Page 10 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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                                                                                                                        LOT 4429
                                                                            LOT 4409

                          LOT 4399

        NEWFOUNDLAND Continued                                                               4438. ÕÛ 81, Marginal block of 6. Fresh, VF,
                                                                                              NH ........................... 120.00  4447. ÕÛ 86, Pretty top margin block of 8
                                                                                             4439. ÕÛ 83, Pretty block of 9 all with black  all with red “SPECIMEN” overprints (with
                                                                                              “SPECIMEN” overprints & security punches.  high & low overprint settings) plus secu-
                                                                                              F-VF, NH ...................... 450.00  rity punches. Fresh, F, NH, couple natural
                                                                                             4440. Û 83b, Imperf single, large margins, VF,  gum bends. See photo below .... 400.00
                                                                                              NG (Cat $600 as a pair) ....... Est 75.00+  4448. ÕÛ 86P, Imperf Plate Proof block of 8 of
                                                                                             4441. ÕÛ 83P, Spectacular Plate Proof block  the 2¢ Newf’d Map on India paper. Full margins,
                                                                                              of 30 of the 3¢ Royal Family, on card. An  VF, some creasing. Cat $800 . . . Est 200.00+
                                                                                              interesting plate variety is identified. Fresh  4449. ÕÛ 87b, Margin block, fresh, VF, NH .
                                                                                              crisp colour, full margins, XF. A LOVELY  .............................. 108.00
                                                                                              SHOWPIECE ................. 2,250.00  4450. Û 87ix, “JAMRS” variety. F-VF . . 57.00

         4390. ÕÛ 30, Brilliant fresh block of 6 with above average centering, VF, OG, 2 stamps are NH.
          MULTIPLES LARGER THAN A BLOCK OF 4 ARE SELDOM ENCOUNTERED...... 3,000.00  4423. Û 76, 76i, Bottom margin horizontal
                                                                  pair with a large part of the PLATE
        4386. Û 28-9, VF................. 220.00                  INSCRIPTION. F-VF ........... 825.00+
        4387. Û 28Pi, Plate Proof pair on card. VF ..  4409. Ö 58 (2), 83, Tied by grid cancels on
         .............................. 200.00  QV 3¢ Postal Stat cover from R. Reichardt  4424. Û 78, MISPLACED PERFORATIONS
        4388. ÕÛ 29, Unused block, perfectly  (the alias name for E.L. Krippner) St.  at right side. VF, LH, SE ....... Est 75.00+
         centered, rich colour, XF, NG....... 400.00  John’s 26 Jy, 1899. Addr to famous early                            4451. Ú 88c, Scarce Perf 11.8 x 11.4, neat
        4389. Û 30, F.................... 120.00  Canadian stamp dealer Henry Hechler in                                   grid cancel. VF ................. 450.00
        4391. Û 31, Plate Imprint single, F ........  Halifax (rec b/s 31 Jy ‘99). A choice cover.                        4452. Û 88P, 2¢ Carmine Plate Proof pair on
         ........................... Est 40.00+  VF. Ex Carl Walske (his write-up accompa-                                 thick gummed paper. VF, NH ...... 375.00
        4392. Û 31P, Plate Proof pair on card. F-VF .  nies). See photo above.....Est 700.00+                             4453. Û 91, Imperf Plate Proof pair. VF, NG,
         .............................. 130.00  4410. Û 59, Huge JUMBO margins, VF 200.00                                  light thins .................. Est 100.00+
        4393. Û 32, F-VF, OG, small flt...... 180.00  4411. Û 59i, LINE THROUGH “CE” of CENTS.  4442. Û 84, Duchess of York Progressive  4454. Û 93, F-VF.................. 80.00
        4394. Û 32AP, Imperf Plate Proof pair on card,  F-VF .......................... 175.00  Die Proof showing the central portrait in  4455. Û 93, Trade Sample Proof, large jumbo
         VF............................ 160.00  4412. Ö 60, Tied by cork cancel on 1890’s      RED BROWN, die sunk on India paper  margins, XF .................... 250.00
        4395. Û 32TCix, Plate Proof pair. VF . 300.00  cover from Carbonear to St. John’s (rec b/s).  (101 x 111 mm). VF, slight India thinning  4456. Û 94, VF .................. 120.00
        4396. Û 33, VG-F, VLH ............ 250.00  F, minor crease .............. Est 45.00+   as normally encountered. Unlisted in Minuse  4457. Û 95, VF .................. 120.00
        4397. Û 33, Nicely centered, VF, tiny sealed  4413. Ö 60, Tied on pink cover with unusual  & Pratt. Extremely rare....... Est 750.00+
         tear. Cat $650 .............. Est 100.00+  fancy embossed design, from Brigus 27 Jy
                                      1895 to St. John’s. Has same day Railway  4425. Ö 78, Scarce À¢ Royal Family single
                                      TPO b/s. F, minor soiling....... Est 65.00+  usage tied by grid cancel on coloured post-
                                     4414. Û 61-74, F-VF .............. 362.00  card from St. John’s 29 Ju, 1907 to Brigus,
                                                                  CB. The postcard depicts a large Iceberg
                                                                  in the Narrows, St. John’s. Clean, VF .....
                                                                   .......................... Cat 750.00
                                                                 4426. Û 78-85, VF................ 247.00
                                                                 4427. ÕÛ 78, 83-5, Blocks, F-VF.... 517.00               4458. Û 96, Sheet margin Imperf Plate Proof
                                                                                                                           Pair in green. Fresh, XF, NH ...... 750.00
         4398. Û 33, Nicely centered, VF, OG, neat
          hinge remnants ............... 1,300.00
         4399. Ö 33, 57, 59, 78 (2), Nice multiple
          franking tied by grid cancels on Reg’d
          cover from St. John’s 6 Mar 1909 to
          LEIPZIG GERMANY. Has Liverpool &
          London transit cancels plus German re-
          ceiver. F. The #33 alone Cat $900 on                                                4443. Û 84, Duchess of York Progressive Die
                                                                                               Proof showing the central portrait in BLACK,
          cover. AN ATTRACTIVE COVER. See                                                      die sunk on India paper (95 x 116 mm). VF,
          photo above ............. Est 500.00+
                                                                                               slight India thinning as normally encountered.
        4400. Ú 37, Lovely fancy LEAF cork cancel. VF  4415. Û 61S-74S, Cpl Cabot set all with red  Unlisted in Minuse & Pratt. Extremely rare .
         .............................. 70.00+  diagonal SPECIMEN overprints. Fresh rich       ......................... Est 750.00+
        4401. Ú 40, MISPERF showing a portion of  colours, F-VF, NH (60¢ has small stain at  4444. ÕÛ 85P, Plate Proof block on card.
         the adjoining stamp at bottom. F ........  top)......................... 1,500.00    Fresh, large margins, XF .......... 300.00
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                              4445. ÕÛ 85P, Eye-catching Plate Proof block
        4402. Û 43, VF, LH ............... 200.00  4416. Ö 63, 66, Tied by St. John’s 20 Jy, 1898  4428. ÕÛ 78/85, The cpl set of 6 diff PLATE  of 16 on card, fresh crisp colour, large margins,
        4403. ÕÛ 45, Lovely centered block, excellent  on Reg’d cover from the General Post Office  PROOF blocks on card, from À¢ to 5¢.  XF. A nice showpiece!........... 1,200.00
         colour, VF, 2 stamps are NH ....... 400.00  to London England (rec 30 Jy ‘98). F, small  These are all the catalogue listed values.  4459. Û 96, Set of 4 diff Imperf PROOFS
                                      edge tear .................. Est 100.00+                                             each in a diff colour. VF, NH ..... 1,000.00
                                     4417. Ö 65, Tied on cover from St. John’s 12  VF. Ex Piercey................ 1,800.00
                                      Jy, 1897 addr to the G. H. & San Antonio Rail-                                      4460. Ú 96, VF.................... 75.00
                                      way Co. in EL PASO, TEXAS (scarce destina-  4429. Ö 78/85, Five diff Royal Family   4461. Û 97, VF .................. 120.00
                                      tion). Has New York transit. VF. . Est 60.00+  stamps neatly tied by St. John’s 20 Dec,
                                     4418. Ö 65, 82, Tied on Reg’d cover from  1900 oval cancels on HAND PAINTED
                                      Carbonear 17 Ap, 1899 to Toronto (rec b/s).  PATRIOTIC “KRIPPNER” Reg’d cover to
                                      Has nice St John’s Newf’d 18 Ap 99 barred  New York. On reverse has Boston transit
                                      circle precursor on reverse. VF . . Est 65.00+  cancel & 12/27/1900 violet CDS. VF.
                                     4419. ÕÚ 67-8, Used blocks, VF .... 120.00  A lovely cover in outstanding condition.
                                     4420. Ú 73, VF.................... 80.00  See photo above .........Est 500.00+
                                     4421. Û 76, Fresh colour, F-VF...... 275.00  4430. Û 78-86, F-VF .............. 221.00
         4404. Û 47, Exceptionally well centered,
          large balanced margins, rich colour, VF,               4431.(B)78P, Plate Proof pair on card. VF ...
                                                                  .............................. 150.00
          NH........................... 600.00
                                                                 4432. ÕÛ 78P, Plate Proof block on card. VF
        4405. ÕÛ 48, Top margin PLATE IMPRINT                     .............................. 300.00
         BLOCK of 4. Fresh colour, F ....... 400.00              4433. ÕÛ 78P, Superb Plate Proof block of
        4406. Ö 48, 60 (Pair), Tied on 1895 Reg’d                 9 on card. The centre stamp shows DOT IN
         cover to Toronto (rec b/s) with free strikes of          “HALF” variety. XF ............... 675.00
         Bread Cove & Carbonear split-ring cancels.              4434. ÕÛ 79, Block, VF, NH ....... 64.00+
         On the reverse has Railway TPO Newf’d &                 4435. Û 80, Red vertical ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint
         St John barred circle precursor. F .......               & printer’s punch. F-VF, NH .... Est 75.00+
         ........................... Est 90.00+                  4436. ÕÛ 80, LL corner margin block of 10
        4407. Ú 49, Oversized jumbo stamp with a                  all with red “SPECIMEN” overprints & security  4446. ÕÛ 86, Coll of the 3 diff printing orders
         MAJOR MISPERF. F.......... Est 60.00+                    punches. Fresh, F, NH. A pretty item! 500.00  in blocks in diff shades, each stamp with
        4408. Û 56, Interesting partial DOUBLE  4422. Û 76, Fresh vivid colour, F-VF, NH,  4437. ÕÛ 80S, LR corner block of 10 all with  SPECIMEN overprint (2 diff types) & ABNC
         PERF at LR. VG-F, some offset on gum....  slight gum bend. Has 2018 Greene Founda-  SPECIMEN overprints & security punches.  security punch. Fresh, F-VF, NH.........  4462. ÕÛ 98, Beautifully centered mint
         ........................... Est 50.00+  tion Certificate.................. 750.00  VF, NH ........................ 500.00  ......................... Est 400.00+  block, pristine fresh, XF, NH...... 600.00+
                                                                    2025 is our 53rd year of auctions!
                          LOT 4447
                                                                                                                                           LOT 4494

                                                          LOT 4473
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