Page 9 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 9

                           LOT 4298                                                                     LOT 4302

                                                            LOT 4301

        NOVA SCOTIA Continued        4310. Û 8TCii, Plate Proof on card. VF. 60.00  4328. Û 11, Imperf Plate Proof in black  4353. Û 12A, VF ................. 120.00
                                     4311. Ö 9, Tied by light grid oval cancel on  on wove paper, VF, tiny corner crease .....
                                      partial cover from Parrsborough, NS 4 Sept  ........................... Est 60.00+
                                      1867 to Amherst, NS 4 Sept receiver. F ....
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  NEWFOUNDLAND:
                                     4312. Ö 10, Tied by neat grid oval cancel
                                      on cover with Amherst, NS 22 Nov 1861  4329. Ú 1, F-VF .................. 265.00
                                      2-ring strike to Halifax, 23 Nov receiver. F ..  4330. Ú1,VF.................... 350.00
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+  4331. Ú 1a, BISECT tied by grid cancel on
                                     4313. Û 10Piii, Plate Proof with Type C  piece. VF. We believe this to be a fake & is
                                      “SPECIMEN” overprint. VF ......... 50.00  being sold as such. (Genuine Cat $50,000
                                     4314. ÕÛ 11, Block, VF, LH......... 60.00  on cover) .................. Est 250.00+
         4296. Ú 4, Used horiz pair with brilliant colour  4315. ÕÛ 11, Pretty Block of 8. VF, NH ....
          on fresh paper, four full margins all around,  .............................. 240.00
          light oval grid cancels. VF, left stamp with a
          crease. Has 1999 Greene Foundation Cer-                                             4340. Û 8, Eight Pence Plate Proof in deep
          tificate. MULTIPLES OF THIS ISSUE ARE                                                green on bond paper, large margins all
          RARE. Ex Firby, Wilkinson ...... 2,400.00                                            around. VF ................ Est 300.00+
        4297. Ö 4, Tied by oval grid cancel on cover
         from Mimudie 20 May 1854 to USA. Has
         Amherst 20 May 1854 b/s. F, broken file fold                                                                     4354. Û 13, Scarce unused Six Pence Or-
         through stamp. Has 1998 Greene Foundation                                                                         ange, four margins, VF, NG, slight soiling,
         Certificate. Cat $2,000........ Est 600.00+                                                                       minor corner crease. Has 2016 Greene
                                                                                                                           Foundation Certificate. Scott $6,000 US...
         4298. Ö 4, 4a (BISECT), Tied by oval grid                                                                          ....................... Est 2,000.00+
          cancel on 1858 orange envelope from
          the well known “Ruggles” correspon-                                                                             4355. Ú 13, Six Pence Orange, F, small flts.
          dence addr to Bridgetown NS. Right                                                                               Cat $800 .................. Est 125.00+
          stamp with part of docketing with “7/7/                                                                         4356. Ú 13, Used Six Pence Orange. F, light
          1858" dated notation. F, some edge wear,                                                                         cancel, light stains & soiling on surface. Has
          part of back flap missing. VERY RARE                                                                             2021 Greene Foundation Certificate (Scott
          BISECT DOMESTIC REGISTERED LET-                                                     4341. Ú 8, Excellent colour, light cancel. F-VF  $1,100 US) ................ Est 450.00+
          TER RATE. A MERE 5 COVERS BEAR-                         4332. Ú 2, Scarce Two Pence Scarlet Ver-  ............................. 700.00
          ING A 6 PENCE BISECT & SINGLE                            milion, deep rich colour, neat grid cancel. F,
          EXIST. See photo above. . Est 3,500.00+  4316. Û 12, DIE PROOF in black on India  two small sealed tears. Has 1985 Philatelic
                                      Paper (37 x 43 mm), fresh bright colour, VF.  Foundation Certificate. A NICE LOOKING
        4299. Ú 5, Deep colour, light cancel. Shows a  Scarce ................... Est 600.00+  STAMP. Ex Stolow ............ 6,000.00
         portion of adjoining stamp on one side. VG-F
          ............................ 1,500.00  4317. Û 12P, Plate Proof on India. VF . 60.00  4333. ÚÛ 2-3, 6-7, 11, Coll of 5 diff Pence
                                     4318. Û 12TC, Black Plate Proof on India  fakes / forgeries, primarily “used”. F-VF
                                      paper. VF. Has 2018 Greene Foundation  (Genuine Cat $21,400) ........ Est 75.00+
                                      Certificate ................. Est 100.00+
                                     4319. Û 12TC, Black Plate Proof on card. VF
                                      .............................. 100.00
                                                                                                                          4357. Ú 13, Six Pence Orange, F, neat grid
                                                                                                                           cancel ........................ 800.00
                                                                                              4342. Ú 8, Eight Pence Scarlet Vermilion with
                                                                                               four HUGE margins. XF, lightly cancelled.
                                                                                               Has 2024 Greene Certificate ...... 900.00
         4300. Ú 5, Four margins, VF, appearance,
          slight flts. Cat $3,500 ........ Est 500.00+
         4301. Ö 5, Tied by oval mute grid cancel
          on 1859 cover from Lock’s Island NS to
          Maine USA. Has 5 diff datestamps (on
          reverse & front sides) incl Lock’s Island
          4 Jan; Shelburne 4 Jan; Yarmouth 5 Jan
          in red; Digby 7 Jan; & St. John NB 19
          Jan. On front side has circular red “PAID               4334. Ú 4, Four Pence Scarlet Vermilion                 4358. Ú 13, Six Pence Orange. F-VF, four
          10" exchange office h/s. F. Cat $4,000.                  with four margins. VF, strong colour, neat              close to full margins, light cancel. Has 2016
          See photo above........Est 1,750.00+                     grid cancel, tiny tear, light horiz crease.             APS Certificate. Nice sound stamp! 1,200.00
                                                                   Has 2024 Greene Foundation Certificate.
         4302. Ö 5a, DIAGONAL BISECT paying  4320. Û 13, DIE PROOF in black on India  A NICE LOOKING EXAMPLE OF THIS
          3 Pence informal rate tied by oval grid  Paper (41 x 43 mm), fresh bright colour, VF.  SCARCE STAMP ............. 7,000.00
          cancel on cover from Aylesford NS 18  Scarce ................... Est 600.00+
          Feb 1860 to Cornwallis. Has Kentville
          20 Feb transit b/s. F, couple small age  4321. ÕÛ 13, Block. VF, bottom stamps NH
          stains. F. An exceedingly rare cover. Has  .............................. 360.00    4343. Û 9, Rare MINT One Shilling Scarlet
          2013 Greene Foundation Certificate. Cat                                              Vermilion with three full margins (just in at
          $7,000. See photo above . Est 2,500.00+                                              LR) & bright fresh colour. F-VF, part OG,
                                                                                               small thin. Has 1985 Greene Foundation
                                                                                               Certificate. A very scarce stamp 60,000.00
                                                                                                                          4359. Ú 13, Six Pence Orange, four margins,
                                                                                                                           VF, faint bend ................ 1,600.00
                                                                 4335. Û 5, VF, OG ............... 450.00
                                                                 4336. Û 6, Rare Six Pence Scarlet Vermilion.
                                                                  Good spacefiller. Cat $20,000...........
                                     4322. Ö 13, Tied by grid cancel on small  ........................ Est 2,000.00+
                                      cover from Halifax 30 Jan 1868 to Edin-
                                      burgh Scotland (rec b/s 10 Feb ‘68). Has
                                      red circular Paid Liverpool Br. Packet 10
                                      Feb 68 transit. F-VF......... Est 450.00+
                                      PRINCE EDWARD IS:                                       4344. Ú 9, Rare One Shilling Scarlet Vermil-
                                                                                               ion, VF appearance, expertly repaired. Cat
         4303. Û 6, Rare unused One Shilling reddish                                           $15,000................. Est 1,500.00+
          violet. F, RG, small margin nick at bottom                                         4345. Û 11/15, Vertical strip of 6 diff se-tenant
          corner. A VERY SCARCE STAMP. Has                                                    forgeries. VF ............... Est 125.00+
          1995 Greene Foundation Certificate. Cat
          $16,000 ................ Est 3,500.00+
                                                                 4337. Ú 6, Six Pence Scarlet Vermilion, rich             4360. Ú 15, One Shilling Orange, excellent
                                                                  colour, moderate cancel. F appearance,                   colour, neatly cancelled, VG+. Has guar-
                                                                  expertly repaired / rebacked. Has 1965                   antee b/s’s & 1997 Greene Foundation
                                                                  Philatelic Foundation Certificate .........              Certificate................... 6,000.00
                                                                   ....................... Est 1,200.00+
                                                                                                                          4361. Ú 15, Forgery of the One Shilling “tied”
                                                                                                                           on piece. VF (Genuine stamp Cat $15,000) .
                                     4323. Ö 2, Grid & pen cancelled tied on                                               ........................... Est 80.00+
                                      Interprovincial cover with 13 July 1863                                             4362. Û 15A, VF ................. 200.00
                                      PEI general dispatch to NOVA SCOTIA.                                                4363. Ú 15A, VF.................. 300.00
                                      Has Pictou & Truro transit b/s’s. VG-F. Cat                                         4364. Ú 15Ac, Chocolate brown, F-VF 330.00
                                      $2,000 ................... Est 750.00+                  4346. Û 11, Two Pence Orange, excellent  4365. Û 17, VF .................. 200.00
         4304. Ú 6, One Shilling, good colour, VG-F .                                          margins, VF ................... 600.00
          ............................ 3,500.00                                                                           4366. Ú 17, VF................... 200.00
                                                                                             4347. Ú 11, Two Pence Orange. VG+, pen  4367. Ú 17i, Watermarked, VF....... 300.00
                                                                                              notation on reverse. Cat $350. . Est 100.00+  4368. Û 18, VF, NH............... 100.00
                                                                                             4348. Ú 11, Bright fresh colour, F .... 350.00  4369. Ú 18, VF................... 100.00
                                                                                             4349. Û 11A, VF ................. 120.00  4370. Ú 19, VF................... 100.00
                                                                                             4350. Ö 11A, Tied on a fake cover from St.  4371. Ú 19a, VF.................. 125.00
                                                                                              John’s to New York. Stamp is genuine but the  4372. Û 19b, Chocolate Brown, VF. . . 160.00
                                                                 4338. Ú 7, Scarce 6À d Scarlet Vermilion,  rest has been fabricated. Interesting reference  4373. Ú 19b, Chocolate Brown, VF . . . 200.00
                                                                  excellent colour, VG+, very lightly cancelled  item. F (Genuine Cat $2,500) . . Est 150.00+  4374. ÕÛ 20, Block, VF ........... 120.00
                                                                   ............................ 2,750.00  4351. Û 12, Scarce Four Pence Orange, VG+,  4375. ÕÛ 20, UL corner block, rich deep
                                                                                              NG. Cat $2,000 ............. Est 450.00+  colour, VF, NH, a few natural gum bends ..
                                                                                                                           .............................. 240.00
                                     4324. Ú 3, Nice perfs & well-centered,                                               4376. Ú 20, VF.................... 80.00
         4305. Ú 6, Scarce One Shilling Reddish  excellent colour. VF, tiny hidden sealed                                 4377. Û 21, VF .................. 120.00
          Violet. Neat grid cancel, F, light crease,  tear does not detract from this attractive                          4378. Ú 21, XF. Nice!.............. 200.00
          trivial corner scuff. Has 2013 Greene  stamp ...................... 2,000.00                                    4379. Û 22, VF, NH............... 240.00
          Foundation Certificate. Cat $3,500 .......  4325. Û 5, 9, 13, 16, Black Reprint Plate                           4380. Û 23, VF ................... 60.00
          ....................... Est 1,000.00+                                                                           4381. ÕÛ 23, Fresh block, full margins, VF .
                                      Proof Pairs on thick paper. VF...... 240.00                                          ............................. 240.00+
        4306. Û 8/13, Attractive coll incl extras, shades  4326. Û 9, Cpl sheet of 30 of the QV Four                      4382. Û 23, VF, NH............... 120.00
         & papers. F-VF, fresh lot (18)....... 277.00  Pence black with above average centering.                          4383. ÚÛ 24/32, Coll of four diff FAKES /
        4307. Û 8-13, Set of Forgeries each with red  Shows the “FOUP” variety at Pos 19, the                              FORGERIES, mostly “used”. F-VF Est 50.00+
         oval “SPECIMEN”. F (#9 small flts)........  Shading variety at Pos 7, & other minor                              4384. Ú 25, Spacefiller ......... Est 35.00+
         ........................... Est 75.00+  variations. F-VF, NH ......... Est 275.00+   4352. Ú 12, Scarce Four Pence Orange with  4385. Û 28, QV 12¢ Trade Sample Proof in a
        4308. ÕÛ 8a, Block. F-VF, 3 stamps NH ...  4327. ÕÛ 9P, QV Four Pence Reprint Plate    four margins. VF, neat grid cancel, deep rich  pastel rose shade on bond paper as prepared
         ............................... 87.00  Proof in black on card, full bottom IMPRINT  4339. Û 8, Four large margins, exceptionally  colour, some minor adhesions on reverse.  by the ABN Co., showing part of the scroll
        4309. ÕÛ 8a, Left margin vert IMPRINT block  block of 10. Large margins, XF. A choice  bright colour, VF, NH. Has 2017 Greene  Has 2024 Greene Certificate .... 1,800.00  design at top. VF, trivial hinge thin. Scarce .
         of 6. F-VF, NH ................. 145.00+  item!...................... Est 250.00+  Foundation Certificate .......... 1,800.00  .......................... Est 150.00+
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