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667. ÚÛ Coll of older issues neatly displayed 681. ÚÛ Shoebox crammed full with a primar-
in black mounts on pages. Has a wide array ily used hoard from the 19th Century up to the
of commems, pictorials, defins, plus airmails, 2000’s. Lots to sort through with commems,
officials, semi-postals, postage dues, etc. pictorials, defins, BOB, SS’s (saw some Third
VG-VF (630) ............... Est 150.00+ Reich & 1959 Beethoven), DDR, a few post-
cards & more. Generally VG-VF (Few 1,000)
.......................... Est 200.00+
682. ÚÛ Shoebox with an unsorted accum /
hoard from the early 1900’s up to the 1990’s.
Loaded with a wide variety of issues incl
commems, defins, sets, SS’s, BOB, &
much more! Generally F-VF (Many 100’s) ..
.......................... Est 250.00+
639. Ö Coll of 7 diff German b/w real photo 683. Û Eight binders with a dealer’s stock of
postcards depicting the Armistice between SWITZERLAND COLLECTION 1852-1998: mint Austria commems primarily from the
Germany & France on 22 June 1940. The 668. ÚÛ 12/1038, B1/9O14, Coll of all diff 1960’s-80’s. Terrific range of issues with
postcards depict Hitler & his staff receiving singles & sets in a Davo Album (with useful duplication in singles & blocks. Nice
the French delegation for the formal signing slipcase). Wide range of commems, defins, clean lot, F-VF, NH (1000’s) . . . Est 400.00+
of the Armistice. The Germans incl high plus BOB. Incl used 16 ($85), 30 ($47), 59 NORWAY USED STOCK:
ranking men like Hess, Keitel, Goring, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON ($77), 98-100 ($53), 181-5 ($77), 293-305 684. Ú Extensive dealer’s stock of used Nor-
Ribbentrop, Braunchitsch & others. In a COLLECTION 1892-1959: ($806), B4-9 ($221), B15-7 ($60), C3-12 way from older issues up to 2009. All ar- ERITREA COLLECTION 1892-1934:
cruel irony, Hitler deliberately chose the 653. ÚÛ 38/359, B1/J77, Primarily mint coll ($199); mint 226 ($350). Also many others ranged on stockcards in Scott order with a 698. ÚÛ 1/180, BOB, Attractive early coll
Compiegne Forest as the site to sign the of all diff singles & sets in mounts on pages. in the $1-$45 Cat range. Has a few UN is- wide array of commems, pictorials & defins. neatly arranged on pages. Some highlights
armistice. He brought the original railway Incl better like mint 103-4 ($40), 159 ($85), sues incl. Many nice topicals such as in- Also 2 pages of Officials & 1 page of unsorted. are mint 3-8 ($1,050), 105-6 ($111), 107A
coach to the spot where Germany signed 171 ($35), 172-204 ($62), 217-8 ($85), 254 sects, landscapes, castles, sports, bridges, Varying duplication but nothing overly exces- ($195), 109-15 ($69), 168-74 ($156), C7-16
the armistice with France which brought ($67), 324-44 ($55), etc. Also many others flowers, trains, animals, etc. VG-VF, many sive. VG-VF (We estimate 4,000-5,000 ($122), E2 ($145), J10a ($475), J15-27
WWI to a close in 1918. VF, one postcard in the $1-$27 Cat range. VG-F. 2024 Scott mint NH. 2023 Scott $4,850 (1,450) ...... stamps) ................... Est 350.00+ ($150); Also used 9-11 ($635), 69-71 & 73
used, others unused (7)...... Est 350.00+ $1,439 (245)............... Est 600.00+ ....................... Est 1,500.00+ BELGIUM CALENDAR CANCEL ($114), 101 ($72), etc. A few collected as
COLLECTION: both mint & used. Majority VG-VF. 2025
GERMANY SEMI-POSTAL SETS: THREE VOLUME SWEDEN MINT COLLECTION 1967-1978: 685. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll Scott $4,962 (227) .......... Est 900.00+
640. Ú B310-23, B325-30, B332-41, Nice coll GERMANY BERLIN STOCK 1954-1985: 669. Û Extensive coll in black hingeless from 1880-1919 arranged in month order on
of 10 diff cpl semi-postal sets. F-VF. 2025 654. ÚÛ 9N103/9N506, 9NB12/9NB231, mounts on pages, nearing completion for homemade recycled pages. Clear readable AUSTRIA
Scott $763 (30 diff stamps) .... Est 225.00+ Very clean mint & used dealer’s stock neatly these years. Has a terrific range of commems, cancels on a wide range of issues from many OFFICIAL ANNUAL COLLECTIONS:
GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION: arranged in 3 stockbooks. Contains sets, se-tenants, defins, miniature sheets & book- diff towns & cities. Sparse in areas. Majority 699. Û 1386-1713, B352-67, Cpl range of
Official Annual colls, from 1987-96. Lovely
641. Ú 9N35/9N141, 9NB4/9NB20, Attractive singles & souvenir sheets, commems, picto- lets. Also some FDC’s, etc. Very clean lot, VG-VF, some flts (Over 1,200 cancels) ....
earlier used coll neatly arranged on a rials, defins, topicals. Useful duplication F-VF, mint appear NH (Over 900 stamps, ........................... Est 90.00+ topical issues throughout. VF, NH (286
stamps, 3 SS’s)........ 2025 Scott 333.00
stockcard, from 1949-57. We noted 9N35-68 ranges from 1 to 25 of each. We noted 25 covers, 51 Booklets / SS’s) . Est 375.00+
($428), 9N70-80 ($221), 9N84-100 ($100), some better. F-VF, much mint NH. An excel- EAST GERMANY HUNGARY
9NB4-7 ($126), etc. F-VF. 2024 Scott $1,280 lent lot (Many 100’s)......... Est 500.00+ TWO VOLUME COLLECTION: STOCK / ACCUMULATION 1871-1959:
(102) ..................... Est 350.00+ POLAND COLLECTION: 670. Û Two green Scott Specialty 3-Ring 700. ÚÛ 9/1272, Stock / Accum neatly ar-
EAST GERMANY COLLECTION 1949-1951: 655. ÚÛ Coll on pages from 1919 up to 1980’s albums with pages from 1949-90 & mint ranged in a stockbook. Useful duplication from
642. Ú 48-81, B17-20, Nice run of issues on with a wide variety of commems, pictorials, stamps from 1954-90. The coll is very solid 1 to 5 of each. Has early classics up to mod-
a stockcard. F-VF, postally used (38) ...... defins plus BOB. We estimate 1,200-1,500 from 1969 onwards with much being com- ern large size topical commems & pictorials.
.................... 2025 Scott 218.00 stamps here. A good base to build on. VG-VF, plete. Has a tremendous range of commems, Majority VG-VF (Approx 2,900). Est 150.00+
majority are used............ Est 100.00+ pictorials, defins plus BOB. F-VF, mostly NH SWEDEN CALENDAR
ITALY PARCEL RECEIPTS: (2,460 stamps, 105 SS’s) ..... Est 450.00+ CANCEL COLLECTION 1940-1970:
656. Ú 1291/1295, 1415/1431, Accum of 701. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll
approx 195 P.O. Parcel Receipts from 1980’s. arranged in month order on homemade recy-
All franked by higher value Italia / Castle types cled pages. Cancels here from a wide range
with many stamps from 1,000 - 5,000 Lira. AUSTRIA of towns & cities on a broad variety of issues.
Wide variety of cancels with much from Cen- IN LIGHTHOUSE HINGELESS ALBUM: Nice clear readable dates. Sparse in some
tral & Southern Italy. F-VF (195) Est 125.00+ 686. Û 708/1141, BOB, Beautiful virtually areas. Majority F-VF, some flts (Approx 2,580
BAVARIA MINT NH COLLECTION: cpl mint NH coll, neatly arranged in a Light- cancels) ................... Est 200.00+
657. Û 33/260, BOB, Fresh mint NH coll in house Hingeless Album, from 1963-79. Has
Kenmore stockbook, from 1875 up to 1920. gorgeous topical large size commems, pic-
F-VF, NH (112) ........ 2025 Scott 106.00 torials & semi-postals; plus souvenir sheets.
VF, NH. Value of album without stamps,
$350+, stamps Cat 2024 Scott $273 (495
643. Ö Coll of used / unused b/w photo post- stamps, 4 SS’s) ............ Est 250.00+
cards from WWII era. We saw battleships, DENMARK & SWEDEN COLLECTIONS:
cruisers, destroyers, torpedo boat, etc; 687. ÚÛ Attractive colls of Denmark (343) &
battleship “Lutzow”; plus the “Scharnhorst” AUSTRIA MINT NH Sweden (441) neatly arranged on stockcards,
(which was sunk by British in 1943). F-VF IN LINDNER HINGELESS ALBUMS: early to modern. Some extra shades & can-
(13)...................... Est 200.00+ 671. Û 979/1524, BOB, Virtually cpl mint NH cels; plus a nice range of mint frama issues.
coll neatly arranged in 2 Lindner Hingeless Majority F-VF (784) .......... Est 200.00+
SAAR USED ACCUMULATION: Albums, from 1974-90. Has gorgeous large
644. Ú 4/135, O2/O26, Old-time wholesale size topical commems, pictorials & semi- MONTENEGRO
used accum organized by kind into glassines postals, plus souvenir sheets. VF, NH. COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:
with Scott numbers noted. Various quantities Value of albums without stamps $430+; 688. ÚÛ 8/110, BOB, Duplicated coll / accum
of each issue. Has overprinted Germanias, stamps Cat 2024 Scott $425 (583 stamps, on pages & in stockbook, from 1874-1913;
early pictorials & officials. Good lot for the NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1959: 9 SS’s) ................... Est 350.00+ plus WWII Italian Occupation. Decent variety
specialist wanting a large quantity to examine 658. ÚÛ 1/382, B1/O24, Nice coll of all diff of issues here. Majority VG-VF, some NH
for varieties & may hold some cancel / date singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl BELGIAN CONGO & RUANDA-URUNDI: (498) ..................... Est 125.00+
interest. VG-VF. Scott from 10 years ago used 1-2 ($62), 336-9 ($40), B48-9 ($32), 672. ÚÛ Duplicated stock neatly arranged on GERMANY FRENCH ZONES COLLECTION:
was $1,300 (1,500-2,000 stamps)......... B58-69 ($65); mint 279-80 ($30), 368-9 ($25), stockcards, from 1887 up to 1960. Many diff 689. Û 5N1/8NB8, Attractive coll of mint sets
.......................... Est 200.00+ B21-4 ($31), B114-28 ($87), etc. Also many here, from 1 to 10+ of each incl back of book. on pages. We noted Baden 5NB5-8 NH ($52),
others in the $1-$24 Cat range. VG-VF. 2024 etc. F-VF, most NH (38) . 2024 Scott 156.00 AUSTRIA CANCEL COLLECTION:
INTERESTING ISRAEL ACCUMULATION: Scott $1,524 (688)........... Est 450.00+ Majority VG-VF (Approx 1,225). Est 175.00+
645. ÚÛ Diverse & interesting accum, mostly CZECHOSLOVAKIA ON PAGES: ITALIAN WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS: 702. Ú Eye-catching coll of Austrian cancels
1950’s-60’s. Incl a wide range of unused OLD AUSTRIA COVERS AND CARDS: 673. ÚÛ Stack of printed album pages 690. Ö Historic coll of 25 diff photo postcards, from 1946-52, nicely written up on pages.
The cancels are mainly on piece tying
Postal Stationery items; cach FDC’s; a few 659. Ö Interesting accum of 19th & early 20th from a couple sources with stamps from primarily b/w depicting Warships of various mostly women’s costume defins. They are
Maxi-cards incl 2 FD items signed by de- Century covers, postal stationery & postcards, 1918-80’s. Primarily all used with a wide types, mainly WWI era. We saw a variety of organized in alphabetical order by Province.
signer; special event covers incl P.O. Open- mainly 1870’s-1910. All are sleeved & have a array of commems, pictorials, defins & ships at Taranto & Brindisi. Incl the S. Giorgio, Has a variety of cancel types. F-VF (Approx
ings; stamps, panes, sheets; etc. F-VF, much range of postmarks, dates, postal stationery topicals. VG-VF (Many 100’s) . . Est 135.00+ Sardegna, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lombardia, 1,050 diff cancels) .......... Est 275.00+
NH (198 items) ............. Est 125.00+ types, postcard scenes, destinations, etc. NETHERLANDS Roma, Garibaldi, etc. Seldom seen items.
Also a couple Revenue items, 1838 stampless F-VF...................... Est 225.00+
REUNION COLLECTION 1891-1974: cover Vienna to Genova, etc. Good lot for BACK OF BOOK COLLECTION: INDONESIA COLLECTION 1945-1966:
646. ÚÛ 17/391, BOB, Interesting coll study. VG-VF. Previous owner had these all 674. ÚÛ Interesting coll of Airmails, Postage BAVARIA & WURTTEMBERG COVERS: 703. ÚÛ IL1/686, BOB, Attractive coll neatly
neatly arranged on a stockcard from early priced & this totals $820 (171). . Est 300.00+ Dues & Officials arranged on stockcards, 691. Ö Collection of 15 different covers from arranged on pages. Has early Revolutionary
overprints & surcharges to modern commems, FRENCH WARSHIPS LOST WWI: early to modern. Has extra shades; plus many Bavaria, from 1852-72 & 2 covers from issues up to large topical commems & semi-
etc. Majority F-VF, some NH (98) ......... 660. Ö Historic lot of 6 diff WWI era used / in mint imprint blocks. F-VF (330)......... Wurttemberg 1860 & 1869. Variety of postals. Some both mint & used. Majority
.................... 2025 Scott 203.00 .................... 2024 Scott 278.00 frankings & cancels. Destination cities on F-VF (425 stamps, 4 SS’s) ..... Est 75.00+
unused b/w & colour postcards depicting Bavarian covers have been inked out. F-VF.
STOCKBOOK FULL OF MINT GERMANY: ships lost during WWI. We noted 3 diff of the NETHERLANDS MINT NH COLLECTION: Attractive lot. 2024 Scott $309 (17)........ ALSACE-LORRAINE REVENUES:
647. Û Sixteen-page stockbook (32 sides) with Massena scuttled at Gallipoli; Danton sunk by 675. Û 448/658, BOB, Pristine mint coll neatly .......................... Est 100.00+ 704. Ú Interesting lot of Alsace-Lorraine Reve-
an extensive coll / accum of West Germany, U64; Le Bouvet scuttled off Dardanelles; & arranged on stockcards, from 1966-84. Beau- FRANCE COVERS 1840-1878: nues, from 1903-41. Incl Old Age Disability,
from the 1970’s-99. Has a wide array of Leon Gambetta sunk by U5. F-VF Est 90.00+ tiful topical commem & semi-postal singles, 692. Ö Interesting group of 10 diff covers Pension & Social Assistance types, affixed on
commems & semi-postals with lots of cpl sets. ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS: sets & souvenir sheets. VF, NH (244 stamps, (6 stampless). Has a variety of rates & can- 14 Official cards. Has 25+ diff stamps with a
Also some souvenir sheets & a few Berlin. 661. SSÛ 655/761, Coll of 8 diff topical 16 SS’s).............. 2024 Scott 223.00 cels incl Annecy, Carignan, Castelnaudary, total of over 590 stamps. VG-F . Est 125.00+
Good lot for a dealer or collector with light souvenir sheets, from 1982-4. VF, NH ..... JORDAN SOUVENIR SHEETS:
duplication. F-VF, appears NH (We estimate ..................... 2021 Scott 89.00 Chambery, Lanslebourg, etc. VG-VF ...... 705. SSÛ 387/1073E, C25a/C42F, Selection
1,200-1,500) ............... Est 200.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+ of mint souvenir sheets from 1963-80. Has a
nice variety with a few duplicates. F-VF, NH.
2024 Scott $344 (27)......... Est 125.00+
706. ÚÛ 9N22/9N332, 9NB4/9NB91, Attractive
coll neatly arranged on stockcards, 1948-72.
Much collected both mint & used. We noted
used 9N40 ($80), etc. F-VF, most NH. 2025
Scott $596 (535 stamps, 3 SS’s) Est 175.00+
AUSTRIA SOUVENIR & MINI SHEETS: 707. ÚÛ Four lighthouse / KA-BE albums
676. SSÚÛ 929/2475, B356/B386, Beautiful with an extensive coll of Germany from 1872-
coll of topical souvenir & miniature sheets LATIN AMERICA 1986. Has a wide range of commems, defins,
arranged on stockcards, from 1972-2013. COVERS TO USA 1940’s-1950’s: pictorials, semi-postals & other BOB. Incl early
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 693. Ö Fascinating collection of 130 Airmail
SPECIALIZED CANCEL COLLECTION: Some collected both as mint & used. We covers from 14 diff Latin American countries Eagles, Empire, Inflations, Third Reich, post
648. Ú 14/70, Very attractive specialized coll noted various Stamp Day / Transportation (strength in Nicaragua) to USA. These war Berlin, etc. Has some covers in the later
of Military / Town cancels neatly arranged semi-postal miniature sheets, mint & used covers are correspondence to an Optical issues. Mostly VG-VF (1,000’s). Est 450.00+
& identified on pages, from 1900’s-10’s. Tre- from 2000’s, B368-70 plus B370a ($126), Co in New York & American Radio Relay
etc. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $1,203 (67 sheets)
mendous variety of cancels from Avtovac ......................... Est 400.00+ League in West Hartford. Tremendous vari-
to Zvornic. Accompanied by checklist edited ety of multi & single frankings, rates (incl
by T.M. Tenczar. F-VF (640 cancels) ..... CUBA ACCUMULATION: several Reg’d), cancels & h/s’s. Has a vari-
......................... Est 300.00+ 677. ÚÛ Glassine box full of loose unsorted ety of corner cards. We noted bisects on 5
AUSTRIA MINT NH STOCK: FRANCE COLLECTION 1849-1949: mixture from older to later, primarily used. Guatemala covers. Majority VG-F+.......
649. Û Two stockbooks full with a dealer’s 662. ÚÛ 3/635, BOB, Very attractive coll Mainly pre 1960. Duplicated but a wide variety ......................... Est 250.00+
stock of mint NH from 1970’s-80’s. Has a wide neatly arranged on stockcards & pages. (Many 100’s) ................ Est 90.00+ GERMANY THIRD REICH COVERS:
array of attractive commems & defins mainly Some collected both as mint & used or in SHOEBOX OF ITALY: 694. Ö Interesting coll of Nazi Germany covers
3-10 of a kind in most cases. Very clean lot multiples. Some highlights are used3&6 678. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a loose unsorted & cards from 1934-44. Has a variety of single
with high original Face Value. F-VF, NH. We ($64), 19-20 ($82), 29-36 ($125), 39 ($225), hoard from the 19th Century up to the 1980’s, & multi-frankings, defins, commems & semi-
estimate (2,300 - 3,000 stamps) Est 350.00+ 96 ($70), 126 ($75); plus mint 155 (sheetlet mostly off paper. Has a wide variety of issues postals; cancels; rates incl 5 Reg’d, etc. Most
of 25 - $62), B30 ($52), etc. Majority VG-VF, incl commems, pictorials, defins, BOB incl
AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION 1958-1969: some NH. 2025 Scott $2,168 (600)....... addr domestically. Majority VG-F+ (79) ....
650. Û 631/857, BOB, Virtually cpl mint NH ......................... Est 700.00+ used B1-B3 ($86), other better items & much .......................... Est 250.00+
coll neatly arranged on pages. Many lovely more. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 250.00+ EAST GERMANY COLLECTION 1948-1981:
large size topicals throughout. VF, NH (281) PHILIPPINES COVERS: FRANCE COVER ACCUMULATION: 695. ÚÛ Extensive coll on pages of mainly
.................... 2024 Scott 152.00 663. Ö Interesting accum of covers, Postal 679. Ö Diverse accum of covers, postcards used with a wide array of commems, pictori-
DENMARK USED STOCK: Stationery, Air Letters, FDC’s, etc. Mainly & used / unused Postal Stationery, early to als, defins & BOB. We spotted sets up to $20
651. Ú Large stock of used Denmark organized 1940’s-60’s but a few older. Has single & modern. Most priced in sleeves & loaded with & $24 plus some higher like used 82-8 ($79).
by Scott numbers on stockcards with stamps multi-frankings, many airmail covers to Can- $2-$12 retail items. Has censored covers; F-VF (Over 2,100) ........... Est 225.00+
for older issues up to 2008. Has a wide array ada & USA, 1945 V.J. Postal Stationery card. cach FFC’s; FDC’s & special event covers; GREENLAND MINT ACCUMULATION:
of commems, pictorials & defins. Useful dupli- VG-VF (43) ................ Est 100.00+ 3 stampless covers from 1830-2; a couple of 696. Û Accum of older mints from 1938-79. EUROPA COLLECTION
cation with no excessive quantities of any one FRENCH ANDORRA MINT NH: Colonial items; etc. Tremendous variety of Duplicated but a nice variety of commems, IN 2 LINDNER ALBUMS:
item. Good lot for a dealer or future dealer. 664. Û 156/256, Small stock numbered & frankings, rates, cancels, destinations & postal defins & semi-postals. The highlight of the lot 708. ÚÛ Extraordinary EUROPA coll neatly
VG-VF (We estimate 3,000-3,500 stamps) . priced on ‘102’ cards with light duplication. markings. Majority VG-VF (238) Est 400.00+ is #10-18 (Cat $166). F-VF, much NH (150) arranged in 2 Lindner Specialty Albums,
.......................... Est 300.00+ F-VF, NH (75) ......... 2024 Scott 272.00 GERMANY BERLIN .......................... Est 150.00+ from 1956-82. Virtually cpl (some Monaco
GERMANY EARLY POST WAR 665. Û 929/2963, Pristine mint coll neatly ar- ON POSTCARDS: & other souvenir sheets missing). Some
OCCUPATION 1945-1949: ranged on stockcards. Lovely topical sets & IN 6 ALBUMS WITH HUGE CAT VALUE: 697. Ö Historic group of 8 different unused collected both as mint & used. The key sets
652. Ú 530/644, BOB, Used specialty coll of singles incl a few semi-postals. VF, NH (203) 680. Û Six File Albums containing an enor- b/w & real photo postcards depicting Russian are present. F-VF, most NH (1,524 stamps,
early post WWII Occupation issues. Incl .................... 2024 Scott 245.00 mous dealer’s stock in sheets, part sheets, Warships, from 1900’s to WWI. Some partic- 9 SS’s) ................... Est 800.00+
general issues plus British / American multiples, etc. These range from about ipated in the Russo-Japanese War. Two
Zone & French Zones. Many cpl sets, semi- HUNGARY COLLECTION 1962-90 with commems, semi-postals & depict Battleship “Slawa” (one showing AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION 1983-2001:
postals, se-tenant multiples, etc. We noted WITH OVER 1,850 STAMPS: defins. Terrific variety & quantity that will damage after battle of Moon Sound). F-VF 709. Û 1231/1860, B347/B371, Beautiful coll
666. ÚÛ Extensive coll on pages from earlier
keep someone supplied for years to come!
530-56 ($64), 585c (8 diff positions - $152), issues up to 1980, primarily used. Wide array Clean, F-VF, NH. Previous owner’s old Cat .......................... Est 100.00+ of mint NH singles & sets & souvenir sheets
neatly arranged on stockcards. Broad range
596-661 ($173), B298-308 ($84), 5NB10-1
($50), etc. Majority F-VF. 2023 Scott $1,680 of commems, pictorials, defins, airmails, etc. value was $35,000 but we feel the current of topical commems, pictorials & semi-postals.
(292)..................... Est 600.00+ Good base to build on. VG-VF (1,865) ..... Cat would be $25,000++ (1,000’s)........ VF, NH. 2025 Scott $709 (506 stamps, 10
.......................... Est 135.00+ ....................... Est 2,500.00+ SS’s) ..................... Est 225.00+