Page 6 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 6
LOT 4163
LOT 4164
LOT 4165
UNITED STATES COVERS Continued 4180. Ö U59, With blue oval “STEAMER 4203. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
FRANK PARGOUD 11 Feb 1870" ship cancel 1910’s marking the spot where BRIGHAM CANADA
to New Orleans. F, pinholes, flap missing. YOUNG was born in 1801 at Whitingham,
Scarce item from the Carroll-Hoy correspon- Vermont. He was the famous American reli-
dence to New Orleans........ Est 100.00+ gious leader, 2nd president of the Mormon PROVINCES
4181. Ö U385, Cancelled by St Louis World’s church & colonizer who significantly influ-
Fair 8 Mar 1904 slogan on illustrated cover enced the development of the American
for Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. in St West. VF. AN UNUSUAL POSTCARD..... Canada Provinces are priced by
Louis. Has advertising on both sides with ........................... Est 60.00+
large illustration of a shoe on reverse. Addr 4204. Ö Coll of 3 diff unused b/w disaster Unitrade’s 2024 Canada Specialized.
to Kansas. F ................ Est 60.00+ postcards showing the terrible damage
4182. Ö U412, With San Francisco 12 Mar caused by a TORNADO 15 Sept, 1912
1913 Panama-Pacific Expo slogan cancel with near Syracuse, New York. VF. Scarce (3) .. BRITISH COLUMBIA:
illustrated advertising for E.O. Hall & Son Ltd. .......................... Est 120.00+
4162. Ö C14, VF $1.30 Zeppelin tied by San HONOLULU depicting Co. building. Addr to
Jose Calif 26 May 1930 cancel on GRAF San Francisco. F-VF .......... Est 40.00+
ZEPPELIN Pan-America flight cover. Has 4183. Ö U429, Plus E15, Tied on cach DOG
2 diff Zeppelin cachets. Addr to Berlin Ger- SLED COVER from Lewiston Maine to 4244. Û 12, Brilliant fresh mint single, excel-
many (with rec b/s) & has red boxed Berlin Montreal Quebec driven by Alden & George lent colour. F-VF, OG. Has 2024 Greene
transit cancel. VF ........... Est 500.00+ Pulsifer. Has Canada #150 tied by Montreal Foundation Certificate.......... 2,000.00
14 Jan, 1929 duplex & 2 diff Montreal b/s’s
4163. Ö C14, VF $1.30 Zeppelin neatly tied with diff dates. VF ............ Est 70.00+
by Lakehurst NJ 2 June 1930, flag duplex
on Zeppelin flight cover with 2 diff cachets.
VF. See photo above ......Est 450.00+
4164. Ö C14-15, $1.30 & $2.60 Graf Zep-
pelin High Values neatly tied by Varick St
Sta New York 6 May, 1930 slogan cancel 4205. Ö Coll of 7 diff b/w postcards each
on a ROUND TRIP ZEPPELIN FLIGHT depicting the damage from the 15 Sept
cover Friedrichshafen-Friedrichshafen. 1912 TORNADO NEAR SYRACUSE NEW
Has all appropriate markings incl small YORK. Shows demolished houses, wrecked 4226. Û 2, Fresh colour, F, OG . . . 1,000.00
circular “COMPLETE ROUND TRIP” h/s. rail car, homeless people, etc. F. Scarce lot
VF. See photo above.....Est 1,000.00+ (7 diff).................... Est 225.00+ 4227. Ú 2, F, minor flts. Cat $350 . Est 50.00+
4184. Ö UC1, Cacheted 10 Feb 1931 CAM 4206. Ö Unused WWI Patriotic embossed 4228. Û 2a, Fresh colour, F, OG, corner
#25 FFC to West Palm Beach by South- crease, couple nibbed perfs. Cat $1,000 ...
4165. Ö C15, VF $2.60 Zeppelin neatly bound plane (AAMC# R25N14 - only postcard with multi-coloured design depicting .......................... Est 250.00+
tied by Varick St. Stn NY 2 Ap 1930 slo- 7 pieces flown). F-VF. Scarce cover ...... Flags of the Allies, American soldier & verse. 4229. Ú 4, Nice colour, light cancel, F, tiny
gan cancel on nice double cach GRAF ......................... Est 150.00+ VF ........................ Est 40.00+ hidden repair ................... 800.00
ZEPPELIN flight cover with Lakehurst NJ 4207. Ö Unused multi-coloured WWI postcard 4230. Ú 5, F, some flts. Cat $400 . Est 50.00+ 4245. Û 12i, INVERTED WATERMARK.
round flight Zeppelin b/s. VF. See photo 4185. Ö UC3, Cancelled Lawton Okla 12 Mar, made by The Prudential Insurance Co. De- F, OG. Has 2023 Greene Foundation
above .................. Est 750.00+ 1938 & addr to FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, picts a scene of a BRITISH DREADNOUGHT Certificate ................... 2,300.00
White House, Washington D.C. On reverse naval ship. VF ............... Est 50.00+
4166. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN has special 2-line authentication h/s from 4208. Ö Coll of 6 unused WWI b/w postcards
Chicago Expo 1933 Flight cover with H.R. Harmer noting this cover is from the depicting scenes of Soldiers Training at
DISPATCHED from MIAMI cach, addr to F.D. Roosevelt coll. VF ........ Est 45.00+ CAMP SHERMAN in Chillicothe Ohio. Shows
Cleveland. Has matching Chicago b/s. F-VF 4186. Ö UX10, Two diff 1¢ Columbian Exposi- troops digging Trenches, Morning Hike, Mess,
.......................... Est 110.00+ tion 1893 Postal Stationery cards with diff etc. VF (6) .................. Est 65.00+
4167. Ö C18 (3 singles of the 50¢ Zeppelin), scenes of the Expo. One with special World’s 4209. Ö Unused multi-colour WWI illustrated
Tied by Varick St New York 4 Oct 1933 cancel Fair postmark to Milwaukee, the other to Ba- American YMCA Patriotic postcard depicting
on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Flight cover to Chi- varia Germany with postage due markings. F Flags & Floral Emblems of 12 diff Allied
cago, dispatched from Friedrichshafen Ger- (2) ........................ Est 75.00+ Nations. VF ................. Est 45.00+
many. Has red triangular German Zeppelin 4187. Ö UX10, Used Columbian Exposition 4210. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
cachet. VF ................. Est 250.00+ official souvenir Postal Stationery card with 1919 depicting the patrol ship USS EAGLE 5
4168. Ö C18, Tied by Miami 6 Oct, 1933 colour illustration of a lady & “Woman’s Build- FROZEN IN ICE AT QUEBEC. VF ........
cancel on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN cover Dis- ing” with World’s Fair / Chicago 1 Oct 1893 ........................... Est 50.00+
patched from Miami to Chicago (rec b/s). F . cancel. Addr to Syracuse, NY. F-VF....... 4211. Ö Collection of 8 diff unused pre 1920
.......................... Est 125.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+ postcards of HAWAII. Mostly better views.
4169. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN 4188. Ö UX24, Unused 1¢ Postal Stationery Incl one from Rotary Club of Honolulu with
Chicago to Akron 26 Oct 1933 Century of card with colour advertising on both sides. scene of Japanese cemetery. F-VF (8).....
Progress flight cover addr to New York. VF, Has illustrations for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, ........................... Est 70.00+ 4246. Û 15, Rich colour, fresh, F-VF, OG.
slightly reduced ............. Est 125.00+ Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum, Cream of Wheat, 4212. Ö Two diff b/w real photo postcards Has 1983 BPA Certificate ....... 2,700.00
4170. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN etc. VF, small crease.......... Est 60.00+ depicting US Destroyers run aground at
Chicago Expo 1933 Flight cover with 4189. Ö Coloured 2-part postcard from Honda Point, Calif in 1923. During this event
DISPATCHED from AKRON cachet. Addr to 1904 with a panoramic view of HONOLULU 7 destroyers were wrecked, 23 sailors lost 4231. Ú 5, 6, Two singles with fresh colours,
Valparaiso, Ind. Has Chicago 26 Oct b/s. VF HAWAII. Has been used in Honolulu 1909 their lives. VF................ Est 50.00+ neatly cancelled on piece by large oval
.......................... Est 125.00+ (stamp removed) & addr to Stockholm. F ... 4213. Ö Unused colour photo postcard circa POST OFFICE / PAID / VICTORIA
4171. Ö C18, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN ........................... Est 50.00+ 1924, depicting “U.S.S. SHENANDOAH” Diri- VANCOUVER ISLAND h/s in blue. Also has
Oct 1933 Chicago Expo Flight Akron to 4190. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard gible Airship at Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, separate piece from same envelope with
Chicago leg cover. Addr to Bethlehem, Pa. VF depicting the 1904 TRAIN WRECK ON S. N.J. It made the first crossing of No. America Victoria BC 22 Ap 1868 CDS postmark. F+
.......................... Est 150.00+ BRIDGE about 7 miles from Mullan, Idaho. by an airship. VF ............. Est 35.00+ ......................... Est 600.00+
4172. Ö C18, Tied on #10 2¢ Postal Stationery The bridge was cut in two by a snow ava- 4214. Ö Unused b/w postcard 1927 for 4232. Û 7, VG-F, creases. OG ...... 150.00
envelope for GRAF ZEPPELIN Oct 1933 lanche while a train was standing on it. F ... the FIRST INTERNATIONAL DOG TEAM 4233. Û 7, F-VF, OG, LH........... 300.00
Chicago Expo Flight cover, Chicago to ........................... Est 60.00+ MAIL from Lewiston Maine to Montreal. 4234. Ú7,F ..................... 100.00
Friedrichshafen leg; addr to Northampton, 4191. Ö Unused Zieher postcard circa 1905 This was the only team of genuine black- 4235. Û 7a, Pale Blue, F, OG ....... 300.00
Penn. F-VF, centre folds, one slightly affecting depicting 15 DIFF STAMPS UP TO $5 headed Eskimo dogs in the world. VF...... 4236. Û 8, Fresh, F, OG ........... 160.00 4247. Ú 16, F.................... 600.00
stamp..................... Est 125.00+ MARSHALL in full colour, along with Eagle ........................... Est 65.00+ 4237. Ú8,F ..................... 150.00
4173. Ö C19, Tied by Pittsburgh, Ca 27 Oct & Shield. VF................. Est 50.00+ 4215. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard 4238. Ú 8, F-VF .................. 185.00
1934 on MACON AIRSHIP FLIGHT cover 4192. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting depicting CHARLES LINDBERGH at Pierre 4239. Ú 9, Lightly cancelled, F, small flt ...
from San Francisco Bay Cities to Sunnyvale, a scene of the RUSSO-JAPANESE PEACE (South Dakota) 9/1/27. This is after his historic .............................. 240.00
Ca. Has 6 diff signatures incl a Mayor, Post- CONFERENCE held at Portsmouth Navy Trans-Atlantic flight that brought him global
master & Chief of Police. An unusual cover & Yard NH in Aug 1905 (which was brokered fame. VF ................... Est 75.00+
only 10 were prepared like this. F. Est 75.00+ by US President Theodore Roosevelt). The 4216. Ö Unused b/w postcard (printed in
4174. Ö C19, Tied by City Hall Annex NY 14 reverse side gives the names of the Russian France circa 1930) depicting an ALASKAN
June 1935 cancel on cach ATTEMPTED & Japanese delegates who are sitting around DOG TEAM. VF.............. Est 65.00+
TRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHT COVER (New the Conference table. F, small corner crease 4217. Ö Nice lot of 3 diff unused ALASKA
York to Rome) by Marquis George & COUNT ........................... Est 60.00+ sepia postcards circa 1930’s. These are
Alfred De Monteverde. They attempted a flight 4193. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard 1906 from the Ursuline Mission & depict Eskimos
in their plane “Francesco De Pinedo” but were depicting PRINCESS ANGELINE - Daughter in Kayaks, Dog Team rail wagon, & ELK 4248. Û 18, Scarce $1 High Value, excellent
forced down shortly after the start. Has addi- of Chief Seattle. She was a famous First Na- pulled sled. VF (3) ............ Est 70.00+ fresh colour, F-VF, expertly RG, tiny corner
tional postage added & with a NOTARY tions Princess who lived in 19th Century Seat- 4218. Ö Coll of 22 b/w real photo postcards of perf crease. A nice looking stamp. Has 2016
PUBLIC embossed seal. VF . . . Est 100.00+ tle Washington. The city of Seattle was named Washington State. These depict landscape Gratton Certificate ............. 2,000.00
4175. Ö C30 (3), Tied by New York / Church after her father. VF ........... Est 65.00+ scenes, mountains, highways, valleys, lakes, 4240. Û 11, F, OG ............... 600.00
St. Annex 28 Oct 1941 duplex cancels on #10 4194. Ö Unused embossed patriotic postcard etc. Mainly 1930’s-40’s, primarily unused.
WWII Censored Airmail cover to Switzerland; issued for the 1908 Presidential Election. F-VF....................... Est 75.00+ 4241. Ú 11, F, bold cancel .......... 300.00
Winterthur 14 Oct b/s. F, some creasing. Depicts WILLIAM TAFT for President & 4219. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard of
Scarce ..................... Est 40.00+ JAMES SHERMAN for Vice President. F, the crashed landed “Miss Veedol” Trans-
4176. Ö C30, etc, Coll of 8 diff AMERICAN some soiling / adhesion on reverse........ Pacific airplane 8 Oct, 1931 in Washington
AIRLINES FIRST COMMERCIAL ........................... Est 65.00+ State after making the FIRST NONSTOP
OVERSEAS FLIGHT covers from 1945. Has 4195. Ö Unused multi-coloured embossed TRANS-PACIFIC FLIGHT from Japan. VF.
various international flights to England & Ire- Patriotic postcard circa 1908. Has fancy ........................... Est 60.00+
land plus return flights (these have GB & Irish design with portrait of ABRAHAM LINCOLN 4220. Ö HELEN H. TAFT FREE FRANK on
frankings). All with special blue boxed Airline & his home in Springfield Ill, angel, Union cover mailed locally at Pointe Au Pic Quebec
h/s’s on reverse. F-VF (8) ...... Est 65.00+ soldiers, etc. VF.............. Est 50.00+ Canada 13 July 1936 without any Postage
4177. Ö CE2 (centre line block), Tied on cach 4196. Ö Unused b/w photo 1909 ALASKA- Due markings. Even though Mrs. Taft’s free
HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN May 1936 First YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION official frank privileges as former first lady were valid
North America flight cover; Lakehurst to souvenir postcard depicting Inuit people at in USA, it should not have been used from
Frankfurt leg, addr to New York. Has attractive entrance to the “ESKIMOS” building. VF ... her summer home in Canada. Her frequent
blue & silver illustrated corner card depicting ........................... Est 75.00+ use of it there was tolerated & her son Robert
the airship over the ocean. F-VF. Est 65.00+ 4197. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard of the Taft would periodically settle accounts with 4249. Û 18, Scarce $1 mint, excellent fresh
4178. Ö U1, 3¢ entire (with “POD / US” water- 1909 CLARNO WISCONSIN HOCKEY CLUB. the local postmaster. F, minor edge wear... colour, F-VF, OG. Has 2024 Greene Foun-
mark #1), with black “STEAMBOAT” cancel Depicts the team standing together outdoors .......................... Est 200.00+ dation Certificate.............. 4,000.00
addr to Mobile, Al. Has “Advance” in m/s. on a frozen river. Has the postcard maker’s 4221. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 4242. Û 12, Fresh rich colour, F, OG, minor
Circa 1850’s. F .............. Est 65.00+ name at UR. F............... Est 80.00+ 1938 depicting actors JAMES STEWART & crease ...................... 1,600.00
4198. Ö Unused Zieher postcard pre 1910 GINGER ROGERS who appeared together
depicting stamps up to $5, Eagle & Shield. VF in the romantic-comedy movie “Vivacious
........................... Est 50.00+ Lady”. VF................... Est 45.00+
4199. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de- 4222. Ö New York to Cologne violet cach 2
picting the devastation at the Military Camp at Sept 1950 FFC addr to NJ. Has label on
Texas City, Texas 1910 following the terrible reverse stating damaged by water during
hurricane. Shows soldiers walking through storm aboard “SS Liberte” on return. F,
the rubble. VF ............... Est 60.00+ stamps floated off. Unusual..... Est 50.00+
4200. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910’s 4223. Ö Coll of 6 diff cach covers for the
depicting a vintage DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIP launching of early SPACE SATELLITES,
in flight at the Rochester Fair Grounds in etc. from 1962-7. VF .......... Est 35.00+
Rochester NH. Has “Danbury Fair” m/s in 4224. Ö Unused coloured chrome postcard 4250. Ö Canada #37, Tied by indistinct cancel
4179. Ö U58, With proof-like strike of blue glitter. F, light crease.......... Est 45.00+ from 1964 depicting a street scene disaster on cover circa 1870’s with illustrated WELLS,
STONEWALL 29 Jan 1869 octagonal ship 4201. Ö Unused FIESTA DE LA FLORES, Los in Anchorage Alaska with a 30 foot drop, FARGO & CO. printed Domestic Frank in blue
cancel to New Orleans. Has “pr St. Stone- Angeles colour illustrated, embossed Patriotic following the Good Friday 1964 ALASKAN (Type 12). Has VICTORIA, VANCOUVER
wall” m/s. The Stonewall was a Mississippi postcard circa 1910. Depicts Caballero, flags EARTHQUAKE. VF........... Est 40.00+ ISLAND imprint. Addr to Wells, Fargo office
Sidewheel Packet. She was destroyed by & float. F-VF ................ Est 65.00+ 4225. Ö MINNESOTA, 1990-1 Hooded Mer- in Thompson’s Fall, Montana. VG-F, some
fire near Neelys Landing on 27 Oct 1869 4202. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard ganser & Ross Geese stamps, etc, Tied by 4243. Û 12, Attractive example with deep flts, bit reduced. A very rare cover. Has 1972
with a loss of 209 persons. F, some age circa 1910 depicting Indian CHIEF SEATTLE Rochester 1990-1 CDS’s on 2 diff lovely rich colour, F, OG. Has 2017 Greene Philatelic Foundation Certificate. Ex John-
stains. Very scarce ......... Est 200.00+ (for which the city of Seattle Washington was Milford hand painted covers. VF (2 covers) . Foundation Certificate.......... 1,600.00 stone, Sissons, Westgate. . . Est 1,500.00+
named). VF ................. Est 65.00+ ........................... Est 70.00+