Page 30 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 30

                                                                       LOT 1791
                        LOT 1788

                                                                                                                         LOT 1792

        FALKLAND ISLANDS Continued   1816. Û 77, KE 5 Shilling, Fresh, F-VF. 75.00
                                     1817. Û 103, 105-6, F-VF (#105 is NH) ...
         1792. Ö 41 (2), 43, MR2, Each tied by  ............................... 81.50
          SOUTH SHETLANDS 1 Mr, 1924 double-  1818. Ú 117-31B, Cpl KGVI set to the £1. F-VF
          circle datestamps IN VIOLET on cover to  .............................. 163.55
          Port Stanley (rec b/s 7 Mr, 1924). This is a  1819. Û 123, 126-31B, KGVI Medium to High
          particularly scarce cover with the cancels  Values. F-VF ................... 113.65
          in violet as it was only used between  1820. ÕÛ 131B, UR corner block of the KGVI
          March & Nov 1924. F-VF, a few file folds in  One Pound. Beautifully centered, fresh, XF,
          cover not affecting the stamps. Ex Du Pont  NH ....................... Est 175.00+
          & Stern. See photo above. . . Est 600.00+
                                     1821. Û 305-20, 305b-20b, F-VF, NH. . 73.45                                          1875. Ö 57, Tied by dotted Star cancel on
        1793. Ú 61, VF.................... 70.00  1822. SSÛ 571, CAPEX overprint. VF, NH ..  1839. Ú 2a, Yellow green, F ........ 700.00  folded cover with Paris 11 Jan 1871 CDS to
        1794. Ú 62, KGV Five Shilling, F-VF . . 120.00  ........................... Est 40.00+  1851. Ö 14, Tied by scarce BLUE STAR &  Saint Etienne. Has “PAR BALLON MONTE”
                                               FINLAND:          1840. Ú 3a, VF.................... 50.00  Paris 21 July cancels on local folded entire  m/s. Flown aboard balloon “KEPLER” (Scott
                                     1823. Ú 2, Forgery with a boxed cancel. F  1841. Ö 3a, Tied by double diamond grid  circa 1855. F-VF. Signed by Calves ......  #BM57). F-VF ............. Est 300.00+
                                      (Genuine Cat $925)........... Est 45.00+  cancels on folded cover with Paris 5 Apr  ......................... Est 400.00+  1876. Ö 59, Tied by Barcelona (Spain) double-
                                     1824. Ú 7b, F, couple nibbed perfs . . . 240.00  1850 CDS cancel to Arras (6 Apr b/s). Has  ring cancel on 1875 commercial entire written
                                     1825. Ú 8, VG-F, a few perf flaws. Scarce ...  blue oval “Commercial Security / Assoc  from Marsalla, addr locally. Has oval company
                                      .............................. 300.00  against Bankruptcy” h/s’s front & reverse. F  h/s from Marseilles. F, file fold away from
                                     1826. Ú 8a, VG-F, perfs trimmed at right. Cat  ........................... Est 50.00+  stamp & markings. Has pencil guarantee in
                                      $400....................... Est 40.00+                                               LR corner. A LOVELY FRANCE USED IN
                                     1827. Ú 9a (F-VF, one short perf), 10 (VG+,                                           SPAIN COVER ............. Est 250.00+
                                      neat CDS in blue)................ 150.00                                            1877. Ú 65, F, a few shorter perfs .... 240.00
                                     1828. Ú 10, Neat CDS cancel, F ...... 60.00                                          1878. Ú 67, 69-70, 72-5, F-VF....... 190.25
                                                                                                                          1879. Û 68, F, NG, couple short perfs. Scarce.
         1795. Û 63, KGV Ten Shilling, F-VF .......                                                                        Cat $800 .................. Est 135.00+
          ......................... Est 225.00+                                                                           1880. Û 77, VF. Has guarantee b/s. . . 115.00
                                                                                                                          1881. Ú 79, F-VF. Has guarantee b/s’s 240.00
                                                                                                                          1882. Û 81, F+, NG. Guarantee b/s . . 425.00
                                                                                                                          1883. Û 82, F+, one nibbed perf ...... 82.50
                                                                                              1852. Ö 14, Unused stamp affixed on  1884. Ú 96, F-VF .................. 70.00
                                                                                               official circa 1870 illustrated bilingual “PAR  1885. Û 102, F................... 215.00
                                                                                               BALLON NON MONTE” postcard. F-VF ...  1886. Ö 113, Tied by 6 May, 1903 CDS on col-
                                                                                               ......................... Est 150.00+  oured Coronation postcard depicting British
                                                                                                                           KING EDWARD VII & QUEEN ALEXANDRA
                                                                                             1853. Ö 14, 18, Tied by “2418" lozenge cancels
                                                                 1842. Ú 6a (2), 9b, Tied by diamond grid  on cover with La Petite Pierre 23 May 1856  with Union Jack behind them. F . Est 60.00+
                                     1829. Ú 46-58, Cpl Imperial Arms set with  cancels on a piece. Has French 1850 RPO
                                      excellent colours & nice CDS cancels. F-VF  cancel on reverse. F. Has 2010 Weiss  CDS. Addr to Neuenstadt, Wurttemberg. Has
                                       ............................. 904.25  Certificate ..................... 860.00  Strasbourg, Heilbraun, etc. transits. F, centre
                                                                                              fold........................ Est 45.00+
         1796. Û 64, KGV £1, fresh, F, LH . . . 350.00  1830. Û 312-23, F-VF .............. 45.25  1854. Û 15, Napoleon 20¢ imperf 20¢ TRIAL
                                     1831. Ú B1-7, B9-30, B34-8, F-VF (34) ....               COLOUR PROOF PAIR in yellow brown.
        1797. Ö 66, 70, Tied by Port Stanley 2 Jan  .............................. 277.30
         1933 cancels on unaddr FIRST DAY COVER.  1832. ÕÛ B135-41, B145-53, Fresh Blocks.    F-VF, ungummed............. Est 65.00+
         VF ....................... Est 100.00+  F-VF, NH ...................... 124.40      1855. Ú 17, Two distinct shades. F-VF ....
                                                                                               .............................. 330.00
        1798. Ö 71, Tied by Port Stanley 2 Jan 1933  1833. Ö M9, Scarce 1983 overprinted Military
         First Day cancel on unaddr cover. VF......  Stamp properly used on Military cover from
         .......................... Est 250.00+  Dragsvik 22 April 1983. F-VF. Has 1984
        1799. Û 77-80, Silver Jubilee. F-VF, LH. 55.00  Gummesson Certificate....... Est 225.00+
        1800. Û 84-93, KGVI issues up to 2 Shillings  FRANCE:
         6d. F-VF ....................... 111.20                 1843. Ö 7 (Single & Strip of 3), Tied by boxed
        1801. Û 84-96, KGVI set to £1. F-VF . 361.20  1834. Ö Stampless folded letter dated 30  / barred cancel on cover with Paris 2-Ring
                                      July 1807 with 2-line “33 / CETTE” cancel
                                      to Bordeaux. Has “8" m/s rate. VF........  25 Apr 1854 CDS to England. Has red Brit-
                                      ........................... Est 40.00+  ish “PAID” 26 Spectacular transit, “Ligne-
                                     1835. Ö Stampless official letter with “Dept de  de-Calais / No.1", 25 Apr, & blue Chorley
                                      La Dordogne / Le Procureur du Roi près le  2-Ring 26 Apr receiver. F, small flaws. Rare  1887. Û 117a, Top margin IMPERFORATE
                                      Tribunel, Sarlat” heading, dated 26 Apr 1829  item ..................... Est 800.00+  GUTTER PAIR. VF, NG. Has photocopy of
                                      addr domestically. Has circular CDS & P.23.P            1856. Ú 21, Scarce 1 Franc, excellent colour,  a 1997 Philatelic Foundation Certificate for
                                      / SARLAT" 2-line cancel. F ..... Est 40.00+              light cancel, from margins, VF.... 2,475.00  a multiple this pair came from..... 380.00+
                                                                                             1857. Û 30, F.................... 105.00
                                                                                             1858. Û 31, With DOUBLED “SPECIMEN”
                                                                                              overprint. F, small flts ......... Est 50.00+
                                                                                             1859. Ö 32 (2), Tied by Paris “1" star on cover
                                                                                              with 27 Aug 1865 alongside to Lyons La Foret.
         1802. Ú 84-96, 101-2, Also 85a, Cpl KGVI set                                         VF ........................ Est 75.00+
          to £1, neatly cancelled, mostly VF . . 323.60                                      1860. Ö 32, Tied by dotted Star cancel on
                                                                                              postcard with Paris / R Bonaparte 2 Sept
        1803. Û 93-4, VF................. 115.00                                              1870 CDS to Airaines. Has “Ballon Libre /
        1804. Û 96, KGV One Pound. F-VF . . . 75.00                                           Non Monte” m/s. F-VF........ Est 100.00+
        1805. Ö 99-100, KGVI Silver Wedding set both                                         1861. Û 33, VG-F ................ 175.00
         tied by Port Stanley 31 Jan 1949 cancels on                                         1862. Ú 37, Five Francs with SON St Calais
         locally addr cover. VF ........ Est 125.00+  1836. Ö Stampless 1897 cover from       1871 CDS cancel. F, small flts. Cat $750 ..
        1806. Û 107-20, KGVI set to £1. F-VF 200.40  French Occupation of Crete. Has CORPS    .......................... Est 100.00+
        1807. Ú 107-20, KGVI set to £1, neatly  D’OCCUPATION de la CRETE m/s, Sida           1863. Ú 40, VF. Two diff guarantee b/s’s ....
         cancelled, F-VF .................. 90.05  18 June 1897 dotted & double-ring CDS, &  1844. Ú 9b, Brown carmine shade. F-VF ...  .............................. 200.00
                                                                   ............................. 800.00
        1808. Ö 121, Tied by Port Stanley 4 June,  Regiment “d’Infanterie de Marine / Bataillon  1864. Ú 41, SON “CR” lozenge cancel. VG-F
         1953 CDS on a FDC with a very scarce  de la Crete / Conseil Eventuel” blue Military   .............................. 160.00
         coloured illustrated cachet. VF . . Est 65.00+  cachet addr to Paris. F, no back flap. Scarce  1865. Ú 41, VF, small sealed tear .... 160.00
        1809. Û 121-38, 146, 227-30, F-VF, almost all  item ..................... Est 350.00+  1866. Ú 41-2, 45, 47, F-VF, most with guaran-
         NH ........................... 106.65                                                tee b/s’s ....................... 336.00
        1810. Û 128-42, QE set to the £1. VF. 185.85  1837. Ú1,VF.................... 210.00  1867. Ú 42, Three diff shades, all with full
                                                                                              margins, VF .................... 180.00
                                                                                             1868. Ö 46, VF single tied by “3218" lozenge  1888. ÕÛ 117a, Corner sheet margin
                                                                                              cancel on folded letter from Roubais 29 Apr  IMPERF BLOCK, VF, NG. Has photocopy
                                                                                              1871 CDS to Belgium (rec b/s). F-VF. Cat  of a 1997 Philatelic Foundation Certificate
                                                                                              $325...................... Est 200.00+  for a multiple this block came from. . 760.00
                                                                                             1869. Ú 51, Tied by Bordeaux Mar 1875 CDS  1889. Û 119, 119a, VG-VF ......... 240.00
                                                                                              on printed circular listing of imported bales of  1890. ÕÛ 125, Fresh block, F, NH. . . 380.00
                                                                                              SHEEP SKINS from Buenos Aires & Montevi-  1891. Û 130, F-VF................. 85.00
                                                                                              deo. F-VF................... Est 40.00+  1892. Û 131, Ten Francs. F+ ........ 85.00
                                                                                             1870. Ö 51, Tied by Bordeaux 27 Sept 1874
                                                                                              CDS on pre-printed ARRIVAL OF SHIP
                                                                                              NOTICE addr to Albrecht & Fils in Bordeaux.
                                                                  1845. Û 10, Rare mint example of the 10¢  Inside has nice illustrated engraving showing
                                                                   Napoleon imperforate with four full margins.  an early sailing ship. F........ Est 200.00+
                                                                   VF, OG, HH, small thins, light crease. Has  1871. Ú 52, Vertical Pair DOUBLE PERFED
                                                                   2014 APS Certificate. A WORLD CLASS  BETWEEN. F, some short perfs . Est 50.00+
                                                                   RARITY. Cat $30,000 US. . . Est 6,000.00+
                                                                                                                          1893. Û 138-42, Bristol Printings of the
                                                                                                                           10¢-30¢ Sowers with SIMULATED
                                                                                                                           PERFORATIONS, on card. Each a LR cor-
                                                                                                                           ner margin single. Fresh, VF, ungummed as
        1811. ÕÛ 128-42, Cpl QE Bird set to £1 in matching LR Plate Number blocks. Fresh, VF, NH.                          issued. A LOVELY MATCHED SET (Maury
                                                                                                                           Cat 1,750 Euro)........... Est 1,000.00+
        1812. Û 166-79, F-VF .............. 69.45                                                                         1894. Û 138-41, 143-4, 146-54. VG-VF, some
        1813. Û 485-500, Ship set to £5. VF, NH 79.35                                         1872. Ö 54, 57, Both tied by Paris dotted  NH ........................... 411.65
          FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES:                                                       star cancels on folded letter flown by  1895. Û 142, VG-F ............... 175.00
        1814. Û 1L1-L8, Fine lines. F-VF .... 130.00             1846. Ú 10, Neat “2009" lozenge cancel. VF.  BALLON MONTE. Has Paris 28 Dec 1870  1896. Ö 159, Tied by 1910 CDS on b/w post-
                                                                  Has 2 diff guarantee b/s’s. Choice example  CDS & carried aboard Balloon “Bayard”
                    FIJI:                                          ............................. 450.00  & addr to Brussels Belgium (b/s). F-VF....  card depicting the WRECK OF PIONEER
                                                                                                                           biplane flown by famous early aviator G.
                                                                 1847. Ú 11, Horiz pair tied on piece, F-VF ...  ......................... Est 500.00+  LEGAGNEUX. Due to strong turbulence near
                                                                  ............................... 95.00  1873. Ö 56 (4), Tied on 1873 cover to Vienna  Issy, the aircraft crash landed. F, minor TS .
                                                                                              Austria (rec b/s). Has boxed red “PD” h/s.  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                              VG+, some opening flts at top. . . Est 50.00+  1897. Û 185-96, F-VF, NH ......... 150.00
                                     1838. Ö 1, 6 (2), Tied on Trans-Atlantic
                                      cover from Tilly S. Seulles 13 Dec 1851
                                      to ALBANY NEW YORK. Has Paris & Le
                                      Havre transit cancels & “New York 20"
         1815. Ö 42, 53 (5), 55-7, Nine stamps tied on  cancel. VG+ ............... Est 275.00+
          front & reverse sides by neat Suva 15 Sept                                          1874. Ö 57, Tied by Paris dotted star cancel
          1896 CDS’s tied on Reg’d cover to Camden               1848. Ú 12-5, 17-20, Selected quality all with  on folded letter flown by BALLON MONTE.
          NJ, USA (rec b/s). Has transit cancels from  Toll Free Bid Line:  four margins. VF................ 390.35  Has Paris 6 Dec 1870 CDS & carried
          Victoria BC, Winnipeg Man & St Paul Minn.                                            aboard Balloon “Denis-Papin” & addr to  1898. Û 197, Bordeaux Philatelic Congress.
          F, #56 has toned corner. A NICE 19th  1-877-957-3364   1849. Ú 13, Imperf Pair. F-VF ....... 160.00  Luc-sur-Mer (b/s). F-VF ...... Est 400.00+  VF, LH. Has guarantee b/s........ 440.00
          CENTURY FIJI COVER...... Est 275.00+                   1850. Ú 13a, Imperf Pair. F-VF ...... 400.00
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35