Page 14 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 14

                             LOT 4627

                                                                                                   LOT 4642

        CANADA SMALL QUEEN COVERS Cont’d                         4647. Ö 78, Tied by York Street Toronto 17  4658. Ö 90, Tied by Austin, Man 9 May  4666. Ö 109, Tied by New Westminster BC 20
                                           QV JUBILEES
                                                                  Oct 1898 Squared Circle cancel on advertis-  1909 duplex cancel on illustrated advertising  May, 1924 slogan cancel on illustrated adver-
                                                                  ing cover for Samuel May & Co Billiard Table  cover for DOMINION EXPRESS Co. (the  tising cover for the Cunningham Hardware
                                     4637. Ö 50-60, Gorgeous cover franked  & Bowling Alley Manufacturer. On the front     Co. of New Westminster depicting a Lock.
                                       with À¢-50¢ JUBILEES all tied by St.  has illustration of a billiard player, on the  image is similar to postal stationery card  Addr to Hamilton, Ont. F ....... Est 50.00+
                                       Henri de Montreal 22 June 1897 cancels  reverse has ‘all over’ illustration / advertising  DMX2), addressed to Sombra Ont. F ......  4667. Ö 111, 116, Tied by oval ‘R’ on Reg’d
                                       & addressed locally. The cover is  for a bowling alley. F, small edge nick. VERY  ........................... Est 50.00+  cover from Norwood Grove Man 28 Mr 1921
                                       undoubtedly philatelic in origin but a  SCARCE COVER ........... Est 200.00+  4659. Ö 90, Tied by Toronto 1911 duplex  to ZURICH SWITZERLAND. Numerous
                                       very attractive Jubilee SHOWPIECE  4648. Ö 86b, Tied by Montreal 3 Jan 1901  cancel on gorgeous illustrated advertising  b/s’s incl two scarce large size Norwood
                                       cancelled only three days after issue! F,  Flag cancel on illustrated advertising cover for  cover for SUNLIGHT (Soap). Addressed to  Grove Registered ovals, Winnipeg transit,
                                       some light soiling. See photo below ....  Montreal Shirt & Overall Co. on James St. in  Shigawake PQ (rec b/s). VF, a bit reduced  Zurich receiver, etc. VF. Ex Brigham ......
                                       ..................... Est 2,000.00+  Montreal. Addr locally. F, edge tear Est 75.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+  .......................... Est 200.00+
         4624. Ö 34 (Block), 41, Tied by Kingston Ont
          23 Sp, 1892 CDS’s on cover to FORT ST
          GEORGE, INDIA (rec b/s). Has London &
          Sea Post Office transit b/s’s. Has green
          House of Commons crest on back flap. F,
          some adhesions on reverse. . . Est 250.00+
        4625. Ö 35, Cancelled by fancy cork on a #10
         size printed annual report Jun 1882 for Farmer’s
         Loan & Savings Co., Toronto. Pays the 1¢ circu-
         lar rate for local delivery. F, file fold Est 65.00+

         4626. Ö 35, Tied by Montreal 4 Feb, 1895
          duplex on uprated QV 1¢ postal card addr to
          SHANGHAI China. Has U.S. Postal Agency
          SHANGHAI 15 Mar, 1898 datestamp on face
          & SHANGHAI LOCAL POST 15 Mar ‘95 b/s.
          VF, a few minor creases. Very scarce foreign
          destination. Ex Nixon, Magnolia Est 1,000.00+
         4627. Ö 35 (4), 41 (2), Tied by VF Yorkville
          Toronto 5 Ap, 1897 duplex cancels on  4638. Ö 50-61, A spectacular set of 2 Jubilee covers with stamps from À¢-$1. All tied by Kingston Canada 13 Oct 1898 CDS cancels on Reg’d covers addr to stamp dealer Otto Bickel in Germany.
          cover to INDIA (rec b/s). Has Sea Post  Each cover with a beautiful red wax seal on reverse. F-VF, a few minor wrinkles do not detract. A BEAUTIFUL JUBILEE SHOWPIECE SET (2 covers) ..................... Est 4,000.00+
          Office transit cancel on reverse. F, some
          docketing. See photo above. Est 300.00+  4639. Ö 51, Tied by Montreal 17 July 1897  EDWARDS/QUEBECS  ADMIRALS   4668. Ö 119, 167, Tied by oval Vancouver
                                      flag cancel on QV 1¢ postal stationery card                                          BC 18 Sept 1931 cancels on #10 size Reg’d
        4628. Ö 37, Tied by cork cancel NOXON  to England. Has part printed message from  4649. Ö 89, Tied by purple double ring Toronto  2¢ KGV postal stationery cover to Asbestos
         BROS MFG Co. illustrated advertising cover  Bank of Toronto, Montreal. VF . . Est 65.00+  Exposition. Post Office 31 Sep 1907 to a post-  4660. Ö 104, Tied by Tillsonburg, Ont 5 Aug  Quebec. F, some bends. Scarce 20¢ Admiral
         showing a Horse Drawn Farming Implement.  4640. Ö 51, Tied by Toronto to 5 Aug 1897  card with scene at High Park. Scarce cancel.  1914 CDS cancel to Vienna, Ont on real sepia  usage on cover .............. Est 90.00+
         Has GWR East 1 Jy, 1881 cancel. Addr to  duplex cancel on Private postcard advising  VF ........................ Est 50.00+  photo postcard depicting “ONE OF THE 3  4669. Ö 126a, Imperf between block plus #141
         Armadale, Ont. F, a bit reduced . Est 80.00+  that an early Toronto dentist is moving his  4650. Ö 89, Tied by Montreal 7 Ap 1909  MAIN BUILDINGS OF THE TILLSONBURG  tied on cach Regina to Edmonton 3 Mar 1930
        4629. Ö 41, Tied by Toronto 5 Mar, 1895  place of practice. VF .......... Est 75.00+  cancel on b/w postcard depicting the Windsor  CAR WORKS (under construction). F,  FFC, Postmaster Signed. F..... Est 75.00+
         Squared Circle on advertising cover for                  Station Disaster in Montreal (after a runaway  some stains. Nice early automobile related
         Northrop & Lyman Co. Medicine Warehouse  4641. Ö 51 (2), 52 (3), 53 (3), 54-7, Lovely  locomotive plunged into the waiting room  postcard ................... Est 45.00+  4670. Ö 136-8, Cpl set of IMPERFORATE
         in TORONTO. Addr to Glenwood NS with  cover with 12 QV Jubilees neatly tied by  killing people). F, corner crease . Est 70.00+  4661. Ö 104, Tied by Toronto 13 Ap 1917 pa-  PAIRS plus #106, all tied by Hamilton
         Yarmouth transit b/s. F ........ Est 50.00+  Thedford Ont 20 Sept, 1897 CDS’s on  4651. Ö 89, Tied by Victoria BC 21 Aug 1909  triotic flag cancel on a most interesting Impe-  Canada 3 Nov, 1932 CDS’s on Reg’d
        4630. Ö 41, Tied by Montreal 3 Ju 1895 duplex  larger size cover. Addr to early Canadian  machine cancel on multi-coloured postcard  rial Life Insurance Co. 3-panel folder. Depicts  cover to Roma, QUEENSLAND, Austra-
         on advertising cover for James Whitham &  stamp dealer Schmalz in Berlin, Ont (now  depicting FORT SELKIRK, YUKON. Addr  a distraught widow meeting with her lawyer  lia. Has 7 transit cancels on reverse. VF,
         Co. Boots & Shoes. Has an illustration of a  Kitchener). VF. Spectacular multi-franked  to New York. Message on reverse from an  entitled “HE DIDN’T LEAVE MUCH”. Relates  A WONDERFUL COVER WITH SCARCE
         POLICEMAN (very scarce & we have not  cover! See photo below ....Est 850.00+  early traveller who was visiting the Canadian  a sad story of a widow finding out that her  FRANKING. Ex MacKay, Saskatoon. See
         seen this before!). Addr to Upper Stewiacke              Northwest. VF ............... Est 60.00+  husband left little for herself & son. Has a  photo on Page 72.........Est 500.00+
         NS. VG+, reduced at right..... Est 125.00+  4642. Ö 51/58, Seven diff QV Jubilees  4652. Ö 89, Tied by Cobourg 24 Dec, 1909  detachable postcard panel to learn about life
        4631. Ö 41, Tied by Halifax 3 Nov 1896 Sq  to 15¢ all tied by Berlin Ont 7 Oct 1897  duplex on coloured postcard depicting an  insurance. Addr to Toronto. F, centre crease  KGV-KGVI
         Circle cancel on illustrated advertising for John  cancels (now Kitchener) on cross border  ........................... Est 60.00+
         Starr Electrical Supplies depicting early tele-  Reg’d cover. Addr to Newberry, Pennsyl-  early HOCKEY GAME on a frozen pond. F.  4662. Ö 104, 106, Tied by Miscouche, PEI  4671. Ö 170 (Pair), Tied by Vancouver
                                                                  Nice early HOCKEY POSTCARD Est 60.00+
         phone. Addr to New York City. F Est 125.00+  vania where 6 diff Columbians to 15¢  4653. Ö 89-90, 91 (2), Tied on large Reg’d  12 June 1922 split-ring & grid oval cancels  BC 7 Ap, 1931 slogan cancel on cover to
        4632. Ö 42, Tied by Montreal 25 Nov 1889  were then added & the cover mailed back  envelope from the Imperial Bank of Canada  on large size DOMINION EXPRESS Co.  SWITZERLAND. Has corner card. A nice
         duplex cancel on illustrated advertising cover  to Berlin. Numerous b/s’s. A most un-  C.O.D. advice envelope (form 152) to Toronto.  foreign destination cover. F..... Est 50.00+
         for BEAVER LINE STEAMERS (depicts bea-  usual & spectacular franked cover! F-VF.  in Toronto 2 May, 1908 to Penetang Ont. Has  Printed ad for additional services on front,  4672. Ö 178, 182, Tied by boxed “POSTED
         ver on flag) Trans-Atlantic to Bruges, Belgium  See photo above........Est 2,000.00+  2 nice red wax bank seals on reverse. The  shipping & payment information on reverse. F  ON BOARD” h/s’s on ship cover from RMS
         (rec b/s). F. Attractive cover! . . . Est 100.00+        stamps pay a 13¢ rate. F, couple edge tears,  ........................... Est 80.00+  COLBORNE. Mailed at Sea with Barbados
        4633. Ö 42, Tied by grid on cover from  LEAF/NUMERALS/MAPS  some creasing............... Est 75.00+  4663. Ö 106 (Pair), Tied by Toronto / Muskoka  25 Ap 1936 CDS. F, centre fold . Est 50.00+
         Wolfville NS 23 De ‘92 TO INDIA (rec b/s).              4654. Ö 90, Tied by Amherst, NS 5 Oct 1904  Hospital 3 Dec 1913 slogan cancel on #10  4673. Ö 193, Scarce single franking tied by
         Has St. John NB barred circle & ‘Sea Post  4643. Ö 66, 74, Tied by Halifax 1898 CDS to  duplex on blue imprinted advertising cover for  cover to Birnam, Ont REDIRECTED to To-  Montreal 14 Nov 1932 machine cancel on
         Office’ b/s’s. F, corner tear at LR & minor age  unsealed ‘Circular’ envelope addr to famous  4th Maritime Winter Fair/M.B. Cosman Tinware.  ronto. Inside has two attractive Crest illustrated  cover to St. Gall SWITZERLAND. Nice “in
         spotting. Scarce usage ....... Est 150.00+  early Canadian stamp dealer Henry Heckler.  Addr to Moncton, NB. F-VF ..... Est 75.00+  Certificates, one for Physical Training / Public  period” cover. VF............. Est 50.00+
        4634. Ö 42, Tied by nice Montreal Flag cancel  F, slight edge staining on cover . Est 65.00+  4655. Ö 90, Tied by Parrsboro, NS 8 Feb 1905  School Teachers, the other Interim High School  4674. Ö 213, Tied by Craig Harbour NWT 8
         21 July 1897 on Trans - Atlantic cover to Eng-  4644. Ö 75, Tied by Halifax roller cancel on  duplex cancel on blue illustrated advertising  Certificate; for same person. Cover is a bit  Sp, 1935 CDS on commercial cover addr to
         land (rec b/s). F, minor creases. . Est 40.00+  coloured advertising cover (both sides) for  cover for Jenks & Pierce Plumbing, etc. Addr  soiled, Certificates F-VF........ Est 65.00+  COLOMBIA (rec b/s 10 Oct, 1935). F. Scarce
        4635. Ö 44, Tied on MAGENTA coloured  SUNLIGHT SOAP. F, no back flap. Very  to Moncton NB. Depicts man, woman & child  4664. Ö 106, 113b, Tied by R in circle to a  ........................... Est 50.00+
         (very unusual) Reg’d cover from Sonya, Ont  attractive cover .............. Est 90.00+  in 3 separate bathtubs. F....... Est 75.00+  Registered #10 size cover (reduced at left)  4675. Ö 219, Tied by Toronto 22 Oct, 1936
         30 Dec, 1895 to New York. Nice b/s’s incl W.  4645. Ö 77, Tied by Montreal 8 Mar 1902 flag  4656. Ö 90, Tied by Ottawa 20 Feb 1908 CDS  dated Victoria BC 14 My 13 to Bank of British  wavy line cancel on gorgeous illustrated
         MAN P.O. CAR/S/De30/95 (Ludlow #RR  cancel on local illustrated advertising cover,  on illustrated advertising cover for The Pedlar  North America in Trail BC (rec b/s). F......  advertising cover for THE CANADA METAL
         191, RF 300) ................ Est 80.00+  from Viau & Freres, Montreal. Depicts Co.  People, Sheet Metal Building Material. Addr  ........................... Est 45.00+  Co. on Eastern Ave in Toronto. Addr to St.
        4636. Ö 45a, Dull rose tied by Montreal 27 Feb  building. VF ................. Est 75.00+  to Athens Ont. VF ............ Est 75.00+  4665. Ö 107, Tied by VF violet CANADIAN  Catharines. VF............... Est 50.00+
         1896 CDS on Trans-Atlantic cover to Glasgow  4646. Ö 77, Tied by Toronto 1 Dec 1902 can-  4657. Ö 90, Tied by Montreal 30 July 1908  NATIONAL EXHIBITION Post Office, Toronto  4676. Ö 219 (18), Each tied by British Colum-
         Scotland (8 Mr ‘96 rec b/s). Back flap has nice  cel on local illustrated advertising cover for Dr.  cancel on red & green illustrated advertising  24 Aug 1928 cancel on cover with additional 2  bia town & city 1936 cancels, plus one from
         blue Robert Reford & Co. Agents, Montreal il-  A.W.Chase Medicine Co. depicting the Doctor  cover for James Robinson boots & shoes /  strikes on the front side. Also a KGV 2¢ Postal  White Horse, Yukon. All with diff MASONIC
         lustration depicting a sailing ship. F, minor edge  with his printed Signature. Addr to “The Mail  Maple Leaf rubbers. Addr to Arichat, NS;  Stationery envelope with similar strike 4 Sept,  LODGE corner cards, to the Grand Secretary,
         crease in cover. Ex Brigham . . . Est 350.00+  & Empire”. F, roughly opened . . . Est 50.00+  (nice b/s). F-VF .............. Est 75.00+  1926 but in blue. F (2 covers) . . . Est 60.00+  in New Westminster, BC. F-VF . . Est 50.00+
                                          LOT 4637

                                                                                              LOT 4641
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