Page 25 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 25
LOT 5305 LOT 5310 LOT 5311
LOT 5324
CANADA Continued 5298. Ú 100, SON Hamilton Canada 29 July, 5344. Û 116, Richly-coloured top margin
............................. 150.00+ .............................. 720.00
5299. ÕÛ 100-2, Blocks, Fresh colours. F ..
............................ 2,300.00
5278. Û 93, Beautifully centered, pristine 5320. Û 106, MAJOR MISPERF error. Fresh,
fresh colour, VF, LH ............. 800.00 F-VF, NH ................. Est 175.00+
5279. Û 94, VF, small flts. Cat $1250....... 5321. Û 106a, Eight 2¢ Admiral Booklet Panes
.......................... Est 150.00+ with a range of shades from deep red to pale
rose carmine. Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 690.00+
5322. Û 107, VF, NH.............. 150.00
5323. ÕÛ 108, Bottom margin block of 6 with
Type D 60% Lathework. Shows EXTRA LINE
OF LATHEWORK below the bottom centre
stamp. F-VF, 5 stamps are NH. Price listed as 5345. Û 116, Bottom margin pair with strong
singles. Nice item for the specialist 1,160.00 LATHEWORK TYPE C. Fresh, F, light
5324. ÕÛ 108c, Gorgeous LR corner pencil number in selvedge. VERY SCARCE
5262. Û 89-95, Also 90A, Cpl set of KE mint margin block of 10, Dry Printing, with ITEM ....................... 2,500.00
singles. Fresh colours, F-VF, OG, couple full strength TYPE D LATHEWORK.
trivial gum bends .............. 2,950.00 Beautifully centered, fresh rich colour. 5346. Û 116, F-VF, NH ............ 720.00
VF, 8 stamps are NH. Has 2020 Greene
5280. Û 93, Fresh rich colour, nicely cen- 5300. Û 100i, Beautiful IMPERF PAIR with Foundation Certificate. AN OUTSTAND-
tered, VF, slightly disturbed OG. Has 2005 large margins, XF ............. 1,000.00 ING BLOCK. See photo above 3,750.00+
Greene Foundation Certificate ..... 800.00
5301. Û 101, F-VF................ 200.00 5325. Û 109, Horiz margin strip of 3 with full
5281. Û 94, Jumbo margins, VF, part gum. 5302. Û 101, VF ................. 300.00 TYPE D LATHEWORK. Shows a bit of Plate
Cat $1,250................. Est 150.00+ Imprint at left. F, some minor DG, one stamp
5282. Û 94, Nicely centred, VF, LH, one dulled NH. A pretty item ................ 250.00
perf does not detract from this nice stamp .. 5326. ÕÛ 109, Block. VF, bottom stamps. NH
............................ 1,250.00 .............................. 240.00
5327. Ú 109, Lower single with full Type D
Lathework. F-VF, neat dated cancel.......
........................... Est 40.00+
5263. Û 89a, Imperf Pair, rich colour, large 5328. ÕÛ 110, Bottom margin block with
margins. VF. Only 200 pairs exist . . 900.00
TYPE D LATHEWORK. Fresh, F, NH 900.00
5264. Û 90, Jumbo margins & beautifully cen- 5329. ÕÛ 110, Deep Olive Bistre (much
tred. XF, NH, light fingerprint on gum. 315.00 deeper shade than usually found) Block with
5265. ÕÛ 90, Well centred block. VF, NH .. near perfect centering, pristine fresh. XF, NH
............................ 1,400.00 ............................ 1,200.00
5266. ÕÛ 90A, Imperf Block. VF, NH . 200.00 5303. Û 101, Fresh, VF, NH........ 900.00 5330. Û 111, F-VF, NH ............ 520.00
5267. ÕÛ 90A, Top margin block of 8 with 5304. Û 102, F-VF, NH ............ 645.00 5331. Û 111, Well centered, VF ..... 300.00
full Plate 13 imprint. VF, 6 stamps are NH .. 5332. ÕÛ 112, 112a, Fresh blocks on regular
............................. 350.00+ 5283. Û 94, Nicely centered, rich colour, 5305. ÕÛ 102, Fresh mint block, rich & thin papers. F-VF, NH........... 770.00 5347. ÕÛ 116, Fresh block, rich colour, F-VF,
5268. Û 90e, Type 1, VF, LH........ 200.00 VF, OG, hinge remnants. Has photocopy of colour, F-VF, 3 stamps are NH. See photo 5333. Û 112, 112a, 112c, 112i, etc, Coll of NH ......................... 2,880.00
5269. ÕÛ 91, Block, F-VF, bottom stamps a 2024 Gratton Certificate for a block from above ..................... 2,170.00 5 diff shades/printings incl thin paper, &
are NH....................... 1,900.00 which this is the UL stamp....... 1,250.00 5306. Û 102, VF ................. 350.00 re-drawn vert line at UR. F-VF, NH . . 542.00
5270. Ú 91, KE 5¢ with HAIRLINES. Unlisted. 5284. Ú 94, Scarce used vertical strip of 5. F. 5334. Û 112a, JUMBO. VF, NH ..... 150.00
VF, light crease .............. Est 75.00+ .............................. 125.00 5335. ÕÛ 112a, Beautifully centered block,
5271. Û 92, F+................... 160.00 5285. ÕÚ 95, Scarce used block of the 50¢ fresh rich colour, XF NH........... 600.00
5272. ÕÛ 92, Fresh mint block, F-VF, bottom KE, F-VF ..................... 520.00+
stamps are NH ................ 2,770.00
5307. Û 102, A choice example. Fresh,
well centred, VF, NH. Has 2006 Greene
Foundation Certificate .......... 1,050.00
5286. Û 95i, Deep Purple JUMBO margins.
5273. Û 92a, Imperf Pair of 7¢ KE. Rich
colour, excellent margins. VF .... 1,000.00 Fresh rich colour, VF, OG ....... 1,500.00
5287. ÕÛ 96, Block. VF, NH ....... 180.00
5336. ÕÛ 112av, Violet 5¢ on thin paper
block showing PYRAMID GUIDE LINES in
the left margin. Fresh, F-VF, NH. Very scarce
& seldom offered. Ex Phillips ..... 1,950.00
5337. Û 113, F-VF, NH ............ 165.00
5338. ÕÛ 113, Brilliant fresh block with crisp 5348. ÕÛ 116, Bottom margin block with
colour, lovely centering. VF, NH. Has 2012 TYPE C LATHEWORK. Fresh, F-VF, lower
Gratton Certificate.............. 1,080.00 stamps are NH. Very scarce ..... 3,000.00
5308. Ú 102, Light cancel, XF...... 250.00+ 5339. ÕÛ 114, 114iv, Fresh block with the UL
5309. Û 103, F-VF................ 275.00 stamp having Diagonal Line in “V” of “SEVEN”
variety. VF, NH, one tiny gum spot . . 765.00
5310. ÕÛ103, Block, nicely centered, fresh
5288. Ú 96-103, Cpl Quebec Tercentenary colour, VF. See photo above . . . 1,600.00
set. All are hand-picked for nice centering.
VF ......................... 1,021.00
5311. ÕÛ 103, Lovely fresh block, beauti-
5289. ÕÛ 97, Block with “No-3" Plate imprint. ful centering, VF, NH, natural perf inden-
F-VF .......................... 130.00 tations on gum do not detract from this
5290. ÕÛ 97, Beautifully centred block, nice block. See photo above . . . 4,800.00
pristine fresh colour. VF, NH ....... 600.00
5291. Û 97i, Left margin single with HAIR- 5312. Ú 103, F-VF ................ 210.00
LINES. F-VF, NH ................ 110.00 5313. Ú 103, F-VF ................ 210.00
5274. ÕÛ 92a, IMPERFORATE BLOCK 5292. Û 97i, Large margins, well centred 5314. Ú 103, VF.................. 300.00
of the 7¢ Edward, deep rich colour, large 5315. Û 103i, MAJOR RE-ENTRY (Pos 41),
balanced margins, XF. IMPERF blocks of showing strong hairlines. VF, NH.... 180.00 fresh colour, F .................. 500.00
this issue are rare ............ 2,000.00+ 5293. ÕÛ 97i, Block showing HAIRLINES in 5316. Û 104, 106, 107, 107a, 108, 112, All very
margins of all stamps. F-VF, NH .... 440.00
5275. ÕÛ 92i, Pretty UR corner block of the well centered. VF ................ 260.00
GREENISH BISTRE. Fresh colour, F-VF, NH 5317. Û 104/120, Selected centering coll with 5349. Û 116, Select mint margin single with
............................ 4,900.00 shades. Incl 110, 112a, 113, 118, 120, etc. VF full TYPE A LATHEWORK, well centered,
(14)........................... 750.00
fresh rich colour, VF, LH ........ 1,800.00
5294. Ú 98, Coll of cancels on 2¢ Quebecs. 5340. ÕÛ 114, Beautifully centred bottom
Incl Br. Columbia Crown, Leaf, Star, margin block with full TYPE D Lathework.
Way Letter, & various fancy corks. Also a Pristine fresh colour. XF, NH, a few sepa-
Danville Que Squared Circle cancel. F-VF 5318. Û 104-22, Cpl Admiral set to $1. rated perfs ................... 1,200.00
(9)........................ Est 75.00+ Selected examples with above average
centering. VF ................. 1,815.00 5341. Û 114b, VF, NH............. 135.00
5276. ÕÛ 92iii, Straw shade, right margin 5296. ÕÛ 99, Block, F-VF, 1 stamp NH .... 5342. Û 115, Fresh, VF, NH ........ 180.00
block, fresh, F-VF, NH.......... 2,280.00 .............................. 562.00 5319. ÕÛ 105, Fresh block of 10, F+, NH ..
5297. Ú 100, VF.................. 150.00 ............................. 200.00+
5350. ÕÛ 116a, Nicely centered block with
fresh colour, VF ............... 1,800.00
5351. Ú 116, Bottom margin single with TYPE
C LATHEWORK & neat Vancouver BC 6 Oct
5343. Û 115a, Scarce IMPERFORATE PAIR ‘21 CDS. F+ .................... 720.00
5277. Û 93, Nice mint 10¢ KE. Fresh rich of the 8¢ Admiral, fresh rich colour, large 5352. ÕÛ 117, Fresh block. F-VF, NH ....
colour. F-VF, NH. Has 2016 Greene Foun- 5295. Û 98a, Selected sheet margin IMPERFORATE PAIR in pristine condition. Large margins, margins, VF, neat hinge remnants. Only 50 .............................. 660.00
dation Certificate .............. 1,625.00 VF, NH. Has 2019 Greene Foundation Certificate ............................. 2,500.00 pairs exist ................... 3,000.00 5353. Û 117, Top margin Plate A22 Imprint
stripof3.Fresh,VF, stamps areNH 1,080.00