Page 30 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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86  CANADA Continued                                     5632. ÕÛ 270, M/S Plate #1 Blocks. VF, NH                5689. ÕÚ 508-11, Coll of 19 se-tenant Blocks;
                                                                  .............................. 157.00                    all diff as to configuration of designs. All with
                                                                 5633. Û 271, Major MISPERF error. VF, LH .                Winnipeg 18 Mar 1970 F.D. cancels with 6
                                                                  ........................... Est 80.00+                   containing Identical Pairs. VF...... 237.00+
                                                                 5634. Û 273, 302, VF, NH.......... 127.00                5690. ÕÚ 508-11, 508p-11p, MS Plate Blocks
                                                                 5635. ÕÛ 273, LL Plate #1 Block, VF, NH ..                & Corner Blocks with Winnipeg 18 Mar 1970
                                                                  .............................. 375.00                    FD cancels. VF.................. 130.00
                                                                 5636. Û 278-81, Coil Strips of 4. VF, NH ...             5691. ÕÚ 508p-11p, Coll of 19 se-tenant
                                                                  .............................. 360.00                    Tagged Blocks, all diff as to configuration of
                                                                 5637. ÕÛ 294, 321, 334, Plate Blocks of each.             designs. All with Winnipeg 18 Mar 1970 FD
                                     5616. Û 256a, Imperf Pair. Fresh, VF, NH,  VF, NH ........................ 130.00     cancels incl 6 containing identical pairs. VF .
                                      one tiny DG spot in margin. Only 150 pairs  5638. ÕÛ 302, $1 Fish block. VF, NH 240.00  ............................. 285.00+
                                      exist ......................... 600.00  5639. ÕÛ 302, LL Plate Block, F-VF, NH ...  5692. ÕÛ 522i, 525i, Centre blocks, VF, NH
                                                                  .............................. 250.00                    ............................... 80.00
                                                                 5640. ÕÛ 302, UL Plate Block. VF, LH in                  5693. ÕÛ 525pi, Tagged Centre Block. VF,
                                                                  selvedge, stamps are NH.......... 300.00                 NH ........................... 200.00
                                                                 5641. ÕÛ 302, UR Plate Block #1. VF, NH .
                                                                  .............................. 250.00
                                                                 5642. Ú 302, Wholesale lot of 50 used $1 Fish.
                                                                  F-VF. Always a sought after stamp . . 750.00  5653. ÕÛ 341, Top margin block of 6 of the
                                                                 5643. ÕÚ 302, Used block with SON Fort Wil-  5¢ Wilding with a spectacular PRE-PRINT
         5607. Û 253a, Imperforate pair, XF, NH ....              liam Ont CDS’s. VF .............. 60.00+  PAPER FOLD variety. Fresh, VF, NH. A
          ............................. 600.00                   5644. ÕÚ 302, Well centered block of 6, CDS  striking exhibition calibre item!. Est 300.00+
                                                                  cancels. VF ..................... 90.00
                                                                 5645. ÕÚ 302, $1 Fish top margin block of  5654. Û 363, MAJOR MISPERF error. Fresh,
                                                                  15 with neat Victoria BC roller cancels. VF.  VF, NH.................... Est 110.00+
                                                                  A NICE USED MULTIPLE ......... 225.00
                                                                 5646. Û 303P, Rare Trial Colour Die Proof of
                                                                  the 3¢ Borden in rose violet on glazed surface
                                                                  paper (72x75mm). Has Die “XF-948" number                5694. Û 535a, Choice sheet margin
                                                                  & plate imprint. Affixed on larger archival card.        IMPERFORATE PAIR with sheet margin at
                                     5617. ÕÛ 256a, Imperforate block, pristine  VF ....................... Est 500.00+    left. Large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH.
                                      fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few  5647. ÕÛ 310, Margin block with a MAJOR    Only 75 pairs exist............. 1,200.00
                                      blocks exist .................. 1,200.00  MISPERF error. Fresh, VF, NH, light bend at
                                                                  left. AN EYE-CATCHING ITEM. Est 275.00+
         5608. ÕÛ 253a, Imperforate block. Pristine
          fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few
          blocks exist .................. 1,200.00
        5609. ÕÛ 254, Block of 3 with an unusual
         DRY PRINTING variety on 2 stamps. VF, NH
         .......................... Est 100.00+

                                                                                              5655. ÕÛ 363, Chemical 25¢ bottom margin  5695. Û 549a, Centennial 7¢ green IMPERF
                                                                                               block with a spectacular MISPERF. Fresh,  PAIR, fresh, F-VF, NH.......... 1,500.00
                                                                                               VF, NH. An eye-catching item! Est 300.00+
                                                                                             5656. Û (387a), Fake Inverted Seaway error.
                                                                                              VF, NH..................... Est 30.00+
                                                                                             5657. SSÛ 402a, 404b, 405q; Also used 405q,
                                                                 5648. Û 321, Trial colour DIE PROOF of the  457b-8b, 458bp, Miniature Panes. VF, NH
                                     5618. Û 261, Vert pair of the 50¢ Munitions  $1 Totem Pole in brownish red on card (72 x  (7 items) ....................... 260.00
                                      with a MAJOR MISPERF error with the
                                      lower stamp having a large unprinted por-  86 mm). Has Die Number “XG-969" at top  5658. SSÛ 404bii, 405bi, Panes in Cello
                                      tion. VF, NH. MISPERFS ARE RARELY  & ”Canadian Bank Note Company Limited"  Packs. Also 405bq (which is not in a Pack).
                                      SEEN ON THIS ISSUE ...... Est 250.00+  imprint. VF, brownish tinge on reverse (from  VF, NH ........................ 100.00
                                                                  printers mounting). A scarce & infrequently  5659. Û 406, Coil Paste-up Pair. F-VF, LH ..
                                     5619. ÕÛ 261, LL Plate Block #1. VF 200.00  seen proof ................ Est 450.00+  ............................... 80.00
                                     5620. ÕÛ 261, LR Plate Block #1. VF, NH .               5660. Û 406, 406i, Coil strip of 4, Jump strip
                                      .............................. 360.00  5649. ÕÛ 323, Block autographed by the de-  of 4 & repair strip of 4. F, NH ....... 121.00
                                     5621. Û 262, VF, NH.............. 120.00  signer EMANUEL HAHN. VF, NH. Est 40.00+  5661. Û 406-9, Coil Single, Pair & strip of 4 of
                                     5622. ÕÛ 262, Block of the $1 Destroyer.                 each. VF, NH ................... 168.00
                                      F-VF, NH ...................... 415.00                 5662. Û 407ii, Coil Jump strip of 4 with Cutting  5696. Û 556, Plate Proof without the Silver
         5610. ÕÛ 254, Block with a Major Misperf  5623. ÕÛ 262, LL Plate #1 Block, VF, LH ..                              Snowflake & inscriptions. Has one bar tag-
          error. VF, 3 stamps are NH . . . Est 150.00+                                        Guideline. VF, NH ................ 75.00
                                      .............................. 400.00                  5663. ÕÛ 411, Export $1 M/S Plate Blocks.  ging. VF, NH. Has 2011 Gratton Certificate
        5611. ÕÛ 254, LR CRACKED Plate Block  5624. ÕÚ 262, Used block, VF. . . Est 35.00+    VF, NH ........................ 360.00  ......................... Est 150.00+
         #31. F-VF, NH ................... 45.00  5625. Û 263-7, 278-81, Coil Pairs. VF, NH ..  5664. Û 415, Canada 15¢ Geese 1963 TRIAL  5697. Û 572ii, MISSING BIRD ON TOTEM
                                      .............................. 246.00                   WATERCOLOUR DESIGN. Has been signed  variety (normal stamp also enclosed for
                                     5626. Û 263-7, 278-81, KGVI Coil Pairs. VF,              by the stamp designer ANGUS SHORTT. VF  comparison). VF, LH ............. 200.00
                                      NH ........................... 252.00                   .......................... Est 200.00+  5698. ÕÛ 572ii, Block with the LL stamp
                                     5627. Û 266, Coil Starter Pair with 2 blank             5665. Û 455p, 592-3 (single & block), 604 &  having the MISSING BIRD ON TOTEM
                                      tabs. VF, NH..................... 90.00                 730 (strips of 4), all with tagging shifts causing  variety. VF, NH.................. 225.00
                                                                                              1 large bar tagging. F-VF, NH . . . Est 75.00+  5699. SSÛ 585a (7), 585b, Nice lot of 15¢
                                     5628. ÕÛ 268-73, Blocks. VF, NH. See
                                       photo on Page 85 ............. 510.00                 5666. Û 459ii, FLUORESCENT INK, wholesale  Earth Sciences sheets. Two are autographed
                                                                                              lot of 6. VF, NH.................. 300.00  in the selvedge by DESIGNER FRITZ
                                     5629. Ú 268, Pre-print paper crease variety. VF  5650. ÕÛ 334, Block of the 50¢ Textile with  5667. ÕÛ 459ii, DF Fluorescent Ink 6¢ orange  GOTTSCHALK. VF, NH.......... 285.00+
                                      ........................... Est 45.00+  MAJOR MISPERF. VF, NH . . . Est 200.00+  block of 9. VF, NH ............... 450.00
                                                                                             5668. Û 459ii, FLUORESCENT INK, wholesale
                                                                                              lot of 9. VF, NH, SE .............. 450.00
         5612. Û 254c, Imperforate Pair, large margins,                                      5669. ÕÛ 460fi, Block PRINTED ON GUM
          XF, NH ....................... 600.00                                               SIDE. VF, NH................... 100.00
                                                                                             5670. ÕÛ 460fi, LR corner block PRINTED
                                                                                              ON GUM SIDE. VF, NH ........... 125.00
                                                                                             5671. Û 460fpi, Centennial 6¢ with a MAJOR
                                                                                              MISPERF error. VF, NH ....... Est 40.00+
                                                                                             5672. ÕÛ 460ii, Block, VF, NH....... 80.00
                                                                                             5673. ÕÛ 460ii, Block of 6. VF, NH . . 120.00
                                                                                             5674. ÕÛ 463ii, M/S Corner Blocks Hibrite
                                                                                              Dex gum. VF, NH................ 400.00  5700. Û 586d, The 1¢ Macdonald PRINTED
                                                                                             5675. ÕÛ 464pi, M/S blank corner blocks. VF,  ON THE GUM SIDE. XF, NH. Scarce &
                                                                                              NH ............................ 60.00  rarely offered ................. 1,250.00
                                                                                             5676. ÕÛ 465A, 465B, M/S of Plate Blocks  5701. Û 591a, PRINTED ON GUM SIDE error.
                                                                                              #1, of each. VF, NH .............. 260.00  VF, NH ........................ 250.00
                                                                 5651. Û 334, TRIAL COLOUR DIE PROOF  5677. ÕÛ 465Aiv, 465Biii, M/S of Plate Blocks
                                                                  in dark rose on card (86 x 65 mm). Has die  #2 of each. VF, NH............... 400.00
                                                                  number “XG-979" at top & ”CANADIAN  5678. Û TEST COIL pair with a MAJOR
                                                                  BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED" imprint  MISPERF. Printed by Canadian Bank Note
                                                                  at bottom. VF, couple trivial toned spots,  Co. in 1967. VF, NH .......... Cat 60.00+
                                                                  adhesive mounting remnants on reverse ..  5679. ÕÛ 465ii, M/S blank corner blocks. VF,
                                                                   ......................... Est 450.00+  NH ........................... 500.00
                                                                                             5680. ÕÛ 465Pi, HIBRITE Block. VF, NH ..
                                                                 5652. Û 334, Large DIE PROOF of the 50¢
                                                                  Textile on India (87mm x 64mm) mounted on  .............................. 200.00
                                     5630. Û 269, Vert pair with a MAJOR  large card. In colour of issue from the hard-  5681. ÕÛ 465Pi, UL HIBRITE corner Block.
                                                                                              VF, NH ........................ 250.00
                                      MISPERF error. The lower stamp has a  ened state with full CANADIAN BANK NOTE
         5613. ÕÛ 254c, Imperforate block, pristine  large unprinted portion. VF, lower stamp is  Co. Ltd. imprint & Die #XG-979. VF. Very  5682. ÕÛ 465Pi, LR HIBRITE Corner Block.
          fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few  NH ...................... Est 175.00+  scarce & rarely ever offered . . . Est 900.00+  VF, NH ........................ 250.00
          blocks exist .................. 1,200.00                                           5683. ÕÛ 465Aiv, M/S Plate Blocks #2 with
                                                                                              PVA gum. VF, NH ............... 150.00
                                                                                             5684. ÕÛ 465B, M/S Plate Blocks #1. VF, NH
                                                                                               .............................. 160.00
                                                                                             5685. ÕÛ 465Biii, Corner block, VF, NH 62.50
                                                                                             5686. ÕÛ 465Biv, Block, VF, NH .... 100.00
                                                                                             5687. ÕÛ 486, 494, M/S Plate Blocks. VF, NH
                                                                                               .............................. 105.00
                                                                                                                          5702. ÕÛ 591a, Margin block PRINTED ON
                                                                                                                           GUM SIDE, VF, NH............ 1,000.00
         5614. Û 255a, Imperf Pair, VF, NH. Only 150                                                                      5703. Û 614a, Horiz IMPERFORATE strip of 3,
          pairs exist ..................... 600.00
                                                                                                                           large margins, VF, NH, wrinkles Est 225.00+

                                                                                              5688. Û 492TC, Set of 6 diff imperforate
                                                                                               PROGRESSIVE PLATE PROOFS on white
         5615. ÕÛ 255a, Imperforate block, pristine                                            surfaced paper - printed in yellow, magenta,  5704. Û 614a, Imperforate pair of the 15¢
          fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few  5631. ÕÛ 269, LL Plate #1 Block of 12 with a MAJOR MISPERF affecting all stamps. VF, NH,  cyan, orange, brown plus cpl design with  Mountie. Fresh, excellent margins, VF, NH.
          blocks exist .................. 1,200.00  light gum bend. A SPECTACULAR SHOWPIECE .......................... Est 750.00+  cyan added. Fresh, XF ......... 1,200.00  Has 1993 BPA Certificate......... 600.00
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