Page 38 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 38
38 ITALY Continued 2482. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Propa-
ganda postcard for the Royal Army Piave
Motorized Division, 10th unit. Depicts wheel
in motion & soldiers in various operations. VF
........................... Est 65.00+
2483. Ö Unused circa WWII colour illustrated
Fascist Propaganda postcard for the ROYAL
MILITARY POLICE, artist signed. Depicts
19th century & current images of an officer
with rifle in the Alps. VF........ Est 50.00+
2484. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Fas-
cist Propaganda Fieldpost card promoting
Military Art Exhibition, Rome, Spring 1942.
Depicts sword & paint brushes bound by
Italian colours. VF ............ Est 50.00+
2485. Ö Two similar unused WWII colour illus-
trated P.N.F. (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda
2434. Û 280-9, Garibaldi set, F-VF, NH ....
............................. 410.00 postcard (each with diff imprints on back). 2500. Û C13-16, Scarce Airmail set, F-VF,
These depict Italian Black Shirt & a German
2435. Ú 310-4, F-VF .............. 248.00 soldier on the attack with Axis flags & soldiers NH .......................... 480.00
2436. Û 324-8, F-VF .............. 130.00 in background. VF (2) ......... Est 85.00+
2437. Û 324-8, Soccer, F-VF, NH.... 330.00 2486. Ö Three different unused WWII colour
2438. Û 331-41, F-VF ............. 153.60 illustrated Fascist Propaganda postcards for
2439. Û 345-8, F-VF, VLH.......... 207.50 2458. ÕÛ 2447, Block with all stamps 2nd Parachute Battalion. Depicts illustrations
MISSING BLACK VALUE. A spectacular of an eagle diving from the sky. VF........
error. VF, NH (Sassone 1,800 Euro)...... .......................... Est 125.00+
2423. Ú 87d, With attached COLUMBIA ......................... Est 400.00+ 2487. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated
ADVERTISING LABEL, neatly tied by dated 2459. Ú B17, Neat 1923 CDS cancel, F-VF . Fascist Propaganda postcard for 183rd
CDS on piece. VG-F. Scarce ...... 950.00 “NEMBO” Parachute Regiment depicting
.............................. 160.00
2424. Ö 95, Tied by Milan Partenza 10 Oct 2460. Û B26-33, B35-8, F-VF ....... 159.40 soldiers landing on battlefield. VF........ 2501. Û J7-15, Cpl Postage Due set. Fresh,
1910 CDS on scarce b/w real photo postcard 2461. Û C3-6, C9, F .............. 110.75 ........................... Est 60.00+ F-VF, many NH................. 703.70
depicting an early AIRPLANE CRASH 23 2462. Û C20-2, F-VF, NH ........... 60.00 2488. Ö Colour illustrated Fascist Propaganda
field postcard with No 215 FPO cancel to
Sept 1910. F ................ Est 65.00+
TRIPOLI. Depicts Parachute Unit landing
on battlefield. F-VF ........... Est 75.00+
2489. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated
Fascist Propaganda postcard depicting
Savoia-Marchetti SM 81 bombers over
battlefield with advancing Italian infantry
& tanks in North Africa. Artist signed. VF ...
2440. Û 349-54, Bellini set, F-VF, NH .... ........................... Est 75.00+
............................. 510.00 2490. Ö Two diff WWII era colour illustrated
advertising / Fascist Propaganda postcards
2441. Û 359-66, F-VF, better values NH .... depicting Italian Bombers in action - Caproni
.............................. 311.75 313 & 315 planes. Artist signed. VF (2) ....
2442. Û 367-76, F-VF ............. 166.25 2463. ÕÛ C27, Scarce mint block of the 7.70 .......................... Est 100.00+ 2502. Û Q1-12, Parcel Post set, fresh, VG-VF,
2443. Û 377-86, F-VF ............. 124.00 ITALY (AEGEAN ISLANDS):
Trans-Atlantic Squadron. Fresh rich colour, NH (Q5 one rounded corner).... 1,202.00+
VF, top stamps LH, bottom stamps NH. Has
2015 Sismondo Certificate (Sassone 3,900 ITALY (TURKEY):
Euro) ....................... 2,700.00
2464. Û C42-7, Zeppelin set, F-VF . . . 135.00
2425. Ú 100e, With attached PIPERNO
............................ 1,100.00
2491. Û C20-5, Zeppelin set. F-VF, slight
toning on back ................. 510.00
2444. Û 377-86, F-VF, NH ......... 300.00
2445. Û 400-9, Proclamation set, F-VF, NH .
.............................. 220.00 2503. ÕÛ CONSTANTINOPLE J6, Rare
2446. Û 495-506, F-VF, some DG . . . 146.80 mint Postage Due block with the entire Con-
2447. Û 495-506, F-VF ............ 146.80 trol Mark handstamp, exceedingly fresh with
2448. Û 515-7, Also Trieste 42-4, F-VF, NH . rich colours, VG-F, OG, bottom stamps are
.............................. 123.50 NH. ONLY 540 STAMPS PRINTED. Has
2449. Û 518, F-VF................ 110.00 2465. Ú C62-5, Cpl Soccer Airmails. VF .... been pencil signed by Avi & Bloch & with
............................ 1,193.00
2450. Ú 518, 527, 572-3, VF ........ 184.40 2023 Avi Certificate. A VERY SCARCE &
2451. Û 535-6, F-VF, NH ........... 85.00 2466. Û C62-5, VF, NH ............ 332.50 2492. Ú CE1-2, VF ............... 460.00 DESIRABLE BLOCK (Sassone Cat 9,600
2452. Ú 538-9, VF ................. 85.00 2467. Û C95-9, F-VF.............. 135.00 Euro) ....................... 5,250.00
2453. Ú 576, F. Scarce ............ 500.00
2454. ÕÛ 661-2, Fresh blocks, F-VF, NH ..
.............................. 500.00
2426. Ú 100g, With attached TAGLIACOZZO
............................ 1,150.00
2468. Û CO1, Scarce “SERVIZIO DI STATO Triptych, brilliant fresh colours on bright paper. VF,
NH. Has 2022 Dr. H. Avi Certificate. A RARELY OFFERED ITEM & IN CHOICE CONDITION . 2504. Û JERUSALEM 7, Deep rich colours,
....................................................................5,000.00+ fresh, F, LH. Has 2015 Sismondo Certificate
& 2023 Avi Certificate. A VERY SCARCE
2469. Û N20-33, F-VF.............. 84.00 STAMP & RARELY OFFERED ANYWHERE
(Sassone Cat 1,750 Euro)....... 1,250.00
2455. Û 1431, A scarce example of the IVORY COAST:
“BLUE CASTLE” variety having ALL 2505. Ú 22, BISECT tied on piece by Touba
COLOURS BUT THE ENGRAVED LIGHT 19 July 1913 CDS. VF......... Est 45.00+
BLUE OMITTED. Fresh, XF, NH. Has pho- 2506. Û Q6, F. Has guarantee b/s .... 87.50
tocopy of 2004 Chiavarello Certificate for a 2507. Ú Q6, F..................... 87.50
multiple from which this stamp came. Bolaffi 2508. Ú Q8, Q27-8, VF ............ 122.50
#1632B, Cat 2,650 Euro ..... Est 600.00+ 2509. Ú Q21, F+, SON Bingerville CDS. Guar-
antee b/s ...................... 140.00
2510. Ú Q24, VF ................. 130.00
2511. Û Q25, F-VF ............... 130.00
2512. Û Q26-7, Imperf Pair. VF...... 180.00
2513. Ú Q30, VF, minute thin........ 240.00
2470. Û Q2, Parcel Post 20¢ blue. F, NH.
Scarce. Fresh ................ 1,000.00 2493. Û CALCHI 17-26, Cpl Garibaldi set, 2514. Ö 1a, DIAGONAL BISECT neatly
2471. Ö 1N13 (Block), With Casalino 24 Apr fresh colours, F-VF, NH .......... 425.00 tied by oval grid ‘A52’ with VF Spanish
Town 5 May, 1866 CDS alongside, on
1943 CDS on WWII Censored cover to RED 2494. Û CALINO #’s 17-26, F-VF .... 170.00 folded official court summons addr locally
CROSS in Geneva Switzerland. F Est 50.00+ 2495. Û NISIRO #’s 17-26, F-VF..... 190.00 (Mandeville CDS b/s). The bisect pays
2472. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting 2496. Ö RHODES #’s 58, 60, Tied by Rodi / the 1/2p circular drop letter rate. VG+,
a FIAT AUTOMOBILE Exhibition IN 1906. Egeo 8 Aug 1938 CDS cancel on b/w some splitting along fold with sensible
Shows several diff models in a fancy Exhibi- photo postcard depicting the “ROTONDA”. reinforcing. A VERY SCARCE FIRST IS-
tion hall. A nice early automobile postcard. VF Addressed to Germany. F, touch of TS..... SUE BISECT (SG Cat £750). See photo
........................... Est 60.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+ on Page 40.............. Est 500.00+
2473. Ö Stampless WWI colour Patriotic post- ITALY (TRIESTE):
2427. Ú 142A-142D, Scarce 10¢-40¢ card with MPO 26 Sept 1915 CDS to Switzer- 2515. Ö 31, Tied by Mandeville 2 Jy, 1910
Philatelic Congress set of 4 diff tied on two land. Has 10¢ Postage Due tied by Neuveville (10 is inverted) squared circle on b/w postcard
pieces. Each piece with a gorgeous cpl 8 Oct receiver. Depicts Leaders, Flags & Sol- depicting the ruins of the Metropolitan House
strike of the Trieste Philatelic Congress 7 in Kingston following the 1907 JAMAICA
June, 1922 postmark. Fresh, F-VF. Each diers in uniform from Russia, Gr. Britain, Italy EARTHQUAKE. F ............ Est 50.00+
& France. F-VF. Attractive...... Est 65.00+
piece is signed by expert Helmuth Avi & has 2474. Ö Scarce b/w real photo postcard 1917 2516. Ö 37 (Pair), Tied by 1907 Swan River
2023 Avi Certificate (Sassone Cat 1,600 of early aviation flight by seaplane from Fiume Jamaica squared circle cancel on b/w post-
Euro) ...................... 1,235.00+ to Abbazia by Eduard Betal. VF . Est 75.00+ card. Depicts the wreck of the German cruise
2429. Û 159-64, Fascist set, VG-VF, NH ... 2475. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1930’s ship “PRINCESSIN VICTORIA LOUISE”
.............................. 195.00 depicting BENITO MUSSOLINI with a happy which accidentally ran onto a reef off Jamaica
2430. Û 165-8, F-VF, NH .......... 216.00 crowd of women & children on lookers. Has in 1906. Addressed to USA. F. . . Est 50.00+
2431. Û 248-55, F-VF, NH ......... 254.00 quote from him on reverse with his printed 2517. Ö 64, MR8, Tied by partial Spur Tree
2432. Û 258-64, St. Anthony, F-VF, NH .... signature. VF................ Est 60.00+ 2497. Û 1-17, Cpl overprinted set to 100 Lire. Squared Circle 10 Ap 1917 cancel on cover
.............................. 210.00 2476. Ö Unused colour illustrated Fascist F-VF, NH...................... 379.95 to USA. Has scarce WWI tape censor
Propaganda postcard from the 1930’s, for the 2498. Û 18-29, F-VF, all NH except for #26 . “OPENED BY AN OFFICER OF THE POST
2456. ÕÛ 1431, Block of 6 of the so-called POLICE. Depicts officer with rifle, Italia effigy, .............................. 138.75 GOVERNOR.” F ............ Est 100.00+
“BLUE CASTLE” variety error, with all Italian flag & battle scene. F-VF . Est 65.00+ 2518. Û 106-8, VF................. 84.25
colours but light blue omitted. XF, NH. The 2477. Ö Unused sepia photo postcard depict- 2519. Û 109-12, Silver Jubilee, F-VF, NH ...
LR stamp is pencil signed by expert Dr. ing Fascist Government Officials & Cardinal ........................... Est 35.00+
Chiavarello & with his 2004 Certificate for a Gasparri, circa 1934. Signing of Conciliatory 2520. Û 116-28, Also 127b, F-VF ..... 70.50
block of 11 from which this block came agreement between Italy & The Vatican. F-VF 2521. Ö 121, 125, Tied by Kingston 18 Oct
(Bolaffi #1632B, Cat 15,900 Euro)........ ........................... Est 45.00+ 1942 Reg’d oval cancel on WWII Censored
....................... Est 2,000.00+ Airmail advertising cover for Bombay Bazaar,
2478. Ö Unused colour illustrated circa 1935
2457. Û 2447, Error with MISSING BLACK Propaganda postcard. Has 4 images; 3 depict Kingston to Montreal, forwarded to Toronto.
VALUE. VF, NH (Sassone 450 Euro) ...... French & Italian soldiers recounting events Has Montreal Duty Free h/s. Variety of b/s’s
2433. Û 268-79, F-VF, NH ......... 350.00 incl Miami transit. F, some soiling. Eye-catch-
.......................... Est 100.00+ of WWI in 1914-5 & 1918 & 1935 Geneva
Sanctions / along with Mussolini’s motto ing cover!................... Est 65.00+
“MENEFRENGO” “I don’t care” Anti-Allies 2522. Ö 121 (2), 122, Tied by St. Ann’s Bay
CDS on WWII Reg’d Censored cover. Has
sentiments. VF, unaddr. Scarce Est 100.00+
2479. Ö Unused 1935 colour illustrated Fascist green “RETURN TO SENDER / BY THE
Propaganda postcard for the Royal Military CENSOR” label affixed over the address &
Police depicting Italia effigy holding fasces, printed memorandum explaining reason for
emblem & desert in background. F Est 50.00+ 2499. Û C1-19, Cpl Airmail sets, fresh, F-VF censorship. F, some creasing. Attractive item
........................... Est 50.00+
2480. Ú Fascist illustrated National Combatants (C16 natural paper crease)........ 702.50 2523. Ö QV One Penny UPU postal stat card
association membership card from 1940. De- with scarce HACLY CAP 1902 Squared Circle
picts soldier with rifle, Victory allegory & crest; cancel addr to early Canadian stamp dealer
with helmet illustrated h/s’s & matching blue There is never a GEORGE LOWE in Toronto. F . . Est 45.00+
label affixed. F-VF ........... Est 100.00+ JAPAN:
2481. Ö Two diff WWII colour illustrated P.N.F. Buyer's Fee at 2524. Ö 92, Tied by 4 diff Russo Japanese
(Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost War illustrated Patriotic cancels on 3 post-
cards promoting industry & military coopera-
2428. Û 144c, Sheet margin horiz pair IMPERFORATE BETWEEN, fresh, VF, NH, natural gum tion for the war effort. Depicts symbolic bridg- Vance Auctions! cards. Each depicts “Combined squadron
bends ................................................................1,600.00 steaming towards the enemy”. F, 1 with stain-
ing scenes on postcards. VF (2) . Est 70.00+ ing on back (3)............... Est 65.00+