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CANADA BACK OF BOOK:         USA OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER 1845:  USA 1969 MOON LANDING:                                                      5
        107. ÚÛ E1/O49, Interesting back of book  121. Ú Historic 48-page booklet listing names  135. Ú C76, Lovely lot of 3 diff Official NASA
         coll on pages, early to modern. Has Special  & rank of officers in General Staff, Engineers,  coloured photographs (two are7x9 inches,
         Delivery, Registered, Postage Dues, War Tax  Ordinance, Artillery, Infantry, etc. Contents  other one is larger), of the MOON LANDING
         & Officials; mostly diff. We noted mint MR1  intact but has various flts, worm holes, etc.  & ASTRONAUTS. Each with 10¢ First Man on
         (NH, $70), MR5 (2 shades - $160), E3-4  which adds to it’s charm. A scarce military  the Moon stamp tied by dual 1969 Washington
         ($100), E7-8 ($64), O21-4 ($52), etc. Most  historical item............... Est 100.00+  DC / Moon Landing First Day postmarks. VF
         VG-VF. Cat approx $1,785 (164) Est 350.00+  CANADA $8 GRIZZLY BEAR:  (3) ........................ Est 80.00+
        CANADA CHRISTMAS CENTRE BLOCKS:  122. Û 1694, Unique commem Bear set as is-  BETTER CANADA KGVI BOOKLETS:
        108. ÕÛ 522pi, 525pi, Tagged blocks of 16  sued by Canada Post in a hardcover folder.  136. Û BK34d, Wholesale lot of 5 French
         mint with the scarce centre blocks in the  Incl an engraved sunken print numbered &
         middle. VF, NH .............. Cat 410.00  signed by artist-engraver JORGE PERAL;  Booklets. F-VF, NH ........... Cat 375.00
                                      plus a pane of 4 mint stamps signed by the  CANADA OLDER USED COLLECTION:
                                      designer ALAIN LEDUC & the artist-engraver  137. Ú 21/310, Plus BOB, Four double-sided
                                      JORGE PERAL. A limited edition item with  stockcards with an older used coll from 1868-
                                      only 2,500 sold. VF. Cat $145 . Est 100.00+  1950’s. Has QV Lg Queens (7); Sm Queens
                                                                  to 10¢; 1¢-5¢ Jubilees; QV Numerals to 20¢;
                                                                  KE to 50¢; 1¢-7¢ Quebecs; Admirals to $1; $1
                                                                  Parliament set; $1 Cavell set; later sets to $1;
                                                                  etc. Also various airmails, special deliveries,
                                                                  Postage Dues & officials. VG-VF. Cat $1,500-
                                                                  $2,000 (Over 300 diff) ........ Est 450.00+
         109. ÚÛ Attractive coll of Federal & Provin-
          cial Revenues neatly arranged on stock-
          cards. Some collected both as mint & used;
          plus extra shades. Note used FB21-2, FB25,  ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT CARDS
          FB32 & FB34 ($350), FWT5 ($50), FX33  FROM WESTERN CANADA:
          ($45), QL6-7 & QL11-2 ($150); plus mint  123. Ö 190, 223, 241, 257, etc, Interesting
          FU96-104 ($165), SL68-78 ($120), etc. Ma-  accum of pink Post Office “AR” cards used
          jority VG-VF. Cat $2,540 (384) . Est 800.00+  from 1935-54. All 10¢ frankings & used in
                                      Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta. Many
        CANADA ARMED FORCES           small town pmks noted which are mostly all
        AIR LETTERS & AEROGRAMMES:    diff. A nice lot. F-VF (188) .... Est 400.00+
        110. Ö Interesting specialized coll neatly dis-
         played & written-up on pages. Has a wide va-  USA ILLUSTRATED CHECKS 1863-1881:
         riety of types used by the Armed Forces from  124. Ú Interesting lot of 13 diff attractive used
         1940’s-70’s. Most unused but does have some  checks with illustrations incl allegorical figures,
         used from WWI & with United Nations Forces  steamboat, first nations, etc. Has revenue
         overseas. Incl an unusual paste-up form &  stamped paper incl RN-B1, RN-E4, RN-D1 &
         some trial printings. F-VF (47) . . Est 180.00+  RN-G1. Some checks have revenue stamps
                                      affixed. F-VF ............... Est 125.00+
         1977-1994 FACE $391:        USA MISCUT BOOKLET PANES:
         111. Û 704/1540a, Beautiful pristine mint NH  125. Û 1213a, Specialized coll of 5¢ Washing-  USA COLLECTION 1851-1909:
          coll neatly arranged in a Lighthouse Hinge-  ton Booklet Panes. All are MISCUT showing  138. ÚÛ 10A/373, Attractive coll of earlier
          less Album. Appears COMPLETE for pe-  PLATE NUMBERS IN MARGINS. All diff in  issues neatly arranged on pages. Has nice
          riod. Has some booklets & booklet panes,  some way with diff Plate Numbers & positions.  range of classic, banknote & early commem
          souvenir sheets, panes, se-tenant multiple  F-VF, NH (20) .............. Est 100.00+  issues, etc. Some highlights are used 10A
          coil pairs, issues to $5, etc. We noted  UNITED NATIONS  ($150), 35 ($55), 73 (3 shades - $210), 76
          1283a-6b ($50), 1407ai ($125), etc. VF, NH.  FLAG SHEET STOCK FACE $1,169:  (2 shades - $230), 78 ($400), 153 (3 shades
          Value of album without stamps $450+ &  126. SSÛ Extensive stock of FLAG sheet is-  - $450), 238-9 ($170); plus mint 214 ($65),  GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR AUTOGRAPHED LETTER:
          Face Value of stamps is $391 . Est 500.00+  sues from 1980’s. Many diff from 15¢ to 25¢  230-2 ($98), 303-4 & 306-7 ($220), etc. Ma-  157. Ú Typed letter (8 X 10.5 in) dated 9 Feb, 1959 hand signed in blue ink by DOUGLAS
        CANADA STOCKBOOK OF MINT FACE $255:  values in sheets of 16. Contains 340 sheets.  jority VG-VF, a few NH. 2024 Scott $4,556  MACARTHUR, personally thanking the addressee for sending him birthday wishes. Although a
                                                                                               controversial figure, General MacArthur is one of the most famous military leaders in American his-
        112. Û Large Lighthouse stockbook with an  Lovely topicals. VF, NH. Face $1,169 US...  (141) ................... Est 1,200.00+  tory. Some of his exploits are legendary incl wading ashore & his speech on the return to the Phil-
         accum of mints from the 1980’s-90’s. Most are  .......................... Est 400.00+  ippines in 1944. The lot is also accompanied by a 1960 letter from MacArthurs’s secretary as he
         17&-38¢ values with many nice commems,  CANADA 13¢ WWII TANK:  CANADA KGV WHOLESALE USED:  entered Walter Reed Hospital, couple other items of the addressee & clippings. F. . . Est 700.00+
         some defins, etc. F-VF (100’s) . Face 255.00  127. Ú 258, Used wholesale lot of 535 copies.  139. Ú 191-3, 198-202, 204-9, Wholesale lot
                                      Majority have nice circular cancels, some  of 100 of each incl KGV Medallions, 5¢ UPU,  CANADA MINT STOCK 1897-1953  TWO TRANS-ATLANTIC COVERS 1836:
                                      readable. F-VF. This has always been a good  10¢ Loyalist, 5¢ Royal William, etc. Mainly  CATALOGUING $3,450:  161. Ö Two stampless covers neatly written
                                      stamp. F-VF. Cat $2,540...... Est 375.00+  F-VF. Cat $3,890............ Est 450.00+  149. Û 52/324, BOB, Lightly duplicated stock  up on an exhibition page carried aboard Black
                                                                 CANADA                       of 208 diff issues, from 1 to 6 of each, QV-  Ball Line ship “The North America”. One from
                                                                 MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $547:  KGVI. We noted 56 ($60), 86 NH (2 - $150),  Philadelphia to Sheffield via New York & Liver-
                                                                 140. Û Many 100’s of diff stamps loose in a  261-2 ($120), 302 ($60), EO2 NH (2 - $72),  pool; the other from Gronstadt, Russia to
                                                                  sleeve, from 1980’s-90’s mainly. Has singles,  etc. F-VF, much NH. Cat approx $3,450 (430)  Boston via London, Liverpool & New York. This
                                                                  booklet singles, booklets, blocks, plate blocks,  .......................... Est 475.00+  is the COMPLETE VOYAGE. Carried outside
                                                                  souvenir sheets, etc. Topicals abound. VF,               the mail to “Baring Brothers, London” m/s,
                                                                  NH ...................... Face 547.00                    Forwarding Agents. Nice variety of cancels &
                                                                                                                           postal markings. F-VF. Ex Pullin Est 400.00+
                                                                 CANADA PLATE BLOCK COLLECTION:                           CANADA 1986 DUCK SHEET:
                                                                 141. ÕÛ 249/433, BOB, Attractive coll of 103             162. Û FWH2, Cpl sheet of 16 of the $4 Can-
                                                                  Plate Blocks, from 1942-64. All are diff as to           vasbacks Wildlife Habitat. VF, NH Cat 375.00
                                                                  issue, plate & plate position. We noted several
                                                                  better special Delivery & Official issues.We            CANADA MEDALLION BOOKLET PANES:
                                                                  noted O39a M/S’s Plates1&2 ($270), etc.                 163. Û 195b, Wholesale lot of 10 KGV Booklet
                                       USA LABELS & SEALS COLLECTION:  F-VF, NH. Cat $994.......... Est 300.00+            Panes. F-VF ................ Cat 500.00
                                     128. ÚÛ Primarily mint coll of labels & seals,                                       CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $826:
                                      from 1916 up to 2002. Has many attractive                                           164. Û Binder full with a stock of Canadian
                                                                                                                           Booklets from 2000-2008 era. Nice variety of
                                      large size stamp Exhibitions, Charity, Patri-           CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS FACE $903:  commems, Xmas, defins & international rates.
                                      otic, Electricity, Special Events, Penny
                                      Black, etc. F-VF (55) ......... Est 80.00+              150. Ö Box full of beautiful cach unaddr  Useful duplication of primarily 2 of each. VF,
                                                                                               FDC’s circa 1990-2005. Has a gorgeous  NH....................... Face 826.00
           CANADA KGV-KGVI COLLECTION:  USA LOCALS COLLECTION:                                 range of issues with nice commems, se-  CANADA OFFICIAL COVERS:
         113. ÚÛ 135/315, Attractive primarily mint  129. Û Broad range of 45 diff local issues af-  tenants, sets, Plate Blocks, defin values to  165. Ö Interesting accum of early to modern
          coll neatly arranged on pages, from 1917-  fixed to an old album page. Probable reprints  $5, Xmas, etc. VF. Total face value is $903  official mail, OHMS items, meters, election
          52. Has cpl sets, coils, Booklet singles &  of the original 19th Century issues. Issues  (564)..................... Est 375.00+  envelopes, free franks, Postal Stationery,
          panes, precancels, better early commems,  here from 28 diff companies. Nice study  MICHIGAN POSTMARK COLLECTION:  Ontario House of Assembly, etc. Also some
          etc. Some highlights are 151 NH ($80), 165-  group. F ................... Est 200.00+  151. Ö Extensive coll of selected MICHIGAN  diplomatic mail to/from Canada, etc. Most are
          73 NH ($217), 174-5 ($120), 202-7 & 209  USA BACK OF BOOK                           cancels on covers, postcards & Postal Statio-  stampless. Quite a diverse lot. VG-VF (112)
          NH ($309), 217-26 NH ($194), 227 ($62),  STOCK / ACCUMULATION:                      nery. Arranged in 4 albums alphabetically  .......................... Est 125.00+
          262 NH ($120), 268-73 NH ($92), 278-81  130. ÚÛ Interesting accum of Back of Book   with items from 1900’s-90’s. Broad range of  CANADA KGV USED WHOLESALE:
          NH ($90), etc. Majority F-VF, much NH. Cat  material arranged on stockcards, early to  villages, towns & cities here, from Ada to  166. Ú 191-4, Wholesale used lot of 200 each,
          Approx $2,900 (308) ........ Est 700.00+  modern, mainly used. Has Airmails, Special  Ypsilanti. Variety of cancel types, etc. Some  F-VF. Cat $1,890............ Est 200.00+
                                      Deliveries, Postage Dues, Parcel Post, Postal           interesting view cards also noted. Majority
        CANADA MIXTURE:               Stationery Cut Squares, Federal & State Rev-
        114. Ú Bag with 2.5 pounds of good Canada  enues, Officials, labels & seals, odds & ends,  VG-VF (679) ............... Est 275.00+
         mixture on single paper. Primarily commems  etc. We noted used C3 & C6 ($65), Q7-9  MINT CANADA FACE VALUE $663:
         with the majority being from 1970’s-80’s                                            152. Û Accum of mint Canadian stamps mainly
         (1,000’s)................... Est 125.00+  ($46), etc. Majority VG-VF (Many 100’s)....  1970’s-2000’s. Has commems, defins, se-ten-
                                      .......................... Est 200.00+
                                                                                              ants, singles, multiples, souvenir sheets, etc.
                                     OLDER CANADA MINTS:          USED CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1952:  F-VF, much NH............. Face 663.00
                                     131. Û Attractive coll of older mints on a  142. Ú Extensive used coll in hingeless  USA USED STOCK IN 16 STOCKCARDS:
                                      black stockcard. Primarily 1920’s-40’s but  mounts on pages. Wide range of issues  153. Ú Sixteen stockbooks with a duplicated
                                      also a few earlier / later. Has various Admi-  with commems, defins, coils plus BOB.  used stock organized in order by catalogue
                                      rals up to 50¢; 50¢ Bluenose; $1 Parliament;  Incl 1859’s (6 diff); Lg Queens (7 diff); Sm  number mostly from the 1970’s up to 2000’s.
                                      various Arch issues up to 50¢ Grand Pre;  Queens to 10¢ with some extras & shades;  Has a tremendous variety of issues with
                                      various Medallions; 13¢ Citadel; 10¢ Loyal-  Jubilees À¢ - 50¢; Quebec set; QV Nu-  commems, defins, values to $5, coils, Air-
                                      ist; 20¢ Grain; $1 Ferry; E1-5, E8; useful  meral set to 20¢; KE set to 50¢; Admirals to  mails, Special Deliveries, Postage Dues,
                                      Postage Dues; etc. F-VF, Cat approx  $1 plus surcharges, imperf sets plus many  & more. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) .......
                                      $3,000 (Over 100) .......... Est 650.00+  coils; etc. Also nice Postage Dues, War Tax  .......................... Est 250.00+
                                                                  incl 20¢ & 50¢; Officials with better like O10,
                                                                  O11, O25, EO1-2, CO1-2, etc. Also has a  CANADA MINT STOCK
                                                                  few isolated mints. VG-VF. Cat $4,600+  1969-2009, FACE $620:
           CANADA SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS:                         (350) ................... Est 1,200.00+  154. Û 500/2313i, Lightly duplicated dealer’s
         115. Û CL8/CL51, Coll of 11 diff Semi-Official                                       stock of 100’s diff, identified in order on cards
          Airmails. Incl CL18 ($200), CL25a, CL25c               SASKATCHEWAN $50 LAW STAMP SHEET:  in a dealer’s box. Has commems, defins,  CANADA 2¢ EDWARD IMPERFORATES:
          ($80), CL28 ($150), etc. F-VF. Cat $665...             143. Û SL78, Blue $50 Saskatchewan Law  early tagged issues, se-tenant multiples,  167. Û 90A, An investors holding of VF 2¢
          ......................... Est 225.00+                   Stamp cpl sheet of 50 with imprint at bottom.  Xmas, values to $2, etc. VF, most NH ....  KE imperforates, in blocks & pairs. Has a
        CANADA KGV-KGVI MINTS:                                    Very scarce & impressive as a full sheet. VF,  ......................... Face 620.00  total of 84 stamps with 69 being NH. Cat
        116. Û 146/236, C1/J12, Attractive group of               NH. Cat $2,500 ............. Est 450.00+  CANADA USED SEMI-POSTAL  $3,825 ................... Est 900.00+
         mainly better values incl 155-7, 171 (8), 175           USA CIVIL WAR ERA COLOUR PRINT:  WHOLESALE LOT:          CANADA MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $858:
         (3), 198-201, 203 (Block), C1-4 (2), E8. F-VF.          144. Ú Colour print ex Harper’s Weekly 3 Sept  155. Ú B1 (1,600), B4 (2,000), B7 (2,000), B10  168. Û Hundreds of mint NH stamps loose in a
         Cat $1,400+ (79) ............ Est 275.00+                1864, measuring 22x15.5 inches. Depicts  (300), B13 (300). A rarely offered wholesale  sleeve mainly 1970’s-90’s. Has commems, plate
                                        CANADA QV-KGVI COLLECTION:                            lot of semi-postals in glassines & bundles.
        CANADA $1 TOTEM POLE NH:     132. ÚÛ 14/273, BOB, Coll of older issues  Farragut’s Fleet of Tallships passing the Forts  F-VF. Cat $3,100............ Est 200.00+  blocks, defins, coils, etc. F-VF, NH Face 858.00
        117. Û 321, Nice lot of 20 $1 Totem Poles.                & Obstructions at the entrance of the Mobile            TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER 1840:
         These were from an investment portfolio.  neatly arranged on Minkus pages, from  Bay 5 Aug 1864. F, folded, bit of separation.  CANADA ACCUMULATION  169. Ö Stampless cover neatly written up on
         Fresh, VF, NH. Retail $160 ..... Est 70.00+  1859 up to 1946. Some highlights are used  Historic..................... Est 90.00+  ON A STACK OF STOCKCARDS:  an Exhibition page carried aboard Red Star
                                      18a & 19 ($320), 45 ($80), 47 Montreal                 156. ÚÛ Stack of stockcards with a duplicated
        RECENT USA MIXTURE:           Precancel ($40), 50-60 (mostly mint $700);              stock / accum of used Canadian. Primarily  Line ship “The Stephen Whitney”, First Voy-
        118. Ú Bag with a commem mixture primarily  plus mint 96-103 ($1,032), 175 ($70), etc.  BOX FULL OF CANADA:  1910-90’s era with defins, commems, Xmas,  age, from Baltimore to London via New York &
         1990’s-2000’s. Mainly on single paper but also  Majority VG-VF. Primarily used (246) .....  145. ÚÛ Box filled with an accum of Canada  etc. Also has various mint & used Plate Blocks  Liverpool with “LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER”
         some off paper (Many 100’s).... Est 60.00+  ......................... Est 600.00+  from older to modern. Incl used coll on album  & Blocks. VG-VF (1,000’s) .... Est 250.00+  b/s. F-VF. Ex Pullin .......... Est 175.00+
        CANADA 1¢ SMALL QUEEN PRECANCELS:                         pages from the 1870’s-2012 incl $1 Parlia-  USA DEALER’S STOCK  USA PLATE BLOCK COLLECTION:
                                                                  ment; various stockbooks; mint 20¢ KGV
        119. Ú Interesting duplicated accum of 56  CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION  Admiral (Cat $200); 48¢ Hockey Booklet (Cat  IN 3 LARGE BINDERS:  170. ÕÛ 681/926, Attractive coll of 62 diff mint
         QV 1¢ Sm Queen Precancels. Has a variety  POSTCARDS 1904-1913:  $90); a few recent FDC’s; a few Duck stamps       Plate Blocks neatly arranged on stockcards,
         of BAR types incl vertical, doubled & other  133. Ö 89/104, Fascinating coll of 13 colour &  used on hunting licenses; some Canada Prov-  158. ÚÛ 732/4494, Extensive dealer’s stock  from 1929-44. Incl a cpl set of WWII Overrun
                                                                                              in order on 3-Ring manila stockcards, from
         variations. VG-VF, a few flts . . . Est 100.00+  b/w photo postcards. All are diff as to rubber                   Countries issue with country names. F-VF,
                                      or hammer CNE CDS’s or views. We noted 5  inces; & more. Lots to sort through! Generally  1933-2011. Primarily used with a wide array  some NH ............. 2024 Scott 283.00
                                      cards depicting CNE venues & events; plus 2  VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 325.00+  of commems, defins, Xmas, coils, etc. Broad
                                      Patriotic postcards depicting City Hall & King  CANADA FDC COLLECTION 1982-2006:  range of topics & themes. Duplication varies
                                      Edward Hotel. F-VF.......... Est 100.00+                but mostly 1-10 of a kind. Great source for
                                                                 146. Ö 913a/2194, Attractive coll of approx  varieties. A good working-stock for any dealer
                                                                  450 diff Official cach FDC’s neatly arranged  or future dealer with enough material to last
                                                                  in 3 albums; plus some larger sized items in  for years. Mainly F-VF (Many 1,000’s) .....
                                                                  sleeve. Many beautiful topical commems &  .......................... Est 325.00+
                                                                  souvenir sheets, plus defins to $8 Grizzly,
                                                                  etc. VF, unaddr Cat $1,285 .... Est 400.00+  CANADA YUKON AIRWAYS
                                                                                             USED ON 1928 NEWSPAPER:
                                                                 CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $534:  159. Ú CL42i, Yukon Airways tied by White-
                                                                 147. Û Duplicated accum of Canadian Book-  horse 13 Ap 1928 CDS on WHITEHORSE
                                                                  lets mainly from 1960’s-90’s. Has a variety of  STAR newspaper of the same date.
                                                                  types, designs & values. Has 32¢ & 34¢ Forts,  Addressed to Atlin BC. F, corner stain in
           CANADA POSTAL SAVINGS BANK                             Greet More, some $1 Centennial Booklets,  newspaper................. Est 120.00+
              STAMPLESS COVERS:
         120. Ö Specialized coll of 6 diff used OHMS              Public Gardens, 40¢ Flags, T. Eaton, NHL  CANADA 3¢ ADMIRAL
          FREE FRANKED Savings Bank Ottawa                        Hockey, etc. F-VF, NH ....... Face 534.00  IMPERFORATE SHEET:
          stampless folded covers 1883-1906. Have                 CANADA MINT 5¢ COMMEMS FACE $1,280:  160. Û 138, Rare full sheet of 100 of Plate
          printed acknowledgment of receipt from  CANADA $1 PARLIAMENT:  148. Û 379/484, Duplicated accum of 10 diff  A126 with full TYPE D LATHEWORK at  CANADA WWI MILITARY LABELS:
          Dep. Postmaster Generals While, Coulter &  134. Û 159a, 159b, Choice pairs of the $1  5¢ commems in wholesale quantities. Has  bottom & having PYRAMID GUIDELINES at  171. Û Interesting coll of 10 diff large patriotic
          Griffin. Each in a diff paper colour & addr to  Parliament. One is imperf, the other imperf  sheets, multiples, Plate Blocks, etc. Also a  left. VF, NH, small sealed tear in lower mar-  labels from WWI. Depict various Canadian
          a diff address primarily in Ont. Also a few  vertically. Bright fresh colours, full balanced  file folder with some other items. F-VF, NH  gin, a few normal gum bends. Cat $6,380 .  military regiments, plus Col. Sam Hughes &
          flaws but most F............ Est 100.00+  margins, XF, NG. Cat $1,800 . Est 800.00+  ......................... Est 650.00+  ....................... Est 3,000.00+  KGV. F-VF. Scarce group...... Est 75.00+
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10