Page 4 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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4                                                                                    CANADA                       NEWFOUNDLAND
                                                                                             MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $274:  PLATE PROOF MULTIPLE:
                                                                                             78. Û Duplicated mint NH accum loose in a  92. ÕÛ 78P, Spectacular Plate Proof block of
                                                                                              sleeve, mainly 1970’s-90’s. Has many nice  50 of the 1/2¢ Royal Family, on card. Fresh,
                                                                                              commems, plate blocks, & more. F-VF, NH  crisp colour, full margins, VF. A LOVELY
                                                                                              (Many 100’s) ............... Face 274.00  SHOWPIECE! Ex American Bank Note Co.
                                                                                             UNITED NATIONS,               archives .................. Cat 3,750.00
                                                                                             GENEVA & VIENNA OFFICES:     USA SHEET WITH PRINTING SMEAR:
                                                                                             79. Û Beautiful mint close to cpl colls neatly  93. Û 1033, Cpl sheet of 100 of the 2¢ Jeffer-
                                                                                              arranged in a Scott Album, from 1969-98.  son with a MAJOR INK SMEAR. Affects over
                                                                                              Gorgeous topical sets & souvenir sheets, VF,  20 stamps at left side of the sheet. F-VF, NH,
                                                                                              almost all NH. 2024 Scott $640 (531 stamps,  some DG. Eye-catching variety! Est 325.00+
                                                                                              24 SS’s)................... Est 175.00+  USA 1922-1925 DEFINITIVES TO $5:
                                                                                                                          94. Û 551-73, Cpl 1922-5 defin set to $5, neatly
                                                                                                                           arranged on White Ace page; $2 is a nice plate
                                                                                                                           single. F-VF, some NH . . 2025 Scott 559.00
                                                                                                                          CANADA PARLIAMENT ALBUM:
                                                                                                                          95. Û Nice Canada “Parliament” album with
                                                                                                                           printed pages from 1851-1985. Has a good
                                                                                                                           starter coll in mounts primarily from 1960’s
                                                                                                                           onwards with commems, defins to $5, Xmas,
                                                                                                                           etc. However, does have some nice older is-
                                                                                                                           sues incl 2¢ Map, 10¢ Quebec, 12¢ Map, 12¢
                                    CANADA IMPERFORATE MEDALLION PAIRS:                                                    Quebec Bridge, 20¢ Reaper, 50¢ Lumbering,
        51. Û 195c-200a, Set of 6 diff Medallion IMPERFORATE PAIRS. Fresh rich colours, VF, NH (4¢ & 8¢ have gum glazing). Cat $4,200 ..........  $1 Ferry, etc. Good base to build on. F-VF,
          ........................................................................................................Est 2,000.00+  CANADA 1994 UNISSUED STAMPS:  primarily NH (100’s).......... Est 300.00+
        48. Û 9Piii, 9Piv, 9Pv, Rare cpl Plate Proof  60. ÕÛ 8, Half-sheet of 50 with 4 Plate  69. Ö Attractive coll of 144 diff cach FDC’s  Christmas 52¢ & 90¢ stamps. These
         sheet of 100 on India on card, showing three  Inscriptions in the selvedge, fresh colour,  loose in a box. Has a few older but primarily  stamps were printed in anticipation of a rate
         diff types of “SPECIMEN” overprint in green.  F-VF, NH, some natural gum skips. Cat  1950’s-90’s. We saw beautiful cachets &  increase which was not approved. Some
         Has Type B on 50 Proofs, Type C on 40  $1,250 .................... Est 400.00+  frankings incl several large size franked by  stamps ended up on the market. VF, NH ..
         Proofs, & the elusive Type D on 10 Proofs  CANADA SCARCE REVENUE SHEET:  cpl panes; plus nice range of Airmail issues.  .......................... Cat 800.00
         (the latter found on the 5th column). VF. A  61. Û BCL63, Cpl sheet of 25 of the $1 Br.  F-VF, most unaddr........... Est 175.00+  CANADA DUCK STAMPS 1985-2012:
         BEAUTIFUL SHOWPIECE! . . . Cat 6,000.00  Columbia Law Stamp. Fresh, VF, NH, couple  CANADA MINTS FACE VALUE $1,010:  81. Û Cpl run of 28 diff Duck Stamp Booklets.
         NEWFOUNDLAND                 stamps with natural gum bends. VERY FEW  70. Û Box with an accum of Canadian mints  VF, NH..................... Cat 810.00
         ROYAL FAMILY PROOF SHEET:    FULL SHEETS EXIST. Ex K. Bileski ......  primarily from 1970’s-90’s. Has singles,  USA COLUMBIAN 1893
         49. Û 83P, Full Plate Proof sheet of 100 on  ......................... Cat 7,812.00  blocks, Plate Blocks, multiples, etc. Mainly  POSTAL STATIONERY:
          card with imprint at bottom centre. An amaz-  USED CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1999:  commems with a good variety. Strong in the  82. Ö U348-51, Coll of 17 unused Columbian  CANADA MINT BLOCK COLLECTION:
          ing showpiece for an exhibit. Horiz fold at  62. Ú “Favourite” springback album with an ex-  20¢-46¢ values. F-VF, NH. . . Face 1,010.00  Postal Stationery envelopes; all diff as to
          centre entirely in the margin between proofs.  tensive coll in order of used Canadian from  size, etc. F-VF, touch of toning on a few....  96. ÕÛ 74/465B, BOB, Attractive mint block
          Fresh vibrant colour, VF. VERY FEW  earlier issues to modern. Has a wide array       .................... 2024 Scott 246.00  coll neatly arranged on stockcards, from
                                                                                                                           1898 up to 1967. Some highlights are 91,
          SHEETS LIKE THIS EXIST AS MOST HAVE  of commems, defins, Xmas, Higher Values,      CANADA MINT COLLECTION 1953-1987:  93-4 ($2,650), 141-8 ($425), 192-4 ($128),
          BEEN SPLIT UP. Cat $7,500 Est 2,000.00+  etc. Incl better items in the $10 - $50+ range.  83. Û 322/1125A, BOB, Attractive coll neatly
                                      Clean lot, mainly VG-VF (100’s) Est 200.00+             arranged on Minkus pages. Has Winnipeg  198 ($175), 211-6 NH ($210), 217-25
         USA WINE STAMP REVENUES CAT $5,296:                                                  tagged issues, $1-$5 commems & defins,  ($310), 302 ($240), CE3-4 NH ($90), J6-7
         50. Û RE146/RE203, Old-time coll of Wine                                             Centennials to $1, coils, Officials, se-tenants,  ($160), etc. F-VF, much NH. Cat $6,600
          stamps in multiples & sheets from 1942-54.                                          F-VF, primarily NH (100’s)..... Est 225.00+  (94 blocks) .............. Est 1,500.00+
          We noted RE152 (50 - $1,750), RE154                                                CANADA MINT                  CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE:
          (40 - $1,400), etc. 2025 Scott $5,296 (100’s)                                      BACK OF BOOK COLLECTION:     97. Ö Attractive coll of 8 diff cach 1936
          ......................... Est 800.00+                                              84. Û C1/J40, Attractive mint coll of Airmails,  CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE to VIMY RIDGE &
        MINT CANADA FACE $615:                                                                Special Deliveries & Postage Dues; neatly  BATTLEFIELDS covers. These have Cana-
        52. Û Two binders with an accum of mints                     CANADA FIRST DAY COVER   arranged on a stockcard & pages, from  dian, British, Belgian & French frankings. Vari-
         primarily from 1990’s-2000’s. Virtually all                     COLLECTION:          1906-74. We noted C1-9 ($224), E4-6 ($139),  ety of cancels incl Ieper & Vimy; 3 with “S.S.
         commems with Plate Blocks, souvenir /                   71. Ö 274/2016, BOB, Extensive FDC coll  etc. F-VF, much NH. Cat $615 (88) .......  MONTROSE” ship cancels (Ludlow #S-152,
         miniature sheets, etc. Useful light duplication          neatly arranged in 8 albums (plus more in  .......................... Est 200.00+  RF475), 1 with British Legion, Ypres b/s. F-VF
         throughout. VF, NH.......... Face 615.00                 sleeves), from 1947 up to 2004. Nice variety             .......................... Est 150.00+
        CANADA 12¢ QUEBEC BRIDGE USED:                            of private cachets in earlier incl Cole,                USA WELLS, FARGO & CO. COVERS:
        53. Ú 156, Wholesale used lot of 230 stamps               Chickering, Rose Craft, Jackson, etc. Major-            98. Ö Two diff 3¢ postal stationery envelopes
         with light circular cancels with many in blocks.         ity franked by Plate Blocks incl better like             with black WELLS, FARGO & Co. cachets.
         F-VF. Cat $2,070............ Est 300.00+                 #411 (2). We noted #996 SIGNED by Post-                  Each with oval San Francisco cancels (one
        CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $709:                                master General Andre Ouellet, 1939 Royal                 in blue, other in violet). One addr locally, the
        55. Ö Coll / accum of Canadian Booklets from              Train cover, etc. Most VF, most unaddr. Cat              other addr to New Orleans which has been
         the 1990’s-2000’s. Primarily commems with a              approx $2,135+ (Approx 800) . Est 700.00+                crossed out & with ‘COLLECT’ h/s. VG+ ...
         terrific variety of issues & denominations. VF,                                                                   .......................... Est 150.00+
         NH (143 Booklets)........... Face 709.00                CANADA                                                   CANADA
                                                                 MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $650:                             MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $280:
         CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION:                               72. Û Hundreds of diff mint NH stamps loose              99. Û Lightly duplicated mint accum of many
         56. Û 35/741, BOB, Duplicated accum of                   & on plastic pages, from 1960’s-90’s. Has sin-           diff loose in a sleeve, mainly 1980’s-90’s. Has
          many diff on pages in binder, early to mod-  CANADA COLLECTION 1897-1953:  gles, blocks, Plate Blocks incl M/S’s, panes,  NEWFOUNDLAND  Booklet panes & singles, coils, semi-postals,
          ern. Has Jubilees, Quebecs to 20¢, Leafs,  63. ÚÛ 50/324, Decent coll on pages with  Booklets & sheets. VF, NH .... Face 650.00  SCARCE PENCE STAMP:  commems, Plate Blocks & blocks, etc. VF, NH
          various War & Peace to $1, etc. We noted  a solid range of issues between these  CANADA PACKETS OF 100 DIFF:  85. Ú 13, Four margin single with light  ......................... Face 280.00
          245i NH (2 - $300), O32 (2 diff Plate Blocks  numbers. Has Jubilees to 50¢; QV Leaf  73. Ú Box with a wholesale lot of 150 made up  grid cancel, excellent colour. VF. Has  CANADA
          - $150). Duplication varies from 1 to many              packets containing 100 diff stamps in each.  2008 Greene Foundation Certificate .....
          dozens. Useful lot. F-VF, much NH (Many  set to 10¢; QV Numeral set to 20¢; KE set  All in window display envelopes. F-VF. Retail  ........................ Cat 1,600.00  MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $259:
                                                                                                                          100. Û Interesting duplicated accum of mostly
          100’s) .................... Est 750.00+  to 50¢; Quebec set to 20¢; various Admirals
                                      with useful coils; 3 diff imperfs & both sur-  $600...................... Est 110.00+  USED KGVI CANADA WHOLESALE:  diff mint NH issues loose in a sleeve, primarily
                                      charges; scroll set to $1 Parliament; Arch  CANADA     86. Ú 241-4, 253, 255-62, Wholesale used  1980’s-90’s. Has singles, blocks, Plate Blocks,
         COMPLETE 5¢ PLATE PROOF SHEET:  set to $1 Cavell; later sets to $1; Fish $1,  ANNUAL COLLECTIONS 1974-2004:  lot with 100 of each. Incl better like 13¢  se-tenant multiples, souvenir sheets, etc. Nice
         57. Û 8Pii, 8Piii, 8Piv, Cpl imperf Plate Proof  etc. Mainly F-VF (335) ....... Est 600.00+  74. Û Carton full with a beautiful cpl run of  Tank, 50¢ Vancouver, 50¢ Munitions & $1  topicals here. VF, NH (100’s) . . Face 259.00
          sheet 100 in the issued colour, on card. The  CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS FACE $190:  P.O. Annual Collections for the years from  Destroyer. F-VF. Cat $2,600 . . . Est 400.00+
          sheet displays 3 diff types of “SPECIMEN”  64. Ö Coll of cach unaddr FDC’s primarily from  1974-2004. Also has the Millennium coll. VF,  USA NEWSPAPER STAMPS
          overprint in red (Type B on 50 proofs, Type  2002-5 but also some from the 1990’s. Has a  NH (31 diff books) .......... Cat 2,330.00  FACSIMILE COLLECTION:
          C on 40 proofs & Type D on 10 proofs). An  beautiful range with singles, Plate Blocks, &  UNITED STATES COMMEMORATIVE  87. Û PR9/PR32, Interesting coll of 1875
          outstanding sheet in exceptional condition.  $5 Moose, Canada Artwork, etc. VF. Total  COLLECTION 1893-1980 IN 3 ALBUMS:  Newspaper issue FACSIMILES neatly ar-
          VF. Cat $5,750+ .......... Est 2,000.00+  face value is $190 (120) ....... Est 80.00+  75. ÚÛ Three albums with an extensive coll  ranged on a stockcard. Has values from 1¢ to
        CANADA AVIATION FDC’s        CANADA BOOKLET COLLECTION    of commem issues in mounts in order on  $60. Variety in overprint type & colour. F-VF.
                                                                                              Good lot for the specialist (52) . Est 100.00+
        AUTOGRAPHED BY ROBERT BRADFORD:  FACE $573:               Minkus pages. Older issues are primarily
        58. Ö 843-6, 873-6, 903-6, Extensive coll of 48  65. Û BK238b/BK338, Attractive coll of 13 diff  used but from about 1930’s on it is mostly  CANADA BOOKLET
         Aviation issues tied by Ottawa 1979-81 special  Booklets, from 2000-6. VF, NH. Face 573.00  mint. Has various Columbians to 30¢; Mis-  PRINTED ON GUM SIDE:
         cancels on McKee Aviation Trophy Private  SHOEBOX WITH USA ACCUMULATION:  sissippi to 10¢; Pan-Am set; Louisiana set;  88. Û BK280Abii, Cpl Booklet with cover
         cach FDC’s. All diff as to issue & franking incl  66. Ú Shoebox with a large accum of loose  both Pan Pacific sets; Pilgrim/Walloon/Lex-  printed on gum side. VF, NH.... Cat 125.00  NEWFOUNDLAND $4.50 BALBO:
         some with Plate Blocks. All signed by Aviation  unsorted USA stamps, off paper. Primarily  ington sets; White Plains sheet of 25; APS  101. Û C18, $4.50 Balbo Flight Airmail.
         artist ROBERT BRADFORD whose paintings  commems & mainly 1940’s-80’s era. (Many  souv sheets; Parks; Famous Americans;  Fresh, VF, LH .............. Cat 450.00
         were used in the design of the stamps. Also a  1,000’s) ................... Est 275.00+  then an extensive run of later issues. A few  CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE:
         new issue folder signed by him. VF (48 First             flaws but mainly VG-VF (100’s) Est 600.00+              102. Ö 211 (2), 212-3, 215, C1, C3, Tied by
         Day Covers, 1 brochure) ...... Est 350.00+  UNITED STATES CARTON FULL WITH
                                     25 POUNDS OF UNSORTED MATERIAL:                                                       Quebec 18 July 1936 cancels on 5 diff cach
                                     67. ÚÛ Large carton of unsorted USA mate-                                             CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE to VIMY RIDGE &
                                      rial from older to modern, primarily used.                                           BATTLEFIELDS covers addr to Toronto (1 is
                                      Has stamps on pages, on stockcards, in                                               Reg’d, 2 Airmail). All have “S.S. MONTROSE”
                                      glassines, on & off piece, estate balances,                                          ship cancels (Ludlow #S-152, RF 475). F-VF
                                      covers, postcards, postal stationery, loose                                          .......................... Est 175.00+
                                      etc. There is a real mass of unorganized                                            USA STATE GOVERNOR SIGNED LETTERS:
                                      material to sort through in this carton                   USA COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893:  103. Ú Fascinating coll of 44 diff State Seal
                                      (1,000’s) ................. Est 700.00+                 89. Ö Eye-catching coll of COLUMBIAN  illustrated letters from 1972. Each is a Christ-
                                     SHOEBOX OF CANADA COMMEMS                                 EXPOSITION related covers & postcards,  mas greeting from a diff State Governor & is
                                                                                                                           SIGNED by the Governor. We noted RONALD
                                     WEIGHING 3 POUNDS:                                        mostly diff. Incl 17 official colour illustrated  REAGAN of California, GEORGE WALLACE
                                     68. Ú Shoebox with approx 3 pounds of loose               souvenir postcards (mainly unused); 14  of Alabama, etc, Oregon, Texas & Wisconsin
                                      off paper mixture of commems. Primarily  OLDER CANADA MINT COLLECTION:  mostly unused Columbian Postal Stationery  have embossed State Seals affixed also. VF,
                                      1970’s-90’s with a decent variety. Also has  76. Û 104/227, BOB, Nice clean mint coll  envelopes up to 10¢, etc. Also one cover  some have soiling at LL....... Est 250.00+
           CANADA 50¢ OHMS OIL MINT NH:  a few scattered defins / Xmas / on paper.  neatly arranged on pages, from 1911-35.  with two stamps. All neatly arranged in an
         59. ÕÛ O11, Nice lot of 3 well centered  A large quantity of stamps that will have a  Some highlights are 111 (3 shades - $325),  album. Majority VG-VF (32). . . Est 300.00+  CANADA
          blocks, fresh, VF, NH. A great lot for a  huge Cat value. Mostly F-VF (Many 1,000’s)  113 (2 shades - $150), 119 (2 shades -  CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $171:  MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $579:
          dealer or investor............ Cat 720.00  .......................... Est 225.00+  $100), 130 (Pair - $200), 133 ($90), 160-1  90. Û BK86/BK353, Fresh mint coll of 33 diff  105. Û Interesting lightly duplicated mint NH
                                                                                                                           accum loose in a sleeve, primarily 1980’s-
                                                                  (Pairs - $200), 217-27 ($175), C2-3 ($85),  Booklets, 1983-2007. VF, NH. . Face 171.00  2000’s. Has singles, blocks, Plate Blocks,
                                                                  MR5 & MR5i ($90), etc. Majority F-VF. Cat  CANADIAN FORCES  souvenir sheets, panes, sheets & booklets.
                                                                  $3,560 (131)............... Est 900.00+  WITH THE UNITED NATIONS:  Great variety of topical issues here. VF, NH
                                                                 CANADA                      91. Ö Group of 19 diff stampless covers in  (Many 100’s) ............... Face 579.00
                                                                 MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $347:  sleeves with United Nations illustrated Military  NOVA SCOTIA & PEI ACCUMULATION:
                                                                 77. Û Pristine mint accum loose unsorted in a  cancels, from 1957-96. A variety of Canadian  106. ÚÛ Primarily mint duplicated accum
                                                                  sleeve, from 1970’s-90’s. Has a broad range  units serving in Haiti, Cambodia, Middle East,  neatly arranged on a stockcard. Has 20 diff
                                                                  of commems & defins in Plate Blocks, souve-  Somalia & Yugoslavia. One addr to Canadian  stamps as to issue & paper with 1 to 41 of
                                                                  nir sheets, mini-sheets, sheets & Booklets.  Embassy, Tel Aviv, others to Canada. VF.  each. Majority VG-VF, some NH. Cat $1,338
                                                                  VF, NH ................... Face 347.00  Priced to sell at $360......... Est 175.00+  (133) ..................... Est 300.00+

                                                                                         CANADA $1 FUNDY WITH BLACK INSCRIPTIONS OMITTED:
             NEWFOUNDLAND IMPERF CABOT PLATE PROOF BLOCKS COMPLETE SET:  104. ÕÛ 726b, A remarkable untagged mint lower margin block of 20 of the $1 Fundy National Park showing BLACK INSCRIPTIONS OMITTED
         54. ÕÛ 61P-74P, Cpl set of imperf Plate Proof blocks with pristine fresh colours, on card. Most  ERROR. Fresh, XF, NH. Less than 200 examples were discovered in 1983. THIS BLOCK IS BELIEVED TO BE THE LARGEST SURVIVING
          are sheet marginal. A beautiful selected set in top condition. XF. Cat $3,100 .... Est 1,500.00+  MULTIPLE IN EXISTENCE. A GREAT SHOWPIECE .............................................................Cat 17,000.00
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