Page 20 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 20

76  CANADA Continued                                     4975. Û 24, Fresh rich colour, F, OG .....               5005. Û 28, Rich colour, F, OG, small corner
                                                                   ............................ 1,200.00                   crease, one rounded corner ...... 1,200.00
                                                                 4976. Ú 24, Three selected used - 2 with lovely
                                                                  cork cancels. F.................. 150.00

         4947. Û 20b, Horiz IMPERFORATE PAIR
          of the 2¢ Rose, four margins, crisp fresh
          colour, VF. Very scarce (less than 50
          pairs exist). Has 2024 Greene Foundation
          Certificate ................... 5,000.00
                                                                                              4993. Û 26, Deep fresh colour, F+, OG ....
                                                                                                ........................... 1,600.00
                                     4961. ÕÛ 21iv, Nicely centered mint block
                                      with all four stamps having the “SPUR IN
                                      SCROLL” variety. VF, OG, hinge remnants,
                                      minor gum bend in top stamps ..... 800.00
                                                                                                                          5006. ÕÛ 28, Scarce mint block of the
                                     4962. Ú 21iv, F-VF................ 100.00                                             12.5¢ Lg Queen, deep rich colour, very
                                     4963. Û 22, Quite well centred. F-VF, RG ...                                          fresh, F, OG. Has 2015 Greene Foundation
                                      .............................. 700.00  4977. Ú 24, 27, 29b, Each with a VF strike    Certificate ................... 4,800.00
                                     4964. Ú 22, Scarce horiz used strip of 3, neat  of a diff fancy segmented FLAG CANCEL
                                      grid cancels. F-VF ............... 420.00  (similar to Lacelle #’s 1399 & 1403). F ....
                                                                   ......................... Est 250.00+
         4948. Û 20TC, Horiz Plate Proof pair in                 4978. Ú 24a, Watermarked, lovely SON fancy
          dark rose, on card. Each stamp shows                    rayed cog wheel cancel. F+. A pretty stamp
          the DASH in LR “2" variety (#20v). VF.                  & cancel ...................... 250.00+  4994. Û 26, Trail Colour Plate Proof in
          A CHOICE ITEM .............. 600.00+                   4979. Û 24b, Deep colour, F, NG .... 600.00  bright green, printed on card. VF. Scarce ..
                                                                 4980. Ú 24b, Scarce Ottawa 4-Ring “627"  ....................... Est 1,000.00+
                                                                  cancel (RF 9). F-VF.......... Est 200.00+
                                                                 4981. Û 24i, Emerald green, F, NG. . . 800.00  4995. Ú 26, F .................... 130.00
                                                                                                                          5007. Û 28, Fresh bright colour, F-VF, OG .
                                     4965. Ú 22a, Watermarked, F-VF.... 500.00                                             ............................ 2,000.00

                                                                 4982. Û 24P, PLATE PROOF on card, rich  4996. Ú 26iv, Perf 11.75 x 12, nicely cen-
                                                                  colour, VF ..................... 750.00  tered, VF. Has 2018 Greene Foundation
                                                                                               Certificate ..................... 270.00
                                                                 4983. Û 25, Nicely centered, VF, NG, crease.
                                                                  Cat $3,000................. Est 350.00+
                                                                 4984. Ú 25, Interesting PRINTING SMEAR at
                                     4966. Ú 22a, Watermarked, neat ‘PAID’  LR. Neat 2-Ring “6" cancel. F, slight crease.  5008. Û 28, Fresh colour, nice centering,
                                      cancel. Fresh, nicely centered, VF, one  An unusual variety for the specialist .......  F-VF, OG. Has 2024 Greene Foundation
                                      nibbed perf does not detract from this lovely  ........................... Est 90.00+  Certificate.................... 2,000.00
                                      stamp ........................ 700.00  4985. Ú 25, SON strike of the fancy “B” IN SIX
         4949. ÕÛ 20TC, Right margin Plate Proof  4967. Û 22b, Scarce unused with deep colour  POINTED STAR (D + S #415). F, insignificant  5009. Ú 28, F-VF ................. 110.00
          block of 6 on card with full AMERICAN  & distinctively crisp paper. F-VF, NG. 850.00  stamp flts .................. Est 150.00+  5010. Ú 28a, Watermarked, nicely centered,
          BANK NOTE Co. NEW YORK plate imprint.                  4986. Ú 25, SON Halifax 2-Ring “4" cancel                 VF, couple nibbed perfs do not detract from
                                                                                                                           this nice stamp .................. 600.00
          Four stamps show DASH in lower right “2"                (RF 3). VF, light thin .......... Est 75.00+            5011. Ú 28b, F .................... 75.00
          variety & four stamps show EXTENDED                    4987. Ú 25a, Watermarked. F, short perfs at              5012. Ú 28ii, MISSING FRAMELINE variety,
          FRAMELINE at the bottom of the stamps.                  top ........................... 250.00                   light 2-Ring “7" cancel. F........... 150.00
          VF. A CHOICE ITEM.......... 1,800.00+
        4950. Û 20TCi, Plate Proof on India Paper, VF                                         4997. Û 26P, PLATE PROOF on card, full
         .............................. 350.00                                                 margins, rich colour, VF .......... 750.00
        4951. Ú 20v, DASH in LR “2" variety. VG-F ..
         .............................. 275.00
        4952. Û 21, F, OG................ 120.00
        4953. Ú 21-30, Cpl Lg Queens set. VG-VF ..
         .............................. 600.00
                                     4968. Û 22b, Rich colour, F-VF, slightly
                                      sweated OG. Has 2010 Greene Foundation
                                      Certificate.................... 1,700.00
                                     4969. Û 22biii, Unused Thin paper with Burr
                                      to Left Of Head variety. F, NG. . Est 350.00+  4988. Ú 25a, Watermarked, beautifully  5013. Ú 28ii, MISSING LL FRAMELINE
                                                                  centered, VF, neat cancel. A few blunt                   variety, nice 2-Ring “13" cancel, large jumbo
                                                                  perfs do not detract from this nice stamp ..             margins, VF .................. 300.00+
                                                                   ............................. 600.00  4998. Û 26P, Horiz imperf Plate Proof pair
                                                                                               on card, rich colour, excellent margins, VF.
                                                                                               A CHOICE PROOF ........... 1,500.00+
         4954. Ú 21-30, Also 23a, Specialized coll of
          11 diff Lg Queens all with Quebec 2-Ring
          “3" cancels. Quite an accomplishment to
          acquire all these! A few flaws but mainly F .
          ......................... Est 400.00+
        4955. Ú 21-30, F-VF ............. 1,060.00
                                     4970. Û 22P, PLATE PROOF on card,
                                      excellent margins, rich colour, VF . . 750.00
                                                                                                                          5014. Û 28iv, Unused with the “BALLOON
                                                                 4989. Û 25TC, Rare TRIAL COLOUR PLATE                     FLAW” variety. A nice clear example. Fresh,
                                                                  PROOF in purple, on card. VF. Ex Brigham                 F-VF, expertly RG ............. 2,000.00
                                                                   ....................... Est 1,000.00+  4999. Û 26TC, Imperf Trial Colour Plate
                                                                                               Proof in azure blue, on card. F Est 450.00+  5015. Û 29, Lot of 4 mints with various shades,
                                                                                                                           F-VF, OG ..................... 320.00+
                                                                                             5000. Û 27, Fresh, VG-F, OG ..... 1,625.00
                                                                                                                          5016. Û 29, VF, disturbed OG....... 240.00
                                     4971. Ú 23, Lovely OSHAWA “B” in 6 pointed
                                      star fancy cork cancel (D&S #415). F-VF,
                                      some short / pulled perfs. A great cancel ..
                                      ......................... Est 200.00+
         4956. Ú 21b, An incredibly rare WATER-
          MARKED À¢ Large Queen. Well centered  4972. Ú 23, Gladstone Ont 1872 CDS cancel.  4990. Ú 25v, “CRACKED PLATE” variety
          F-VF example on Bothwell paper with  VF, corner crease................ 250.00  (through ‘S’ of CENTS) with fancy Kingston
          portion of letter “L” showing from watermark.           “9" cancel. F, small edge flt. A scarce  5001. Û 27, Mint 6¢ Lg Queen with deep rich
          Has 2005 Gratton Certificate. IN OUR                    variety with a lovely cancel. Cat $600+ ...  colour, fresh. F-VF, expertly RG. Cat $2,200
          OPINION THIS IS ONE OF RAREST                            ......................... Est 275.00+  ......................... Est 450.00+
          CANADIAN STAMPS ..... Est 12,500.00+
        4957. Û 21c, F.................... 90.00

                                     4973. Û 23a, Deep Orange, fresh rich colour,
                                      F, OG....................... 2,000.00
                                                                                              5002. Ú 27b, Watermarked, lovely dark
                                                                 4991. Ú 25v, CRACKED PLATE variety.  brown colour, SON target cancel, one
                                                                  A beautiful clear example showing the  rounded corner, F-VF. Scarce.... 2,500.00
                                                                  Cracked Plate through “NTS” of “CENTS”.
                                                                  VF, neat cancel at top, small thin. . 1,250.00  5003. Ú 27c, Nice St. John 2-Ring “7" cancel. F
                                                                                              .......................... Est 100.00+

         4958. ÕÛ 21iii, 21iv, Nice mint block with all                                                                   5017. ÕÛ 29, Grey Violet top margin block
          four stamps showing the “SPUR” variety at                                                                        of 15 with partial Plate Imprint in selvedge.
          left. The LL stamp also shows the WHITE                                                                          Stamp at position 1 clearly shows the DOT
          BUN IN HAIR variety. Fresh, F-VF, OG ...                                                                         IN “S” OF “POSTAGE” variety. F, OG. A
          ............................ 1,200.00                                                                            RARELY SEEN LARGE SIZE POSITIONAL
                                                                                                                           BLOCK .................... 1,200.00+
        4959. Ú 21iii, White area on bun variety. F...  4974. Û 23a, Attractive mint single of the  4992. Ú 25vii, “SHAVING NICK” variety,  5004. Ú 27ii, SOFT WHITE BLOTTING
         ............................... 75.00  1¢ Lg Queen with DEEP ORANGE colour.  neat St John 2-Ring “7" cancel. A nice  PAPER, SON 2-Ring “5" cancel. Has many  5018. Ú 29, Major MISPERF error showing a
        4960. Ú 21iii, iv, SPUR & WHITE AREA ON  F-VF, OG, gum slightly disturbed. Has 2023  clear example of this scarce variety. F ....  clinging perfs which is a characteristic of  large portion of the adjoining stamp at right.
         BUN varieties, VF, light cancel. A nice double  Greene Foundation Certificate.... 4,000.00  ............................. 900.00  this scarce paper variation. VF . . . 1,250.00  A nice item for the Lg Queen collector. F ...
         variety stamp............... Est 125.00+                                                                          .......................... Est 125.00+
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