Page 20 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 20
LOT 1123
LOT 1133 LOT 1135
GR. BRITAIN COVERS Continued 1136. Ö 26, Tied by Liverpool 12 June 1858 1167. Ö 128, 143; Plus KE 1d Postal Statio- 1197. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard for 1225. Ö HMS RODNEY: Three diff b/w photo
duplex cancel on folded entire to Marseille nery cut square, tied by 2 diff London 7 Oct the June 1912 FLYING VISIT of early French postcards depicting the famous Battleship.
Has Angl.- AMB. Calais transit. Pretty! F ... 1908 cancels on cover with Royal Philatelic aviator HENRI SALMET. This tour was to pro- The Rodney played an important role in the
.......................... Est 125.00+ Society corner card to Amsterdam. F+ ..... mote public interest in aviation & visited over 1941 sinking of the German surface raider
1137. Ö 26 (Pair), Tied by Leeds 30 Jan 1860 ........................... Est 65.00+ 100 diff towns. F. Scarce pioneer aviation “BISMARK”. VF (3) ........... Est 50.00+
duplex cancels on folded illustrated invoice 1168. Ö 132, Tied by Ipswich 10 May 1902 postcard.................... Est 75.00+ 1226. Ö HMS SOMALI: Two diff colour illus-
for T. Harding, Maker of Porcupine & Machine Reg’d oval on QV 1Àd Postal Stationery en- 1198. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1912 trated postcards depicting the WWII destroyer.
Combs. Addr to Lille with London & Calais velope to Rotterdam. F+. Nice 2 Reign frank- depicting PRINCE BOLOTOFF. He was an Torpedoed & sunk in the Arctic Sept 1942.
transits & 1 Feb receiver. F-VF . Est 150.00+ ing ........................ Est 50.00+ aviation pioneer & claimed to be the 5th man VF, unused ................. Est 40.00+
1138. Ö 26 (Pair), Tied by Leeds 5 Dec 1860 1169. Ö 143, Plus KE 4d Postal Stationery to have flown an airplane. In 1918 he married 1227. Ö HMS SUSSEX: Lot of 3 diff postcard
duplex cancel on folded cover to Lille, France. cut square tied by Ipswich 15 July 1909 the daughter of Harry Selfridge (the famous of which 2 are colour illustrated, from pre
Has red London & black Calais transits. F-VF Reg’d ovals on KE 3d Reg’d Postal Stationery department store magnate). VF . Est 60.00+ WWII. Depict the battleship which served in
1119. Ö 1 (Pl 6), Tied by red MC cancel on .......................... Est 150.00+ envelope to Rotterdam. F ...... Est 50.00+ 1199. Ö Unused multi-coloured WWI “Daily many theatres & survived many attacks. F-VF
folded letter from St. Andrews 18 Ja 1841 1139. Ö 26 (2), Tied by London 19 Aug 1861 1170. Ö 151, Tied on FIRST UNITED Mail” postcard depicting KGV at the front de- (3 diff) ..................... Est 45.00+
to Cockenzie. F, light file fold. An attractive duplex cancels on cover to Avignon, France. KINGDOM AERIAL POST postcard from Lon- picting a huge Howitzer cannon in a gun pit. F 1228. Ö HMS WARSPITE: Coll of 4 diff post-
Penny Black cover .......... Est 350.00+ Has Calais & Paris transits. VF. Stamps Cat don 9 Sept, 1911 with olive green cachet. The ........................... Est 45.00+ cards of which 2 are colour illustrated, circa
1120. Ö 1 (Pl 7), Tied by red MC cancel on $250...................... Est 100.00+ cancel has hammer #2 indicia. VF Est 100.00+ 1200. Ö Unused coloured Tuck’s “Oilette” post- WWII or earlier. This famous Battleship
a part cover from Norwich 26 Nov, 1840. F. 1140. Ö 27, Tied by London 22 Apr 1858 side- 1171. Ö 151, Tied on FIRST UNITED card circa WWI depicting a BRITISH RIGID served in many theatres during WWII; earned
Cat $850 .................. Est 225.00+ ways duplex cancel on cover to Vernex, Swit- KINGDOM AERIAL POST postcard from AIRSHIP in flight. During WWI the British had the most battle honours ever awarded to a
1121. Ö 1 (Pl 7), With red M/C cancel on zerland (25 Apr b/s). Has red “PD” in circle h/s London 9 Sept, 1911 with olive green cachet. a number of rigid & non-rigid airships that Royal Navy ship. F-VF, primarily unused
folded from London 1 Feb 1841 to Lanark. & Calais, Paris & Lausanne / Soir transits. F The cancel has hammer #4 indicia. VF..... were mainly used to counter the German (4 diff) ..................... Est 50.00+
Stamp VG, cover soiled. Cat $850 ........ .......................... Est 100.00+ .......................... Est 100.00+ U-Boat campaign. VF ......... Est 50.00+ 1229. Ö ROYAL SOVEREIGN: 4 diff unused
.......................... Est 150.00+ 1141. Ö 27, Tied by “18" grid on oval cancel 1172. Ö 151, Tied by special 15 Sep 1911 1201. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWI post- photo postcards depicting the battleship. She
1122. Ö 1 (Pl 8), Tied by black M/C cancel on on folded cover with London 1 Mar 1860 b/s London (Hammer 3) cancel on FIRST card depicting the sinking of German Armed served in WWII then transferred to the Soviet
folded letter dated Addington Hall, London 3 to Valencia, Spain (7 Mar b/s). Has ”Paris y UNITED KINGDOM AERIAL POST postcard Liner “Cap Trafalgar” (disguised as a British Navy in May 1944. F-VF (4) .... Est 45.00+
Apr 1841 to Preston (same date b/s). VG-F, Madrid" m/s. VF ............. Est 125.00+ with brown cachet. F, couple creases at left. Vessel) by the Armed Cunard Liner “Carmania”. 1230. Ö Unused b/w WWII Tuck’s postcard
some age stains on reverse & file fold affects 1142. Ö 27 (Pair), Tied by numeral grid oval .......................... Est 100.00+ F, minor age spotting.......... Est 45.00+ circa 1945 depicting the Allied Military
stamp slightly. Cat $850 ...... Est 225.00+ cancels on Trans-Atlantic cover from Thirsk 1173. Ö 185-6, Tied by EMPIRE EXHIBITION 1202. Ö Unused WWI sepia coloured postcard commanders incl Eisenhower, Montgomery,
via Liverpool & New York to Lockport, Niagara 31 May 1924 illustrated slogan cancel on depicting a huge 4-Engine HANDLEY PAGE Bradley, Tedder, & others. VF. . . Est 60.00+
1123. Ö 3 (Pair), Tied by two clear nu- County, NY. F, minor flaws. Scarce ....... cover to Steventon. F ......... Est 40.00+ BOMBER biplane. The front Gunners cockpit 1231. Ö Stampless WWII POW letter sheet
meral “1" M/C cancels on folded letter .......................... Est 125.00+ 1174. Ö 185-6, Tied by Empire Exhibition 5 & the Pilot’s seat can be seen in the plane. VF from German POW dated 16 Mar 1947 to
to Bridport Dorset, 3 Nov 1843 double 1143. Ö 27a, VF Deep Lilac tied by neat Lon- July 1924 illustrated cancel on real sepia ........................... Est 60.00+ Hutton, La, USA. The German writer related
split-ring receiver. Stamps & cover VF. don 24 My, 1862 duplex on Trans-Atlantic photo postcard to Germany. Depicts Old Lon- 1203. Ö Unused WWI real photo postcard that he had been imprisoned at Camp Polk.
See photo above .........Cat 575.00+ cover to Prescott, Canada West (rec b/s). don Bridge. VF............... Est 40.00+ depicting RAF BARRAGE BALLOONS. VF . His photo is included (unusual insert against
VG+, small edge flaws in cover. Cat $300 .. 1175. Ö 187, Tied by London 11 Oct 1934 on ........................... Est 60.00+ regulations). F ............... Est 50.00+
1124. Ö 3, Tied by clear “2" numeral M/C ........................... Est 90.00+ cach MAC ROBERTSON AIR RACE cover 1204. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard show- 1232. Ö Stampless POW letter sheet with vio-
cancel on folded cover to Bakewell, circa 1144. Ö 28, SE wing margin single with grid London to Melbourne Australia. Also franked ing a WWI MARTINSYDE F4 biplane. VF... let “P.O.W. CAMP / GREAT BRITAIN / No 55"
1843. VF ................... Cat 575.00
oval “466" Liverpool cancel on Trans-Atlantic with Australia KGV One Penny stamp. F ... ........................... Est 65.00+ h/s dated 21 Sept 1947 from a German POW
cover 22 Jan 1858 to New York. Has red ”5" & ........................... Est 75.00+ 1205. Ö Three unused Tuck WWI b/w photo to Dessau, RUSSIAN ZONE, Germany. F-VF
“PAID” h/s"s. Carried aboard the ship “Arabia”. 1176. Ö 234, Also USA #’s 791, C19, Tied on Royal Navy Patriotic postcards. Depicts ........................... Est 40.00+
F. Cat $425 ................ Est 100.00+ cach Anglo-American Goodwill Coronation HMS’s Aboukir & Triumph, sunk by U-Boats 1233. Ö Interesting coll of 10 KGVI cach cov-
1145. Ö 39, Tied by Canterbury 29 June 1864 Flight New York to London & return. Pilot U-9 & U21; plus HMS Audacious sunk by ers from the May 1950 London International
duplex cancel on cover to BRUCK, AUSTRIA signed by “DICK MERRILL”. F-VF ........ mine. VF (3)................. Est 45.00+ Stamp Exhibition. All with MALTESE CROSS
(3 July b/s), “via Belgium”. Has 3 transits incl .......................... Est 100.00+ 1206. Ö Two diff b/w WWI ‘Bamforth’ post- NUMBER CANCELS with various dates,
red French border crossing at Aachen. F ... 1177. Ö 235, 242, Tied by London Sept 1940 cards depicting portraits of FIELD MARSHAL frankings & cover sizes. F ...... Est 50.00+
.......................... Est 125.00+ CDS on WWII Censored Reg’d cover to USA. KITCHENER. One postcard shows marching 1234. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
1146. Ö 43a (Pl 7), Wing margin pair tied Has violet oval “Passed by Br. Philatelic British Soldiers with verse; the other a naval 1950 depicting THE BEDFORD TRUCK
by London 5 May 1866 duplex cancels on Assoc” & “War Office / Permit #B442", plus ship in action with verse. F (2). . . Est 80.00+ ASSEMBLY LINE in the Vauxhall Factory
Trans-Atlantic folded cover to St. Catharines, other h/s’s. F ................ Est 40.00+ 1207. Ö Unused WWI glossy b/w naval patri- at Luton. Over 250 Trucks & Vans were pro-
Canada West (17 May b/s). Has Hamilton 1178. Ö 237/248, Lot of 7 WWII Censored otic postcard. Depicts portraits of KGV, Admi- duced every working day with some shipped
UC transit. VF .............. Est 150.00+ covers; all addr to Jamaica with Jamaican ral Jellicoe, Admiral Callaghan, Prince Albert, to 130 diff countries. VF, corner crease ....
1125. Ö 3 (Pair), Tied by 2 numeral “3"
M/C cancels on folded cover with Newport 1147. Ö 43a (Pl 9), Tied by Liverpool 25 Censor tapes. One cover has perfin stamps. warships, musical notes, etc. VF. Est 65.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+
Pagnell 13 Dec 1843 receiver. Stamps & Aug 1868 duplex cancel on folded entire to VG-F ...................... Est 40.00+ 1208. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard
cover VF ................. Cat 625.00+ France. Has Calais transit, RPO b/s, etc. F+ 1179. Ö 258/285, Tied on 2 diff Reg’d covers depicting exploding SHRAPNEL & POISON
.......................... Est 100.00+ from KR Manning, London 1948-51 to USA. GAS SHELL. VF. Scarce....... Est 60.00+ Worldwide
1126. Ö 3, Tied by “5" numeral M/C cancel on 1148. Ö 43a (Pl10), Tied by London 22 Mar Each has “Passed by Br. Philatelic Assoc” 1209. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard
folded letter to Oxford, 3 Oct 1843 receiver. F, 1869 duplex cancel on cover to LADY h/s. F, one with edge tear ...... Est 40.00+ depicting British military Officers viewing the
small edge tear .............. Cat 575.00 KATHARINE HAMILTON RUPERT, Villa 1180. Ö 307, Tied on 1954 airmail cover to WRECKAGE OF A GERMAN ZEPPELIN. ABU DHABI:
Madonna, Manton, France (25 Mar b/s). Has USA. Has violet boxed “SALVAGED MAIL/ Has embossed seal of Photograph School
Paris & Lyon to Marseille RPO transits. The AIRCRAFT CRASH/PRESTWICK 25-12-54" Farnborough. VF ............. Est 65.00+
Lady served as a Lady in Waiting to Queen h/s. F ...................... Est 65.00+ 1210. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard
Victoria. Has Carlton Club embossed crest 1181. Ö 317-18, Tied by Looe Cornwall 27 showing the 3rd DESTROYER FLOTILLA AT
on flap. F-VF ............... Est 175.00+ Aug 1956 cancels on 2 diff multi-coloured nov- FULL SPEED GOING INTO ACTION AT THE
1149. Ö 45 (Pl 5), Tied by Lerwick Sept 1865 elty postcards. Each depict various BOTTLES BATTLE OF THE DOGGEE BANK 24 Jan
duplex cancel on cover to Charteris Bay / OF BEER with flaps with fold-out scenes 1915. This was major naval battle between
Lyttelton, NEW ZEALAND (25 Dec 1865 (accordion style) of Looe. F..... Est 60.00+ the British Grand Fleet & German navy. VF .
Christmas Day receiver). Stamp & cover have 1182. Ö 334-6, Boy Scouts sets tied by Sutton ........................... Est 65.00+
flts. Interesting destination...... Est 50.00+ Coldfield illustrated Jubilee Jamboree 1 Aug 1211. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard
1150. Ö 49 (Pl 6), 51 (Pl 8), Tied by London 1957 cancels on 2 diff cach FDC’s to Canada. from the RAMSGATE AERIAL RAID BY A
‘96’ duplex cancels 13 Oct 1870 on folded F-VF (2) .................... Est 45.00+ GERMAN ZEPPELIN 17 May, 1915. One
cover to St Petersburg, Russia (5 Oct rec. b/s). scene shows bomb damage, the other with
1127. Ö 3, Tied by “6" numeral M/C cancel
on cover with Basingstoke 9 Nov 1843 Has red ‘Postage Due’ in oval & ‘FRANCO’ police officers showing unexploded bombs. 1235. Û 15-25, Cpl surcharged set, F-VF, NH
h/s’s & ‘via Ostend’ m/s. F-VF. . Est 200.00+
VF ........................ Est 65.00+
receiver. Red wax seal on reverse. F-VF .. ............................. 272.50
.......................... Cat 475.00 1151. Ö 49 (Pl 9), Tied by Cheltenham 2 Jan 1212. Ö Stampless Official WWI cover with
1873 duplex cancel on Trans-Atlantic cover printed enclosure from the War Office, London
1128. Ö 3, Tied by clear “7" numeral M/C to New York. F, small edge tear . Est 65.00+ 19 Aug 1918. Addr to an appointee as an ADEN:
cancel on cover to Allerton, Oct 1843 receiver. 1152. Ö 49 (Pl 10), Tied by Exchange / Liver- EXAMINER in POSTAL CENSORSHIP. The
F-VF ...................... Cat 475.00 pool 9 July 1873 duplex cancel on folded printed form gives details of a being a wartime
1129. Ö 3, Tied by clear “8" numeral M/C cover to Paris; 10 July b/s. Has Calais transit censor. F-VF ................ Est 45.00+
cancel on folded letter to Glasgow, 21 Apr & red circular “PD” h/s. VF. Nice! Est 100.00+ 1213. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
1844 b/s. F-VF............... Cat 475.00 1153. Ö 50 (Pl 6), Tied by “49" grid oval cancel 1920’s depicting THE VICKERS “VICTORIA”
1130. Ö 3, Tied by clear “9" numeral M/C on folded cover date-lined London 18 Mar 24-Seat Troop Carrier Airplane. This plane
cancel on cover to Dunfermline, 8 Feb 1844 1868 to Vienna (21 Mar b/s). Has blue French was a development of the Vickers “Vimy” in
receiver. Has original enclosure. VF....... border crossing at Aachen transit. VF...... which Alcock & Brown flew from Newf’d over
.......................... Cat 575.00 .......................... Est 100.00+ 1183. Ö U1, One Penny Mulready Envelope the Atlantic in 1919. VF ........ Est 60.00+
1154. Ö 50 (Pl 6), Tied by Bradford 19 Feb with neat red MC cancel with indistinct circa 1214. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
1869 duplex cancel on cover to Christchurch, 1840 cancel. F, a few bends. Attractive. Cat 1920 depicting the SALVATION ARMY giving
New Zealand (24 Apr b/s). VG+, roughly $525..................... Est 250.00+ free Coal to slum dwellers. VF . . Est 45.00+
opened..................... Est 65.00+ 1184. Ö U1, Unused One Pence Mulready 1215. Ö Specialized coll of 20 diff b/w
1155. Ö 50a (Pl 6), Wing margin single tied by envelope (#A181), VF, a bit toned. Cat $400 postcards mostly pre 1930 depicting the
oval cancel on folded cover to Pest, Hungary. .......................... Est 200.00+ CENOTAPH in Whitehall, London. Has many
Has Via Ostend / Austria “m/s”, blue border 1185. Ö U3, One Penny Mulready letter sheet diff views, remembrance ceremonies to fallen
crossing at Aachen transit, etc. F-VF ...... with numeral horiz oval “72" cancel (London soldiers, real photos, KGV laying a wreath,
.......................... Est 100.00+ Chief Office, Lower Norwood). Addr locally etc. Most unused F-VF ........ Est 60.00+
1156. Ö 51 (Pl 8), Tied by Glasgow 28 Oct with red indented 3 Jan 1845 b/s’s. Has red 1216. Ö Unused Tuck’s novelty postcard circa
1869 duplex cancel on folded cover to Genoa wax seal on reverse. VG+, soiled, edge flts. 1930’s depicting Chamomile flowers. Has an
“Via Calais”. Has red London transit. F..... Cat $500 .................. Est 175.00+ early phonographic record attached. F, corner
.......................... Est 100.00+ 1186. Ö U4, Unused blue Two Pence Mulready creases. VERY UNUSUAL ITEM Est 50.00+
1157. Ö 51 (Pl 9), Tied by Bradford 7 Feb Letter Sheet (#a105). F, small back flaws. Cat 1217. Ö Coll of 5 diff glossy b/w real photo
1131. Ö 3, Tied by clear “10" numeral M/C 1872 duplex cancel on Mourning cover to $475...................... Est 200.00+ postcards circa 1930’s depicting WIMBLEDON
cancel on folded letter to Wallingford, 8 May CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND (12 Apr 1187. Ö Germany #67, Tied by Mannheim 3 scenes. Shows tennis matches on diff courts,
1843 b/s. F-VF ............ Cat 1,000.00 b/s). F, edge flts.............. Est 65.00+ Aug, 1902 CDS on patriotic postcard for KE aerial view & scene of the Lawn Buffet area. 1236. Û 1-12, Cpl Dhow set to 10R, fresh rich
1158. Ö 59b (Pl 11), Tied by Tiverton 17 Dec Coronation. Depicts the King in the centre with VF. Nice Tennis topical items . . . Est 65.00+ colours, nice centering, F-VF, NH. RARELY
1872 duplex cancel on cover to New York; 4 Union Jack surrounding him. F . . Est 65.00+ 1218. Ö Unused sepia photo Patriotic postcard SEEN IN NEVER HINGED CONDITION ..
Jan 1873 receiver. F, torn back flap. Scarce 1188. Ö Unused b/w “Bas-Relief” postcard circa 1935 depicting “H.R.H. THE PRINCE ....................... Est 1,250.00+
usage..................... Est 150.00+ circa 1903 depicting Princess Alexandra of OF WALES” mounted on horseback in hunting 1237. Û 10, VF .................. 125.00
1159. Ö 60 (Pl 12), Wing margin single tied by Wales (later Queen Alexandra). FEst 45.00+ attire (later KEVIII). VF ........ Est 45.00+
Bradford 15 Dec 1873 duplex cancel on folded 1189. Ö Two diff unused b/w “Bas-Relief” 1219. Ö HMS ARGUS: Unused b/w real photo AFGHANISTAN:
cover to Sicily (Palermo 21 Dec b/s). Has postcards circa 1905 depicting KE & QUEEN postcard depicting “Fleet Aeroplane Ship, 1238. Ö 453, 473 (3), 551 (3), Tied by Kabul
French RPO transit. F. Cat $325Est 175.00+ ALEXANDRA. Each with glitter. VF ....... camouflaged,” circa WWI. She served in both 1966 CDS’s on Reg’d cover from the Ameri-
1160. Ö 85, Tied by “C16" grid oval cancel on ........................... Est 90.00+ WWI-II, converted ocean liner, first carrier with can Embassy to England. F, roughly opened.
Trans-Atlantic cover with East Cowes, Isle 1190. Ö Coll of 3 diff b/w photo postcards de- full length flight deck. Delivered war planes Eye catching cover ........... Est 50.00+
of Wight 6 Feb 1882 b/s to Bridgeport, Conn picting the SALISBURY RAILWAY DISASTER to Malta, Russia & Iceland in WWII. F ..... AITUTAKI:
(20 Feb b/s) via New York. F, bit soiled. Cat July 1906. One is used, others unused. F... ........................... Est 45.00+ 1239. Û 322-41, Birds. VF, NH ....... 64.25
$275....................... Est 90.00+ .......................... Est 135.00+ 1220. Ö HMS AURORA: Two diff b/w photo ALAOUITES:
1161. Ö 103, Pair tied by Manchester 3 Oct 1191. Ö Two diff b/w photo postcards depicting postcards depicting the Cruiser. Served with 1240. Û C17-9, VF (C17-8 are NH).... 79.00
1884 duplex cancels on Trans-Atlantic folded
1132. Ö 3, Tied by clear “11" numeral M/C BRUSHER MILLS, THE NEW FOREST distinction in many WWII battles. Transferred ALBANIA:
cancel on folded cover to Dumbarton, 20 cover to Vera Cruz (Mexico). Has “Councellor SNAKE CATCHER. One is used in 1906, to the Chinese Navy 1948, crew mutinied &
Jan 1844 b/s. VF........... Cat 1,150.00 $ / from Liverpool 4 Oct” m/s. F, slight age other is unused. F (2) ......... Est 60.00+ she came under People’s Republic of China’s
staining. Scarce franking & stamps Cat 1192. Ö Coll of 33 postcards issued for the command; then was sunk by Republic of
$420...................... Est 175.00+
1133. Ö 3 (2), Tied by clear “12" numeral 1162. Ö 115, Plus QV 1/2d & 1d Postal Statio- Franco-British Exhibition held in London Eng- China forces. VF ............. Est 45.00+
M/C cancels on folded cover to Picadilly nery cut squares by Hammersmith / Broadway land in 1908. Most are real photo types show- 1221. Ö HMS BARHAM: Coll of 6 postcards
with 5 July 1843 b/s. Has ”T.P./Fleet St 16 Oct 1909 CDS’s on stamp dealer cover ing scenes, buildings, etc made by Alexander, primarily b/w types circa WWII & earlier de-
E.O" 2-line cancel. F-VF. See photo with 2 diff Reg’d cancels to Rotterdam, redi- Rotary, Davidson, etc. F-VF, mainly un- picting the Battleship. She was sunk by U-331
above ................ Cat 1,150.00+ used...................... Est 350.00+ off Egypt Nov 1941. Saw much action. F-VF
rected to Amsterdam. F....... Est 100.00+ (6) ........................ Est 75.00+
1134. Ö 3 (2), Tied by “159" rectangular grid 1163. Ö 119, Tied by Ipswich 24 Apr 1895 1193. Ö Scarce b/w real photo postcard circa 1222. Ö HMS EAGLE: Two diff unused photo
1910 depicting KING EDWARD VII & QUEEN
cancels on 1853 folded cover to Belfast (rec Reg’d ovals on QV embossed private order ALEXANDRA at a ceremony in Sheffield. F . postcard depicting the Aircraft Carrier from
b/s). The rate pays the 1d late fee for posting 1Àd & 2d Postal Stat envelope to Amsterdam. ........................... Est 60.00+ WWI era. During WWII she was on convoy
after hours & 1d inland fee. Postmarked by Has stamp dealer corner card. F Est 100.00+ 1194. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa duty & Torpedoed by U-73 Aug 1942. VF...
tiny Glasgow thimble cancel. The inside opens 1164. Ö 127, Tied on nice multi-coloured post- 1910 with portrait of KE in full regal outfit. ........................... Est 40.00+
up to reveal a printed broadside for the ”BRIG card circa 1905 depicting a portrait of KING Has printed message on back for Hamilton’s 1223. Ö HMS EFFINGHAM: Three unused
ABIGAIL" which was bound for Melbourne EDWARD in full royal outfit. Also has crests, Chocolates. F, couple small mounting adhe- circa WWII & earlier b/w postcards depicting
Australia. F ................ Est 150.00+ quote from Shakespeare, etc. F . Est 70.00+ the heavy cruiser. She sank while participating
1165. Ö 128, Tied by Brighton 20 Sept, 1910 sions on reverse ............. Est 50.00+
1135. Ö 5, VG-F tied by Scottish grill on b/w real photo postcard depicting KGV, 1195. Ö Unused b/w real photo memorial in the Norwegian Campaign after striking a
cancel on Trans-Atlantic folded letter QUEEN MARY & THEIR 6 CHILDREN. Addr postcard circa 1910 with a portrait of the shoal near Bodo May 1940. Also carried gold 1241. Ú 10, Tied by Vlone Sept 1913 circular
from Aberdeen 13 Ap 1854 Via Liverpool to Belgium. VF............... Est 50.00+ “LATE KING EDWARD VII”. VF . Est 45.00+ bullion to Canada. VF (3)....... Est 45.00+ datestamp on piece. VF. Has 1995 Rendon
to Charleston South Carolina. VG-F, 1166. Ö 128, Tied by Reading 9 Ju, 1911 CDS 1196. Ö Unused b/w postcard depicting THE 1224. Ö HMS ROYAL OAK: b/w photo & col-
slight age stains. See photo above ..... on nice KGV Coronation postcard. Has portraits PRINCE OF WALES in Investiture Robes our illustrated views on pre WWII unused Certificate & 2023 Dr Peters Certificate.
....................... Est 400.00+ of KGV & Queen Mary, Crown, Crest, etc. 1911 (he later became King Edward VIII). postcards. The battleship was sunk at Scapa PRINTED.................... 1,500.00
Addr to Canada. F, corner crease Est 50.00+ VF ........................ Est 50.00+ Flow by U-47 in Oct 1939. VF . . . Est 40.00+