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226. Ú Two large stockbooks (cover separated 241. Ö Extensive range of USA covers, post-
on one) with an accum of used Canada from cards & Postal Stationery all selected for
19th Century up to about 1999. Has a tremen- MICHIGAN cancels over many years. Primar-
dous variety of commems; defins up to $1, $2, ily 1920’s-90’s but does have some older. Tre-
$5 & $8; Xmas; coils; etc. Useful light duplica- mendous variety of small towns to larger cities
tion. Also has a few mint. Clean lot, mainly statewide. A broad range of cancels & cancel
VG-VF (We estimate 2,000-3,000) ........ types, rates, frankings, corner cards, h/s’s,
.......................... Est 250.00+ official covers, etc. We noted 2 stampless
CANADA 6¢ MANITOBA: covers. Majority VG-VF (950) . . Est 325.00+
227. Ö 505, 505p, Specialized coll of Manitoba CANADA
6¢ cach FDC’s. Has singles, Plate Blocks & ANNUAL COLLECTIONS 1974-2016:
blank corner blocks most of which are signed 242. Û Incredible run of P.O. Annual Colls
by the stamp designer K.C. Lochhead. There from 1974-2016. Later years still in wrap-
were 100 sets assembled like this by K. pers. Also has Millennium set. VF, NH. Cat
Bileski (note accompanies) & handed out to $3,923 (44 diff sets) ........ Est 1,400.00
various dignitaries incl Queen Elizabeth, Pro-
vincial Premiers, USA President & Governors. CANADA IN ‘102’ CARDS:
VF (16 covers).............. Est 100.00+ 243. Ú Duplicated accum in ‘102’ cards. Wide
range of commems, defins, coils & BOB. Pri-
USA HAND DRAWN COVERS: marily used with a wide variety. The cards are
228. Ö Coll of 7 diff unaddr FDC’s from 1968- not in any order. Condition is mixed but much
98. Each with a hand drawn colour cachet. VG-VF with decent items to be found (100’s)
These were all done in small quantities incl .......................... Est 200.00+
one with only 11 made. VF ..... Est 75.00+
overprinted Officials. Fresh, F-VF, NH (most 291. Ú Part printed salary receipt for £1,000 (8.8 x 3.5 inches) from Quebec, dated 3 Nov 1797. Given by Robert Prescott covering his salary from 1
are VF). Cat $600+ .......... Est 250.00+ May to 31 Oct 1797 as Captain General & Governor in Chief of the Provinces of Upper & Lower Canada. Folded but in excellent condition. Prescott
had a distinguished Military Career serving in the Seven Years War, the French & Indian War, the American War of Independence, the expedition
MINT CANADA FACE $597: against Louisbourg in 1758, & other exploits. He was later Governor in Chief of theCanadas, New Brunswick & Nova Scotia. A GREAT
230. Û Binder full with a duplicated accum HISTORICAL ITEM. Ex Sam Nickle.............................................................................Est 500.00+
of Canadian mints from the 1960’s-90’s.
sheets. Strong in 30¢-45¢ values. VF, NH .. 258. Û Coll of various State Duck stamps from 272. Û Duplicated mint NH accum of 100’s diff 283. Ö Coll of 3 postcards & one cover related
......................... Face 597.00 1980’s-2000’s in ‘102’ cards, as acquired by a loose in a sleeve, from 1970’s-90’s. Has at- to 1909 Exposition. The postcards depict diff
collector some years ago. Has a nice variety tractive corners, plus defins in singles, blocks, pavilions at the Expo & the 1909 cover has
USA AND CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS: of States & issues mostly $3-$10 denomina- Plate Blocks, se-tenant multiples & souvenir special slogan postmark & nice coloured label
244. Ö Accum of cach FDC’s from about the tions. Also Federal RW47 Plate single & Can- sheets. VF, NH ............. Face 508.00 affixed. One postcard has Expo Station ma-
1960’s-80 era. Wide variety of issues with ada 1985 Duck single, VF, NH. Old Cat $550 CANADA 3 VOLUME DEALER’S STOCK: chine cancel (Cat $65). F-VF . . Est 100.00+
nice commems, plus defins. Lots of lovely (56 diff) ................... Est 200.00+
cachets. Also some Postal Stationery, 273. ÚÛ Three small black 3-Ring binders CANADA EXPO ‘70 SHEETS:
with a dealer’s stock of primarily used from
Inauguration Day covers & United Nations. USA OLD DOCUMENTS 1712-1810: 1870-1980’s in ‘102’ cards. Has a wide range 284. Û 508-11, 508p-11p, Cpl mint sheets of
F-VF (We estimate that there is between 259. Ú Old worn binder with 10 intriguing of commems, defins, higher values to $5, Expo ‘70 regular & tagged issues. VF, NH ..
900-1,100 covers here) ...... Est 250.00+ items. Incl 1712 folded OHMS m/s envelope .......................... Cat 382.00
Boston to Portsmouth; 1799 folded letter coils, BOB, plus some Newfoundland. Some
THREE VOLUME USA COLLECTION: from New Haven concerning business; 1793 better items. Useful light duplication. Condition
a bit mixed but much VG-VF & plenty of value
245. ÚÛ Three CWS “Sentinel” Albums with letter from New York to draw $1,500 from an
a primarily used coll from 1860 up to 1997 account; 1776 Continental Congress $3 cur- here if you look closely (100’s) . . Est 225.00+
(pages to 2000). Starts with some better rency note (worn); On Public Service folded UNITED STATES MIXTURE:
THE HOUSE THAT WAS BUILT IN A DAY: early used issues like 36B ($275), 72 1778 envelope from General E. Blaine in 274. Ú Bag with 1.75 pounds of loose unsorted
231. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de- ($625), 73 ($70), 115 ($225), 119 ($200), Wilmington; 1724 envelope Southampton mixture, primarily off paper. Ranges from
picting THE HOUSE THAT WAS BUILT IN various Bank Notes, Columbians to 15¢, Ma to Boston; 1788 Shipping ledger with about the 1960’s-90’s with a high percentage
A DAY, in Hamilton Ont 13 Aug, 1913. To Trans-Mississippis to 10¢, Pan Am set, payment (in British pounds) to Seamen; being large size commems (Many 1,000’s) .
celebrate the Hamilton Centennial Celebra- Louisiana Purchase set, Pilgrim set, Pan- 1785 part printed will; 1743 Contract to ad- .......................... Est 100.00+
tions of 1913, the city built a house in 24 Pacifics to 10¢, various Washington / Frank- vertise the Dublin Journal; etc. A fascinating BARTLETT LETTERHEAD
hours in Britannia Park. This was the first lins, then a variety of later commems & old-time lot that needs some researching. DEPICTING CANADA PROVINCE STAMPS:
time such a feat was attempted in Canada defins, some BOB incl used Ducks from Mixed condition ............ Est 500.00+ 275. Û Unused Arthur A. Bartlett watermarked
& required 100’s of local tradesmen on a 1934-72 ($1,199), & more. Will have good CANADA MINT NH OFFICIALS: letterhead from the early 1900’s. Depicts CANADA WWII MILITARY COVERS:
volunteer basis. The house was a tourist Cat value. Generally VG-VF (Many 100’s) . 260. Û O1-10, First Official set complete. VF, stamps in full colour from Nova Scotia, PEI 285. Ö Coll of 61 diff mainly stampless WWII
attraction & moved to Sanford Ave & later ....................... Est 1,250.00+ NH. Cat $540............... Est 250.00+ & Br. Columbia. VF. A nice collateral item!.. Military covers from Gr. Britain, most to
converted into a 4-unit apartment. VF. Very NEWFOUNDLAND POSTAL STATIONERY: ........................... Est 70.00+ Canada in sleeves, from 1940-3. Have a
unusual postcard ............ Est 65.00+ CANADA CAPEX ‘78 SOUVENIR SHEETS: 261. Ö P6 (4), P15 (10), P16 (7), Wholesale
246. Ö 756a, Wholesale lot of 100 Capex ‘78 wide range of FPO cancels, unit h/s’s, etc.
CANADA $1 CHATEAU SET MINT NH: souvenir sheets neatly tied on cach FDC’s. VF lot of unused QV-KGV Postal Stationery A few censored; a few with Salvation Army,
232. Û 241-5, Also 241a, Cpl well centered set ......................... Face 169.00 cards. VF (21 items) .......... Cat 255.00 YMCA, etc. corner cards. VG-VF. Priced to
up to $1 Chateau. Fresh, VF, NH. Cat $331 CANADA AVIATION FDC’s CANADA TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER: sell at $483................ Est 200.00+
.......................... Est 135.00+ AUTOGRAPHED BY ROBERT BRADFORD: 262. Ö Stampless #10 cover neatly written up CANADA ARTIST SIGNED COVERS:
CANADA MINT SHEETS FACE $198: 247. Ö 903-6, Aviation Issues tied by Ottawa on an exhibition page carried aboard Allan 286. Ö 903-6, Specialized coll of 18 Aircraft
233. Û 496/1808, Coll of 25 diff commems in 24 Nov 1981 special cancels on Private Line ship “The Belgian” from Sherbrooke, FDC’s from Ottawa 24 Nov, 1981 all with pri-
mint sheets, panes & souvenir sheets, from McKee Aviation Trophy cach FDC’s. Also has CE to Liverpool. Has “CANADIAN PKT/2 June vate cachets. All are diff as to issue & frank-
1969-99. Nice range of topics & themes. VF, some #873-6 issues also tied. All diff in some 1866" split-ring cancel & huge bold 1Sh6d m/s ing. Each cover is signed by famous aviation
NH....................... Face 198.00 way as to franking & issue. Each signed by rate. F, corner flt. Attractive.... Est 100.00+ artist ROBERT BRADFORD whose paintings
famous aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD
MINT CANADA ACCUMULATION: were used on the stamps. VF (18) ........
234. Û Mint accum in 2 books primarily 1960’s- whose paintings were used in the design of .......................... Est 135.00+
90’s. Has 8-page stockbook (16 sides) with these stamps. VF (19)........ Est 175.00+ CANADA 17¢ O’CANADA FACE $272:
singles, blocks, Plate Blocks, commems, AIR CANADA 287. SSÛ 857-8, Wholesale lot of 100 panes of
defins, etc. The second book has Plate Blocks 50TH ANNIVERSARY COVERS 1986: 16 of the O’CANADA CENTENARY issue. Still
from 1960’s-70 era. Incl matched sets of Plate 248. Ö 1078, 1092, Cpl souvenir coll of 50 diff in sealed P.O. Packs. VF, NH. . Face 272.00
Blocks of 50¢ Suzor Cote, 25¢ Expo, 15¢ Ar- covers marking Air Canada’s 50th Anniver- CANADA 1935 SILVER JUBILEE SETS:
mistice, 25¢ Birds, 10¢ & 15¢ United Nations, sary. The set has postmarks from 50 diff stops 288. Ú 211-16, Used wholesale lot of 200 sets,
etc. Also a few used. F-VF (100’s) ........ across Canada en route to Expo ‘86 in Van- F-VF. Cat $2,760............ Est 325.00+
.......................... Est 175.00+ couver BC. VF............... Est 50.00+
235. Û 1682a/2002b, Coll of 6 diff cpl mint 249. Ú 152-7, 161, Used wholesale lot of 100 CANADA CHRISTMAS CENTRE BLOCKS:
commem sheets. Has a variety of topicals each of KGV Scroll issues from 4¢-20¢ plus 263. Ö 522i, 522pi, 525i, 525pi, Scarce cpl CANADA QV-KE COLLECTION:
incl flags, fauna, space & birds. VF, NH .... 2¢ Coil. Mostly F-VF. Cat $4,500 Est 450.00+ set of 1970 Christmas CENTRE BLOCKS 276. ÚÛ 15/102, Interesting coll neatly ar-
.................... 2024 Scott 113.00 regular & tagged, tied on 4 separate cach ranged on pages, from 1859-1908. Has
FDC’s. VF, neatly cancelled. Cat $500 (4) . some extra shades & cancels. Some high-
CANADA 17¢ FLAG SHEETS, FACE $1,020: ......................... Est 175.00+
236. SSÛ 832a, Wholesale lot of 500 mint lights are used 14 (3 shades-$120), 17a (3
NH 17¢ Flag sheets. Most still in unopened NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION: shades-$300), 23 ($200), 46-7 ($115), plus
P.O. Packs. Fresh, VF, NH. Cat $2,750 .... 264. ÚÛ 27/270, BOB, Attractive coll neatly mint 80 ($200), etc. Majority VG-VF, a few
........................ Face 1,020.00 arranged on stockcards, from 1865 up to NH. Cat $3,676 (98)......... Est 900.00+
1947. Some collected both as mint & used. TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER 1833:
We noted used 28-9 ($60), 33 ($125). Also 277. Ö Stampless cover neatly written up on UNITED STATES
mint 35-6 ($62), 55 ($65), 84-5 ($120), 124- an Exhibition page carried aboard Red Swal- AIRMAIL FIRST DAY COVERS:
5 ($102), 217-20 ($63), etc. Plus a few mint lowtail Line ship “The Ontario” from Boston to 289. Ö C4-6, Cpl set on separate FDC’s from
blocks. Majority VG-VF, some NH. Cat Scheidam, Netherlands via New York, London Washington DC 15-21 Aug 1923. Addr to
USA $2.60 ZEPPELIN COVER: $2,525 (304)............... Est 650.00+ & Rotterdam. Has Baring Brothers, London Edward Worden in New Jersey. The C6
250. Ö C15, $2.60 Zeppelin neatly tied by forwarding agents & red “England / over has a 1973 Philatelic Foundation Certificate.
Varick St Sta New York 28 Ap, 1930 cancel CANADA TAGGED WILDINGS IN SHEETS: Rotterdam” receiver b/s’s. F-VF. Ex Pullin .. VERY SCARCE SET. 2025 Scott $1,750.
on dual cach FIRST EUROPE TO PAN- 265. Û 337p, 339p (Plate 2), 340p, Three .......................... Est 150.00+ VF ..................... Est 1,000.00+
AMERICA ROUND FLIGHT cover. Has different Winnipeg Tagged Wilding issues CANADA
green Lakehurst NJ illustrated b/s. F-VF... in complete sheets of 100. F-VF, NH (300 MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $407:
......................... Est 800.00+ stamps) .................... Cat 845.00 290. Û Duplicated mint accum of 100’s of
CALGARY STAMPEDE COVERS: NEWFOUNDLAND 1897 diff stamps loose in a sleeve primarily 1970’s-
237. Ö Interesting accum of covers / cards MINT CANADA FACE $605: COMPLETE SHEET: 80’s. Has plate blocks, se-tenant multiples,
from 1939-79. Has various cachets, post- 251. Û Accum of mint sheets plus souvenir / 266. Û 81, Cpl folded sheet of 100 of the panes, etc; mainly commems. VF, NH .....
mark dates, stamp frankings, etc. Incl a miniature sheets. Has commems & defins KE 2¢ Orange. Rich colour, nice centering, ......................... Face 407.00
from 1980’s-2000’s. VF, NH . . . Face 605.00
beautiful 1960 cover with “all over” cachet F-VF, NH, a few separated margin perfs,
depicting a Chuckwagon Race. F-VF (34 USA MINT COMMEMORATIVES a few light bends / creases. VERY FEW CANADA PACKETS OF 100 DIFF:
covers / cards) ............. Est 100.00+ COLLECTION 1986-92: SHEETS EXIST, Cat $1,300 . . Est 600.00+ 292. Ú Box with a wholesale lot of 80 made up
252. Û 2167/2720, C117/C131, Immaculate packets containing 100 diff stamps in each.
CANADA USED STOCK 1897-1975: mint commem coll neatly arranged on White All in window display envelopes. F-VF. Retail
238. Ú Used dealer’s stock in 16-page Ace pages, from 1986-92. Some issues col- UNITED STATES GOLD STAMP REPLICAS: $320....................... Est 65.00+
stockbook with a wide range of commems lected as singles & se-tenant multiples. Ap- 278. Û Coll of 15 diff stamp replicas of fa- CARTON FULL OF UNITED STATES
& defins with useful duplication. Most VG-VF pears COMPLETE for period incl Souvenir & mous USA stamps made from Sterling Sil- WITH MANY 1,000’s:
(100’s) ..................... Est 75.00+ Mini sheets. Incl premium items like Columbus ver with 24kt gold electroplate finish. Incl 293. Ú Carton full with a mass of loose
CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $688: souvenir sheets plus singles to $5, Ameripex Postmaster Provisionals of the 5¢ Millbury & unsorted used stamps primarily off paper,
239. Û Coll / accum of over 140 Booklets from ‘86 sheets, etc. VF, NH. Face value alone is 20¢ St. Louis Bears. VF. High metallic value plus more on stockcards & some in ‘102’
the 1990’s-2000’s. Terrific variety of types with $226 US or $305 Cdn ........ Est 350.00+ ......................... Est 200.00+ cards, wholesale, etc. Strength in 1940’s-90’s.
majority being commems. Lots of attractive CANADA POSTAGE DUE SHEET: CANADA BOOKLETS An enormous quantity of stamps here with
issues. VF, NH ............. Face 688.00 253. Û J36a, Full Plate Imprint sheet of 100, WITH PRIVATE OVERPRINTS: commems, defins, coils & BOB. Mostly
perf 12.5 x 12. VF, NH......... Cat 228.00 279. Û BK88, BK92, Interesting specialty group VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)........ Est 225.00+
NEWFOUNDLAND STOCK 1865-1947: of defin Booklets, all with private stamp club / LARGE CARTON FULL
254. ÚÛ 27/270, Duplicated stock of primarily show overprints from 1985-7. Incl Collingwood OF USA & UNITED NATIONS:
used on stockcards. Has about 140 diff, from USA MINT COMMEMORATIVES 1893-1935 Stamp Club, Oakpex & Stoney Creek. Incl 294. ÚÛ Extensive & diverse range of material
1 to 25+ of each. Great source for varieties, INCLUDING WHITE PLAINS SHEET: several cpl sets of Booklets with diff cover early to modern. Contains stamps in glass-
shades & cancels. Most VG-VF (100’s) .... 267. Û 230/765, Attractive mint coll of designs. Good lot for the specialist. VF, NH ines, ‘102’ cards & envelopes; broad range of
.......................... Est 100.00+ commems on White Ace pages, from 1893 (60 Booklets) ............... Est 200.00+ covers, FDC’s, postcards & postal stationery;
CANADA WWII PATRIOTIC COVERS: Columbians up to 1935 Parks issues. We stamps on pages & stockcards, loose on & off
255. Ö 249, 254, Interesting lot of 5 diff cach noted 230-7 ($371); 285-7 & 289-90 ($442); paper; balances; etc. Thousands of beautiful
WWII covers from 1944-5. Incl 3 diff Victory 630 ($275); 730-1, 735, 750-1 ($85), F-VF, used commems here. VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)
Loan campaign covers (one really nice cover some NH. 2025 Scott $1,600 (133 stamps, .......................... Est 275.00+
with illustration); & 2 diff covers for CWAC 5 SS’s) ................... Est 700.00+ CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVER
(Canadian Women’s Army Corps) each de- COLLECTION 1928-1974:
picting a woman in uniform. F . . . Est 75.00+ CANADA SCROLL SET MINT NH: 295. Ö Attractive coll of 161 diff cach FFC’s.
268. Û 149-59, Fresh set. F-VF, NH. Cat
WESTERN CANADA AIRWAYS COVERS: Incl 23 with NWT cancels. Also has a few
256. Ö CL40, A pair of Western Canada Air- $1,541 ................... Est 500.00+ modern flight anniversary covers. Many attrac-
ways cach FFC’s. Prince Albert to Lac La CANADA 1899 CABLEGRAM: tive cachets & frankings. F-VF . Est 350.00+
Ronge, 21 June 1929 & return. F-VF (2).... 269. Ö The Commercial Cable Co. / MacKay- CANADA FDC’s 1949-2010:
........................... Est 80.00+ Bennett System TRANS-ATLANTIC 296. Ö 276/2387d, Attractive coll of all diff
CABLEGRAM from Montreal to Bristol 25 May cach FDC’s. Has 28 private cach FDC’s; &
1899. Has blue illustrated heading depicting USA JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION 1907: official cach FDC’s with special cancels. Some
globe & routes. F, some edge wear. Scarce 280. Ö Fascinating coll of covers & postcards franked by Plate Blocks, se-tenant multiples
early Trans-Atlantic Telegram . . . Est 90.00+ relating to the 1907 Jamestown Exposition. or souvenir sheets. Some better values like
Has 15 diff colour illustrated / photo post-
NOVA SCOTIA PLATE PROOF SHEET: cards depicting Venues & historic events #2340, etc. Variety of topics incl Hockey,
270. Û 9TCiii, Rare cpl Plate Proof sheet of Lunar New Year, Flora & Fauna, etc. Most
100 in dark slate violet on card. Has 10 ABNC & individuals, plus other covers & cards from 1990’s-2000’s. VF, most unaddr (160) .
Plate Imprints & diagonal “SPECIMEN” Type franked by Expo commems. We noted 2 il- .......................... Est 175.00+
A overprints in red. VF. A RARELY SEEN lustrated Hotel advertising covers & leather CARTON FULL
postcard & 2 covers franked by #330 to
UNITED STATES C3 COVER 1918: FULL SHEET ............. Cat 5,000.00+ Paris, France ($160). All neatly arranged in WITH USED CANADA IN GLASSINES:
257. Ö C3, Tied by special New York Air CANADA PLATE BLOCKS FACE $308: an album. Majority F-VF (26). . Est 350.00+ 297. Ú Carton full with a huge wholesale used
Mail Service First Trip 3 June, 1918 duplex 271. ÕÛ Two binders with a coll / accum of duplicated accum from the 1960’s-80’s. All
CANADA KGV SCROLL SET cancel on FFC from New York to Boston Canada Plate Blocks from 1949-84. Has a USA DESIGNER SIGNED SHEET: are sorted by kind into glassines. Primarily
IN IMPERFORATE BLOCKS: (AAMC #104c). Has Aero Club of America wide range of commems, defins, Xmas plus a 281. Û 2002b, Cpl State Birds & Flowers sheet commems but also has defins up to $1 & $2,
240. ÕÛ 149b-159a, Cpl set of 11 diff imper- corner card & matching original letterhead few Booklets, etc. Incl some premium items SIGNED by Stamp Designer ALAN SINGER. Xmas, etc. Quantities of each issue vary. A
forate blocks from 1¢-$1. Most are with inside dated 3 June, 1918 touting a possible like $1 Totem, 15¢ UPU, 15¢ Geese, Centen- VF, NH..................... Est 75.00+ great lot for the dealer, accumulator, variety
sheet margins (the 20¢ with a portion of the future value increase in this cover. Addr to nials to 25¢, Expo 25¢, 15¢ Earth Sciences, CANADA KGVI OHMS MINTS: hunter or packet marker. Enormous amount
Plate 2 Imprint). Fresh colours, VF, dis- Gloucester Mass with rec b/s. VF, bit of etc. F-VF, appears NH (Approx 370) ...... 282. Û O15A, Wholesale lot of 100 mints. of Cat value here! Clean lot, mainly F-VF
turbed OG. Cat $6,950 ..... Est 3,000.00+ back flap missing ........... Est 375.00+ ......................... Face 308.00 Fresh, VF, NH. Cat $375....... Est 80.00+ (10,000’s).................. Est 450.00+