Page 14 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 14

14                           SWITZERLAND                 ITALY                        VATICAN CITY MINT NH STOCK
        710. Û Duplicated mint accum of many diff  725. ÚÛ 36/499, BOB, Interesting duplicated  737. ÚÛ 882/1034, Primarily mint NH stock  746. Û 641/825, C73-4, Stock of sheets &
         neatly arranged on stockcards & in stockbook,  coll / accum of many diff on stockcards, from  of commem singles & sets neatly arranged  part sheets, in sets. Mostly 10-20 sets of
         mainly 1950’s-70’s but some earlier / later. Pri-  1858 up to 1969. Has early classics up to  on stockcards. Duplication from 1 to 10+ of  each. Incl 795-802 (20), C73-4 (24). F-VF,
         marily large size colourful & topical commems  modern topical commems & semi-postals, etc.  each. VF, mint are NH (Many 100’s).......  NH. 2017 Scott catalogue value from a
         & semi-postals from 1 to 10 of each incl cpl  We noted used 36 & 38 ($100); plus mint B20  ........................... Est 50.00+  few years ago was $3,200+ (Over 2,100
         sets. Most F-VF, much NH (Many 100’s) ...  (block - $50), etc. Majority VG-VF (596) ....  stamps) .................. Est 650.00+
         .......................... Est 225.00+  .......................... Est 200.00+
        711. ÚÛ Large plastic bag full of loose un-  CALENDAR CANCEL COLLECTION:
         sorted stamps, older to modern. Primarily  726. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll                                     SPAIN COLLECTION
         used with a tremendous variety of commems,  from 1950-79 coll arranged in month order on                            IN 2 SCOTT SPECIALTY ALBUMS:
         pictorials, defins & BOB. Mainly F-VF (1,000’s)  homemade recycled pages. Has clear read-                        754. ÚÛ Two Scott 2-post Specialty Albums
         .......................... Est 150.00+  able cancels on a wide range of issues, from                              with a clean coll of stamps from 1850-2003
                                      many diff towns & cities. Majority VG-VF,
        MONACO SET IN SHEETS:         some flts (Approx 5,240 cancels) Est 300.00+                                         (pages go up to 2007). Strength in stamps
        712. Û 507-9, C61, Europa 1962 cpl sheets                                                                          from 1930-90’s with most of the later years
         of 30. VF, NH .......... 2024 Scott 99.00  SOUTH KOREA 1951 SHEET:                                                being all mint & neatly displayed in black
                                     727. Û 125a, Cpl rouletted sheet of 100. F-VF,                                        hingeless mounts. Has a wide array of
        AUSTRIA MINT COLLECTION 1992-1999:  NH, centre fold. 2025 Scott $425 Est 100.00+                                   commems, pictorials, defins & souvenir
        713. Û 1555/1796, B358-70, Beautiful coll of                                                                       sheets (no BOB). VG-VF. The albums
         large size commems, pictorials, semi-postals,                    GERMANY                                          themselves are in excellent condition &
         etc. neatly arranged on pages. Close to cpl                  THIRD REICH COLLECTION:                              ready for continuation. The albums retail for
         for period. VF, NH. 2024 Scott $315 (225) ..            738. ÚÛ 398/529, BOB, Third Reich coll in  GERMANY THIRD REICH  $500+ & the stamps will have decent Cat
         .......................... Est 120.00+                   PEKA specialty album. Has commems,  SPECIAL CANCELS ON COVERS:  value (Many 100’s).......... Est 600.00+
                                                                  defins, semi-postals, plus occupation issues
        STOCKBOOK FULL OF FOREIGN PLUS                                                        747. Ö An amazing accumulation of Nazi
        SOME BETTER SOUVENIR SHEETS:                              from Luxembourg & East Europe. Some  Germany covers & cards from 1935-44 all  GERMANY UNSEVERED BOOKLET PANES:
        714. ÚÛ Lighthouse 16-page stockbook (32                  highlights are used 398-414 ($76), B49-57  with fancy / commem / propaganda post-  755. Û 671a, 675a, Cross-gutter unsevered
                                                                  ($380), B91-2 ($135), C46-56 ($76); plus
         sides) full with an accum of Foreign stamps,                                          marks. Contains a terrific range of types,  Numeral issue Booklet Panes. VF, hinged
         older to modern. Has Germany, Hungary,                   mint B59-67 ($77), B141-3 ($54), etc. Some  designs & dates. Frankings incl single &  in selvedge but stamps are NH. Very scarce
         Russia, Thailand, Scandinavia, Swiss,                    collected both as mint & used. Majority VG-  multiple stamps, commems, semi-postals,  (Mi #MHB1 - 5,000 Euro) . . . Est 1,000.00+
         Czechoslovakia, etc. Also has some souvenir              VF. 2025 Scott $1,626 (749 stamps, 3 SS’s)  etc. Incl about 30 Reg’d covers. Most of
         sheets with better items incl mint Honduras               ......................... Est 600.00+  the items are addr to Passau in Bavaria.  MADAGASCAR RELATED
         C344a (Perf & Imperf, Cat $90); Bosnia &  WWI AUSTRIA FELDPOST MAIL:  TIMOR COVERS:   F-VF. An interesting old-time lot (224) ...  POSTAL STATIONERY:
         Herzegovina #151, 151e, Cat $78); Macedo-  728. Ö Interesting accum of WWI Feldpost  739. Ö Interesting & seldom offered coll of  ......................... Est 800.00+  756. Ö Attractive lot of 9 diff unused cards,
         nia #353 (Cat $50); & Serbia #298a, 293a,  cards / covers from 1914-17, mainly  covers from the 1950’s-60’s. Has nice FDC’s  INDONESIA MINT STOCK 1951-1993:  letter cards & reply cards, mainly Peace &
         perf & imperf (Cat $37). VG-VF (100’s).....  stampless. Has a wide array of military unit  with various diff cachets, commercial Reg’d  748. Û 362/1555, BOB, Fresh mint dealer’s  Commerce issues, from late 19th Century.
         .......................... Est 300.00+  markings, censors, dates, couple military il-  mail to Lisbon with 2 or more stamp frankings  We noted French Expeditionary Madagascar
                                      lustrated, etc. Also a few Hungarian. Quite a  & several covers to Canada. Also a nice lot  stock identified in ‘102’ cards in red box. Has  card, 4 items from St. Marie de Madagascar
                                      varied lot to study. VG-VF (72) Est 250.00+  of unused Postal Stationery from 1890’s-  duplication from 1 to 5 of a kind, many diff.  & 4 items from Diego-Suarez. VF Est 75.00+
                                                                                              Most in cpl topical sets incl commem & semi-
                                     JAPANESE POSTCARD COLLECTION:  1950’s with postal cards, perforated types,  postals. Majority F-VF, most NH (Many 100’s)
                                     729. Ö Interesting coll of 26 diff better calibre  several early illustrated types & aerogrammes.  .......................... Est 275.00+
                                      colour illustrated postcards, used & unused,  F-VF (72 items) ............. Est 300.00+
                                      from 1910’s-30’s. Many have photo insets  ALSACE-LORRAINE REVENUES:  GERMANY
                                                                                              MINT SEMI-POSTAL STOCK:
                                      with multi-colour design backgrounds; several  740. Ú Interesting lot of 18 different Alsace-
                                      are embossed. We saw battle scenes, from  Lorraine Old Age Disability Revenues affixed  749. Û B3/B499, Extensive dealer’s stock
                                      Russo-Japanese War, ships, shrines & other  on 8 Official cards (3 cards have both Old  of mint semi-postal sets, from 1922-73. Has
                                      buildings, patriotics, dignitaries & officers.  Age Disability & Pension issues), from  good ranges of Third Reich & early post
                                      F-VF...................... Est 200.00+  1923-41. Has 18 different issues with over  WWII sets; duplication from 1 to 20+ of
                                     NAZI GERMANY COVERS & CARDS:  350 stamps & a variety of Official h/s’s. VG-F  each. Some highlights are B69-78 (4 -
                                                                                               $138); B79-89 (7 - $162); B134-6 (11 -
                                     730. Ö Diverse accum of Third Reich covers/  ........................... Est 80.00+
          SQUARED CIRCLE CANCELS OF ITALY:  postcards from 1934-43. Has a variety of  AUSTRIA MINT COLLECTION 1945-1956:  $143); B141-3 (2 - $108); B160-8 NH (2 -
         715. Ö Box with an accum of SQUARED  frankings with singles & some multi-stamps  741. Û 390/612, Attractive collection of  $90); B306-8 NH (18 - $576); B310-3, B327-
          CIRCLE POSTMARKS on Postal Stationery  with defins, semi-postals, commems, etc.  primarily commems arranged on a stockcard.  30 & B334-7 NH ($255); etc. F-VF, much  SWEDEN LOCALS ON COVERS:
          cards, postcards plus some covers, post  Has various rates incl 8 Reg’d. Most are do-  Nice range of early post WWII issues incl  NH. 2022 Scott approx $10,400 (several  757. Ö Very interesting coll of 45 covers from
          office receipts, etc. Primarily 1890’s - early  mestically addr with many to Passau. Incl one  557-598 ($248). VF, NH (59) ............  1,000) .................. Est 2,500.00+  1945-46, all franked by Swedish Locals.
          1900’s with a terrific variety of towns, dates,  b/w real photo postcard of ADOLF HITLER.  .................... 2025 Scott 292.00  FRANCE & RELATED ACCUMULATION:  Wide variety of local types with perf, imperf,
          regions, etc. The previous owner paid up  VG-VF (110) ............... Est 400.00+  750. ÚÛ Fascinating accum of material, early  various designs, values, etc. Mostly 2-3 diff
          to $35 each for some of these. Some are  MOZAMBIQUE MINT NH WHOLESALE:              to modern. Has stamps in glassines, most on  locals on each cover (some more) & all with
          marked as being the earliest known date &  731. Û 420 (150), 422 (200), 454 (300), Whole-  stockcards & pages, covers & postcards incl  special local post cancels. An unusual lot of
          the latest known date (but unverified by us).  sale mint lot in sheets. F-VF, NH. 2025 Scott  cach FDC’s. Broad range of early to modern  seldom offered material. F-VF . Est 250.00+
          A great lot for the cancel collector. VG-VF  $3,252. Good profit potential for a dealer (650  commems & semi-postals; plus a wide variety
          (240)..................... Est 500.00+                                                                          HUNGARY ALL DIFF COLLECTION:
                                      stamps) ................... Est 200.00+                 of BOB. Great source for varieties, cancels &  758. ÚÛ Two large stockbooks (one is an ex-
        BOX OF HUNGARY:              NETHERLANDS OFFICIALS COLLECTION:                        topicals. Majority VG-VF, some NH (Couple  pensive type with 20 black clear view pages)
                                                                                              1,000) .................... Est 325.00+
        716. ÚÛ Box with a completely unsorted &  732. ÚÛ O1/O60, Attractive coll of Officials,                            containing an extensive coll of approx 2,800
         primarily used hoard of loose stamps from  from 1913 up to 2004. We noted mint O1-7                               diff. Primarily used with early to modern
         the 1900’s-80’s. Has a large quantity to sort  ($71), etc. A few collected both as mint &                         commems, pictorials, defins, airmails & other
         through with commems, defins, topicals &  used. F-VF, some NH (65) 2024 Scott 228.00                              BOB. VG-VF ............... Est 250.00+
         more. Generally VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 100.00+  OLDER AUSTRIA & HUNGARY COVERS:  SWITZERLAND USED PAX SET:
                                     733. Ö Interesting coll of covers, postcards
        BOX FULL WITH AUSTRIA                                    742. Ú 293-305, Cpl PAX set up to 10 Fr.
        ACCUMULATION OF MAINLY MINT:  & Postal Stationery, from 1861 up to 1938.  Nice fresh colours & neat cancels. F-VF.
        717. ÚÛ Wide-ranging duplicated accum of  Has a variety, of frankings, rates & cancels.  2024 Scott $806............ Est 275.00+
         many diff, all loose in a box, older to modern.  We saw Moserboden, Szombathely,  NETHERLANDS INDIES
         Has stamps in glassines, in ‘102’ cards, in a  Zalaegerszeg, Zombor, etc. We noted Austria  WWII JAPANESE OCCUPATION ISSUES:
         stockbook, on pages, on stockcards, etc.  #6 tied on 1861 flyer by fancy Pesth cancel,  743. Û Interesting coll of Netherlands Indies
         Has stock of mint NH commems, pictorials &  1898 Patriotic postcard depicting Franz Josef,  issues with various local Japanese WWII
         semi-postals incl beautiful topicals, etc. Major-  postcard with Vienna Third Reich Propaganda  Local Occupation overprints (see note in
         ity F-VF, much NH (1,000’s) . . . Est 300.00+  cancel, etc. VG-VF, a few flts (19 items)....  GERMANY
                                      .......................... Est 100.00+  Scott). All diff. F-VF (46) ...... Est 100.00+
        BOX FULL OF AUSTRIA:         GERMANY                     NETHERLANDS                      MINT COLLECTION 1955-1999:
        718. ÚÛ Amazing range of material loose  KAISER WILHELM POSTCARDS:  LOCAL POST & CINDERELLAS:  751. Û 727/2059, B342/B861, etc, Gorgeous
         in a box, early to modern. Has stamps in  735. Ö Three diff b/w photo postcards depict-  744. Û Lightly duplicated accum of Local Post  coll virtually COMPLETE for these years,
         glassines, stockbooks, sleeves, ‘102’ cards,  ing WWI military leaders. These show the  & Cinderella issues, mainly 1960’s-70’s. Incl  neatly arranged on pages. Has commems,
         colls & accums; on pages & stockcards,  Kaiser meeting Austrian General VON  2 imperf tete beche sheets of 20 Rocket Post  pictorials, semi-postals, defins incl high
         covers, odds & ends, etc. We saw many mint  HOTZENDORF; Prussian General VON  stamps. F-VF, NH (59 stamps, 9 SS’s).....  values, booklet panes, coil strips, framas,
         NH singles, sets & souvenir sheets incl semi-  BELOW in Italy; & Field Marshal VON  ........................... Est 75.00+  etc. VF, (2,035 stamps, 52 SS’s).........
         postals & other BOB. We noted mint B87-90  HINDENBURG on his 70th Birthday. VF,       ......................... Est 750.00+
         ($110), etc. Much to sort through. Majority  unused..................... Est 90.00+  EAST GERMANY MYSTERY BOX:
         VG-VF (1,000’s) ............ Est 300.00+                                            752. ÚÛ Box with an unsorted accum from
        RED BOX OF HUNGARY:                                                                   the 1950’s-80’s. Has stamps on stockcards,
        719. ÚÛ Red box filled with an accum on                                               in a couple stockbooks, loose, etc. Has mint,
         cards from the early 1900’s-80’s. Has a wide                                         used, commems, pictorials, defins, se-tenants,  NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
         variety of issues with both commems & defins,                                        souvenir sheets, etc. Lots of stamps to search  COLLECTION 1873-2006:
         sets, topicals, BOB, & more. Generally F-VF                                          & sort through. Unchecked in any detail by us.  759. ÚÛ 1/1133, BOB, Extensive primarily
         (Many 100’s) ............... Est 150.00+                                             F-VF (1,000’s) .............. Est 225.00+  mint coll neatly arranged on stockcards.
        SHOEBOX OF POLAND:                                                                    RUSSIA EXHIBITION PANELS 1952:  Some collected both as mint & used. Many
        720. Ú Shoebox with a large accum of loose                                            753. Û 269/1596, C40/C88, Gorgeous collec-  runs of cpl commem & semi-postal sets.
         unsorted stamps, older to modern. All off                                             tion of singles, sets & souvenir sheets af-  Topicals abound, incl better singles & sets
         paper. Has lots of attractive large size                                              fixed on 27 large card panels (measuring 12  up to $50 & $100. Majority F-VF. 2024 Scott
         commems & pictorials. VG-VF (Many 1,000’s)                                            x 17 inches) prepared for 1952 Exhibition /  $1,953 (1,037 stamps, 9 SS’s). Est 650.00+
         .......................... Est 175.00+                                                Presentation written up in English. Many  NETHERLANDS INDIES COVERS:
                                       JAPANESE SHIPS ON POSTCARDS:  AUSTRIA MINT NH COLLECTION:  better sets here that Cat between $40 &
         FRENCH COLONIES ACCUMULATION:                                                                                    760. Ö Interesting lot of 5 diff King William
         721. ÚÛ Extensive accum of many 100’s  736. Ö Fascinating coll of 20 diff colour  745. Û 455/1608, BOB, Pristine mint NH  $100; plus 709-12 ($105), 794-810 ($138),  Postal Stationery cards & envelopes (one
          diff from French Colonies & Offices mainly  illustrated postcards circa 1910’s-20’s  coll neatly arranged on stockcards, from  852-5 ($120), 1293-4 ($145), 1518-25  uprated by 5¢ adhesive), from 1888-94. Four
          on stockcards but also some on pages.  depicting passenger-cargo ships. Majority  1945-95. Many cpl runs here. Has topical  ($250), 1532-3 ($150), C50-2 & C69-75  are to Netherlands, 1 to Germany. Variety
          Ranges from early to modern. We counted  depict b/w photo of ships with multi-colour  commems, pictorials, semi-postals & souve-  ($328). Also souvenir sheets 1325 ($500)  of squared circle cancels, CDS’s & h/s’s incl
          approx 40 diff Colonies & Offices. Incl 1946  design background. We noted S.S.’s  nir sheets; plus defins incl High Values. VF,  & 1327a ($600). F-VF 2023 Scott approx  “Ned Indie over Geneva”, “Ned Indie over
          Victory Omnibus issue complete; plus 1941  Kumano (2), Tango (9), Fushimi (5) &  NH. 2025 Scott $875 (873 stamps, 7 SS’s)  $4,900. We have never seen these before  Brindisi”, “Ned Indie over Napels”, etc. Some
          Vichy Colonial Troop Omnibus issues in 48  Yawata (4). Unused, F-VF .... Est 225.00+  ......................... Est 300.00+  (329 stamps, 4 SS’s)....... Est 1,500.00+  cancels are Weltevreden, Maos, Soerabaja,
          diff cpl sheets of 25, etc. Majority VG-VF,                                                                      Klaten, etc. VG-VF .......... Est 100.00+
          some NH (Approx 4,900 stamps) ........                                                                          GERMANY 1930 ZEPPELIN COVER:
          ......................... Est 600.00+
                                                                                                                          761. Ö 371/386, Five diff stamps tied by GRAF
                                                                                                                           ZEPPELIN 7 Sept 1930 ON BOARD cancels
         MINT NH SETS IN 8 BOXES CAT $18,000:                                                                              on Breslau Flight postcard. VF . . Est 75.00+
         722. Û Eight red file boxes containing a
          wholesale stock of mint Cuba from 1979-94,
          all in ‘102’ cards by the set. Mainly $1 - $5
          sets with varying duplication from a few up
          to 100-200+ of a kind. Loaded with popular
          topicals incl flowers, paintings, sports, birds,
          sea life, dogs, transportation, space, etc.
          F-VF, NH. Previous owner said Scott was
          $20,000 a few years ago but we think cur-
          rent Scott closer to $18,000 now. Good
          profit potential for a dealer (1,000’s of
          stamps) ................. Est 2,000.00+
                                                                                                                             POSTCARDS DEPICTING STAMPS:
        OF PRIMARILY GERMANY:                                                                                             762. Ö Attractive coll of 7 diff multi-coloured
        723. ÚÛ Four stockbooks from an estate with                                                                        postcards circa 1905-10, primarily unused,
                                                                                                                           all depicting STAMPS. Incl France, Ger-
         an accum of older to modern. Primarily Ger-
         many with a wide array of commems, pictori-                                                                       many, Belgium, Serbia, Brazil, Swiss &
         als, defins, semi-postals, etc. Strength in                                                                       Bulgaria. Mostly F .......... Est 175.00+
         1940’s-90’s. Also has some scattered other                                                                       CHILE SOUVENIR SHEETS:
         countries. A clean lot with lots of stamps.                                                                      763. SSÛ C194a, C221a, C247a, Three diff
         VG-VF (Many 100’s) ......... Est 300.00+                                                                          souvenir sheets from 1958-62. VF,m NH.
                                                                                                                           2025 Scott $153 ............. Est 60.00+
         NETHERLANDS COLLECTION 1852-2006:
         724. ÚÛ 1/249a, BOB, Broad ranging coll in                                                                          JAPAN RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR
          large stockbook. Has early classics up to                                                                                POSTCARDS:
          modern topical commem & semi-postal sin-                                                                        764. Ö Historic coll of 25 photo / colour illus-
          gles, sets, souvenir sheets, etc. We noted                                                                       trated Patriotic Russo-Japanese War related
          mint 286-300 ($60), 448-50 sheets ($52);               VATICAN CITY EARLY SETS USED ON PIECE:                    postcards (6 embossed), circa 1905-6. All
          plus used 144a ($100). Some collected both  734. Ú 35-54, Three diff cpl sets incl the rare provisional surcharges, all neatly tied by Vatican 9 Ap, 1937 CDS’s on the back of a Vatican City  are diff in some way. Some have special
          as mint & used or as singles & blocks. Ma-  post office sheet. F-VF, the sheet has been folded but not affecting the stamps. AN EYE-CATCHING ITEM & SCARCE. Scott $1,621 US ......  illustrated commem cancels. Depict battle
          jority F-VF, much NH. 2024 Scott $1,518  ........................................................................................................Est 1,000.00+  scenes, senior officers, Oyama entering
          (1,132 stamps, 52 SS’s)...... Est 500.00+                                                                        Mukden, War spoils, etc. F-VF. Est 325.00+
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