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298. Ö Box with an unsorted accum of over 310. Ú The Liverpool & London & Globe Insur- F-VF, NH, minor bend ......... Cat 330.00 342. Ú Stack of over 80 manila 3-Ring
1,400 postcards, primarily chromes from the ance Co. CANADA BRANCH, Montreal Policy OLDER CANADA COLLECTION stockcards with a duplicated accum / stock
1950’s-90’s. Strong in USA but lots of other (11 x 18 inches) for buildings in Brampton, 1859-1908 CAT $4,500: of sorted Canadian defins, from 1950’s-
countries as well. Tremendous range of CW. Has beautiful engraved illustration depict- 327. ÚÛ 14/102, Coll of older Canada on 2000’s. Has a wide array of issues from many
scenes, views, buildings, tourist areas, histori- ing Dragons, Neptune, Globe, etc. Six smaller pages of mostly used with some extras & series with varying duplication. Has values
cal types, street views, architecture, cultural, related documents affixed. F, some edge shades. Incl 1859’s (7); Lg Queens (11); up to $1, $2 & $5. Most F-VF (1000’s) .....
etc. Used & unused, F-VF..... Est 200.00+ wear. Frameable ............. Est 70.00+ various Sm Queens to 10¢; Widow Weeds; ........................... Est 90.00+
343. Û CL3/CL51, Coll of 6 diff mint Semi-
WHOLESALE WITH 10,000’s: als; KE to 50¢; Quebec to 15¢. A few minor Official Airmails. F-VF, some NH, all with
299. Ú Large carton with 24 pounds of flaws but mostly VG-VF. Cat approx $4,500
stamps containing an enormous used (150)..................... Est 850.00+ small flts. We noted CL3 ($150), CL7 ($120), BR. COMMONWEALTH
etc. Cat $478................ Est 75.00+
wholesale accum of USA stamps. All semi- COMPLETE 1935 SILVER JUBILEE SET:
sorted by kind into glassines but not in any CANADA 356. Û Specialty springback album with a
particular order. Has a tremendous range MINT SPECIALTY COLLECTION: COMPLETE KGV 1935 SILVER JUBILEE
of commems, pictorials, Xmas, defins, coils, 344. Û 295/439, Attractive mint specialty coll omnibus set. A few stamps have minor vari-
etc. Primarily 1950’s - 2000’s era. An abso- neatly arranged on pages, from 1949-65. Has eties. F-VF, stamps are hinged to the pages
lutely huge quantity of stamps here! Mostly Coil Pairs, Blocks, Plate Blocks, & Miniature (245 diff) ........... 2025 Scott 1,417.00
VG-VF (10,000’s) ......... Est 1,000.00+ Panes (2 of each in many cases). Incl early
USA PAN AM TEST FLIGHT COVERS: Tagged issues. We noted 300 (2 pairs) - HONG KONG
311. Ö C27, C32, Coll of 7 diff 1946 Pan Am $100) 406-9 (2 pairs - $96), 457b (2 - $65), QE CONTRACT NOTE REVENUES:
Airways Test Flight Covers, to diff Carribean 458b (2 -$80), 513p - 4p (M/S corner blocks - 357. Ú Attractive coll of 16 diff QE Contract
& Latin American countries. All with dual $100), etc. VF. Cat $1,100 (565 stamps, Note Revenues from 1972. VF. Barefoot Cat
frankings from USA & destination country 9 SS’s).................... Est 275.00+ £219...................... Est 130.00+
with rec cancels on reverse. F. Est 100.00+ PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1952-1979:
CANADA WWII 358. Û 122/607, etc, Nice mint NH coll neatly
312. Ö Cover with 2 diff imperforate Rocket lo- 328. Ö Interesting lot of 22 Military Cigarette pages. Lots of attractive sets & fairly cpl for
cals from May 1936 tied by FIRST CANADIAN Reply Cards, most addr to breweries this period. Incl better like 1952 set to £1
ROCKET START h/s’s. Addr to New York. VF in Montreal, from 1941-3. All are diff as to ($160), J1-5, J7-14 ($85), etc. F-VF, NH
........................... Est 70.00+
illustration, unit & FPO cancel. F-VF. Priced (Several 100)............... Est 275.00+
CANADA MINT OFFICIAL PLATE BLOCK: to sell at $297.............. Est 150.00+
313. ÕÛ O13/O45, Attractive mint Official
Plate Block coll. All diff as to issue, plate num- CANADA KGVI USED WHOLESALE:
ber & plate position. We noted O38 Pl’s1&2 329. Ú 234-45, Used wholesale lot of 100 of
($97), O49 Pl 1 M/S NH ($80), etc. Most VF, each with values up to $1 Chateau. F-VF.
a few NH. Cat $665 (54 blocks) Est 160.00+ Cat $2,600................. Est 300.00+
CANADA CANADA KGVI MINT NH: 345. Ú 62, Two Dollar Jubilee, nicely cen-
MINT ACCUMULATION FACE $392: 330. Û 234 (45), 235 (25), 241a (20), Nice tered, rich colour, neat roller cancel. VF.
314. Û Mint duplicated accum of many diff fresh wholesale lot of KGVI mints. F-VF, NH Cat $600 ................. Est 225.00+
mainly from 1980’s-90’s. Has singles, sets, .......................... Cat 592.00
souvenir sheets, panes, Booklets & Booklet NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA OFFICIALS ACCUMULATION:
panes & Plate Blocks. VF, NH . Face 392.00 COLLECTION 1865-1947: 346. ÚÛ O8/EO2, Interesting coll / accum on
CANADA PRAIRIE PROVINCES 331. ÚÛ 24/270, BOB, Attractive coll neatly a stockcard, from 1949-53. We noted mint
CONSERVATION STAMPS: arranged on pages. Some highlights are O9 NH ($200), O10 ($120), O11 NH ($60), COOK ISLANDS COLLECTION 1892-1979:
CANADA COMPLETE KGV SCROLL SET 315. Û PC1-5, Cpl set with PC4 having Thick used 26 ($200), 29 ($75), 34 ($50), 38 O32 NH LL Plate #1 ($100); plus used O9 359. Û Attractive mint coll neatly displayed in
IN IMPERFORATE PAIRS: Frame at Right variety. VF, NH . Cat 110.00 ($50), 59 ($60); plus mint 31 ($70), 57 ($90), ($160), etc. F-VF, much NH. Cat $797 (35) . black mounts on printed pages. Has a wide
300. Û 149b-59a, Cpl set of 11 diff imperf 123-4 ($65), 198 ($50), J1-6 ($70), etc. Ma- .......................... Est 200.00+ array of sets, singles, souvenir sheets,
pairs from 1¢-$1 with almost all having a jority VG-VF. Cat $2,486 (193) Est 600.00+ CANADA 7¢ ST. LAURENT se-tenants, officials, etc. Better items to be
sheet margin. Fresh colours, VF, DG. Cat VARIETY SHEET: found incl Higher Values & lots of nice sou-
$3,475.................. Est 1,500.00+ venir sheets. F-VF, much NH (490 stamps,
347. Û 592, Cpl mint 7¢ St. Laurent field
CANADA PLATE BLOCK COLLECTION: sheet of 100 with SINGLE BAR TAGGING. 74 SS’s) .................. Est 350.00+
301. ÕÛ 399/542, Beautiful coll of Plate VF, NH (Del Peters G2a R, Cat $5,000). LESOTHO COLLECTION OF IMPERFS:
Blocks in matched sets, neatly written up Nice showpiece for the specialist ........ 360. Û 350, 363-4, 394-7 (sheets of 16), 437,
on pages from 1962-71. We noted better like ......................... Est 600.00+ 480, 525A, Attractive coll of Scott unlisted im-
486 ($55), 494 ($50), 498 ($50), 511a ($60), perforate issues, from 1981-6. Great topicals
541 ($50) etc. VF. Cat $1,476 (144 M/S’s) .. here. VF, NH ............... Est 200.00+
.......................... Est 450.00+
316. Ú 30c, Scarce Thick Soft Paper, per- 332. Ö Interesting coll of 25 from 1969-86
fectly centered, VF, hinge thin. Cat $2,000 signed by MLB players. Most seem to be
......................... Est 325.00+
related to the Detroit Tigers & all signatures
USA ACCUMULATION: are identified. Some are signed on Baseball
317. ÚÛ Duplicated accum on a stack of stock- Cards & mounted as part of the design of
cards & in 2 stockbooks. Primarily 1950’s- the cover while many others have Baseball CANADA 10 PENCE IMPERFORATE:
2000’s & mainly used. Has commems, defins, related cancels/cachets, etc. Incl Alan Tram- 348. Ú 7, Attractive example with rich colour
Transportation coils, etc. Mostly VG-VF (Few mel, Larry Pashnick, Darrell Evans, Mike
1,000)..................... Est 150.00+ Laga, Darnell Coles, etc. F-VF. Est 250.00+ & light cancel. Shows a portion of the ad- FALKLAND ISLANDS MINTS 1937-1953:
joining stamp at left. F, faint corner crease.
NEW BRUNSWICK COVERS: CANADA 10¢ CENTENNIAL SHEET: CANADA PROVINCES ACCUMULATION: Cat $1,200 ................ Est 600.00+ 361. Û 81/121, Nice coll of mints incl 1938-46
302. Ö 8, 8b, 9, Exhibition coll of 7 covers 318. Û 462Piv, Cpl mint sheet of 50 of the 333. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of primarily mint set to £1. F-VF, many NH (29 diff)........
.................... 2024 Scott 426.00
from 1862-68, written up on pages. Has 10¢ Centennial Winnipeg tagged, PVA gum. on 2 stockcards. Has various New Brunswick, CANADA FFC’S SIGNED BY WOP MAY:
2 inter-provincial covers, 2 to USA, Way Also single, block & m/s corner blocks. VF, Nova Scotia & PEI, from 1 to 16 of each. 349. Ö C1, Cach Fort McMurray to Fort VANUATU MINT NH COLLECTION:
Office, numeral “1" grid, shades, etc. This NH. Useful lot for the Centennial specialist.. G-VF, some NH. Cat $805 (71). Est 180.00+ Simpson & return FFC’s 10-9 Dec 1929. 362. Û 280/975, Attractive all diff coll of sets
exhibit won an award at a club show. Mostly .......................... Cat 554.00 CANADA MINT BACK OF BOOK: Each is SIGNED by famous Canadian pilot from 1980-2009, identified in ‘102’ cards.
VG-VF ................... Est 500.00+ WOP MAY. F-VF............ Est 125.00+ Lots of beautiful commem sets. VF, NH (242
334. Û C2/O49, Attractive mint BOB coll neatly
CANADA arranged on 2 stockcards. We noted C2-4 stamps) .............. 2024 Scott 299.00
303. Ö Interesting coll of 22 diff Military related $416 (42) .................. Est 100.00+ POSTAL STATIONERY:
covers, from 1977-2005. Majority are cach CANADA FLYING “G” OFFICIALS: 363. Ö Interesting coll of mainly unused Postal
special event or military anniversary covers. 335. ÕÛ O38a/O45a, Specialty coll of Flying Stationery items. Has envelopes, cards, reply
Incl cover from “Operation Athend” Afghani- “G” Official Blocks & Plate Blocks. Some high- cards Reg’d envelopes & wrappers. We noted
stan 2003, etc. VF ............ Est 65.00+ lights are O38a M/S Plate Blocks #1 ($210), KGV 1/2d & 1d cards, each with “SPECIMEN”
overprints. F (22 items) ....... Est 120.00+
CANADA O39a M/S’s Plate Blocks #’s 3-4 ($180), O45a
1936 PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE: M/S blank blocks ($270), etc. VF, NH. Cat
304. Ö Interesting coll of 15 cach Pilgrimage to $754 (19 Blocks / Plate Blocks). Est 175.00+
Cdn WWII Monument at Vimy Ridge, France.
All are diff as to British, Belgian & Cdn frank- MUSKOKA ONTARIO POSTCARDS:
ing, cancel & envelope colour. Each Cdn 319. Ö Interesting coll of 35 diff postcards CANADA PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS:
cover has “S.S. Montrose” oval ship cancel; 2 mostly 1906-20’s but some later. Has a 350. Ö Very attractive coll of 18 diff Patriotic
of these are Reg’d. Three British covers have variety of scenes incl boating, lake/shoreline postcards mainly 1905-12 with colourful
“Aurania” ship cancel. Addr to Toronto. F-VF scenes, resorts, steamship, camping, flags, maple leafs, crests, etc. Many nice
.......................... Est 150.00+ Belmont House on Lake Joseph, Huntsville multi-coloured types with central scenes
Street scene circa 1908, interior view of from across Canada. Lots of better items.
Huntsville Jewellry & Souvenir Shop, Also 2 diff patriotic greeting cards circa
Bracebridge Falls & Bridge, Severn Falls WWI. F-VF (20) ............ Est 250.00+
Store & P.O., Port Cockburn, folder with
fold-out cards for Huntsville & Muskoka
Lakes, etc. Many $6-$15 retail items. ..... 2. BRITISH
......................... Est 175.00+ USA SAN FRANCISCO 1906 EARTHQUAKE:
336. Ö Coll of 21 diff postcards depicting
CANADA FFC SIGNED BY WOP MAY 1929: the devastation caused by the 1906 San COMMONWEALTH:
320. Ö C1, Cach FFC signed by the famous Francisco Earthquake. Has both b/w & col- SHIP TOPICAL COLLECTION:
Canadian Pilot WOP MAY. F-VF. Est 65.00+ oured postcards showing ruined buildings, 351. ÚÛ Br. Commonwealth SHIP topical coll
CANADA PROVINCES COLLECTION: street scenes, refugees, tent city, street car of primarily mint, written up in detail on pages.
CANADIAN AVIATION FDC’s 321. ÚÛ Attractive coll of New Brunswick, tracks torn & twisted by the quake, martial Incl Tall Ships, Naval Ships, Transports, etc.
SIGNED BY ROBERT BRADFORD: Nova Scotia & PEI on pages. VG-VF. Cat law, etc. Most F ............ Est 300.00+ Many have b/w photo & schematic layout of
305. Ö 843-6, 873-6, 903-6, Attractive coll $726 (26) .................. Est 200.00+ CANADA MINT SEMI-OFFICIAL AIRMAILS: the ship shown on related stamp. Incl mint
of 33 Aviation FDC’s with Ottawa 1979-81 OLDER CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND: 337. Û CL12/CL52, Coll of 13 diff Semi-Official Canada $1 Destroyer. Many have something FALKLAND ISLANDS COLLECTION:
special cancels & McKee Aviation Trophy 322. ÚÛ Coll of older Canada & Newf’d Airmails. We noted CL12 ($50), CL43 NH to do with Antarctic & Falkland Is. F-VF (92 364. ÚÛ 9/378a, BOB, Attractive coll neatly
Private cachets. All are diff in some way as mounted on pages. Has stamps from 19th ($60), & 4 diff Yukon Airways reprints. F-VF, stamps, 6 covers) ............ Est 75.00+ arranged on stockcards, from 1891 up to
to issue & franking. All signed by the famous Century up to 1939, primarily used. Incl Can- some NH. Cat $278.......... Est 125.00+ FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES: 1983. Some highlights are mint 15 & 15a
aviation artist ROBERT BRADFORD whose ada used 5¢ & 15¢ Jubilees; 50¢ Bluenose; 352. Û 1L1/1L37, 2L1-5L8, Attractive mint ($120), 43-5 & 47 ($80), 58-60 ($79), 77-80
paintings were used in the design of these $1 Parliament; also 4 Newf’d covers, etc. UNITED STATES SHEET coll neatly arranged on pages, from 1944-56. ($55), 90-3 ($87); 114-20 ($163), etc. F-VF.
stamps. Also incl a P.O. New Issue brochure Mostly VG-VF (Over 200) ..... Est 200.00+ WITH A SPECTACULAR MISPRINT: We noted 1L19-33 ($238), etc. F-VF (71)... 2025 Scott $1,095 (163 stamps, 3 SS’s)...
also signed by him. VF (33 FDC’s, 1 bro- 338. Û 1727, Cpl sheet of 50 of the 13¢ .................... 2024 Scott 461.00 ......................... Est 375.00+
chure).................... Est 250.00+ Talking Pictures Anniversary with a MAJOR BRITISH MILITARY UNIFORMS:
CANADA MINT PLATE BLOCKS: central vignette. VF, NH. Ex Langs. A 365. Ö Album with an interesting coll of Gr.
306. ÕÛ Two albums with an attractive SPECTACULAR MISPRINT. Est 1,250.00+ Britain commem covers 1971-5. All with col-
oured cachets depicting BRITISH MILITARY
coll of mint Plate Blocks from the 1970’s. UNIFORMS through history plus special post-
Has commems & Xmas with most being in
matched sets. Some duplication but a wide marks for various Regiments. VF (60 diff cov-
variety. Also some Tagged. F-VF, NH. We ers, plus a few additional items) . Est 90.00+
estimate Cat $800 - $1,000. (Several 100’s) PAPUA & NEW GUINEA SHEETS:
.......................... Est 250.00+ 366. Û 465-77, Three diff cpl topical sets in
mint sheets of 50. Incl Girl Guides, Birds &
CANADA 1935 MINT MULTIPLE: Native Legends. VF, NH . 2024 Scott 415.00
307. ÕÛ 211, Large multiple of 90 stamps with GR. BRITAIN TRAIN LOCALS:
full Plate #1 imprint at LL. Fresh, F-VF, NH . USA COLUMBIAN EXPO POSTAL CARDS: 353. ÚÛ Interesting coll written up on pages
........................... Est 85.00+ 323. Ö UX10, Lot of 10 diff colour illustrated
unused 1893 Columbian Exposition official of British Train locals from the 1970’s-90’s.
CANADA MINTS FACE $906: souvenir Postal Stationery cards. Depicts Most of the lot is comprised of beautiful
308. Û Stockpages with a duplicated accum cach covers with various locals & appropri-
of Plate Blocks, & some Booklets mostly various buildings, venues, etc at the Exposi- CANADA KGV ADMIRAL SET NH: ate postmarks. Also has 3 miniature sheets.
from the 1990’s - 2000’s. Has a variety of tion. Most F-VF ............ Est 300.00+ 339. Û 104-22, Also 112a, Cpl set to $1. Incl Nene Valley Railroad, Kent & East
Fresh, F-VF, NH. Cat $3,619. . Est 900.00+
commems, some defins, etc. Generally VF, CANADA ANIMAL DEFINITIVE PL BLOCKS: Sussex Railway & others. Several covers
NH....................... Face 885.00 324. ÕÛ 1170-5, 1177-8, 1172A, Coll of 9 diff CANADA BACK OF BOOK COLLECTION: are signed. VF (45 covers, 3 panes) ......
M/S’s Plate Blocks, most in original sealed 340. Û C1/EO2, Attractive coll of Airmails & ......................... Est 350.00+
packs. VF, NH ............... Cat 310.00 Special Deliveries neatly arranged on pages,
form 1898 up to 1950. Primarily mint incl C1-9 NIGERIA COLLECTION 1914-1959:
NH ($232), E4 ($60), E8 ($50), CO1-2 & EO1- 354. ÚÛ 1/96, KGV-QE coll of all diff singles
2 NH ($105), etc. F-VF, much NH. Cat $670 & sets in mounts on pages. Incl mint 59 ($32), FALKLAND ISLANDS WAR COLLECTION:
91 ($32), etc. Also some No. Nigeria ($87) &
(32) ...................... Est 200.00+
So. Nigeria ($58). VG-VF. 2024 Scott $364 367. Ö Fascinating specialty coll of 53 diff
(106) ..................... Est 135.00+ b/w photo postcards depicting Royal Navy
FALKLAND IS SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC: warships & support ships that took part in
355. Û Nice asst of souvenir sheets from the 1982 Falkland Islands War. Also incl a
1970’s-2000. Good variety of issues. Also few related stamps & covers; literature &
QUEBEC WILDLIFE FIRST DAY COVERS: some Booklets, mint blocks & a couple newspaper clippings. All neatly written up
309. Ö Van Dam #’s QW2c-13Ac; plus South Georgia items. VF, NH (27 items).... on pages. F-VF ............ Est 150.00+
QW5a, QW9u-10u, QW11Ac-3Ac, Gor- .................... 2025 Scott 254.00 BRITISH BATTLE CRUISERS
geous coll of 18 diff Quebec Wildlife Habitat ON POSTCARDS 1902-16:
Conservation stamps tied along with con- CANADA QV UPU POSTAL CARDS There is never a 368. Ö Attractive coll of 11 diff used / unused
temporary commems on lovely Darnell cach TO FOREIGN DESTINATIONS: b/w & colour photo postcards depicting Royal
FDC’s, from 1989-2000. The 1989-92 cov- 325. Ö P4, Coll of 3 green QV 2¢ UPU postal Buyer's Fee at Navy Battle Cruisers. All neatly written up in
ers are ARTIST SIGNED. Also 6 are “WWF” cards used from Canada to Foreign destina- USA $1 COLUMBIAN MINT: detail on exhibition pages. Incl HMS’s Indomi-
surcharged issues. Beautiful topicals. VF, tions 1884-93. Incl Brazil, Italy & Holland. 341.Û 241, Attractive mint example. Excellent Vance Auctions! table, Indefatigable, Renown, Princes Royal,
unaddr. Cat $1,890 (18 diff). . . Est 400.00+ Most F ................... Est 125.00+ colour, F-VF, OG, small thins. . Est 350.00+ Queen Mary & Sutlez. F-VF . . . Est 150.00+