Page 17 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 17
FLOWER TOPICAL COLLECTION: 906. Ú 2 (Pl 2), Black Maltese Cross cancel. F 963. Ú 69 (Pl 15), Wing margin single, F .... 980. ÕÛ 98, Left margin block of 6. F, 2 17
891. ÚÛ Attractive coll of Flower topicals from ............................ 1,150.00 .............................. 550.00 stamps are NH .................. 240.00
a wide variety of countries. Has stamps, sou-
venir / miniature sheets, covers / cards, etc.
These depict all kinds of species, types &
colours. F-VF (Over 460 items). Est 150.00+
907. Ú 2 (Pl 2), Four full margins, bright col- 964. Û 70 (Pl 15), F. Scarce ...... 1,850.00 981. Û 103, Fresh colour, VG-F ..... 675.00
our, black MC cancel. VF. A choice example 965. Ú 70 (Pl 15), VG-F, dated cancel. 562.00
............................ 1,150.00 966. Ú 73, SON “39" oval cancel. F . . . 400.00
SHIP COVERS & POSTCARDS: 908. Û 3, F, part OG .............. 625.00
892. Ö Diverse lot of 25 covers / postcards 909. Ú 3, Horiz strip of 4 with “214" numeral 939. Û 49b, Rare QV 3 Pence Rose
depicting ships, from 1867 up to 1986. Incl cancels. F appearance, flts. Cat $375...... imperforate IMPRIMATUR, a choice
Ocean Liners, Merchant Ships, Freshwater ........................... Est 50.00+ example with four perfectly balanced
Steamers, 1936 Queen Mary First Voyage 910. Ú 3, MC numeral “9" cancel. F . . . 185.00 margins, gorgeous colour. VF, OG, LH.
plus 1952 card with Paquebot cancel, QE 2 911. Ú 4, Horiz pair, VG-F .......... 325.00 Has 2024 Royal Philatelic Society
1968 cover, a few 19th Century covers with 912. Ú 4, Horiz strip of 3. F-VF ...... 425.00 Certificate (SG #J31, Cat £2,500+) .....
Paquebot cancels, etc ....... Est 125.00+ 913. Ú 4, Horiz Pair (Pl 3), Vertical Pair (Pl 4), ....................... Est 1,750.00+
VF (2 pairs) .................... 650.00 940. Ú 50, SON “466" grid oval cancel. F-VF,
STOCKBOOK OF SOUVENIR SHEETS: couple short perfs................ 210.00
893. SSÚÛ Stockbook full with an interesting 941. Ú 53 (Pl 1), VG-F ............. 475.00
coll of souvenir / miniature sheets, primarily 942. Ú 54 (Pl 4, Pl 6-7), F-VF........ 232.50
mint. Has a wide variety of countries & issues 943. Ú 55 (Pl 1), Neat grid oval cancel & SON
from 1930’s-80’s. F-VF. 2024 Scott $477 (80) Lombard Street 27 June 1878 hexagonal
.......................... Est 150.00+
cancel. F....................... 260.00 982. Û 108, QV Five Shilling High Value.
PENNY BLACK TOPICALS: 967. Ú 74, QV 10 Shilling. VG+ .... 3,750.00 Fresh crisp colour, VF, OG ...... 1,150.00
894. ÚÛ Interesting specialty coll of items all 968. Ú 78-81, 82 (Pl 21-3), 84 (Pl 17), 85, 86 983. Ú 108, SON “PICCADILLY / B.O., W”
commemorating the GB Penny Black - the (Pl 17-8), 87 (Pl 13-4), VG-VF..... 1,276.00 2-Ring cancel. VF................ 290.00
world’s first stamp. Incl stamps, souvenir 969. Û 81, F-VF.................. 400.00
sheets, covers / postcards & cinderellas. A 970. Ú 82 (Pl’s 21-3), Nice cancels. F-VF ...
variety of countries with many attractive & un- .............................. 145.00
usual items. The lot is not organized but there 971. Ú 85, Neat Liverpool 9 Sept 1882 squared
are enough items here to form a nice base for 914. Ú 5, QV 1Sh embossed. F .... 1,000.00 circle cancel. F .................. 250.00
an exhibit. F-VF (Many dozens) Est 150.00+
895. SSÛ Large stockbook full with a nice
coll of better calibre world souvenir/miniature
sheets, mainly 1950’s-90’s. Has a variety of
countries incl Ireland, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Br. West Indies, Eu-
rope, etc. Also a few used items. F-VF, much 944. Ú 57 (Pl 1), QV 5Sh, neat “466" grid oval
NH. 2024 Scott $1,475 (150). . . Est 450.00+ cancel. F-VF ................... 775.00
984. Ú 109, QV Ten Shilling, VF..... 769.00
972. Û 86 (Pl 17), Fresh, F, LH ..... 500.00
973. Ú 87 (Pl 13), F-VF ............ 200.00
915. Ú 6, Ten Pence Embossed, F+ ......
............................ 1,500.00
WORLD PAQUEBOT COVERS: 985. Û 110, QV One Pound with black
896. Ö Eye-catching coll of 72 diff “SPECIMEN” overprint, rich alluring colour
PAQUEBOT covers with British frankings, on fresh paper. VF, OG (Normal mint stamp
from 1970’s-90’s. Have an interesting range Cat $32,500) ............. Est 1,500.00+
of postmarks, Paquebot h/s’s, ship cancels 945. Ú 57 (Pl 2), QV Five Shilling, Dundee
& cachets with ship data. We saw items from duplex ‘114’ cancels. F ......... 1,750.00
Europe, Gr. Britain, Djibouti, Malta, Mauritius,
USA, Australia, Fiji, Japan, Papua New
Guinea, Port Said, etc. F-VF. . . Est 225.00+ 916. Ú 6, Excellent colour, neat ‘162’ numeral
cancel, F-VF, appears to have a tiny margin
thin......................... 1,500.00
Great Britain
974. Ú 90, QV Five Shilling on BLUISH
897. Ú 1 (Pl 1b), Neat red M/C cancel. VF, PAPER, neatly cancelled by ‘94’ duplex, 986. Ú 110, QV One Pound, excellent colour,
full margins, tiny tear at bottom. Init T-D. Cat well centered, F-VF, one nibbed perf. Has neatly cancelled, F-VF, minor creases ....
$475....................... Est 90.00+ 2011 APS Certificate. A RARE STAMP ... ............................ 3,500.00
898. Ú 1 (Pl 3), Neat red M/C cancel. F-VF, ........................... 4,700.00
light crease. Init C-L .............. 575.00
917. Ú 7, QV 6d Embossed tied on piece. F . 987. Ú 110, QV One Pound with Crowns
............................ 1,000.00 946. Û 57a (Pl 2), Rare unused QV Five watermark. Nicely centred. F-VF. . 3,500.00
Shilling with attractive colour. F, NG. Has
2013 Sismondo Certificate. A VERY
RARELY SEEN.............. 17,500.00
947. Ú 58 (Pl 3), 58 (Pl 8), Scarcer Plates. F .
.............................. 205.00
948. Û 58 (Pl 13), F, light corner crease ....
899. Û 1 (Pl 5), Scarce unused with deep .............................. 140.00
rich colour & crisp impression. F, expertly 949. Û 58 (Pl 15), VF.............. 200.00
RG. Init O-A. Has 2013 Sismondo Certifi- 950. Ú 58 (Pl 20), SON Liverpool 28 May 1880
cate ....................... 14,250.00 CDS. VG-F..................... 175.00 975. Ú 90a, (Pl4), QV Five Shilling on white
951. Ú 61, Plates 11-12, 14-20, VG-F .... paper, near-perfect centering, neat 1884
.............................. 905.00 CDS’s VF, trifle trace of soiling. Has been 988. Û 111-22, Mint QV Jubilee set to 1Sh.
918. Ú 7a, Neat “33" grid cancel. VF 1,000.00 952. Ú 61 (Pl 14 & Pl 17). Neat cancels. F-VF signed by Proschold BPP & with a 2016 F-VF ......................... 755.25
.............................. 185.00 Sismondo Certificate........... 4,500.00 989. Ú 111-22, 125-6, F-VF......... 516.80
919. Ú 7a, QV Six Pence embossed. F, expert
hidden repair .................. 1,000.00 953. Ú 62 (Pl 13-16), Light creasing in Plate 15,
otherwise F..................... 420.00
954. Ú 62 (Pl 15-6), Nice cancels. VG-F.....
............................. 185.00
955. Ú 64 (Pl 12), SON Lombard St 15 Sept
1877 CDS. VG-F ................ 296.00
956. Ú 64 (Pl 12-3), F.............. 370.00
957. Ú 66 (Pl 1-3), VG-F ........... 480.00
900. Ú 1 (Pl 5), Four margins, black MC 958. Ú 66 (Plates 1-3), Nice cancels. F ....
cancel, VF, faint corner crease. Init R-J. .............................. 480.00 990. Ú 124, QV One Pound with SON 18
Has 2024 Philatelic Certificate ..... 425.00
Sept 1891 Caledonian Rd. CDS. F-VF ....
901. Ú 1 (Pl 6), Shows a portion of the adjoining ............................. 925.00
stamp at bottom, black MC cancel, F . 425.00 976. Û 93, QV Five Pound Orange with black
902. Ú 1 (Pl 9), Three large margins, black MC ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint, nice centering, fresh
cancel. F, one tiny edge nick. Init K-E 725.00 colour, F-VF, glazed gum (SG £4,500 or
903. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Rich colour, neat black MC 920. Ú 7d, QV Six Pence embossed, Water- $7,700 Cdn) ............. Est 3,500.00+
mark Inverted. F............... 1,150.00
cancel. VG-F .................. 1,125.00
921. Ú 22, VG-F.................. 500.00
922. Ú 27, Left margin horiz pair with London
duplex cancel. VF, couple short perfs .....
............................. 280.00+
923. Ú 27, 27a, The 2 shades, 1st is a wing 959. Û 66a (Pl 1), Scarce mint example on
margin copy. F-VF ............... 340.00 BLUISH PAPER with fresh rich colour. F+, 991. Ú 124, QV One Pound with neat
924. Ú 27-8, F ................... 540.00 OG. Has 1999 Philatelic Foundation Certifi- Threadneedle St 7 Feb 1899 Reg’d oval
925. Ú 28b, Deep Green shade, neat cancel. cate. A CHOICE STAMP........ 1,000.00 cancel. VF. Lovely stamp ......... 925.00
VG-F, a few short perfs ........... 600.00
926. Û 30 (Pl 14), Fresh colour, F, slight corner 960. Û 67 (Pl 15), F............... 600.00
crease ........................ 550.00
904. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Neat MC cancel. F-VF1,125.00 927. Ú 34, Neat “24" grid cancel. F+, a few
short perfs ..................... 150.00 977. Û 93a, QV Five Pound Dull Orange,
928. Ú 39, 39b, Neat “109" & ”466" grid oval very well centered example of the distinctive
cancels. F-VF................... 280.00 first printing. Has ‘SPECIMEN’ handstamp
929. Ú 39, 39d, 39h, Lilac, lilac with hairlines in black. VF, OG .......... Est 3,000.00+
& deep lilac shades. F-VF (SG #’s 83-5) .. 978. Ú 95, VF.................... 175.00
.............................. 555.00
930. Ú 43 (Pl 9-10), 43 (Pl 12), 43 (Pl 14), 43a
(Pl 8), VG-F .................... 467.50
931. Ú 43 (Pl 11), SON Hull 21 June 1869
CDS. VG-F..................... 116.00 992. Ú 127-41, KE issues up to 10 Shilling.
932. Ú 43 (Pl 14), Wing margin copy with ‘C30’ Nice colours. F-VF............. 1,224.00
Valparaiso, Chile cancel. VG-F (SG £50) ... 993. Û 136, F+................... 140.00
........................... Est 40.00+ 994. Ú 139, F-VF. Has 1984 Lutz Committee
933. Ú 43, 43a, Plates 8-12, F (5 stamps) ... Certificate...................... 150.00
.............................. 447.50 995. Ú 139-40, VF, nice cancels ..... 370.00
934. Ú 43 (Pl 9 & 11-2), 43a (Pl 7 & 14), VG-F+ 996. Ú 139-41, KE High Values up to 10
(5 stamps) ..................... 400.00 961. Û 67 (Pl 17), A nice mint example Shilling. F-VF ................... 870.00
935. Ú 45 (Pl’s 5-6), F ............. 460.00 with fresh colour. The Plate 17 is the 997. Ú 139a, SON “S.W.D.O.” double-ring
936. Ú 48 (Pl 4), F ................ 325.00 scarcest of the Plates of this issue. Fresh, cancel. VF ..................... 190.00
937. Ú 48, Neat “545" oval grid cancel. F-VF . F, OG. Has 2013 Sismondo Certificate ...
905. Ú 2 (Pl 1), Four large to very large mar- .............................. 325.00 ........................... 1,975.00 Toll Free Bid Line:
gins (showing adjoining stamp at left), tied 938. Ú 49, Cpl plates 4-10. VG-VF. Couple of 979. Û 96, QV 2Sh6d, fresh colour, F-VF ..
by a perfect black MC cancel on piece. VF. minor flts but still a nice lot. Scarce as cpl set 962. Ú 67 (Pl 5, 9, 11, 14-6). F (6 stamps) ... ............................. 700.00 1-877-957-3364
AN OUTSTANDING STAMP .... 1,100.00 .............................. 925.00 .............................. 600.00