 14 x 13.5 neatly tied  NH (2 diff SS’s) ............... 3,500.00  1789. Ö 25, Tied by South Georgia 14 Feb,
        1684. SSÛ B31, Perf & Imperf. VF, NH 60.00  (the stamps show 2 diff overprint types).  by Christiansted 13 Feb 1903 CDS on cover  1912 CDS’s with “SOUTH GEORGIA”
                    CUBA:             Fresh colours, F-VF, mostly LH Est 650.00+  to St. Croix. Has Fredericksted CDS b/s. VF.  straightline underprint below the stamp.
        1685. Ö Eight stampless covers, from 1858-68.             Cat $165 US ............... Est 150.00+                  Addr to Liverpool, England. VF. Scarce
         Mailed from San Antonio, Cardenas, Villa Clara,         1725. Ú 15, VF.................... 72.50                  (SG Cat £1,000)............ Est 600.00+
         Guanabacoa, Cienfuegos, Matanzas, Pinar del             1726. Ö 18a, DIAGONAL BISECT tied by St
         Rio & Macurijes; all addr to Colon. One has              Thomas 1903 CDS on miniature size cover. F,             1790. Û 30-5, plus extra shade of 33, F-VF .
         Revenue imprint. Some are Official, others have          minor bends................. Est 75.00+                  .............................. 151.00
         “1" hammer rates. VG-F+ ...... Est 100.00+                         DANZIG:                                        1791. Ö 41 (2), 42, 44 (2 diff shades), 46,
        1686. Ö Unused King Alfonso all diff postal              1727. Û 132, EXTRA VERT PERF at left. F-VF                 MR1 (2), All tied by bold strikes of violet
         stationery. Has 3 cards & 2 reply cards, from            ........................... Est 35.00+                    oval DECEPTION ISLAND SOUTH
         1878-91. F-VF (5) ............ Est 40.00+               1728. SSÛ 221, B21a, C41, VF (221 & C41                    SHETLANDS 22 Nov, 1922 datestamps
        1687. Û 3328-34, Bird set, VF, NH .... 95.50              are NH)......................... 74.75                    on cover to A.A.P. Neave, Civil Engineer
        1688. Û C198TC, Large Green TRIAL                                                                                   in Port Stanley (1 May, 1923 arrival b/s).
         COLOUR PROOF from the original die on                    1729. Ö C36-8, C39-40 (2 each), Tied by                   VF, centre fold not affecting stamps or
         gummed unwatermarked paper. Has images                    oval Danzig airmail cancels 4 May 1936                   cancels. Ex Bougainville. (SG £1,400
         of 2À stamps along the Plate Numbers. The  1701. Û 88, KGV One Pound, lovely  on Reg’d cach Hindenburg Zeppelin cover  simply as used singles). A SCARCE
         piece has been torn/damaged & has multiple  centering, brilliant fresh colour, VF, OG.  from Frankfurt to New York (rec b/s’s). VF,  1763. Û N20-38, Cpl Palestine set to £1.  COVER. See photo on Page 30 .......
                                      A RARELY OFFERED MINT HIGH VALUE
         creases. A most interesting & likely unique  STAMP ..................... 1,400.00  couple small tape stains on edges. Scarce.  Fresh, VF, NH................. 330.35+  ..................... Est 1,000.00+
         piece. Has 2001 APS Certificate. Est 90.00+               See photo on Page 26 .....Est 350.00+
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33