Page 12 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 12
GR. BRITAIN 580. Ö Accum of approx 475 Swedish Parcel 621. ÚÛ Coll on stockpages of mostly mint
EARL OF CLARENDON MEMORABILIA: Receipt Cards from 1960’s-70’s. Has a wide with lots of nice sets & singles. Has a wide
568. Ú Fascinating group of 8 letters & 5 fronts variety of frankings & rates incl Registration range of commems, semi-postals, airmails,
1850-9 addr to the Earl of Clarendon. Also depending on the weight of the packages a few nice souvenir sheets, blocks, etc. Will
one piece signed by him addr “The Queen”. sent. Various postmarks & destinations. have decent Cat value as we spotted items
We noted items from Ambassadors in Paris & Mostly F-VF ................ Est 125.00+ up to $60 each. Clean lot, F-VF, many of the
Constantinople & Turkish Ambassador in Lon- GOLD 23-KARAT STAMPS: mint are NH (695) ........... Est 275.00+
don. He served in several posts incl Secretary 581. Û Special album containing a coll of 23 FRANCE IMPERFORATE SHEET:
of State 3 times. F (14 items) . . Est 100.00+ diff Staffa large size local stamps honouring 622. Û 2415a, Cpl imperforate se-tenant
23 diff ancient & modern gold nations of the sheet from 1994, containing 5 Booklet
world. Each stamp is minted in 23-Karat gold. Panes (30 stamps). Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce .
VF ....................... Est 100.00+ NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1962: .......................... Est 225.00+
596. ÚÛ 1/395, BOB, Attractive coll neatly PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC
582. Ö Interesting coll of unused reprints of from early classics up to later commems, 606. Û 2198/3050, Pristine mint NH coll 623. Û 9NB21/9NB174, Nice collection of
German Colonies postal stationery cards. semi-postals, etc. Some highlights are used neatly arranged on stockcards, from 1989- semi-postal sets all in full sheets (primarily
Has a wide range of Colonies incl single cards 1-3 ($192), 9-10 ($59), 20 ($77), 29-32 2000. Virtually cpl for these years. Tremen- 50 stamps ea), from 1960-80. Incl 9NB53-6
& 2-part types. VF (43 diff) ..... Est 85.00+ ($97), 50-2 ($115), 83a ($110), 90-100 dous range of cpl topical sets collected in ($125), 9NB97-100 ($152), 9NB106-9 ($120),
POLAND SPORTS SPECIALTY ALBUM: ($164), 278-81 ($52), B16-20 & B25-32 pairs or blocks incl se-tenant issues. Also 9NB164-7 ($155), etc. Fresh, VF, NH. 2025
583. Û 419/704, B54/B87, Hardbound specialty ($66); plus mint 22 NG ($475), 336-9 ($56), individual souvenir sheets incl special over- Scott $1,200 (44 sheets) ...... Est 275.00+
album containing Sports issue singles & sets, B54-7 ($80), B214-8 ($47), etc. Some col- printed issues & 12 diff Lunar Year issues in OLD FRANCE DOCUMENTS:
from 1947-55. Nicely illustrated with histories. lected both as mint & used. A few flaws but cpl sheets of 32. VF, NH. 2024 Scott $2,170 624. Ú Lot of 6 old documents 1890-1911 for
F, stamps stuck down. Lovely topicals (51) . majority VG-VF. 2024 Scott $3,270 (925) . (2,156 stamps, 57 SS’s)...... Est 800.00+ road work & repairs. All with revenues affixed
INDIAN STATES REVENUES: ........................... Est 50.00+ ......................... Est 900.00+ & tied by cancels. F........... Est 65.00+
569. Ú Two double-sided stockcards with an IRAN MIXTURE: NETHERLANDS CIGAR BOX FULL OF LIBERIA:
extensive coll of over 200 diff Revenues & 584. ÚÛ Plastic bag with a loose unsorted mix NETHERLANDS MINT COLLECTION: DEALER’S STOCK IN 6 BOOKS: 625. ÚÛ Colourful duplicated accumulation
Fiscals. Has about 50-60 diff States repre- of Iran, older to modern. Primarily used (all off 597. Û 277/873, BOB, Attractive coll neatly ar- 607. Ú Six stockbooks with a dealer’s stock of of many large size topical sets & souvenir
sented with a wide range of designs, types, ranged on pages, from 1945-95. Has cpl used Netherlands from 1864-1999. All Scott sheets, primarily 1970’s. Also incl 5 lots with
sizes, colours, etc. Many are large size. paper) with a variety of commems, pictorials, commem & semi-postal sets, souvenir sheets, organized in order with commems, pictorials, varieties incl Imperfs, Progressive Colour
defins, etc. Most VG-VF (100’s) . Est 90.00+
Many intriguing looking items. VG-VF..... etc. We noted 295-300 ($86), B214-53 ($154), defins, semi-postals, Postage Dues, etc. Use- Proofs, Black Prints, etc. Estimated retail
......................... Est 400.00+ etc. Majority VF, most NH. 2025 Scott $804 ful duplication throughout with no excessive value for these alone is $330. F-VF, NH
(489 stamps, 10 SS’s) ........ Est 250.00+ quantities of any one item. Some better items (100’s) .................... Est 200.00+
3. FOREIGN: 598. ÕÚÛ Interesting coll of mint & used AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION 1957-1982: 626. ÚÛ Shoebox packed full with an unsorted
1,000) .................... Est 300.00+
blocks of 4 (or more), older to modern.
Many are imprint / Plate Blocks. Has defins, 608. Û 647/1229, B299/B346, Fresh mint NH accum, from the 1940’s-90’s. Loaded with
a tremendous variety incl mainly mint sets,
commems & semi-postals. F-VF, most mint coll neatly arranged on stockcards. Comprised
AZORES COLLECTION 1871-1931: NH (180 blocks)............. Est 100.00+ tabs, souvenir / miniature sheets, FDC’s,
570. ÚÛ 21/313L, BOB, Attractive coll neatly of commems, pictorials & semi-postals. & much more. F-VF, many NH (1,000’s)....
Lots of attractive stamps & popular topicals
arranged on pages & stockcards. Also incl a throughout. VF, NH (576) 2025 Scott 228.00 .......................... Est 250.00+
few Angra, Horta & Ponta Delgada. Most SHOEBOX FULL OF SWITZERLAND
VG-VF (187) .......... 2025 Scott 474.00 AUSTRIA COLLECTION: WITH MANY 1,000’s:
609. ÚÛ Extensive coll from 19th Century up 627. ÚÛ Shoebox crammed full with an
EUROPE ACCUMULATION: MACAO SOUVENIR SHEETS: to 1999, neatly displayed in order on printed enormous duplicated hoard of primarily used
571. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of older to modern, 585. SSÛ 854/1020, Nice coll of 57 diff sou- pages. Has a wide array of commems, pictori- from the 19th Century up to 1990’s. Incl
primarily used. Neatly arranged on stockcards venir sheets from 1997-2000. Has a wide als, defins, semi-postals & other BOB. Major- commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals
with 1-5 of each. Majority are from East Ger- variety of issues. Many have both regular & ity are used, VG-VF (Over 2,300) Est 275.00+ & other BOB, plus postcards & much more!
many; but also has Monaco, Liechtenstein, overprinted in sheet margin types. VF, NH Generally VG-VF. You will be amazed at
Saar; & some Wurttemberg & Germany (57 diff).............. 2025 Scott 330.00 how many stamps are here! (Many 1,000’s)
French Zone. Good source for cancels, variet- .......................... Est 300.00+
ies & topicals. Majority VG-VF (Approx 3,075) PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF
.......................... Est 200.00+ CHINA FDC COLLECTION:
586. Ö 2300B/2898, Coll of official cach FDC
& special event covers in an album, from
1990-8. Most are franked by souvenir sheets
or Lunar New Year sets. Beautiful topicals
here. VF, unaddressed (43) . . . Est 100.00+
587. ÚÛ B306-47, Very attractive COMPLETE BELGIUM COLLECTION 1849-2004:
coll of mixed mint & used semi-postal sets 599. Ö Interesting coll of Third Reich material 610. ÚÛ 1/2026j, Lovely coll of defins &
neatly arranged on pages. Some highlights commems neatly arranged on stockcards.
are used B310-3, B320-3 & B334-7 ($319); from the 1930’s-40’s. Primarily covers & Has duplication providing extra shades &
plus mint B314-9 ($119), etc. F-VF. 2025 postcards with a wide variety of frankings, cancels with many collected both as mint & GERMANY MINT NH ACCUMULATION
Scott $605 (42) ............. Est 200.00+ postcard scenes, postmarks, etc. Also has used. Some highlights are used 1-2 ($157), CAT $3,475:
many b/w collector cards showing scenes 628. Û 1170/2612, Lightly duplicated mint NH
BELGIUM PRECANCEL COLLECTION: from the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin incl 6-8 ($126), 12 ($150), 25b-6b ($180); plus
588. Ú Interesting coll of Precancels neatly sporting events, athletes, stadium views, mint 90-1 ($185), etc. Majority VG-VF accum (more like a coll), neatly arranged on
arranged on stockcards, from 1890’s up to etc; 1938 Nuremburg Rally postcard used (2,110) ................... Est 300.00+ stockcards, from 1975 up to 2011. Has topi-
1980’s. Variety of cities, precancel types & with Austrian stamp; several Parcel Cards cal commem, pictorial & semi-postal singles
stamp issues. Majority VG-VF. Photocopies with Hitler Head frankings; 2 diff Munich Art NETHERLANDS & sets; plus souvenir sheets, etc. VF, NH.
of a printed reference Cat listing accompanies Festival postcards from 1938-9; postcards 611. Ú B1/B670, Beautiful coll neatly arranged 2024 Scott $3,475 (2,323 stamps, 62 SS’s)
the lot (Over 500)............ Est 100.00+ showing German Artwork; propaganda on stockcards, from 1906-92. Many cpl runs ......................... Est 900.00+
EAST GERMANY SOUVENIR SHEETS, ETC: cards; 1939 coloured postal card depicting here. We noted B25-32 & B54-69 ($152), etc. BOX FULL OF HUNGARY
589. ÚÛ Large stockbook full with a duplicated Iron Cross medal; 3 Hitler souvenir sheets; F-VF. 2024 Scott $698 (535). . . Est 250.00+ WITH MANY 1,000’s:
accum of DDR souv/mini sheets, plus some two postcards depicting Adolf Hitler; etc. 629. ÚÛ Box with a large accum of Hungary
se-tenants, booklet panes, etc. Wide variety F-VF (137 items) ........... Est 750.00+ PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MINT NH from older to modern, primarily used. Has a
NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1959: of issues from 1960’s-80’s. Useful duplication BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA COLLECTION: 4-VOLUME DEALER’S STOCK: 1990-1999: tremendous variety of commems, pictorials,
572. ÚÛ 1/382, B6/B340, etc, Extensive coll with no excessive quantities of any one item. 600. ÚÛ 2/132, BOB, Attractive coll neatly ar- 612. Û 2291/2965, Four-volume dealer’s defins & BOB. Some stamps are semi-sorted
in a White Ace album with many better, Great lot for a dealer. F-VF (100’s) Est 200.00+ ranged on stockcards, from 1879 up to 1918. stock from 1990-99 of mint sets in blocks by year into envelopes while others are loose
plus some souvenir sheets. Terrific variety
mainly in sets. Highlights incl used 1-12 Many collected both as mint & used; plus ex- of issues with many beautiful sets. Fresh, in a plastic bag, etc. VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) .
($653), 29-33 ($97), 49-50 ($97), 100 ($40), tra shades & cancels. We noted a nice range clean lot, VF, NH. We estimate 2025 Scott .......................... Est 225.00+
105 ($100), 190 ($40), J40 ($40); mint 74 of 1906 Imperf incl multiples. Majority F-VF. BOX OF HUNGARY:
($150), 81-2 ($104), 90-6 ($39), 98 ($47), 2025 Scott $544 (282)........ Est 200.00+ $1,500 (100’s of stamps) ..... Est 550.00+ 630. Ú Box with a loose unsorted hoard, pri-
158 & 160 ($62), 179 ($42), 194-5 ($48), HOARD OF INDONESIA WITH 1,000’s: marily from the 1950’s-80’s. Contains a tre-
296-99 ($58), 320 & 322 ($430), 326-27 STOCKBOOK OF 613. ÚÛ Large size plastic bag full of loose mendous variety with commems, pictorials,
($100), B33-53 ($241), B66-72 ($64), B77- 601. Û Lighthouse 16-page stockbook (32 unsorted Indonesia, older to modern. Has defins, topicals, & more. Generally VG-VF
117 ($175), B208-18 ($75), J80-106 ($44), commems, pictorials, defins & BOB with (1,000’s)................... Est 175.00+
O1-5 & O7 ($67). Mainly VG-VF. 2025 Scott sides) with a nice coll of singles, sets & lots of mints throughout. VG-VF (1,000’s)... SHOEBOX FULL OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA:
$4,200 (725) ............. Est 1,250.00+ souvenir sheets plus a few booklets. Primarily .......................... Est 200.00+ 631. Ú Shoebox full with a loose accum with
1960’s-70’s era with lots of lovely pictorials & 1,000’s of unsorted stamps. Mainly 1940’s-
AUSTRIA MINT NH BY YEAR: topicals. F-VF, NH (100’s)..... Est 125.00+ 80’s with both large & small size stamps.
573. Û 631/1333, B301/B305, Attractive all Loaded with commems & pictorials. Also
diff mint NH coll organized by year from some Bohemia & Moravia. Will provide days
1958-85 (cpl from 1963-82). Beautiful topical of sorting! (1,000’s) .......... Est 200.00+
commems, pictorials, semi-postals, souvenir EAST GERMANY COLLECTION 1949-1972:
sheets, etc. VF, NH (578 stamps, 3 SS’s) .. 590. ÚÛ 48/1423, B14/B169, Excellent DDR
.................... 2025 Scott 362.00 coll of primarily mint in a KA-BE album.
GERMANY COSTUME Nearing completion for this period with a
SEMI-POSTALS ON COVERS: terrific array of commems, pictorials, defins,
574. Ö B69-78, etc. Regional Women’s Cos- souvenir sheets, etc. Incl better sets. F-VF,
tume issues tied on 23 diff covers & cards much of the later is NH. We estimate Scott
1935-6, from various cities, most to Passau. at approx $2,000 US (1,500) . . Est 650.00+
Incl 3 Reg’d covers & one with large multi- AUSTRIA 614. Ö Quite an interesting coll of over 65 diff
colour Beer label “Peschlbrau/Passau”. CALENDAR CANCEL COLLECTION: Ship covers primarily from the 1980’s (a few
VG-F+, some edge wear....... Est 75.00+ 591. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll from OLDER IRAN COLLECTION 1876-1959: earlier & later) all with French stamps. Has TWO RED BOXES OF PORTUGAL:
1925-50 arranged in month order on home- 602. ÚÛ 17/1143, C1/O57, Nice coll of older
HUNGARY ALL DIFFERENT COLLECTION: Iran neatly displayed in order in black a nice variety of ship postmarks, paquebot 632. ÚÛ Two red boxed filled with a dupli-
575. ÚÛ All diff coll mounted on pages from made recycled pages. Has clear readable mounts on Scott pages. Has a good range h/s’s, etc. Has lots of foreign country post- cated accum / stock neatly organized by
older issues up to 1980’s. Has a wide array cancels on a variety issues, from many diff of defins, commems & BOB with nice sur- marks incl Russia, Japan, Djibouti, Mauri- catalogue numbers in glassines, from the
of commems, pictorials, defins, airmails, etc. towns & cities. Sparse in areas. Majority VG- prises. Lots of better $5-$50+ items in the tius, Macau, Antarctic, Madagascar, etc. 1850’s-2000’s. Starts with #2 (3 - $97), #6
Primarily used, VG-VF (Over 1,100 diff) .... VF, some flts (Over 800 cancels) Est 75.00+ earlier issues plus later mint sets incl 667-80 All addr to England & 7 covers are Officer (3 - $127), #9 (2 - $260), #12-16 ($410),
.......................... Est 100.00+ GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION 1961-1974: ($203), 786-94 ($118), 876-909 (Used, Signed. F-VF .............. Est 200.00+ #17/24 ($808), 33 ($750), then many other
592. ÚÛ 9N176-9N394, 9NB25-9NB114, better 19th Century issues, later commems
SWITZERLAND DEALER’S STOCK Beautiful coll cpl for this period, neatly ar- $572), 931-4 ($105), 990-2 ($65), 1039-50 JAPAN MINT NH COLLECTION: & defins, sets, a few BOB & more! High Cat
ON A LARGE STACK OF STOCKCARDS: ranged in a KA-BE album. Has parallel colls ($128), 1051-5 ($59), 1074-6 ($110), 1103-6 615. Û 741/902, BOB, Pristine mint NH coll in value! Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) ........
576. ÚÛ Large stack of stockcards with a both mint & used. Lots of attractive topical ($53), 1130-3 ($69), etc. VG-VF. Will have Kenmore stockbook, from 1962-6. VF, NH ....................... Est 1,000.00+
dealer’s stock in order from early issues up to commem & semi-postal sets. VF, NH (652 high Cat value (490)......... Est 700.00+ (141) ...................... Est 40.00+
2010. Has a wide array of commems, pictori- stamps, 6 SS’s)........ 2024 Scott 390.00 MONGOLIA LENIN SHEET 1955: ACCUMULATION OF HUNGARY COVERS:
als, defins, semi-postals, etc. Also a few SAAR MINT ACCUMULATION: 616. Û 127, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of the 2t 633. Ö Box full with approx 500 covers addr to
stockcard with unsorted items. Primarily all 603. Û 4/153, O2/O26, Old-time mint whole- LENIN issue. VF, NH, folded, slight separation Canada, from 1950’s up to 2000’s (primarily
used with useful duplication & no excessive sale lot semi-sorted by kind into glassines in selvedge. A scarce sheet ............. 1950’s-80’s). Most are multi-franked incl large
group of any one item. A large quantity here! with Scott numbers noted. Varying duplication ................... 2023 Scott 1,000.00 size topicals; airmail & airmail Reg’d. Also
VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 400.00+ with many stamps in blocks or multiples. has some cach unaddr FDC’s. Much to sort
Much of the value is in the early Germania AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION: through. VG-VF ............. Est 135.00+
GERMANY STOCK / overprints. F-VF, NH. A good lot for the spe- 617. Û 1861/2129, B372/B381, Pristine coll of
ACCUMULATION IN TWO BOOKS: cialist wanting a large quantity to examine mint topical singles & sets incl semi-postals, FOUR HINGELESS ALBUMS FOR MONACO:
577. ÚÛ 15, 2331, BOB, Extensive used for varieties. Rarely seen in such a large from 2002-3, 2006-7. VF, NH (133 stamps, 634. Û Four expensive Davo Hingeless
stock /accum of many 100’s diff. Primarily quantity these days. Scott from 10 years 14 SS’s).............. 2025 Scott 351.00 Albums with pages from 1885-2006 (not all
years present). Has a decent starter coll
used with useful duplication from 1 to 5 of ago was $5,400 (Over 3,000) . . Est 750.00+ NETHERLANDS
each, from 1872 up to 2005. Has early MINT SEMI-POSTAL COLLECTION: inside (up to the 1970’s) with a wide array of
Shields, Germanias, Inflation, Third Reich, GERMANY BERLIN COLLECTION 1948-1990: 618. Û B1/B599, Attractive coll of complete commems, pictorials, etc. F-VF, primarily NH
better early post WWII, semi-postals, airmails, 604. ÚÛ 9N2/9NB285, Attractive coll neatly mint semi-postal sets neatly arranged on (100’s) .................... Est 400.00+
officials, etc. Many beautiful topical stamps displayed on Lighthouse Hingeless pages. stockcards, from 1906-83. Lots of lovely PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
here. A good source for cancels & varieties. Has a wide range of commems, defins & issues here. F-VF. 2024 Scott $1,017 (489) HINGELESS ALBUMS:
Majority VG-VF (Approx 4,300). Est 450.00+ semi-postals with some issues having both a .......................... Est 350.00+ 635. Û Two expensive like-new Davo hinge-
mint & used example. The years from 1979-87 less albums with printed pages from 2000-8,
UKRAINE LOCALS: appear complete. F-VF, mint are NH. Scott plus slipcases. Has some scattered sets &
578. Û Interesting coll of 30 diff post war locals from a few years ago was approx $1,000 souvenir sheets. Our estimate is partly for
from 1940’s displayed on illustrated pages. (100’s) .................... Est 350.00+ the fine albums & partly for the stamps.....
Incl 10 Regensburg Camp Post locals & other MONACO ACCUMULATION: .......................... Est 200.00+
pictorial types. F-VF, a few are partially adher- 593. ÚÛ Duplicated accum of singles, sets GERMANY ACCUMULATION:
ing to the pages............. Est 100.00+ 636. ÚÛ Accum on stockcards from older
& souvenir sheets, identified on stockcards,
primarily mint. Has some older issues but to modern, primarily used. Duplicated but a
mainly 1950’s-90’s. Lots of sets & singles wide variety of issues. Has commems,
in the $1-$20 with commems, defins, semi- pictorials, defins, semi-postals & other BOB.
postals, etc. A good lot for a dealer, collec- Incl pre war, Third Reich, West Germany,
tor or accumulator. Will Cat over $1,500. DDR, Occupations, etc. VG-VF (100’s) ....
F-VF, much NH (100’s) ...... Est 425.00+ GERMANY BERLIN ......................... Est 100.00+
637. ÚÛ 2/48, BOB, Attractive coll neatly ar-
COLLECTIONS WITH MINT NEVER HINGED: 619. ÚÛ 9N1/9N583, 9NB1/9NB275, Exten- ranged on pages. We noted mint C2-3 NH
594. Û 1264/1944, B348/B373, Pristine range NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-1955: sive coll on hingeless pages nearly cpl for ($59), C5-12 ($62), C21 ($57), J1-5 ($47).
of official annual colls as received from the 605. ÚÛ 1/367, BOB, Comprehensive coll the period, mainly mint. Highlights incl mint Also used C19 ($40), etc. Majority VG-VF (57)
philatelic bureau from 1984 & 1986-2003. VF, neatly arranged in a Davo Album. Ranges 9N27 ($30), 9NB35-41 ($187), 9N64-7 .................... 2025 Scott 460.00
NH. 2025 Scott $880 (621 stamps, 15 SS’s) from early classics to cpl commem & semi- ($56), 9N84-93 ($36), 9N108-10 ($40),
.......................... Est 275.00+ postal sets; plus souvenir sheets, etc. Many 9N120-36 ($44), 9NB1-3 ($84); used 9N75- LIBERIA 1954 UNICEF SHEETLET:
extra shades, perfs & printings in earlier. 9 ($73). Mainly F-VF, appears to be NH 638. SSÛ C77, Complete sheetlet of 4 of
SWITZERLAND COVERS TO CANADA: GERMANY THIRD REICH COLLECTION: after the early issues. (870 stamps, 7 SS) . the $5 UNICEF. Fresh, VF, NH...........
579. Ö Two binders with an extensive coll of 595. ÚÛ 432/527, BOB, Nazi Germany coll of Some highlights are used 1-6 ($316), 7a-12 ......................... Est 600.00+ .................... 2025 Scott 160.00
($336), 22 ($70), B54-69 ($107); plus mint
airmail covers to Canada from 1950’s-70’s. primarily mint arranged on a stockcard, from
Most covers are Reg’d & with gorgeous 1934-45. Some highlights are mint NH 444-51 336-9 ($56), 448-50 (sheets - $52), B44-53 SAN MARINO POSTAGE DUE SHEET: Toll Free Bid Line:
multi-frankings with commems, semi-postals ($67), 469 ($50), B145 ($60), B292-3 ($60), ($100), B208-18 ($75), etc. Majority VG-VF, 620. Û J27, Cpl mint sheet of 100 of the 60¢
& defins. A pleasure to examine. F-VF (127 etc. Majority F-VF, much NH. 2025 Scott $816 some NH. 2023 Scott approx $5,525 (1,268 Postage Due. Fresh colour, F-VF, NH. 2024 1-877-957-3364
stamps, 9 SS’s)........... Est 1,750.00+
covers) ................... Est 200.00+ (158) ..................... Est 250.00+ Scott $3,000 US ............ Est 400.00+