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               PAPUA NEW GUINEA                                           GUERNSEY            COOK ISLANDS COLLECTION 1898-1994:
            MINT COLLECTION 1952-2003:                              MINT NH COLLECTION 1958-2009:  402. ÚÛ 16/1191, B1/O61, Large 3-Ring
         369. Û 122/1091, Attractive coll of all diff in         390. Û 1/1062, etc, Attractive all diff coll of  binder with a primarily mint coll of singles,  KIRIBATI SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:
          mounts on pages & on stockcards. Incl 122-              nice sets & singles. Has higher values up  sets & SS’s on pages. Incl mint 61-6 ($36),  412. Û 344a/974, Very nice all diff coll of sou-
          36 ($85), 139-46 ($70), 209-20 ($30), 755-              to £4 & £5. Also a few Booklets & Postage  116-24 ($62)), 131-40 ($46), 148-58 ($31),  venir sheets, from 1979-2009. Incl a variety
          69 ($50), 825-40 ($33), etc. Also many other            Due sets. Fresh, F-VF, NH (Over 600) ....  etc. Also many others in the $1-$21 Cat  of booklets, Plate Blocks, & se-tenants in
          nice issues in the $1-$27 Cat range. Lovely              .................... 2025 Scott 649.00  range. Has defins, commems, semi-postals,  strips. VF, NH (61 items) 2025 Scott 477.00
          topicals like birds, sports, planes, arts & crafts,                                  airmails & officials, beautiful topicals like
          ocean life, flowers, insects, shells, coral, ships,    PEACE 1945-1946 OMNIBUS COLLECTION:  sports, paintings, Christmas, Easter, wild ani-  AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 1913-2001:
          Royalty, etc. F-VF, majority NH. 2024 Scott            391. Û Specialty album with a cpl Br. Com-  mals, flowers, birds, ocean life, space, Roy-  413. Ú 2/2006, Attractive coll neatly arranged
          $1,491 (816 stamps, 27 SS’s) . Est 550.00+  AUSTRALIA POSTMARK COLLECTION:  monwealth coll of 151 diff 1945-6 Peace  alty, trains, etc. F-VF, many mint NH. Cat  in a large Lighthouse 32-page stockbook.
                                     380. Ú Large coll / accum of Australian can-  omnibus issues. Also has 6 extra perforation  $1,703 (679 stamps, 157 SS’s). Est 600.00+  Many lovely topicals & thematics. F-VF
        GR. BRITAIN NAVAL POSTCARDS:  cels on stockcards ranging from early to  varieties which are much better than the   (Approx 1,220).............. Est 140.00+
        370. Ö Very attractive coll of 17 diff colour  modern. Primarily town cancels from a wide  normal issues. F-VF .......... Est 80.00+  ROYAL NAVY RELATED POSTCARDS:
         photochrome Patriotic postcards depicting  variety of places from all over the country  NORTH BORNEO DEALER’S STOCK:  414. Ö Interesting coll of 16 diff Gr. Britain
         British Warships at sea, circa early 1910’s.  with a strong group from Queensland. Lots  392. ÚÛ 35/296, Two volume dealer’s stock  illustrated postcards, from 1911-24. Incl WWI
         Depict ships firing guns, armaments, officers  of nice strikes here with many on piece. A  organized on ‘102’ cards in plastic display  Anti-German humour, romantic themes, battle
         & sailors performing functions. Ships incl The  great lot for the postmark collector! VG-VF  pages. One book is mint (where most of the  at sea, after dark searchlight & fireworks
         Iron, Duke, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Africa,  (Approx 1,040) ............. Est 400.00+  value is) the other book is used. Has a wide  displays, etc. F-VF............ Est 90.00+
         etc. Printed “Under the gracious patronage               range of commems & defins with useful dupli-            BARBUDA IMPERFORATE SHEETS:
         of Their Majesties King George & Queen  GR. BRITAIN      cation & no excessive quantities of any item.           415. Û 167-9, Cpl set of 3 diff imperf sheets
         Mary”. Mounted on exhibition pages. F-VF..               VG-VF (Over 300) ............ Est 90.00+
         .......................... Est 175.00+  PENNY RED ACCUMULATION:                                                   of 25 of the 1974 UPU topical. VF, NH. Scott
                                     381. Ú 20, QV Penny Reds neatly arranged  ISLE OF MAN SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:           unlisted as imperforates (75 stamps) ......
        ISLE OF MAN 2009 YEARBOOK:    on pages in lettering order in preparation  393. Û 51a/1400, Very nice coll of all diff  ........................... Est 65.00+
        371. Û Hardcover copy of 2009 yearbook  for reconstructions, etc. Has three partial  souvenir sheets from 1974-2010. Also has  HONG KONG COLLECTION 1974-1997:
         with all of the sets & souvenir sheets issued  reconstructions here, plus extras, shades,  many booklets & some se-tenants in strips.  416. ÚÛ Coll on printed pages of primarily all
         for that year. VF, NH ......... Est 100.00+  cancels, etc. Some flaws but majority  VF, NH (73 items) ...... 2025 Scott 386.00  used. Many attractive commems & defins with
                                      VG-VF. 2023 Scott $8,703 (967 stamps) ..                  TWO-VOLUME COVER COLLECTION  sets & singles. Has values up to $50. A few
                                       ....................... Est 1,000.00+                    OF THE BRITISH ARMY 1645-1945:  flaws but mostly F-VF (Over 400) Est 110.00+
                                                                                              403. Ö Two-volume set of 60 diff commem
                                                                                               covers honouring 300 years of the British
                                                                                               Army. Each cover has a beautiful illustrated
                                                                                               cachet with matching cancel (cancels date
                                                                                               from 1970-72) chronicling some of the most
                                                                                               important British battles, events, leaders,
                                                                                               medals, etc. Each cover is neatly displayed
                                                                                               on an album page with a detailed write-up.
                                                                                               Makes fascinating reading & a wonderful
                                                                                               lot for anyone who likes military history! VF
                                                                                               ......................... Est 150.00+
                                                                                             IRELAND USED STOCK 1922-1989:
                                                                                             404. Ú 1/760, Duplicated used dealer’s stock
           NEW ZEALAND MINT NH 1961-2009:
         372. Û 355/2282b, etc, Very nice all diff coll                                       neatly arranged on manilla stocksheets. Some
          all Scott identified on ‘102’ cards. Loaded                                         better earlier defins & commems here plus
                                                                                              lovely modern topical issues. We noted 74 (11
          with beautiful colourful pictorial cpl sets,                                        - $275), 75 (5 - $175), 76 (22 - $374), 143-4
          plus nice defins, etc. Fresh, F-VF, NH.....                                         (6 - $141), 148 (3 - $78), 150 (11 - $181), 162
          .................. 2024 Scott 1,420.00  QUEENSLAND REVENUE COLLECTION:              (7 - $168), 176 (7 - $140), etc. Majority VG-VF
                                     382. Ú Rarely offered coll of Queensland
        GR. BRITAIN COMMEM SETS:                                                              (Many 100’s) ............... Est 275.00+
        373. Û Attractive coll of P.O. Packs containing  Australia State Revenues, from 1860’s up  GR. BRITAIN COLLECTION IN LARGE
         commem sets from the 1980’s-90’s. Nice  to 1970’s. Nice range of types that Cat up  TRISTAN DA CUNHA  STOCKBOOK 1840-2000:
         variety of sets with many popular issues. VF,  to £25 each with denominations up to £60.  MINT NH COLLECTION:  405. ÚÛ Large Uni-Safe 32-page stockbook
                                                                                                                                 FALKLAND ISLANDS
         NH. Face value £70 or $121 Cdn (59 packs)  VG-VF (75)................ Est 200.00+  394. Û 13/1059, etc, Very nice all diff coll  (64 sides) full with a coll / accum from  COLLECTION 1912-1983:
         .......................... Est 100.00+                   from 1953-2015. Has a wide variety of  QV One Penny Black up to Millennium
                                     HONG KONG ACCUMULATION 1978 - 2002:  beautiful cpl sets identified on ‘102’ cards.  issues. Primarily used with a wide array of  417. Û 30/382, B1/MR1, Nice coll of all diff
                                     383. Û 347/982a, Binder with a nice variety  Also a few booklet panes. F-VF, virtually all  commems, pictorials, defins, singles & sets  singles, sets & SS’s on pages. Incl 107-20
                                      of sets in corner blocks, blocks of 10, gutter  NH (600 stamps) .... 2024 Scott 1,195.00  (some issues have both used & mint exam-  ($200), 122-7 ($37), 166-79 ($69), etc. Also
                                      blocks of 10 & some SS’s. Has beautiful                                              many others in the $2-$28 Cat range; some
                                      topicals like architecture, flowers, space,  ANTIGUA SOUVENIR SHEETS 1970-1996:  ples or extras). Has QV up to 2Sh6p with  diff wmks. Has lots of lovely topicals. F-VF
                                                                                               stamps up to $185 & $400; KE stamps up
                                      Royalty, birds, Lunar New Year, maps,  395. SSÛ 266A/1973, Very nice all diff coll of  to $150 each; KGV up to 5Sh; KGVI to £1;  (280 stamps, 5 SS’s) . . . 2024 Scott 738.00
                                      costumes, etc. VF, NH. 2024 Scott $3,600  souvenir sheets identified on stockcards &  then an extensive run of QE issues. Mixed  GHANA MINT COLLECTION:
                                      (100’s).................. Est 1,100.00+  glassines. Incl many popular topicals & some  condition in the earlies, later mainly VG-VF  418. Û Minkus binder with a coll in mounts
                                                                  Booklets. Also incl some Barbuda. VF, NH                 from 1957-1970. Has many nice sets, SS’s,
                                     ASCENSION SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:  (79 items) ............ 2025 Scott 235.00  (100’s) ................... Est 600.00+
                                     384. Û 129a/842a, A nice coll of all diff souve-  GR. BRITAIN POSTAGE DUE SHEETS:     postal stationery, etc. F-VF (400) Est 80.00+
                                      nir sheets & some booklets, booklet panes,  396. Û J55-6, Cpl mint sheets of 240. F-VF,  GUERNSEY SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:
                                      & se-tenant strips. VF, NH (36 items) ......  NH, folded (480 stamps). 2023 Scott 120.00  419. Û 126a/725a, Attractive all diff coll from
                                      .................... 2025 Scott 250.00                                               1975-2000, incl souvenir sheets, booklets,
                                                                                                                           booklet panes, & se-tenants in strips. All Scott
                                     NORFOLK ISLAND COLLECTION 1947-1981:                                                  identified on stockcards / glassines. VF, NH
                                     385. ÚÛ 1/282, Beautiful coll mounted on
                                      pages with cpl sets, singles, & souvenir                                             (62 items) ............ 2025 Scott 379.00
                                      sheets. A few of the earlier issues are used,                                       WALT DISNEY TOPICALS:
                                      otherwise all mint. F-VF (244 stamps, 2 SS’s)                                       420. SSÛ All mint coll of 35 diff modern souve-
                                      .................... 2024 Scott 213.00                                               nir & miniature sheets all depicting Disney
                                                                                                                           topicals. Contains only Br. Commonwealth
                                     AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 1914-2002:
                                     386. ÚÛ Binder with a primarily used KGV-                                             countries with popular characters like Peter
                                                                                                                           Pan, Bambi, Donald Duck, Lion King, Toy
                                      modern collection of all diff singles & sets in                                      Story, etc. Incl a cpl set of 6 diff Guyana with
                                      mounts on pages & on stocksheets. Has
         VIRGIN ISLANDS MINT NH COLLECTION:  defins, commems & nice topicals like birds,        AUSTRALIA MINT NEVER HINGED  vintage movie posters Cat $52. VF, NH ....
         374. Û 137/1145, etc. Very attractive all diff  minerals, wild animals, cars, ocean life,  BOOKLET PANES 2002-2007:  .......................... Est 100.00+
          coll of sets from 1962-2011. Quite extensive  sports, landscapes, etc. Has values to  406. Û 2076a/2653a, Beautiful coll of all diff
          with many beautiful cpl sets displayed in ‘102’  $10, £2, $10 & $20. Mostly F-VF (691).....  Booklet panes, with many self adhesives
          cards. Incl some better sets like 206-22 ($32),  .......................... Est 175.00+  & many with labels. All neatly displayed in
          284-300 ($24), 364-80 ($27), 847-61 ($57),                                           mounts on pages. Has nice topicals like
          1042-9 ($28), O55-69 ($27), etc. Fresh, F-                                           greetings, flowers, sports, animals, war,
          VF, NH (770 stamps) . 2024 Scott 1,290.00                                            zodiacs, etc. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $1,076
                                                                                               (120 panes) ............... Est 500.00+
        375. ÚÛ Chocolate box jammed full with an                                            TRINIDAD & TOBAGO REVENUE SHEET:
         accum of mostly mint, from the 1890’s-1980’s                                        407. Û Cpl sheet of 100 of the $19.35 National
         (primarily QE era). Loaded with many nice                                            Insurance High Value, circa 1990, printed by
         sets, souvenir / miniature sheets, better                                            Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. VF, NH, one fold
         items, BOB & more. Also incl other areas like             AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 1941-1998:  (Face Value $1,935) ......... Est 125.00+  HONG KONG WHOLESALE LOT
         Penrhyn, Aitutaki, etc. Lots to sort through!           397. ÚÛ File folder full with a stack of  NEW ZEALAND ACCUMULATION:  OF QE REVENUES CAT #2,767:
         Generally F-VF (Many 100’s) . . Est 275.00+              printed pages containing an extensive coll  408. ÚÛ Neatly organized accum on  421. Ú Interesting used dealer’s stock of 13
                                                                  of primarily mint. Tremendous array of  stockcards from older issues up to about  diff QE Contract Note Revenues from 1972.
                                             QUEENSLAND           commems, pictorials & defins. Incl better  1993. Has a wide range of commems, defins,  Has duplication from 1 to 73 of each. F-VF.
                                          CANCELS ON QV ISSUES:   items like mint 1949-50 Arms £2 (Cat $175);  semi-postals, officials, etc. Duplication mainly  Barefoot Cat £2,767 (224) .... Est 800.00+
                                     387. Ú Lovely coll of neat readable  Navigators to $4 (Cat $90); 1971 Xmas  1-5 of a kind. Incl used B61a-2a (Cat $45)
                                      Queensland town & city cancels on QV  block of 7 (Cat $45); later to $20; $2-$10  & mint B67a-8a (Cat $45). F-VF (100’s) ....  GR. BRITAIN QV-KE COVER
                                      issues, 1890’s-1910’s, from Adavale to  Paintings with SPECIMEN overprints; etc.  ........................... Est 85.00+  ACCUMULATION:
                                      Yeulba. Neatly arranged on stockcards.  Lots of nice sets. Also has some BOB &  GR. BRITAIN  422. Ö Diverse accum of QV-KE covers &
                                      Various cancel types incl a range of Reg’d  Australian Antarctic Territory. F-VF. A nice  STAMPLESS COVERS 1832-1850:  postcards. Incl stampless covers, from 1814-
                                      cancels. Majority VG-VF (Approx 490 can-  lot (1,485)................. Est 500.00+  409. Ö Attractive coll of 36 diff stampless cov-  47 with one referencing the Napoleonic War,
                                      cels) .................... Est 300.00+                  ers, from 1832-50. Has a variety of m/s rates,  another from Helstone to Stonehouse. Nice
                                                                 VINTAGE BRITISH DESTROYERS                                Penny Red covers. We noted #4 (2) on 1857
                                                                 ON POSTCARDS:                b/s’s, cancels & destinations. Contents are  cover from York to Warrington, 51 (Pl 8) on
                                                                 398. Ö Fascinating coll of 9 diff used / unused  mainly of business, legal nature. We noted  1869 cover from Skipton to Canada; 58 (Pl
                                                                  mainly b/w photo Patriotic postcards depicting  cancels from Brampton, Dursley, Frome,  14) on 1878 cover from Middlesbrough to
                                                                  Royal Navy Destroyers, from 1895-1914.  Gravesend, Melford, Rugby, Shrewsbury,
                   JERSEY                                         Neatly written up in detail on exhibition pages.  Stanraer, Winborne, etc. Mixed condition but  London, etc. Also some KE postcards. A few
          SOUVENIR SHEETS, BOOKLETS, ETC:                         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  much VG-F, opened for display. Est 300.00+  flts but most VG-VF (49 items) . Est 250.00+
         376. Û 127a/1475, Beautiful all diff asst of
          souvenir sheets, booklets, Plate Blocks,
          & se-tenants in strips. Very nice coll from
          1975-2010. VF, NH (140 items)..........
          .................... 2025 Scott 948.00
        377. ÚÛ Small box full of loose unsorted Dom-
         inica stamps, primarily mint, mainly 1940’s-
         80’s. Duplicated but a tremendous variety of
         large size commems & pictorials. Has values
         up to $4.80 plus some souvenir sheets. There
         is a large quantity of stamps here - much
         more than it looks on first glance! Mostly                                                                        BR. COMMONWEALTH SILVER JUBILEE
         VG-VF (Couple 1,000)........ Est 200.00+                                                                            1935 COMPLETE OMNIBUS ISSUE:
        GR. BRITAIN ON A STACK OF PAGES:                            CEYLON COLLECTION 1857-1959:  BARBUDA MINT NEVER HINGED  423. Û Cpl omnibus issue of the 1935 Silver
        378. Ú Stack of pages with a mounted used                399. ÚÛ 3/358, B1/MR3, QV-QE coll of all  COLLECTION 1986-1990:  Jubilee incl all regular issues & non common
         coll from 19th Century up to 2006. Terrific              diff singles & sets in mounts on pages. Incl  410. Û 764/1150, Springback album with a  types. F-VF (245 stamps) ..............
         range of issues with commems, pictorials,  CEYLON & SRI LANKA  used 3 ($45); mint 328 ($52), 346-56 ($37),  nice coll of sets & SS’s in mounts on pages.  .................. 2025 Scott 1,417.00
         defins, etc. Strength in QE era. Mainly VG-VF  DEALER’S STOCK 1903-1990:  etc. VG-VF. 2024 Scott $369 (152).......  We noted these highlights 764-8 ($58), 799-  MINT GIBRALTAR COLLECTION 1937-1998:
         (Many 100’s) ............... Est 225.00+  388. ÚÛ 166/980a, MR1-4, Two small 3-ring  ......................... Est 125.00+  804 ($113), 818-27 ($62), 838-47 ($63),  424. Û 104/773, J4-19, Attractive coll neatly ar-
                                      binders with a stock of singles, sets & SS’s             895-904 ($63), 933-41 ($60), 982-6 ($50),
         ROBERT BADEN-POWELL          identified & priced on pages. Incl used 211-  TRAIN TOPICALS                         ranged on stockcards. Lovely range of singles
         AUTOGRAPHED 1923 LETTER:     12 ($62), 225-42 ($99), 264-74 ($46), 278-  FROM GRENADA GRENADINES, ETC:  1067-72 ($62), 1103-12 ($70), 1141-50  & sets, a few collected as singles & blocks.
         379. Ú ROBERT BADEN-POWELL signed  89A ($83), 286b ($52); mint 264-74 ($73),  400. Û Beautiful all diff coll of souvenir sheets  ($75), etc. Also many others in the $2-$32  F-VF, most NH (284).... 2024 Scott 266.00
          letter on Pax Hill/Bentley/Hampshire letter-  346-56 ($37), 803 ($57), etc. Also some  & stamps all depicting trains, locomotives &  Cat range. Has lovely topicals like Christ-  BRITISH NAVAL ATTACK
                                                                                               mas, trains, sports, flowers, sailboats, wild-
          head dated 4 March, 1923. He was the  diff perfs. Has useful duplication of 1-18  railways. These are from the 1970’s-2000’s  AT ZEEBRUGGE 1918:
          visionary founder of Boy Scout movement.  of each. VG-VF. 2024 Scott $3,200 (597  with many spectacular items. Has Grenada  life, space, royalty, Scouts, classic cars, etc.  425. Ö Specialized coll of 15 diff mainly
          The letter was written by him & refers to the  stamps, 27 SS’s) ........... Est 750.00+  Grenadines plus some Grenada Carriacou  VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,551 (186 stamps, 41  unused WWI postcards neatly written up in
          disbursement of some 2 year old Trout fish              & Petite Martinique. VF, NH (52 stamps, 52  SS’s) .................... Est 500.00+  detail on exhibition pages. Relate the attack
          (additional note from a diff person at bottom).  AUSTRALIA SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC:  SS’s) ..................... Est 175.00+  COMPLETE MINT MALAYSIA  of “HMS Vindictive” & other ships to attempt
          Pax Hill is where Baden-Powell & his wife  389. ÚÛ 477/L185b, Nice all different coll of  INDIA COMPLETE MINT SHEETS:  COLLECTION 1963-1979:  to block the harbour at Zeebrugge, Belgium
          lived. The property was bought on Armistice  primarily mint, from 1970-2014. Incl a variety  401. Û 2321/2561, Fresh coll of 26 diff cpl mint  411. Û 1-197, Beautiful cpl mint coll neatly  which was being used as a German subma-
          Day (11 Nov 1918) & was named for Peace.  of souvenir sheets plus some booklets &  sheets (31 diff stamps), from 2009-11. Attrac-  arranged on pages. We noted 20-7 ($69), etc.  rine base at the time. Several ships were sunk
          Would make a perfect “opening page” item  se-tenants. VF, NH (31 items)............  tive topicals in full sheets of 20 to 35 stamps.  Also has Malaya #’s 80-115. F-VF, most NH  to block the channel as the postcards portray.
          for a Boy Scout exhibit. F, folded Est 750.00+  .................... 2025 Scott 266.00  VF, NH. 2024 Scott $460 ..... Est 125.00+  (245) ................ 2024 Scott 374.00  F-VF...................... Est 200.00+
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14