Page 28 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
P. 28
84 LOT 5456 LOT 5457 LOT 5464 FROM LOT 5465
CANADA Continued 5484. ÕÛ 166i, Fresh block of 9 with the 5512. ÕÛ 192i, BROKEN E variety in LR Plate
5464. ÕÚ 158, Choice used block with centre stamp having the “EXTENDED Block #2 of 20. VF, NH............ 348.00
SON Montreal 6 Ap, 1937 CDS cancels. MOUSTACHE” VARIETY. F-VF, NH .... 5513. ÕÛ 195-201, Beautiful fresh set of
Beautifully centered, VF, a few supported .............................. 258.00 Medallion blocks, F-VF, NH (some are VF) .
perfs. See photo above........ 400.00+
5485. Û 170, Specialized coll of 3 singles ............................ 1,134.00
each with a significant PRE PRINT PAPER 5514. Ú 195, Affixed on souvenir card noting
5465. ÕÚ 158-9, Used blocks of the 50¢ CREASE variety. F, NG ...... Est 100.00+ this stamp was from the coll of PRESIDENT
Bluenose & $1 Parliament with neat FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Has special red
central CDS’s. VF. See photo above .... H.R. Harmer authentication h/s on the reverse
........................... 960.00 of the stamp & on the card. VF . . Est 45.00+
5515. Û 195-200, F-VF, NH ........ 201.00
5516. Û 195-201, 205-7, Medallion set plus
5442. Û 153cvi, Horiz imperforate TETE Coil Pairs. F-VF, NH.............. 458.00
BECHE PAIR, large margins, fresh colour,
VF, LH........................ 375.00
5443. Û 154a, Vertical Imperf Pair. VF, NH .
.............................. 225.00
5444. Û 154b, Imperforate between pair, 5498. Û 176, Left sheet margin vertical pair
sheet straight edge at bottom. F-VF, NH ... 5486. Û 170, Sheet margin single with a with “Plate No 1" imprint in selvedge. VF,
.............................. 190.00 MAJOR MISPERF & PRE-PRINT PAPER top stamp is NH, fresh colour ...... 825.00
5445. Û 154c, Imperf between pair. Fresh, VF, CREASE. VF, NH. AN UNUSUAL DOUBLE
NH ........................... 225.00 VARIETY ERROR. VF, NH . . . Est 100.00+
5446. Û 155b, Imperf between pair. VF, NH .
.............................. 375.00 5487. ÕÛ 170, LL Plate #3 Block of 8 with
5447. Û 156, VF, NH.............. 140.00 5466. Û 158iii, “MAN ON THE MAST” a MISPERF ERROR. Shows slanting horiz
5448. ÕÚ 156, Used block of 10, F-VF ... variety, fresh rich colour. F-VF, NH. Has perfs. VF, stamps are NH, couple gum bends 5517. Û 195c, Sheet margin Imperforate
............................... 90.00 2004 Greene Foundation Certificate. .......................... Est 200.00+ Pair. Fresh, XF, NH ............. 700.00
5449. Û 157, Large margins, well centred. VF, Scarce ..................... 4,125.00
NH ........................... 200.00 5518. Û 195c-200a, Complete set of KGV
5450. ÕÛ 157, Beautifully centered block. 5467. Û 159, Fresh, VF, LH ........ 450.00 Medallion IMPERF PAIRS, fresh colours,
Fresh, VF, NH .................. 800.00 excellent margins, VF, NH, natural brown-
ish gum on the 4¢-8¢. See photo on Page
85........................ 4,200.00
5519. Û 196b, Booklet Pane. F, NH . . 112.00
5488. ÕÛ 173, Right margin block of 6 with
a spectacular MISPERF error. The two right
stamps both have a large unprinted portion.
5468. Û 159, VF, NH ............. 900.00 F-VF, DG ................. Est 200.00+
5469. Ú 159, 159iii, Olive Green & Bronze
Green shades. F ................ 135.00 5499. Û 176a, Lovely Imperforate pair of
5470. ÕÚ 159, $1 Parliament used Block the 50¢ Grand Pre. Large even margins all 5520. Û 196c, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair.
with light Montreal CDS cancels. F-VF .... around, fresh colour, VF, NH. Only 75 pairs Fresh, XF, NH.................. 700.00
............................. 360.00+ exist ........................ 2,500.00
5471. ÕÛ 159a, Scarce $1 Parliament
IMPERFORATE BLOCK, large margins 5500. ÕÛ 177, Fresh Block, VF, bottom
all around, exceptionally fresh colour, XF, stamps are NH. See photo below ......
bottom stamps are NH. VERY SCARCE. .......................... 1,800.00
Has 2021 Crowe Certificate Graded 95
5451. Û 157a, Imperf pair, excellent margins, NH/PH. Extremely Fine-Superb. See
pristine fresh, VF, NH ............ 375.00 photo below ............... 2,250.00+
5489. Û 173a, Sheet margin Imperf Pair of
5452. Û 157b, Imperf Between pair, VF, NH .
.............................. 375.00 the scarce 10¢ Library. Large margins, VF,
NH, some slight TS (primarily on reverse)
5453. Û 158, F-VF, NH ............ 500.00
& a light gum wrinkle. Cat $4,000. Only 50
pairs exist................. Est 900.00+ 5521. Û 197b, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair.
Fresh, XF, NH.................. 700.00
5490. ÕÚ 174, Selected used block. VF ....
........................... Est 35.00+ 5522. ÕÛ 198, Well centered block. VF, NH
.............................. 600.00
5491. ÕÛ 174a, Rare left margin IMPERF
block of the 12¢ Quebec Citadel. VF,
some minor gum glazing. Only 75 pairs
exist! See photo below........ 2,500.00
5492. ÕÛ 175, Block, VF, NH ...... 560.00
5493. ÕÛ 175, UR Plate Block #1. Fresh, VF,
NH, minor selvedge bend.......... 600.00
5523. Û 198a, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair,
5454. Û 158, UL Corner margin single. XF, NH ....................... 700.00
Fresh, F-VF, NH ................ 500.00 5524. ÕÛ 199-201, Blocks. VF, NH 1,028.00
5501. Û 177a, Imperforate Pair of the $1
5455. ÕÛ 158, Top margin Plate #2 Block
of 6 (from the UR of the sheet), fresh rich Cavell, large balanced margins, fresh, VF,
colour, VF, 4 stamps are NH. A Rarely 5472. Û 159c, Vertical pair IMPERF LH. Only 75 pairs exist ......... 1,250.00
offered 50¢ BLUENOSE PLATE BLOCK. BETWEEN, beautifully centered, XF, top 5502. Û 178-83, Coils. F-VF, NH .... 165.00
See photo on Page 82 ........ 3,500.00 stamp LH, bottom stamp NH ...... 900.00 5503. Û 180, Wholesale lot of 10 Coil Strips
5473. Û 160i, Paste-up pair, F, NH.... 90.00 of 4. VF, NH .................... 640.00
5456. ÕÛ 158, Beautifully centered block. 5474. Û 160i, Coil PASTE-UP strip of 4. VF, 5504. Û 182iii, COCKEYED KING variety in
VF, bottom stamps are NH. See photo NH. Has small guarantee b/s....... 540.00 Coil Line pair with normal. VF, variety stamp
above ..................... 2,100.00 5475. Û 161, Coil Strip of 4. F-VF, NH 300.00 is NH ......................... 110.00
5476. Û 161, Coil Pair. VF.......... 120.00 5505. ÕÛ 184, Block, VF, 3 stamps NH ....
5457. ÕÛ 158, Bluenose block with per- 5477. ÕÛ 162, 164-5, 168, 171, Blocks. F-VF, .............................. 120.00 5525. Û 199b, Sheet margin Imperforate Pair,
XF, NH ....................... 700.00
fect centring, fresh colour, VF, NH. AN NH ........................... 372.00 5506. ÕÛ 184, Well centred lower block.
Shows cutting guide arrow at LR. VF, NH ..
EXCEPTIONAL BLOCK. See photo 5478. Û 162-83, Cpl Arch set plus coils. F-VF 5526. Û 201, VF, NH.............. 120.00
above ..................... 2,800.00 .............................. 703.00 .............................. 144.00
5479. Û 162i, Left margin pair with MAJOR
RE-ENTRY. F+, NH ............... 46.00
5480. ÕÛ 163ii, MAJOR RE-ENTRY in right
“1" in bottom margin Block. UR stamp has in- 5494. Û 175a, Pristine fresh IMPERF PAIR
teresting white spots around right ”1". VF, NH of the 20¢ Harvesting. Excellent margins
............................. 180.00+ all around. VF, NH. Only 75 pairs exist ....
5481. Û 164ai, KGV 2¢ Booklet Pane of 6, ............................ 2,500.00
Rotary Press. VF, NH............. 400.00
5495. ÕÛ 175a, Rare left margin IMPERF
block of the 20¢ Harvesting Wheat. VF,
NH, one trivial gum streak in the top pair.
Only 75 pairs exist so blocks are even
scarcer. See photo below ..... 5,000.00
5458. Û 158, Fresh Bluenose, VF, NH .... 5496. ÕÛ 176, Fresh block of the 50¢ Grand 5507. Û 190a, Top margin IMPERF PAIR. 5527. ÕÛ 201, 201i, The two diff shades in
............................. 700.00 Fresh, VF, NH ................ 1,300.00 selected blocks. Fresh, VF, NH. . . 1,120.00
Pre. F-VF, NH ................. 1,650.00
5459. Û 158, XF, LH .............. 350.00 5497. Û 176, VF ................. 300.00 5508. Ú 191, Surcharge with unusual Double 5528. ÕÛ 202, 204, Well centred blocks. VF,
5460. ÕÚ 158, Used block, F, lightly cancelled Bar at left (resulting in a solid top). F ...... NH ........................... 256.00
.............................. 200.00 ........................... Est 75.00+ 5529. Û 203, 203i, Vertical pair with the bottom
5461. Ú 158, F-VF ................. 75.00 There is never a 5509. ÕÛ 192i, LR Plate Block #2 of 8 with stamp having the BROKEN X variety. VF, LH
5462. Ú 158, Vertical pair, VF, CDS cancels. 5482. Û 166, Major MISPERF error showing “BROKEN E” variety, F, HH......... 60.00 .............................. 210.00
A CHOICE ITEM!............... 200.00+ portions of 4 diff stamps! VF, NH......... Buyer's Fee at 5510. ÕÛ 192i, LR Plate #2 Block of 8 with 5530. Û (203), Special promotional advertising
5463. ÕÚ 158, Nice used block with SON ......................... Est 150.00+ ‘BROKEN E’ variety. F, NH ......... 90.00 card (5.75 x 3 in) for the WORLD’S GRAIN
Vancouver BC 16 July, 1934 CDS’s. F-VF, Vance Auctions! 5511. ÕÛ 192i, BROKEN ‘E’ variety in a Pl 2 - EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE in Regina
a few reinforced perfs............. 300.00 5483. Ú 166c, Booklet Pane, F-VF .... 70.00 LR imprint block of 10. F-VF, NH.... 195.00 1932. VF ................... Est 50.00+
LOT 5471 LOT 5491 LOT 5495 LOT 5500