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              1. CANADA,
          PROVINCES, AND
           UNITED STATES:
                                                                                                                           UNITED STATES 22K GOLD REPLICAS:
        USA POSTAL STATIONERY COLLECTION:                                                                                 35. Ö Two specialty albums with an attractive
        1. Ö Extensive 2 volume coll nicely displayed                                                                      coll of FDC’s from 1982-83. Each cover has
         on White Ace pages, from 1873 up to 1992.                                                                         an encapsulated proof replica on a 22K gold
         Primarily unused with cards, envelopes &                                                                          surface of the stamp on the FDC. Also each
         reply cards incl airmails & officials. We noted                                                                   has a printed write-up. Has a variety of
         unused entries UX10-2 ($115), UX15 ($47)                                                                          topicals like architecture, science, air bal-
         & UY15 ($115). Also some Cut Squares                                                                              loons, sports, state birds & flowers, etc. Also
         incl unused U218-9 ($60). F-VF. 2025 Scott                                                                        a few Gr. Britain. VF (79)..... Est 175.00+
         $910 (258 entires, 65 Cut Squares) .......                                                                       CANADA ACCUMULATION IN A BOX:
         .......................... Est 375.00+                                                                           36. ÚÛ Interesting accum of unsorted material
        MINT CANADA FACE $510:                                                                                             on stockcards, in glassines, on pages, etc. Has
        3. Û Accumulation of mint Canada mainly                                                                            older to modern with mint, used, commems,
         from 1960’s-90’s. Has a wide variety of                                                                           defins, Pl Blocks, BOB. Has used 50¢ Blue-
         commems, defins & Xmas with singles,                                                                              nose ($75); mint NH 10¢ Loyalist ($80), #225-7
         blocks, Plate Blocks, etc. F-VF, primarily                                                                        ($150), $1 Destroyer ($120), $1 Ferry (2,
         NH....................... Face 510.00                                                                             $135), $1 Fish ($60), C1-2 ($180), EO1-2
                                                                                                                           ($60), etc. Also 12 used Lg Queens ($400),
                                                                                                                           50¢ Lumbering mint block (LH $80), etc.
                                                                                                                           Careful checking will prove rewarding. VG-VF,
                                                                                                                           much mint NH (Many 100’s).... Est 450.00+
                                                                                                                          CANADA SERIES OF THE CENTURY:
                                                                                                                          37. Û 1660ai, Cpl boxed set from 1997
                                                                                                                           commemorating the 25th anniversary of
                                                        CANADA - HENRY HECHLER OVERPRINTS ON QV POSTAL STATIONERY:
                                     2. Ö Exceptional coll of unused QV postal stationery envelopes, cards, wrappers all with ‘SERVICE’ & ‘OFFICIAL’ overprints which were done by  the Series of the Century. Incl sweatshirt,
                                      Henry Hechler. This collection was formed by Dr. Moulton some time ago & required years to assemble. Has a variety of types, various  commem puck, colourful print, & overprinted
                                      combinations of overprints & imprints, double overprints, red/black/blue overprints, one triple overprint, etc. An outstanding lot of these scarce items.  unfolded pane. VF, NH ....... Est 100.00+
                                      F-VF (58 items) ...........................................................................................Est 2,500.00+  CANADA OFFICIALS USED WHOLESALE:
                                                                                                                          38. Ú O8/O45, Small box full with a used
                                                                                             CANADA SPECIAL DELIVERIES COMPLETE:  wholesale lot of 15 diff identified in glassines,
                                                                                             24. Û E1-11, EO1-2, Cpl coll of Special  from a few to 250 of each. We noted O8 (24 -
                                                                                              Deliveries incl Officials. F-VF. Cat $522 ....  $96), O22 (175 - $393), O32 (200 - $1,500),
                                                                                              .......................... Est 175.00+  etc. Many have nice circular cancels. This lot
                                                                                                                           is from the estate of a Toronto dealer. Most
                                                                                                                           F-VF (100’s)................ Est 250.00+
                                                                                                                          CANADA EMBOSSED CHEQUE STAMPS:
                                                                                                                          39. Ú FCH1, Accum of 320 Canada Life Assur-
                                                                                                                           ance Co. cancelled cheques from Toronto,
                                                                                                                           1921. Each cheque has the 2¢ red embossed
                                                                                                                           Beaver stamp. F-VF. Cat $1,600 Est 250.00+
            IN UNITRADE ALBUM 1859-2009:                           CANADA MINT KGV ISSUES 1917-1937:
         4. ÚÛ 14/2546, BOB, Broad-ranging coll of  ALASKA POSTCARDS:  18. Û 135/237, C1/J20, Attractive coll of all
          primarily used in a clean Unitrade Album.  11. Ö Interesting coll of 19 diff unused French  diff KGV issues in mounts & on pages. Incl
          Some highlights are used 27a ($60), 45-7  Missionary postcards circa 1930’s depicting  135 ($125), 141-8 ($210), 151-7 ($393),  USA KANSAS/NEBRASKA SETS:
          ($120), 100-3 ($350), 158-9 ($110); plus  Alaska Inuit people & their lifestyle. Incl  202-4 ($142), 225-7 ($135), E2 ($285), etc.  25. Û 658-79, Cpl Kansas/Nebraska sets
          mint 80 ($100), 85-6 ($120), 99 ($90), 113  family groups, kayak, dog teams, various  F-VF, many NH. Previous owner’s Cat  neatly arranged on White Ace pages. F-VF,
          NH ($60), 140 ($67), 168-9 NH ($70), 302  fur clothing, missionaries, housing, etc. VF.  $1,630 (53)................ Est 400.00+  some NH ............ 2025 Scott 635.00
          ($60), 1283a-6b NH ($50), etc. Majority  ......................... Est 140.00+  CANADA BACK OF THE BOOK:  USA & CANADA STAMPLESS
          VG-VF, some NH. Sparse in later years  CANADA SPECIAL EVENT COVERS:  19. ÚÛ Uni-Safe 8-page stockbook with a  CROSS BORDER COVERS:
          (1,123) ................... Est 450.00+                 coll / accum of Airmails, Special Deliveries,  26. Ö Coll of 20 stampless covers to/from
                                     12. Ö Box with an interesting collection of
        USA MINT BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES:  special event covers 1938-2011. Has cach  Postage Dues, Officials & other items. Wide  USA & Canada, 1840’s-50’s. Has various
        5. Û 1909a/2719a, Fresh mint coll of Booklet  covers for various exhibitions, festivals, con-  variety of issues with useful duplication. Incl  rate markings, exchange h/s’s, assorted town
         Panes & cpl Booklets neatly arranged on  ventions, stamp shows, anniversaries, etc.  a nice group of mint NH Postal Note / Scrip  cancels, banking letter, charge box, Paris
         White Ace pages, from 1985-92. We noted  Also Royal Train, special cancels, Bluenose  issues up to 90¢; mint NH #SL68-78 (Cat  DPO, Lewiston exchange, etc. Mostly VG-F.
         1909a & 2122a ($117), etc. VF, NH. 2025  anniversary cover, etc. F-VF (80 diff) ......  $120); 3 diff semi-official airmails; etc. F-VF  .......................... Est 200.00+
         Scott $511 (54 items) ........ Est 250.00+  .......................... Est 100.00+  (500-600 stamps) ........... Est 250.00+
        6. ÕÛ 162/544,BOB, Attractive coll of 207  13. Û 622/2943, Interesting collection of mint  20. Û 415, Matched set of Plate Imprint #1  USA 1869 ACCUMULATION
         Plate Blocks neatly arranged on stockcards,  definitives neatly arranged on White Ace  sheets of the 15¢ Canada Geese. Each  OF THE 3¢ LOCOMOTIVE Cat $11,000+:
         from 1930-71. All are diff as to plate & posi-  pages. Has a wide range of issues incl High  signed in the selvedge by the designer of the  40. Ú 114, Old-time accum of 369 used 3¢
         tion. We noted 193 ($70), 259 ($70), 334 Pl 1  Values, coil pairs, booklet panes, officials,  stamp ANGUS SHORTT. Fresh, VF, NH. Cat  Locomotives of 1869, mounted on pages.
                                                                  $510 (4 diff sheets with a total of 200 stamps)
         ($50), etc. F-VF, most NH. Cat $747 ......  etc. We noted 1030-53 ($65), 2394 & 2539-42  .......................... Est 175.00+  Has a wide range of shades, fancy cork
         .......................... Est 200.00+  ($69), etc. Majority F-VF, most NH. 2025                                  cancels, target cancels, cancels in blue,
        NEWFOUNDLAND 1887 COVER:      Scott $642 (935) ............ Est 275.00+                                            couple red cancels, 4-Ring numeral ‘4’, etc.
        7. Ö 53, Tied by grid cancel on cover from  CANADA COMPLETE OFFICIAL SHEET:                                        Also has grill variations incl several noted as
         St John’s 16 Sp, 1887 to East Pubnico NS.  14. Û O3, Cpl sheet of 100 with UR Plate #32.                          having split grills, several no grills, etc. Con-
         Carried by the Ross Line ship “SS POLINO”  Shows the #O3i NARROW SPACING at the                                   dition a bit mixed but mostly VG-VF. A great
         with Halifax & Yarmouth b/s’s. Beautifully  left. Fresh, VF, NH, minor perf separation ..  CANADA IMPERFORATE BLOCK:  lot for study & inexpensive at estimate. 2025
         written-up with detailed info, map, etc. It is  .......................... Cat 620.00  27. ÕÛ 1292b, IMPERFORATE sheet mar-  Scott $11,070+ (369) ...... Est 1,400.00+
         believed that the SS Ross carried mail on  CANADA                                     gin block of the 39¢ Legendary Creatures.
         fewer than 10 trips. F. Ex Piercey exhibit ...  $1 TOTEM “G” PLATE BLOCKS:            XF, NH. Has 2024 Greene Foundation  CANADA MINT COLLECTION
         .......................... Est 175.00+  15. ÕÛ O32, Investor’s lot of 8 Plate Blocks  Certificate ................ Cat 2,500.00  1984-1999 FACE VALUE $358:
                                                                                                                          41. Û Album with a nice all diff coll of mints
                                      (various Plate Numbers & Positions). VF, NH.           USA POSTCARDS DEPICTING PIGEONS:  neatly displayed on printed pages in protective
                                      Cat $800 .................. Est 165.00+
                                                                                             28. Ö Interesting lot of 3 unused Private  mounts. Has lots of beautiful commems, se-
                                                                                              Mailing Postcards all depicting diff PIGEONS.  tenants, booklets, souvenir sheets, etc. VF,
                                                                  CANADA MINT COLLECTION 1897-1951:                        NH....................... Face 358.00
                                                                 21. Û 51/302, BOB, Fresh mint coll neatly  Authorized by Act of Congress 1898. Also a
                                                                  arranged on a stockcard. Has a nice range  Herm Island PIGEON POST cover with 1Sh  CANADA “SNOWBIRDS”
                                                                  of singles plus some in blocks. Some high-  Pigeon stamp tied by 1952 CDS. The cover  CACHETED COVERS:
                                                                  lights are 99 NH ($90), 106-7 NH blocks  has a special grommet which was used to at-  42. Ö Seldom offered large holding of 68 cach
                                                                  ($160), 120 ($65), 122 NH ($80), 156-9  tach the cover to a pigeon’s leg. VF (4 items)  covers of the famous Snowbirds - the military
                                                                  ($670), 216 block NH ($72), 268-73 NH  .......................... Est 100.00+  aerobatic flight team of the RCAF. The covers
                                                                  ($127), 302 NH ($60), E1 ($60), etc. Many  CIGAR BOX FULL OF BETTER CANADA:  are from 2005-13 with special postmarks &
                                                                  with average centering. Majority F-VF, much  29. ÚÛ 15/1407ai, BOB, Very interesting  all are PILOT SIGNED with several covers
               HAMILTON ONTARIO                                   NH. Cat $2,499 (109)........ Est 650.00+  accum of stamps crammed into a cigar  signed by multiple pilots. These covers retail
                                                                                                                           online at $10-$15 each (Totalling $680 -
              ILLUSTRATED COVERS:                                CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:   box, from all Reigns. Has many better items,
         8. Ö Nice coll of 20 diff covers 1897-1946  CIVIL WAR PATRIOTIC COVER:  22. Ö Interesting coll of 91 cach FFC’s, from  plus listed & unlisted varieties, shades,  $1,000). VF ................ Est 350.00+
          all with illustrated advertising for various  16. Ö Stampless fancy illustrated CIVIL  1934-9, from across Canada. Has many nice  perfs, etc. Some highlights are mint 125  CANADA COLLECTION 1870-1992:
          companies. Incl Florist, Bread, Fruit Pre-  WAR PATRIOTIC cover “THE UNION  illustrated cachets. Many covers also have  (Pair, $80), 135 (block, $80), 261 NH block  43. ÚÛ Album with a coll on pages of primarily
          serves, Coal, Windows, Navigation, Hotel,  MUST & SHALL BE PRESERVED” with  Canadian Pacific shield corner cards. Con-  ($172), 268-73 & 302 NH ($187), 405q &  used. Wide array of commems, pictorials,
          Wheel Co., Washers, Food Products, etc.  faint CDS on front addr to Knoxville Pa.  tains a variety of frankings incl better like 3¢  45bp ($130), BK34d (French, $112), 1407ai  defins, Xmas, plus BOB. Some flaws but
          Some of these could have been lotted  VG+, some edge wear. Very attractive  Cartier, 5¢ UPU, 8¢ Admiral, 5¢ Roy. William,  ($125), C4 (block, $200); plus used 98i  mostly VG-VF (100’s) ........ Est 125.00+
          separately but offered intact here. Most  looking cover .............. Est 275.00+  4¢ & 8¢ Medallions, etc. F-VF (91) ........  ($75), 101 &103 ($200), etc. Majority  CANADA AUTOGRAPHED COVERS:
          VG-VF ................... Est 200.00+                   .......................... Est 250.00+  VG-VF, much NH. Cat approx $3,400  44. Ö 903-6, Nice lot of 15 Aircraft FDC’s with
                                     CANADA                                                    (820 stamps, 4 SS’s) ........ Est 850.00+
        CANADA MINT QUEBEC SET:      OLYMPIC SILVER REPLICAS:    CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE:                        singles, pairs, sets & M/S Plate Blocks. All
        9. Û 96-103, Complete Quebec Tercentenary  17. Ö 656-7, Special folder with a set of  23. Ö 211-2, 214 (Pair), Belgium #273, France  UNITED STATES ACCUMULATION:  are on SENATE OF CANADA cach FDC’s
         set. Fresh, F-VF. Cat $1,032. . . Est 250.00+  $1 & $2 cacheted Olympic FDC’s from  #311, Tied by Quebec, Ieper & Paris 1936  30. ÚÛ Box with an accum of older to modern  24 Nov 1981. Each cover is signed by the re-
        CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:  1977. Each cover has a SILVER PROOF  cancels on 3 diff CANADIAN PILGRIMAGE to  material identified & priced on cards, in  nowned aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD
                                                                                                                           whose paintings were used for these stamps.
        10. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Fort Norman  REPLICA of the stamp, & a Certificate  VIMY RIDGE & BATTLEFIELDS covers addr  sleeves, on stockcards & on pages. Has used,  VF ........................ Est 75.00+
         & return FFC’s 10-22 Dec 1929. Each is  accompanies. These were limited edition  to Toronto. One cover has “S.S. MONTROSE”  mint, commems, defins, singles, sets, blocks,
         SIGNED by famous Canadian pilot WOP  items made by the Royal Canadian Mint. VF  ship cancel (Ludlow #S-152, RF 475); another  Plate Blocks, with some duplication. Also
         MAY. F-VF................. Est 125.00+  ........................... Est 90.00+  has British Legion, Ypres b/s. F-VF Est 85.00+  some United Nations, 4 diff Hawaii reprint
                                                                                              banknotes up to $100, etc. VG-VF. STC
                                                                                              $1,600 (Many 100’s) ......... Est 400.00+
                                           TERMS OF SALE                                     BOX FULL OF
              Bids will be accepted by mail, phone, fax and e-mail until midnight EST on the closing date. Lots are sold to the highest   UNITED STATES IN GLASSINES:
            bidder at a slight advance over the underbidder. We reserve the right to withdraw any lot at our discretion on which bidding  31. ÚÛ Box full with a duplicated accum in
                                                                                              glassines, in no particular order. Mainly
            fails to reach a reasonable level.                                                1950’s-90’s with commems, defins, Xmas,
              Successful bidders will be notified of lots allocated to them and must remit before the lots are sent. Persons known to us   coils, etc. Primarily used but does have some
            may, at our discretion, have lots forwarded immediately. Payment must be made within five days after receipt of notification.  mint scattered here & there. Lots of stamps
            Postage, registration, insurance, etc. extra.                                     here! (1000,s) .............. Est 150.00+
              Lots may be held to allow for clearance of uncertified personal cheques.       CANADA MYSTERY CARTON:       UNITED STATES PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:
              All bidding and billing are conducted in Canadian funds.                       32. ÚÛ Diverse accum in a carton early to  45. Ö Beautiful coll of 28 diff better calibre
                                                                                              modern. Has stamps in glassines; in ‘102’
              Every effort is made to describe lots accurately. However, if a lot is incorrectly described, the buyer has the option of returning it.  cards; in envelopes; on pages & stockcards;  multi-coloured patriotic postcards circa
            These lots must be returned intact within five days of receipt.                                                1908-17. These depict Flags, War of Inde-
                                                                                              in sleeves; covers, postcards; FDC’s & postal
              Canadian bidders will be charged the prevailing rate of GST or HST.             stationery; dealer’s stock identified in sleeves,  pendence themes, Civil War themes, mili-
                                                                                                                           tary, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington,
              Numbers and prices are from the Scott Catalogues in US Dollars unless otherwise noted. All Canada and Provinces have  QV-QE up to 1981; back of book; mint blocks  couple nice St Patrick’s Day types, etc.
            been priced by the current Unitrade Catalogue in Canadian Dollars unless otherwise noted.  & Plate Blocks; Booklet singles & panes;  Some are embossed. Used & unused, F-VF.
                                                                                              Capex ‘78 show sheets; etc. Majority VG-VF,
              The placing of a bid shall constitute acceptance of the foregoing conditions of sale.                        These cards easily retail for $10-$15 each
                                                                                              some NH (1,000’s) .......... Est 400.00+  (Total $280-$420) .......... Est 200.00+
                                                                                             USA COLLECTION
                                     SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS                               OF FIRST DAY COVERS, ETC:    CANADA USED COLLECTION 1937-1981:
                                                                                             33. Ö Attractive coll of FDC’s & special event  46. Ú Extensive KGVI-QE coll on pages with a
                      Please consider all mint lots in our auctions to be hinged unless marked NH (Never Hinged).          wide array of commems, defins, coils, Xmas,
                                                                                              covers in 2 albums & loose in a carton from
                                                                                              1935 up to 2003 (mainly 1970’s-90’s). Also  Officials, Postage Dues, special deliveries,
           Û  Mint       LH  Lightly Hinged  SE  Straight Edge  CTO  Cancelled to Order       has postal stationery with FD cancels. We  some multiples, extras, etc. Has values up to
           Ú  Used       HH Heavily Hinged  FDC  First Day Cover  STC  Stated to Catalogue    noted 83 in Postmasters of America specialty  $1, $2, $5; better items like $1 FerryG&$1
           Õ  Block      NH Never Hinged  FFC  First Flight Cover                             album (gorgeous cachets 1976-80); 80 Postal  Fish G; etc. Also has some nice cancels.
           Ö  Cover or Postcard  NG No Gum  M/S  Matched Set   A (-) indicates a complete set or  Commemorative Society FDC’s & special  Mostly F-VF (100’s) .......... Est 225.00+
                                                                                              event covers with gold replica stamps
           SS  Souvenir or  DG Disturbed Gum  m/s  manuscript      range of stamps.                                       CANADA #8 IMPERFORATE COVER:
              Miniature Sheet  RG Regummed  h/s  handstamp     A (/) indicates a broken range of stamps.  encased in cachets from 1990’s; etc. F-VF,  47. Ö 8, Four margin single (minor crease),
           VG  Very Good  OG Original Gum  b/s  backstamp      An 'Est' before the price indicates an estimated  some unaddr (420) .......... Est 300.00+  tied by neat pen cancel on printed circular
           F  Fine       TS  Tropical Stain  BOB  Back of the Book  cash value of the lot in Canadian funds.  CARTON FULL OF UNITED NATIONS:  cover from Dundas, UC 1857 to Beverly.
                                                                                                                           Inside has a fascinating printed form
                                                                                             34. ÚÛ 1/492, BOB, Diverse accum of mate-
           VF  Very Fine  Flt  Fault, thin, tear, etc.  SON Socked on the nose cancel
                                                                                              rial in a carton, from 1951-86. Has stamps in  “QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION OF
           XF  Extremely Fine  OC Off Centre  CDS  Circular Dated Cancel                      glassines; in sleeves; stockbook; on stock-  TEACHERS” (21 x 16.5 inches), in the
                                                                                              cards & pages; FDC’s & unused & used postal  County of Brant. Has a fascinating list of
                                                                                              stationery (has postal stationery up to 2000’s).  questions related to many subjects, for pro-
                                                                                              We noted #38 on FDC, wide range of Geneva  spective school teachers. Scarce printed
                                                                                              & Vienna issues, 2 UN Administration cata-  matter rate. F, some internal separation.
                                                                                              logues up to 1998, etc. F-VF, much NH (Many  AN HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Cat $1,100
                                                                                              100’s of stamps & covers)..... Est 250.00+  ......................... Est 600.00+
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