Page 15 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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        WWII MILITARY POSTAL HISTORY:  778. Ú Interesting 1859 Bond for $100 for  791. SSÛ 993/1098, Beautiful coll of all diff  CHINA SOUVENIR SHEETS:  PRISONER OF WAR MAIL 1810
        765. Ö Interesting coll of WWII Military postal  a Railroad Company “EMPRESSA DEL  souvenir sheets, very near cpl between these  806. SSÛ 2462a, Original package with an  FROM NAPOLEONIC WAR:
         history. Has covers with Swiss Army corner-  FERRO-CARRIL DE GUANTANAMO”. Hand  numbers. Loaded with popular topicals incl  investment lot of 1993 souvenir sheets over-  818. Ö Pre stamp folded letter datelined 9
         cards, b/w photo postcards used as feldpost  signed. Has an illustration of an early train. F,  transportation, famous people, birds, dogs,  printed IN GOLD. VF, NH. 2025 Scott $750
         cards, etc. We counted 25 diff Army Division  small flaws.................. Est 75.00+  sealife, insects, dinosaurs, etc. Fresh, VF, NH.  US (100) .................. Est 325.00+  Sept, 1810 with a petition from a Schleswig-
         numeral cancels. F-VF (26).... Est 100.00+  WWII GERMAN OCCUPATION OF POLAND:  2025 Scott $1,563 (108 SS’s) . . Est 450.00+  GERMANY MINT NH COLLECTION:  Holstein Prisoner of War held at Cambray,
        NORWAY COLLECTION 1856-2009:  779. Û NO14-15, Each in a cpl sheet of 50.             807. Û 669/727, B298/B347, Fresh mint NH  France. Addr to the French Minister of War.
                                                                                                                           The POW soldier who was born in Gottorp,
        766. ÚÛ 4, 1574, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  Fresh, VF, NH, some separated perfs .....  coll of early post war commem & semi-postal  Oldenburg is asking to be given his freedom.
         identified in ‘104’ cards. Ranges from early  .................... 2024 Scott 560.00  singles & sets. We noted 669 ($52), 693-6  It is likely that this soldier was captured in the
         classics up to modern commems plus a nice  ITALY COMPLETE SHEET MISSING              ($98), B324-6 & B338-47 ($130), etc. F-VF,  1809 Napoleonic Campaign in Austria where
         variety of back of book. We noted used 4-5  DENOMINATION CAT 45,000 EURO:            NH (27) .............. 2024 Scott 367.00  his regiment was part of the German Confed-
         ($73) & 16 & 18 ($52); plus mint B2 & B4-8  780. Û 2447, Cpl sheet of 100 with BLACK  OLDER GERMANY PERFINS:      eration contingent. Nicely written up on an
         ($69), etc. Majority F-VF, some NH. 2023  INSCRIPTIONS MISSING. Fresh, VF, NH,      808. Ú Interesting accum of older Perfins from  exhibition page. F ........... Est 900.00+
         Scott $744 (224) ............ Est 200.00+                                            1890’s-1930’s, mounted on pages. Has a
                                      centre fold. Has a photocopy of a 2016 Dr
        POLAND MIXTURE IN 2 BAGS:     Avi Certificate for a single with this variety.         variety of issues & perfin types. Most VG-VF
        767. ÚÛ Two plastic bags full of loose unsorted  Sassone #2370Aa, Cat 450 Euro per stamp  (273) ..................... Est 125.00+
         mixture all off paper. Approx 2.8 pounds of  for a total of 45,000 Euro . . . Est 4,500.00+
         older to modern stamps here with commems,
         pictorials, defins, topicals, etc. Primarily used,              NETHERLANDS
         mostly VG-VF (Many 1,000’s) . . Est 200.00+               IN LIGHTHOUSE HINGELESS ALBUM:
                                                                 792. Û 216/675, BOB, Beautiful mint NH coll
                                                                  neatly arranged in a like-new Lighthouse
                                                                  Hingeless Album, from 1940-85. Has lots of
                                                                  attractive commems & semi-postal sets plus
                                                                  souvenir sheets. Many nice cpl runs. We
                                                                  noted 294-300 ($100), 448-50 sheets ($52),
                                                                  B219-90 ($191), B296-443 ($176), etc. VF,
                                                                  NH. Value of album without stamps $500
                                                                  & stamps have 2024 Scott of $1,288 (991  FRENCH POLYNESIA COLLECTION:
                                                                  stamps, 30 SS’s) ........... Est 550.00+  809. Û 20/190, BOB, Attractive mint coll
                                        AUSTRIA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS:                                                          SAAR COLLECTION 1920-1957:
                                     781. Ö Interesting coll of Austria Airlines  GUADELOUPE COLLECTION 1891-1940:  neatly arranged on pages, from 1892 up to  819. ÚÛ 8/306, BOB, Interesting coll neatly
                                      FFC’s from 1950’s-70’s. Primarily cach &  793. ÚÛ 12/156, BOB, Attractive coll neatly  1958. We noted 75 ($57), C17-9 ($106),  arranged on a stockcard. Some collected
                                      contains flights to / from Austria. Wide array  arranged on pages. Some highlights are  C20-1 ($100), etc. F-VF. 2025 Scott $739  both as mint & used. We noted mint 85-98
             JAPAN SHIP POSTCARDS:    of frankings, routes, postmarks, rec cancels,  mint 22 & 24 ($110), 42-3 ($77), B1-8 ($71),  (186)..................... Est 250.00+  ($65), 226 & C12 ($100), etc. VG-VF, some
         768. Ö Specialized coll of 18 diff multi-colour  etc. Also a few special flights, anniversary  etc. Majority VG-VF (159 stamps, 1 SS)....  GREENLAND CHRISTMAS SEALS:  NH. 2023 Scott $599 (157) . . . Est 200.00+
          illustrated unused postcards, circa 1907. All  covers, etc. F-VF (121) ...... Est 250.00+  .................... 2025 Scott 788.00  810. Û Attractive coll of part or full sheets of
          depict the Japanese ship “S.S. CHIKUGO  SHOEBOX OF SWITZERLAND:  YUGOSLAVIA MINT 1940-1982:  25-30 Christmas seals, from 1974-86. Beauti-  MARTINIQUE COLLECTION 1891-1939:
          MARU” with by attractive designs. Great  782. ÚÛ Shoebox filled with a loose unsorted  794. Û 159/1179a, B23/C54, Small coll of all  ful designs. VF, NH (335 seals). . Est 45.00+  820. ÚÛ 22/187, BOB, Attractive coll neatly
          looking postcards! F-VF (18) . . Est 225.00+            diff singles & sets identified & priced on ‘102’         arranged on pages. Some highlights are mint
                                      hoard from the early 1900’s-2000’s. Loaded                                           59-60 ($59), 173-8 ($52), B3-7 ($52), J15-25
                                      with nice commems, defins, semi-postals,  cards. Incl 375-7 ($20), 582-4 ($24), C15-6  ($64), etc. Majority VG-VF (177 stamps, 1 SS)
                                      other BOB, 2000 5Fr embroidery stamp, 2004  ($17), etc. Also others in the $2-$13 Cat range.  .................... 2025 Scott 794.00
                                      Yearbook & more. Unchecked by us. Gener-  F-VF, appears all NH (94) 2024 Scott 194.00
                                      ally VG-VF (Few 1,000)....... Est 200.00+  DENMARK USED BLOCK COLLECTION:
                                                                 795. ÕÚ 277/1007, B14, Lovely coll of 87 diff
                                     ITALY FDC COLLECTION 1954-1968:
                                     783. Ö 663/967, C136, E33, Beautiful coll of  used blocks loose in a glassine, from 1941-94.
                                      cach FDC’s in glassines. Many have Trieste  Most have lovely SON centered CDS’s.
                                                                  Mostly topical pictorials & commems. F-VF .
                                      cancels; 10 are Reg’d. VF, most unaddr (133)
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     CARTON OF GERMANY:
                                     784. ÚÛ Interesting accum of several 1,000
                                      in a carton, early to modern. Has stamps in             ISRAEL TWO VOLUME MINT COLLECTION:
                                      2 stockbooks, in glassines, in envelopes, in            811. Û Two Minkus 3-Ring albums with a
                                      ‘102’ cards, on stockcards, etc. We saw nice             coll of mint singles, from 1948-82. Has a
           VICHY FRANCE COVERS 1941-1943:                                                                                    GERMANY 1930 ZEPPELIN COVER:
         769. Ö Attractive coll of 6 diff WWII Vichy  ranges of Germanias, Inflation, modern topical  wide variety of commems, pictorials, defins,  821. Ö C38, Tied by Friedrichshafen 18
          era b/w illustrated postcards & letter card  commems, WWII Occupations, East Germany,  souvenir sheets, etc. Incl 1948 First coin set  May 1930 CDS on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
          with special Paris & Lyon Philatelic exhibi-  Saar, Berlin mint & used stock, etc. Useful  to 1000m (NH, Cat $302), & a solid run of  FLIGHT COVER TO SEVILLE (b/s 19 May
                                      duplication. Majority VG-VF, some mint NH .
          tion cancels (3 with matching labels affixed).  .......................... Est 450.00+  other early issues incl the Tabul souvenir  1930). F (Frost 127-49A). F, minor stains
          One postcard shows the Paris Stamp                                                   sheet (Cat $55), etc. Also has some air-  at cover bottom well away from stamp &
          Bourse in 1941. Also has 1944 Reg’d letter  NETHERLANDS                              mails, first Postage Due set (Cat $82), some  cancels................... Est 300.00+
          card containing an Official Local Court Sum-  CALENDAR CANCEL COLLECTION:            Revenues, coil stamps, etc. F-VF, appears
          mons. VF (8 items).......... Est 125.00+  785. Ú Interesting CALENDAR cancel coll  FRENCH WARSHIPS ON POSTCARDS:  NH (100’s) ................ Est 250.00+  PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF
                                      arranged by month on homemade recycled  796. Ö Fascinating coll of 24 diff used/unused  CHINA SOUVENIR SHEETS:
        PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC CHINA       pages, from 1900-39 & 1976-2006. Has a  postcards, mainly b/w, depicting French War-  EAST GERMANY MINT COLLECTION:  822. SSÛ 2681a, Sealed original package with
        FDC COLLECTION 1995-1998:     wide range of issues & many diff town & city  ships primarily from 1900’s-20’s. Incl battle-  812. Û Eye-catching mint NH coll on  an investment lot of 1996 souvenir sheets
        770. Ö Album with a beautiful coll of 160 diff  cancels. Nice clear readable strikes. Sparse  ships, cruisers, etc. We noted the Jeanne  stockcards, from 1970’s-90’s. Wide range of  overprinted IN GOLD. VF, NH. 2025 Scott
         official cach FDC’s & special event covers.  in some periods. Majority VG-VF, some flts.  D’Arc, Admiral Aube, Condorcet, Diderot,  topical singles, sets & souvenir sheets. Also  $700 US (100).............. Est 300.00+
         Lots of attractive topical singles, sets & SS’s.  (Over 5,400 cancels)......... Est 350.00+  Carnot Patrie, etc. F-VF...... Est 150.00+  has #16N9f (Cat $52). VF, NH (288 stamps,
         We noted 8 covers franked by both PRC &  BOX FULL OF BULGARIA:                       35 SS’s)................... Est 100.00+
         Hong Kong issues. VF, unaddr . Est 225.00+              NETHERLANDS PERFINS:
                                     786. ÚÛ Box full of loose unsorted stamps
        RIO DI ORO MINT COLLECTION:   from Bulgaria all off paper. Has older to mod-  797. Ú Accum of Perfins on various issues,
        771. Û 18/151, Mint coll neatly arranged on  ern with commems, pictorials, defins, BOB,  mainly 1920’s-40’s. A variety of types. Also
         page, from 1907-22. We noted 46-58, 71-83 &  etc. Good lot for someone who likes to sort  a couple Colonies. VG-VF (90) . . Est 75.00+
         97-109, etc. VG-VF (54) . 2025 Scott 249.00  (1,000’s)................... Est 100.00+
        772. SSÚÛ 929/2104, B356/B375, Beautiful
         coll of Souvenir & Miniature Sheets, from 1972
         up to 2007. Has a broad range of topics. Many
         collected both as mint NH & used. We noted                                                                              GERMANY BERLIN
         used B375 ($50), etc. VF. 2025 Scott $468                                                                              COLLECTION 1948-1955:
         (33 sheets)................. Est 160.00+                                                    AUSTRIA MINT NH      823. ÚÛ 9N1/9N117, 9NB1-B20, Nice coll of
                                                                                                  SEMI-POSTAL COLLECTION:  all diff in mounts on pages. We noted some
                                                                                              813. Û B165/B370, Very attractive mint semi-  better like used 9N35-41 ($211), 9N61-3
                                                                                               postals, 1945-99, neatly arranged on stock-  ($127), 9N70-4 ($138), 9NB4-11 ($269), etc.
                                                                  SQUARED CIRCLE CANCELS OF ITALY:  card. Some nice cpl runs. We noted B273-8  F-VF. 2024 Scott $1,380 (124) . Est 400.00+
                                                                 798. Ö Accum of Italian covers, postal statio-  ($93), etc. VF, NH (170) 2025 Scott 327.00
                                                                  nery cards & postcards from 1890’s-1910’s.              FRANCE IMPERFORATE SHEET:
                                                                  Wide variety of towns & regions with many               824. Û B661a, Cpl imperforate semi-postal
                                                                  great strikes. Previous owner said there are             sheet from 1994 containing 5 Booklet Panes
                                                                  some earliest date or latest date postmarks              (30 stamps). Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce.......
                                                                  but unchecked by us. F (115) . . Est 300.00+             ......................... Est 250.00+
                                                                 SWITZERLAND IMPERF HELVETIAS:
                                                                 799. Ú 25/38, Attractive coll of imperforate
                                                                  Helvetias with nice colours & neat cancels.
                                      COSTA RICA SPECIMEN COLLECTION:  Incl some shades. VG-VF. 2024 Scott $500
                                     787. Û 69/245, C11/C218, CO1/CO13, etc,  (9 stamps) ................. Est 135.00+
                                      Lighthouse stockbook full with an amazing  BETTER FRANCE COMMEMORATIVES:
                                      coll of over 900 diff issues from 1909-47, all  800. Û 299/321, Coll of 10 diff better
         773. Ú 34, 37, 40, 43, Specialized coll of 14  with SPECIMEN or MUESTRA overprints  commems. F-VF. 2024 Scott $227 Est 75.00+  POSTCARDS OF WWI GERMAN PLANES:
          vertical BISECTS each tied on piece by  (and printer’s punch). Has a wide variety of  GERMANY SEMI-POSTAL 1949-57:  814. Ö Interesting lot of 5 diff postcards de-
          Diego Suarez 1904 CDS’s along with blue  commems, defins, airmails & revenues iden-  801. Ú B310/B359, Attractive coll of 26 diff  picting WWI GERMAN MILITARY PLANES
          “Affranchissements / exceptionnel / (faute  tified by printing orders, etc. Fresh, F-VF,  better semi-postals incl 4 cpl sets. We noted  in flight. Incl various types incl biplanes,  ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON COLLECTION:
          de timbres)” h/s’s. Yvert identified on pages.  virtually all NH. Ex K. Bileski & write-ups  B310-3 ($130), B315 ($42), B337 ($57), B338-  monoplanes & seaplanes. Two are used in  825. ÚÛ 1/747, BOB, Beautiful coll of primar-
          Good lot for the specialist. F-VF Est 200.00+  accompany (Original cost was over $4,000)  41 ($42), etc. VF ....... 2024 Scott 414.00  1915, others unused. Most F. . Est 150.00+  ily mint neatly arranged in a stockbook, from
                                       ....................... Est 1,500.00+  SHARJAH MINT COLLECTION:
        BRAZIL COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION:                        802. Û Attractive mint coll on pages from  FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA:  1885 up to 2002. Some highlights are used
        774. ÚÛ 68/2924, BOB, Interesting coll /  BOX OF SWITZERLAND:  1963-66. Nice variety of issues incl 1966 Fish  815. ÚÛ 1/127, BOB, Attractive coll neatly ar-  1-2 ($95), 20-6 ($123); plus mint 3 ($45),
         accum of primarily used, neatly arranged on  788. ÚÛ Box with an accum on pages, in  set (Cat $38). Clean lot, F-VF (212 stamps,  ranged on pages, from 1936-40. Some high-  260-3 ($190), 360-73, 385-92, 396-9 & 417-
                                      ‘102’ cards, on black cards, etc. from the 19th
         stockcards, 1878 up to 2004. Great source  Century to the 2000’s. Has a wide variety of  4 SS’s)..................... Est 90.00+  lights are mint 33-72 ($53), CB1 ($40). Also  8 ($264), C26-34 & C58-77 ($253), etc. Ma-
         for shades, varieties, cancels & topicals. We                                        11-26 mixed mint & used ($154). Majority VG-  jority F-VF, some NH. 2024 Scott $2,517
         noted mint 109c ($42), 124 ($85), etc. Majority  issues with commems, defins, extensive  VF (111 stamps, 1 SS) . . 2025 Scott 437.00  (629 stamps, 8 SS’s) ........ Est 850.00+
         VG-VF, some NH (Approx 775). Est 110.00+  group of CTO singles & sets from 1999-2012,  STOCKBOOK FULL OF SWITZERLAND:
                                      semi-postals incl used B15-24 (Cat $265),                                           GERMANY COLLECTION
                                      other BOB, & more. Lots to sort through!               817. ÚÛ Large Westbury 16-page stockbook  IN SCOTT SPECIALTY ALBUM:
                                      Generally VG-VF (Many 100’s) . Est 225.00+              (32 sides) packed full with a large coll / accum  826. ÚÛ Nice Scott Specialty Album with
                                     NETHERLANDS                                              of Swiss stamps, from 19th Century up to  printed pages up to 1971. A wide variety of
                                                                                              1970’s. Primarily used with a terrific array of
                                     ACCUMULATION IN CARTON:                                  commems, semi-postals, defins, plus BOB.  Germany issues from 1870’s onwards with
                                     789. ÚÛ Diverse accum loose in a carton,                 Lots of beautiful cpl sets in the later issues.  commems, pictorials, defins, semi-postals &
                                      early to modern. Has stamps in 5 stockbooks,            Useful duplication throughout. Also have  other BOB. Also post war Zones, Berlin &
                                      on stockcards, in glassines & in ‘102’ cards.           some additional pages with various covers,  DDR. Has items up to $50 each. Nice clean
                                      A wide range of issues here incl booklets &             etc. This clean lot would be an excellent lot for  coll with the majority being used. Excellent
                                      souvenir sheets. We note mint NH sheets                 a dealer or future dealer. VG-VF (We estimate  base to build on. VG-VF. Scott $2,735 not
                                      #448-50 ($52), etc. Also a smattering of                1,800-2,200 stamps here) ..... Est 300.00+  counting the DDR (Many 100’s) Est 750.00+
                                      Colonies. Majority VG-VF, some NH (1,000’s)  GERMANY
                                      .......................... Est 300.00+  SEMI-POSTAL COLLECTION 1919-1948:
                                                                 803. ÚÛ B1/B305, Clean coll in black mounts
            FRANCE WWII ERA WARSHIPS:                             of pages. Primarily mint & mostly Third
         775. Ö Attractive coll of 12 diff French War-            Reich with a range of sets & singles incl
          ships mostly WWII era on photo postcards.               better like B59-67 ($71), B69-78 ($34), etc.
          Incl ships Gloire, Cherbourg & Richelieu                F-VF. 2025 Scott $765 (267) . . Est 275.00+
          plus other ships sunk or scuttled incl
          Courbet, Conde, Strasbourg & Dunkerque;                BULGARIA COLLECTION 1879-1967:
          5 are real photos. F-VF ...... Est 150.00+             804. ÚÛ Schaubek album with an extensive
                                                                  coll of older issues neatly mounted on printed
        GERMANY SEMI-POSTAL COLLECTION:                           pages. A wide array of commems, pictorials,
        776. Ú B308/B359, Attractive coll of 35 diff              defins & BOB with good coverage of many
         better semi-postals incl cpl sets, from 1949-            years. Some issues have both mint & used
         57. We noted B310-5 ($210), B320-3 ($109),               examples. VG-VF (Over 1,600). Est 250.00+
         B325-33 ($182), etc. VF . 2024 Scott 596.00
                                        SCANDINAVIA THREE-VOLUME
                                          STOCK / ACCUMULATION:
                                     790. ÚÛ Primarily used duplicated stock /  JAPAN COMMEMORATIVE POSTCARDS:
         JAPAN 1915 CORONATION POSTCARDS:  accum from 1 to 5 of each neatly arranged  805. Ö Coll of 23 diff attractive colour
         777. Ö 148 (13), 149 (2), Tied by special il-  in 3 stockbooks, early to modern. Has 100’s  illustrated postcards, franked & unfranked
          lustrated Coronation cancels on 14 colour  of diff Denmark, Finland & Norway from  commemorating a variety of events from
          illustrated Patriotic postcards (7 embossed).  early classics up to topical commems; plus  1910’s-30’s. Each has matching special
          Depict national emblems, palace, military  semi-postals, officials, airmails, etc. Great  illustrated cancel (8 embossed). We saw  LIBERIA INVERTED CENTRE ERROR:
          officers, battleships, Emperor Taisho, etc.  source for cancel & varieties. Majority  historic buildings & monuments, nat’l  816. Û C69, Cpl sheet of 20 all with INVERTED CENTRES. Has full inscriptions in selvedge.
          F-VF. A scarce group (14 diff) . Est 300.00+  VG-VF (Approx 6,600)....... Est 450.00+  emblems, maps, etc. F-VF.... Est 250.00+  Fresh, VF, NH................................................2025 Scott 1,000.00
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20