Page 6 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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CANADA 52¢ WITH MISSING GOLD: 183. Û 519-28, 519p-28p, 522i, 522pi, 525i,
172. Û 2201a, The 52¢ Lunar New Year 525pi, Cpl regular & tagged mint sheets of
MISSING GOLD & RAINBOW FOIL the 1970 Christmas issue with intact centre
STAMPINGS. Normal stamp accompanies blocks. VF, NH (4 sheets - 400 stamps) ....
for comparison. VF, NH........ Cat 100.00 .......................... Cat 853.00
CANADA 1957 SPORTS SHEETS 184. Û RE124/RE193, Coll of 6 diff cpl mint
IN MATCHED SETS: Wine Revenue sheets of 100 incl RE 184 &
173. Û 365-8, Matched sets of Plate Imprint
sheets of 50 with both Plates1&2.VF, NH RE190-3. VF, NH. 2024 Scott $1,690......
.......................... Est 350.00+
(8 diff Plate Imprint sheets, total 400 stamps)
.......................... Cat 335.00 MINT CANADA 1983-1995 COLLECTION
CANADA COMPLETE NH AIRMAILS: 185. Û Immaculate mint Canada coll in 2
174. Û C1-9, CE1-4, CO1-2, Cpl lot of Airmails. Lighthouse Hingeless Albums ( & slipcases).
F-VF, NH. Cat $288........... Est 90.00+ Has a beautiful range of commems, defins,
USA CIVIL WAR ERA PRINT 1862: Xmas, values to $5, booklet panes, souvenir
175. Ú Historic print from Harper’s Weekly 5 / miniature sheets, better perfs, 1992 Signa-
Apr 1862 (measuring 16 x 11 inches). Depicts ture sheet (Cat $125), 1990 set of 4 diff
“Birds-eye view of the attack on the Rebel Petro Canada panes (Cat $50), etc. VF, NH.
Batteries on & near Island Number Ten, by Albums retail for $500 & stamps have a face
Commodore Foote’s Flotilla. Shows the Union value of $780 (100’s) ........ Est 800.00+
iron clad gunboats in action. F. . . Est 65.00+ SCOTT 1943 INTERNATIONAL ALBUM:
186. ÚÛ Scott International Junior album
from 1943 in remarkably nice condition. Has a
modest coll of older world stamps inside with
many countries represented. The best item we
saw was a Canada mint 1928-9 Scroll set up
to 50¢ Bluenose & $1 Parliament (Cat $840).
VG-VF. Our estimate is partly for the stamps
& partly for the fine album itself which is very
suitable for use (100’s) ....... Est 450.00+
176. Ö Interesting lot of covers, Postal Statio-
nery items & postcards selected for cancels,
from 1850’s up to 1955 (50 are 19th Century
items). We saw towns like Adrian, Algonac,
Allegan, Constantine, Elk Rapids, Fair
Grove, Kalkaska, Maple Rapids, Molina,
Onekama, Schoolcraft, etc. VG-VF, some
flaws (110) ................ Est 275.00+
177. Ú 599, Used wholesale lot of 2,200 187. ÚÛ 1/252, BOB, Primarily mint dupli-
Vancouver $1 issue, in bundles of 100. F-VF. cated accum arranged on a stockcard. We
Cat $1,650................. Est 100.00+ noted 75 diff, from 1 to 11 of each. A useful
lot for a dealer. Majority VG-VF, some NH.
Cat $1,833 (179) ........... Est 400.00+
188. Ú Two Schaubek Hingeless Albums with
pages from 1851-1991, in decent condition
ready for use. Has a starter coll inside with a
couple 100 stamps (mainly 1950’s-74) but CANADA KGV SCROLL SET IN MINT NEVER HINGED BLOCKS:
our estimate is based on the fine albums 213. ÕÛ 149-59, Cpl Scroll set from 1¢ up to $1 Parliament all in fresh mint blocks. F-VF, NH............................... Cat 6,166.00
themselves ................ Est 200.00+
USA MINT SHEET COLLECTION FACE $91: 197. Û 268-73, Cpl Peace set to $1 Ferry. VF, 206. Ú Autograph of famous American actor 218. ÚÛ Diverse accum of material loose in
189. Û 1682a/5713, Pristine mint coll of NH ........................ Est 50.00+ HENRY FONDA (1905-82) on an index card. a carton, early to modern. Stamps in glassines,
commem panes & sheets in a mint sheet file, His career spanned 5 decades on Broadway ‘102’ cards, sleeves, envelopes; on pages &
from 1976 up to 2002. Incl 13¢ Flags, Leg- & in Hollywood. VF ........... Est 75.00+ stockcards; covers, postcards & used & unused
ends of the West, Civil War, Insects, etc. VF, Postal Stationery; loose on & off paper; odds &
NH (17 sheets) .............. Face 91.00 CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $576: ends; etc. We saw souv articles, plate blocks,
207. Û Binder full with an accum of cpl Book-
TRANS-ATLANTIC COVER 1838: lets from the 1990’s. Has 1-2 of a kind with mint 1407ai ($125), etc. Majority F-VF, some
190. Ö Stampless folded cover neatly written a wide variety of 43¢-46¢ commems, plus NH. Hours of sorting (1,000’s). . . Est 300.00+
up on an exhibition page carried aboard Red defins, Xmas, international values, etc. VF, CANADA MASTERPIECES OF ART
Swallowtail Line ship “The Wellington” (qua- NH (127 Booklets)........... Face 576.00 1988-1994 FIRST DAY COVERS:
druple letter rate) from Baltimore to London USED CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1988: 219. Ö 1203/1516, Duplicated accum of Mas-
via New York & Dartmouth. Has a variety of
postal markings. F. Ex Pullin. . . Est 200.00+ 208. Ú 15/1228, Used coll on pages with a terpieces of Canadian Art all in Plate Blocks
wide array of commems, defins, etc. Has on cach unaddr FDC’s. Mostly in matched
some modestly better older issues incl 15¢ sets. Incl #1466 (19), 1516 (17), etc. VF. Face
Lg Queens (2); Sm Queens to 10¢; 5¢ & 8¢ Value is $309 (128 FDC’s) .... Est 150.00+
Jubilees; QV Leaf / Numerals to 10¢; CANADA FDC’s WITH BABN CACHETS:
USA PATRIOTIC POSTCARDS: Quebecs 5¢ & 10¢; etc. Some flaws but 220. Ö 694/1182, Box full with a lovely coll of
178. Ö Gorgeous coll of 13 diff multi-coloured most VG-VF (100’s).......... Est 150.00+ diff FDC’s from 1976-89, all with British Ameri-
postcards circa 1906-12 all with fancy patri- can Bank Note Co. private cachets. Has a
otic designs for the 4TH OF JULY. Depicts nice array of commems, values to $2, $5, etc.
flags, fireworks, children celebrating, couple All addr to USA. VF (162 covers) Est 175.00+
cannons, revolutionary themes, ship, Uncle
Sam, etc. Many are embossed. Primarily
unused. F-VF. A nice lot! (13) . Est 125.00+
ACCUMULATION: 191. Ö 733, Coll of 4 diff b/w real photo post- 198. ÚÛ 4/281, BOB, Attractive coll of pri-
179. Û 454/550, Duplicated mint accum of cards each tied by Little America, Antarctica marily better calibre stamps neatly arranged
many diff Centennials, loose, partly sorted Jan 1934 cancels. Carried from America by on a stockcard. Some highlights are used
in a sleeve. Has singles, blocks, multiples, Ice Breaker “S.S. Bear of Oakland” for the 17b, 18 & 18a ($90), 21, 25-6, 27a & 28
Plate Blocks, booklets, coils, papers, tag- Byrd Antarctic Expedition II. Each postcard ($265), 40a, 45, 45a & 47 ($220), 80 ($55),
ging & gum varieties. We noted 460ii (10 - is signed by Captain R. English. Depict view 123-4 ($140), 159 ($60), O9 ($150); plus
$200), 465B LL Plate Block ($40), etc. F-VF, from ship, dog team & sleigh & 2 views of mint 107 NH ($85), 227 ($80), 268-73 ($85),
NH. Cat $2,778 (Approx 4,415 stamps, 39 the camp. VF .............. Est 200.00+ etc. Majority VG-VF, some NH. Cat $2,450 CANADA AIRMAIL
Booklets) ................. Est 700.00+ (88)...................... Est 600.00+ FLIGHT RELATED COVERS:
CANADA 221. Ö Eye-catching coll of cach Flight re-
1935 SILVER JUBILEE USED SETS: CANADA BOOKLETS FACE $168: lated covers, from 1958-2006. Has Interna-
180. Û FX63, Cpl sheet of 100 of the 2.25 192. Ú 211-16, Wholesale lot of 100 used 199. Û BK87/BK403, Interesting coll of 36 diff USA 2¢ POST HORSE OF 1869 tional FFC’s; Canadian Flight Anniversary
Excise Revenue. Rarely seen in a full sheet sets. The 13¢ Yachts are mostly in blocks & cpl booklets, from 1985 up to 2009 (primarily ACCUMULATION CATALOGING $23,220: covers; Air Show covers; etc. We noted 3 pi-
multiples. F-VF. Cat $1,383.... Est 275.00+
like this. F-VF, NH, some minor perf separa- 1990’s-2000’s). VF, NH....... Face 168.00 209. Ú 113, Old-time accum of used, lot signed covers from Canadian War Plane
tion. Cat $3,750 ............ Est 750.00+ NEWFOUNDLAND COLLECTION 1861-1947: CANADA COLLECTION 1859-1951: mounted on pages. Has a range of shades, Heritage Museum, Hamilton; 9 diff Shear-
193. ÚÛ 18/270, BOB, Double-sided 200. ÚÛ 14/315, BOB, QV-KGVI coll written fancy cork cancels, target cancels, several water, NS base Air Show covers from 1984-
stockcard with an attractive coll. Some up on pages. Some collected both as mint & coloured, couple split grills, other grill varia- 95; 2002 SNOWBIRDS cover signed by 12
highlights are mint 18 & 22-3 ($200), 47 NH used or as pairs or blocks; plus shades, etc. tions, etc. Some flaws but mainly VG-VF. team members; 1986 Air Canada 50th Anni-
($100), 86 ($65), 226-9 NH ($50); plus used Some highlights are used 40 & 45 ($90), 46 2025 Scott $23,220+ (258) . Est 3,500.00+ versary set of 50 covers with nationwide
26 ($200), 30 ($75), etc. Majority VG-VF, ($100), 84 ($80), 89-95 ($197), 100 & 103 cancels; etc. VF (152 covers) . Est 400.00+
some NH. Cat $2,380 (178). . . Est 600.00+ ($220), 158-9 ($110), plus mint 158 ($200), CANADA MINT PLATE BLOCKS 1939-1972:
227 block ($180), 245 block ($200), C2 NH 210. ÕÛ 246/608pi, BOB, Beautiful coll of CANADA 13 VOLUME
194. Û 1682a/5713, C105-8, Pristine NH coll ($88), J3-4 NH ($60), MR2 & MR4 NH stockcards. Some highlights are 362 Pl4 (M/ 222. Ö Attractive coll of slogan cancels on
of panes, souvenir sheets & cpl sheets from ($90), etc. Much toned & or DG, but many S - $48), 486 (M/S - $55), 492 (M/S - $100), covers, postcards & postal stationery, older
better F-VF items here. Cat approx $6,200
1976-2022 in a mint sheet file album. Interest- to modern (mainly KGVI-QE up to 1990’s).
ing range of topics & themes. VF, NH (89 (Over 600) ................ Est 900.00+ 494 (M/S - $50), 496-8 (M/S’s - $80), 511a Arranged alphabetically by slogan type. Also
(M/S - $60), 513-4 (M/S’s - $50), O31 Pl 1
sheets) ................... Face 681.00 a wide range of frankings, rates, corner cards,
UNITED STATES SHEET (LR & UR - $70), etc. F-VF, NH. Cat $1,910
WITH A MAJOR MISPERF: (446 Pl Blocks)............. Est 500.00+ some illustrated advertising, view postcards,
201. Û 1756, Cpl sheet of 50 of the 15¢ dues & redirected covers; plus some cancels
George M. Cohan. Has a spectacular CANADA $1 CENTENNIALS MINT NH: on Cut Squares. We saw CNE slogans 1912-
MONTANA WATERFOWL STAMPS: 211. Û 465Biii, Wholesale lot of $1 Centenni- 8; WWI & WWII Patriotics; six 1915-49 Cal-
181. ÚÛ MONTANA #’s 34/50, Plus USA #’s MISPERF error with the horiz perfs on a als. Most in blocks or Plate Blocks. VF, NH. gary Exhibition & Stampede strikes; plus a
RW57/RW68, Attractive coll of primarily mint diagonal through the middle of the stamps. Cat $474 (34 stamps) ........ Est 100.00+ broad range of other cancel types & themes.
NH Montana Waterfowl Revenues neatly Bottom stamps have a DOUBLE PERF Majority VG-VF (1,225 covers) . Est 650.00+
arranged on a stockcard, from 1986-2002. error along with a full GUTTER. VF, NH. CANADA $1 VANCOUVER INVESTOR’S LOT:
212. ÕÛ 600, An investor’s lot of Plate #1
Incl extra block of #50 ($44) & 4 diff Booklet AN AMAZING SHEET! .... Est 1,000.00+ Blocks (various positions) of the $1 Vancou- USA FIRST DAY COVERS 1954-1986:
Pane Pairs ($100). Also 10 stamps affixed CANADA MINT OFFICIAL BLOCKS: ver. VF, NH. Cat $1,715 ...... Est 375.00+ 223. Ö Attractive coll of over 500 mostly diff
on licenses, 9 of which have matching Fed- 202. ÕÛ O12/O38, CO1-2, Fresh coll of 24 diff FDC’s neatly arranged in 4 albums. Cachets
eral issue affixed as well. F-VF. 2025 Scott BOX OF USA FIRST DAY COVERS: are mainly Fleetwood & USPS. F-VF, majority
$431 (58 stamps)........... Est 150.00+ mint Official Blocks, from 1946-53. We noted 214. Ö A coll of cach FDC’s from 1950-83. unaddr .................... Est 200.00+
O38 LL & LR Plate #1 blocks ($90), CO1-2 Wide range of issues with lots of beautiful
blocks ($180), etc. VF, NH. Cat $473 ...... cachets by Art Craft, Artmaster & Fleetwood. CANADA COLLECTION
.......................... Est 125.00+ F-VF (Approx 850) .......... Est 225.00+ IN HARRIS ALBUM 1859-2003:
224. ÚÛ 15/1975, BOB, Broad-ranging coll
CANADA QV JUBILEES TO $1: CANADA USED WHOLESALE: of primarily used, neatly arranged in a Harris
203. Û 50-61, Jubilees from 1/2¢ to $1. 215. Ú Carton with used wholesale, older to Album. Some highlights are used 46-7 ($80),
Acceptable appearances but are “seconds” modern. Most sorted in glassines, plus more 99-103 ($385), 158-9 ($110); plus mint 85 NH
with small flts. Cat $1,360 ..... Est 225.00+ in envelopes & on pages. Many diff with defins ($115), 89 NH ($45), 151-2 & 154-6 NH
& commems. Great source of cancels & variet-
NEWFOUNDLAND 10¢ POSTAGE DUE ies. Most VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) Est 100.00+ ($245), 227 ($45), 302 NH ($60), C1-6 ($115),
MULTIPLE WITH VARIETIES: E4 NH ($45), etc. Majority VG-VF, some NH
204. ÕÛ J7 (48), J7i, J7ii (1), Half sheet of UNITED NATIONS SOUVENIR CARDS: (Approx 1,540).............. Est 350.00+
50 of the 10¢ Postage Due. Has the “LUE” 216. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of Post Office sou-
CANADA variety (at position 13) & PERIOD AFTER venir cards from the 1970’s-91 with New York,
BETTER COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION: DUE variety (at position 46). Fresh, nice Geneva & Vienna types. Many have stamps
195. ÚÛ 14/1283b, BOB, Interesting coll/ centering, VF, NH. Cat $1,664. Est 600.00+ affixed (that are depicted on the card) with
accum of primarily mint neatly arranged on neat F.D. cancels. VF (205) . . . Est 100.00+
stockcards, from 1859 up to 1990. Many
better selected singles & sets here incl 35
mint blocks & 77 mint Plate Blocks. Some
highlights are used 100 ($50), 522i & 525i
mint & used ($160); plus mint 51-3 (NH
blocks - $256), 129 (Pair - $100), 155 (2
blocks NH - $144), 194 (NH block - $74),
541p (M/S corner blocks $70), etc. Majority
CANADA COLLECTION 1976-1992 VG-VF. Cat Approx $3,400 (Approx 645) .. CANADA BETTER CALIBRE ITEMS:
IN HINGELESS ALBUM: 225. ÚÛ 14/522i, BOB, Attractive coll of
182. ÚÛ 681/1455, BOB, Virtually cpl coll ......................... Est 900.00+ selected better calibre stamps, 1859-1970,
neatly arranged in a KA-BE Hingeless MINT NH CANADA 1995-2000 arranged on stockcards. Some highlights
Album. Much collected both as mint NH & IN HINGELESS ALBUM: are used 14-5 & 17 & 17a ($150), 23 ($100),
used. Has gorgeous topical commems incl 196. Û Lindner Hingeless album with a beauti- USA COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CANADA FIRST DAY COVERS 2003-2017: 83-4 ($100), 133 ($100), 158-9 ($110); plus
se-tenant multiples, mint High Value defins ful coll of mints for these years, nearing POSTAL CARDS: 217. Ö Very attractive coll of 362 diff official mint 36 NH ($80); 104, 107, 107a & 109 NH
to $5; Booklet singles & panes; panes & completion. Has singles, se-tenants, 205. Ö UX10, Attractive coll of 10 diff unused cach FDC’s. Incl gorgeous commems, se- ($415); 122 ($120); 148 NH ($90), 160
souvenir sheets; many varieties, etc. A nice commems, defins, Xmas, souvenir sheets, 1893 Columbian 1¢ Grant Postal Stationery tenant multiples, SS’s, defins to $10 Whale, (block - $320), BK34d French ($112), C4
album & face value of mint stamps alone Millenniums, etc. VF, NH. Total face value cards. Each depicts a diff scene of the Expo $5 Toronto Maple Leafs, topicals throughout NH ($90), O25 NH ($120), CO2 NH (block -
$297 plus all the used. F-VF (1,458 stamps, for stamps is $261 & album retails for $200 . buildings, etc. F, one has some light pencil like Star Trek, Hockey, Wildlife, Lunar New $108), etc. Majority VG-VF, much NH. Cat
15 SS’s) .................. Est 475.00+ .......................... Est 275.00+ markings ................. Est 300.00+ Year, etc. VF, unaddr. Cat $1,930 Est 650.00+ approx $4,900 (216) ....... Est 1,300.00+