Page 16 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 16

16                           SPACE TOPICALS COLLECTION:  WORLD COLLECTION:            BOX FULL OF
                                     839. ÚÛ Eye-catching SPACE topicals loose  854. ÚÛ Harris ‘Ambassador’ album with a  WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:
           4. WORLDWIDE:              in a box, from 1960’s-90’s. Has sets, singles,  world coll of primarily used. Has stamps from  868. SSÚÛ Box full with an extraordinary
                                      souv sheets; plus cach special event covers &
                                                                  the 19th Century to 1970’s-80’s. Wide range
                                      FDC’s from nations around the globe. Majority  of countries & issues. Has stamps up to $35  coll of unsorted SS’s from all over the globe,
                                                                                               mainly 1960’s-90’s (a few earlier). The pre-
                                      commemorate American & Russian space  & $50 each. Incl a good section of older
        WORLD MIXTURE:                missions, accomplishments in space, astro-  China. Mostly VG-VF......... Est 125.00+  vious owner had acquired these over many
        827. ÚÛ Bag with over 1.5 pounds of world  nauts, cosmonauts, etc. F-VF (Approx 1,000  VINTAGE CRUISERS ON POSTCARDS:  years but never got around to organizing
         mixture, primarily all off paper. Has a wide  stamps, 32 SS’s, 175 covers, etc) Est 300.00+  855. Ö Eye-catching coll of 6 mainly colour  them. Has a nice range of Br. Common-
         range of countries mainly 1940’s-80’s with                                            wealth, plus Europe, Latin America, Asia,
         commems, pictorials, defins, etc (1,000’s) ..  TRAINS TOPICAL COLLECTION:  photo postcards depicting Naval Cruisers from  Africa, etc. Topicals abound like Whales,
                                                                  Italy, France, USA & Gr. Britain, from 1898-
                                     840. ÚÛ Box full of trains, railways & locomo-
         .......................... Est 100.00+                                                Space, Flora & Fauna, Cats & Dogs, Sports
                                      tive & related topicals from a broad range of  1911. All with detailed write-ups on exhibition  & Olympics, Horses, Fish, Ships, Dinosaurs,
        TWO VICTORIAN ERA BOOKS       countries in singles, sets, souvenir sheets,  pages. F-VF................. Est 70.00+
        WITH CRESTS, FLAGS, ETC:      cach covers, etc. We saw vintage locomotives  SOLAR ECLIPSE COVERS:  Stamps on Stamps, etc. Some collected
                                                                                               both as mint & used. Incl better items up to
        828. Ú Two specially designed Victoria era  up to modern types. Majority F-VF (600+  856. Ö Coll of 6 diff cach covers from 1972-7  $30+ each. F-VF, most NH (Approx 925) ..
         books for some of the world’s earliest  stamps, 12 SS’s, 37 covers) . . . Est 135.00+  posted onboard various ships which were  ....................... Est 1,250.00+  CHRISTMAS TOPICALS IN 5 VOLUMES:
         cinderellas with approx 800 items affixed on  BOX FULL OF SPORTS TOPICALS:  viewing the Solar Eclipse during these years.  881. ÚÛ Carton with a gorgeous coll of
         the pages. Has many topics incl flags, insig-  841. ÚÛ Extensive coll/accum of sports topicals  Incl Canada, USA, Spain, Mexico & Colombia.  CARTON WITH AN ESTATE LOT:  CHRISTMAS topicals nicely arranged on il-
         nia, arms, crests, monograms, etc. Topics of  incl Summer & Winter Olympics issues from a  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  869. ÚÛ Carton full of binders & albums con-  lustrated pages in 5 binders, mainly 1950’s-
         interest are Oxford University (flags & insig-  multitude of countries around the globe. Has  taining a coll from an estate. Has 2 volume  80’s. Has attractive singles, sets, souvenir
         nia), Cambridge University, Royal Navy flags,  singles, sets, SS’s, cach covers, etc. Every  NELSON MANDELA TOPICALS:  world coll with countries from A-Z; separate  sheets, cach FDC’s, Maxi-cards, etc from a
         world country crests, city flags & crests, Brit-  sport imaginable. Majority F-VF, much NH  857. SSÚÛ Coll of 18 diff modern / souvenir  books with colls of mint Jersey; mint Guern-  broad range of countries. Much Br. Com-
         ish Regiments monograms, Royal monograms  (Many 100’s of items) ........ Est 175.00+  miniature sheets all honouring NELSON  sey; mint Isle of Man; 1977 QE Silver Jubilee;  monwealth throughout. Also has some other
         of Europe, Clans of Scotland crests, etc.                MANDELA. Many depict him with other world  United Nations mint; Gr. Britain QE mints;  Christianity related topicals. F-VF, most NH
         A most interesting old-time lot. VG-F ......  COSTUMES, FLAGS, CRESTS,  leaders. Has better items up to $10 & $11  Churchill topical coll; Laos mint; Ryukyu Is  (2,490 stamps, 158 SS’s, 593 covers).....
         .......................... Est 400.00+  COATS OF ARMS TOPICAL COLLECTION:  each. VF, mint are NH, used CTO Est 45.00+  mint; & more. Also has some additional mate-  ....................... Est 1,200.00+
                                     842. ÚÛ Extensive coll in mounts on pages  SCOTT INTERNATIONAL  rial in 2 small stockbooks, in envelopes, etc.
                                      with Costumes, Flags, Crests & Coats of Arms.  JUNIOR ALBUM 1933 EDITION:  Clean lot. F-VF (1,000’s) ...... Est 450.00+  USA BICENTENNIAL COVERS:
                                      Has a wide array of sets & singles, mainly mint.  858. ÚÛ This album is in surprisingly nice con-  882. Ö Eye-catching coll of 227 attractive cov-
                                      Has Foreign & Br. Commonwealth countries in  dition with printed pages up to 1932 for world  TWO VOLUME WORLD COLLECTION  ers honouring the USA 1976 BICENTENNIAL.
                                      alphabetical order from all over the globe. A  stamps. Has a modest starter coll (some light  WITH OVER 28,000 DIFF:  Has cach FDC’s & special event covers from
                                      good lot. F-VF (100’s) ........ Est 400.00+  remaindering) but our estimate is based mostly  870. ÚÛ Two Harris 2-post albums with an  21 diff countries incl Br. Commonwealth.
                                     CARTON OF WORLD STAMPS IN BUNDLES:  for the fine album itself which is quite suitable  extensive world coll of A-Z countries. Has  However strength is in USA items incl stamp
                                     843. Ú A wholesale duplicated accum of stamps  for continuation. VG-VF (100’s) . Est 135.00+  stamps from 19th Century to modern with  Exhibitions. All are diff as to event, franking,
                                      in bundles (mostly of 100), older to modern.  REVENUES & FISCALS:  Europe & Cols, Br. Commonwealth, Asia,  cancel date & cachet. VF, unaddr.........
                                      Both defins & commems with strength in Latin  859. ÚÛ Unsorted world accum of approx 400  Latin America, Scandinavia, USA, etc. The  .......................... Est 350.00+
                                      America, Malta, Romania, Mexico, etc. We  older Revenues, Fiscals & Tax Stamps. Has  majority are used but does have lots of mint  WORLD LOT IN SLEEVES:
                                      noted some large topical issues. Good source  a variety of countries, types, sizes, values,  throughout. Lots of decent calibre material  883. ÚÛ Stack of cards / pages in sleeves
          SHIPS & BOATS TOPICAL COLLECTION:  for varieties & cancels or for the packet maker.  etc. VG-VF................. Est 100.00+  to be found. Condition is generally above  containing Foreign & Br. Commonwealth ma-
                                                                                               average, VG-VF. Scott is over $40,000 &
         829. ÚÛ Nice coll of world Ship & Boat  VG-VF (10,000’s of stamps).... Est 175.00+    list is enclosed (Over 28,000 diff) .......  terial, older to modern. Has singles, blocks,
          topicals loose & in sleeves. Has singles,  OLD DEALER’S STOCK IN SLEEVES:            ....................... Est 8,000.00+  multiples, souvenir sheets, part sheets, etc.
          sets, SS’s / Sheets, covers, postcards, etc.  844. ÚÛ Broad ranges of stamps & countries,                        Wide range of countries & issues. F-VF. STC
          Has many covers from early 1930’s to mid  early to modern. Lightly duplicated stock iden-  FAKES AND FORGERIES:  $1,600+ (Many 100’s) ........ Est 275.00+
          1990’s, some cach FDC’s; postcards depict-  tified on dealer pages. Strength in Austria,  871. Û Interesting coll of over 70 diff fakes,
          ing steam, wheel, tall / sail, passenger /  Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Russia,  forgeries, reprints, etc. Has Germany Zeppe-
          cruise, war & cargo ships. Has a wide vari-  Scandinavia, Switzerland, USA, etc. Much  lins, Heligoland, Danube Steamship Co.,
          ety of countries. Mostly F-VF (596 stamps,  material to sort through. Useful lot for collector  German States, Latin America, etc. VG-VF .
          114 covers, 85 postcards, 71 SS’s / sheets)  or dealer. Most VG-VF (1,000’s) Est 450.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+
          ......................... Est 375.00+  BOX FULL OF WORLD COVERS:                   AIRPLANES & AVIATION TOPICALS:
                                     845. Ö Approx 600 covers, postcards & Postal            872. SSÛ Beautiful all mint coll of 77 diff mod-
        JOHN F. KENNEDY TOPICALS:                                                             ern souvenir / miniature sheets depicting air-
        830. ÚÛ Attractive topical coll with mint sin-  Stationery items loose in a carton, mainly  planes & aviation themes. Has a variety of
         gles, sets, souvenir sheets & covers. All are  1950’s-onwards. Strong in Europe, particularly  countries showing aircraft from pioneer types
         memorial issues from the 1960’s. Primarily  Poland & Romania, plus Br. Commonwealth,  up to modern jets plus some with famous pi-
         from Gulf States & USA but has a few other  Latin America, USA & Canada. Many eye-  STAMP ON STAMP TOPICALS:  lots, aviators, etc. A nice lot incl many higher
         countries. F-VF, mint are NH (148 stamps,  catching multi-franked Airmail covers, most to  860. SSÚÛ Excellent coll of 128 diff souvenir/  catalogue with $15-$30 items. VF, NH .....
         21 SS’s, 16 covers) ........... Est 60.00+  USA & Canada. We noted KGV multi-franked  miniature sheets all with STAMP ON STAMP
                                      Bermuda FDC, etc. VG-VF .... Est 175.00+  topicals. Has a wide variety of countries &  .......................... Est 225.00+
        REPTILES, SNAKES, LIZARDS, ETC:                           issues depicting all kinds of stamps from
        831. SSÚÛ Topical coll of 47 diff modern sou-             classics to modern. Many also depict other              LIECHTENSTEIN & WORLD MAXI-CARDS:
         venir / miniature sheets incl Reptiles, Snakes,          popular topicals. Also a couple show sheets.            884. Ö Carton filled with a duplicated accum
         Lizards, Frogs, Turtles, etc. Has a variety of           Incl better items up to $70 each. VF, mint are           of maxi-cards from the 1970’s-2000. Most
         countries with many better items that Cat $10,           NH, used are CTO .......... Est 300.00+                  are Liechtenstein with many nice sets, but
         $11, $12, $13 each. Also one cach FDC. Very                                                                       also a variety of other countries. Many
         colourful lot. VF, mint are NH, used CTO ...            CARTOON & COMIC STRIP CHARACTERS:                         beautiful items here. VF (920) . Est 350.00+
         .......................... Est 125.00+                  861. ÚÛ Colourful topical coll with 31 diff sou-
                                                                  venir / miniature sheets, plus 9 USA postal             LARGE CARTON FULL WITH 1,000’s:
        832. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 27 diff modern                cards, 2 sets & 1 FDC. These depict a variety           885. ÚÛ Large carton with an unsorted
         souvenir/miniature sheets all depicting                  of comic characters (many are Walt Disney)               accum of world material, older to modern.
                                                                  from numerous countries. Incl mint USA 32¢
         Horses. Has a variety of countries depicting             Comic Strip Classics sheet & 32¢ Bugs Bunny              Has stamps in books, on pages, on
                                                                                                                           stockcards, in glassines, multiples, loose,
         various breeds. VF, mint are NH, used CTO
         ........................... Est 65.00+  STOCKBOOK FULL OF SPACE TOPICALS:  sheetlet. VF ................ Est 100.00+  SHIPS ON POSTCARDS & COVERS:  etc. We noted a large stockbook of used
                                                                                                                           & mint Canada; Liberia mint NH souvenir
                                     846. ÚÛ Lindner 24-page stockbook (48  MOTORCYCLE TOPICALS:  873. Ö Very interesting coll from 1900’s-  sheet #C77 (Cat $160); 2 diff Bulgaria mint
                                      sides) full with SPACE related topicals from  862. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 38 diff modern  1980’s (most pre 1950) of mainly postcards  NH souvenir sheets #1044-8 (Cat $90);
                                      many diff countries. Mainly 1960’s-70’s era  souvenir / miniature sheets all depicting Mo-  but also some covers. Incl Ocean liners,  cigar box of duplicated used Br. Common-
                                                                  torcycles from early classics up to modern
                                      with sets, singles, souvenir sheets, se-ten-  racing types. Incl better items up to $14 & $15  Great Lakes Passenger & Freighter ships,  wealth in glassines; bundle of Ascension on
                                      ants, etc. These depict Russian (strongest)              Ferries, Sailboats, Naval Ships, etc. Has  ‘102’ cards; Indonesia in stockbook; Austra-
                                      & American space missions, cosmonauts,  each plus one $23 set. VF, mint are NH, used  Maiden Voyage items for Queen Mary  lia Painting High Values to $10 with “Speci-
                                      satellites, space scenes, rockets, etc. Dupli-  CTO....................... Est 85.00+  (lovely 1936 illustrated cover, Retail $50),  men” overprints; South Africa on stockcards;
                                      cation throughout. F-VF (We estimate be-  NUDES ON GREAT WORKS OF ART:  Queen Elizabeth & Manhattan (1932 cach  1993 Br. Commonwealth Day coll in deluxe
                                      tween 1,000-1,500 items) .... Est 350.00+  863. SSÛ All mint coll of 72 diff modern souv /  cover - largest ship ever built in America),  album; & more (1,000’s)...... Est 750.00+
                                                                  miniature sheets depicting nude women in art-  etc. F-VF (95).............. Est 225.00+
                                     WORLD COLLECTION OF          work by famous painters. A variety of coun-             SPORT TOPICALS IN 2 BOXES:
                                     A TO F COUNTRIES WITH 9,600 DIFF:  tries with many in sets. VF, NH . Est 175.00+  WORLD IN MASTER GLOBAL:  886. ÚÛ Two small boxes full with a coll /
                                                                                             874. ÚÛ Master Global album with a coll re-
                                     847. ÚÛ Two-volume coll mounted on pages                                              stock of sport topicals, in glassines. Has sin-
               WWII COLLECTION:       with A to F countries. Has approx 9,600 diff            mainder of A-K countries. Has older issues  gles & sets from a wide variety of countries
         833. ÚÛ Large binder full with an interesting  with a wide array of countries, older to mod-  from 19th Century up to about 1960, primarily  with both summer & winter sports incl many
          coll of material related to WWII. Incl German  ern. Has Europe & Cols, Br. Commonwealth,  used. Has European, Latin America, Br.  Olympic types. Incl skiing, basketball, skating,
          WWII covers & letters; 2 POW cards 1942-3  Latin America, Africa, etc. A nice clean lot  Commonwealth, etc. Mostly VG-VF (Many  gymnastics, equestrian, racing, water sports,
                                                                                              100’s)..................... Est 125.00+
          from prisoners in Germany; interesting  with a wide scope of issues. Majority are                                etc. F-VF (Many 100’s) ....... Est 150.00+
          group of postcards & covers depicting tanks  used, VG-VF (9,600 diff) .... Est 1,200.00+  TOPICALS DEPICTING PEOPLE:
          (one is WWI); 16 diff labels depicting Tanks                                       875. ÚÛ Stockbook full with a topical coll of
          of the Allies & Britain’s Royal Navy; modern  CANADA P.O. LUNAR NEW YEAR FOLDERS:   people, primarily used. Has Kings, Queens,
                                     848. Û Canada Post Chinese Lunar New
          souvenir sheets depicting warplanes, naval  Year Souvenir Folders for 1997-8, 2000-8.  Nobility, famous people, leaders, historical
          ships, etc; interesting group of coloured                                           figures, artwork, etc. Wide range of countries.
          cards depicting Russian commanders; vari-  Each contains issues from Canada, People’s  VG-VF (We estimate 1,300-1,500 stamps) .
          ous FDC’s & covers; Germany Adolf Hitler  Republic of China & Hong Kong. VF, NH     .......................... Est 135.00+
                                      (11 diff folders) .............. Cat 260.00
          souvenir sheet (Cat $52); 1943 mourning
          card for a fallen German officer; other pho-  STOCKBOOK FULL OF SPACE TOPICALS:  TRANSPORTATION TOPICALS:
          tographs / collector cards of German mili-  849. ÚÛ Large 32-page stockbooks (64 sides)  864. ÚÛ Coll of modern world souvenir /
          tary, soldiers, etc; D-Day items; & other  with a colourful coll of Space topicals from the  miniature sheets depicting Transportation
          items the previous owner found interesting.  1960’s-70’s. Primarily CTO Arab States with  topicals. This material was acquired by a
          F-VF (162 items) ........... Est 500.00+  both sets & souvenir sheets from a variety of  collector but never organized. Incl Trains,
                                      countries. Show all kinds of achievements in
        WORLD COLLECTION OF LOCALS:   space, missions, astronauts, moon landing,  Planes, Cars, Ships, specialty Vehicles,
        834. ÚÛ Fascinating coll of LOCAL issues  rockets, etc. Has a nice group of USA 1970’s  Space, Sports Cars, Carriages, etc. Many
         neatly arranged on stockcards, early to mod-  space covers with SILK CACHETS for Project  nice items here incl higher Cat value sheets.
         ern. Strength is in USA, Canada & Gr. Britain  Skylab, Apollo 17, etc. Also a coll of Bhutan  Also some stamps. VF, mint are NH, used
         & 19th Century German issues. Incl Lundy Is;  3-D stamps with some being space related  CTO. A good lot & if properly organized
         Rattlesnake Is; Calf of Man; 6 diff Alaska Air  (but also some other types incl cars, paintings  would make a nice coll (Over 300 SS’s, cou-
         Mercy Flight; Herm Is incl 1952 Pigeon Ser-  & wildlife). F-VF (Over 1,100) . . Est 175.00+  ple 100 stamps, a few covers). Est 400.00+
         vice cover (with metal grommet to attach to a  FLAG & CREST TOPICALS:  WORLD LOT ON PAGES:                           WORLD SOUVENIR SHEETS:
         pigeon’s leg); Canada mail strike locals; Juan  850. ÚÛ Interesting coll of topicals depicting  865. ÚÛ Stack of album pages from one estate  FISH & SEALIFE TOPICALS:  887. SSÚÛ Box with an amazing coll of well
         de Fuca; lots of interesting early Germany  world flags, crests & emblems. Has stamps  containing mounted stamps. Has various dupli-  876. ÚÛ Extensive coll of a broad range of  over 500 diff modern souvenir / miniature
         items, Kaulbach Is; 2 diff WWII French Legion  in glassines, on cards, plus covers, souvenir  cated world; Canada; mint United Nations from  FISH & SEALIFE topicals from around the  sheets from world countries. About 75% of
         locals; & more. VG-VF (Over 250 stamps,  sheets, book with tea cards, a few silk patches,  1951-68; mint Niue from 1946-70’s; etc. Also  globe. Has stamps in glassines, ‘102’ cards,  the lot is mint NH. Loaded with popular
         13 covers) ................. Est 250.00+  etc. Mostly diff. VG-VF (100’s) . . Est 100.00+  some on stockcards. No rarities but lots of  on pages, souvenir sheets, covers, cigarette  topicals incl sports, paintings, entertainers,
        TOPICAL LOT OF EXPLORERS:                                 stamps. Most VG-VF (1,000’s). . Est 125.00+  cards, etc. A large variety of specials incl  wildlife, transportation, famous people &
                                                                                                                           much more. Incl some better items. Excel-
        835. Û Topical coll of primarily souvenir / min-          WORLD CARTON FULL            some whales, turtles, sea animals, sharks,  lent lot for a collector or dealer. VF, mint are
                                                                                               tropical fish, etc. Majority VG-VF (945
         iature sheets all depicting famous Explorers             OF UNSORTED MATERIAL:        stamps, 75 SS’s, 39 covers, 33 cards, etc)  NH, used CTO ............. Est 650.00+
         in history. Strongest in Christopher Columbus            866. ÚÛ A mass of unsorted World from  ......................... Est 275.00+
         & Capt. James Cook but has others as well.               many countries all over the globe. Has                  CARTON FULL OF ALBUMS WITH WORLD:
         Mainly 1970’s-90’s with a nice variety of                stamps on pages, in stockbooks, in glass-  LARGE STOCKBOOK FULL:  888. ÚÛ Carton full with 16 albums /
         countries. F-VF, appears NH (65)........                 ines, on cards, loose, plus covers, some  877. ÚÛ Large size 16-page stockbook (32  stockbooks with an accum of world stamps.
         .......................... Est 125.00+                                               sides) packed full with a most interesting  Has older to modern stamps with a couple
                                                                  souvenir sheets, etc. (1,000’s). Est 500.00+
                                                                                              accum of world material, in no particular order.  world lots, European, Br. Commonwealth,
                                                                                              Mainly from 1950’s-90’s but does have some  Canada, USA, etc. VG-VF, weight over 35
                                                                                              older. Has a wide array of Br. Commonwealth  pounds (1,000’s) ............ Est 300.00+
                                                                                              & Foreign singles plus souvenir / miniature  PRE 1945 WORLD COLLECTION
                                                                                              sheets. Terrific variety (Many 100’s) .......
                                     ZIEHER POSTCARDS DEPICTING STAMPS:                       .......................... Est 400.00+  IN TWO ALBUMS:
                                     851. Ö Colourful coll of 11 diff multi-coloured         SOUTH PACIFIC                889. ÚÛ Two Harris albums with a remain-
                                      Zieher type postcards. All depict stamps as            SOUVENIR SHEETS:              dered world coll on pages of older pre 1945
                                      well as maps (showing the location of the              878. SSÛ Colourful all mint coll of 95 diff mod-  issues. Has countries from A to Z with both
                                      diff countries depicted). Has various Foreign           ern souvenir / miniature sheets from South  Foreign & Br. Empire. Some of the stronger
                                      & Br. Empire countries. All pre 1910 but a              Pacific countries, primarily Br. Common-  areas are Australia, Canada, Br. West
                                      couple are used later. F...... Est 225.00+                                           Indies, Ceylon, China, Germany, German
                                                                                              wealth. Has a wide variety of countries with  States, Egypt, India & States, Indo China,
                                     PORSCHE CAR TOPICALS:                                    lots of beautiful topicals & many higher Cat  French Colonies, Liberia, Iran, Br. Africa,
                                     852. SSÚÛ Colourful coll of 19 diff modern               items. VF, NH .............. Est 250.00+  Spain, Malayan, Sweden, & more. A few flts
                                      souvenir / miniature sheets from various coun-         OLYMPICS TOPICALS:            to be expected but mostly VG-VF (Over
         LOS ANGELES SUMMER OLYMPICS 1984:  tries depicting Porsche cars. Incl a variety of  879. ÚÛ Box with an extensive coll / accum of  6,100 diff) ............... Est 1,750.00+
         836. Û Very attractive coll of singles, sets &  sport cars & many higher Cat value items. VF,  Summer & Winter OLYMPICS topicals from a
          souvenir sheets from 81 diff countries neatly  mint are NH, used CTO........ Est 50.00+  wide range of countries unsorted in glassines;
          arranged in a Kenmore Album. Many diff                                              plus on pages, etc. Every event imaginable
          Olympic events depicted. VF, NH (308                                                here in sets, singles, souvenir sheets & cach
          stamps, 24 SS’s) ........... Est 100.00+                                            covers. F-VF (Several 1,000) . . Est 200.00+
        WALT DISNEY TOPICALS:                                                                WORLD ACCUMULATION IN GLASSINES:
        837. SSÛ Colourful all mint coll of 47 diff                                          880. ÚÛ Box with duplicated accumulation
         modern souvenir/miniature sheets all depicting                                       of various world semi-sorted by country or
         famous Disney characters. Primarily Br.                     AMATEUR RADIO QSL CARDS:  kind into glassines, but not in any order.
         Commonwealth. Incl 8 diff Winnie the Pooh               867. Ö Box with a fascinating coll of QSL  Primarily used with a wide array of countries
         ($53), 6 diff Donald Duck ($52), 6 diff Fairy            Cards, primarily from the 1950’s. These  & issues, older to modern. Stronger areas
         Tales ($25), 6 diff Animal Stories ($24), etc.           were confirmation cards used between ama-  are Canada, Australia & New Zealand. Has
         VF, NH.................... Est 125.00+                   teur radio operators, acknowledging recep-  commems, pictorials & defins. VG-VF (1,000’s)
                                                                  tion of a signal. They are generally postcard  .......................... Est 140.00+
        PRINCESS DIANA TOPICAL COLLECTION:                                                                                   SOUVENIR SHEET COLLECTION:
        838. ÚÛ Attractive coll of singles, sets, SS’s,  SOUTH PACIFIC POSTCARDS:  size. We counted over 30 diff countries  890. ÚÛ Primarily mint NH coll of 170 diff
                                                                  here, many attractive / fancy illustrated
         FDC’s, etc all loose in sleeves. Depicts Di-  853. Ö Interesting coll of 37 diff b/w postcards  designs from around the globe. Some have  There is never a  Souvenir Sheets / Miniature Sheets, mainly
         ana’s life with events such as Royal Wedding,  mostly 1920’s-30’s. Incl scenes from Fiji, Sol-                    1970’s-80’s. Majority are Br. Commonwealth
         Birthdays, Royal Births, plus memorial issues  omon Is, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New  been mailed with stamps affixed but most  Buyer's Fee at  but also Germany, Netherlands, etc. Broad
         following her death. Broad range of countries.  Hebrides, etc. These depict natives, villages,  were used as inserts (inside envelopes).  range of beautiful thematics & topicals incl
                                                                  A really unusual lot with many fascinating
         F-VF, many mint NH (367 stamps, 34 covers,  huts, boats, show scenes, Guadalcanal, etc.  items. F-VF (162)........... Est 200.00+  Vance Auctions!  nice Royal Events, etc. F-VF, almost all NH
         108 SS’s).................. Est 225.00+  Primarily all unused. F-VF .... Est 275.00+                              ......................... Est 275.00+
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