Page 12 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 12

68  NEWFOUNDLAND Continued   4494. Û 188, DIE PROOF in dark violet
        4463. Û 100, VF ................. 110.00  die sunk on thick paper. Has guideline at
        4464. Û 102, VF ................. 110.00  right & interesting offset on reverse. VF.
                                       See photo on Page 66 .....Est 450.00+
                                     4495. ÕÛ 189, 189d, 192-3, 195-7, 208, 210.
                                      Fresh blocks. F-VF, NH ........... 206.00
                                     4496. Û 189a, Imperf Pair, VF, NH, gum bend
                                      .............................. 112.00
                                     4497. Ö 190, 193, C6, Tied by St. J & PaB
                                      (Port aux Basques) RPO 6 June 1932 Railway
                                      cancels on Reg’d window envelope with St.                                           4536. Û C2a, Selected mint example. Nicely
                                      John’s b/s. F ................ Est 60.00+                                            centred with full pristine gum. VF, NH.....
                                     4498. Û 191, Imperf Plate Proof in black on                                            ............................ 700.00+
                                      bond paper. VF ............. Est 100.00+
         4465. Û 104-14, Royal Family. F-VF . 382.00  4499. ÕÛ 191b, Die 2, imperf block. VF, top
                                      pair LH, lower NH................ 250.00
        4466. Û 111P, Imperf sheet margin Plate
         Proof on card, in black. VF .... Est 125.00+
        4467. Û 115-26, Caribou set. F-VF. . . 287.00
        4468. Ú 125-6, With “AN / D” private perfins.
         F-VF, lightly cancelled......... Est 75.00+
        4469. Û 126, VF .................. 50.00
        4470. Ú 126, VF................... 50.00
                                                                                                                          4537. Û C2c, Beautifully centered, rich
                                                                                                                           colour, VF, OG ................. 650.00
                                                                                                                          4538. Ö C3, Neatly tied by St. John’s 21 Nov
                                                                                                                           1921 cancel on cover to Toronto. Has Halifax
                                                                                                                           4 Feb 1922 slogan b/s. VF .... Est 200.00+
         4471. Û 128, Fresh, F-VF, NH ...... 450.00
        4472. Ú 128, F ................... 225.00
         4473. Ö 128, Well centred example of the  4500. ÕÛ 193a, Top margin IMPERFORATE
          scarce surcharge. Tied by St. John’s 14 Sep  BLOCK, large margins. XF, ungummed as
          1920 machine cancel on small cover from  issued ........................ 300.00
          the Newfoundland Stamp Exchange in St.
          John’s, to London England (partial 29 Sept  4502. ÕÛ 195b, Line perf 14, top margin  4501. Û 193P, 195-7P, 199P, 210P, Nice lot of 6 diff BLACK IMPERFORATE PROOF PAIRS
                                      block. VF, NH................... 108.00
          b/s). Scarce Second Day of usage cover.                  on thick paper. All with excellent margins, VF. AN IMPRESSIVE LOT (NSSC Cat $2,950).....
          VF. See photo on Page 66. . . Est 600.00+  4503. Û 198, VF .................. 50.00  ................................................................Est 1,200.00+
        4474. ÕÛ 129, 129i, Nice fresh block with the                                        4527. Û 254iv, KGVI 2¢ IMPERFORATE
         LL stamp having the RAISED ‘E’ variety. VF,                                          GUTTER PAIR with security punch. VF, NH,
         NH, tiny corner crease (not on the variety                                           natural gum bends, creased in gutter (NSSC  4539. ÕÛ C3, C3b, C3f, Block showing three
         stamp) ........................ 250.00                                               #237ab, Cat $750 US)........ Est 350.00+  diff overprint variations. Fresh, F-VF, each
                                                                                             4528. ÕÛ 254iv, KGVI 2¢ IMPERF BLOCK  stamp has a Sanabria guarantee b/s 980.00
                                                                                              of the Waterlow printing with security printing  4540. Ú C3a, Halifax Airmail Inverted Overprint
                                                                                              punch holes. VF, NH, printer’s marking at LR  FORGERY. Well executed & quite deceptive.
                                                                                               .............................. 450.00  F ........................ Est 200.00+
                                                                                             4529. ÕÛ 255vi, Queen Elizabeth 3¢ IMPERF  4541. Ö C3b, Tied by St. John’s 22 Nov 1921
                                                                                              BLOCK of the Waterlow printing with security  wavy line cancel on cover to USA. Has Halifax
                                                                                              printing punch holes. VF, NH, printer’s mark-  4 Feb 1922 b/s. F ........... Est 150.00+
                                                                                              ing on UR stamp ................ 450.00  4542. Ö C3f, Tied by St. John’s 22 Nov 1921
                                                                                             4530. Û 257ix, Scarce perf 13.5. Fresh, VF,  cancel on Airmail cover to USA. F-VF, minor
                                                                                              VLH .......................... 150.00  cover bends not affecting stamp. Scarce. Cat
                                                                                                                           $500...................... Est 250.00+
                                     4504. Û 198, Scarce 30¢ “Leaving for The                                              4543. Ö C3h, VF centered single neatly
                                      Banks” colour DIE PROOF in black (39 x 27                                             tied by St. John’s 22 Nov 1921 machine
                                      mm). Shows guidelines in the margins.                                                 cancel on Halifax airmail cover with 4
                                      Printed on watermarked paper. VF .......                                              Feb 1922 b/s. Addr to USA. VF. Has
                                      ......................... Est 500.00+                                                 2021 Gratton Certificate. See photo on
                                                                                                                            Page 69 ................ Est 300.00+
                                     4505. Û 208P, Plate Proof pair on stout paper  4518. Û 234f, Imperforate pair with large
                                      in colour of issue. VF......... Est 125.00+
         4475. Û 131b, Imperf Pair with large margins  4506. ÕÛ 211i, Block with 2 stamps  margins. Fresh, VF, ungummed as issued .  4544. Ö C5, VF COLUMBIA Airmail (Pos
          & original gum. VF, NH.......... 375.00+  unwatermarked. Fresh, VF, NH ..... 210.00  ............................. 300.00  3), Tied on cover from St. John’s East
                                                                                                                            Newf’d 27 Sept 1930 to Montreal. This
                                                                                                                            cover is exceptional in various aspects. It
                                                                                                                            is a second day of issue cover; the only
                                                                                                                            known example used from St. John’s
                                                                                                                            East; & the only known example of the
                                                                                                                            stamp being used to greatly overpay the
                                                                                                                            postage rate. VF. Has been pencil Signed
                                                                                                                            by Sismondo & with his 2013 Certificate.
                                                                                                                            A VERY RARE COVER. Cat $16,000.
                                                                                                                            See photo on Page 69 . . Est 10,000.00+
                                                                                                                          4545. Û C6, Imperf PROOF in black on bond
                                                                                                                           paper. Large margins, VF ..... Est 200.00+
                                                                                                                          4546. ÕÛ C6, Block, VF, 3 stamps NH ....
                                                                                              4531. ÕÛ 257ix, Block with Perf 13.5, nice  .............................. 105.00
                                                                                               centering, fresh, VF, NH.......... 900.00  4547. Ö C6, Tied on cach FFC St. John’s to
                                                                                             4532. ÕÛ 262ii, Sheet margin IMPERF block  St Anthony 13 Feb 1931. Signed by Pilot
                                                                                                                           A.D. SULLIVAN. VF .......... Est 50.00+
         4476. Û 131b/142a, Scarce coll of 11 diff Pictorial IMPERFORATE SHEET MARGIN PAIRS.  with small size security punches. Has guide-  4548. Ö C6, Pair on FFC St. Anthony 14 Feb
          Has all values (except for 133a which was issued later). VF, ungummed as issued. A NICE  line cross in the selvedge. VF, some printer’s  1931 to St. John’s Has been signed by Pilot
          OPPORTUNITY TO GET ALL THESE DIFFICULT PAIRS AT ONCE .............. 3,150.00        tape on reverse ................. 300.00  A. D. SULLIVAN. VF .......... Est 75.00+
                                                                                             4533. Û C1, Fake overprint of the Hawker Air-
        4477. Û 132a, Booklet Pane of 6 only (should  4507. Û 211ii, Shifted overprint. VF, NH ....  mail. F-VF .................. Est 80.00+
         be a pane of 8). VF, most stamps NH (Cat  .............................. 175.00
         $450 for a cpl pane)........... Est 65.00+  4508. Û 212-25, Gilbert set. F-VF.... 166.00
        4478. ÕÛ137, Dull violet & deep violet shades  4509. ÕÛ 212a, Sheet margin block, VF,  4519. Û 234P/243P, Lot of 9 diff imperforate
                                                                  BLACK PROOFS on thick unwatermarked
         in blocks. F-VF, 2 NH, 2 LH in each . 58.00+  2 stamps are NH, gum bends ...... 180.00  paper from 3¢-48¢. VF, ungummed as
        4479. Û 145, Doubling of the words  4510. Û 215a, Imperf pair, VF, LH .... 65.00  issued.................... Est 325.00+
         “NEWFOUNDLAND” / “LABRADOR” at the  4511. Û 215a, Imperf pair, VF, NH . . . 130.00
         middle of the stamp. F-VF, LH. . . Est 75.00+  4512. Ö 222, Tied by St. John’s 1933 CDS  4520. ÕÛ 235, 235i, Block with MAJOR RE-
        4480. Ö 156, Tied by St. John’s 27 July 1929  on Reg’d cover to St. Thomas Ont. VF.....  ENTRY on LL stamp. F-VF, NH..... 85.00+
         slogan cancel on FFC Harbour Grace to North  ........................... Est 40.00+
         Sydney by the plane “BLUENOSE”. F, edge  4513. Û 224a, Sheet margin IMPERF SINGLE.
         stain at left .................. Est 50.00+  Large margins all around. XF, NH, natural
        4481. Û 163c, Vert Imperf Pair. VF, LH160.00  gum bend in selvedge (Cat $600 as a pair) .                         4549. Û C6c, Imperf Pair, Excellent colour,
        4482. Ö 166, 169, Tied on Reg’d cover from  .......................... Est 150.00+                                 large margins, XF, ungummed ..... 900.00
         St. John’s 14 Ap 1930 to Los Angeles, Calif
         (rec b/s’s). F ................ Est 60.00+                                                                       4550. Ö C7, Tied by St. John’s 23 Aug
                                                                                                                           1931 slogan cancel on cach FFC St. John’s
                                                                                              4534. ÕÛ C2, Nicely centred block with deep  to North Sydney NS. Nice b/s’s. F-VF .....
                                                                                               fresh colour. All four stamps show comma  ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                               after “POST” & period after “1919". VF, NH.  4551. ÕÛ C8, Nicely centered block. Fresh,
                                                                                               Each stamp lightly pencil signed by expert  VF, bottom stamps are NH......... 540.00
                                                                                               Dr. G. Bolaffi along with his 1978 Certificate  4552. Û C9-11, F-VF.............. 150.00
                                                                                               ............................ 2,400.00  4554. Û C9ii, Horiz pair with one stamp water-
                                                                                                                           marked. VF...................... 40.00
                                                                 4521. Û 237, DIE PROOF in black of the 10¢
                                                                  KGVI Coronation, with REVERSED PLATE
                                                                  NUMBER at UL. F, small hinge thin, a few
                                                                  stains .................... Est 450.00+
                                                                 4522. Û 238v, “Male Dog” variety, VF, NH ..
                                                                  .............................. 100.00
                                                                                              4535. Ú C2, Rich colour, lightly cancelled, VF  4555. Û C12, $1.50 DO-X, beautifully cen-
                                                                                               ............................. 300.00  tered, VF, LH .................. 400.00
                                     4514. Û 225, DIE PROOF (52 x 65 mm)
         4483. Û 166P, Large Trial Colour Die Proof in  of the 32¢ Gilbert with reverse 1105 die
          black on white wove unwatermarked paper  number & sideways watermark. VF (NSSC
          (55x75mm). Shows printer’s guideline at  Cat $750 US) .............. Est 600.00+
          right & albino reversed die ‘797’ at top right.  4515. ÕÛ 226-9, Silver Jubilee blocks, VF, NH
          VF ...................... Est 600.00+                  4523. Û 245a, IMPERF PAIR, Fresh, VF, NH
                                      (couple minute TS traces on low values) ...  ............................. 300.00
        4484. ÕÛ 177, UR corner block, F-VF, NH,  .............................. 200.00
         natural gum bends ............... 145.00  4516. Û 226-9, 233-43, Silver Jubilee &  4524. Û 245P, Imperf Proof pair on thick
        4485. Û 181-2, VF................ 130.00  Coronation sets, F-VF, NH......... 115.00  paper. VF, NG .................. 150.00
        4486. Û 182, VF .................. 55.00                 4525. Û 246a, Imperf Pair, VF, ungummed as
        4487. Û 184, Imperf pair on reddish                       issued......................... 200.00
         $860) ..................... Est 225.00+
        4488. Û 184, Imperf pair. VF, NH ..... 90.00
        4489. Û 184c, Vert IMPERF PAIR. VF, NH
         (some DG) ...................... 90.00
        4490. Û 184c, Imperforate pair on RED
         BOOKEND PAPER. Full margins, VF, one
         minute toned spot (NSSC Cat $700 US)....
         .......................... Est 250.00+                                               4553. ÕÛ C9-11, Cpl set of fresh mint blocks with nice centering. VF (C10-11 have 2 NH stamps
        4491. Û 186c, Imperf Pair, VF, NH .... 90.00                                           in each) ..............................................................1,140.00
        4492. Û 186c, 186iii, IMPERF PAIRS. VF,  4517. Û 233P-43P, Complete 1937 Co-
         former with gum, latter ungummed . . 120.00  ronation set of IMPERFORATE PLATE
        4493. ÕÛ 186ii, UL corner block with PLATE  PROOFS, in black. All with full margins, VF
         “4" imprint. UNDERINKED STAMPS variety.  ......................... Est 650.00+  4526. Û 253a, Imperf pair. VF, NH . . 300.00  You can bid until Midnight on Wednesday, March 19th.
         F-VF....................... Est 65.00+
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