Page 18 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 18

         4746. Ö 219, C5 (9), tied on KGV 3¢  STATIONERY               COLLECTIONS
          Postal Stationery envelope mailed from
          Janow Manitoba 9 May 1936 on cach  4776. Ö A5b, KGVI Aerogramme with
          FLIGHT cover from Lakehurst NJ to  4777. Ö A13-P6, A15-P1, Two 10¢ Air Letter
          Germany. Has 2 diff German rec cancels.  Sheets with blue “SPECIMEN / Date —- Time
          F, one light crease. See photo on Page  —-” h/s’s & 30 Nov 1950 & 8 Feb 1951 dates
          72 ..................... Est 700.00+  entered in pencil respectively. VF Est 200.00+
        4747. Ö AAMC #2721, Six diff La Malbaie /
         Seven Islands 24-6 1927 FFC’s with Roessler                                                                      4870. Ú 5, Four margins, excellent colour,
         red Eagle / Plane or “AIR MAIL” Arrow illus-                                                                      VF. Has 2003 Greene Foundation Certifi-
         trated corner cards. Flown to Clarke City,                                                                        cate. Cat $1,600............ Est 600.00+
         Gadbout, Pentacost River, Pointe aux
         Outardes, Shelter Bay & Trinity Bay. Also
         Shelter Bay to Malbaie 27 Dec. F-VF (7
         covers).................... Est 200.00+
        4748. Ö AAMC #2803b, Rolling Portage to
         Jackson Manion 25 Jan 1928 FFC. F-VF.
         Only 300 pieces flown ......... Est 35.00+
        4749. Ö AAMC #’s 2803b, 2803f, 2803h,                    The following lots are the Canadian Post
         Rolling Portage to Jackson Manion; Narrow  4778. Ö EN2, Scarce used QV 10¢ Nesbitt
         Lake to Rolling Portage; & Red Lake to  from Waterville LC 9 July, 1863 to Maine.  Office Official Annual Collections & all are in
         Rolling Portage; 25 Jan 1928 FFC’s (few  VG-F appearance, some flts. Cat $950....  fresh condition as issued.
         covers flown). F (3 covers) ..... Est 90.00+  ......................... Est 300.00+  4808. Û 1974 Complete set. This is the scarc-
        4750. Ö AAMC 2803h, Red Lake to Rolling                   est of all annual collections issued. . . 250.00
         Portage 25 Jan 1928 FFC (few flown). VF ..  4779. Ö EN3-4, Each with OFFICIAL over-  4809. Û 1975 Cpl set............... 85.00
         ............................ Est 45.00  prints made by Henry Heckler. Not Post  4810. Û 1976 Cpl set............... 85.00
        4751. Ö AAMC #2803i, Goldpines to Rolling  Office authorized. VF (2) ...... Est 100.00+  4811. Û 1977 Cpl set............... 40.00  4855. ÕÛ 2TC, Top margin Plate Proof
         Portage 28 Jan 1928 FFC, PILOT SIGNED  4780. Ö EN3-4, Unused QV envelopes over-  4812. Û 1978 Cpl set............... 30.00
         (few flown). VF............... Est 75.00+  printed SERVICE along with Coat of Arms  4813. Û 1979 Cpl set............... 30.00  block on card. XF. A CHOICE GEM ......
        4752. Ö AAMC #2805d, Port Menier to La  & HEAD QUARTERS 63rd RIFLES. These  4814. Û 1980 & 1981 Cpl sets ....... 60.00  ............................ 1,200.00  4871. Ú 5, Four margins, excellent colour,
         Malbaie 11 Feb 1928 FFC (only 100 pieces  were produced by Henry Heckler. VF (2 diff)  4815. Û 1982 Cpl set............... 45.00  4856. Û 2TCix, Trial colour Plate Proof strip  blue cancel, VF. A NICE STAMP! 1,600.00
         flown). F-VF................. Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+  4816. Û 1983 Cpl set............... 55.00  of 3 with sheet margin at bottom. Has tiny
        4753. Ö AAMC #2807, Moncton to Charlotte-  4781. Ö EN11, QV 1¢ green postal stat enve-  4817. Û 1984 Cpl set............... 40.00  pencil annotated letters likely done by the
         town 3 Mar 1928 FFC (only 300 pieces flown).  lope with FLAG ‘G’ CANCEL WITHOUT  4818. Û 1985 Cpl set............... 45.00  engraver to note the position where “Rawdon,
         F-VF....................... Est 40.00+  CITY AND DATE MARKING. Has Ottawa  4819. Û 1986 (Softbound)........... 45.00  Wright, Hatch & Edson, New York” should
        4754. Ö AAMC #’s 2853, 2853a-o, Cpl set of  corner card. Addr to New York. F, light toning  4820. Û 1986 (Hardbound) ......... 100.00  appear. VF. A most interesting item from
         16 cach Winnipeg / Calgary FFC’s Dec 1928.  .......................... Est 175.00+  4821. Û 1987 (Softbound)........... 45.00  the Henry Gates coll (March 1981, Lot 246)
         F-VF....................... Est 50.00+  4782. Ö KLS2, QV 1¢ private order letter  4822. Û 1988 (Softbound)........... 45.00  ........................... 1,050.00+
        4755. Ö AAMC #2861, Moonbeam to Moose  sheet, CPR monthly printed statement, 29  4823. Û 1989 (Hardbound book)...... 70.00  4857. Û 3, 7, 9, Lot of 3 different good looking
         Factory 30 Dec 1928 FFC. Has red “not known  Nov 1897. Addr to Tadcaster, England 13  4824. Û 1990 Cpl set............... 55.00  facsimiles each on card. Interesting reference
         in this district” m/s. F-VF, corner flt Est 100.00+  Dec b/s. F-VF ............... Est 50.00+  4825. Û 1991 Cpl set............... 55.00  items. VF ................... Est 75.00+
        4756. Ö AAMC #2861b, Moonbeam to East                    4826. Û 1992 Cpl set............... 85.00
         Main 8 Jan 1928 FFC. F-VF .... Cat 100.00               4827. Û 1993 Cpl set............... 80.00
        4757. Ö AAMC #2863b, Seven Islands to                    4828. Û 1994 Cpl set............... 70.00
         Quebec 30 Dec 1928 FFC. VF . . Est 65.00+               4829. Û 1995 Cpl set............... 80.00
        4758. Ö AAMC #3031a, Mirror Landing to                   4830. Û 1996 Cpl set............... 80.00
                                                                 4831. Û 1997 Cpl set............... 90.00
         McLennan 17 June 1930 FFC; PILOT &
         POSTAL SERVICES INSPECTOR SIGNED.                       4832. Û 1998 Cpl set............... 95.00
         VF ........................ Est 50.00+                  4833. Û 1999 Cpl set............... 85.00
        4759. Ö AAMC #3043b, Von Gronau Trans-                   4834. Û 2000 Cpl set............... 85.00                4872. Ú 5, Four large/huge margins, excellent
         Atlantic Flight 26 Aug 1930 FFC. Has Halifax            4835. Û Millennium coll ............ 120.00               colour, neat cancel. VF. Has 2023 Greene
         Exhibition cach & Postal employee John                  4836. Û 2001 Cpl set............... 90.00                 Foundation Certificate. A choice example ..
         McHale signature b/s. Flown to Montreal,                4837. Û 2002 Cpl set.............. 100.00                  .......................... 1,600.00+
         addr to USA. Missed flight as Von Gronau                4838. Û 2003 Cpl set.............. 100.00  4858. Ú 3P, Plate Proof of the 12 Penny
         had no authority to fly mail from Canada.  4783. Ö P4, With Halifax 17 Aug 1891 duplex  4839. Û 2004 Cpl set.............. 110.00  Black with an added target cancel (to make  4873. Ú 5b, Greenish grey. Four margins, VF
         Has bilingual “Received too late to connect  cancel to SINGAPORE. Has interesting  4840. Û 2005 Cpl Set ............. 110.00  it appear as a used #3). Four margins, VF  ............................ 1,600.00
         with air mail” h/s. VF .......... Est 45.00+  “PENANG TO SINGAPORE 20 Sept”  4841. Û 2006 Cpl set.............. 115.00  appearance, thinned. A good spacefiller and
        4760. Ö AAMC #’s 3615, 3615a-e, Cpl set of  transit. F, some toning. Scarce Foreign  4842. Û 2007 Cpl Set ............. 115.00  a great conversation piece . . Est 1,500.00+
         6 Nov 18-9, 1936 Saskatchewan cach FFC’s.  destination ................ Est 125.00+  4843. Û 2008 Cpl Set ............. 120.00
         F-VF (6 covers) .............. Est 40.00+  4784. Ö P12, With #35 added tied by Toronto  4844. Û 2009 Cpl Set ............. 120.00
        4761. Ö AAMC #’s 3619, 3619a-I, Ten diff  6 Apr 1893 duplex cancel to London, England.  4845. Û 2010 Cpl set.............. 125.00
         cach Rimouski-Harrington Harbour FFC’s  From “CHINA INLAND MISSION” to their of-  4846. Û 2011 Cpl set.............. 110.00
         17-30 Dec 1936. All are PILOT SIGNED V.J.  fices in London. F, some minor soiling. Inter-  4847. Û 2015 Cpl set.............. 166.00
         Hatton except AAMC 3619. F-VF (10 covers)  esting...................... Est 45.00+  4848. Û 2019 Cpl set.............. 160.00
         .......................... Est 125.00+  4785. Ö P13, With #36 added with Steinbach,  4849. Û 2020 Cpl set.............. 160.00
        4762. Ö AAMC #’s 3701, 3701a-g, Cpl set  Man 17 Apr 1895 split-ring cancel to Hungary
         of cach Fort St. John - Fort Nelson & Gold Bar  (Budapest 3 May receiver). F. A nice Foreign
         FFC’s 11-5 Jan 1937. Five are Pilot Signed by  destination .................. Est 50.00+  CANADA
         Sheldon Luck. VF (8 diff covers) . Est 85.00+  4786. Ö P44, Illustrated advertising card for                     4874. Ú 5b, Greenish Grey with four excellent
        4763. Ö AAMC #’s 4203-3e, Nicely franked  Consolidated Premium Co. with Montreal 28                                margins all around, rich colour, neat target
         Reg’d Montreal - Three Rivers - Quebec  Mar 1911 cancel to Goring, Ont (split-ring b/s).  Canada lots are priced by Unitrade’s  cancel. VF. Has 1957 RPS Certificate & 2001
         FFC’s 15 Apr 1942. Also additional #4203e  Depicts silver service in violet. F, small edge  2024 Canada Specialized.  Philatelic Foundation Certificate . . 1,600.00
         rated Special Delivery. F ....... Est 60.00+  flaw ....................... Est 50.00+
        4764. Ö AAMC #4903 (2), Two Vancouver to  4787. Ö U1, QV 5¢ Nesbitt used with 4-Ring  4859. Û 4, Attractive mint example with
         Honolulu 13 July 1949 FFC’s. One is Reg’d to                                          four margins (just clear at right), rich colour,
         USA, 2nd has Office of the Mayor, Ottawa  Numeral “31" from Picton UC 4 Nov 1864      F-VF, OG. Has 2024 Greene Foundation
                                      to Adolphustown. F, slightly reduced ......
         corner card & is PILOT SIGNED. Also AAMC  .......................... Est 200.00+      Certificate ................... 3,500.00
         #4903-b flight to Fiji with Cdn Pacific Airlines  4788. Ö U1, Unused 10¢ brown Nesbitt enve-
         corner card & #4911 Sept flight to Hong Kong.                                       4860. Ú4,F ..................... 150.00
                                      lope. F-VF, bit of TS .......... Est 80.00+
         F-VF (4) .................... Est 75.00+  4789. Ö UA4, UA8 (2), Three 1948-49       4861. Ú 4c, Ribbed Paper, neat 4-Ring ‘21’
        4765. Ö EN29, Four Airmail covers flown  unused Air Letters. Varieties incl UA4 stamp  cancel. F-VF. A NICE CLEAR EXAMPLE OF
         from Sioux Lookout to Narrow Lake, Jackson  underinked & severed at UR & ungummed;   THIS PAPER VARIETY ........... 600.00
         Manion, Red Lake & Goldpines 12 Mar 1928;
         Similar to AAMC #2855. Goldpines flight has  UA8 miscut - corner of stamp at UR missing,  4850. Ú 1, Four margins, neatly cancelled,
         Western Canada Airways, Sioux Lookout  & UA8 “SICK KING’ variety with SPOTS on  strong laid lines, VF, small flts. Cat $1,600
                                      King’s face. VF (3)............ Est 45.00+
         violet 6-line b/s. Scarce F-VF (4) Est 100.00+            ......................... Est 300.00+
        4766. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1930  4790. Ö UX13, With Montreal 22 Aug (1893)
         depicting the R-100 ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP over  duplex cancel on QV 1¢ postal stationery  4851. Ú 2, Strong laid lines, target cancel, F .
         St. Hubert Quebec. The R-100 was a British  card to Berlin, Germany with 21 Sept receiver.  ............................ 1,000.00
         built rigid dirigible & was the largest airship in  Extra 1¢ adhesive should have been affixed -
                                      UNDERPAID. No charge made on delivery.
         the world in 1930. F.......... Est 100.00+                                                                       4875. Ú 5d, Thick hard paper, four excellent
                                      F, toned .................... Est 40.00+                                             margins, neat Montreal ‘21’ cancel, VF.
           CANADA MILITARY             CANADA SQUARED                                         4862. Ú 4c, Soft RIBBED PAPER, SON  Has 1977 W.E. Lea Certificate. Ex Jephcott
        4767. Ö 104, Tied by FPO/Canada Militia/Sus-  CIRCLE CANCELS                           Montreal 4-Ring “21" cancel. VF .... 800.00  ........................... 4,000.00
         sex Camp, NB 30 June 1913 CDS on colour                                             4863. Ú 4d, Four margins, blue cancel, VF.
         photo postcard to Connell, NB. The postcard                                          A nice stamp! .................. 300.00+
         depicts 13 soldiers in front of BREAD OVENS  4791. Ú ACTON, ONT (RF 30), Partial strike 14
         at Camp Sussex. F ........... Est 75.00+  Fe, ‘96 tying #41 on piece. F.... Est 40.00+
        4768. Ö 104, MR2, Tied by St. Jean Que 19  4792. Ö ALMA ONT (State 2, RF 35), Nice
         Ap 1916 duplex cancels on OHMS cover  fully dated strike 5 Jun ‘08 (with unrecorded
         with “M.F.B.” Imprint at LL, addr to Montreal.  3-letter month in 1908) on #90 cover to
         The cover failed to receive the Militia h/s. F,  Hamilton Ont. Has nice advertising corner
         roughly opened .............. Est 75.00+  card for a General Merchant in Alma. VF ...
        4769. Ö 106, Tied by Toronto 22 Oct 1913  .......................... Est 100.00+
         machine cancel on large cover with Ont Dep’t  4793. Ú ATHENS, ONT (RF 30), Nice fully
         of Education crest imprint to Birnam, Ont.  dated 2 Ja, ‘95 strike on 3¢ Sm Queen. F...  4852. Ú 2, Four large margins, strong laid
         REDIRECTED to Toronto. Enclosed is Canada  ........................... Est 40.00+  lines, neat target cancel. VF ..... 2,000.00  4864. Ú 4d, JUMBO margins, neat target
                                                                                               cancel, VF. A BEAUTIFUL LOOKING
         Crest illustrated “Certificate of Military Instruc-  4794. Ú CUMBERLAND, ONT (RF 35), Nice                       4876. Û 7, Imperforate TRADE SAMPLE
         tion/Cadet Instructor (Grade A)”. Has large  strike 1 Au ‘98 tying 3¢ Numeral on piece. F  STAMP ...................... 300.00+  PROOF in a plum colour, large jumbo
         violet Dept of Militia & Defense, Ottawa h/s. F,  ........................... Est 50.00+                          margins, VF, light thin ....... Est 500.00+
         some soiling. Certificate VF & frameable ....  4795. Ú DUNNVILLE, ONT (RF 15), Two diff                          4877. Ú 7, Excellent colour, light face-free
         ........................... Est 50.00+  horiz pairs with lovely fully dated strikes from                          cancel, F, small thin. Has 1988 Philatelic
        4770. Ö 125, Tied by Toronto / Muskoka Hos-  Dec 1895. F-VF.............. Est 35.00+                               Foundation Certificate ........ Est 400.00+
         pital 10 Dec 1914 slogan cancel on red crest  4796. Ú HARTNEY, MAN (RF 25), 3¢ Jubilee                           4878. Ú 7, Lightly cancelled. F ..... 1,200.00
         illustrated Board of Education #10 cover addr  tied by 7 Jy ‘97 strike on piece. F Est 35.00+
         locally. Enclosures incl illustrated “Certificate  4797. Ö HALIFAX NS Precursor (RF20), Nice
         of Military Instruction” Certifying Cadet Instruc-  strike 30 Jan 1892 tying 5¢ Sm Queen on
         tor has qualified as a “Musketry Instructor” as  Trans-Atlantic cover to Neuhausen Switzer-
         well. Has large blue Dept of Militia & Defense,  land (rec b/s). From early Canadian stamp
         Ottawa h/s. Cover is faulty but enclosure is VF  dealer HENRY HECHLER with his h/s on  4865. Ú 4i, A choice four margin single
         ........................... Est 75.00+  reverse. F, couple small edge tears in cover  with rich colour, 4-Ring 37 cancel (Quebec,
        4771. Ö 212, 213 (3), 215 (2), Tied by  ........................... Est 75.00+         RF3). VF. Nice! ............ Est 400.00+
         Quebec 18 July 1936 cancels on a 4 diff cach  4798. Ú L’ORIGNAL, ONT (RF 25), Fully dated  4866. Ú 4iii, Deep red on hard wove ribbed
         PILGRIMAGE TO VIMY RIDGE covers to  strike 19 De ‘98 tying 3¢ QV Numeral to piece.   paper, neat 4-Ring “19" cancel (London, RF 4).
         Toronto. Each has “S.S. MONTROSE” oval  F ......................... Est 35.00+       F, trivial little edge staining......... 500.00
         ship cancel, 2 are Reg’d. F-VF . Est 100.00+  4799. Ú LUCKNOW, ONT (RF 25), Three diff
        4772. Ö 233 (2), Tied on 2 diff WWII Censored  stamps (#’s 35, 41, 77) with partial but identifi-  4853. Ú 2, A lovely example with four mar-  4867. Ú 4x, Stitch Watermark, good spacefiller.
                                                                                              Cat $500 ................... Est 50.00+
         covers with Sussex MPO 701, NB 1941-2  able strikes. F ............... Est 40.00+  gins, strong laid lines, neat target cancels.
         CDS’s to USA. One has Cdn Legion corner  4800. Ú MILTON WEST, ONT (RF 20), VF  VF. Has 1987 Greene Foundation Certifi-
         card, the other YMCA. Interesting contents  strike 1 Ap ‘96 on 3¢ Sm Queen . Est 30.00+  cate ........................ 2,000.00
         from a serviceman in the 4th Arm’d Div. Postal  4801. Ú MITCHELL, ONT (RF 20), Two fully
         unit to an American soldier discussing meth-  dated strikes: 3¢ Sm Queen 25 Oc ‘95; 3¢
         ods of censorship, etc. Some Patriotic jargon  Jubilee (flt) 30 Ju ‘97. F ........ Est 35.00+                    4879. Ú 7, Attractive example with deep
         as what he would do if he had Hirohito or  4802. Ö MITCHELL ONT (RF 20), Four QV                                  colour, neat black target cancel & a portion
         Hitler in his hands. VF ......... Est 45.00+  1¢ postal cards each with a fully dated strike                      of a red rec cancel. F-VF. Has 2024
                                                                                                                           Greene Foundation Certificate . . . 1,800.00
         4773. Ö CANADIAN CONTINGENT South  from 1894. All used from the Merchants’ Bank
          Africa Jul 16, 1900 violet oval h/s on  of Canada in Mitchell & addr to Bank of BNA
          Boer War cover franked by Gr. Britain QV  in London Ont. F (4) .......... Est 50.00+
          Penny Lilac with FPO cancel, to Toronto  4803. Ú MOOSE JAW, ASSA (RF 30), Dated
          Ontario. F, light edge creases. Ex Palmer.  8 Oc, ‘96 strike on 3¢ Sm Queen. F .......
          See photo on Page 72 .....Est 375.00+  ........................... Est 40.00+
                                     4804. Ú PAISLEY, ONT (RF 25), Nice lot of 7
        4774. Ö Coll of 14 diff unused Canadian  strikes of primarily fully dated with two on
         MILITARY REGIMENTAL postcards from  piece. Mainly on #77. F ....... Est 100.00+
         1939-40. These show the emblem in colour  4805. Ö ST. ANN’S ONT (RF 50), Free strike 2  4868. Û 5, Scarce unused grey shade,
         of each unit along with a history of the military  Oc, 1902 on QV 1¢ postal card from Vineland  crisp impression, tight margins in
         unit. Printed by William Scully. Unusual lot.  Ont to Wellandport Ont. VF ..... Est 65.00+  places. F, expertly RG. Has 2024 Greene
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  4806. Ú SMITHS FALLS, ONT (RF 7.5), Two       Foundation Certificate. Ex Brigger.
        4775. Ö Used “POSTAGE FREE/CHRISTMAS  gorgeous 1897 SON strikes on 3¢ Jubilee &  4854. Ú 2b, Greyish Purple, four margins,  A RARE UNUSED PENCE STAMP .....  4880. Ú 7, Excellent colour, lightly cancelled,
         ISSUE 1944" WWII Armed Forces special  1¢ Small Queen pair. VF. Nice!. . Est 35.00+  strong laid lines, SON target cancel. VF.  .......................... 15,000.00  four large balanced margins, expertly
         issue aerogramme with FPO cancel 8 Dec  4807. Ö WOOLER, ONT (RF 35), Receiver 10  Has 2021 Greene Foundation Certificate.  rebacked giving it a superb appearance.
         1944 to Quebec City. F, bit roughly opened.  Sept 1908 on romantic postcard from Toronto.  A CHOICE STAMP! ........... 2,500.00  4869. Ú 5, Excellent colour, neat target cancel.  Cat $2,500 ................ Est 750.00+
         Interesting contents.......... Est 100.00+  F-VF....................... Est 40.00+   F ............................. 800.00
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