Page 18 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 18

18 GR. BRITAIN Continued     1013. Ú 179-81, 179a-c, KGV Seahorses. VF  1041. ÕÛ 478, Left margin Block of 6. Top  1060. Ú O2-4, F-VF ............... 109.00  GR. BRITAIN (MOROCCO):
                                      .............................. 652.00  centre stamp has MISSING “T” variety;  1061. Ú O6, F.................... 155.00  1095. Ö 238 (Pair), Tied by BPO Tangier 11
                                     1014. Û 179b, Seahorse, F+........ 150.00  bottom left stamp has BROKEN “A” variety.  1062. Ú O12, Neat London Reg’d oval. VF ..  Dec 1940 CDS on WWII twice Censored Air-
                                                                  VF, NH .................... Est 50.00+  .............................. 425.00  mail cover. Addr to a passenger aboard “SS
                                                                 1042. Û 810, 812, Panes of 4 in privately pro-            Excambion”, via Lisbon to New York. The
                                                                  duced QE Silver Jubilee Booklet, plus a simi-            Excambion was taken over by the US Navy
                                                                  lar Booklet with the panes inverted; also a              as a troop ship & sunk by a Japanese Tor-
                                                                  similar Booklet 811, 2 panes & blank print sin-          pedo Bomber off Guadalcanal. F, some edge
                                                                  gle in additional pane. Limited edition items.           wear. Historic................ Est 75.00+
                                                                  VF, NH (3 Booklets) .......... Est 50.00+               1096. Û 246-62, F-VF, NH ......... 86.15+
                                                                 1043. Û 1067-70, Gutter Pairs with “AUSIPEX
                                                                  84" logo imprint on gutters. These were avail-
                                                                  able only from the BPO Stand at the exhibi-                GREAT BRITAIN
                                                                  tion. VF, NH................. Est 50.00+
                                                                 1044. ÕÛ 1230-3, Castles from £1-£5 in  1063. Ú O29, Scarce QV 9 Pence GOVT  COVERS
                                                                  Cross Gutter Blocks. VF, NH ....... 133.00  PARCELS, lightly cancelled. F+, colour
                                     1015. Û 179c, Reddish Brown. VF, toned NH  1045. Û 1445-8, Castles from £1-£5 in Gutter  slightly affected by water (as is always  1097. Ö Stampless 1795 folded letter to Derby.
         998. Ú 141, KE 10 Shilling, F-VF .... 500.00
                                      gum. Has 3 diff guarantee b/s’s .... 375.00  Pairs. VF, NH .................... 82.00  the case on used examples). Has 2013  Has 2-line BIRMINGHAM straightline cancel.
                                                                 1046. ÕÛ 1445-8, Castles from £1-£5 in Cross  Sismondo Certificate & 2023 BPA Certificate  F, minor toning streak ......... Est 65.00+
                                                                  Gutter Blocks. VF, NH ............ 164.00  ............................ 1,350.00  1098. Ö Stampless folded letter 1810 from
                                                                 1047. Û 1445-8, 1446a-8a, Castle High Values              London to Oporto, Portugal with 2 diff rate
                                                                  up to £5. VF, NH ................ 117.75  1064. Ú O31-6, VG-VF............. 932.50  markings. Interesting contents re Napoleonic
                                                                 1048. Û 1496, Bottom centre margin Block.  1065. Ú O31-6, F ................. 932.50  War, fishing trade in Newfoundland, trade with
                                                                  The LR stamp MISSING “1993". VF, NH....  1066. Ú O33, Gov’t Parcels. F....... 310.00  Portugal, etc. F-VF ........... Est 80.00+
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+  1067. Ú O34, VF .................. 85.00  1099. Ö Stampless folded letter Dated London
                                                                 1049. Û 1971a, Submarine Booklet. VF, NH .  1068. Ú O36, F-VF................ 310.00  5 Sept 1804 to Madeira. Has lovely red
                                                                  ............................... 85.00  1069. Ú O43, F, some blunt perfs .... 325.00  “FOREIGN OFFICE / 1804 / 84" strike, 2Sh2d
                                                                 1050. Û 3047-75, Olympic Gold Medalists, VF,
         999. Û 142, Scarce KE One Pound mint High                                                                         & 230 Reis m/s rate & ”LISBOA" transit. F-VF
          Value with black ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint,                  NH ............................ 50.75                    ........................... Est 75.00+
          nice centered, fresh rich colour, VF, OG,              1051. Û 3337-53, 3363-70, 3397-414, 3425-32,             1100. Ö Stampless folded letter dated London
          neat hinge remnants ....... Est 1,250.00+               VF, NH ........................ 159.35                   13 Mar 1809 to Madeira. Has 2Sh5d m/s
                                                                                                                           rates applied twice, Single Sheet m/s, neat
                                     1016. Û 180, Five Shilling Seahorse. Fresh,
                                      F-VF, LH ...................... 350.00                                               red FOREIGN / 1809 / 74 strike & boxed
                                                                                                                           “Grenville / Street” h/s. F-VF .... Est 75.00+
                                     1017. Ú 180, Seahorse 5 Shilling, Nice cancel,                                       1101. Ö Stampless folded cross written letter
                                      private perfin. VF ................ 145.00                                           with Leeds 3 Mar 1810 cancel to Funchal, Ma-
                                     1018. Û 188, 190, 192, WATERMARKS                                                     deira via Falmouth. Has 2Sh7d & 40 Reis m/s
                                      INVERTED. F-VF (SG £149).... Est 75.00+                                              rates of “Single Sheet” m/s. F-VF Est 65.00+
                                     1019. Û 189c, Booklet Pane. F-VF, VLH,                   1070. Ú O49-50, F. Scarce ......... 410.00  1102. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Cam-
                                      some clipped perfs as usual......... 50.00                                           bridge 5 May 1822 to Funchal, Madeira.
                                     1020. Û 205a-7a, Set of Watermark Sideways.             1071. Ú O49-51, F ................ 910.00  Has 2Sh7d & 40 Reis m/s rates (no cancels).
         1000. Ú 142, KE One Pound with SON  Fresh, F-VF .................... 225.00         1072. Û O59-61, VF .............. 213.50  Lengthy contents from a mother to a daughter
          SHEPHERDS BUSH EXHIBITION 14 May,                                                  1073. Ú Scarce Cabinet portrait on card  partly cross written; nice red wax seal. F-VF
          1908 (of FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION)                                                 circa 1886, depicting QUEEN VICTORIA  ........................... Est 75.00+
          cancel. Rich bold colour, F-VF. A RARE                                              & PRINCE ALEXANDER ALBERT of  1103. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Bruns-
          FIRST DAY CANCEL OF THE EXHIBITION                                                  Battenberg. F, minor soiling..... Est 80.00+  wick House, Hanover Square, London 13 Dec
          ON A ONE POUND STAMP . . Est 900.00+                                               1074. Ú Red & blue illustrated advertising  1824 to Madeira. Has 5 British & Portuguese
                                                                                              bookmark, circa 1900 for The Temple Maga-  m/s rates, red PAID / 82 / 17 Dec CDS, 2 For-
                                                                                              zine. Depicts photo of QV in widow weeds. F,  eign Office b/s’s. Contents - order for Madeira
                                                                                              some toning. Nice Queen Victoria collectable  wine. Brunswick House is a famous residence
                                                                                              ........................... Est 50.00+  in London. F................. Est 85.00+
                                                                                             1075. Û Imperf Plate Proof on card of 1910  1104. Ö Stampless folded cover with boxed
                                                                                              OVERSEA DOMINIONS £20, in green.
                                                                                              Depicts Britannia head & seahorses. VF,  2-line ‘Bedale/P.y Post’ cancel to York. Dated
                                                                                                                           8 Aug 1828 on reverse. Nice Distinctive Town
                                                                                              full margins, horiz crease. Rarely seen item.  Stamp type 45C. F, file folds .... Est 45.00+
                                                                                              .......................... Est 100.00+
                                                                                                                          1105. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic letter
                                                                                                                           dated Liverpool 2 May 1829 via New York, 6
         1001. Ú 142, KE One Pound. VF .... 825.00               1052. Û Vertical imperf Plate Proof from                  June transit; to Montreal per the ship “Florida”.
                                                                  1973 of 5p National Exhibition of Cage                   Has red / Shilling, 7d & 20¢ m/s rates with red
                                                                  Birds. THIS IS AN UNISSUED STAMP
                                     1021. Ú 209, One Pound PUC, rich colour,  (which we have not seen before). XF,        “SHIP” h/s. F, light file folds.... Est 125.00+
                                      nicely centered, VF.............. 675.00  ungummed................ Est 350.00+      1106. Ö Stampless letter datelined 27 Mar
                                                                                                                           1832 with Edinburgh local 1-line “LEOPOLD
                                                                                                                           PLACE” (receiving house in shop of G.&A.
                                                                                                                           Clark, beverage merchants) to Royal Ex-
                                                                                                                           change. Has 1d hammer rate & boxed “1
                                                                                                                           OCLK PM / 31 Mar / 1832" h/s. F-VF ......
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 45.00+
         1002. Ú 142, Used KE One Pound. VF, light                                            1076. Û Four diff 1911 imperforate  1107. Ö Stampless 2 Penny Post cover with
          CDS, trivial nibbed LR corner perf. Has                                              “MINERVA HEAD” test stamps printed by  black “DEVIZES 30 Oct 1833" 2-arc b/s to
          2007 APS Certificate ............ 825.00                                             De La Rue & Co. Incl scarlet shade with  Islington. Has red ”G:P." strike & double circle
                                                                                               sheet margin at left, & 3 examples from the  “E 31 Oct 1833" b/s. F, some separation....
        1003. Û 152, Watermark Inverted. F, a few                                              defaced plate with each one in a diff colour.  ........................... Est 45.00+
         clipped perfs as usual (SG #332 Wi - £45) .                                           VF, most NH .............. Est 150.00+  1108. Ö Stampless local cover with red Octag-
         ........................... Est 35.00+                                                                            onal 2 Mar 1838 cancel & black “2d PAID” h/s.
                                                                                             1077. Ú Colour illustrated advertising book-
                                                                                              mark, pre WWII, for Scottish Widows Fund  Signed by BARON THOMAS SPRING-RICE.
                                                                                              Mutual Life Insurance, London. Depicts  Served as Secretary of the Treasury & Chan-
                                                                                              Pegasus on one side & lady on horseback  cellor of the Exchequer in various administra-
                                                                                              painting on the other. F-VF ..... Est 35.00+  tions. He introduced the PENNY-POSTAGE
                                                                                             1078. SSÛ Set of 2 STAMP CENTENARY  SYSTEM in 1839. Addr to C.D. Scott (his ini-
                                                                                              EXHIBITION souvenir sheets of labels from  tials on reverse) involved in building Nelson’s
                                                                                              London, May 1940. Sold in aid of the Lord  Monument, Trafalgar Square. Nice red wax
                                                                                              Mayor’s Red Cross & St. John Fund. Printed  seal. VG-F, some wear ....... Est 100.00+
                                                                                              by Waterlow & Sons. VF, NH . . . Est 40.00+  1109. Ö Stampless letter datelined Dalry 5
                                                                                             1079. ÕÛ Coll of 24 diff WWII labels depicting  Sept 1842 to Woodhead Buttle. Has boxed
                                                                                              ships of the Royal Navy & Tanks of the Allies.  Castledouglas 5 Sept receiver & matching
                                                                                              All in se-tenant blocks. F-VF, almost all NH .  boxed numeral “4" h/s; plus 1d m/s rate. On
                                                                                              ........................... Est 35.00+  occasion, numerals substituted for name
                                                                                             1080. Ú WWII 2-panel (4 sides) printed  stamps. F-VF................ Est 65.00+
                                                                                              LETTER CARD BY THE COMMANDER-IN-  1110. Ö Stampless 1847 Trans-Atlantic folded
                                                                                              CHIEF ON NON-FRATERNIZATION by the  letter from Cornhill Scotland to Gut of Canso
                                                                                              occupying British Forces in Germany. The  (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia rated “1/2" collect.
                                                                                              letter gives policy to men of the 21 Army  Carried by the ship ”Acadia" reaching Halifax
                                                                                              Group & is signed by FIELD MARSHAL  30 Jan 1848. Has numerous transit cancels.
                                                                                              BERNARD MONTGOMERY, March, 1945.  VG-F. Write-up accompanies . . Est 200.00+
                                     1022. ÕÚ 209, A spectacular rare used LR corner block of the One Pound PUC. Nice centering,  Very interesting item. VF....... Est 50.00+  1111. Ö Stampless 1847 Trans-Atlantic folded
         1004. ÕÛ 152, Imperforate TRIAL PROOF  rich colour, neat CDS cancels. VF, minor hinge reinforcement at bottom selvedge. AN  1081. ÕÛ WWII Patriotic labels se-tenant  business letter from Liverpool to QUEBEC
          corner block of the One Penny scarlet KGV  OUTSTANDING BLOCK.............................................Est 3,000.00+  block of 8 depicting Royal Navy Warships,  CANADA. Has neat “1/4 CURRENCY” rate
          Downey Head. VF, crease in top stamps ..                                            in blue. VF, NH .............. Est 35.00+  h/s carried by the Cunard ship “HIBERNIA”
          ......................... Est 200.00+  1023. Û 235-48, 235a-9a, 266, Set plus Water-  1082. Û Interesting lot of Testing / Training  2nd voyage. F ............... Est 80.00+
                                      mark Sideways issue & extra shades of 241-3.                                        1112. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover from
        1005. Û 159, 165, 172, Watermarks  VF, most NH (23) ................ 142.40           issues incl singles & multiples. Incl “boiled  Settle 27 July, 1849 rated “À”. Addr to Eldon
         INVERTED & REVERSED. F-VF (SG  1024. ÕÛ 237, Block of 6, Watermark                   egg” issue plus 7 diff QE Wildings with vert  House, London, Canada West (Eldon House
         £164) ...................... Est 85.00+  Inverted. F-VF, NH (SG #464Wi - £90) ...    black bars, etc. F-VF, some NH (19) ......  is now a museum & is the oldest continued
        1006. Û 159-72, 187-200, 210-20, Three diff  ........................... Est 50.00+   ........................... Est 40.00+  residence in the city). Has circular “¼ Cy” h/s
         cpl KGV sets. F-VF .............. 426.95  1025. Û 241a, KGVI Four Pence             1083. Û Three diff self adhesive sheets of  in black on the front side. Likely carried by the
        1007. Û 159b, Booklet Pane. F, NH, light  IMPERFORATE PAIR overprinted black bars     ROCKET MAIL stamps circa 1970’s, made by  ship “Hibernia”. Write-up accompanies. F...
         creases........................ 110.00  used for Post Office training. VF, NH, some  the Leicester Space Society. F (30 stamps)  ........................... Est 65.00+
        1008. Û 160, KGV 1p IMPERF    creases (Normal imperf pair Cat $9,750 US)  1053. Û J4, Coll of 12 Trial Colours of the  ........................... Est 60.00+  1113. Ö Stampless Official red illustrated wrap-
         OVERPRINTED ‘SPECIMEN’ (SG #N16u).  .......................... Est 250.00+  1914 2d Postage Due. Each in a diff colour.  GR. BRITAIN (BOOKLETS):  per with “Annual International Exhibitions”
         VF, slight internal crease....... Est 90.00+                                        1084. Û BK86, Two Booklets each with a diff  heading & “OFFICES OF HER MAJESTY’S
        1009. Û 173, VF, NH, nibbed perf, light bend.             VF. Interesting lot (SG £360). . Est 250.00+  cover. VF, NH................... 115.00  COMMISSIONERS / FOR THE EXHIBITION
         Cat $690 .................. Est 150.00+                                             1085. Û BK92, BK94, BK100a, BK108, F-VF,  OF 1851" imprints. Addr to Spain with red Offi-
                                                                                              NH ........................... 122.00  cial PAID / LONDON 31 Sept 1872 CDS. F,
                                                                                             1086. Û BK113 (2 diff), BK114. F-VF, NH  some edge flts & TS. Very rare . Est 250.00+
                                                                                              (3 Booklets) .................... 120.00  1114. Ö Stampless folded letter dated London
                                                                                             1087. Û BK146, BK148-9, VF, NH .... 48.25  8 Apr 1853 to Madeira, with Leadenhall St
                                                                                             1088. Û BK166, BK168, BK171, VF, NH ...  cancel. Has 1Sh10d m/s rate & 160 Reis
                                                                                               ............................... 74.50  hammer. Contents re wine trade. F-VF.....
                                                                                             1089. Û BK733, Greetings 1989 issue, Six  ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                              booklets with diff cover designs. VF, NH ...  1115. Ö Lengthy stampless entire with one-line
                                                                                               .............................. 174.00
                                                                 1054. Û J39-44, F-VF............. 336.75                  “LEICESTER” & 1 Dec (1867) Bishop Mark b/
                                                                                                   GR. BRITAIN (ALDERNEY):  s’s to Blanford, Dorsetshire. Addr to a Doctor.
                                                                                             1090. Û 1/87, Lot of 9 diff cpl sets. VF,  Has 8d m/s rate. F, small flaws . . Est 75.00+
                                                                                              NH ............................ 66.35  1116. Ö Stampless folded letter with red
                                                                                                   GR. BRITAIN (GUERNSEY):  LOMBARD STREET/A/ PAID / 13 Dec 1869
         1010. Û 173b, Black Brown Shade. F-VF, LH                                           1091. Ú 8-23; Also 22a, VF .......... 68.05  CDS on ship cover carried aboard steamer
          ............................. 400.00                                                    GR. BRITAIN (HERM ISLAND):  Norway from Liverpool to Madeira. Has neat
                                                                                             1092. Ö HERM ISLAND PIGEON POST cover  “Cossart & Gordon / London & Madeira”
                                                                                              with 1sh Pigeon stamp tied by 1952 CDS. The  green oval corner card (wine merchants).
                                                                                              cover has a metal grommet at LL which was  F-VF....................... Est 85.00+
                                                                                              used to attach the cover to a pigeon’s leg.  1117. Ö Stampless cover with red London
                                                                 1055. Û J45-54, Fresh, F-VF ....... 588.25                Official Paid 10 Oct 1876 h/s & blue INDIA
                                                                                              Write-up accompanies. VF ..... Est 50.00+
                                     1026. ÕÛ 251, KGVI Ten Shilling mint block  1056. Û J65-7, F .................. 54.75  OFFICE h/s. From LOUIS MALLET who was
                                                                                                  GR. BRITAIN (ISLE OF MAN):
                                      with perfect centering, pristine fresh colour,  1057. Û J68-75, J79-112, F-VF, NH . . 111.45  1093. Û J9-25, Postage Due 1975-92 issues in  a Senior British Civil Servant. He was aid to
                                      XF, NH. A GORGEOUS BLOCK FOR THE  1058. Û J79-112, Postage Due sets. F-VF, NH  singles, pairs & imprint blocks. Face £74+. VF,  Lord Stanley, Free Trade advocate, served
                                      COLLECTOR WHO WANTS THE BEST ..  ............................... 84.40  NH ........................... 159.60  on the Council of India, involved in Anglo-
                                       ....................... Est 1,200.00+                                               Austrian commercial Treaty, Monetary
                                                                                                    GR. BRITAIN (JERSEY):  Conference Paris 1878, etc. The cover has
                                     1027. ÕÛ 265, Margin block with LL stamp
                                      having the EXTRA BERRY variety. F-VF, NH                                             embossed India Office crest on back flap.
                                      (SG #492a, Cat £35) .......... Est 35.00+                                            Addr to Earl of Beaconsfield who was
         1011. Ú 176, Scarce One Pound Seahorse  1028. Û 272, Vertical Pair, bottom stamp with                             Benjamin Disraeli (who was Prime Minister
                                                                                                                           twice). F, faulty back flap...... Est 125.00+
          with London CDS. Excellent colour, nicely  CROWN FLAW variety. VF, NH (SG #496a -
          centred. VF, couple slightly nibbed perfs ..  £75) ....................... Est 50.00+
          ............................ 1,500.00  1029. Û 286-9, F-VF ............... 80.00
                                     1030. Û 286-9, KGVI to £. F-VF, NH. . 80.00+
                                     1031. Û 292-6, Watermarks Inverted. F-VF,
                                      NH (SG #’s 515-9b Wi £40)..... Est 35.00+
                                     1032. Û 292-308, F-VF ............ 101.05
                                     1033. Û 292-308, 317c-22d, F-VF.... 117.85
                                     1034. Û 309-12, Castles to £1. VF, VLH ....
                                      .............................. 240.00
                                     1035. Û 311, VF .................. 80.00
                                     1036. Û 317-33, 319c-22c, 321d, Also extra
                                      shade of 325. F-VF, NH (24) ....... 205.40
                                     1037. Û 317cp, 318dp, 356cp-60ap. F-VF, NH               1094. Ö N7, Tied by Jersey Channel Is 29  1118. Ö 1 (Pl 1a), Tied by M/C cancel on
                                      .............................. 114.50                    No, 1943 CDS on cover to France. Also  part printed folded dated Aberdeen Town &
                                     1038. Û 353c-60a, Graphite set. F-VF 150.00               franked by a German 25pf Hitler Head with  Country Bank 16 Apr 1841. Addr to Caledo-
                                     1039. Û 355c, F, NH .............. 100.00  1059. Û MH8, IMPERF pair. Fresh, excellent  Feldpost cancel & a 10¢ France stamp.  nian Bank in Dornoch (rec b/s). A nice early
         1012. Û 179-81, Cpl set of Seahorses, F-VF  1040. Û 371-4, De La Rue Printing. VF, NH  margins, VF, NH (SG #735c - £350) ......  Has censor tape & h/s’s on reverse. An  Scottish banking cover. F. Cat $850 ......
          (181 has some toned gum) ...... 1,050.00  (SG#’s 595-8, £195) ......... Est 150.00+  ......................... Est 275.00+  interesting German Occupation cover. F .  ......................... Est 300.00+
                                                                                               .......................... Est 80.00+
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