Page 42 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
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42 LIBERIA Continued                                     2714. Û C58, IMPERF TRIAL COLOUR
                                     2669. Ö C1-6, Plus extra C3, Neatly
        2642. Û C68, INVERTED CENTRE error. VF,  tied by special red boxed VADUZ-ST  PROOF pair in dark blue green. VF, NH....
         NH ............................ 50.00                    ........................... Est 50.00+
        2643. SSÛ C77, UNICEF mini sheet of 4.  GALLEN flight cancels 31 Aug, 1930 on  2715. Û J1-3, J5, VF .............. 113.00
                                       Reg’d Airmail Express cover. Has St
         Fresh, VF, NH .................. 160.00  Gallen rec CDS & 2 large red wax seals  2716. Ö France #100, Tied by Majunga 24
        2644. SSÛ C113, Specialized lot of Orphanage  on reverse. VF. See photo on Page 40 . .  Sept 1893 CDS on ship cover to Wallington
         SS’s showing various progressive colours,  ....................... Est 350.00+  England (23 Oct b/s). Has Reunion to Mar-
         both perf & imperf. VF, NH (6). . . Est 70.00+           seille / L.V. #4 octagonal ship cancel. F, seal
                                                                  on back removed............. Est 40.00+
                                                                 2717. Ö Two Official Military stampless covers
                                                                  from 1896 & 1898 with Madagascar Expedi-
                                                                  tionary Corps h/s’s or cancels. Addr to France,
                                                                  F, bit of TS on one............ Est 50.00+
         2645. Û Specialty coll of Revenue issues
          printed by American Banknote Co., from
          1960. All with Coat of Arms design from  2670. Û C9-13, Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 300.00
          3¢ to $10. Various engraved & litho prints,
          perfs, roulettes & greens. First 3 sets with
          red “SPECIMEN” overprints. VF, NH, secu-                                            2751. Û 186, Vertical pair with the top stamp
          rity punch holes. Ex Bileski & his write-up                                          having the EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety. VF,  2788. Û 110-30, Scarce cpl set, fresh
          accompanies (30) .......... Est 200.00+                                              NH (SG #212a, Cat £186) .... Est 175.00+  colours, VF, LH................. 573.00
                                                                                                                          2789. Û 149/153, 185/190, Twelve diff bottom
                   LIBYA:                                                                                                  margin IMPERF singles. VF, NH. Est 50.00+
                                                                                                                          2790. Û 237-44, Beautiful lot of 8 diff large size
                                                                                                                           DELUXE IMPERF PROOFS. VF Est 185.00+
                                                                                                                          2791. Û 333, VF, NH............... 75.00
                                                                                                                          2792. SSÛ (596), Scott unlisted John F.
                                                                 2718. Û Set of 6 nondenominational Imperf                 Kennedy perforated souvenir sheet. VF, NH
                                                                  1903 ZEBU ESSAYS in all diff colours. VF,                ........................... Est 90.00+
                                     2671. Û O1-8, Cpl Official set. The O6 is  NG ...................... Est 125.00+
                                      the scarce perf 10.5. Fresh vibrant colours,
                                      F-VF, NH (O5, O8, tiny corner creases) ...  MALAWI:
                                      ............................ 2,103.00  2719. SSÛ 322a, WWF sheet. VF, NH 100.00
                                                                    MALAYA (FEDERATED STATES):
                                              LITHUANIA:         2720. Ö 52, 56, 57 (4), 60, Tied by Ipoh, Kuala
                                     2672. Û 256-63, F-VF, NH .......... 60.00  Lumpur, Serumban, etc CDS’s from 1926-35  2752. Û 187, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety,
                                     2673. Ö 310 (2), 311, Tied by Kaunas 24 Dec               VF, NH (SG #213a, Cat £425). Est 400.00+
         2646. Û 20-31, Scarce cpl set, F-VF, NH  1939 CDS’s on Censored cover to London  on 4 diff covers to Madras State, South India.
          (21 LH)...................... 1,450.00                  VG-F, some toning (4)........ Est 100.00+  2753. Û 192, 196-7, KGVI cpl mint sheets of
                                      England. F .................. Est 40.00+
        2647. Û 24a, 25a, INVERTED CENTRE errors.  2674. Û C71a-8a, Imperf triangular Airmails  2721. Ö Unused 5¢ Reg’d Postal Stationery  60. VF, NH, folded ............... 615.00
         VG+, NH....................... 340.00  in multiples of 3. VF, NH ........... 75.00  #10 envelope from 1901 with “SPECIMEN”  2754. Û 208-22, F-VF, LH........... 91.45
                                                                  overprint. VF ................ Est 50.00+
                                                                                             2755. Û 246-62, F-VF ............. 145.30
                                     2675. Ú Interesting group of 7 bank cheques  2722. Ö Unused 12¢ Reg’d Postal Stationery  MANCHUKUO:
                                      from the Lithuania Legation, from 1925-30.  envelope from 1909 (measures8x5 inches).  2756. ÕÛ 79-82, Postal Convention set, F-VF,  2793. Û B8, Semi-postal High Value,
                                      These were drawn on the Munsey Trust Co.  Has “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF, centre verti-  NH ........................... 200.00  fresh colour, VF, OG, neat hinge remnant.
                                      Washington & have nice Capital Dome / Bald  cal fold ..................... Est 75.00+  2757. Ú Manchukuo Red Cross MEMBERSHIP  A DIFFICULT STAMP TO FIND.... 925.00
                                      Eagle / USA flag cachets. VG-VF Est 50.00+  2723. Ö Two unused 12¢ (diff shades) Reg’d  MEDAL in bronze from 1938. Has illustrated  2794. Û C16-20, C45, C69-72A, VF, NH ...
                                     2676. Û Seven diff Russian issues with 5 July  Postal Stationery envelopes from 1920 (mea-  Geneva Red Cross & Orchids on one side  ............................... 88.80
                                      1941 German Occupation overprints. F-VF,  sure 11.5 x 6 inches). Each with “SPECIMEN”  & “Kang Teh 5th year, 10th month, 1st day/
                                      NG, 80K has red stain (Mi #’s 2-5, 7-9 - 45  overprint. F, a few bends...... Est 100.00+  Manchukuo Red Cross Society” on obverse.
                                      Euro) ...................... Est 35.00+  2724. Ö Unused 15¢ Reg’d Postal Stationery  F. Fascinating Japanese Occupation item
                                                                  envelope from 1929 with “SPECIMEN” over-  ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                  print. VF.................... Est 75.00+  MARIANA ISLANDS:
                                                                 2725. Ö Three diff unused Reg’d Postal Statio-  2758. Ú 17, 20-2, 24, F-VF .......... 45.00
                                                                  nery envelopes incl 5¢, 10¢ (5 x 3 inches) &  MARSHALL ISLANDS:
                                                                  12¢ (6 x 3.75 inches). Each has “SPECIMEN”  2759. Ú 7, 9, 11, 13-5, 19, F-VF ...... 79.75
                                                                  overprint. VF ................ Est 75.00+  MARTINIQUE:
         2648. Û 52a, Scarce Perf 11, F-VF . . 475.00
                                                                        MALAYA (JOHORE):
        2649. Û 53, VF, NH............... 105.00                 2726. Ö 106 (Pair), Tied by Batu Pahat 18
        2650. Û 153-67, Fresh, VF, NH....... 79.20                Sept 1936 CDS on cover to Quilon,
        2651. SSÛ 769-75, Imperf souvenir sheets.                 Travancore, India. F, slightly reduced......
         VF, NH. Nice Airplane topicals....... 95.00              ........................... Est 45.00+
        2652. ÕÛ 805-9, Cpl set of LL corner imprint             2727. Û 125, Forgery of the rare $500 High
         blocks IMPERFORATE. VF, NH .... 120.00                   Value. VF, with gum. A good spacefiller
                                     2677. Ú 5, Four large margins, neatly
                                      cancelled, VF .................. 550.00  (Genuine Cat $23,000 US) .... Est 150.00+
                                                                 2728. Û 158-68, F-VF .............. 60.95
                                     2678. Ú 42, VF.................... 95.00  MALAYA (KELANTAN):                         2795. Û C41-4, Bird Airmails, all are perf 11.
                                     2679. Û 55, VG-F ................ 175.00  2729. Û 10, VF ................... 75.00    VF, LH........................ 319.50
                                     2680. Û 272-7, VF................. 84.75  2730. Ö Cpl range of 6 diff unused 1¢ to
                                     2681. Û 272-7, 315-7, United Europe sets.  4¢ Postal Stationery cards from 1910-27.  2760. Û 3, 8-10, 12, 16, 21, VG-VF . . 550.75
                                      F-VF .......................... 108.75  Each has “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF (6) ...
                                     2682. Ú 272-7, VF ................ 100.60  .......................... Est 125.00+  2761. Ú7,F ..................... 180.00
                                     2683. Û 318-20, Europa set, F-VF, NH 155.00  2731. Ö Unused 15¢ Reg’d Postal Stationery  2762. ÚÛ 29-32, VG-F, HH (#31 used) 198.50
                                     2684. Û B50-4, B156-61, F-VF ....... 74.45  envelope from 1937 with “SPECIMEN” over-  2763. Û 47-52, VG-F.............. 276.00
                                                                                             2764. Û 133, With Revenue surcharge
                                               MACAO:             print. VF.................... Est 50.00+
                                     2685. Ú 81, UL & LR BISECTS each tied on  MALAYA (NEGRI SEMBILAN):  “TIMBRE/DE DIMENSION / 7.20" DOUBLED.
                                      piece by 1911 CDS’s, Also 125a BISECT  2732. Ö Tiger & Coat of Arms design unused  VF, NH. An eye-catching item! . . Est 50.00+
                                      tied on piece by 1910 CDS. F-VF (3 diff  1¢ Postal Stationery cards & 1¢ & 1¢ reply  2765. Ú French Colonies #13 Imperf Pair, Tied
                                      Bisects) .................... Est 85.00+  cards, from 1897 up to 1936. Each has  on piece by “MQE” lozenge cancel. F, some
                                     2686. Ú 114, 116-7, F ............. 235.00  “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF (4 diff) ........  flts in stamps but a nice cancel ..... 120.00
                                     2687. Ú 132-6, F .................. 90.25  .......................... Est 100.00+  MAURITANIA:
                                     2688. Û 259-62, 264-7, F-VF ....... 291.25  2733. Ö Unused 1936 15¢ Reg’d Postal Statio-  2766. Ú 17, High Value with SON Boghe 16
                                     2689. SSÛ 488, VF, NH ............ 50.00  nery envelope with “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF  Sept 1906 CDS. F-VF, light crease . . 150.00
                                     2690. SSÛ 529a, Musical Instruments. VF, NH  ........................... Est 50.00+  MAURITIUS:
                                      .............................. 375.00  MALAYA (PAHANG):
                                     2691. Û C7-15, F-VF (C10 is used). . . 185.30  2734. Ö Unused 2¢ Postal Stationery card
                                              MACEDONIA:          & 2+2¢ reply card from 1936. Each has
         2653. Û B38-47, C4-7, Cpl sets of 1932  2692. SSÛ 352, Mini-sheet with 2 se-tenant
          IMPERFORATE PROOFS on chalky paper.  blocks. A nice Europa / Stamp On Stamp  “SPECIMEN” overprints. VF (2 diff) .......  2796. Û C42a, Perf 13, Fresh, VF, NH300.00
          Each a sheet margin single with large  topical. VF, NH.................. 100.00  ........................... Est 45.00+  2797. Û C44a, Perf 11 High Values, VF, VLH
          margins, fresh rich colours, XF, ungummed  2693. SSÛ 352-3, VF, NH.......... 100.00  MALAYA (PENANG):            .............................. 240.00
          (Sassone Cat 3,920 Euro) . . Est 1,250.00+  MADAGASCAR:                                                         2798. Ú C44a, Perf 11, VF, neat CDS. 190.00
        2654. ÕÛ C25, Corner block, fresh, F-VF, NH  2694. Û 51-60, F-VF ............... 86.75                            2799. ÕÛ C69-72A, Lovely set of corner
         .............................. 240.00  2695. Û L2, L4, British Inland Mail stamps. VF,                            blocks, VF, NH ................. 209.80+
        2655. Û J25-9, VF, NH ............ 179.00  LH............................ 125.00      2767. Ú 14Bd, Scarce horiz pair of the Lapirot  2800. Ö Coll of 3 diff unused b/w postcards
        2656. Û J30-6, F-VF, NH........... 220.00  2696. Û L8-12, F-VF (L12 OG, others NG) ..  Two Pence Blue worn impression. VG-F,  depicting scenes of the Monaco Scientific
        2657. Ö Stampless Free soldier’s postcard  .............................. 104.00       right stamp with a thin. Multiples of this  Exploration aboard the ship “PRINCESS
         used from Bengasi 16 June 1913 with military  2697. Û Unusual coll of 20 diff labels circa  issue are rare. Has guarantee b/s . 1,700.00  ALICE”, by Prince Albert 1898-9. VF. Scarce
         cancels, addr to Camin Italy (rec squared  1930’s issued for the Jesuit Mission in  2768. Ú 25, F ..................... 60.00  (3) ....................... Est 150.00+
         circle). Depicts a scene of water towers in  Tananarive. Each depicts a diff scene with  2769. Ú 32-5, 37, 39-40, 42, VG-VF . . 177.50  MONGOLIA:
         Bengasi. F .................. Est 50.00+  buildings, natives, lepers, mission work, etc.
                                      F, some back flts ............. Est 35.00+             2770. Û 35, Horizontal pair overprinted
                LIECHTENSTEIN:                 MADEIRA:                                       “CANCELLED”. Fresh, F, NH. Normal stamps
        2658. Û 1-3, Well centred. VF, HH . . . 212.50  2698. Ú 4, F-VF .................. 155.00  2735. Û 3-22, KGVI set to $5, VF, NH .....  Cat $200 US ................ Est 75.00+
                                     2699. Ú 14, F ..................... 85.00  ......................... Est 150.00+  2771. Ú 47, Huge jumbo with wing margin. VF
                                           MALAGASY REPUBLIC:    2736. Û 29-44, F-VF, NH .......... 73.60+  ............................... 50.00
                                     2700. Û 8-10, 14, 16, F-VF ......... 190.00  MALAYA (PERAK):  2772. Ö 73 (2), 95, 97, Tied on 4¢ on 18¢ sur-
                                     2701. Ú 9-11, F-VF, neat dated CDS’s 110.00  2737. Ú 67, F-VF ................. 160.00  charged Postal Stationery envelope Reg’d
                                     2702. Ú 22, Five Franc tied on piece by lovely  MALAYA (SELANGOR):  from Mauritius 1898 to Colchester England
                                      Tamatave 1898 CDS. F-VF. Nice! . . 100.00+  2738. Ú7,VF.................... 125.00  (rec b/s). The stamps pay an uprated amount
                                     2703. Ö 34, BISECT, Tied by blue Diego-  MALAYA (SUNGEI UJONG):  of 23¢. F. A visually striking cover Est 90.00+
                                      Suarez 7 Mar 1904 CDS on local cover. Has  2739. Ú 20, VF.................... 70.00  2773. Û 108, With “SPECIMEN” overprint.
                                      blue “faute de timbres” h/s. F, central fold...  MALAYA (TRENGGANU):  F-VF....................... Est 35.00+
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  2740. Ö Four diff 1¢ to 4¢ unused Postal  2774. Û 251-65, F-VF .............. 65.15
                                     2704. Ö 34 (Se-tenant & Pair of Vertical Bi-  Stationery cards from 1911 & 1922. Each  2775. Û 276-90, Bird set, F-VF, NH . . . 62.15
         2659. Û 74-80, Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 503.00  sects), Tied by blue Diego-Suarez 15 Mar  has “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF, 3¢ has  2776. SSÛ 472a, WWF souvenir sheet, VF,
                                      1904 CDS & “Affranchissement / exceptionnel             NH ........................... 100.00
        2660. Ú 108, VF................... 87.50  / faute des timbres” h/s on unaddr cover. F,  some mounting adhesion on reverse (4 diff).  MEXICO:
        2661. Û 114, Fresh, XF, NH ........ 250.00                ........................... Est 80.00+  2777. SSÛ 896a, Postage Stamp Centenary.
                                      minor age stain on cover....... Est 65.00+  2741. Ö Two diff used 10¢ & 15¢ Reg’d Postal
                                     2705. Ö 37 (BISECT), Tied by blue Diego-  Stationery envelopes, from 1922-8 (measure  VF, NH ......................... 75.00
                                      Suarez 22 Aug 1904 CDS cancel & partial  6 x 3.75 inches). Each with “SPECIMEN”  2778. Û 951, Five Peso. VF, NH.... 100.00+  2801. Û 7b, Scarce $1 Scepter of Indra,
                                      “Affranchissement / exceptionnel / faute  overprint. VF, touch of TS on 15¢ Est 45.00+  2779. Û C1, VF, LH................ 67.50  perf 10, with extra horiz defaced row of
                                      des timbres” h/s on b/w photo postcard to  MALDIVE ISLANDS:  2780. Û C46, VF, NH .............. 75.00  perforations. Exceptionally fresh, F-VF
                                      Tananarive. Redirected to Vatomandry. The  2742. Û 20-8, VF.................. 59.00  2781. SSÛ C234a, VF, NH .......... 70.00  (Normal Cat $1,000) ........ Est 400.00+
                                      postcard depicts Diego-Suarez street scene.  2743. SSÛ 243-6, Boy Scout Mini-sheets of  2782. ÕÛ O176, Bottom margin block with im-
                                      F, part of addr removed........ Est 65.00+  12. VF, NH ...................... 67.20  print “C-H.I.” All with “OFFICIAL” INVERTED.
                                     2706. Ú 40, Vertical BISECT tied on piece  2744. Û 472-9, 502, 524-32, Imperforates, VF,  VF, NH.................... Est 100.00+
                                      by blue Diego-Suarez 10 Mar, 1904 CDS. F.  NH ........................... 150.00  2783. ÕÛ O176, Bottom margin Plate
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  2745. Û 480-8, Cpl Copernicus set in unlisted  #12459 block of 6. All stamps with “OFFICIAL”
                                     2707. Ö 63-4 (2 ea), 65,Tied by blue Tananarive  IMPERFORATES. VF, NH ..... Est 45.00+  INVERTED. F-VF, NH........ Est 125.00+
                                      1908 CDS’s on ship cover to Lorient/Morbihan,  2746. SSÛ 1757-72, Cpl set of 16 diff Myster-  2784. Û ROCKET MAIL STAMP overprinted
                                      France. Has neat “La Reunion a Marseille /  ies of the Universe souvenir sheets. VF, NH  on #C220En commemorating 25th Anniver-
                                      LV No 4" Paquebot cancel. F-VF. Est 50.00+  .............................. 105.00  sary of FIRST INTERNATIONAL ROCKET
                                     2708. Ö 66, Tied by blue Rantsua 1907 CDS  MALI:         MAIL from July 1961. VF, NH . . . Est 50.00+
                                      on b/w postcard to Lahat, PERAK (20 Mar  2747. Û C2-4, C25-8, Bird Airmail sets. VF ..  MONACO:
                                      b/s). Has ADEN CDS & TAIPING, CHINA  ............................... 65.75  2785. Ú 5-6, F .................... 93.00
                                      Squared Circle transits. Card shows lumber  MALTA:
                                      market in Tananarive. F-VF. Very interesting
         2662.Û 131, Scarce 5Fr Coat of Arms, pristine           2748. Û 33-41, KE up to 5 Shilling, fresh
          fresh, perfectly centered, XF, NH . . . 700.00  postcard & a scarce destination Est 150.00+  colours, F-VF ................... 211.50
                                     2709. Ö 67 (BISECT), Tied by blue Vohemar 8
        2663. Û 247-52, 254-8, Top margin horiz strips  Mar 1906 CDS & black “0.05 / Affranchi ainsi /  2749. Ú 184, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety, VF,
         of 5. VF, stamps are NH. Cat approx $500 .  faute des figurines” h/s on cover to Sambava.  light cancel (SG #210a, Cat £50) Est 45.00+
         .......................... Est 100.00+  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+
        2664. Ú 289-92, 297-300, 308-11, VF . . 75.35  2710. Ö 154, 174 (Pair), Tied by Mahatsara 13
        2665. Ú B1-10, B14-7, B19-21, F-VF. . 307.00  Nov 1934 CDS’s on Reg’d young lady green
        2666. Û B1-13, F-VF .............. 242.50  illustrated 50¢ Postal Stationery envelope, to
        2667. Ú B7-10, VF, light cancels ..... 104.00  Tamatave. VF ............... Est 50.00+                            2802. Û 21a, Black Postage overprint which
                                     2711. Ö 154, 174 (2), Tied by Tananarive 25                                           is reversed, fresh & sound on bright paper,
                                      Oct 1935 CDS’s on back of Reg’d green 50¢
                                      Postal Stationery illustrated envelope depict-                                       F-VF, LH. Has been pencil signed by H.B.R.
                                      ing young girl. F-VF........... Est 40.00+                                           Clarke who notes overprint is Type III. A
                                     2712. Û 291, Colonel Lyautey issue; 5 TRIAL                                           RARELY OFFERED STAMP..... 1,200.00
                                      COLOUR vertical IMPERF PAIRS. Incl                                                  2803. ÕÛ 73, Block. F, NH.......... 78.00
                                      Blackish Green & Dark Blue pairs; plus 3                2786. Û 10, Scarce 5F High Value, fresh  MONTSERRAT:
                                      pairs with each stamp in diff colours. VF, NH            colour, F, OG. Signed by Buhler & with a  2804. Ú 1-2, 6, F-VF ............... 89.00
                                      ........................... Est 75.00+  2750. Û 185, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety,  1985 VON DER WEID Certificate 3,000.00  2805. Û 22-4, 26-9, F-VF .......... 121.50
                                                                  VF, NH (SG #211a, Cat £140+) .........
                                     2713. Û C37-60, CB1, Attractive lot of Airmails.                                     2806. Û 75-84, KGV Tercentenary set to 5
         2668. Ú C1-6, Neat cancels, VF ..... 280.00               ......................... Est 140.00+
                                      F-VF, some NH (25 diff)........... 153.40              2787. Û 11-16, 19, 21. F ........... 173.00  Shilling. F-VF ................... 193.60
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47