Page 29 - Vance-Sale-373-Part 2
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LOT 5518                                           LOT 5535                                                   85

                                                                                                                             LOT 5552

        CANADA Continued                                                                                                  5600. Ú 250, Used horiz pair with a MAJOR
                                                                                                                           MISPERF error. Quite an eye-catching item.
                                                                                                                           VF ....................... Est 100.00+

                                                                 5563. Û 221a, Horiz pair IMPERFORATE
                                                                  BETWEEN. VF, NH, light bend. Only 150
                                                                  pairs exist ..................... 450.00  5583. Û 241c, Sheet margin IMPERF PAIR,
         5539. Û 204a, Royal William 5¢ Imperforate Pair, large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH. Only 75
          pairs exist.............................................................1,600.00  5564. Û 226, VF, NH............... 52.00  fresh, XF, VLH. Only 75 pairs exist . 750.00
                                                                 5565. ÕÛ 226, Block, VF, NH ...... 210.00  5584. ÕÛ 242, UL Plate #1 Block. VF, NH .
        5531. ÕÛ 203, Block, F-VF, NH..... 315.00  5554. Û 217b, Booklet Pane. VF, NH . 105.00  5566. ÕÛ 226-7, Blocks, Fresh, VF, NH ...
        5532. ÕÛ 203, UL Plate #1 Block, VF, NH .  5555. Û 217b, 218b, 219a, Booklet Panes, VF,  .............................. 690.00  .............................. 150.00
         .............................. 450.00  LH............................ 200.00  5567. Û 227, VF, NH.............. 120.00  5585. ÕÛ 242, LR Plate Block, VF, NH ....
        5533. ÕÚ 203, Used block of 9, F..... 90.00  5556. Ú 217b, Booklet Pane. VF ...... 70.00  5568. ÕÛ 227, Bottom margin Pl Block of 10  .............................. 150.00
        5534. ÕÚ 203, Used block of 8, F-VF. 120.00  5557. Û 217P-22P, Imperf KGV Plate Proofs  of the $1 Champlain. Nicely centred, fresh,  5586. ÕÛ 243, LL Plate #1 Block. VF, NH ..
                                      from 1¢-8¢, on card. VF ........... 600.00               .............................. 225.00
         5535. ÕÛ 203i, Lovely centered block                     VF, LH in selvedge (stamps are NH), couple  5587. Û 244, VF, NH............... 75.00
          with the LL stamp having the “BROKEN                    stamps with gum bends. A pretty showpiece  5588. ÕÛ 244, UR Plate #1 Block. VF, stamps
          X” variety. Fresh, VF, NH. See photo                     ............................ 1,500.00  are NH ........................ 250.00
          above ...................... 700.00                    5569. ÕÚ 227, Used block, VF ....... 60.00  5589. Û 245, VF, NH.............. 150.00  5601. ÕÛ 250c, Imperforate block, pristine
                                                                 5570. ÕÛ 227i, Pale blue shade in a lovely  5590. ÕÛ 245, Fresh block, VF, bottom  fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few
        5536. Ú 203i, BROKEN “X” variety in vert pair             bottom margin Pl Block of 10. Fresh, VF, NH,  stamps are NH .................. 500.00  blocks exist .................. 1,200.00
         with normal. VF ................. 100.00                 couple stamps have light gum bends 1,650.00  5591. ÕÛ 245, UL Plate Block of the $1
        5537. ÕÛ 204, UR Plate #1 Block. VF, NH .                5571. Û 228-30, Coil strips of 4, fresh, beauti-  Chateau. Fresh, VF, NH, small DG spot on
         .............................. 150.00                    fully centered, VF, NH ............ 390.00  one stamp ..................... 750.00
        5538. ÕÛ 204, UL Plate #1 Block. VF, NH,                                             5592. ÕÚ 245, Scarce used block of 15 of
         trivial bend in selvedge............ 150.00                                          the $1 Chateau with neat Nanaimo BC 14
        5540. Û 205-7, Coil Pairs, VF, NH . . . 245.00                                        Feb, 1942 CDS’s. VF. AN EYE-CATCHING
        5541. Û 205i, Coil Line Pair. VF, NH. . . 87.00                                       MULTIPLE .................... 150.00+
        5542. Û 205i-7i, Line Coil Pairs, F-VF, NH ..
         .............................. 198.00
        5543. ÕÛ 208iii, LR Plate #1 Block. The UL
         stamp has the “HAIRLINE FROM HAND”
         variety. F, NH ................... 150.00
        5544. Û 209, Right margin Plate #1 single. VF,
         NH ............................ 80.00
        5545. ÕÛ 209, LR Plate Block #1. Nicely                                                                           5602. Û 251b, Imperforate Pair. XF, NH ...
         centred, VF, lower stamps are NH, a few                                                                            ............................. 600.00
         nibbed perfs. Cat $300 ........ Est 90.00+
        5546. ÕÛ 209, LL Plate #1 Block. VF, NH ..
         .............................. 600.00
                                     5558. Û 217P-27P, Cpl set of imperforate
                                      Plate Proofs from 1¢ to $1. Fresh, VF. Ex
                                      Sheryer ..................... 1,800.00  5572. Û 233, Sheet margin horiz pair with a
                                                                  MAJOR MISPERF error. Each stamp has a
                                                                  large unprinted portion. VF, NH Est 125.00+
                                                                 5573. Û 233, Horiz pair with a MAJOR
                                                                  MISPERF error. VF, NH ...... Est 100.00+
                                                                                              5593. Û 245b, $1 Chateau IMPERFORATE
                                                                                               PAIR, large margins, pristine fresh, XF, NH.
                                                                                               Only 75 pairs exist............ 1,500.00+
                                                                                              5594. ÕÛ 245i, LL Plate #1 Block, VF,
                                                                                               NH, trivial natural gum streak does not
                                                                                               detract from this nice item. See photo
                                                                                               below ...................... 900.00
                                                                                                                          5603. ÕÛ 251b, Imperforate block, pristine
                                                                                             5595. Û 249-62, Fresh, VF, NH...... 260.00  fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few
                                                                                                                           blocks exist .................. 1,200.00
                                                                                              5596. ÕÛ 249-62, War set in Blocks. VF,
                                                                                               NH. See photo below......... 1,041.00  5604. ÕÛ 252, LL Plate #19 Block with
                                                                                                                           CRACKED PAPER variety. VF, LH . . 150.00
         5547. Û 209a, Sheet margin Imperf Pair of
          the 10¢ Loyalist, large margins, rich colour,
          XF, LH. Scarce. Only 50 pairs exist 2,000.00
        5548. ÕÛ 211-6, Blocks. VF, NH .... 216.00  5559. ÕÛ 218, UR corner block with a  5574. ÕÛ 233, LR Plate Block #9 with a
        5549. ÕÛ 213, M/S Plate #2 Blocks of 10.                  spectacular MISPERF ERROR. The lower
         Well centred, VF, NH except for LR corner .  MAJOR MISPERF error. Fresh, VF, NH ...  stamps have a large unprinted portion with
         .............................. 324.00  ......................... Est 200.00+  the Plate Imprint shifted up. VF, NH, small
        5550. ÕÛ 214P, Plate Proof block, on card.  5560. Û 218b, Booklet Pane. VF, NH ....  paper tab on reverse selvedge. AN EYE-
         VF............................ 300.00  .............................. 105.00  CATCHING ITEM........... Est 225.00+
        5551. ÕÛ 215, LL Plate #2 Block of 10. VF,  5561. ÕÛ 218i, Margin block with the “MOLE
         6 stamps are NH ................ 138.00  ON THE FOREHEAD” VARIETY. VF, NH ..  5575. Û 238-40, Coil Pairs. VF, NH . . . 72.00  5597. Û 249d, Right margin IMPERF PAIR.
                                      .............................. 150.00  5576. Û 240, Coil strip of 4. VF, NH . . . 75.00  XF, LH........................ 400.00
         5552. ÕÛ 216b, IMPERFORATE sheet                        5577. ÕÛ 241, 241a, Fresh blocks of 18.
          margin block of the 13¢ Yacht. Large                    F-VF, NH ...................... 497.00                  5605. Û 252d, Imperforate Pair, large mar-
          margins, fresh colour, XF, OG, some black              5578. ÕÛ 241-3, Also 241a, Well centred                   gins, XF, NH ................... 600.00
          album page adhesion on gum. Blocks are                  blocks of 12 each. VF, NH. A PRETTY LOT
          rare. See photo above .....Est 900.00+                   ............................ 1,278.00
                                                                 5579. ÕÛ 241a, LL Pl Block #1. VF, NH 78.00
                                                                 5580. ÕÛ 241a, LL Pl #2 Block, VF, NH 78.00
                                                                 5581. ÕÛ 241a (16), 242 (26), in large multi-
                                                                  ples. Fresh, VF, NH. A nice lot for a dealer or
                                                                  investor ...................... 1,020.00

                                     5562. Û 219, Three diff MAJOR MISPERF
                                      errors. An eye-catching lot! VF, NH.......              5598. ÕÛ 249d, Imperforate block. Pristine
                                      ......................... Est 200.00+  5582. Û 241b, Imperforate Pair, large even  fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few
                                                                  margins, deep colour, XF, NH. Only 75  blocks exist .................. 1,200.00  5606. ÕÛ 252d, Imperforate block, pristine
         5553. ÕÛ 217, LR corner block with MAJOR  pairs exist. Has 2023 Greene Foundation  5599. ÕÛ 250, Block with a MAJOR MISPERF  fresh, large margins, XF, NH. Only a few
          MISPERF error. Fresh, VF, NH Est 200.00+                Certificate.................... 1,125.00  error. VF, NH ............... Est 150.00+  blocks exist .................. 1,200.00

                        LOT 5594                   FROM LOT 5596                  FROM LOT 5628                           LOT 5712
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