Page 46 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 1
P. 46
46 NORWAY Continued 3017. SSÛ 1350, 1350a, VF, NH ..... 45.00 3067. Û 178-222, F-VF ............ 165.85
2974. Û 57a, Perf 13.5 x 12.5. Fresh colour, F, 3018. SSÛ NB4, VF, NH ............ 60.00 3068. Û B1, VF .................. 160.00
OG ........................... 400.00 3019. ÚÛ Interesting coll of 25 classic 19th 3069. Ú B5-9, CB1, French Revolution set. VF
2975. Û 104-10, F, NH (106 light bend) .... Century issues, primarily imperf types. We (CB1 is mint) .................... 87.50
.............................. 150.00 believe all are Fakes / Forgeries. Mostly
2976. Û 275-8, VF, NH ............. 89.75 unused, VF. A useful reference group (25) . 3070. Ö C1, Scarce 50¢ ROLAND
2977. Û 279-89, 537-43, Nice sets. VF, NH . .......................... Est 100.00+ GARROS overprinted first Airmail along
............................... 72.00 PITCAIRN ISLANDS: with #134 & #150, all neatly tied by Saint
2978. Û B3, VF, NH .............. 90.00+ 3020. Û 1-8, F-VF ................. 84.75 Denis, Reunion 26 Jan, 1937 CDS’s on
2979. ÚÛ B50-2, Olympic set mint NH, plus 3021. Ö New Zealand #204, tied by Pitcairn cach FFC from REUNION TO FRANCE
another set tied to a commem cach FDC. VF Island New Zealand Postal Agency 18 Mar (rec b/s). Has been signed by all 3 avia-
........................... Est 45.00+ 1938 CDS on colour cach cover for the estab- tors LAURENT, LENIER AND TOUGE.
NOSSI-BE: lishment of PITC Radio Station on Pitcairn. F-VF. A SCARCE SIGNED FLIGHT
2980. Ú 23, 27, 29-31, J9, J14, VG-VF .... Addr to USA. F .............. Est 65.00+ COVER. See photo on Page 44 .......
.............................. 300.50 POLAND: ....................... Est 700.00+ 3118. Û 383a, Scarce IMPERF single, large
2981. Ú J11, F, couple short / pulled perfs. 3022. Ö 268, Tied by special 23 Sept 1934 RHODESIA: margins, fresh rich colour, VF, OG 1,750.00
Scarce ........................ 275.00 GORDON BENNETT BALLOON FLIGHT 3071. Ú 1-3, 5-7, 10, VG-VF ........ 106.75 3095. Û 10, Rare mint example of the 3119. Ö 421 (Pair), Tied by Leningrad 17 Mar
NYASALAND: cover. Has cachet & a beautiful large size 3072. Û 19, Ten Pound high value with perfin. 10b Dull Blue with rich colour, strong 1937 CDS on reply postcard for “The People’s
coloured label for the event. F. . . Est 65.00+ F, NG. Cat $3,000 ........... Est 150.00+ impression. F, full OG, small corner crease. Commissariats for Heavy & Light Industry”,
3023. Û 349, 349a, Deep Red & Dull Red Has 1998 Chiavarello Certificate. AN addr to New York. VF ......... Est 50.00+
shades. F-VF ................... 112.50 OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE OF THIS 3120. Û 427-30, 435, 437-54, F-VF . . 103.50
3024. SSÛ 830, VF, NH ........... 135.00 WORLD CLASS RARITY ...... 15,000.00
3025. Ö Stampless postcard with Warsaw RUANDA-URUNDI:
scene to France. Has large violet double-Ring 3096. Û 6/23, Coll of 11 diff all with red
“ARMEE POLONAISE AVIATION” with cen- “SPECIMEN” overprints & usual printer’s
tral Polish Eagle handstamp. Previous owner punch. F-VF, NH ............ Est 100.00+
said this from the Polish White Russian air RUSSIA:
force. VF .................. Est 150.00+
3026. ÕÛ Lot of 5 diff corner blocks of the
WWII Polish Army Corps in Italy from 1946.
F-VF, NH ................... Est 35.00+
3027. Ö Set of 5 diff Polish Legion in Italy
overprinted locals neatly tied by Barletta
1948 cancels on FDC. Has coloured cachet
2982. Û 23, KGV One Pound, fresh rich depicting PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. VF ..
colour, F-VF, LH............ Est 225.00+ ........................... Est 90.00+ 3121. Û 456-67, VG-VF ........... 396.50
2983. Û 38-46, F-VF, NH ........... 54.15 3028. Ö Four unusual UN Polish Peace Keep- 3122. Û 478, High Value. F-VF....... 95.00
3123. Û 485-6, VF................. 95.00
2984. Û 68-81, KGVI set to 20 Shillings. F-VF, ing Forces cach covers. Each has UN related
mostly NH...................... 101.20 cachet “under the blue flag of the UN”, “Mili-
OBOCK: tary Free Frank” h/s & Polish Military Contin- 3097. Ú 1, Four large margins, bright colour.
2985. Û 12, 14-5, 17, F-VF ......... 117.50 gent h/s depicting Egyptian hieroglyphics & 3073. Û 19, Scarce Ten Pound Arms High XF, neat pen cancel. A lovely looking stamp
2986. Ú J4-5, Beautiful four margin examples, “Syria 1985" (diff colour for each cover). Each Value showing papermaker’s watermark, ............................. 475.00
VF, neat CDS’s ................. 85.00+ has Warsaw / 60/B15 June 1985 CDS; strong colour, F, expertly RG, faint trace of
soiling. Has 2024 BPA Certificate. 3,000.00
OLTRE GIUBA: addr locally. VF (4) ........... Est 50.00+ 3098. Û5,F+.................... 170.00
PORTUGAL: 3074. Ú 86-7, 94, All with inverted 3099. Ú 6-8, F-VF ................ 203.50
3029. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Lisbon “RHODESIA” overprints. F-VF . . Est 65.00+ 3100. Ú 11, VF................... 160.00
11 May 1805 to Madeira. Has “LISBOA” 3101. Û 12, VF, slight adhesion, rounded
cancel & “60" hammer rate. VF . . Est 50.00+ corner, OG ..................... 375.00
3030. Ú 6-7, F ................... 152.50 3102. Û 36, VF ................... 60.00 3124. Û 487-8, F-VF (488 minor crease) ...
3031. Ú 16, F-VF ................. 150.00 3103. Û 69-70, VF, VLH ............ 64.00 ............................. 325.00
3032. Ö 19, 23, Tied by Porto 19 May 1869 3104. Ö 73, 79, AR3, AR7, AR14, Tied by
2-ring CDS & “52" circular dotted cancels on Moscow 17 May 1922 CDS’s on cover to 3125. Û 524-8, VG-F.............. 181.00
folded letter to Heckmonwike, England (24 Berlin. F, slightly reduced. Attractive....... 3126. Û 529-30, VF................ 72.50
May receiver). Has London & Normanton .......................... Est 100.00+ 3127. Ú 531-9, 546-54, F-VF........ 213.35
transits. F, some wear, vertical fold affects 3105. Ö 84, Tied by CDS on censored cover
#23 (Stamps Cat $290 US) ..... Est 75.00+ from “VLADIVOSTOK BRITISH PATRIOTIC
2987. Û 3-15, Cpl run to the 10 Lire. VG-F, 3033. Ú 32, VF................... 125.00 LEAGUE” addr to “Patriotic League of Britons
NH. Scarce .................... 730.50 3034. Ú 48b, F ................... 130.00 Overseas / Tokyo”. Has Tokyo 8 Feb 1919
3035. Û 157, Four panes of 6 in a cpl mint b/s. F, roughly opened. A fascinating cover .
OMAN: 3075. Ú 103f, Scarce 2d Black Purple & .......................... Est 150.00+
Booklet from 1910. The outside is in BLACK Slate Grey, Perf 14, fresh colours, strong
WITH SILVER INSCRIPTIONS. Scarce & impression, neat 18 Aug, 1911 CDS.
very unusual item. F-VF, NH. . . Est 250.00+
3036. Û 422-36, F ................ 110.00 VF. Has 1984 BPA Certificate. A VERY
3037. Ö 614a, Regional Costume souvenir
sheet tied by blue Anchor illustrated National 3076. Ú 105, VF................... 55.00
Navigation Co, Lisbon cancels on local large 3128. Û 540-5, Lenin set, VF ....... 350.50
size cover with 12 Apr 1941 h/s. VF. RARELY
SEEN USED ON COVER ..... Est 150.00+ 3129. Û 555-8, VF (555 light crease) . 122.50
3038. Û 662-9, VF, NH ............ 134.15 3130. Û 559-68, VF............... 113.75
3039. Û 683-8, Set in imperf proof pairs 3131. Û 569-72, F-VF, LH.......... 160.00
with printer’s punch holes & a few printer’s 3132. ÕÛ 628, M/S corner blocks. F-VF, NH
notations. F-VF (683 one stamp with a tear). (4 blocks) ....................... 64.00
.......................... Est 100.00+ 3133. Û 635a, Red Army 1R Imperforate. F..
3040. Û 683-8, Specialized lot. Incl a complete ............................ 1,150.00
mint set; UL mint block of #682; & an 3134. Û 636-46, VF, some NH ...... 217.25
2988. Û 190A-C, Complete set of 3 different imperf PROOF block of #682. VF, NH .... 3106. Û 88-104, Complete Romanov Dynasty 3135. Û 647-58, F-VF ............. 124.75
surcharges, beautifully centered, fresh ........................... Est 65.00+ set. Fresh colours, F-VF (94 tiny tear, 101 3136. Û 709, 711, VF .............. 52.50
3137. Û 724-33, F-VF, NH ......... 128.00
colours, VF, LH. A RARE MODERN SET . 3041. Û 717-20, F-VF ............. 112.40 crease) ....................... 280.55
............................ 3,425.00 3042. Û 844-5, Aveiro set in unlisted IMPERF 3138. Û 757-66, F-VF, NH ......... 150.00
PAIRS. Fresh, VF, NH........ Est 100.00+ 3139. Û 772-9, 784-8, F-VF, NH..... 200.00
PAKISTAN: 3077. Û (122), Imperforate horiz pair of the 3140. Û 847-9, VF, NH ........... 135.00+
2989. Û 24-41, 42a-3a, F-VF ........ 93.50 3043. Û 895/1172, Four diff Europa issues. KGV Admiral DIE PROOF in deep ultrama- 3141. Û 850-1, VF, NH ............ 125.00
Incl 1060-2 in blocks & singles. VF, NH 76.35
2990. Û 41b, Ten Rupee. F, some TS, bright 3044. Ú C10, F-VF................ 115.00 rine, with security punch. Huge margins, VF. 3142. Û 857-8, F-VF .............. 150.00
colour ......................... 130.00 PORTUGUESE GUINEA: Scarce ................... Est 350.00+
2991. Û 17d, Perf 14. F+........... 140.00 3045. Ú 179K-9M, High Values. F-VF . . 96.50 RHODESIA AND NYASALAND:
2992. Ö 55, Also USA #498 (Pair), Tied by 3078. Ú 141-55, Also 158a-9a, F-VF. . . 71.80
U.S.S. Edsall ship cancel circa 1923 on cover 3079. Û 141-71, F-VF ............. 228.75
to Baltimore. Has “U.S.S. Edsall / Constanti- 3080. Û 167-71, High Values, F-VF . . . 89.00
nople, Turkey” sepia illustrated corner card ROMAGNA:
depicting the Blue Mosque. Has m/s “Enroute,
Beirut Syria to Mersina, Turkey”. F. Very inter-
esting..................... Est 150.00+
2993. Ö 64, Tied by Bethlehem 25 Dec 1936
Christmas Day cancel on cach cover com-
a portrait of General Allenby. He is considered
the last great British leader of mounted
cavalry & directed the Palestine Campaign
in WWI. F................... Est 75.00+ 3143. Û 859, F-VF, NH............ 300.00
PANAMA: 3081. Ú 9, Attractive stamp with excellent
2994. Û 403A-403L, Cpl set of 12 diff Popes. 3046. Û C7, With New York World’s Fair colour, neat cancel, F-VF. Signed by Em. 3144. Û 860-6, F-VF .............. 100.00
Fresh, F-VF, NH................. 103.00 overprint. VF, guarantee b/s....... 300.00 Diena & has a 1985 PESA Certificate .... 3107. Û 105a-7a, Cpl imperforate set with 3145. SSÚ 959/2002a, Coll of 8 diff souvenir
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: ............................ 2,400.00 inscriptions on reverse for use as paper sheets. VF ..................... 154.75
2995. Ú 18, VF................... 225.00 PORTUGUESE INDIA: money. All with four large margins, nice 3146. SSÛ 1080a-2a, VF, NH, a few natural
2996. Ú 30a, Scarce perf 12.5. F+, lightly 3047. Û C4, With New York World’s Fair ROMANIA: colours, VF .................... 925.00 gum bends ..................... 300.00
cancelled ...................... 190.00 overprint. VF, VLH............ Est 90.00+ 3082. Ö 137, Tied by Bucharest 1 Apr 1905 3108. Û 114-6, VF................ 105.00 3147. SSÛ 1083a, VF, VLH ......... 75.00
2997. Ú 48a, VF................... 60.00 3048. SSÛ Souvenir sheet of 9 diff Portuguese CDS’s on multi-colour embossed ZIEHER 3109. ÕÛ 131d, One Ruble Imperforate 3148. Û 1230-3, F-VF ............. 100.50
2998. Ú 56-7, F-VF, neat CDS’s ...... 70.00 Colonies stamps issued in 1951 to mark the card to Switzerland. Depicts Romanian crest right margin block with GROUNDWORK 3149. Û 1261-4, Transportation set, F-VF ...
2999. ÕÛ 61, Bottom margin imprint block extension of the 1950 Holy Year. Depicts & 10 diff King Carl I stamps. Also unused DOUBLED AND MISPLACED. A lovely .............................. 290.00
of 6. F-VF, 3 stamps, NH....... Est 40.00+ Pope Pius XII & inscription. VF, NH ....... silver tinted postcard depicting 6 diff circa showpiece of this major variety. VF, NH ... 3150. Û 1284-8, VF, NH .......... 247.50+
3000. Ú 71-2, SON Port Moresby dated can- .......................... Est 100.00+ 1921 Coins. F (2)............. Est 75.00+ .............................. 600.00 3151. Û 1289-94, VF, NH ......... 222.50+
cels. VF ...................... 107.50+ QATAR: 3083. Ö 158 (5), 160-1 (2), 162, Tied by 3110. Û 218, MISPLACED SURCHARGE. VF, 3152. SSÛ 1325, Stalin 70th Birthday imperf
3001. Û 135, VF, NH.............. 50.00+ 3049. Û 26-36, Cpl set to 10R. F-VF, LH ... CASTEL PELES 23 Nov 1903 CDS’s front NH ........................ Est 35.00+ souvenir sheet. F-VF, small edge flaws,
3002. Û 139-46, VF, NH (144 LH)..... 70.25 .............................. 125.05 & back on Reg’d cover to New York (Castel 3111. Û 237, 237a, Cpl sheet of 25. Shows interleaving stuck to back.......... 200.00
3003. ÕÛ 140, 142-3, LL Imprint Blocks. F-VF, 3050. ÕÛ 107Cm, 107Gm, VF, NH . . . 80.00 Peles was a Royal Palace near Sinaia, flap & the CLICHÉ OF 70r in the sheet of 100r. 3153. SSÛ 1327a, Lenin Mausoleum sheet.
NH ............................ 59.00 3051. SSÛ 278a, VF, NH ........... 50.00 letter sheet enclosed bear similar blue & gold Fresh, F-VF, NH ............. Est 65.00+ VF, slight DG ................... 600.00
3004. Ö C10-4, Along with four diff Australia QUEENSLAND: embossed imprints). Note enclosed was writ- 3112. Û 265-72, F-VF .............. 98.00 3154. Û 1343-7, VF, NH .......... 101.00+
KGVI stamps all tied by Port Moresby 22 Feb 3052. Ú 6, Three diff shades. F-VF . . . 225.00 ten by Carol II, future King when he was 10 3113. Û 294-301, Lenin Mausoleum sets. 3155. Û 1359-65, VF, some NH ..... 149.75
1947 CDS’s on OHMS #10 size cover, addr 3053. Û 25-6, 27b, 28, All with “SPECIMEN” years old; “Some nice stamps I am sending Fresh, F-VF .................... 222.50 3156. SSÛ 1360a, VF, LH.......... 200.00
locally. A nice combination Papua / Australia overprints. VG-F, couple flts (Normal Cat you /Carl/9/22/ 1903". Nineteen mint 3157. Û 1388-9, 1392a-3a, 1394-9, F-VF ...
franking cover. F, edge crease . Est 100.00+ $662) ...................... Est 60.00+ stamps are affixed incl 5 Danube ship post lo- .............................. 200.75
3005. Û J1-5, F-VF, LH ............. 74.75 3054. Ú 77-8, Ten Shilling & One Pound High cals (1 damaged). Article from Linn’s 26 Jan 3158. Û 1420-4, 1427-8, 1435-41, VF, some
PARAGUAY: Values. VG-F+ .................. 185.00 1981 accompanies. F, some flaws. Extremely NH ........................... 151.00
3006. ÕÛ 206, Right margin imperf Trial Col- 3055. Ö 91, 101 (Pair), Tied on QV 1d postal rare postal history items. Lovely addition to a 3159. Û 1442-8, VF............... 172.00
our Plate Proof block of 6 in purple & orange stat card by “450" grid numeral cancels. Romanian coll .............. Est 250.00+ 3160. Û 1460-1, 1469-73, 1510-4, F-VF, some
on card. Shows nearly full Plate Imprint at Mailed from Gympie, Queensland 28 Sept 3084. Ö 178, Along with 2 diff General Expo NH ........................... 165.50
right. VF................... Est 100.00+ 1895 to Alexandria, New Zealand. Then Romania 1906 Labels, Tied by Bucharest
3007. ÕÛ 454, Fleet Centenary L margin horiz returned back to Queensland with NZ #62 CDS’s on matching b/w photo Exposition card
IMPRINT IMPERF Block of 6. Scott unlisted. added for return postage. F, toned, some depicting the Austrian Pavilion, to England. F+
VF, NH, couple minor gum bends Est 40.00+ age stains .................. Est 75.00+ ........................... Est 45.00+
3008. Û 623-9, 627a, Europa related issues, 3056. Ö 91, 124, Tied by Sydney 1900 CDS 3085. Ö 240-2, RA7-8 (all Pairs), Tied by blue
perf & imperf sets plus souvenir sheet. 69.20 on cover to USA. Has attractive red illustrated Bujor 26 Aug 1918 CDS’s on Reg’d Military 3114. Û 374c, Scarce IMPERFORATE
3009. ÕÛ C63a, C67a, IMPERF BLOCKS serrated advertising label for Fred Hagen Ltd., Censored cover to Galati. F, minor flaws. single, four large margins, VF, OG. . 950.00
of 10. Also a vert pair of each IMPERF early Sydney stamps dealer. VF . Est 40.00+ Attractive ................... Est 50.00+ 3115. Û 375-81, F-VF, VLH.......... 71.00
HORIZONTALLY. VF, primarily NH ....... 3057. Ö 113 (5), tied by “489" grid oval cancel 3086. Ö 449, 451 (Pair), Tied by Bucharest 3116. Û 382-400, F-VF (389 & 399 are used)
........................... Est 60.00+ on Reg’d cover, Saltern to Hobart, Tasmania. circa 1938 CDS on #10 OHMS Mourning .............................. 125.50
3010. Û C197, C199, Pairs IMPERFORATE F-VF, spindle hole. Very attractive!........ cover to Canada. Has crest illustrated
BETWEEN; 1g horiz, 5g vert & horiz. F-VF ........................... Est 40.00+ “BRITISH LEGATION / BUCHAREST” h/s’s
(3 pairs) .................... Est 40.00+ 3058. Ö 130, Tied by Laidley 11 Jan 1909 front & back. F+.............. Est 40.00+
3011. Û C205-7, C211, C214, IMPERF CDS on QV 1d red brown illustrated postal 3087. Û 1082-93, IMPERF set. VF, NH 50.00 3161. Û 1518-25, Skyscraper set. VF, NH ..
PROOFS. F-VF, usual printer’s punch holes stat card to Leipzig, Germany. Card depicts 3088. SSÛ B292-303, Cpl 1945 Armistice ............................. 460.00
(5) ........................ Est 35.00+ Parliament House in Brisbane. F-VF....... issue in panes of 4. Fresh, F-VF, 2 stamps 3162. Û 1534-44, VF, some NH ..... 224.50
3012. Û C225-32, IMPERF set. VF, NH..... ........................... Est 45.00+ in each pane are NH ............. 480.00 3163. Û 1550-62, VF.............. 199.50
........................... Est 35.00+ 3059. ÕÛ 134, Block. VG-F, NH. Fresh .... 3089. Û C10-1, F-VF.............. 100.00 3164. Û 1569-83, F-VF ............. 99.00
3013. Û College of Agriculture UNISSUED .............................. 110.00 3090. Ú IN1-34, Each tied on piece by Military 3165. Û 1584-5, VF, NH (1585 minor gum
1930 semi-postal (see note in Scott under 3060. Ö QV 1Àd black illustrated postal stat Field PO #346 1918 cancels. F-VF........ bends) ........................ 100.00
B4), horiz pair IMPERF vert. VF, NH ...... card with “148" numeral cancel & Bundaberg ........................... Est 45.00+ 3166. Û 1586-97, VF.............. 228.00
........................... Est 40.00+ 8 Mar 1902 CDS. Addr to Braunschweig, 3091. Û RA19-21, Vertical IMPERFORATE 3167. Û 1598-1602, VF............ 247.50
PARMA: Germany. Depicts sugar cane harvesting. VF PAIRS. VF, LH. Scott unlisted. . . Est 90.00+ 3168. Û 1605-9, VF............... 176.00
3014. Ú 1, VG-F.................. 135.00 ........................... Est 45.00+ 3092. Û Large b/w sunken circa 1906 DIE 3169. Û 1632-4, 1643-4, 1660-5, F-VF143.00
PERU: 3061. Ú QV 6 Shilling Stamp Duty Revenue. F, PROOF (9x6 inches) depicting profile of 3117. Û 382a, Scarce IMPERF, four large 3170. Û 1666-73, 1678-9, 1688-9, 1694-8, VF
3015. ÕÛ Block of an unissued multi-coloured one rounded corner (Barefoot #7, Cat £125) “KING FERDINAND I ROMANIA / SPECIAL margins, fresh colours. VF, small hinge thin .............................. 100.00
modern era perforated essay stamp depicting ........................... Est 40.00+ V42483 / AMERICAN BANK NOTE ............................ 1,750.00 3171. SSÛ 1747a-b, 1757a, VF, NH. . 115.00
a market place scene. Each stamp inscribed REUNION: COMPANY”. VF. Very attractive Est 125.00+ 3172. SSÛ 1767a, Normal & 1962 overprinted
PRUEBA. VF, NH ........... Est 100.00+ 3062. Û 4, 7, F-VF................. 92.50 3093. Ö Cpl Booklet of 10 diff sepia photo souvenir sheets. VF, NH (2 diff)..... 110.00
PHILIPPINES: 3063. Ú 5-6, 8-10, F-VF ............ 315.00 postcards with views of Bucharest, circa Visit 3173. Ö 2432, etc, Tied on b/w real photo post-
3016. Û 100, Mounted on special card stating 3064. Ú 12-14, F ................. 157.50 1936. Has street scenes, palaces, etc. F ... to use the helpful card depicting Cosmonaut YURI GAGARIN
that the stamp is “From the Royal Egyptian 3065. ÚÛ 17-26, VG-VF ........... 188.50 ........................... Est 50.00+ who was the first man to travel into space in
Stamp Coll” (of King Farouk). Has cartouche 3066. Û 17/296, Interesting range of 15 diff ROMAN STATES: search features. 1961. The stamp is from 1961 & the postcard
h/s on back. VF .............. Est 40.00+ mint incl early surcharges. F-VF .... 111.80 3094. Ú 4, 4c, 5, F ................ 165.00 is addr to Belgium. VF......... Est 50.00+